HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-01, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, OCT 1st190S OREDITON NEWS Zwicker's, Crediton Sctombcr flrrlvdls 01 Fadi 6000s We are receiving daily consignments of our Fall and Winter Stock, and will be pleased to show you our large assortment of the latest styles of Dress Goods etc., in all the latest Fabrics and leading shades. ' We have made a special purchase of Black Dress Goods this season and can show you the best values in these lines. We have just opened our NEW FALL and WINTER MAN- TLES, We have them in the very latest makes both Semi fitting and loose Styles, mostly 48in. long, nicely trimmed with self Strap- ping and Braids, in the leading colors, Black, Navy, and Myrtle. We are handling the very best make of Mantles made in Canada for Styles and Quantity our prices cannot be beaten, We have also a nice range of Children's and Girl's Mantles, in all sizes and prices. ReadyMade Clothing We have received several shipments of Men and Boy's all Suits styles and values cannot be beaten anywhere. Call and inspect our new lines we will be pleased to show them. We are shipping live Fowl, delivery any day but Saturday, prices for this and next week: -Spring Chicks 211bs, IOc. lb. Hens 0c lb. Butter 10c. Eggs 10k. doz. A Call Solicited CHAS. ZWICKER BROWN'S FALL OPENING OF Mantles, Furs and Dress GOODS This season we are carrying a larger stock than ever of Ladies & Childrens Coats.' Show- ing Ladies Coats in Black, Brown, Blue and Green. fli to see our iiPerIeotlon Brand" which represent the latest and most distinctive ideas garner- ed by skilled experts from the fashion centre of Europe and Auycrica, elaborated upon by `'PERFECTION" designers, and made up in cloth selections that embrace the finest pro- duction of the largest mannfacturers in the world. Styles are light -fitting semi -fitting and tailored in different designs. Prices reasonable. Furs and Dress Goods “Galore" Will give details in next publication, in the meantime call in and see our large stock Highest market price paid for all kinds of produce, Seeds etc .A Call Solicited. SO BROWN THERE IS NO REASON Why you should not use the best kitchen Ranges made. Pandoras, Happy Home, Ladies' Aid, and Saska-Alta. They bake perfectly, save fuel, keep fire day and night, delight every user. Made of the very best material and guaranteed in every res- pect Buy Tllelu and save the expense of buying coal backs. Special attention given to EAVETROUGl iNU. W. MOORE - KIRKTON New SuiIings Ilial are "in 11" 1his fall Come and Seg Them We wish to extend to you an invitat`on to call anal see the new Suitings statist are "in it" this fall. 'Chess we are showing represent the choicest otiered y the old anti new world. The patterns are lt'pght, they are Exclusive and we are proud of thein. Ihe tlutity i+ It'ght too -op to the high standard w1• nlwayte carry. if you want a ?mart snit tor fall, select your goods here we assure you the style, make and tit will he tight. The price beyond a donb!, we emote the lowest price pnssille. This is hole. v acknowledged toy our custnluers. and recut;niz(d by our tt rnprttte t., :Rain we invite you, we are proud to tbnw the new goods tied talk price at all tinges -&11 H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON Whti not Trade near floIBc? We Itre here to make a success, we like the country and the People, we lila' our b11sifeSd, and it1ive to increase bt• honorable means. The Best Goods and the Lowest prices somewhat const. We believe in giving one dollars worth of goods for $1.00. We far v expo. t fairness and think yore vee',1 admit if our goods and pricey r .41'1 11 w Ih thole of other reli,eble Irierctl •11:x, it is just and right to patton- 1/e home elite:I`t.lee. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar t recant a run (for kus:u► of cour,•.e) ' and the umpire t sslar.d the i unncr ! sof,•. These were not the only Llun- eterr. but they were the worst. As: 1 an umpire. Foretusu i. in a class by htu:_e•if-but Ase wort t mention the DASHWOOD NEWS class. But ,be. It a umpire what h Crediton may, we cannot but give the players I Dashwood a very kind oord1. Outside a little youthful exuberance. they are gen- ,+ Mr. J. K. Goetz and It. Goch spent 31r. Willis of Exeter, spent but,- tlemen on and oft the field, anti the • \Vednesduy of last week in Clinton. day in the village. are some ballplayers too. Gibson iso bliss -11i1 40 Wiliken1N cakes visited 1 Mr. Alex. McDonald. of Mt..•dress! not 111' "'hole weeks chlor, albeit he I1rionds in Centralia a full days 1 spent ISuud11c :it t!c 1t '• '. is a tower of rttot*Htii to ,the team. 1 last eyeok- Every roan fields sdvaeily, brows Mies Lydia ,laugh, of London. is The Crediton branch of the bible 10(11 and u1►hMi w'can Ls 31 r. society will hold a meeting in the hand, andses Icer.is I's11ona. int; slleer thie t vi31iSssiting Iaatura Goetz,,irks. is nt present vie- j Methodist church this Thursday teams and score. 'ante.lricnde in New Ituwburp; ant when addresses will he given Iris! Nine. Cruditort 1 Toronto. by Revs. R. hicks and it. J. Bowen. elurdy lg.tu. I hl r. and Mrs. ,august Schrader are The sympathy of the entire coot ' llchat1. sr +visiting friends to Atiehigan. i munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs.) Jlowbrly Won:, The bosses Carling spent Snuday Wes. Dixon, of Crediton East, in flier Gibson Kerr ' at their horse in 1;:zetcr, 1 death of the infant daughter, athich Stanley th.11 t\'rn. •Ehler,, last week shipped a sad (rent took place last Saturday.' floss ttleaysr carload of f:ulir to t'o:ottto and is The remains acre interred in the' Downing O. Brown it this week sleeping .one to London_ Ebenezer cemetery Monday. Jiodgcns r. Brown Mr. lel. Nat1 gei. our general liar-' Fred Clark is going around with Morgan E. Gower II mess maker, n.1 took first on hi •• under the management of Mrs. to ehis lfoot ]lled lust�foid Friday, when whento the injure Lucas O O ll? 0 QS W -3t 51 11 I1 2 3 fair and first two year old Oat'tttl° er uZt urichhe llxtair,l us for a number of seasons, ped on a nail. Satisfaction.Crediton 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 U-3 5 1 i, sold the animal. /before leaving Dl r. Plias. I%liber, of Mayville. slilch,( Notes of Orono,Zurich for a nice figure. Mr. Nadi- We extend a cordial invitation to is visiting relatives in tow's' Frank Snell caught like the vet-: ger believes in handling only .the chase your needs for Fall and Winter. Miss Laura trims spent a tow days FrankIxst of torsos. , last week the guest of MessMary rats he 13. Ills tbrovr,ing was per- The Dashwood bowler, are to be Don't forget that we are ILUNERY We Desire to Announce our Opening Display of Fall MIIJIocrg ON Tuesday and Wednesday September, 29th., and 3Othi. Symonds, who has been with and always given the best of Ky,td Exeter. 1` ,• 'y was Crediton's civic holit..,, . nd an excellent day of sports was arranged and the success feet and his batting opportsne. I congratulated on the excellent show - Mose Feist was on Me line, as us- ing they 'made at the bowling, tourna- ual, rooting for the boys, and made ment held at Creditor[ last Friday. tots of noise. Mos° says it was a The rink skipped by Mr. Ilartleib de- feated the Crediton rink in the pre. Hartletb liminary round, and in the semi -. finals trlmmod the last Exeter rink, in which they were carried, out is a hard game to lose. high compliment to those in charge. Frazer Brown hurt his finger f early in the game, but pluckily held The 'baseball game, an account o which is given in this column, vas out to the end.Ding had no trouble. locating the interesting although the local avers rubber, but the umpire forced him defeated. The lawn bowling tourna- to give one pass. It wasn't King's ment, in which clubs from Exeter, fault. Dashwood. Mt. Cannel and Crediton, The crowd, something short of five took part was Ivatched with much thousand, cot the wort}; of tt:eir interest. The trophy, a beautiful set of silverware. consisting of half a dozen each of knives. forks, table rata tea spoons and valued at $20. was. wort by the Exeter rink compos- ed of 1. Knight, C. B. Shell, W. It. Alger and W. \V. Tartan. Dr. Sweet who took part in ono of the gatres a:so shares in the division of the prize. After the game the present,. aticn took place at hill's hotel and in a nice speech. Mr. 8. Brown on money, and 'vent home satisfied with everything -only the umpire. Itobt. Sweet 'was called away be- fore the game ended. Too ,bad -It Was the kin,, of game that Robert would go stiles to see the boys play. Conte again spectators. The boys can yet play ball. Mr. Ezra O streicher left Tuesday last for Berlin to visit relatives and friends. behalf of the Crediton players hand- M. Y. .11cLean was in the village ed over the trophy to the winners Monday last shaking hands with his many friends. Other short speeches were made, Mr. llowald, of IIensel), who Las in which every one said Ores- were accepted a position with Mr. ,leery clad the rink which won it were S veitzer, as miller, moved his house - successful. nitllongh 'they would hold effects here Tuesday last and not have minded it a bit had it been will occupy the residence of Mre won by one of the other rink:. The John Dyer, recently vacated by \V, utmost Rood, feeling prevailed and, W. Kerr. 'We welcome Mr. and every one was pleased with the after- ! Mrs. Ifowald to the village. noon's sport. Following are the I Rev. E. 1I. Bean returned home narne:s of the players and results of + Friday night last after spending see- the gaInee. (gal weeks in the Canadian North- CIIF:DITON DASIIWOOD West. Ile reports a very pleasant time.. The neiehhors tendered hie: a reception on his return. Misses Salome and Emma Tiernan, of Dashwood, were pleasant visitors in the village on Civic Holiday. Mr. Cha-. Maier. of -Mayville renewed acquaintances in the village N. D. Burden the past week. Wile Levert Mr. William,liorloek, of Guelph, sl+ L. IL Dickson e•nt a .few days in the village vis W. J. Meesman iting his aged father, who is making .Skip 13 his home with bis ,laughter, Mrs. 11. Oestreicher•. Mr. Frank Snaith and wife, of Ton eto. spent a ,few days at the for- mer'.; mothers, Mrs. Henry Metz, Sr. bQuarry, of '1'ileonburg, ,i s(x r:g a Ucw days with Dr. 3Ic- Cue.ar. 8. Brown D. Sw'citzer C. E. Billetr Dr. i•IcCue Skip 12 CRE DITON C. Kuhn W. II. James 11. Eilbcr Ed. Mahon Skip 8 J. K. Goetz W. 1.. Siebert 1). Ticman J. Beetled) Skip 13 EXETER DASIIWOOD EXETER G. W, Shore F. Knight J. A. Wambold W. It. Alger E. Tiernan C. 11. Snell G. Edighoffer W. W. Tanr.t71 Skip 13 Skip 21 Mt. CARMEI. EXETER M. Shea C. B. Snell F. Ryan 1)r. Sweet., If. Ryan 'W. R. Alger itev. Forester W. 1\V, Tamnn Skit, 12 Skip 15 DASII\VOOD EXETER J. K. Goetz N. D. Burdon W. L. Siebert 1,. 11. Millan,, D. Tiernan W. 1i. Leve( t J. Ifartleih W. J. Ilc;urtan Skip 75 Skip 7 DASHWOOD EXETEIt J. K. Goetz Knight W. L. Siebert C. 11. Snell D. Tiernan 1V. it. Alger J. Hartleib W. W. Taman Skip 9 Skip 18 BASE13ALL. Groat Game at Crediton. Stare hold Irish Nino to three i ;Its and would h•tve [von with any- thing bit a sit 113E0 deal. -tint - teas very bad. The t!.1 a things 1 hat people tend were in store for IheVredtton Stals when they clashed with the. Irish- men from Lucas on Civic ,holiday. failed to transpire. Some stalw811 Crediton 1Ootciv 00111 went 30 tar as to tee Thal Luc:ut would more than doable the ;..e010, 11 bile 01 he r3 said it teas fooli.ltnees to go against :I pitcher like \Vatter Gib - s011. llowet'et• those who bet lost 1 heir mousy' and t hose who .subbed at the foolishness of the thing, smil- ed all the more as he game prow cs- rel. but it \1'119 '1 happy smile. Nerce. et the history or baseball 111 Crediton ea, there a harder fought battle, from the first bath pitched to the hest ur111 caught u111 to the nin111. the men of bot11 (came struggled val- iantly. Gibson fetched great ball and got excellent eupparl, but the former ,t1cCtaty star had nothing o!t Kele Id l o elm! Hees, over the plate wit 11 speed and es rves that made[ tato Loess batters look foolish. ills support was good too, o11:y one 01 tor, leering recorded behind bon but it was a blunder that gave leucan two of their three tun., but then such' things happen iu most games. But if leing's pile -beg ti as good. Clic earl: of ilmpire Foreman was very ba.l. Both sides suffered a lilt It, but Foreman saw to it that Creditt,n -.ufferrll When a fai,' deal means rune. 'lo 1111 this down to lark of judgment ,,ousel lie giving Foreman a ttre pass to the "divvy house" and yet for a 371:11 t+ to 11,•• I• herately gives wrong decisions cotn- n:end us to foreman as a Oman of magn:fire roe 3se,t4rance. In the e= eon l innings w ith a man on FcCOlI 1, Sn011 'nttsbed slit a drive 411 which be reale t circuit. but this. Fore - teen, thinking four runs too big n le•id. promptly celled the ball fold. 311.1 f:ibson, olio 11,t sp:ing start, it reit to clean rip on the international ,e'agl'e bet tyre. smiled that superior smile which he wears when Pitch:n„ 3R in:t mere :,ma telt r.,-:171,1 nn owe der. Again in the eighth With a men on (11 r,1. Kerr eioght a fly in deep left en which the runner scored. 1t was plain that ee left tl:c taae le.• fore the 'ball 1. le caught. but it Hunters Excursionb via Grand Trunk Itailwav System. Return tickets at single fare; l)ct.11th to Nov: 3. to points in Tentaganti, points Mattawa to ['ort Arthur, to Georgian Bay and Macki- naw Dtvtsion, Pot Arthur vitt N. N. Co., and to certain points in Quebec, Mi..s Gertie Miller. who visited her New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and sister, Mrs. Jos. White. at Ransom - New Founriland. vine. N. V. for eevcrat weeks. has October 22nd to November :3rd to returned home. Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Have, Mag- Mr. Geo. W. Miller, of Mt. Clemens anetnwan River, Penetnng, Midland Inas here a few .lays last week vis - and Lakefield, Madawaska to Depot, !ling friends. Harbor, Argyle to Cohoconk, LindeayMiss Elise Cietnens visited in St. to Ifnlihnrton, Sharbot Lake via K. &, Marys this week. P. Ity., tend points from Severn to \Cul, 'Divine had the toe of one of his feet badly injured last Saturday Ile was assisting in moving the sep- arator on Tho:. Clark's place 811d in trying 'to replace a belt the tr.aclt- Inc ran over his foot, causing the in- ju ry. whish up to that day iiad not met defeat. In the finals however, tries were defeated by the other rink from Exeter. Dr. Jack, of Wallaceburg as been Lere for the past few days get- ting a carload of tole ready to slip. Mrs. Henry Ke Hermann, and seri L. 1)., of Elkton. Miele, are visiting relatives here this week. Mr. Jacob I:ellerrnann has been suffering from a sole leg, caused by a bruise some time ago and last friday, accompanied by his brother George went to SI. .Joseph hospital London to !rive thebone scraped. Tho operation was suc- cessfully performer) and Mr. Keller - mann is expected to have 110 farther trouble with the injured litnb. IIB PS fitr:1 ,at the hospital. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at Sarnia un Wednesday, Sept. 10th. when Mies llitulie Itittker, daughter of Mrs. leees ,tinker, of thi.- platy. was neer;,, 1❑ mare':.he. to Mr. Harry Harris. of Sarnia. The ceremony teas perforated by Itev. Canon Davis. After the wedding the young couple left on a honeyinoon trip to IIremilton and other points, after which they saute here to visit the bridle's mother. On Tuesday evening et last wee': Mrs. ,linker tendered the yo'ing Couple a recepe Von. which Was attended by a uurne ber of friends front nestttrowl and Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were the recipients of a number of wed- ding presents. They left this week for Sarnia to make their future Immo. Klrkton The home of 5ars. \V..1. Tufts i the scent: of a very pretty wedding on \Vedne:day, Sept. :10th, when her daughter Winifred .1. v. as united in wedlock to Mr. Chas. I:eeu, in the presence of a number of invited guests. The ceremony was per- formed by Itev. Vca'e. :Ir and .Sirs. Keen will take tip their residence a the house they !rive rented froth Time. 'Putts in the village. Winchelsea North Rty inclusive. Return limit on all tickets F3►tnrday, December. :it.h, 10K8., or until close of Navigation, if earlier, to points reached by Steam- ers. Full infnrrnatior.s front any (,+rand Trunk ticket agent. No Horning - No Grinding common. ter.. Mw Some day shaving is homed epos every man. At first k does set matter what sort of racer 1a used - lather's pet Carbo Magset&c er amber's fond birthday gift of an expensive safety with its constant tax of osw biades-jest es it shams. The beard soon stiffens sad [bis the real, vital question arias,: "Why doesn't a rawer hold he Qom!. former front beef to bead without boning or grinding?" Shaving has SOW become a necessity -but the comfort aad satisfaction of a daily, cool, clean shave is vete seldom ob. taieed. Polling and smarting is the usual outcome of the effort, whether you shave yourself or have it dose In your favorite barber's chair, Yoe persisteetty ask, "1V'hyl" "The temper of the blade Is not uniform, snaking periodical bootleg aad grind. tag • necessity," Is our answer. The blade of the Cube Magnetic resorts finished by secret process et [bi orn/o TompopIng that positively merges every particle of e rhos (the life of steel) late the metal -.g ving a eNesteDts/41611 has dwa.• uniformly throughout the blade-semethisg abs;letety is1• possible with fire -tempered steel used to making all other rasor Males. But test this no hoM,•,1, no winning, aseonditieeally guavas• feed razor is your own bcme..ee Vvg your barber use It es you. Drop as a postal, or better 7:1 come in and see es ane we will give you our new proposition for having these razors tested without obliga- tion to purchase, together with oar Ass booklet •:Hint•Ws Skavisg.': 1 W. S. Cole, Druggist Staffa The funeral of the tate Wm. 8,1 - levy, who died in ee ererth after :elf - tering for some tin ith cancer of the. moult, took place from Grace. church [yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, interment being in the Staf- fa cemetery. The nnnua1 harvest Festival ser- vices of Grace church Staffa, well he held next Sunday. Oct. 4th. Ser- mons will be preached both morning and evening by Bev. i). .1. Cornish. of Granton. 1t. 1.1vingstone is home for n few days. Mrs. C. Worden is very ill. K1RKTON N1R Thursday and Friday' conte and see aur stock before you puff. offering Shoes away down Siebert & Co, Block. in price DASHWOOD, FALL Millinery Opening Tuesday ; and Wednesday Sept., 29th. & 3oth. Our Fall Millinery Opening will take place on the above mentioned dates, when Miss Dunn of London, will be prepared to show the latest and most up-to-date stock cf Hats ever shown in Dashwood. This will be the greatest event in the history of this store, and we ex- tend to you a cordial invitation to attend. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, DASHWOOD he Farmers Bank of Canada Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets $1,500,000 40 Branches throughout Canada. Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principf' 4 times a year. Your looney is too valuable to leave in the house where hurAlars, thieve, or fire may take it from you, or to invest to risky speculations or with doubt- ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned wealth. DRAFTS AND MONEY OIRDERS ISSUED When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and honey orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prim cipal points in the United States and (creat Britain. 0I14 Morro -Courteous Treatment. No Hed Tape. R. T. DUNLOP, Ilan, DASHWOOD & BRUCEFIELD old Wcather IS COMING What about a nice Pandora Range, A Royal or Peerless Peninsular, An Oak or Base Burner? Oct., 1, 2, 1908 i We make a specialty of Eavctroughing, and Roofing. We hand - 1 Liberal prizes in ail classes, ie Brandford Roofing. Preston Galvanized Shingles and Core -iron 'and big attractions :Speedg trot o Contests '? 25 trot 1>aer 3 Cement always cn hand. minute trot, Or pace, High A snap on some Page Gates and Fencing ,jumping for horses, Lady Coil and Barb Wire. Eggs and Butter taken. Come and see us before you buy. Silver Medal value $10 Hardware D. Ti EMAN, Dashwood drivers, Foot rac'e's. offered by the Bank of C'olnmcrceIRON Exeter, for the hest single Carr. ANDisa TurnoutWOOD PUMP g Public School Compi= tition Procession, Drill and Patriotic Songs. Admission 25cts Children toots. Carriages 25cts. For Premium 1.i.t write to Antos Mope Sec. Kirkton i wish to inform the Public and those in need of Pump., that I have n..v the agency for the Aylmer Iron Pum ps and will be pleased to quote price and Trams. ft you aro thinking of,puti.t.g in an Iron or Wood Pump come in and see its before buy inv. Pump Repairing a Specialty. HARTMAN ELSIE, Dashwood. Dealer in iron and Wood Pumps.