HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-10-01, Page 1111
Phone No. 32 •=�
Autumn Tidings II
From our Dry Goods Department
Autumn is putting on her Golden tinge now, and that
means business will soon be booming with the New Fall
Dress Goods. Everything here is in Full swing for the
big rush.
New Dress Goods, Suitings, Separate Skirts,
Eur lined Coats, Furs, Millinery, and in fact
Every Article for your Comfort.
Our Milliners are Here
Iteady to take your order for your early Fall Hat.�,The new
ready-to-wear Hate are very New and Swell for the Early Fall
awear and are found here in abundance. Every Lady should look
after her millinery early and give the Militte's a chance to fix
you up real Swell.
Dress Goods
We are showing a very extensive range of the New
It Colored Dress Goods for this season.
Stripes are very new and come in Green, Brown, Btue and
Red. The cloths are very fine with a beautiful finish. Plain
• cloths are very -popular in the sante shades as the stripes and our
• ♦ stock comprises the Pink of the Dress Good trade
• i?anatua , Cliifion, Venetian, Broadcloth, *English
Worsted and Serges are all new.
Si Black Dress Goods
It We;are famous for our Black Dress Gcods, and dc not
purpose falling behind this season, we att better than ever
Iin Voiles, Taffeta Cloth. Chiffon and Broadcloth,
Panama, English and Worsted serges. We can-
not be beat fcr t t antity quality. Do not fail to
see our large stoM of Blacks.
Fur Lined Coats and Furs
You will be suprised this year to see our large stock of
Fur Lined Coats, Fur Coats and Furs. There is
nothing left out in this line. We have them all
and all the very best. We want you to see them
as we are very proud of our largh showing, and
think you will be the same to sec the large select-
ion we give you to choose from.
POULTRY Chicks 2i lbs, each, Sc. per lh alive, dressed per Ib.
10c, I1ens;Ilct, per Ib alive. Ducks 7c per lb alive, 9cte per Ib dress-
ed. All poultry must be dry picked, and picked clean. No cash
paid for poultry. No th:n poultry taken at any price.
Jones & Clark
IIeadquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
••••••••N1•••••••••..••.• ••••••••••••••.••••
•.•••..•♦•.•••••.•• ••••♦••••••••••.•.N••••••
The Centralia baseball team play
ed two very interesting games of
ball at Clinton on Wednesday of last
week. The morning game resulted in
the !defeat of Centralia by a [score
of 6 to 5. but in tho afternoon they
turned the tables on Clinton . rind
tion out by the score do 3 to 2.
Tho,. Moyle of Exeter made a sat-
isfactory referee.
Mr, W. 11. Butt, jr., •deft ort Mono
2Zday to pursue his studies at the me&
I ical College. Toronto.
Messrs, W. It. Elliott, W. Calfae
and W. Cave left Monday evening
for the Northwest.
Mrs. Spencer, of Stratford, is
visiting Iter mother, Mrs. W. ,Ander-
The new evaporator is nearing
completion and will likely be in oper-
ation in time for the linter : pplco.
Rally Day cervices were conducted
Z• 1 in the Methodist Sunday school by
if• the Pastor on Sunday last.
Anniversary services are to be held
♦ in the Methodist church on Sunday
2 next with Rev. C. 1'. Wells, of Grans
Z ton as the preacher for the day. Ile
comes highly recommended by the
I pastor and successful services are
expected. An offering of $150 is
asked for to meet the expenses of
the ensuing year.
Mr. Geo. Windsor was the guest
of his daughter, Mrs. Alfred Hodgins
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobert \Nilson vis-
ited their old friends here during
the -t a week.
s t
P e .
Mr. and Airs. Gcoa'ge Poster are
the guests of the latter's ,brother.
Mr. 'Thomas Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. George Essery vis-
ited at Grand Bend Saturday and
Mr. Frank :Boyle ,of Exeter spent
Sunday at his home here.
Mr. Percy Harding, of Huron Col-
lege. London. was the guest of his
cousin, Mr. Clarence Duplan on Suit -
day and Monday.
Miss Winnifred Essery rcturncil
home Monday after a three weeks'
visit in London.
riONEY TO LOAN. i DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. s„ D.
D, S,, Honor graduate of Toronto
We have a large amount, of private funds
can on farm and village properties at lowraM
H.rrl.ters Solicitors. Mato et.11Cxeter
FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur
eon. Successor to A. R. Ram-
say, N. H. 'Treats all domestic ani-
mals on most approved principal!.
.Special attention to dentistry. Office
at Ranisay's old stand on Hain street.
Night call at Peter liawden's residence
Main street.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to loan at Lowest rates.
North West lands for Sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
Si ;' f 1.1,1 PS, EXETER, LIC
• ensed Auctioneer. 'sales con
ducted in all [Lula. Terms reason:011e
Orders can be left at the Timms Office
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales cern
ducted in all (.arts, Terms reasonabl
And satisfaction guaranteed
We hare unlimited private fund, for Instal
-enc neon farm or village imparts at Iowa*
saes of Interest.
Dental Surgeon
Office over (Badman lit 8tanbury's
Main street -EXETER.
T W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. 0
• P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
verity. office and reeldeneooe. Domlelob
t.%borstorr, Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
I9-1ONOORf Pf 1 S
T1lE Edison Rittettai ea Vi:
most sensitive records in the
w o r ! d• They reproduce
sound so naturally that it seems
as if you had the singer or band
right in your own room. Voice
p roductions cannot be told from
the original.
Phonographs $16.50
$35., $45. and up
Edison Records, 40c.
Miss Grace Ake, Mrs. Evans, and, of Egmontivillc. immediately niter
Will ColniIt visited friends in Mit- the coremony Mr. and Mrs. Willie
chell on Sunday. left for Detroit.
Miss Alla !licks, of Exeter spent Two 'barns belonging to 3t r. D.
Sunday at her home here. Beacom and Seeley, of Clinton ware
Mrs. Marshall was the guest of nutted to } t
Mrs. Toll last week. destroyed by fire Wednesday evening I [both in Justice to the constitu-
_ of last week, just a short time be -r
•encs• as well as to myself, it is only
Farquhar fore
he ex tohear[Bienho had Wilfrid been
renew' tof your confi-
Miss Clara 8tew'at t was success-' for their heroes. The fire was a ticnce for at lease a lull ![sent]
fair to ask a renew ,
ful in winning first grize for best) hot one and lull the ssind been blow-1}II w sat an l
s:hotsuld ynoou se
aok fit toyour thushfacarnds, a11u
lady driver at the recent Exeter fall ing at the time would have destroy-, 1 promise you that no effort will be
and the judges had very lite:
shotn. There were four coral' :itors1 ed much more !property a; the de-1sparcd on my part to a lvance the
trou. partment was s.ow in getting water docs( inter st
$1.00 per year it) advance
Sept. 25th. 1908,
Bishop Carmichael. of Montreal, A meeting of the Council of tae
Paul's church. Clinton. died in
tvho at o.te time was rector of St. Village of Exeter held in tho Town,
treat on Monday of last week. The members all present miuutce I
Mr. J. McLean. of Tuckcrsinith,' 01 meeting held Sept. 4ih tool tlth,1
suet with quite a serious ace:clent' averc read and approved.
while driving through I•:t;tuondvillo i Mr. T. Hazelwood asked for Bowe
last week. His horse ![,•cine fri •ht• gravel aloe the )toad leading past
cited and ran away and he�watt' I ` Proper[ referred to councillors
thrown out on the hard g:ouud aid' Johns alio Puke to look after.
was hurt Quite badly, Mr. Juo. Heywood reported that
If you had taken two of Carter's ' parties were shooting birds with u: Garland
Little Liver Pills before retiring you the S}unicipulity contrary to village
would not have bad that coated ton- B-la).tt. f
goo or bad taste in tho mouth this 4r. .las. Weeks asked for a drain
morning. Keep a vial frith you for along Carling St. opposite his pro.•
occasional use. perty and A. G. Dyer's. 1'cr. Knight
Johns that the council order a drain
The many friends of Thos. Nichol -1 to be put dot%n frons the corner of
Son, of Auburn, will be surprised toi Mr, A, G. Dyer's property north of
hear of his death which took place drain to Victoria Street. Carried.
in Clinton hospital on 'l'hursdayg The followine accounts were rcati
morning of last week. Deceased had. and ordersyulendr:ncnt. on the Treasurer
gone there Mlond:ty and went under) (0r pa
an operatj Yt, was unable to sur- The Queen Cit Oil Co. .Toronto,
vice it. 1 ge was 72 years and 0! r• y
months•• • �asotine *6.82, 11, Spackmanhard-
yarn and Etc. $3,9.!, 1i. I3packu,an
All disOrrfors caused by a bilious Ifardware and Etc. Cemetery S1.25,
state of the system ran be cured by I Ernest Elliott Insurance yon Tow
using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No, 11x11 $13.50, ]'red Mill labor at ccme-
pain, griping or discomfort attend- tory $7.50, Messrs. Creech and ]lard-
ing their use. Try them- ; ford payment for grave} $397.50, Geo.
What might have been a serious Sanders labor $9,75, Eli Snell 86.00
Jas Creech $7.50, Fred White $1.7r
station Blyth 011 Thursday evening
accident happened at the G. T. 11.1 r Alf. Bedford $9.75, Thos. Creech $4
For a good baker and economy in fuel
use A
Souvenir or National Steel Range,
last when the storekeeper at t liel•.-
pard ton, abont nine miles from Gode-
rich, jumped off the tnoving train at
Blyth and fell on his shoulder and
head. He was cut but not 'eriously.
has. ]Hoiden $3.00, Sia Sanders $2k.
Walter Westcort $12, frank J. Mel-
lott 89.00, Thos. Brock $9,90, Goo.
Citdntore 82.00. Thed. Jones 815.13„
Phos. White Street watering .three
lIe intended ehauging nt Clinton but' irrc•ks ~1[1.00, Joe. [Senior pt. Sal
was asleep when he qct there, and I try Ss 66.00, Amounti,tg in nil to
the conductor did not notice him $652.88. adjournment by A, E. ,Puke.
till the train 'vas in motion at Myth
when he awoke biro, the an(rchant The Municipal rate of taxation for
half dazed grabbed his :rip and 1908 will to 20 mills on the dollar.
jumped off the train.
A quiet ).rodding took place utj TO IBE ELECTORS OI' SOUTHSeaforth on Tuesday. Sept. t12n.i. HURON
when Mr. James Willis. son of Mr.Gentlemen,-On the "2r;d of Jana -
and Mrs. Bobo Willis. was married try last you did me ,the honor of
to Miss Mary •Elizabeth .liackay, etete as your rcpresectatiye
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Mace
t°lecting Dominion IParlirue;t, for
hay, Clark St. by the Rev. N. Shaw, which I return my einccre and
heart -felt thanks, As Parliament has
been dissolver) and another election
will tt o held on Monday, October 20th
I am again a candidate for your
sufferages. As I have only beenper-CaII
have par ofone session
we guarantee then to please the Cook.
Baseburners, Garland and Souvenirs
From $32, to $-15.
Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stoves Boards, Dampers
etc, etc.
T. Hawkins & r8oa
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc.
We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof-
ing awl Plumbing in all its branches.
blo in picking Miss Stewart as the
winner. She also won first prize at
the Zurich Lair as best lady driver.
Mr. Arthur Duncan, of Hillsboro,
is at present visiting his parent=, Mr.
and Mrs. John Duncan, Sr. Mrs.
Geo, Mantle ,o( Exeter. is also vis-
iting her parents.
Miss Mettle Duncan. of Grand
Coulee. Sask., is visiting relatives
and friends in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. L. heavers, of Wood-
ham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bea-
vers on Sunday last.
Mr. !'red Rundie visited in St.
Marys during the neck.
The monthly meeting of the \Vo -
man'. Auxiliary of '1•harn.es !toad
church was held at the home of Mrs.
\V, A. Turnbull on Friday last. :1
pleasant and profitable titne rens
spent by all present.
Mrs. John Gilfill rn. of IGrkton,
visited at W. A. Turnbult's ti!trit:g
tlo week.
Miss Lindsay Gardiner who has of
been visiting in Toronto has rctarri- Tuesday nfternnon, of List meek' he-
ed to her home here. fore Mr. JUNtice Anglin. • ;there
-;-- - were no criminal eases, 00 these %tae
Shipka 1!o grand jury, but there were three
Next Sunday at 2.30 o'clock Rev. evil cas, s on the docket, two for
Godwin, o[ Parkhill, will conduct Jury, the other without. 'the jury
the seryice. A !hank offering11:11 eases were for malicious ()sect' lion
be asked for, and slander. The parties to the suit
Totn,nno).t' ().ening t1 Bible So•
i{owcliffe vs. Sawyer. reside in Ps-
riety will hold a meeting 111 (}tt, borne, and as both suits arose from
the sante cause, , -
Methodist ct t c Ile y were tried tom.
1 , ,, h T t •
The 1st. It
r T
c , 'u
tl ( c r having
, h 1 n be c o
tu, tt 1%:,1 cood,:rt the• merti11lr. Q jury a been h s
Miss Katie O'Ro,tke, of Detroit, is en, the balance 0( the panel was Ilia•
visiting at her }tome hero. missed and the trill proceeded until
Mrs. C. P:nkl,t•inrr and her •laaglt 7111'1 111. Ithnn \\her)cotiit roljneniseel"d
fur F:rtO ale Visiting rclatit•cs at cd on Wednesday .ifternoon with n
To.cdo, Ohio.
Mr. .1. 0. Hannan tt 1.- in Lon<lon1 verdict in favor of p'aintiff of $5
on hus,in(ss last week. I for tnalicioes prose endo11. *5 for
Mr. S. Sw.itzo7 shiplsd two car- trespass and $300 for damages. The Auction Sale of Valu-
..oads of ituubcr, one to .Paris, Ont., 01se arose over a charge against
Hoo' tiff,• of stealing grain from able Farm Property.
and one to Toronto Junction. ', Saw er, who swore out 3n informa-
tion p y
Mr. Geo. Kellerman!) Fhipped the; g• plaintiff and had
remainder of his fax sed to l:voter.
against the
The dust was so h(•rvy last Saha- hila arrested.
day that Mr. Thos. Lynch v. bile driv-
ing his cattle to Parkhill to ship In
Toronto. harpi n. d to los, three head
on his way.
on the flames. Three horses were in and the welfare oof ourgrowing ntd
the bares at the time, Iwo of nvhicli and
were gotten out. The third one per. prosperousBefocountry,
1shed, although every effort )vas hope 1 the close of the campaign
made to relieve it. if my Exeter 1 10 With to have the privilege a y and int ninny of you personally and
people sate the conflagation• of discussing with yon the great
A Detroit dispatch Says General public issues which are noir so ear -
Manager A. A. Schantz, of the 1)e• nestly engaging the (attention of
troll and Cleveland and the Detroit the people of this country.
and Buffalo Navigation Companies Again soliciting your eu(feragcs
announces that his steamers on the and r upport. I 3771,
Detroit and Mackinaw lines will call !'our Obedient Servant.
at GoderieL next season. Thr itin- M. Y. MCLEAN,
(vary trill b( (tarn 1►,,troit ucross Lih.•ral euniidatc for South Iluron,
Lake Huron to Itis Canadian port
and theft to the etrtits of Mackinaw., •••••••••♦N•••••••♦♦•♦•..
making a zig-zag course. This will
Ile• the first attempt Ilett the McMil- 1'O CORRESPONDENTS.
1an 1•-tc'tntship interests will make to• : We would ask our corrett-
invade the Cu,adiau passenger and! ♦ t'ondcnts to send in their bel --
freight field. the service ).t li ch the • i c't8 each tick ).t nether they
company proposesto give will he as; are little or bite. t\'e arc look -
regular as the Cleveland 01 Ituffalo1♦ ing to the interests of our
service -to the minute. i♦ subscribers in their Partic-
'1'},,. Fall tenni of the ii gh Court 1 ♦ t,1•rr localit,v, Gout want the
Jusl;cP opened at
GodcriCtI on • nett s w het her it is lit Ile or
mucb. Solnl'tit,i ea you
rot have much 11(.18 (0 Fend
but don't keep that little until
you have more. When news is
scarce char i8 rho time your
t wo or thtce little items, or
even one, ;it spoeially ap•
predated by the reader in
your sect ion. Send a big hud-
get every week if you c.tn, if
not, 1 he small one will be wel-
comed. Any of our correspon-
dents who are in need of the
Irequired stationery, kindly let
us know.
• 11AltRIS-I(INI:EIt-In Sarnia, Wed-
nesday Fept. 10111. Minnie, daugh-
ter of J1rs. 1,051751 ]tinker, of Dash
The 'icsire to kill big game for
sport in a region tl:nt is totally
un:ntere.eting and devoid of the pic-
(uresgne. :rup;iei 11 (;etiiiine (blood-
lust that is fairly deplorable. There
aro men 1.110 t•tn to:tit the white
goat ;it the Itocky Mountains and see
woof :u Jdr. 111".Y ]!anis. o: nothing but the goat ; awl :iter fhe
hear the latest Machines and Narn.:,e goat bas hitt[ killed the hcautiful
mountains ar. nothing.
Stock and implements.
.'.1r. Thomas Cameron has liven in-
structed to sell ivy i•uhlic Auction on
Lot E. 1-2 No. 1), ('on. 1, 1'shorne on
Friday, Oct. pith. U?t, at one o'clock p 111
that valuable property consisting of
the east half of lot 7, H anti the south
hall of lot 10 ('on. 3, 1',bnrne, ei !pain-
ing 200 acres, on which there is erected
a good brick dwelling. large hank barn
frame stable and shed, 1t is well iota.
ed for general fanning or grazing.
This property will he Fold in Mock or
DICKSON at CARLING, KEEN -TUFTS -At the home of the To r.lwrlsmcn who keenly enjoy art to suitputct►ascr. 1'h•-rPwill also
'Records at -
brulc'9 mother Mis. W. ,1• offs- the picturesque aspects of Nature,{
THE PURITY 1�;rkton, \1'cdnesday, Sept. 30th. •it is occasionally pons:hlo• to become!,lesoldtatl d(*dretittle. 2work horses
aerie era Solicitors,NoeaNe•, Uostsfsalters \V:, f: d .1. .111(15 10 lin. Char ics t t suckling c tits draft, f toil( April. Itt s due
uommis+l Here, Eolldton tar the H01.0.. t('anadint F.xpresa Iluildtng.l 1C, (tai co f that CVe Ly scenery and 1'.31111 to calf in Match sand 1lt steers
Hank. Etc. PETER-it[('K;-in Exeter. Sept. life that even the finding f 41S.1;: two years ate(,Sheifers twin Pars old,
Yeaef to Loan at lows.[ rats, of %teeM% ,gau,r heeomrs a scco11dray con +:d• 1 { PartinY
2Sth. 1108, M;se Ev.1 (licks cia:;gh- „ration. 1 (am r,nre that had "re' yearling RleerN, 1 yearling heifers,
0111CKt-MAIN YTREBT, EXIII ZIL THE TORONTO t, r of Mrs. Stephen lick. of 1•.te- llncDougal, lir. d'hillipa, an'l I (i ca walking
a nnntll,•r of breeding ewes, oattt.rwra R. s. t. N. Dtcls/e• to r to ll:. Harold Peter. of Atwood been obliged to (boost once tor :111 'onto
wvalking plow. 1 root pulper, 1 Tor-
, onto air motor windmill and tank
between phctographing the 1 inn-
hewisThomas HuGtier \\ EIIII--sfAN1*".-A1 (ly ten. on este reg:oft, rind elle 71ut►tittg of COnt1'tl'te.
Saturday, Sept. 19th, by Rev. •J• mountain i;hecp therein, we 'would
'fernw of 1{x31 Estate n1 ufe know n
E. Ilo'nle, of S3rni1. assisted 1,f unhesitatingly hove chosen 1h, pie. 0n )lay oI s•1:.•.
Civil Engineer Architect week) Globe Revs. C. 1'. \\•ells and 1). J. Cornish i'h:klla.-All [.oleos of I?5 and ten
(tote Departme•toftuSii Works, l'anada) y of G/ 371(011. 9 tune re of th( ).ytnnlerlatUl•.
Miss liar lfiner'3. r der. cash: .aver that alno!rni 12
From "1►ir(7slona in I cture�que
t3onsulltnit Encinset for Municipal and Count, eider daughter of lir. and Mrs. W. Game -lands -The Wildcat ('orner, of nu)nth�' credit tt ill h,• ;riven on fur-
wtrrY, i'/r.•trt t►itma•1e, Sewerage and w'aterwnt\* ` D. F(.:l.e.. to Mr. Clarence 11. 1 t1t.�hihT n •r
llrstem wParrs, [triages and Re entore.l l'ooceeit AND Mexico.- by \\•i;iIill 'I'. IIOTnn[.1\', 1'1 ore,{ joint I1' PA, or n
\\"(hb. of Toronto• in the October Scrihncr's, daco,tnt tt S 1,...r
l-r c, r+r 1, r nrunnn
r++one 9840 i oadoa Ontario11()11 V
1'. ERI! -.\t ('r.<litot!. on \Ve•ln,•..:!�. --T-
R, G, F. ftOULSTON, L. D. 8. I
8Sept. ('):nto r ']3rd. 1908 t o lir ar. !
D d, n, t1„ dentist. MemMr of lir Char:e• !:err ,fen. CASTOR 1 A
1)1 IU)
R. ('• 1) S.. of Ontario and Honor] .OfANN1\G-In Clinton. Hondas. Tor Infants and Children.
Graduate of Toronto L'niveroity. 1N.• •t. 21, Mrs. itur9ell E. [Mannino.
O111ca:-Over Dickson k Carlitp'• From Nowuntil January 1st. 1910 Itt'11t)JJR-1n Exeter. on Thuroda!•, h� KiRd Yee Hale boys Bought �iorTN KA = AL os Raw A
s: level
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's fernier Nan tLa
4.neal paelon. For $1.60.
Is�l't• :lit,, 1008. is;-:41ilula WhitePito1....,,,,,, wife of !)arid ttoht. Beres the Limitary
aged '78 yrs.. 1 month and ()flays. $tgnature of .� of
for ea, h c:ti er,410 11100/1111.
Martin linos., Props. of ft -al Estate:
John S'ea+nm'. Prop. of Chattels.
Th+ s ('anreror . Auctioneer.
and be convinced. that it is the cheapest spot in towel
Just to hand the largest and
best stock of Fall Suitings ever
shown in town.
We have received the Fall
Plate of the latest styles in Fall
and Winter Wear.
Make your selections early
and avoid the rush.
Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario
Notice to Creditors.
111 rho [natter of the estate of
Rots -rt Bei ns, late of this 'Town-
-hip of Il:anehar,l, in the County
of Perth, Partner, deceased.
ti e
�o t, . C a
� 1 is 1 1 h elven j,`. t :Uf.U.11li to
It. S. 0., 1897, chap. 129, that all only to tho
creditors and whets !loving claims claims of which 1 1 tare
against the estate of the said Hobert node[, and that the said executor
Ih,rns, it 1)0 died on or about trill not be liable for the said assets
the 18th day of Apr:;. I!I0t:. are te- or any part thereof, to any person
quire.' on or helot the 12th day of or persons of whose (•1;itns notice
Ot., 190R to n•1 by Pn+t prepaid shall not have been received by
or deliver to ,Messrs. Gladman & him at the time of such distribntiorr.
litanbury, solicitors for 1lta ezecu- DATED at Toronto the third day of
tor of th' (State of the September A. D. 1908.
said deceased their Christian Coatsworth & itichardaon,
and surnames, addresses and deet E'xecutor's Solicitors,
rriptioos. the full particulars of their Continental Life .Bldg.,
cl•.irns, the statement of thrir ac- Toronto,
counts and the nature of the fie-
suritieso if any, held by theta. And - "
further lake notice that ..iter such
last m.'ntion(d dato th,• satills
1 I 'tu-
tor ).rill proceed 10 tillstrinute Mr. J. \V, 1V,•;-sh has fnstrr,rte.t
the ass(ta o[ th^ deceta:'d atnon; the Mr. Tiu.n1ai Cam'ron. Auctioneer to
i1i7tice entitled Ihcretn. hivir.� ra- sell that choice. farm, lot 25, con. I,
and Holt' to ILe chin:� of which i l shcrne, one mile t.or,ll of Exeter
thy shall then hare notice and that' on
which there is .a frame dtc, welling
the said executor w ill not b,) linh'e hat•u, a :ergo hank barn and *he 1
for the said :,ss^ty nr any I,+rt Thera• and straw house. This fartn i9 , 11
et r o any I,• , •:ori u1 I•crson9 of whose 1 tea .e red. with en •-h t:f lore oretr,r,! :
'I dols retire shall not have been I2R sores Hon.:r cu:.: vat:on an•I the
rrcei rent by t 1:•`m at the time of small 1)3:011 C.` grass. The farm most ls)
di : 11)11011. mil.r eo:d. If not sole( privately on or be-
I:LADY,\N & STANIII'Ii\ I• fore the 7th. slay of October.lf0N.,
?olicitor9 for *aid Ex••ruto: 1.::t 1,. e.oi•! 1, +
Datil 3t Et ter, Coss 15th d'v 111 :ret}ler with the chat[.^uicJ on(►ce.,
Septerob, r. 1' o.....211-1. l',09
, c n the preen: , s at One
o'clock. J. W. W, !•}1. Proprietor.
Por 1'1rns and p1it.'cu:art apply to
Thu. Cameron, As:CI.. 1'11qulrar.
claims a statement of their as.
ao::nts, anal the nature of the scour-
itics, if any, held by therm.
that atter the said last mentioned
date, rho said executor w111 proceed
to distribute tho lassos of the de-
n the partici mics
P crtiticd
(hereto, having regard 1
tic t he shall thea 1
Farm for Sale
Notice to Creditors
Notice is herefly given pursuant to Mr. Thelma: N:cl.uison, a h;lbly,
that revised Statutes of Ontarioa that ....reel -roll resident of Iltillctt. died itt
alt creditors and others hiving C;inton. en Tue.dry. of last week
claims against the Estate n( the (corn Peter 1! :0 (. Ito ticenti�
late John Cornish, of the V'i(iige of utt,l,: went an op(r 17 on for ernie.
Exeter, in the County of Huron.' and no serious ro.•I!►s [%ere appre•
who died on or abort the tteenth healed. 1::1 i.r had 1 weak heart
day of J•tly. A. 1). 190?. ar• request- and it gave out. lie was a [Hatt
eel on or before the fifteenth day of aho'it 773 gear. •f ago. Tbc rin:sits
October, A. i).. 1908. to read bytwe". 1ik1
,n to •1eit.r7rn for interment.
post prepaid or !deliver to the under.,
signed Solicitors for the ileverend
Richard C. Evans. the exccotor of , CL NIT Cr El. =1♦re
the lent Will and Testament of the an. tits 1Mh Y3Jktt1Pin eV
said deceased, their Christian and
surnames, addresses and d, :c,:pt. I1iaa•ars
ions, the full particulars of their of