HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-24, Page 7ABSLILLTIL
`Little Liver Pills.
Must Beer Signature of
See Fsc-Slralle Wrapper Below.
Very worm arca as aasry
to take aro diger.
FOR tltitlDSNES3.
OJr1fLRXn wv.t iM►,. r�N���.
�7 TK$i�i�tas«�'a✓lijit.
Dimple Everyday Life of the Queen
of England.
Few people can realize the com-
parative simplicity of the everyday
life of Queen Alexandra, especial-
ly when in Scotland or at Sandring-
ham. While in Norfolk the Queen
spends much of her time in the open
air, walking, driving and doing
short expeditions in her motor car.
After breakfast site and one or
mere of the several ladies who may
be staying in the house make an
expedition to kennels, stables and
poultry yard to feed and interview
the favorite dogs, horses and poul-
try of the establishment. In the
afternoon a drive is arranged, and
the evenings pass cheerily with heaven and left this music, cards and conversation. Din-, world to the leader mercies of the
ner at Sandringham is always at
It may be mentioned that the roy-
al servants' liveries have a quaint,
cold world appearance and are dif-
ferent in cut to those seen elsewhere
The coats are scarlet, made in the
swallowtail style, with dark blue
waistcoats edged by narrow gold
braid. The men wear no collars,
hut have gold stocks; and white sa-
tin breeches and white silk stock-
ings complete their stately costume.
All the royal men servants are over
six feet in height. THE
The Queen_ is an indefatigable let- S. S. LESSON
tet writer. She has been known to
'►N rite as many as forty letters in
one day with her own hand; and
Miss Knollys, her lady in waiting,
c.ften would get through a hundred,
all written under the Queen's per-
sonal supervision. Queen Alexan-
cita's note paper is cream colored
and rather rough, with the royal
crown and address in dark blue and
'of the simplest design.
During the shooting season the
Queen sends a great deal of game
her own particular friends, and
tie hampers are labelled "With the
Queen's compliments." At Christ-
mas time she often presents her in-
timates with a signed photograph
of herself in a silver frame. Queen
Alexandra is a keen photographer
and has transferred some of her
photographs onto china.
pESsimiSmNINE E1.1.:1111A NTS TO A 11.1N. DANGER IN BEING ALIVE electricity nuw plays su large a part
Huge Bag Made by Nine Dutch
err iuuderu life it is satisfae•te,ry to
Ilunte•r�s in South .}frac;,, know that if any of us should hap -
en to .
It Is Better to Laugh at Our Mi!'IIIEI{};come In contact w,t a 1,t--
ser�es Than to To secure a bag of c�i�hby-nae cls- Is NO P1,.1('}: OF A6bQ. wire there is no delay. W1 are hur-
in these prosaic days will LUTI: `.t }'l:1'!•. tied off at top speed. It is quicker
Mourn Over Ail Our Circumstances. menseeu like but taea dreamto most spurts- and more reliable than chloroform
has just been ac --a fact which appareetly was trot
compiished by J. W. Viljoen and ;� known to the chief actor of this
"And God saw every thin that g, eight other Dutch farmers in the i<ryiu„ ,rt flume
i.. (Int of the
K and eater wrron both to ourselves L► ,,,a1;uuli district, says the Rho -Dangerous 1 Jl.'gri g
tr ►made, and behold, it was good." to our fellows, than this of giv- Most D " • ' ' "After chloroforming two cats a
Genesis i., 31. ing up hope and setting our faces d,sia Herald. The Government has West Hampstead rtrtist killed !lim-
it would be a strange world in toward despair. These silent sen- just thrown the district open for
t`r l)u' bell by the carne ntc:rns.''
which pleasure and piety did not fences we pronounce on our world the destruction of elephants, and It has ufte:r been rt e:sid that fh� We are not told why the deceased
:(► hand in hand. Appreciation go a lung ways toward sealing its this enormous bag was made with- safest place on earth is not on earth artist did it. Yr�,t,at,ly it was be-
LrinKs delight because it is a duty do►ori. We live according to our in sixty miles of the capital of at all, but ie the cFtbin of an At- cause this age is in tau great a hur-
and it is a duty because it brings faith and our way of living deter- Rhodesia, and near the railway. li:ntic Sauer. C'nfortunatc�ly, we ry to Patromee art. Or it may be
delight. He is doing good to this mines the character of all life. Viljoen and his party hitched cunt make it convenient to speed that he was su worried by the dan-
world who is finding all the good No matter how dark the day it is their carnp at Maquadzio, the cera_ our tune in the caber~ of Atlantic ger of being alive and the endless
there is in it, who is eultitating the our business to find some cheer, no tre of the elephant distri' tand di -
says London Ideas. What I►ussibilities of being knocked down,
power to see the good where ',t,rer's matter how our faith in our fellows •upinto pairs-- a fact chick1 , or otherwise cut off b'' the best medicine f
waded ; rr the use of telling a thing like Flown u ,y
often see only ill. `
may be tried it is our duty to seek nearly ted to a fatality', for going
that to a father of six with 5 a j t iolettce that he chose a safe and BAD BLOOD
Optimism, even that perverted cut the good in them, and no neat- through the bush t'iljs,en encounter_ j v. eek, or to a nervous dressmaker f easy way out of it.
t; pe which blinks many of the facts if: how strange the ways of life!ed his first elephant, which he shot. ' t.Iro is subject to seasickness,or to J . Haggard inquirers who ge, rush
is better for this world than the may seem still to hope on for their,
As this fell another one crashed a tattering old apple woman with mg about trying cu ascertain the BAD BOWELS
d( r:r pessimism that dooms all issue in good, in the fulfillment of ' through the trees at the back of the a stiff leg and a dread of motors I safest place on earth are cautioned
things to perdition, crying out that purposes perhaps too high for our' bunter and pursued hire once strik- ! against the fallae • of stayingat BAD BREATH
A local councillor recently do -y
the race is in a headlong career to present understanding. F the horse with his trunk, until berate.
Inelated with enthusiasm that the auf-
ruin and misery. Viljoen succeeded in reaching est Place in Birmingham was the r A DANGEROUS PLACE. It will thoroughly rein►wave the entire
It is the duty of every man to STEP OUT INTO THE LICIIT, clearer inside of an electric tramcar. Soon Sta• tistics prove that home is a and «` and ,cake th„ l,1 )J pure, ricl,
make this irony as bright, as ht there always is a ground, where he foundrod-curing Boils, Pin, las, Kez'tna,
g P { 3 patch somewhere. himself thirty yards ahead of his afterward there were two electric i dangerous piste. Progress and the Ringworm, and all blood ane�esk
p% and as good a place to live in Fix your thought on the good in pursuer. Slipping off his horse, he trarnear accidents in Birmingham; desire to equip ourselves with con- ,n,l,Reascr.
a< he can. No man has a right to others, there is always much if we fired at the elephant, and killed it. which killed several people. This t veniences have undermined •honto
nurse a grouch against the uni- would but look for it. Live as One incident marred the spurt, Fo111etvlrat weakens .,He's cunfidenee with deadly wires and pipes, verse, fur he cannot keep it to him- though this world were ordered in and that was the accidental shoot -I P gas SERPENT CURE �;}'}'};(I'I1'E.
in the tramcar as a refuge from that may explode and boilers that
self. A sour disposition never is an; love, with law working out purpos- ing of a member of the party namedi danger. may burst. And, agreeable to the -'
individual affair ; it becomes soci- es of the highest good, and life it- l F,loff. Eloff and three companions! A later authority claims that the demand for hurry, houses are now
al ; it saturates the thinking of self will give you the reward of ' paired off and walked at a distance' ?tautest security for life end limb run up by the jerry-builder at such �t t4't
others. faith, the good you yourself believe of about fifty yard apart, when, is found .security
But this is de- a speed that they are capable of
There are two broad ways of in Eloff and his friend suddenly saw Hied by scientists, who find that coming down with equal celerity.
thinking of life and the universe. l Faith in God is just faith in good- two elephants. They fired, but churches are thronged with the Walls or ceilings may
One is to determine that than is set Hess • to believe that there is a Fa -only succeeded in shooting off tusk8 collapse at a
, s a deadliest microbes and are more moment's notice, chimney pots may
down in a wholly bad world, where titer of us all must mean to believe of one of the animals, who promptly frequently struck by lightning than crash through the roof, or the floor -
all things fight against his good, ! that he is the father of every good charged them. Eloff made in Orel other sort of buildings.
where all his fellows are worthless i desire, every high thought, every somebody g And now nig i mayl subside and launch you
direction of the teen in front of • y recoutmends the British hurriedly into the cellar. (.'unse-
and his own nature is depraved. worthy purpose, that the best in us hint, and they, seeing the beast Museum as a sanctuary where you
The other is to find and foster the is but the faint, far off reflection ofcrashing through the bush behind are least likely to come to a violent youarea lot saferdbyn an r express
ge•od in life and to believe that, the good in him, and therefore that them and ignorant ui Eloff's where- end, train than at home.
through all purposes of good, far this world, the world and home of al'outs, fired at the elephant and There is something very pathetic This assurance, however, has
beyond our dreams, are working his family, is being ordered, gov-! while one bullet despatched the + rt this eager anxiety of a terrified been somewhat shaken by the of i -
out' et ned for the best good we know i elephant, the other found a billet human race to ascertain the safest 1 tial report
PROFESSIONAL RELIGION in ,un the Shrewsbury totry a e
,Y and for the good that lies beyond � Eloff's neck, killing him instant- place on earth. It indicates the {cadent, which is supposed have
cur knowing. ly. haunting sense of insecurity that
has been largely of the fernier type Some people have a good deal The party came back to the carry about with them; the
of thinking. It has been pessimis- more faith in the devil than they Transvaal the richer for 2,000 growing consciousness that they aro
tic. It has seemed to think it nee- have in their god; they think of the p.unds of ivory and seven young not merely here and gone to-mor-
essary to prove the goodnes;r of God ld elephants. The first one was cap -raw, but here one minute and gone
tired when half the
grown. It was
Ifaa been in use for (•rer 3.) years, and is
considered by all who have used it to be
t or
w•c•r as having been made good,
by establishing the utter badness 1•ut, somehow the evil one got the
of man and the moral character of best of the situation and has ever
the universe. It has relegated God , since succeeded in making it whol-
to somefaroff lv evil.
Believe the hest and the hest
shall be. The facts always answer
back to our faith. Life always be-
comes what we believe it really is.
The good of alt comes from the high
faith and high living of those men
and women who believe ever that with the horses' reins. It was then
goodness is greater than badness, fastened to a tree, and the next
that love is better than hate, that nay driven into camp. After a da
After all, each makes his own
world. The doctrine of the total
depravity of humanity is ground-
ed in the common dyspepsia of theo-
logians. We read into our outer
world the colors of the world with-
in. The heart turning over iniqui-
ty, brooding over real and fancied
sins, looks out and the fair scene
is changed to gloom, the cloud of
s -n rests over all.
Yet it would be hard to do a
Mrs. Chatter --"Is he a well-in-
foi Med man?"
Mr. Chatter --"I should say so.
His wife tells him everything.''
For Diarrhoea,
Summer Complains
18 AN itfSTANIAN:0118 CURE.
It his Ixen uszd in thousands of homes
▪ during the past sixty-two year.. and haus
always given satisfaction.
Every hcme should have a bottle so es
be ready in ea& (:f emergency.
Price 35 ee; t. at all dru, gists and
deniers. Do not let sortie unprineipallecl
druggist humbug you into taking w-
eaned Stra(wlx•rry Compound. The or-
iginal is Dn. Fowt.l:it's. The rest are sub-
Mrs. G. !lode, Lethbridge, Alta.
writes : "We have used Dn. I•'oweeieR
found it a great remedy for Diarrhoea.
bummer Complaint and Cramps. We
would nut like to be without it in t;w
SEPT. 27.
Lesson XIII. Temperance Lessee.
Golden 'Text, Prov. 20. 1.
Vergie 11. "Woe" -This occurs as
the introductory word to six pro-
phecies against various forms of un -
righteousness. Taking a similar
denunciation in Ise. 10. 1, 2 as pro-
bably originally belonging here, we
have seven, the complete number;
each one being the abstract of what
was probably extended oration.
(Compare Jesus's denunciation i
feeding with four grown elephants, Th . chief factor of the twentieth
alt of which were shot, and then century existence which is recogniz-
the little one, instead cf running ed by everybody is that
away, trade for the hunters, two! WE ARE ALL IN A HURRY.
of whorl seized its tail, while the
two others hung on to each ear, I have interrogated many people
and there was a tussle for half an with the object of finding out why
hour, after which the elephant was we are all in a hurry, but nobody
rolled on its back and its feet tied
seems to know. If you catch a than
and put the question to him blank,
he looks quite bewildered, and to-
tally unable to explain. I am ra-
the universe is not made to mock cr two it became so docile that its they sorry for this. They say every -
us, but to make us and to make us attentions were rather n nuisance thing has a reason, and it is nice
after the pattern of infiinite affec- for it tried to tread on the hunters' to know the reason for things. But
tion. tees, helped itself to all the avail-► the hurry of modern civilization
HENRY F. COPE. ahle food, and would pelt its trunk ! sems to be the only thing for which
into the cooking pots and take out no reason exists.
here pictured as a devouring beast'anything it fancied, while it t+oulcl Let us, therefore, meekly accept
which "hath opened its mouth follow• the natives down to the the fact that for some unexplained
without measure." stream fur a drink. cause it is necessary that we should
15. The mean man . . . the great! On the record day twent el work fust, walk fast, talk fast, eat
}Doctor Swindled nut of $160 by
Onian Who 'fried "Cure." .
Novel crimes are occasionally
committed in Paris, as, for in-
stance: An old gypsy woman called
on a doctor living in the Place
Pierriere and asked him to visit her
daughter, who was lying ill in a
caravan on the fortifications near
b3. "I have tried the serpent
cure," she said, "but there was no
result. If you will allow Inc to pay
your fee in advance I shall be sure
you will c- me."
The doctor consented, and the
cld woman handed him a $100 note.
-eon caused by the driver and fire-' As he was getting the change out
ratan being asleep. The accident of the safe she again mentioned the
occurred at 2 o'clock in the morn- "serpent cure," and be asked her
ing. what it was. "This," she said, tak-
And the question m: y occur to nig a box from under her rags, she
an inquiring mind, why should some turned half a dozen snakes out on
Zee people have found it necessary the floor.
tc be hurrying to Shrewsbury at The doctor was startled and rush -
2 o'clock in the morning? At the ed out of the roust. When he re -
same moment there was probably turned with a stick he found that
another train with 200 people hur- the woman and the snakes had van-
rying away from Shrewsbury; and ished, while all the money in his
similar trains with thousands of safe had also gone. He still held
other people dashing all over the the $100 note in his hand, but this
railways systems of the country. proved to be a forgery.
It seems curious that respectable
citizens should want to go riding
about like this at such unholy hours
of the night, when they ought to be
in bed. No time to go to bed.
tt bat a saddening thought'
A week or two ago the sensation-
al news was cabled that the Maitre -
Housekeeping is an art which
every girl who stays at home should
study. The housekeeper must be
able to handle the money earned
by the bread -winner, practising the
tante had beaten by one minute the ' economy which is, in its tray, as
I_usitania's best record for the long important as the actual earning of
Atlantic course. the income. A good le -timekeeper
The exciting event has been re- should have a practical knowledge
y ceived with a chores of rejoicing, c'f marketing, catering, washing,
e' fast, lite fast and die fast. A ironing, and all other furors of
ratan -The distinction of classes' Plrants were shot and two little onesC but, privately. I Ferri not without
etenturian voice yells out in our : housework. She }flay not have to
does not appear in the Hebrew captured ; Viljoen's unaided efforts; „ i misgivings that this saving of min-
wurds, simply two synonyms for accounted fur eighteen of the Liven_ t ears, Get on or get out." It is utes adds to the clangers of being du all these herself, but she ought
"'man" are used. The contrast rs t)' slain. These two elephants i the voice of progress. And if ,you J alive. One of these clays the beast- I to know' how they are done. There
between the debasement of all Hien-; speedily became docile, and clow stop to expostulate with progress++ cel safety that fir; to 1►e fr,und in the are many ways of looking at house -
kind and the 1down comes t}electric,c,)
"o -captives
�( (�+a tabun of Jeh 1 that all the Capt a pro -
work. to and you a1 in of an Atlantic }ince will be
work. 1'iolite people regard it as
�'ah of busts. per kraal they have are in
ne quite are removed, st.oilt by a loud bang, and the as- car ttdt ('r•,), while others hold it the
16. Exalted d - Isaiah has been acclimatized to their new surround- The need for hurry, while it tending skyward with all hands,
most important feature in life. Ruth
called the most regal of a!1 the pro- ings and are both playful and makes existence somewhat enter these are v. r.,,tg. To he a good
chats and his vision of Jehovah is friendly lain, has put us on our mettle and r -- -�t�-- hcusekr(•l,cr need not mean a let
always majestic and lofty (Ica. ti, led to the adoption of marry ingeni- c.f hard work ; but there should be
1). Cud's elevation must be a mor otts devices. At Hanley the ether BOOTS IV M:1NU.�I,AY• much xatisfaction derived from the
al one -it is in justice. mor -
THE POPE'S WATCH. day an errand boy, tieing anxious knowledge that etcrythinR is well
Sanctified -This term was rete to get on, affixed himself to the i But Fashionable Burma Coup:n't t dc.ne, and that comfort and horneli-
ious rather than moral -indeed in W by He Would Not Part With a hack of a cart, he jumped off, al Stand the Kind We Wear.. Hess av-nit the return of the wage -
connection with the heathen rites it Battered Timepiece. motor ran over him. He was in a I
often had an immoral meaning. The
„sacred isolation of Jehovah and his
Matt. '2:3.) The first is directed' worship must be on the moral basis
against grasping land -owners (verse of righteousness.
'). This is aimed at drunkards 17. The text is difficult in this
and their neglect of God's real verse. The picture is of the she of
values. The other sins referred to Jerusalem after her destruction,
are various, but behind them all is uied by flocks for pasture.
the background of avarice, indul-
gence, and drunkenness. 18. Draw iniquity with cords of
Early in the morning ---The last falsehood -Professor G. A. Smith the much worn tiwhich. 1
stages of slavery to drink. The translates this "draw punishtnent said he should regard as a
hear with curds of vanity," and less possession. The Pope price
morning brings no remorse for the r, p gently
says: This figure of sinners jeer- declined. "It was a present from
dissipations of the night. Peter •ing at the approach of a calamity my dear mother,"
testifies to the uncommonness of lie said. "I was
drinking early in the (lay (Acts 2. while they actually wear the bar- quite a small hoy when she gave it
15). Hess of its carriage is striking.'' to Inc with this very same leather
Strong drink --A mixed liquor 19. That say --In mock fear of Jo. grard I am wearing now. I preen
campuscd of the fermented juicer hov'ae and respect for his purposes.
of several fruits and often wit') The practical skepticism of
spices added to give it increas ( lute scoffers is denounced here.
strength. 20. The fourth "woe," pronounc-
Wine --- From the juice of the I Aii(lupon( "th(•rt, that call evil good,
grapes. good evil." A° condition wee
hurry, So was the motor
The striking lesson of this occur-
rence is that the passion furs d
hae now become so universal that
even errand boys have caught
They no lunger, as of old time, take
frequent rests curing their jour -
They arc wearing boots in Man- earner. Ll cunelusi+,n, a good
Pope Pius Y. carries at his girdle Th
delay. Net exactly "our regular( housekeeper dr,cs not neglect her
on old watch of base metal, ur $1 quality now reduced to $,3.40," I p( tens.! appearauee. She must be
the lace pee though these were common when 1 always neat and tidy when •.wurk is
chipped, with a plain leather guard. the boot fever firs ;dne.
He was looking at this watch thet carne up like t __ _
other clay when a Roman noble,
a it.
thunder" --the way things do come'5«'IS5 PLAGUE OF 1<1'I:CAI:S.
whom he had given an audience, 1 up in Mandalay, according to Mr. ,
produced his own richly chased and neys to have a fight or a leisurely Kipling. Switzerland is s,tffcritig from a
jeweled gold watch and begged thegame of marbles. They realize the But tt is a pleasure to learn from lTlugue of ieechc•s, which "re killinK
tope to accept it in exchange for importance of getting there quick. the Indian World that there has the fish in the lakes and rivers by
q been a change in Mandalay foot- thousands. In the upper course of
timepiece, ,e And if that boy had lived he might wear. That authority admits that ,
have grown up to be a champion the (thine, in the Aar, the Lakes of
the Burman -that is, the enranei- I Neufchatel and Constance, v -here
hustler and made a fortune on the pated and comparatively well to do; the
plague is most acute, thousands
stock exchange. Unfortunately, Burman who can afford to think - of dead fish are seen floating on
howet'er, he died, about his apparel -has taken per- 1 the water. They are covered with
In 1900, an ingenious Frenchrnnn tocalculated that there were 17,000 !huuthbenyboots. But he still shies leeches. Scores of riven are cnKa�N
at the ugliness and the ival►prupri_ i in gathering the dead fish and b;irt•-
different ways of getting off the , f European ing them. Swiss scientists cannot
it.ed to keep it until it was worn earth. I estimate that the advance' Wettest' in his climate
cart beyond repair. It must be a of civilization and progress bar: now clothcR. account for 'the plague, which has
good watch, fur it has never dila A few years ago it was a ecmmon never been experienced in Switzer -
pointed rile yet." P J increased the figure to 52,000. Sta- t}ring at ceremonies in Burmese lend before.
ttstics prove that 1.700
people c)ie •
houses to see risen dressed in all
'�`- every year through swallowing the glory of native costumes -silks Too often a plane stool is the seat
People can depend er►ly on them_ things such as pins, needles studs, of the most delicately beautiful c': discord.
s( Svcs -and a jr„e,(1 i„air„ I,e•r►ple buttons, pieces of bone, trl)iriit•
stt- Rha(10s and of the moatA clever w►rrl►an can take any old
crin',t even de, that. cated meat and false teeth. gorgeous
bete quite disf1gured by a pair of th•ng and crake something new. out
THIS IS I)UE TO BURRY. the biggest, !thickets. (fullest hoots c -►f it.
Have You Suspected Your In London alone there are 4,000 1(n(1 coarse stockings, always down _ - "` -7-7.7-7- _-
Kidneys as the Cause of ' street acciderits per month. These' upon the ankles. But happily the Women's Ailments
accidents arise alrn',st entirely from Ilrrrmnns have evo)te(1 a hoot ,f
the anxiety of the 1,) )11Iace to get i tl'cir ou'rt, shapely things brown 1't►,•rc• iN no Heal whatever fur �, many
Your Trouble >~ women to euffer from pains and weakne,►a,
there quick. There is no other tea- "r' white buckskin, which hat•niun- n•Arti•�,uaness and sleeplessness, anaemia
if you have backache, swelling of the sun why cabs, motors, bicycles, f 12.0 very well with native clothes, hysteria and melancholia, faint and dizzy
feet and ankles, frc•luent or Rrrpt►re4secl carts. tramcars and parcel vansi"" urr(1 they wear finely knit. ahpr„_ spells, and the hundred other troubles
urine, painful sen�utic,n when urin:►tink, 'ti'otrld Ke► dashing along hurling; fri'ately culc►rccl stockingx kept in a Pilch render the life of too many woolen
e r• ks floating be, oro the eyes, great thirxt, r place ails eTl a round of eicknesa and suffering.
1 f Fe estrtan4 to riRlrt and left, cut. P by p dens. y,� �1 8•
brisk -duo, elel►osit in the urine,, or any• ting off arms and legs. and filling "`'1' MILBURN'S I-JEART
thing wrong with t:,eurinary urine,
then the }tc►shitals with casualty cases. WISDOM DRIPPINGS.
your kidt,eys aro aft�cted. I heard the other clay of two menAl'` NERVE PI,.�,S
hurrying to keep an appointment The' Ki►ud either die young or grow
It i9 really not difficult to caro kidney fir, the city. One was delayed by A out of it. Pave Rsstoree thousands of CanaJl. n
trouble in its first stages, All you have falling wire, which broke his c,,,l. Some people put all their energy
Women 10 He.l;n and Strength
to do is give Doss's Ktn�rRy Pima a trial. lar hone, and the other by a post-
their smile. Ynnng Orb; budding into womanhood
They aro the rung effective remedy to office cart. which fractured his rib. It's easy to think of the right cox_ whosr►tier +with psi„e nn,l h(►,�dsch•., and
bo had for all kidney and urinary troubles. llnppilt. thct are both recoveringcuss at the wrong time. w'hr►se face is late anal bloo(1 (ruler, fel
►e able to keep
Jealously is a tree which bears (' e: *nate o ife who are ner-
p the inter- ♦our t•
12. For t► picture of the bacchana- more pitilessly decried by. Prophets
}:;tri feasts common at this time see ie both the Old and New Testa -
Amos 6. 3-6. Music and dancing; meets than the perversion of the
accompanied the feasting anti, moral sense which allowed sin to
chinking. These festive steals had! enter undetected and even to be
once had a religious meaning, now, paraded as righteousness( Matt. 0.
1 they were degraded, though Je- 22, 23).
hevah was still formally honored in 21. Wisp' in their own eyes-- This
them. This ntnde the wickedness class receives the fifth woe. Com -
more intense (compare 1 ('or. ll. l placcncy and self-satisfaction in the
20.3.1). I midst of national and persona}
13. C1r►ttc into captivity -Jehovah s clanger called forth the lash of the I
punishment took its form in the i'rophet whose solution (;f all dif- j
I-rophet's mind from the impending) fttniti ,s w•as faith in Jehovah alone.
invasion of Judah by Assyria, which 22. Mighty to drink wine -- The
was finally to result in actual cap- sarcasm of this is scorching. All
tivity. To a Jew no punishment the feats of Valor of these heroes
coil]." he worse. were clone at their drinking bouts.
Famished . . . anti parched with Every other ambition was gone.
thirst ---An appropriate figure which 23. Justify- "Acquit," a judicial
carries out the idea of craving for term. Verse 22 against drunken -
intoxicating drink. Thirst le the nese is now applied to drunken and
ever present enemy of all dwellers unjtr't judges ; another of the most
on the border of the desert. common objects of the prophet's
14. Sheol --The after world. It
corresponded in the Hebrew's mind
t , the Greek "Hades" and was not
alone the place of punishwent for
the wicket}, but included the ah,a-
dowy, vague existence of everyone
rafter death. The sharply defined
ideas of the next life. which were
current in Je'us's time, had not
been developed as yet. Death is
w r;tth. 'erect dreadful pain across my back an bad In order to keep up with the de-
:� bribe -The ingrained the politeness I could not stoop or bend. After having marvel, triumphant science is always
of the 1:Fl5t Seel to the extensive
poising 811(1 taking of presents, �„ used two Naos I feel 11.3W mosta,mpletely devising fresh apparatus to Pave
eared th;u,ks to your pills. I highly time and accelate speed.
Alfte�l L�+kla fir, liiack Cape,cn(1 will I w•',rnen *hilt(' h f
Que., nothtng brit 1►rtter fruit. su' est to hot flashes, over
tsr�tcw:--I fe:•1 it my duty to say a A.:T(1 r opted appointment in about siX and needles, etc•., ah, tided ever the►ee try-
al�_•ut vont I►o(►n's Kirl„ey Milia. I Ant. s"'('kv' Brno. ('e�nnt tour overt faults before ing Unica by Millen -tea Heart and Pierre
et,umcrating those of your neigh- Pilh.
l r.r. They hare a wonderful efe.-t on a
The heacltiche of a a r,ttrrtrt ter ty woman's system, making p•tins and ache^
l;t natural, but that of a mart is vanish, bring color to the talo
t►sually acquired al,arklo to rho ct•e. Tho old
that bribery e as it constant temp-
tation. rec.►mmen l Uoan'. kidney Pella. Take electricity, for example.
Righteousness -- Hittites '•)IJsiire" Pier A0 rents per box or 3 bore* far you frequently- read in the papers
of righteous cause. T),0 rights of $I.2S, at all dealers, or sent direst on that somebody has died suddenly
th( poor were disregarded by the receipt „f price by Tho Doan Kidney P111 through touching a live wire. I)oc-
sudden representatives of justice. Co.. Toronto, One
tired out, Iang)l l feeling give plaoo to
Many girls get more pleasure nut strength and vitality, and life seems *IA ter
of talking of theft clothes than in Ifving.
wearing them. il'rie� l.0 cent. per box, or 3 ilexes for
a Rrlio of iota, when a young *1.23, at. all druggists, or mailed direct on
receipt of price by
Tart T. MTi sere Co., I_rn., Tornnto, Ont.
tors All agree that this is the tick- it's
q n:nn squanders a whole month's
est death ever invented. And as salary on an engagement -ring.