HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-24, Page 5. THE EXETER TIMES, SEPT 2.1th1908 CREDITON NEWS Zurich J` The Ilartleib block u hots •uwplet- ed will be one of the team in the 1 county. T):c Zar,,ch fair %%ill be held to clay. A i►utuber from hoe attended theL:utrier demonstration at Canton yesterday. Miss 'l].:lie \Vuitit recently left for inileago, where rite has a gond position %t its the: Hoerr t,ullection Agency. The Lutheran (littlish 'Will cast - tame 1larve,t Thanksgiving Still - day. The morning servira still be conducted inGertnatt and the (Wen- insr•ervice in English.1l r. Chur exhibited:. 1Vctkeexhibitedhis black team at the Seatorpl and Mit- r Zwicker's, Crediton September flrrlvals of' Pall Gooas Crediton Crediton'; Civic holiday will be held on friday. September 23th when a strand day cf sports trill t;e g and We are receiving daily consignments of our basvebal;°"Asgrrand°howling `(( tourna- ment commences at 1.30 p. in. sharp Fall and Winter Stock, and will be pleased to rlurirltrl iter C'tt11 tci•c3ii►t n -show you our large assortment of the latest ,n' club`' are part. ' ''itthaniiso ne Bowl - trophy dor this event. At 4.30 ti baseball {same will be played be• chell fairs this %seek. tween Crediton uud the Irish Nine. Mr. Roy Geiger represented the Both 'these teams have the reputa- Y• P. 1A• of the f.vat,geiica1 church tion for playing good ball and an interesting Earns i' expected. Mr. George Clarke, jr., of Niagara spent a few days the past week at his home here. There being no service in the Evangelical church Sunday night last an exceptional large crowd gathered at the Methodist chur.h to hear Rev. R. Hicks. Rev. E. 11. Mean is expected home fr; %tic trip t his week. ^, Boltzmann lett Thurs- day- es. ,.tt,: for Naperville, 111. to attend North Western College. Art will bo greatly missed. Richard Whites farm os the 3rd Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Clark .%spent line of Blanchard and will take 'os - Sunday in Exeter. ession Nov. 1st. Mr. Fred Brock, of Exeter, (:pent It is rumored that a !wedding Monday in the village. will take place here sometime. Mr. 'Dell Lay spent 'Monday 8n shortly. this burg. The two cases of iItoweiitfe vs. Mr. Sam. Lamport has been on the Sawyer the first being an action for sick list. Mr. Win. Lewis, who was malicious prosecution and the sec- ond an action for slander are up this week at the fall assizes ibefore Judge Anglin'. Both parties live in the township of Usborno. The new engine has been install- ed in the mill and everything is now working in a satisfaotory condition. Mr. Campbell. of Blyth, is visiting at the hotne of Dr. and Mrs. Carr, CHAS. ZWICKERI bi the latter being his daughter. Mr. Homer Doupo had the misfor- tune the other day to get Itis foot badly cut with an axe. Ile was as- sisting in getting out limber for the new ',ern. which hi= father intends building to replace the one destroy- ed 'bar fire some time ago, viten the styles of Dress Goods etc., in all the latest Fabrics and leading shades. We have made a special purchase of Black Dress Goods this season and can show you the best values in these lines. We have just opened our NEW FALL and WINTER MAN- TLES. We have them its the very latest makes both Semi fitting and loose Styles, mostly 4Sin. long, nicely trimtned with self Strap ping and Braids, in the leading colors, Black, Navy, and Myrtle. We are handling the very best make of Mantles made in Canada for Styles and Quantity our prices cannot be beaten, We have also a nice range of Children's and Girl's Mantles, in all sizes and prices. ReadyMade Clothing Wo have received several shipments of Men and Boy's Fall Suits styles and values cannot be beaten anywhere. Call and inspect our new lines we will be pleased to show them. We are shipping live Fowl, delivery any day but, Saturday, prices for this and next week: -Spring Chicks :'fibs. Inc. lb. Hens 0c lb. Butter 19e. Eggs 11k. dor A Call Solicited at the annual conven don held at Chcsley last week;. C. 11 1'arti, e1le, insist •r for Shef- field, will likely be appointed King's printer shortly, according to re- ports from Ottawa. ]tubs. Holmes. of the Clinton New -Era was men- tioned for the position. hut as he has accepted the nomination for \Ve.t Huron, the appointment will likely go to the other maw. KI k on Mr. Albert Michel! has rented Mr. also ill, is improving nicely. The 'flax mills have finished vp their (season's threshing. Duck ((hooting seems Ito be a pop- ular 'port and some of the boys are getting sheen. Mr. Ware Oliver, of Grand Bead spent Monday in town on 'business. To -day is Zurich fair and a num. ber Iron] here will attend. t•s. :McMurray returned hoose Monday after a (week'., visit at Loatdott. Mr. and Mrs. Mich. Jleaver, of Port Iluron are visiting the fortner's parents. A number of people from Crediton and vicinity went to Clinton on Wed-, axe, he wits %wielding. struck his nesday to hear Sir Wilfrid Laurierfoot, cutting a gash several inches and lion. Geo. P. Graham. long. dt took several stitches to Mr. Chas. Zwicker, our progressive close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. itolit. Livingstone in- tend going to live with their son-in- law, Mr. D. +McDougall in :Ribbert. They hare rented 'their property here. Mrs. Stevens. of Michigan, and a former resident of this place, is 'vis- iting her neices. There 'was a number from There went Ito Clinton art Wednesday to hear Ilon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Master Truman Roadhouse got his foot badly injured 'the other clay while around his father's blacksmith shop. In some welly two large tires fell on his right foot, ,breaking the large toe of •that member. BROWN'S FALL OPENING OF Mantles, Furs and Dress GOODS This season we are carrying a larger stock than ever of Ladies & Childrens Coats. Show- ing Ladies Coats in Black, Brown, Blue and Green. flI to gee our "Periestlon Brdn" which represent the latest and most distinctive ideas garner- ed by skilled experts from the fashion centre of Europe and America, elaborated upon by "PERFECTION" designers, and made up in cloth selections that embrace the finest pro- Onction of the largest manufacturers in the world. Styles are light fitting semi=fitting and tailored in different designs. Prices reasonable. Furs and Dress Goods "G?lore" Will give details in next publication, in the meantime call in and see our large stock Highest market price paid for all kinds of produce, Seeds etc A Call Solicited. S. BiRowly THERE IS NO REASON Why you should not use tite best kitchen Ranges made. Pandoras, Happy Home, Ladies' Aid, and Saska-Alta. They bake perfectly, save fuel, keep fire (lay and night, delight every user. Made of the very best material and guaranteed in every res- pect Buy Them and save the expense of buying coal backs. Special attention giyeh to EAVETR(ltiG111NU. W. MOORE - KIRKTON Woodham 1 Farquhar Mr. and Mrs. John Roy returned Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. 31cNicol, rel last 1% eek from ; a extended trip Stratford, visited %%its the former's through 'the northwest. mother. Al re. McNicul, last week. The millinery openings of A. Mille Mr. Athlrew Ifodgert. Mr, and & Co. will be. held shortly. schen Missy W. llodgert, Mr. anti Mrs. •W. 41. Mitchell. of Toronto, %who has been Passmore and son Norman, ((iso :lir,. lwith this firm during the past four and '.Irs. J. McCullough were visi- scasons will have some of the finest tors at London fair last week. Boys of ladies' head gear shown in Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. 1'. -Beavers, the village. Mrs. W. A. Turnbull. neg. arta Mies Mr. Wee. Shier is laid up with act- isabelle %acre visitors et Glencoe and floe t and eatribe go. London lest week. 141 r. and Mrs. James Rout.:. spent Mr. T. L. McCurdy 'loft on Wed- scteral days lost week in Lt. :don. nesdny (for the 0:i1 Country. \la. Mr. and Mrs. James Flett. of McCurdy's health has not been gool Wiertcn, are guests of Mrs. Reines, for t.otne time. end he is in ihopes it Tire lnw suit of ltoweliffe r.. tes,s- %will improve by the trip. Ser has been the topic of cunvcr- The :Misses Millie and iteta Teleses 'attation in our burg during 11, • hest who have been i:1 %with r.c.lriet fever, eck. Moth parties are '%well known are improving. here and many were subpoenaed It A large number from hero attend - give evidence at the trial which camcd the Laurier demonstration nt at(I c off 'c oalert h on Tt,e. day. Clinton. The home of Mr. anti +51rs. Robert Miss Adeline Turnbull visited Mia/ Merry of Illanshard, was the scene Vern Campbell at Exeter during the of a w(ry pleasant event on .\Ved• wreck,, nesday Sept. 16th, ((lien their (laugh.' Harry 'Farris has engaged ftvith ter Lavin s 44 as united in marriage Mr. Alex. hackney. sr. t• 51 r. 11 ,ant Cnpelnnd. The sere•I \I r,. ,1. I►outrlas v,itcd iter mot h- ntony %r ne performed by the ROW er. 1{rs. Shipley, at 1Voo.iham. dur- Races in the presence of a tittmber ing +t]e week. of invited goods. After t' ------ d nt* was performed the b; 1 CAATORTA. e tr .town to a aumpttron, (tomer. , 1M Rind Y,'-0 Hats Alas S t3 aft. r which the happy ceup:e drove' 8e.rstbe 1 xQ�! to the traits to take a trip to Lon-; &fnatore don, fort Huron and Detroit. 1 et merchant will hold his fall millinery openings on Tuesday and ,\Verirlee- day of next week, Sept. 29th and 30th. Miss 'Armstrong, who was in charge last season will again be man- ager of this department. Miss Arm- strong recently returned from the openings in Toronto and London and secured a fine array of the %latest styles, which site has made up ttr a tasty manner. Mr. and Mrs. Job. Sivas have the sympathy of the entire community in the death of their infant sort Charles, who died on Friday, Sept. 18th, aged 2 years, a months. The funeral took place from the parents' residence on Sunday, 'Sept. 20th, for interment in the Exeter cemetery. g t9 T O R I8. Mr. Sam. Brown extends n cordial invitation 'to his many customers Beare the _ The Kind YOU Hare Always Beg tt and friends to inspect the mngnifi- Bigeettee cent display of millinery which -has of been secured for this department -by Mrs. Link. The collection is the best that could be secured at the I tvholesales in Toronto and London and are certainly up to the minute. The openings will be ]tell 'Tuesday and Wednesday of next w•eekt Mr. George Boltzmann, sr., 'who died on Sunday, Sept. 13th, announce- ment of which avas made in lust week's issue, was horn in .E)sas, Ger- many, on March 6th, 1823. in ;18.5 he carte to America and settled in Wilmot township towt-nship. Water- loo county, where he continued ;to work al. his trade thatof carpen- ter. In 1851 he was married to Mary Lenbart, with %vhom he lived hapily for 47 years. Several years after coming nt, to Canada he joined t the Evangelical church and remained an honored and respected member of that denomination until his •loath. b1r. and Mrs. 1loltzrnann were 1,1es- .serI wit )1 eight children. five sons and three daughters, of whom six are still living. Geo. H. and J. .11. Crediton : Soloman. Chcsley ; Frank, Pigeon, Mich.; and Airs. M. heaver, Crediton, and Mrs. L. Stahl, Saginaw. Mrs. Boltzmann died eight yearn ago The finteralwhich took place on Wednesday. Sept. 16th, was largely attended. 'rise interment %vas in the Evangelical cemetery. Whalen Mr. Alfred Dickens and sister ina, of Saintsbury, were the guests of Miss Edna Gunning on Sunday. Mr. Newton Billson, of St.,llarys. spent Sunday at his home Isere. Mrs. N% in. Ogden returned home sed floors for Mr. R. Skinner's build - Saturday front an extended •visit hiss. rthiett are undergoing extern with friends in hondECZEMA At/AIN OVERCOMEonr sive repairs. 1Zatn-Buk cures a ('ase which for Two A nitnbcr from around here at- Mr. It. Coultis spent a few days Years had Defied Every Remedy fended the Western I''air last week !net week in London ,visiting his ed. and report a good time. daughter Mrs. S. Clark. Silo filling has started this week Some of our enthusiasts went to A Farmer's Grateful Testimony. and the corn crop is an cxcellcht Strathroy on 9aturdny fo hear Ifoit. No ease of eczema, skin disease, or one. Sir. Wilfrid, while roma 'Vont to ulceration, should be dispaired of nn• The service here Sunday evening Clinton yesterday to herr the same til Zatn•Ruk has .been applied. The which was in charge of the W. ll. gent !man. case lot Mr. Fiends }%enol%, of St. 8. was a very Interesting one. Mrs._ - Anne's (Man.4 is the most powerful if - A. Dinsmore {ears a very acceptable 51AJ1R1h11i lustretion of Z....Buk's .. ,lcacy, He address on the missionary � r Centralia Miss Mabel Butt, of Victoria hos- pital was under the parental roof Tuesday. A large number float this vioinity took in the annual Exeter fair on Tuesday. Miss Lilly Elliott has gone to Lon- don where she has secured a situs. proud of his ability as a Stutter tion. • maker. He exhibited at tete London 1'1►e Anniversary of the Methodist fair last week, securing first prize, Church, will be held Oct. Ith, when a with U7 1-2 points. thank offering will be asked for (ram In last week's issue we stated in the Congregatic'tt' reference to the ball game ;between DASKWOOD NEWS Dashwood !Miss Symonds, of the millirt_•ry de- assistantsperttlent of Siebert & Co. 1'.•1s been busily engaged %with leer st -fit of its getting ready for tjte We Desire to Announce our Opening of millinery to be on exhibition at this firm's store MILLINERY magnificent display i ou Tu.•sday and Wednesday of nes: Display • of twrck. I+ept. 29th and 30th. Evciry- I thing in the store is of the nett -est creation, the styles being the same as shown its the large city houses. Alt invitation is extended to every- one to comeand inspect these goods. bliss Violet Allen, of Crowarty. 'Tuesday who talent the last two weeks visit-; ,' and Wednesday ing at the Yoffie of .1)r. lloutledgll.: geptember, 29 has returned to her home. Fall M11I1ncrp ON Mr. Manuel Ehlers, of Nlpierville. • who has been %•'siting his parents f under the management of Mrs. Symonds, who has been th here returned on Tuesday' us for a number of seasons, and always given the best Mrs. (Dr.) Rout:.•dge returned to� her home on Thursday after spend- SatlsfaCtion. ing two weeks visiting friends in We extend a cordial invitation to come and see aur stock before you par - chase your needs for Fall and Winter. Miss Theo. Ilartleib, of Crediton. Don't forget that 'pent Sunday at ker hone here. at we are offering Shoes away (town in price g tlh., find 30th A rink of howlers played a acne with Zurich on Tuesday. evening. Miss Symonds, of London, has re- tiurned to town and resumed her po- sition asmilliner at. Siebert &%Co.'s. Ilartleib Block. Our VillageTrustees are busy this DASI-IWOOD week putting down cement talks, and also a couple of cement eros - sings. - Our 'planing mill is agalt running They are using a threshing engine at present untilthe new engine and boiler are put in place. A large gang of men are busy finishing the mill and building the brick work f th i Siebert & Co. or c cn(t nc room. Messrs. Tiernan & Edighoffer will hold their fall millinery openings on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Sept. 29th and 30th, when Miss Dunn. of London. will have on ex- hibition one of the fittest displays ever shown in Dashwood. The sty - las are of the newest creations and are up-to-date,- to thatwhen you select your head -gear from this firm you are assured of having the very latest and host. Several Crediton tennis players came over last Friday afternoon and the appended scores will show how tate players made oat. Siebert and Ehlers defeated howler grid Brown 6-1, 6-1, 6-4. Either • and Mallon defeated Ehlers and Welton 6-4, 2-6.. 6-2. • Hensall. Itt•v. D. W. 'Collins, rector, of Exe- ter, is to preach Thanksgiving ser- mons morning and evening in St. Pant's church, I1ensall, est Sunday next, September 27th. Shipka Mr. 1Vilbcrt Smith, of Toronto, paid a f lj ing visit to his home here last week. The Messrs. It. Schroder and 51. Sweitaer spent Sunday at lake Smith. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. 1\'ctitzcl, . of Crediton spent Sunday in our burg. The Itev. Mr. Steadman, intends talking with the children next Sun- day morning after Sunday school about geography, arithmetic and gratnmctr. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Spink. of Crediton, spent Sunday at Mr. 1''. tGaiser's. Mr. Samuel Stweitzcr and his sort Matthew. attended the Laurier de- monstration at Clinton. Winchelsea Mr. W. G. •Medd can justly feel - -` Exeter and Winchelsea, that had the Elilnville catcher been onto his job. the Storni. The members of the Elimvillc tearu weu1(1 have won. This was not lodge C. G. C. F. wilt attend divine doing justice to Mr. Oddison, fwho is service at the Elitnville church next considered One of the best •receivers Sunday at 10 o'clock a. m. Members in 'Western Ontario. Diiring the are requested to meet at the hall game he was troubled with a %vers. at 0.30 to proceed to the oburch in sore finger, which hindered his 1tln,t- n body. Collection to ho t ken In ing to •t great extent. aid of the Sick Children's hospital. Miss Sarah Clcinens, who has ,ttcen Mrs. Johns returned last week visiting here for some weeks, has after (.pending a couple of tweeks returned 'to Newark, N. J., .where visiting her mother ..Mrs. Sinclair she has an excellent position as sten- at \Vallacburg, ogrnpher. Miss Grace Hunter still continues Ar ntlmber front 1.. • attended the on the sick list. Exeter fair Tuesday ,,nd yesterday Silo filling is the order of the day iand the cont crop is of the finest quality and bur stile fillers. Mr. Ed. and Wilfrid ,Johns are hustlers at the business as indicated by the atnoir 1t Mone for b1r. J. llntwkiln, on Saturday Last 29 feet being put in the silo in less then five hours. Mr, John Ogden has the contract many went to Clinton to 'hear Sir FALL Millinery Opening Tuesday and Wednesday Sept., 29th. & 3oth. Our Fall Millinery Opening will take place on the above mentioned dates, when Miss Dunn of London, will be prepared to show the latest and most up-to-date stock cf Hats ever shown in Dashwood. This will he the greatest event in the history of this store, and wo ex- tend to you a cordial invitation to attend. Highest prices phid for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, - - DASH WOOD TheF armers Bank ofCanada Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets $1, 500,000 10 Branches throughout Canada. Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business Sale Notes Discounted, bated or Collected 'ted a tL(t Lowest Current re r tit ftatea, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principa' I times a year, Your [Honey is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieve& or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt* ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of tbeir hard earned wealth. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSUED When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remernber our drafts and stoney orders are available here, and Fold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable nt par at any point in Canada and'prin cipal points in the United States and Great Britain. Curt Morro -Courteous Treatment. No Red Tape. \Vilfrid Laurier. R. T. DUNLOP, flan, DASHWOOD & BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs .W. W. Kerr spent Sunday with friends in Mooresville. Miss Jessie Hampton spent Sunday at her home in Motherwell. Mrs. Vansickle, of Sirncoe is visit- ing her ncice, Mrs. W. 0. Medi. Geo. Codhott leaves (his week to for putting the cement doundationi visit telatire' in Comber. t stoat y aotk of MI.RItA1--.II i ear; "i suffered from eczema for two ' years, and (tied a great number of re- tticdies. None of theta, however, re - Cement always on hand. seethed to do the any good. The ailments w•:ts nt'tstly in sty legs, A snap on some Page Gates and Fencing And hath these were act unity raw from today• The singing- b7 th,' chat' \ Irlde'e the rec•(1 was highly appreciated while the tare of the bride'.( Barest,. dialogue and recitations along the Marys. on Tuesday. Sept. 17th. I'y 1,11- of missionary work was of :a lieu. 'i). N. Mord',,, ftii+s tPlei)a. high character. Next Sab• daughter of Mr. ani lti Archie baht evening i s to be in charge of Baird. to Its. W. G. }It;; . ,y „r the temperance committee, Herkimer. N. Y. bis. and Mrs. frank Gunning cis. COPELAND-T31?itRV-AI 'tit ited with friends nt Woodstock dur- ing case of the bride's psrent:. JIlan- ing the past week. shard. on \V(dnesrlay. Sept. 16 by Mr. and ?di s. Geo. 'Billson visited nee. Geo. W. Marcy. Levine 'Al. friends in Exeter on Sunday, 'Al- berta. rlaugh(er n' 51r. seri �f• M Urand �3ond Robert (Pollock. oar •blackstnith, has purchaseda hound for his own hunting purpo'es, and no doubt we will all he ti eated to Rabbit oeea• siert/My. Wm. Dewey moved hones on Saturday. T'hreshina is about cbtnp'eted in these parts. The yield has been very good in most easel. W. 11. Oliver i• engaged at present renovating 11. llamilton's house. ternbcr, 17. Mary .lane 71oh;�,r. Corn cutting and potata digging mother of Reeve A. Q. Holder, meed is the thing of the hoar her' now. 76 years. into bis new old Weather IS COMING What about a nice Pandora Range, A Royal or Peerless Peninsular, An Oak or Base Burner? We make a speaialty of Eavetroughing, and Roofing, We nand - le Brandford Roofing. Preston Galvanized Shingles and Core -Iron. the knees down, A small sample box Coil and Barb Wire. of Zatn•iluk wvas given tome, Sind even Eggs and Butter taken. so small a qti ttttity As that did me e c un' home and see us before you buy. little unood. I then obtained a prover Hardware supply, and h •the time 1 had used a few boxes I wa.4 completely cured." _ 11. Berry, to Mr. Miran' W. Coss. '.am•Iluk difTets flout ordinary salve , 1a t tl t O/ \\ t 00 l h•trn. and ems nc lin s i % r n n r containing no an- FEATt-MASON.-1n 'rurev tn. W. d i►naI nil or fat. 1t iscnntpolunled front nesdap. Sept. 23rd. Mr. it 1.n: nts rich, healing, herbal essences, and is Fear. of Amherstbn•g. eon of ]tet. an ideal natural combination of power anal Mrs. fear, I:xetse, to bliss end purity. it is highly antiseptic, 1'an=)• .7. Mason, 11. A. 'lbs;ghter and instantly kills bacilli and disease of 1)r. and Mrs. We:Ince ,l t•on. of germs, which settling into wounds and Toronto, skin diseAsen set tip:festering, blood DIED poison etc. For cuts; barns, hrniaee. IIEBBERT-in lix,•ter. oil %pends;., ulcers. nbsc(sses, boils, skin ern tions, September 20th. John Jlerl, rt. agsd 97. nonlEll.-•1n Detroit. Thursday, Sep• i scalp sores. spreading sores, eh►Idren's s n sou link is unequalled. it Also cures Wile. D. TIEMAN, Dashwood AND WOOD PUMPS 1 wish to inform the Public arid those in need of Pumps, that 1 have r v the agency for the Aylmerlron pump s and will be pie/teed to quote price and Teams. If you are thinking of,pu! :.r g in an iron er Wood Pump come in and see us before buying. lei t hIes, chAf)npz sores, etc. %•tm Pump Repairing a Specialty. Alt druggists and stares at :>rk•. a hoe, or from Zatu-Buk Co., Toronto, for 31 boxes for $1.25. Dealer in Iron and Wood Pumps. HARTMAN ELSIE, Dashwood.