HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-24, Page 4A.HE EXETER TIMES, SEPT 24th 1906. IStaulske ; [all Pippins, E. loader, A. bquash, fleury Neeb, It. Sanders : Aleott ;Sal l:ul •Kin ut A.T K. jets, o.e, mous melons, 1). slough, s •Ito ss it M. Salter : !sing at '/'olupkjn;, Qe. btt.e•! turnips, R. danders, (toss t� Triebncr, ill. Hough ; Alexander*, F. 'Taylor ; red onions, E. llaist, R. San- Triebncr, '11'u). fisher ; Canadian Red der., ; white or yellow oniony, • Chas. OPENING E. !fader, Al• Salter: !tib+ton !hp- it itrney, ltobt. Sanders; Spanish oto pias, \\'w. Crtesncy, R, Northcutt ; sun:, [:Las. Birttcy : tanatocs, ;Mrs. \Vagners, "Mrs. J. Uey wood. Thos. J. Bey wood, Mrs. E. Heywood : ceI- Smale; Grimes G. Pippins, 1'. Trieb- cry, Jno. Cottle, Geo. Anderson: Cit - A full line of (ter' D1rs. 1'. fl'riebaer ; Maidctd'i rows, C. Stanalke, Ik,ht. Handers Blush C, Staulske, 1:. loader ; Golden lxtrsnip A1. Bissett, Geo. Anticr,on Russets Jas. Sweet, 1t. Yellow ; Bin Hubbard squash, (Ito. Anderson. it. School B o o k s Davis, 11. erich, F. 'Triebner: Ontario Sander%: table squash, R. Handers; 11. Crich, Mrs. le. Triebner ; Vcalt.hy collection of vegetables, Geo. Ander- and a 11 other Mrs. J. Harwood, F. Triebn r :Puck- (yon 1 rk 2; mammoth squash, Chas. ens Oldenburg, A. Aleft, bars. 1'. 'Knits). : variety tomatoes, {Thos. School supplies. 'lriebner ; Blenheim Pippins, John Sweet :►Moir, A. ;McPherson. HAIRY P1t000CTS $1000 IN PRIZES! Speciale, matt apple, Mrs. I). Rich- hive bk. batter, ,Won• tchesne . . arc} ; 1•'allwntcr, C. Stanlakc ; .reit- !tett• Kydd ; ten lbs. butter, ,Bob(. C r'I ''CGCG ,.( Ronal supervlsfun E'inc'c► 1t4 tnlitn(+y. e aPPlt•, Dlr.. D, ltichard. Kydd, M. Gould . pound roll:, ltoht. • �' Allo: nu ort* t(►deeei\'e you in thee. No scholar should fail to P1:AR5Ky'dd, Mrs. 1''. Triebner ; vu r:ur;`'i1 Alt Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jus -u (- •sod" are. but pears, A. blcl'heisou: plate, Robt. hydd. + get one of our Prize Scribblers Flru,ish Beauty, A. Alcott, John FLOWERS Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of and Pratice Books, and try Deichert, jr.: Duchess of Aujouline Foliage, Geraniums in bloom, IJ. Infants and Children -Experience against ExperLnent. Jne. Gill, G. A. K. McLeod; Dell Lu- Cottle. novelty in potted plant;, G. for tl copy of the Boy's'T Own crativc, T. Brock, jr. ; A. S. Dcavitt: Ilogarth. What is CASTOR i IA Annual or the Girl's Own Sheldon, T. Brock, sr,: I. Arstrong. CUT FLOWERS ' East Bre eun, A. S. Deavittm; Louis Asters, Mrs. E. Heywood, Jtio. Annual. Bonnie de Jersey, '1'. Brock, jr., T. Cottle; Dahlias, Standard. John Cot- Castorin is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare. ]irock, sr.; Put au de ,Anjou ; Al. t Ie. A. E. llodgert •.dahlia.,, display, , ' 500 to be given away Bissett• G. A. K. Mlcheod, (Bartlett, Jiro• Cottle, 0. A. K. Metetxl: Wo i_ {gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It i3 l leasant. It H. Krish, Mrs. J. aley.wood. olus, J. G. Stanbury ; Petunias, .Fin_ contains neither Opium, 'Hemphino )(tor other Narcotics Brownings Drug Store/ \\ IIshiu(;ton, A, Alcott, T. Bruck, PLUMS John Cottle : Petunias, Double, Substance. Its ago is its guarantee'. It destroysWormsJohn (Cottle : Phlox 'Dromntou,lii, J, S jr., Manes Purple, J.A.Stewnrt, T. Cottle: Stocks, G. A. K. !!McLeod, A. ADtI Alla y feverishness. It cures Diarr•ho a and Wind TO TILL ELECTORS OF SOUTH 1 Brock, jr.; Lombards, Mrs. J)r. E. lladgert ; Sweet 'Peas, A. d':. Pod- Collc. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation 3ICRON Sweet, A. Alcott ; Grand Duke, dross ger t::Verbenas, Jno. Cottle; .'J.in and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Gcntletuen,-On 'the :'2nd of Jane- & 'Taylor : ,Mein Claude, A. Alcott. ,tial, G. A. K. McLeod, John Cottle; Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. .try last you did me alto honor of GRAPES nrrangement of flowers, Mrs. E. electing )me as your representative Mcore's Early, Rev. Martin: ,Nia- Heywood; S'ollcction Ann,tals John Tito Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. to !the Dominion IParlimeut, for gars, 'Mrs. Jno.White, A'. Alcdtt; Cottle ; 'novelty in cut flowers, Olio. nyhich 1 return my eincerc and ,Concord, 'Phos. Smote. A. ;leThorson 1:. 'Heywood, Mrs. Monroe. heart -felt thanks. As Parliament has i)elatware. Thor,. frier ; 0. Hogarth; LADIES' WORK Sven dissolved and another election ltogers' No. 15. 'Dyer Hurtion ; 1to- .will be held owe Monday. +October 26th gers' No. 19, Mrs. 'Dlcl'herson, C, Rag lout : ragem ,Liewe Johne, Il am again a candidate for your Stanlake ; Rogers' No. 4, G. ,A. Ii• E. , 'Mrs.d ctent, Sewed, Nancy eufforages. As I have only been per- McLeod, Rev. Martin : Rogers' No. Tofu, 'Mrs. Dr. Sweet : wool socks. snittetl 'to have part of ane session 9, Dirs. McPherson, Thos. Smile: heavy, II. 'fico, Mrs. Pherson, 1 f ;I think in justice to the constitu- Rogers' No. 22, Rev. Martin. wool socks, fine, Mrs. McPherson, i - ency as well as to myself, it is only PEACHES Neeb; fancy ladies' st wool Miss E. Fcr- fair to ask a renewal of your confi- Early (Crawford, Weekes {Bros.: guson : wool tts, N. from. dente dor at least a dull (term!. any (variety, Mrs. ;McPherson, Mrs. McPherson, Fossa ; N. men's wool mitts. sl [This II now ask at. your bands, en 1 Weekes I3ros. gloves. N.nerson, N• Tom: men's wool Taves. N. Tom ; counterpane, knit - should you see fit to :thus favor etc, MISCELLANEOUHT ted, A. 'Tam. 11. Neeb; couatterpanct I promise you •that no effort will be Collection of canned fruit. John crochet, John Deichert, sr.: counter - spared on my part to a }vance tho Deichert, sr.; J1Irs. •Dlcl'herson : bon- parte tufted, G. llogarth, Ezra illaist best interests of my constituents ey in comb, A. McPherson, L'trs.� Mc- Quilt. prettiest in silk, Miss IE. Per - and the welfare of our growing and Pherson; honey in jar, A. Monier- guidon, N. Tont ; Quilt. patchwork prosperous country. son, Mrs. McPberso n ; collection of cotton. J. G. Stanbury, Mrs. E. Hey - Before the close of the campaign home made wines, Miss E. Ferguson; wood ; Quilt. patchwork cloth, Miss I hope to have the privilege of meet- collection of bottled pickles. Dirs. Brethour, N. Toln; 'Patchwork, N. ing with many of you personally and -McPherson, John Deichert, jr.: Vol- Tom, Mrs. E. J. Wickwire ; j)utton- - of discussing cus in whichh areou none so ear- lection of canned vegetables, Mrs.( ho'c5, N. Tom, M. Brook : darning, ••°=__ :zoo:. PMcPhersca►, John Deioliert, sr. Mrs. J. \Vhite, N. Tom ; pillory shams salt Co.; Salt for packing .purposes, nestly engaging the 'attention of VEGETABLES Mks A. Carlisle, Mrs. S. Fitton ; Baster Gulrt Co. ; collection general the people of this country. Pearl of Savoy potatoes, T. J3rock hand or fancy bag, Mrs. J. White. store goods, J. A. Stewart ; collec- Again soliciting your sufferagcs jr.; 'Empire state, T. Iirock,. jr., G. Mabel Brook: _laundry bag, Miss tion tailors' and support, I am, Hog.trth ; red Elephantgoods andolletofurnishings: p potatoes, J. Brethour, 'Miss Ferguson ; pin sus collection of millinery : collection of Your Obedient Servant. hf Decker, sr., Jno. Decker, jr.; avini- ion, Miss Livingstone, N. Tom ; whisk groceries ; collection boots and shoes M. Y. !;Ith ltti , ter cabbage Dirs. ,McPherson, A. S. holder, Miss 13rethotu•, Mabel Brook ; factory tweeds, factory flannel. J. Libel AI c,nd}datc for South Huron. Deavitt ; blood beets. M. Brethour, washable tela pillow, Miss Living- A. Stewart ; factory blankets, J. A. Geo. E. Anderson; Globe beats, C. sten°, Mrs. E. :Heywood ; mounted Stewart 1 & 2 ; Ladies' boots, J. IA. Exeter Fall S how Stanlake, Thos. StnaIe : sugar beets, sofa pillow, Miss Livingstone, W. J. Stewart ; gents' boots, J. A. Stewart R. Yellow, Chas. Ilirney; ,long than I[enman; piano drape or scar[, uitiss oured haat, Nancy Tom, Thos. Prior; golds, C. 13irncy, Jno. 'Decker, er.; Livingstone, _Miss Brethour; side- curedomeats, Thos, 'Prior; tin •work globe mangolds, Chas. Sanders. W. board soarf, ,Tata. ,Deichert, jr. ; Sol- W. J. Heitman ; copperware, '\V. Al. II. i'assntore ; jutermediates, Chas. let articles, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Neaman ; baker's bread, E. A. o1 - J. White ; best novelty in fancy work ;}ick ; collection of cakes, Mrs. 'Mc - N. Tom: Child's dress, Mrs. S. Fit- 1'hersan ; hand made boot or shoe, J. Fit- ton, 11. Neeb; ladies' underclothing; A. Stewart ; wheelbarrow, Jas. Mur. hath! made, M. Brook ; ,ladies' under- ray 1 & 2 ; p:o.ty, Jas. Murray 1 & 2. clothing, machine made, Mrs. Hest- Special, fine fur robes, Mrs. Mons carrots, 'E. Bader, Chas. (Sanders; ings ; men's fancy ou;ting or ,night roe. 1 & 2. Harvey's Special, Adam sweet corn, Geo. 'Anderson; ;Irdian shirt. Mrs. Hastings, Miss Brethour Case, M. Brethour. corn, Chas. Sanders, T. Brock, sr. ; plain hand sewing, N. Tom ; fancy water melons, ltobt: Sanders, D. Afghans, J. Sweet, Miss. E. Fergus Hough ; Carmen No. 1 potatoes, Al. son ; tea cosy, N. Tom, 'Miss Living - Bissett, G. Ilogarth ; Rural New stone ; ,punch cloth in white on linen, Yorkers, T. llrock, jr.. G. Jiogarth ; Miss Livingstone, Mrs. S. Fitton; any variety potatoes, Al. Bissett, A. lunch cloth itt colors on tinea, Miss Livingstone, Jars. Dr. Street ; case or box for handkerchiefs, Miss Living- stone, Miss Brethour ; tatting, Mrs. Dr. Sweet : drawn thread work, tine, Mrs. J. White, Miss Carlisle ; work on screen or Jarvis canvis, Mrs. Dr. Sweet, end: underwaist, Mrs. T. White, Mabel Brook : bead work, C. Stanluke, Mrs. J. White: Stetting; Miss Livingstone, T. frier : under- skirt. II. Neeb, L. Day ; photo frame. Miss Livingstone ; cross stitch, .Miss Livingstone, Mrs. 1)r. Street ; draw- 3-' Tito Kind You Have AWays L'oufgllt, and which has beers in uso for over 30 years, has bonne the $ )(!sacro of and has been made under his per.. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtNTAOf COMPANY, Tr MURRAY NUoantinue : from page, A) 'Brabawas, McLaren '& 'Pearce ; :BarS:utdcrs ; early horn carrots, A. J. red Plymouth hocks, McLaren &' Deavitt, Rev. Martin ; Nantes car- tI'earcc, A. Reith; Buff Rocks, ►las• rots, A. S. Deavitt, Thos. (3rnalet; or - Murray ; ',Colored 'iety gts, .W. CCar- nage or red carrots, Geo. !Anderson, ter ; any other variety game, McLar-+. w field John Cottle; whtte or yells int d en & Pearce: : Brown ltcd Bantams, T. 'Brock, jr., A. E.;lIodgert:;Uuck- ltving Bantams, W. Carter ; ,any oth- er.variety bantams, W. Carter, IA. Itcth ; Silver Spangled Homburgs, VV, Carter, Mrs. E. Heywood ; God - den (Spangled llamburgs, W. Carter Blank Homburgs, \V. Carter ; any other variety ducks, \V. J „Baw•den S. IUeavitt ;. three new varieties po- 1 & 2; Guinea fowl, 'I'. (Canter. •{aloes, Al. Bissett, A. S. (Deavitl ; FINE ARTS pumpkins, Itobt. Snaders, D. (lough; Painting( in oil, landscape, flyer iiurdon, Mrs. Mourns; painting in oil figure, Mr:. F . J. Wickwire, ,Diiss Livingstone; painting in oil, fruit or [lowers, Mrs. 1'. J. Wick- wire, Miss Livingstone; water eo:or, landscape, 'Miss Livingstone, Dyer llurdon; molter color, figure, Aliso color, {chit, 'Mrs. J. White; (water ANDA WOMAN'S WORK color, fruit or flower's, Bliss Living - atone : sepia painting Miss Living- stone; picture, Huron county scen- ery. Jo;. St,nior; ,pyrography. J. et. Stewart. Mrs. F. Wickwire. crayon or pastello, Diiss Livingstone, pencil sketch, Miss Livingstone, :Dyer limo don ; collection of photographs. .cos. Senior : photographs, Jos. Senior col. photographic views, .foe. Senior : pen and ink il; tch, idiss Living- stone. 'MISCELLANEOUS Collection of coins. G. E. Ander- ton I & 2: col. of stamps. Geo. E. Anderson I & 2 Col. of curiosities, ;Alex. Mcl'het•son, Mrs. (McPherson: s stuffed birds. (\. , icl het. on col. of butterflies. .1. Senior. GRAIN AND SEEDS For fall wheat. white. fall wheat. red, opting (wheat, 6 towed barley, 2 rowed bailey. large oats, common oats, (Wick oats, timothy • s.1. M. Brethour Rook sii At : i\l, t chant's flour, Harvey Dios ; o bit,• loins, at. Sanders. O. Hoes toll : claws .I•tl, .A. Hooper; collection Itisilt in cal, 11. Neeh, M. Brellnour : cn'ilige cot n..1. Senior. T. Brock, jr.•; ij efts. M. ,13 r'1hour ; Large peas and small pens M. Itt•t'(honr. AC'l'LES Winter apple.. 11, Crich, C. Stan - lake 3115, sweet.. E. its• der . n,Iv a it iety. 1'. \Talker. F. 1 tt 1 . 1 ,!l •11,1 1 •.. alit' variety. W. Chesney. C. Ballot : Illtoel, island Greening.. 11. (:rieh, 0. A. K. foe. Leo 1 : Nort hem Spic", \Vat. Fisher 1'.• Rader ; Roxboro Russets, ,It. Yellow, Spit t 1\ . rr. ntz b 11 ,n l 1 b c 1 , its t P 1 Chesnce. II. ('rich: Ila fdwins. I1. Crich. WAn. ('I . neY ; Westfield Meek - no -further-, E. Itader. ,It. Yellow ; 'now apples. Wm. Fisher. • V. Ches- ney : Cravenstcitis, M. Xlou',l. O. VRIL -dives strength for an sustained effort of boll p or min(!. It is the con- centrated nourishment of iu'('f availablo for imme(iillt1' use. LYDIA E. PINKHAM Nature and a woman's work core• bined have produced the grandest remedy for \vonlan's ills thatthe world has ever known. In the gond old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roots and herbs of the Held to cure disease and Initis ate suffering. The Indians on our Western Plains t., -*lay can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and cure diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of (drugs. From the roots and herbs of the (E. ltinkh m more than {tell Lydia1, dna l.. a y thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- culiar ills, more potent and effica- cious than any combination of drugs. Ly(tia E. !Inkhorn's 'Vegetable Compound is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman's ills. Mrs. .1.M. 'lwer(la1(', 12 •Xapant'e Toronto, t ( ('t writesto Street, I rents lhna 1. t , , M ret. I'inkhafn : •' 1 was n great sufferer from female troubles, had those dreadful Learing down pains. and during my monthly periods i suffered so 1 had togoto bed. I dtxtoretl for n long time but the (1(5 - tor's treatment failed to help me. My husband ,saw Lydia E. I'inV)tant's Vege- table Compound advertised and got a bottle for ate. I commenced its use and 9,ottt felt better. I kept on taking it until i was well and an entirely differ- ent woman. I rases found that 1•.vdia R. I'inlchain's Vegetable ('ompouna mado e iil.lhirth much easier for me. I would recommend your Vegetable Compound 10 every woman who it afflicted with :'r troubles." What Lydia 1';. Pinkhant's Vegeta- ble (',tmistnnd did for Mrs.'I'weedale, itwill do for other suffering women. ins -room or fire screen, Mrs. F. 3. Wickwire ; apron, Mrs. J. (White, Miss A. Carlisle; pointing in oil, .Mrs. .1. \Vhite, Miss Livingstone ; crochet Mum' or Caps, Mrs. 8. Fitton, Miss Carlisle : crochet table mats, Mabel Brooks, Mrs. 8. Fitton: crochet slip- pers, Mabel Brook ; crochet fascina- tor, Mrs. Dr. Sweet : crochet bonnet's I1. Neel), Mabel itrcok ; 'Mabel ilirook 11. Neeb; Jleavy or Irish point cro- chet lace, Mrs. J. \Vhite, (Mao.(1 ltrook; croohet work and fancy braid combined, 'Miss Brook, Miss Living- stoate ; crochet work in wool, Miss Brook. Lizsnc johns knitting, s1 w l or cape. Mrs. Fitton, Mliss Carlisle ; knitted lace or trimming Colton; Miss '1'crg isca►, N. (Tom ; s-lippers knitted. Mrs. .1. \Vhite, Norwegian or Ilardatnger embroidery, Mrs. F..1. Wickwire ; embroidery, \V attack to M vs Livingstone, Rev. Martin ; .em- broidery ribbon. Miss Livingstone. Mount 'Mellil'k work. (Miss Living- stone : shadow etnbro:fiery, hiss Liv- in_;stone•, Mrs. F. J. \Vickwire ; eye- k•t embroidery. .tlis+ Lie:nostone, T. Prior : applique embroidery, Mrs. I•'. .1. Wickwire. Miss Brethour ; Roman or cut work. Miss Livingstone. Mrs. 1'. .1. Wickwire ; Coronation br,:.l work. :NI:;s Livingstone. Rev. Mar- tin : embroidered shirt • waist. Mrs. 1'. .1. \V ektwire. Rev. Martin ; f'm- broiderr.l pir,,.o!, Miss Carlisle; doy- I:e,, Mrs. Fitton. Miss Livingstone: embroidered dining -table linea. Ale - I:0! Brook ; hatelk,•rch:efs with in: - t..11 c:r. monogram. .1:nitel !book : on- hIoid r•d centrepiece rc. l Mks s 1.:vingston:•, 'Airs. 1)r. Httcot : eco- ! hroidered cent rep:ec.• in ea:ors, \las Livingstone ; Carrick -tot,, -cross w ork Rev. Martin: Ilattenburt lace, Mrs. Fit ten. t1iss Liv:mrstonc : lloniton 'otos Mrs. F. J. \Virkit ire ; (irnzilian cr 1. nt'riff' point !nC,, Hiss I,:viu'!- • • t. •: ('hneh,.s Marr. Ali9. Li vin I, ., • : (),teen Ann darning'. Miss 1. •• t. tr r: cork r( nr by tn.r • •, 711 , � r t,•,r. of a•rc. Airs. 3. \1'hitc . t. co%(Hon et !rubes' work. Miss 1. v tl (cne: Yost and Inrgest t f: fit of lndoo' work. Miss ilrett- ,•.tr : (von:• -mile (,read. Chas, San. \I.s (Meth( nr: goon om-mt•le t: e . .1. 1`,'eh.rt. sr. ; NI:se Fe oil - CHILDREN'S OEPAitTME\ r Darned socks or stocking+, eroeliet work in (cool, best dressed doll. dolls c'otti . fancy p;t1 Cushion, 1). 11n1'fh. Sp-eials. 11. Nrrh, N. Smith. AIANi'FACTI'iIF.S tic. MAIPLEAIENES Uome.tir (:ooh. Wm. Chesney : pr. blankets. I.V. Chesney : horse blanket M::' 11r,•the.'ir, W. Chesney ; wool- len 'rartn. .1. A. Stewart : (lomesl IC eot1071 w'trp.W0011el► Weft, 'hosts 'd'. Chesney : sewing mach'11'•. S. Martin tic. Son. 1 &1'2: Orman. S. Martin t& Son ; stuffed biril.. AOss McPherson : '!carrel fine salt. F:xeter Sir Wilfrid at Clinton .T„cCT. NEW TOR! CITY (Continued front page 1) . which we considered were not proper and appointed a commission Ito in- vestigate the charges. They report- ed that itt several departments some parties were without a conscience. We have appointed another cotnnlis- s:on and the guilty parties will get their just reward, but the commis- sion has stated that there is •nothing in the charges which reflect co the government. "\\'o have reformed the civil ser- vice," continued Sir. Wilfrid. "It was thought that the civil +service was to a b:"1 any awing rte ere and ATTEND THE ulcnls made of a jfoliticnl nature and not according ,to merit. We have changed all this and make merit and ability the first requisites for Oho government service." '•Mr. Borden says we have stolen itis clothes in this respect. If the is so anxious to take the credit we will be .goad to hake hint at his mord, and ask hien to (make converts oaf Sir Janice and Mr. Manna and get (hem to use their every effort to have his ideas put in force and sec '(hat 1gritservants not pushed tl 11 1 S 1 S are91 C t theantU cq std Tories put in, without any re- commendation for tate latter except that they are Tories. Their actions in this connection w•;11 be oral clic(' with much interest.' ' The Tariff reform tions touched up- on 'by the Premier. Up to 1890 the tariff had been made for env Class. It was then reformed tool made for all classes, and the tariff •adopted was one of relief for the puhlio and (lid not hurt the tnanufactit rer. lish prtferevnce has given satisfaction to (Canadian prop:e, although Sir Charles Tupper was shocked. You are told 'll►at wo ,have obeli- After singing by a male septette, W dotted our policy in reserving lands ff. Kerr, of Brussels introduced Mr. for settlers. And I am here for the Graham.purpose of faceting any charge salad" Mr. Graham was given a great re. against us. Duringthc regime of Sir ception on c(•untuencing his speech. John A. '.licdonald, the inter:or tie - He was )articular) ratified to see so pa rt men was crowded with specula- tunny ladies present. He was no tors like flies on a tier of honey. stranger, he said, in Hilton, having wanting concessions in the west, ant. spoken for Mr. McLean in Exeter last the prairies were •full c•f *peculators. P We ha ve always t c tended th:►1 the winter, and didn't see toe he diel any I sere. as Mr.Dlch n was elected. lands et the west should he Ho said there was no use in bestir reserved !for the ettlers, and 7 90y about the bush, he and the premier +we hove gat givlanen aany ouc Here of were not out for exhibition purposes, �w but ts[ttleit rsr. settlement to (anybody hut to induce the electors of the conn -i riomerorwh �o rbarr beru+e 11 o. you -for tigrty days , Drop as a postal, or Defter yet, come in and see us and we will Nice Two 6 Octave Organs Second !rand. CHEAP Also Two Pianos Slightly used At Great Reduction. Sewing Machines The best made at prices that will suit you. Bicycles, Baby Carriages and Go Carts Very attractive. Prices right Fine Stationery S. MdrtIn & 8011 CENTRAL ',TRAITOR!). ONT. BEST! ••••••NN••♦♦♦♦•♦••MAIN♦M •♦•••1••♦•••♦♦♦♦•••••♦♦••♦ 1 The Molsons Bank] • CAPITAL ... $3374.00000 • • RESERVE FUND •••• ••'• •••• $3.374,000.00 • iHas t:3 Brant las in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents it) all the, = Principal Cities in the World. i • Incorporated 11355. General Banking Business Transacted, I Savings Bank Department • Zat all Branshes. hst*rl►st allowed at highest current rate. • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, manager Z............♦•N•♦♦♦♦t •....>i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦•••♦♦♦♦♦•• THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD oFF1(:t:. TORONTO ESTAII .(Smit) 1881 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager IPaid-up Capital, $10,000, Reserve Fund, - 5,000, 1 1, I 1 1'1 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts ntay be opened in the names of two or more persons, tvitisdraw•:ds to be grade by any one of the number or by the survivor. 1)4 Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. • VARICOCELE CURED MP" NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in }}youth brought en n double vartcooeie, When I worked hard the aching would beconto severe and I was often laid up fora week at a titue. My tamity physician told me an operation was my only hope -but I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was my money. 1 commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why 1 was off work so much anti 1 told him my condition. He advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy .1 Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knee.- they ucwthey were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tae New METaon Taa.tntacr. My progress was somewhat slow and during the first month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However, 1 con- tinued treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with n complete cute. I could only earn 112 a week in a machine shop be- fore treatment. now I am earning 121 and never lose a day. 1 wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD eEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They sap the very. life blood of the victim and unless entirely esadieated from the system will cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses tho symptoms- our NEW METHOD cures all wood diseases. IOUNU Olt .MIDDLE AGM) HEN. -Imprudent arta or later excesses have broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mental!y, physi- cally, and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Will you steed tho danger slgnaLs? READER y Are you a victim? Have you lost hope/ Are you intending to marry/ Has syr blood, been diseased? Have you any weakness! our NEW )IErtroo TREATMENT will cure you. What it has dons for others it will do for you. Conwltat)ors Free, No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Fres of Chards. Books Free_"TheGolden Monitor," tlllastratcdr ouDiseases of )Ice. NO NAMES; USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everyt h, confidential. Question list and cost of creatmeat FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. No Honing-- No oning--No Grinding ..AZR OR VLASMEs=. N. Youwill fed it impossible to secure A comfortable shave with a razor that is not properly tempered, per- fectly AS ground and accurately bal. i•:ST, 13I;ST. And MUST SUC ? anted. Ifyou find it perplexing and O *stem , trainirg f{he01 i de- I cannot rely upon your own judgment %Vestet n Ontario. Three partnentE:-- Z boy a razor bear ing the name ame CasioMagnetic-it is unconditionally COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND.•guaranteed. The Car bo Magnetic razor blade tempering lsthe only new idea in tem p K in bistoryofshaving It is theoretically and mechanically perfect. being round, stropped and sharpened by po- sitions and forge to the front. ground, Hamburg process - the finest "r for in razor manu:acture. recess of accurate( The secrety you will find it interesting, measuring and applying electric heat' Yell may enter any time. ( has resulted in securing the highest percentage of carbon ever known in ELLIOTT & MCLACHI.AN I ' Chi bontivestena� and Principals. ♦ tire to steel. But to is perfect fuel Zand burns quickly, hence when too I liberally supplieditis consumed by •f••t•1••t•,f••t••t•'t••F•F•f••s„t••l1••t•�"t'•s••t,•ti,•t, : r"ir, ( Are tempering before it is fused. The minute saw -like teeth of a razor edge ei•herbend. when too soft, or break. when too hard, making a shaving edge wordless for cutting your beard. The reeearbonizing of all Carbo Magnetic razor blales does away with h-th of these d,ffcaIl - -- the stetl has been made diamond hare. It is a sci!ntihc fact established beyond cavil t' at every razor requires• occasional stropping. If the razor teeth will nether bend nor break between them turf r willt:k b_ e there P ;, soap particles -whish, with water, make the lather. This is removed 11 the stropping. Honing and grinding are only required to restore broleext or bent teeth. But test this unconditionally TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates secure good Write our flee catalogue, It in true we 9( :11 C50,000 litres of try to Vote for the Liberal candidates, to the SaskatchewanLand,Cont- in discussing the scandals. Mr. Gro- ton('pany. It was send -grid land, and haat referred to the Conservative was not known to be lit for ngricnl- friends of Atersre. Borden and Poste(', i (you our new proposition for having Viet* razors tested without obl,ga dividing all he timber el li» t to er Innele in culla t r T Gacct./quo. he R t • 1 tt t r. It Government e e tl.,b ktlo,t'11 as New Ontario, and the 1 +tion to purchase, together with our offer •)[ the American ryrullCnte of Y •'La SI per acre, on the condition ihat wet* only prevented from stealing all bee booklet' Hats on Shaving " :''e sy idicate tr!tng in settlers. the timber in that country by Sir Oli• t These teen were familiar with the vee Mowat carrying the matter to the W. S. Cole Druggist semi -arid !!ands of Idaho and N,•- Privy Council in England and winning a • f rfit v sfoopinOMESs of Inc Caaa lloa Herm WPI TEAD HEOULATIONB• •fir Any p; r•son who is the sole head of a family, or any male over la years old may homestead a quartet', sectoni of available Dotnittioit land in Nlaultoba• Saskatchewan, or Alberta. The applicnn, must appear in person az the Dornin:on Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by) proxy [nay be had at the agency, on e•i.ain conditions. by father, mother sen. daughter, brother, or sister of intend no homesteader. Dut;, - :-Six months residence upon an I e l:tivition of the land in each of 1.r ,r irt. A homesteader may lite within tine miles of Itis home- stead ru a ifartn of at !east 80 acres ss:e1y owned and occupied by him or 1,:s father, mother; son, daughter, Lre,her or sister. In a rt:t:n districts a hotnestea.lur .11 I • • .: ' ; .. •. ey pre-empt a (1 (:, inside his home.. steam, 1't .' •ss. J acre. '(.Ulises-- Most res:.: , ...;:n, ie( Meech of six years from .I,tc of homestead entry' (.ne:n'titg the Cale required to earn homestead patent) and cultivtae fifty acrd extra. A beinotender lot Ifts exhausted his homesteadmcstenI rightht and1 cannot o b- :ar a pre-rtnpt ion may take a pur- ol•�. • .•1 ot a .rta:n districts 1'r c ; . t ne ... i)tttio.i.-:+last r,.• •,'u .,. :t1) • ;11 .•1Cit of three y,1!- . ,••::..•. tie 10v •.ere+ and erect n } C 10. oto: t :x30.9.01. W. W. CORY, Deputt of the tlinieter of the in'asier H. it. -Unauthorized pnLlieatlon of this Menthes ment will not be paid for 1 Alr. Samuel Itarr, it respected . resident of Clinton, died 011 till ;Way Sept. 1:111). agent ,sixty years. tI t Is survived by cite son end one danth- or P I his case made them dis ter. twist of the Mississippi, and knew The Conservative government dor. her public debt. for transportation and state of the system Gan he cured byl how to hit:tivate this Soil. The com-s ing Mr. Foster's time, had given away 'still the net debt per /wad is *11) less using Carter's T.ittle Liver Pills. No • timber 11 -XI l 1 friends ti 't tests i, lata i3••fore 1+07 there i rt attend - Piny apr'Itt vast 5111115 ,• t m,',ney 1111(1 more inn to r nl o their r (.11117, tan n , pawn, griping or discomfort brought in mann ,tether+ from Idaho) than the Laurier overnntent has sold was aiwat s it detfcil, hitt .ince that ing 1 heir use. Try them. I Itakota. lientas and Nebraska, These I in I+welt•e years. These lands had Leen, Mlle 1171./.. teas ,.Iso. 9 st pr(.flt and m,•n went to w•.ork with a twill. and ' given away, lint the Liberal govern- l still Mr. Foch r, n lit) tt'tt•sy s bad A de. i T1"' (:rip 14,1;-1, si .tic at fienforlh ley p:nrsuittg a different ..ystem of stent sold their lands and received the! fleet. wanted to io' again iihoed in' was ticstroy'etl by fire on Mat uHay, `. barn at pe 11th. A horse, begrgy and har- agrionlinro ti 0 was in vogue in sum of $55.'4,1100 from there. i charge. Canida, were thoroughly snceessfni. Mr. Graham went thoroughly into The adw,sr,tayes of ills ne•ev rails 1: :°"."11Z 10 'rUo9. ('sok, liver'''. „y ,,n. ;a Clinton +tare in the The improvement in trans tarts- the increase in Canadian trade giving f+ttihtle. were lent d etas e.I also the ),e 'tante and were also a blroyctt. tion was launched upon by•the 'rem- comparisons from Isis to loNi when lntet(olontsl rs+!w,y sot! the wafter. t 11 there ever was n spociltfor r and after in appeal rte retia: the increase Averaged :I': per cent. Wail! id the 1) Mil) o:,. tiny one complaint then Carter's Perth. !!.iron and Bruce to the old while from 131N1 to 11►IS the average The ate. titin 1h. n broke tilt with - L}tIle Liter Pills ata a specific for fo:.1 of Liberalism Sir Wilfrid after was 172 per cent. wheers 1or$ir will. id, Mr. linahntii sick headache and every woman 411 minutes speaking took his teat Daring the Liberal administration and the King, should knot+ this. Otlp► one pill s amid cheers. CanadA hAe spent twice the Amount o 1 dose. Try them.