HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-24, Page 3ANOTI!E8 ITALIAN MURDER Antonio Granito Was Hacked to Pieces at Montreal. A despat,•h from Montreal says : piece, and it is thought ttiat revenge A brutal murder tock place early Nes the cause of the murder. After on Thursday morning or late Wed- the christening, when there was the eft lhiy night in the northern end usual pleasuremaking in the house, of the city. Soaked in blood, with 11 ore was a row. The exact details his throat cut from ear to ear and could not be ascertained, but it is ion breast nearly slashed to pieces, said by neighbors that the partici- the body of Antonio Granit,, aged pants nearly cause to blows and twenty-five, of the parish of St. that nae or two of thein were ordar- Jean de ht Croix, the Italian col- ecl to leave the house. Granito's ony north of Ville St. Louis, was brother states that since then he !found by sone workingmen on Lias been followed on two or three Thursday. occasions by mon. The body was lying i a shallow Examination by the police show - ditch beside the C. P. It. tracks. ed that the man's pockets had been A fierce struggle had evidently turned out, and his pocket book, taken place, for the ground was which when he left house had con - trampled fur yards around, and tained a little over fifteen dollars, splotches of blood were everywhere. was found empty nearby. Under the Near midnight Wednesday night body was found the handle of a neighbors heard cries of "murder" stillettu-a round wooden handle - and "help," but paid no attention with a bit of the blade still stick - to them, as such cries are common ing In it. Detective Pusie has been JO the Italian colony. The dead busy in the neighborhood ever since. Tuan was a hardworking bricklayer, He said: "I hope to succeed in married, with two children. landing the roan or ,nen who did At the christening of the young- this terrible deed, but as yet in • est a few weeks ago a row took information is very meagre." y AGAINST THE GRAN DJURT. Mr. Justice MacMahou Favors Abo- lishing 11. IA despatch from Cornwall says: The expense of litigation, particu- WRIGIIT AEROPLANE FALLS. Lieut. Selfridge Killed and Wright Injt:red. A despatch from Washington says: After having drawn the at - lady when the Grand Jury is re-,tention of the world to his acro- quirod, was illustrated here this plane flights at Fort Meyer, Vir- week, when there was only on case t! ginia, and having established new et the fall sittings of the Hight world's records for heavier -than - Court. This ease necessitated the air flying machines, Orville Wright attendance for two days of a dozen 1 on Thursday met with a tragic mis- Grand Jurymen and nearly twice hap while making a two-man flight. a:: many ordinary jurymen from all Mr. \Fright was accompanied by parts of the united counties, at a Lieut. Thomas E. Selfridge of the heavy expense. Justice MacMahon, Signal Corps of the army. Lieut. who presided, spoke strongly in fa -j Selfridge was fatally injured and vor of doing away with the Grand died at 8.10 Thursday night. Mr. Jury system, and his views were Wright was seriously injured, but endorsed by the Grand Jury them -I is expected to recover. While the solves. The trial was that of G. machine was encircling the drill Burnet of Ferran's Point, aged twenty, charged with attempted as- sault on a little girl. Ho was ac- quitted. 1• ELECTION ON OCTOBER 26. Nominations Will he held One Week Earlier. grounds a propeller blade snapped off and hitting some other part of the intricate mechanists caused it tc, overturn in the air and fall to the ground, enveloping the two oc- cupants in the debris. C. P. R. SECURING MEN. Forty More Enrolled at Montreal, A despat'h from Ottawa says: Including Seton Strikers. The general elections for the Do- A despatch from Montreal says: amnion will be held on Oct. 26th. The Canadian Pacific Railway ofil- Upon his return on Wednesday cials continue to announce the tak- morning from Niagara Falls Sir ing on of new men to replace the Wilizin Laurier proceeded to Gov- striking mechanics. There wore erntitbnt House and obtained Earl forty- enrolled on Wednesday, set -- Grey's consent fo the dissolution en of whore were from the strikers' of the tenth Parliament of Canada. ranks. The company declares that .1 meeting of Council convened at it is quite satisfied with the pro - 3 o'clock and it was then decided gress of filling the men's places, that the appeal to the country and is exceedingly • sorry that so should be made on the date men- many. of the old men will be no tioned, namely, Monday, Oct. 26th; longer in its employ. nornipatiun on the 19th. SMItl.l.1'O\ visits CAMP. i'lie Tarlo Ahan(loned and fest House Opened. .1 d•• patch from Aldershot, N.S., saes : Smallpox broke out at Alder- shot military camp on Wednesday, or' Monday evening went to his barn and as a consequence a quarantine' to bitch his horse to go to Niagara. has been established on the 66th 11hen he did not return by arid_ Regiment, at Halifax. A pest house night his wife went to the 1 nas been opened. There is one case so far, F. Morliue, of the 66th. The case is a mild one, and no great danger is anticipated, although touch uneasiness is occasioned by F.IRJIER FOUND DEAD. Resident of Niagara Township Died of Heart Disease. A despatch from St. Catharines says: Charles E. Brown, a farmer, sell -known in Niagara township search, and found her husbano d dead in a kneeling position beside the water trough. The horse was attached to the carriage standing beside him. Deceased, who hall the.outhrenk. The military tattoo, beon 111 of late, evidently becoming the chief event of the camp, has i faint, had stooped over to bathe his been cancelled. taco, and while doing so had ex- pired. sit r. 1311 1111' 111:1I(, N S, (lead of Lake Superior Division of Western farmer Raised 27,000 C. P. 13. Drops 011t. bushels on 800 .(eree. !' :1 BIG WHEAT YIELD. :1 despatch from North Bay save: ;1 despatch from Portage la Pra- Nutice is given that F. i. Brady, iri.', Man., says: H. McMaster, a genet -n.1 superintendent of the Lake large Plains, eitp,•rier division of the C. P. R., g farmer of the Year made hie resigned. Mr. Brady's health a wheat record this year, as his thrashi:ng returns indicate. On 3001 sent worsen and children away, de- n recent Liberal meeting that has not been very good. and work acres of summer fallow lie had an 1 voting the whole time to fighting 'though the Tories keep dragging and worry of this diff tilt division, average of forty bushelsper acro' the flames, which are ever inertias- the Homo Rule red herring across With its frequent w reeks and hurried bridges, made an extended and on 500 acres, the balance of his ing. The density of the pall of , our path, it misses fire every land, an average of thirty bushelsi smoke hanging over the two cities time.' " rest imperative. His successor has per acre, a total of 27,000 bushels' is the local situation relative to' not been named. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS !,.(I'I'I:NIN(,S FROM AI.I. 011E THE (;LOBE. Telegraphic Thief. from Our Owu and Other Countries of Recent !:teras. (i NADA. A fire in Vancouver on Thursday caused $50,000 loss. Earl Grey is to spend a s'iort ho- liday in the Northwest. Natural gas has been discover- ed in the eastern and western sec- tions of Toronto. Ontario officials collected about $3,000 in fines imposed at Cobalt for illegal liquor selling. The official statistics of the prin- cipal field crops of Ontario for this year show increased yields. The der;se clouds of smoke hov- ering over the lakes are proving a serious menace to navigation. Returns tabulated from municipal ions show that Ontario's popula- tion increased by 58,617 during 11,07. An appeal for assistance for the C. P. R. strikers is bring issued by the International Machinists' Asso- ciation. Auguste Charest, formai road foreman at Montreal, pleaded guil- ty to defrauding the city of $1,400 by stuffing pay rolls. His daughter is implicated in the case. Mayor D'Arcy Scott of Ottawa has been appointed Assistant Chief Commissioner of the Railway Com- mission, and Hon. Thomas Green- way and Prof. McLean of Toronto have been added to the board. GREAT BRITAIN. Prof. John Chinton Collins of Birmingham University was found dead in the woods near Lowestoft Eng. It is believed he committetd suicide. UNITED STATES. Three persons were killed at Wor- cester, Mo., by the explosion of a car of dynamite. There have been sixty-four deaths from cholera in St. Petersburg in the last two days. The New York State Republican convention at Saratoga renominat- ed Charles E. Hughes for Gover- nor. Andrew Carnegie says the Kaiser could easily insure peace to the world if he would undertake the task. New York Democrats in conven- tion at Rochester nominated Lieu- tenant -Governor Chanler for Gov- ernor of the State. GENERAL. The police at St. Petersburg have arrested eighty-five terrorists. An earthquake shock caused a great panic at Guayaquil, Ecuador. A law giving greater freedoni to Jews is to be submitted to the Rus- sian Durna. Seventy deaths from cholera are reported from St. Petersburg and twelve from Manila. A "Young Egypt party," • i -g tniz- cei at Geneva, has demanded the withdrawal of British troops from Egypt. Hans Knudson, a Danish engin- eer, has invented a typewriter which will receive and print wire- less (messages. The German Chancellor says Ger• many has no intention of invading Britain or of attempting to secure command of the seas. Guatemalan revolutionaries tried to kill President Cabrera by means of an infernal machine connected ith the President's telephone. FIGHTING BUSK FIRES. Stories of Heroic Battles .Against Flames. A despatch from Poet Arthur, Ont., says : Stories of devastation and heroic battles against forest give the House of Lords rope enough fires by people along the United they will soon fill up the cup of their States shore have been brought by iniquity ; an hash Member's com- boats which arrived from Duluth en plaint that a certain Government Thursday. People all along the. department 18 iron -bound in red shore have buried valuables and tape, and the confident assertion at SOME 1ti11XED MCTAPIIORST TILE WORLD'S !►MARKETS BULLS TILtT HAVE BEEN '(ADI: Bl' PUBLIC SPEAKERS. "'Harvest Coating home to Roost" -"Ked Herring Misses Fire" -"Ironbound in lied Tape." Speakers who aro given to fre- quent public utterance have need of a ready wit to guard against that enemy of the improvisator, the mix- ed metaphores. Some excuse may be found for lapses of this nature, says a writer in The Christian World (London), especially when a man's ideas must be uttered without time REPORTS FROM THE LEADING 'TRADE ('ENTICES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy (!'reduce at It a:,e and .(broad. BltEADSTUI'FS. Toronto, Sept. 22. -Flo ur--On- tar'o wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.35 to $3.40, in buyers' sacks out- side fur export. itlariitoba flour, first patents, 36; second patents, 35.40, and strong bakers', ;5.30. Wheat -New Manitoba wheat for Prompt shipment is quoted at $1.06 for formulation, but what will be for ho• 1 Northern, and at 831.03;; thought of the writer who states in the biography of Mrs. Isabella Bird Bishop, this fact : "Japan has leapt from rung to rung of the ladder of national greatness, and promises to to as leaven to the whole East, reasing, vitalizing, developing what has lain in the valley of dry bones for many centuries?" It could not be expected, says the writer, that the discussion of so contentious a measure as the Education bill now agitating the British Government would proceed very fur without pro- voking our more picturesque rhet- oricians to the exercise of their gift for mixed metaphor. He goes on to give some examples: - HERE'S A DANDY. "A few days ago, if we may be- lieve the Manchester Guardian, Bis- hop Knox explained at a meeting at Halesowen 'that Mr. McKenna's sword was an overloaded pistol which, being hung up in a tight cor- ner lest it should burst, pretended to be dead until it got up, ancf trot- ted home on the friendly back of the Bishop of St. Asaph.' Perhaps the reporter has somewhat condensed the Bishop's oratory, but in any case, as The Guardian remarks, the grimness of political strife is re- lieved by such pleasant pictures as this, which 'combine in one canvas all that is best in the study of still life, of the subtlety of the animal world, and the beauty of human helpfulness.' "But it is in political debate, especially in the House of Commons, that the mixed metaphor flourishes most luxuriantly. 'The flood -gate of irreligion and intemperance aro stalking arm in arm throughout the land."'This bill effects such a change that the last leap in the dark was a mere flea -bite.' 'I can not, indorse the fantom that the honor- able member has evoked.' 'That is the marrow of the Education Act, and it will not be taken out by Dr. Clifford or anybody else. It is founded on a granite foundation, and speaks in a voice not to be drowned in sectarian clamor.' For all these charming combinations of ideas we have to thank members of the Lower House. Even politicians o. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay ports. For two weeks' dtlivery No. 1 new is quoted at $1.05, and No. 2 Northern at $1.0.2 %, Bay ports. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white is quoted at 89%o outside ; No. 2 red Winter, 8S% to 89c, and No. 2 mix - ea, 89e outside. Oats -Ontario nen No. 2 white, 39% to 40c outside ; Manitoba re- jected, 43c, lake ports. Peas -Nominal at 89 to 89c out- side. Corn -No. 2 American yellow nominal at 87 to 87%c on track, To- ronto, and No. 3 at 864. Barley --No. 2 barley quoted at 59c, and No. 3 extra at 57c out- side. Bran -Cars are quoted at $18 to $19 in bulk outside. Shorts quoted at $21 to $22 in bulk outside. Ryo-No. 2 quoted at 76 to 77c outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beans -Prime, $2 to 82.10, and hand-picked, $2.20 to $2.23. Honey -Combs, No. 1, 51.50 to $1.75 per dozen, and N. 2, in 60 - pound tins, 9%c; No. 1 extracted, 10 to Ile per pound. Hay -No. 1 timothy quoted at $10.50 to $11.50 a ton on track here, and No. 2 at $7 to $8. Potatoes -New Ontario quoted at 70 to 75c per bag in large lots, and Delawares at 80 to 85c per bag on track. Poultry -Chickens, Spring, dress- ed, 12 to 13c per pound; fowl, 10 to 11c; ducks, dressed, 11 to 12c; turkoys, dressed, 13 to IGc per pcund. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound prints, 22 to 23o; tubs, 20 to 22c; do., inferior, 18 to 19c. Creamery rolls, 25 to 26c, and solids at 24 to 24%c. Eggs -Case lots, 20 to. 21e per dozen. Cheese -Large cheese, 13 to 13%c por ponnd, and twins, 13% to 131%o. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon -Long clear, 11% to 12o per ponnd in case lots; mess pork, 19 to $19.50; short cut, $23 to of Cabinet rank have made valuable $23.50. additions to the collection. Thus, i Hams -Light to medium, 14% to the late Mr. Ritchie, when Chancel- 15c ; do., heavy, 12% to 13c ; rolls, for of the Exchequer, once as:rrted 104 to 11%e; shoulders, 10 to that 'the question of moisture in to- 10%c; backs, 178% to 18c; breakfast bacco is a thorny subject and has bacon, 15 to 15%c. long been a bone of contention.' Lard -Tierces, 12%c; tubs, 13c; pails, 13%e. FISHING AT TREE TOP. "His immediate successor in of- fice, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, re- marked at the Liberal Union Club's dinner last year, that the harvest, which the present Government had change; Manitoba No. 2 white, 47% sown was already coming hone to to 48e; No. 3, 46% to 47e; rejected, roost. Sir William Hart -Dyke has 145% to 46c per bushel ex store. two conspicious 'howlers' to his Flour -Choice Spring wheat pat - credit -the description of Mr. James enta, 86; seconds, $15.50; 1Wintcr Lowther as having gone to the very wheat patents, $5 to $5.10; straight top of the tree and landed n big rollers, $5.40 to $5.50; do., in bags, fish, and the comforting assurance (►2 to $2.10; extras, $1.65 to 81.75. that his Government had got rid of teed -Manitoba bran, $22 to $23; the barbed-wire entanglements and shorts, $25; Ontario bran, $21 to was now in smooth water. Among $22; middlings, $26 to $27 ; shorts, other political examples of mixed $26 per ton, including bags; pure metaphor are the prediction ascrib_ grain mouillie, $30 to $35; milled ed to a labor member, that it we grades, $25 to $28 per ton. l'ro- visiona-Ilarrels short curt mese, $22.50; half -barrels do., $11.50; clear fat backs, $23; dry salt long clear backs, ile; barrels plate beef, 817.50; half -barrels do., $9; com- pound lard, 8% to 934c; pure lard, 12% to 13c; kettle rendered, 13 to 12%ci hams, 12% to f4c; breakfast bacon, 14 to 15c; Windsor bacon BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Sept. 22. -Grain - A steady business continues to be done in oats, and prices show no of wheat on 800 acres. hush fires on Thursday. .\part FIGUREHE.1D AND ill'1)1) R. - ----- __ _._.-_ from that little damage has been, Another instance is given from a done, the fires smouldering away 1 parliamentary descriptive report. and not spreading, but ready to Thus :-- stiffer extinction by rain or to "'The debate in :he House of OTAH1Oi spread by wind. Thick smoke has Lords has, I think, finally cleared I had the effect of almost tieing up the air. We know at last whither I navigation. the country is being steered. Tl -ere ---+---- is the figurehead with his hand on AN0'r11111 BIG LiNK LET. the rudder; there is the man that moves the figurehead. The figure- ('on:ractr for 330 Miles of the Na- head is Mr. Balfour; the man is Mr (tonal Line. PULATIO1 Rawl Population Decl oases While That of Urban Centres Increases During 1907 Ontario's population 957, and city from 613,205 to 651,766. inrroased bt 59,617. This is the The total population has increased statement tirade in a bulletin issued veryrade g ally, but is by the Ontario Department of Ag -200,000 more `than it was ten years ago, riculture giving details collected The assessed values in 1907 aggre- fram municipal sources. They show gated $1,148,931,077, compared to a population of 2,200,363 last year, :;.!03.501.088 in the previous n, ared to 2.142 74 1 year. as compared 6 in 1905. "'rein this the taxes collected The rural population, however, is amounted to $19,529.169, as against on a slight decrease, being 1,045,- $19,021,.428 in 1906. This works out 640 last year, compared to 1,031,837 at the rate of $3.88 per head for the preview* year. t'rban popuia- the entire population, as compared Con increased from 977,701 to 499,- tc $8.41 the previous year. A despatch from Ottawa says: Contracts for the construction of the two sections of the National Transcontinental Railway west of Lake Abitibi, for which tenders were received last month, have been awarded to O'Brien & McDougal, who were the lowest tenderers. Contracts for the two remaining sections in Quebec east of Lake Abitibi have been awarded to Mc- Donald & O'Brien. The contracts are in the agt reirnte for about 350 miles of road. THE CROPS OF ONTARIO The Official Statistics Show Increases in Oats and Wheat. The following statistics of the principal field crops of Ontario for 1908 show the acreage, as comput- ed from individual returns made by farmers to the Ontario Bureau of Industries, and the yield as estimat- ed by a large and experienced staff of correspondents, embracing every township. The wheat area is practically the same as that of 1907, but the yield is estimated at nearly a million bushels in excess of the final returns of last year. The area in barley shows a shrinkage of about 5 per cent., and is over a million bushels snort of the crop of 1907. Tho poor crop of oats in 1907 caused a falling off in the area of 1908 of over 5 per cent., or 159,000 acres; the yield, however, shows an estimated increase of about 150,- 000,000 bushels, tho yield per acro being 7 bushels in excess of 1907, and equal to the average of the previous 26 years. The areas in rye and peas show substantial in- creases, but they are still below the annual averages. Tho bean crop differs but little from that of 1907. There is a slight reduction in the hay area, but the yield har- vested a quarter of a ton to the acre over the light crop of last year. The following are the figures for 1909, in comparison with 1907, and the average of the previous 24 years, 1552 -1307: -- Yield er Iield crops. Acres. Bushels. acre Fall wheat -- 1908 .. 679,642 16,540,302 24.3 1907 . , . 676,161 15,545,491 23.0 1882-1907. . 869,813 17,932,068 20.0 Spring wheat - 1909 .... .. 142,124 2,282,318 18.1 1907 1.14,514 2,473 651 17.1 1882-1907 403,156 0,399,290 15.9 Barley - 1903 ••-- .. 734,029 20,744,222 28.3 1907 ..766,891 21,718,332 28.3 1882-1907 . . 648,514 17,9-15,220 27.7 Oats - 1908 .... .. 2.774,259 98,112,326 35.4 1907. . 2,932,609 83,524,301 28.5 1882-1907 . . 2,190,887 70,627,266 35.8 Nye - 1908 .... .. 87,908 1,445,640 16.4 1907 . 67,159 1,039,091 15.5 1682-1907 118,301 1,933,978 13,3 Pees - 1908 .... .. 390,642 7,80.1,625 19.7 1907 .... .. 340,977 7,365,036 21.0 1883-1907 . . 645,873 12,560,918 19.6 Beans -- 1908 .... .. 46,385 829,064 17.9 1907 47,562 790,269 16.6 1582-1907 . . 41,762 715,332 17.1 Hay and clover-. Tons. Tons. 1908 .... .. 3,253,141 4,635,237 1.42 1907 .... .. 3,239,552 3,891,863 1.18 1882-1907 . . 2,532,638 3,711,958 1.47 With the exception of hay and clover, the final estimates of yields will not be made until November of these and other crops, including roots. light cattle for the Liverpool and Manchester markets sold at $3.75 to $4.25 per cwt. A few good butchers' cattle were sold at $4.80 per cwt. An enquiry is already being made for distillery bulls at $2.50 to $2.- 75 per cwt. Prices continue unchanged in sheep and lambs. BUSINESS MEN CAUTIOUS. Imports Still Show a Very Largo Decrease. A despatch from Ottawa says: The trade returns of the Dominion for August again reflect the con- servative policy of business houses this year in considerably restrict - Select hogs continued to sell at ing the imports for the fall trade. $7 per cwt., fed and watered, To- The total imports for the month runto. Fats were 25c per cwt. less. amounted to $23,656,147, as coni - pared with $33,919,520 for August of last year, a decrease of $10,263, MET AWF1'l. FATE. 473, or about 30 per cent. The ex- __ ports of domestic products for the Mother and Babe Burned to Death month totalled $22,910,611, a lo- on Way to Village. crease of 83,269,097 compared with the same month last year. For the A despatch from Sprucedelo, first five months of the present fis- Parry Sound District, says: Mrs. cal year tho total trade of the Do- Scerwiski and baby, while driving rninion was $211,659,093, n decrease to the village through three utiles of $64,229,548 as compared with the of burning woods, were struck by corresponding period of 1907. The a large burning pine branch and imports decreased by $50,179,202, burned to death on Thursday. 1)r. exports of domestic products de - 0. F. R. Richardson found the creased by $9,651,433, and the ex- bc.dies, and brought them to town. ports of coin and bullion decreased Both were charred beyond recog- by $3,790,201. For the five months nition. pc riod imports totalled $115,544,348 An almost impenetrable veil of and domestic exports totalled 890, - smoke hangs over the whole north 115,621. country, and the forest fires con- tinuo to rage with undiminished SOLiI)IEit BADLY iN.il'Ri:i). fury. No rain has fallen for nearly Fell month, and the whole country is Front Blanket in Which ('01»' dried up. Many villages are threat- rades Were Tossing flim. erred, and the settlers in all parts A despatch from Ottawa says: A are forced to fight the fire until they rather serious accident occurred at are almost exhausted. Rockliffe camp on Thursday after- noon, as a result of which Pte. Car - dine!, of the 56th Regi►nent, Proa- A DREAM OF A DOG. Cott, lies in a critical condition in "And who, pray, is Gladys 1" the Military Hospital. A number was -the question that awoke Mr. of Itis comrades were having what Meeks one morning, and enabled is known as a blanket parade, in him to confront his better half, sit- reality the old game of tossing a ting up in bed, with an interroga- man high in the air and catching tion point in ono eye and a note of him. The treatment was being ap- exclaniation in t he other. plied to Cardinal, but his weight in "Gladys' Gladys; Gladys who i" falling broke the hold of those on "Just what I want to know, sir. enc side of the blanket, and he You've been repeating that name struck the ground heavily. No bones all through the night." were broken, but it is feared that "Oh, ah' -yes, yes, of course' t1.: was internally injured. It's Jones's new collie dog. She's a perfect beauty. Just the sort of SIIOT BY 11111 BR0•1111:11. dog you ought to own." --- "Certainly you appear very fond little Daughter of George ('arson of her. You asked this collie dog of ('h:irlottetotn killed. to put her arms round your neck ;1 despatch freni Charlottetown, and kiss you. Then you told P. E. I., says: On Wednesday ev- Jones's dog that you loved her with ening the ten -year-old daughter of George ('arson, section foreman of Highfield, was accidentally shot by her brother Albert, aged sixteen, while he was handling a loaded gun. She died two minutes later. hen you 15 to 16c; fresh killed abattoirf all your andthtcame to die,,t if y -o and, conldµonly lay dressed hogs,. $9.75; live, $6.85 to! your head on Jones's dog's bosom, $7. Eggs -No. 1, 19 to 20c; selects, you Could breathe your last hap - 23 to 24c per dozen. Cheese -West- pit " ern, 12Ys to 12j"e; eastern, 12;; to 12%c. Butter -Firm, 25%e. UNITED STATES MARKETS. St. Louis, Sept. 22---Wheat--Cash; UFFOCAT $1.01 ; September, $1.01%; Decem- j - ber, 81.01%; May, 82.03'/,. I .-- -- -_ _ Duluth, Sept. 22.--Wheat-No. 1 , • hard, $1.01%; No. 1 Northern, W' ili1anl .Regan and John Richardson Lost $1.04%1' No. 2 Northern, $1.014; 31 02%; `(aw $1 068 ; December, Their Lives Near Regina Chamberlain.'Truly, the picture of I Minneapolis. Sept. 22.--1Whcat - Mr. Balfour as a figurehead Kith his Qepternber, • D.•cember, j --_ _ .`_ ^" handout the i i ." cep. LD IN A YELL h rudder. r. us one that even $1.03% to S1.0.W, ; May, $1.00•`,• ; t 1 f patch from Regina says: 'F. C. 0.' might lind it difficult to 51o. 1 Northern. $1.01; No. 2 North.; lliam 1'egcn and Jack Richard - draw with pen or pencil. Not, how- I ern. $1.01%. hlour--First patents,' <(.tt, who carne here from London, ever, in the gallery, but in an edi- $5.65 to $5.75; second patents, $5.-i Ont., on Tuesday lust their lives toriat sanctum was committed to 30 to 65.60; first clears, $ 2.35 to paper the desire that some of the 81.43, second clears, $3.50 to $3 Go t nsPlryxiatpun in is dry well they • Mg the bottom be gave a cry of dis- tress and Regan called to the thrashing crew to come to his help. When the ,nen crone one e.f them went part of the way down the well, but signalled to be hauled up again, seed sown by a certain prominent. Bran --In hulk, $I4 to $19. sett l,orrng on John Boh,i's farm, f ire he was being suffocated. Reganeconomist might not fall on deaf' -- twelve miles south of this city. The; then volunteered to go (loan, and LiVE STOCK MARKET. Iwell had been sunk to a depth of�the peen went to put the rope P 1 ff rty feet. and on the pre; ions ev-i r: i laround his body. but he put them _.4-----� T,rorao, Sept 22. -Sumo good I ening dynamite iia.! bees used to s id e, saying there was no time, !leads of exp( r'' I,' were on snit. rerese • a rock. Tuetday merninct:;;,d immediately descended, sitting Any pian who s' s around and: Their hri.0A i,u:..'•r3 from e? 1.75 to the twonc••r Vere woiking aloir'.`at,nr•tride one of the boards attachnrl waits for an easy j h is a grafter: g ;.2:, p,•r \fr,lpnrn R',p ::r to hr well ' . ' at heart. t n l,r .trd•f,n went' t'• t'ie rope which was lowered by sold a( ;.1.25 to a tato per . t. t , :ad (Leo) to 1.:„•'i c a stone. On reach a hand wiucb.