HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-24, Page 1THIRTY-SIXTI! YEAR -No 1525 !win ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦•••••..•.•• ••••♦••••....•.•••• 13 URON &M1DDL ESEX GAZETTE EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT Nth 190S, finses4 t.o0 per year in advance �............. ...............•.. Sir �Clinton Exeter Fall Show Ilfrld:at .. Phone No. 32 �� !lav •Exeter Agric,tltrtr:,i o'i„3y lied regular nt,d+uulm,v wcaihe,' for • rhes amuse shote on Tuesday, ahs • The Premier Greeted by Over Five Thousand temperature registering aloe. MO 1'ou arc cordially invited to examine our stock of STOVES degrees. 'It 'was a holiday for the RANGES, and •• whole coun(rys,de, melte of Ile any time at your convenience. II shoots being closed to allow the pie. our Dry Goods Department : t'ils �, attend. Although the entries., tette • Autumn is putting on her Golden tinge now, and that II ��"err• r'ous ns some sole, "' it years. • th, means business will soon be boomttac with the New Fall exhibit, were all first class and e.- 22classes the ram,• Garlandor N �' Dress Goods. Everything here is in Full swing for the ex- cepting :, few clas petition , Souviner National Ranges, for % wee keen and tee judges J t;rs gave ex- numerous x 1 i big rush. [',•Bent nau�t,ct • iat. The rnccs w •re ' . New Dress (foods, Sultlll ii, Separate .Skirts, , good and were e„joyc.l There tit. quality economy and price. Q r the regular quota of sideshows, rte., EUI' Lined Coats, Furs, Milliner and in filet "Lich 'tete well patronized. , 4 , , 3 P u c,l. lx the , We have • several slighty Used Happy Thought Ranges, on Every Article for your Comfort,•♦ ,,,wing �1 concert was given I,y ,rhe ]13.1(1 t - • •;' by the Hewer tCoueert Company elf) O be soil cheap . In four lnd SIX IlO1e,S, : Landon. This company hots �= ♦ hero before and even �-` s )S • ; gave such a high Our Milliners are Hero classed entertainment that utile opera SaniS011 Brant] Portland Cement • boost was crowded with an utter- • Ready to take your order for your early Fall Hat. ".,rhe new =♦ 1 �:: • Just received another car of the Celebrated Ceme„t. The li • °a ested audience, Following are the Best ready-to-tvear lints are very New and Swell for the Flatly Fall names of the prize \ 11 •,,q; I for Walks, Walls, ]:loots, Silos, etc. Rear and are found here in abundance, Every Lad should look• • SPEEDING Order at oncC. • i y ♦ DING • coy l F:�'15 after her millitfery early and live the Yilhtters a chance to fix 'Prot or pact, 2Ap: Little Ic j1l�cR, you up real Swell. ♦♦ a' J. ,l, Alcrner. I 1 1 ; ,lteesiy li., d. t:. ♦ ••• Washing Machines, Wringers, > • Ilo,lq,rt.. 2 2 2 ; 1(pad,,,astcr, T. It ; r- :lpple i seers, Food Ci, ,peers, Apple ♦• ss dock, (t33; Grey bird, AV. ;J. Line,, Drying Wire, Lanterns, Shot Guns, Rifles and Ammunition at low- Trot Colored Dress Goods jkVfi 4 4 dr. Green ..horses. -Sadie IJrit- est prices. x shell, J. Beatty, 1 1 1; Nancy Hanks �i We are showing a very extensive range of the New :: Wm, ` rock, 2 2 2 : Sammy, N. ;\Nott Hr. A M A AT C HARDWARE i1 nor .�.. STOVE _ -- Colored Dress Goods for this season. • • ' " " sStripes are very new and come in Green, Brown, Blue void . STORE: Iced, The cloths at•e very fine witn a beautiful finish. Pl;1in • Z 1i01{SI?'ti cloths are very popular in the sante shades as the stripes and our • • I y' HEAIVI Y D1tAl-GIIT ♦ ' ' Reco,l marc accompanied he foal, stock comprises the Pink of the Dress Good trade •• 1{. Hicks, P. i{a eters ; coal, J. • •: • 0'(I Campbell. 'I'. 1{o.ttclOk : three year T. Hawkins♦ Pananlts, Chinon, Venetian, Broadcloth, English •♦ io.rl It 73irch, N m. Ukc : sttcq Son Z: Worsted and ,SCI' CS are all new. • old. W. Dover, Jas. Dearing }'cars ♦♦ :: one _♦ ♦• t Year om, i'. now•cblfe, (leo. Moir • • ss , [earn, G, C. Robbins, Hagen :Bros, ( Jobbers and Dealers in Zi Black Dress Goods AGRICULTURAL , Brood marc accompanied to, foal, :' s.• It. Birch, Jno. Campl,cll; foo), \V, 4: _• We;arc famous for our Rlack Dress Gcods, and do not t � �'�•I�1'+•r', lt, H,cks: three scar old Shelf and General Hardware, Paints Qin purpose falling behind this season, we are better than ever :: » 1ev• Oke, Wes. Johns; ♦ ' ! two year old, s y :: in Voiles, Taffeta Cloth. Chiffon and Broadcloth, :: , 11. Birch, 1,. 11. \Yillert: one year old . Ina. Campbell. C. Camra: team, A. Glass, Nails, Seeks, .�� : Panama, English and Worsted serges. We earl- .•: ; Creighton, • not be beat fcr quantity quality. DO not fail to ::• Brood mare accompanied GE N Elt AI. -by foal, • see our large stock of Blacks. •• Jno, .lair: foal, 1{. Hicks, Al. Gould We make a specialty of Ea�'etron};}lin;, hoof ii three Year old, W. :\loo 1 •, 1, Deck- ing and Plllnlblllc7 - -""�"� •♦ ' er, jr.; two year a:d, J. J. Colwell, J. a in all its branches. • , Decker, jr.: one year old, S. Serums I • Fur Lined Coats and Furs :: Jno. Lair :tram, II. Neel). .Wet. still,_ Call and be convince;! that it is the cheapest spot in town BON. Flit \C 1 LhRl1) LA 1 ltI):11, .'' You will be suprised this year to see our large stock of •• I The reception accorded Sir Wil- and for several m:notes had to Lot; mare CARRIAGE aec ►, " Fur Lined Coats, Brood mfoa accent 1 rbye foal,er Fur Coats and Furs. There is :: frid Laurier at C.:;ttou iyesterday to the cheers of his friends. On aris- e" A Alcott; [oat, A. Alcott; three year nothing left out 111 this line. : ! was the greatest that has welcomeu' ing he was presented with an address °d. A. 13, Creighton, A. •Ether,ngton• g We have them all any politician in the history of the (rota the three Hurons, I,y -Mr. J. tete year eel. 11. Jones,, a. Schnell; and all the very best. We want you to see them ! c°""ty G. btanburY. owing to file threat- one Near eel, D. Schnell ; pair car- think we are very proud Of our Ia1'gh showing, and Sir Wilfrid and his party . rival ening rain, and the immense gather- r'agc horses, C. 1Velkcr, E. Rader ; : , at Clinton about eleven o'cic:.:, and ins ,the address was not read. Ila- single carriage horse, Jno• Walker,. : think you will be the 5a111P. to see elle lame select- I when he made his appearance at the mediately after the E. liosseirbcrry, T. HAWKINS2:• { plescntnt,o. o[ 1tOADSTER9 • [011 wC g(Ve 3'011 t0 C1100Se from. • rear end of the car t'as greeted by rho flddrrFs two little girls, Doris & SON iicheering thousands. An addt•ess of fehae and Adeline llodgel's handed Rroorl mare accompanied by foal, welcome was read by Mayor \V,ltee flit ) thfrid tea .,mmcn.c bouquets, J. Decker, T. 8herriU ; foal, ilohn to which the Premier made a tale[ wine Le _----� YOl'LTltl' ('icks 24 lbs, each, Sc. per Ila alive, dressed per 16, j • p gracefully rcecirec! ai the Decker, A. Wil)ert : three year• old, - - jj res onsc. Ii,a car was immediately some time kiss,nq the pretty dnors, A• )t• Creighton, W. itleLean; two Pie, All poultry per lb alive, y plc is per Ib aces, c9ctslea per lb dress• � I taken from the station to await the "As I proceed with my tour" sal.{ gC1'+ FALL SUITINCS- I ed. :111 poultry trust be dry picked, and } year old,!:, Nadi \V. Hey ; 011e pieced clean, \o cash ♦• f time for the afternoon meeting. the Premier. "It ccems that the year old, B. ,\I. Francis pair roa•.1 -Just for poultry, \o than poultry taken at any price. • • At one o'clock •the procession. was tact meeting is always the best". stern in harness and buggy, John eJ us�j tQ hand the largest and • ♦ formed at the depot. and consisting of I first began at Sorel an.1 I then Farmer, \V, J. Dale : $in[•lc roadster Jones �� the three candidates from the Hurons thought it impossible that s;rcl, 1 M- in harness and froggy, W. I{. Elliot, best stock of Fall Suitings ever Clark several bands, leading citizens and demonstration could take place in a P. hnsso:d ; saddle horse. W. i{. I:1- g il visitors with the . distin uishcd i,ot, 2', Hanlon: lad driver, ,\\'m'shown lIl townI,uests, g purely rural district ; then Niagara Yparaded the leading streets. outshone Sorel. 1'he dctnonsrrat;onRobins. J. Creighton. A IIeadgaarters for the CeiebrrLted W. An cntnd Sitic crotid lined the N geralhroy %as greater a t, :•t 11ACIt:NN3"s We have Y'ecel v ed the Fall E• Sanford streets and Sir Wilfrid was kept \ingnra I'alfs; Tilbury made Strath- Three oear old, B. Ilttnler;,1 year Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. busy acknowledging all the %elute- roy take a back rent and now Til- old, T. J, Wickwire; foal, •\V m. liaw Plate of the latest F tions. bury lune to Rive teas .:o Clinton." dell.styles in Fall ♦♦♦..•••••..•♦••..4N•...♦..•••••.4►••..••.♦♦•♦ A pleasing feature wee the pros- ' In Quebec, my own native pro Bank c[ Commerce 3pccial 1i •...♦....•.....♦♦...•♦•♦♦•••.•.•"...N..•..♦♦• encu of R. McDonald, aged 97, of the vines, the demonstration touched specie), �Joltn and Winter Wear. Birch ; Nelson hank s Thames road, who had driven twen- my heart. When 1 came into anotli- Oticker : ,lirecteciu's special, W• It. '�/� ly-tw•o rnilcs le grasp the hand of er province, not of my own k;th end Elliot. ,i, Creighton. Make your selections early rho Liberal leader. 1'he grand kin. and i am %,:coned in so heart- R• Wilson. S,•aforth. D• S Honor graduate stand at the rear of the platform ily a Manner as i have beet, since 'CATTLI'• and avoid the rush. qe amountotprin6etagds University. t' as filled %villa ladies, while on the coming into Ontario. i an, rleeply 81IOIt'rlt,C)1tN tr properties platform trete the speakers ani! touched. moreso than 1 ern express ,•• Aged cow, 11. Smith 1 &L':� u'y'o Virr �0��� Dental Surgeon ,natty prominent politicians from the "\\'hatevc•r lily origin. my cotuttt•Y year old heifer, I1. Smith 1 & L ; one three ridings. Doctor Shaw, the extends over the American continent year old heifer, 11. Smith, Wec. Johns Merchant Taticf Main street-Erre-mt. Chairman of the day's program, said where floats the liritielt flag. I aro Ycnr old hci[cr, 11. Smith. l\Vrti. Exeter, Ontario FRANK ('AiRN3, Veterinary Sur he was proud on behalf of Huron, a Canad,an end ant petted of the fohns. he,fer calf, 1i. Smith. _ Bruce, and Perth, to welcome the Canadians and' an,Crich, 'bull calf. 1i. Smith, 11. Crich ; Leg come, oar.. E. !!,}wood : obits ( F geon. Successor to A. H. Ram- T W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. r foremost statesmen in the Dominion many of the c,tnenc)icyrod to see so herd. '11. Smith 1 (.44'2' • Andalusia rose comb, ,\\'. Carter: QlletlUll Sale of farm say, V. S. 1•reats all domestic ani- 4J • P. f3„ Graduate Victoria Un of Canada, end when the a Scum Lary pre- e nim of e GRADES \ 1) .. Andulusinuoi J. Battler, T. Brock. �r mals on most npproved princinalb, vanity. omoe and resldenence. Domtntee wade on the 26th of October ell life ftolunite sthe raceeen ,cwhich God has Aged cow. '1', il. 81,npton, '1', tins- 131nck Spanish. W. Carter; •,t. di c Special attention to dentistry. Office LaeorsDory, fi:seer. three will be in line bysheaving aril; twoLace \lyaniiio , E. CarteIleyer •J i- Stock & Implements at I{arllsa s old stand on Main street. Associate Coroner of Huron, their renewed confidence ,n Sirlplaced in my 11 peace eoimt united ton ; one yearrnr old heifer, • 1• 1. Slew- ton \Vhito \Vy;,ndottr Golden 1 l,•• Li Night call at refer 13awden's residencepeople, living int u, , ion,•e, has Main street. ��..r Wilfrid Laurier and his government, ment,'' es.t ton ; heifer calf, (:eo. Moir. ` I e►► ►tc Pearce, /A. teeth : Go:der, been instructed to sill by L'ublio Mr. McLean, M. I'., on arising said We aro again in Incttuidst of an- .1I..It I'. \\J'ntL[ottea, IE, I1,•ywood: llgff �DISO he could truthfully say the grits hail other campaign, And whether we Ilest cow. 1. Armstrong. ilee..1•'enr \Vyandottrs, IE. Heywood 1 & • F; Auction on ERNEST ELLIOT I N hived in Clinton welcome the 11 have to glee [or other' ar trot. tt'a Black 1 eayeedoetee. • :McLaren LOT 6, CON. 3. STEPHEN 1 , near old hri[cr, T)toe. dirock ,„1 c \1 lustrioua leader, who haul done more there. is no issue to -day before the fir' The-. 1 rier ; one year rr:d heifer, lcnrcc: Partridge yandottes. R. Conveyancer Accounts Collected to snake Canada known than any Ihoi. Brock, sr.: 'rhos, Brock, jr.; Hc•ywoal; lied Caps, J. !tattler, W. -on- to make to Wept at lower le. P.HONOORR P1-18 people as in other years. On those J. II fidnw'alrn ; ' fronzr turkeys. W. Noun%eettwnAarorsate. other Canadian and hoped on ,the occasion+ we were called upset (o heifer calf. I. Armstrong, Thos. el y, Sne o'cUAY, eI's['T, 26, 'OE 20th would show this strength by affirm great principles, •Lal nowt wg Brock• jr.,; bull calf, '1'. Brock, nr. J. 7lawden, J. Bantry; • geese, At o'oloei sharp tbo follotvin(r Office. Main Street. Exeter sending Liberal representatives are engaged as George Brown wee BI;'tC11Ft'H CATTLE gccte. 'U, i)ougina; Ittemfln geese, \\'. property. PIE dance music of the Edi- from the three ridings. Of Sir Wit- in a struggle for :epee+cntation II elle )'tar steer, T. 1i. Hhapton 1 & Carter' any variety geese, J. SStint IIQI{f3E8•-1 Sj .' 1 Li,11'3, EXETER, LIC T son 1'honogr„ph is clear, frid the tongue of tcandnl had never population. 2: fat cow or heifer, H. Smith ; [steer t•cr; Pekin ducks. IL -Douglas; Iron- aged horse; ,1 horse. . ense.l ILII' neer. Sales con ' been tai.+cd in n11 his 25 years bt He was prowl to sec so many 'for- cell. 11. Smith, A .Alcott. en (Tucks. McLaren it Pear : Light 13 years old; 1 age! mare, supposed tuneful and in perfect time. political life, The sante could also be les present. They are the ours h,. tifll':I.P lirnhnmr►s, Dark lirahunas, t\IcLar_ to 1►e in foal to 1'crcher; 1 .1 yrx►r ducted in all p•►rts. 'Perms ieasonaJ)Io 1: asetaatin waltzes and spirited said of Ilon. G. P. Graham. Minister untried 'to talk to. Iteenuse it is IiOUT11It1) VNB en ,& Pearce ; Ik►rrwl I'1'n,ou(h rocks 0111 filly, by Wilder Lee: 1 uckling Orders can be left at the Ti at its Office of Itailw:,)'s seed Canals, who is n written that there shall fir more }[Ftttto.h giros. took all the lir:- meet!' Beth. A. [Basset ; .\t hitt. Vly, colt, got by Lord ITo'vatson. two•stCps of the worlds great con- ac:[ made, man nnsl is hiE hly respect- rejoicine o'er the conversion of one Zrs in this class, mcath Itock McLane' r1r 'earec CATTLE', -7 cotes supposed to be E.) l3f)`39E;Nf31 ENDER %CRiOH posers as well as the popular for his integrity and industry. sinner .'ho repenleth than ot•rr 09 SIIROMIIIIIEDOWNb• 4ow.len liras.; ,1'ortridge Coc),ins. with cal[; 1 farrow cove 2 two - Licensed Auctioneer. `ales cert d "These two gentlemen" he said. "re- just men. A. Duncan folk all the prises iii W. Carter; Lengehans, .i• Battler; year old steers; Zone -year-old steers ducted in all arts Terms teatconahl dance music of elle hour. T , present a government that does In Ik96 the Tories received ;, this crass. lllack linty t, l I{ed Canes, A. d , A. 2 enc -Year-old heifers, ? calves. ductand d satisfaction guaranteed things. The construction of the shock ; they thought it was a fluke. I)ot•aet Special, t3. Cudmore, a'rY variety bantams, \\', Carter. u\• It; CUttII:NT9,-1 rca,l -- - -- -- - I Phonographs $ 16.[50 different railways and canals which and another opportun,(y, they i.[NCOLXB With ; Silver F3pnnRle+l ila►nburRs, t 1►owcr and Golden t; en led Hamburg.. belt : cuttin; lox and Grinder ; fan- UNEY TO LOAN the aovrrnment is undertaking is thought. would put t hem baste ay a,n, Aged ram. Oro. I ,whale : shear• l R r Silver Wino m,it, brick ani cart and har- s� giving Canada such an impetus that in 1900 and 1904 they got opport:tni- lin;r ram, O. 1'cnhale. T. Il. Shap f eneillod Itnml,arR . !think fjlarn" Hess: scales, '2.000 Ila:; Records 40cts we are the envy the countrytc•n; Tarr Tomb, fico. L'cuhnf i.(t)!; burgs, W. Carter; any outer .ear_ ,a wagon;pnt rat ne{on term Or1T111,►g crnpertyst loner s the tooth of us.' to ties but they tonne that irtstcad of „ r hay racks nt; 1 sulky; 1 1hay rake t2 10/111 a fluke it %as a realization Thai t'e t''►'e. G. Irnhnlr, 1 A1. Hhapton; ices' ducks, le Brack, sr.. J. Rattler; hay racks: 1 mower; ,1 hay rake; I abe.otlntereei ~(ILII Ai'- Robert Ilolmes, the Liberal condi• people of Canada were plea. -d wit!, ehenrling ewe. G. 1'enhal,< ia2; ewe gin?) ra ,j( J. Harvey \\', f'.:,r,•r; I3,•u:- ne lator;,l seed drill, pearl % DICKSON & CARLINI/ date rum e a short nddrese, in which Liberal edtttinistretion. The issue of lamb, Gco. 1 . nhnle, T. if. t.hapton. glow r:,bhit�, tlart,•c I3ra.. McLaren Y ne KteLar he Fail he was glad to look into the 1904 was the !ridding of another - 1 eares ; any other van, , t rabbit.' ou k land roller ; .one reaper ; one THE PURITY aq LEICESTER r K,.,, ar. Baht. ynndrr� . 1 y plow ; one walking Plow, her - one & CAItLIKG, ( [acmes of the peop:c of the Hurons and 1rnnecontinrntal tnil'cny acral. the Aged ram. A. ,\Icon • ,hoarp,tu {'i •. ,loo. Cottle; tinders a 1 u.. 1. y rows;rone thee harrow; t other constituencies awl felt confi- continent from the 'Atlantic to the ram, 11, t3ell: tarn Iamb, A .Alcott 1 R•ac,;fflers: f•!er•,Mlleltor• Noterte., ('ones •resp - - --- dent Huron would trend 3 represen- Pacific. & 2 :, cwt; nhenrl:n r•ar, ewe lamb, Sander,.. W. Casten grind .tans, one work b. n^h : 1 ;:►rives to support t .+ POLILTi{Y-CHICKM -flet peeps; 1gravel ',ex; 3ledders Rank, E.e,oete, tlollcnore ,or the elvers' phor1 fair Wilfrid !.aur- 'What i� the policy of Borden. anti lt. Be:l I & �, Iio „lana, 1V, Csrter : Qr +h:n;rt,,, 1 [' heel barrow ; 2 .res of lnernef?a, Tiank, t;:a icr who stands for prosperity, peace the Conscrvntices cto•day! They PIC. , l t „glr. ; 2 craw bare ; 1 su tr ket- asoacy to Loan at Iowent rates of lnrere•t, awl progress. have oto policy. The only Owe. That in the ti'orkrhirr c:n�. R. J3inr), \V Carter ; Go:drn 1 olandr, ('. 1'r o.: 1 crndie ; i ,cyt he : cot'G chains 0It'IC i ansil BTi►F:F.T, fi1C1L"ffi1R. THE TORONTO Mr. Arch. Hislop. (Inc East Huron they bring ngainet lisle that of Sean- won "II prise'.• tY 1 it2; White heghorna, IL .Iron([ („rks, shovels. chains. :30 rows man_ c ndidate. said (Inc demonstrrRiott dal and eorrnptian. That is•ne is Berkshire. -Boar, Snowden !Hoe.: lam 1 & 2:.Rrot2ti; Leghorn•, \1rLnrrr' (roads, )2 rads Ion({ : l0 rotes turni s.caltrrtre a A. t- n,otct<ees ( was an honor to the Premier. He 30 twat littered in 190H, Dawson liras, k ! earec I A 2: ,Brown Levliorr►s.! le years eel. It wee one they rased rove comb, C. Prouty 42 rads long: 3 colonies of lives, bee pj� hail heard ,t fetid that Laurier had against Alexander McKenzie. rind Snowden ileo ;cow two yrarfl,Hnow_ y 2nd; \\'hit, hires; sap buckets and spites; 2Lar. ��wis Thomas Se NuttiVl not as deep a hold on the Canadian now they praise him, and 1 at 1 a den lire... Dawson Tiros : sow one LeaskLeghorn.. rose comb, 3t•, 'Csrfer ; Week! Globe people ns he had, but the drmonstrn- disciple his teachings and follow ..,,ar. ''`nr Snow d, tt (eros,: sow litt.•r ,l ;n 1'.nok lw•Ghorn•, .1. +Rattler ; rBuff i rel..; crenrn separator. \ntianal,; sag_ i Y tions in hi• honor aho%c•l the tc him with pride. Alexander Metier- 1!,UR. 1/ate !trot.• 1 & t' Leghorn*. Ctrs. E. Heywood ; Ando 1 ar beet plow ; t;ugar beet cultivator ; Civil GnalneerQ Architect number of cedar poste; steel stone verse. big Wilfrid had brim tra;r+e,, z;c ons honest rind tree nal his op- 1:unwcrrh-Boar. two yr.trs, f), Ila:cktvS,ani Spaniel', Brock, 1, ii! peat, corn ecellrr, roster trousteel sone (tate Department of rubt,c works, Can&h.) by that Consulting Engines', for TNuni,•i101 .,A (boner grand eel statesman. Sir temente even to -day ting hie melee. Doug:a .@ Son: hone, one year, le i Carter, --e[.areni tank, one honey extractor, throe Wort, Electric Engne r Munic and 1 County1 AND : Alexander Mackenzie whore memory a treatment not nccorderl hint in the I)o4R:av & Son 1 t 2; boar littered &• l,earce: Week Minorca... McLaren Rv,xm %gone., Bridge* and Re enforce[ Concrete ' ,s revered byLiberals and Conserv a day. el hit power, Did they nal now den Rea.., I). ilonq►er, vice„ itt,Iropm suite. 1 bureau, and t in 19". F Pearce, A, Heyes: td I& : . hits (her Helie:nt foo numerous to m•<!r- t.rwnilm [.on•4,eOntarle' fives alika speak of the steel roll scandal. etc.. tee.. two ►,ars, D. T)ouKlas. Rnntt• andoltes. E. Heywood cod 1& 2: .w hits Mr. M. G. (anu•ren,of Goder:ch.:e and did they not accuse hen of doing 'lett 13ro:,; stow. or, 'rte, aln'csm, \\ynnlotfes, A. Ilicky. E. i tweed: , TINI introdur;,cg $•r Wilfrid sale! he A:,} th:, game ticn s as th, y ace ts, us , r•o . ; sow tittere,i in i - . ►. esi (lo.rlrn 1\'yandotlra1 B:,ff 1 i rople aomintr from n diet.uvc. oil) R I r 1 R Yandot- l>< served dinner flrni accornmodatinn not alert an Ltttror,nctiott. Itis of doinQl a<. ti)aw.nu liras. tVv F,. lleywcnd 1 &.. artridge DTt. O. F. (101 L$T(1N, L. D. ...entree action swccces has in -1 They Lring�charges. agtiinst POI'Lill1--t11.1) \\'ynudotIes. }let.,trrn tt Paste,•; Tettns of Salle -All Sottas 8.00 P. i). S.. dentist, Member of. y governnter.t. thete ('o.+tett t,nc B, .l ILt,nhrtrLa, 4Totr- It. •1 Ce t J. liatller, 1V„i,,ltnwdrn: an•l unl:r, cash: orcr that amount R. ('. h. !3., of Ontario and Ilcxtorl trodnced him to ever Cenadiatt ns officials of the (irsdnat� of Toronto l nicHono.1 From Now until January tSt. icjio, ,h^ firs of (.ant,l:an •taresmen. [Tisjmny be a Jude• nnvtnq the npa�tlet tlflns. \\' hit e Created !Beek 1'nlat„1•, Bron>r turkey, W. .1. Bowden 4'ete 14 menthes credit will be given o„ Orrlcit:- Over Dickson ('arling'si,le hall been gircn Largely to unit• but ee dent need Mr.diordeit'• .er- \V• Carer: Orphincrton:, Al. !Barlett R•• Rre farn:•`tinR np►+rer•.I joint ttotr<• t 2 To Couto' (ire•,•. 1►. Borgia!' For $1. )O. ing the two races who constitute the vie, Long 4 e(ore he *poke of the \fcLarcn R Pierre (in'.drn I'nlandF. r;;nn geese. W. everts; Pekin •lecka,� Pe: ret,[ ntf for sash an er^,lit Law °Rices in Dr. Anderson's former greater pop (. 1ronfy ; VLitr Lr • t \\'• i)OuR:ns, A. il:rk., Itouen )D ck>, amounts,. denial parlors. portion of the n,ntion. matter err keened et the matter,. t.h°ret'' :II:: NI k i'r�rc,<, W. Canfrr. L' p Bir Wilfrid was the Hetet to speak (Continued on page 4.) f►o:ryt:ns, A, Iteith: llrn.tct Lrtrhor,,., ght JAf9, BTA;!iLKY _ �Maarcn h Pearce�.t3rean_ Leahaeu (Continued oe liege 1) • - dlliila9aar �i •is JONES & CLARKS' Autumn Tidings People. Stoves and Ranges BUY A riONEY TO LOAN. DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. We have s lar ''e ofToronto aan on term and villa a ra, y, Interest. U1.AUSIAN do BTANBURY Berrtster• Boliciter•. Mein at,lExetee Office over Madman & Stanbury'e it; M. CALI.FA$ ' ollrinlae