HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-17, Page 4SHE EXEZ ER TIMES, SEPT lith 1908. SCHOOL 1 address of the printer and publisher I (:rand r30nd Aced Uraud Ilend. The dry mcattier of tLc past few weeks is beginning to wake the 1.as- ture look dry in these parts, as ►+ell as the farmers who have not got their wheat tow n. But it a:so makes our blacksmith look happy as he is kept busy keeping the wheels in running shape. Win. Dewey returned ou Satur- day from a week's visit at Hillsbor- ough. where he was looking after his fishing interests. We have sou►e, camp.... here yet : 0 1 issued in connection with an clew tion. The leaking of false state- ments with respect to the personal OPENING Ic w person o[ a candidate tttoreaders the ,he poison making it liable to a Inc: of not Icss than &IOU. Contributions for political purpos- A full line of by any condi a,i,. or ssot:inetion is E aao made Un .nIic,uble effencu School Books' Lucan d a 11 other1 The oil drillers arc working night ' and day, on the tarty of James O'er - kin, every claw of printed material one wile from the village on Rhe School supplies. CLuppt►1 line. They Pur[twc golrig but aro doubt next at•eck at•i11 sec the down 3 000 ft. and will spend '3U,000 let trtul'e of eche last et thiol for prospecting in this district. P -T. another ,year. • 11, tall cite a •London lair this eveek. No scholar should fail to } Miss Rolla !Sarno, left oil friday Asaph Gfavcllc .was visited as e - • bo for Sarnia for I)inortwio on %reek b;• his Iwo cousins from Mon - get one of our I. 1 l'e Scribblers icon W 13 Oliver as about completed for a copy of the Boy's Own bas taken a position with Miss Mas- \Vm. Dewey's house. Mr. Dewey will Annualon.move is this w'eela. or the Girl's Own dard, Stratford. who has been home with a broken shoulder bla1e for the past month returned to work en Monday. Dick Lautt, au old Lucan boy, now. with the Verity Company, of I3rant, ford. spent last week in the village. i1000. IN PRIZES' number from here intend PRIZES! Curtin of Toledo, and J. Lawes charge of the work. taking in last via et o the C.1'.1t., where. she bas accepted treat, whom he had not seen for a a school. good many years and Pratice Books, and try' bliss Gladys L,psctt, of Ilde h Arthur liawkshaw, of tbe Stan- Mr. Richard Hamilton is putting a cement foundation under his stable. Mr. Richard Hamilton and family also James llighstcad's family, left for Victoria, B. C. last Monday. Mr. Ilighstead having left the ,week previous. Sacrament twits observed in the Presbyterian church here last Sun- day. We are glad to be able to say that Mr. tlapfe, our tailor is able to move outside again, after 4.x•ing laid up the past few months. Louis nacelle visited in London on Tuesday, combining business with it at the same time. Quite a number of 'young people from this place 'vent to Port frank on Labor Day for a picnic. I guess they had a good 'time at least some of them. Mr. Joseph Brenner purchased the butcher chop recently erected by John Willert, and has improved it by giving it a (good coat of paint.. Mr. 11 .Pollock has mowed into his new house and no doubt will find it more convenient than the Mecca - bee Hall. Any person 'who is desirous of en- tering into a 25 mile Marathon race for the championship of Stephen. will ;no doubt be accommodated if they apply to /lour correspondent, here, as he believes we have two echo can clean up anything in the town ship for fun, money or •marbles. Annual, 500 to be given away. Brownings Drug Store Exeter Times Exeter. Ontario. Xerms of Subsoription $1.00 per /ear In advance. $1.50 may he United Dbaried if not so paid. To /Fates eubacribers, $1.50 strictly in ledvanoe. No. paper discontinued t ed last week with her sister, Mrs. R. tlensall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lick, of South Boardman, Mich., returned to their home last week, after a pleasant vis- it with friends here. Mrs. 1). McLeod, of Detroit, visit - Cantil all arrears are paid, the option of the publisher. The piste to which every subscription is Paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates on application. DECISIONS RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS Any person or persons who takes a paper regularly from a post office. whether addressed in bis name or another's, or 'whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for payment. If a person orders bis papers dis- continued bo must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and then collect tbe ,whole • amount whether the paper is taken or not. The Courts have decided that re- fusing to take newspapers or period- icals from the post office or remov- ing and leaving them uncalled for W,4nile subscription remains unpaid, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. THE EXETER or TIMES P'T'G CO. Bonthron. Mrs. J. 11. Leek is recovering nice- ly from her recent illness. t iMrs. John Wisner, of Detroit, was here last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr.... J. W. Johnston. (Miss M. .Elgie, of London. is vis- iting :relatives and (friends here. Mr. Edward Dignan has moved in - ,o 'town and ♦vill occupy the rooms in the Petty block for the fall and winter months. The Paterson pletaing mill has been moved to Dashwood, whore it is be- im_ •rebuilt by the Dashwood Plan- ing `die Company. who recently lost their 'building by lire. Kenneth White, of Cobalt, is here viating its parents. Mrs. George Brown and daugh- ters have returned from Kincardine where they visited 'Rev. T. Match - ford, brother of 'Mrs. Brown. The Reform convention t.vas held here Tuesday and 'M. Y. MoLcstn. the present M. N. %vas made the un- animous choice. from the cnthusi- Limited. arm displayed and the many promis- ises of support, iM. Y. will no doubt be returned again 'with an inoreas. ed majority. A large number from here mill at- 11on, Clifford Sifton will likely he tend the Laurier demonstration at Clinton on Wednesday, the 23rd. A large number from Bengali have been attending the Toronto exhibi- tion even more than in former years. Reeve Petty is making extensive improvements to the Warring pro- perty which he purchased some felt' years ago. A cement foundation is being .placed underneath. Miss Bessie Urquhardt left last week for North Carolina, where she bas secured a good position in con- nection with a sellout of expression. Mr. J. Weismiller has etigage4 Miss Porter, lately of !Berlin, as milliner for the season. Mrs. hart and her two daughters, who have been spending . s?vertth weeks with relatives in Whitby, and vicinity returned home this week. Miss Ella Davis has returned to Toronto to resume her studies.• Mr. W. E. 1(oggarth, of liermall, is taking charge of Miss Johnston's room in the high School department. Exeter, the latter being unable to take charge of her class owing to Note and Comment the unanimous choice of the Brandon Liberals to contest tbe coming elec- tion. reports Contrary to the newspaper the date for the election has not been named and Sir Richard Cartwright is still a member of the 1Cabine1t!. lion. J. IDI. Gibson is now official- ly the next lieutenantlovenor of Ontario, an order -in -council to, that effect having been passed on ed- nesday of last week. At a convention of the North Mid- dlesex Liberals held at Mt. Bridges, idges- on Friday, Presi- dent of the Dominion • Shorthorn Breeders' Association was nominated to contest the riding at the coming Dominion elections. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of D. M. Stewart, former gen- eral manager of the Sovereign bank, at the instanfe of the government, the charge being Leeming false re- turns to the finance department. Ile could not be found and it is believ- ed he has !eft Montreal,. though he Wits: knew❑ to Le there not many Illnesse days ago. Miss Youill. trained nurse, is at lion. 11. NV. Scott, secretary of present home from Kincardine vis - state, has resigned from the Dolnin- ;Ong her Ethel of London. ion cabinet owing to advancing years. His successor is Charles Mur- n` isbh re recently peentss spending a 'week pby, K. C. of Ottawa. Mr. Murphy is exceedingly popular with .all classes of community and enjoys con- fidence of French-Canadians. Ile is a bachelor about 40 yesr3 of age. plc k vne-armed, having lost the use of his !eft arm. Mr. Murphy It is probable will be a condi late In leu sell County. which is consid- ered a cure Liberal seat. Mfr. J. G. Foley. clerk of the Crown in Charts -ere. has compiled the new Dominion Elections Act which went into effect on July '=0th. It contains many new provisions affecting candi- dates, electors and new papers noel printing office.. It is made a crim- inal offence, punishable by a heavy tine. to take down. mutilate or de- face any proclamation notice, voters' list or other document required to be posted up under the provisions of the Act. No person can make any contribution on behalf of any can- didate except through the agent of such candidate. The bribery pro- s•is:ions in the act are made tn•tch more severe. Canvassing by per- sons residing outside of Canada is marls an indictable einem-. 1'rirtt- inc offic are r••l' ir. 1 10 give tin - For n light lunch, afternoon teas, ptie'1►ics awl Camp. there is nothing that \ci11 equal BOVRIL SANDWICH ft is 1:1 ,t y, more nutritious than 1-t'(1. beef or chicken, and mitre ecel1011llcal. Send a post curd fir new recipe booklet ''•1';I -t \ Dishes" t o All disorders caused by, a bilious state of the system can be cured by, using .Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping or discomfort attend- ing their use. Try. thew. Sunshine Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fletcher, of Exeter, spent ,Sunday at 1). Gould - i ng s, Miss Eunice Doupo and the Misses Shute visited friends here on Sun- day last. As Mr. IIarvey Davis was ire the act of leading a colt, a few days ago. the animal became frightened and pulled Mr. Davis out of the bug- gy, falling on his head. He was un- conscious for some time, and nar- row!), escaped fatal injury. As it is he will nurse a very sore tuck for some time. Charles II. hunter, Inspector of the Public Works, department, was in Seatorth last week looking for a sultnble site for the new public build la ing to be erected at that place and which will be used as a postoffice, customs office and warehouse. IIe examined several sites on which he will ask options and will report to tbe department. The building will coat in the neighborhood of 625.000. One day of last week an unusual accident happened at the home of Samuel Thomson. of Stanley. when bis youngest child of 6 months was in the baby carriage on the verandah by some means 'the carriage rolled off the platform, the carriage fel! over and the baby was hurt. It was found afterwards that one of the bones of its legs was broken. The parents took her to Sesforth where the bone was set : she is now doing well. and it is thought the little one will soon be alright. (OAlb. MIT(CO R=A. the Kind Yea Nate Alsa!s driijtt Bean the Signstare of This tt•otnn,t says that Lydia E. i'inkh:un's vegetable compound mined her life. lana(, ('h:►tt•1, Valleyfield, 11.')lcriver, Quebec, writes to .SLK. 1'inkham : •• t want to tell you that without Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Com- pound, 1 would not be alive. For months i suffered with painful and I irregular periods and inflammation of the feminine organs. Doctors could do nothing for int,. and said I must sub- mit to an operation as 1 had a tumor. One of my cousins advised me to •' 1 did so and now I have no pain .end am entirely cured. Your remedy is deservinyt of great praise." I11 1\ IS (_MIME\ .�- esDl•estion,Cheerful- ncs''l M e it }tneither Nor NARC OTIC. Aerie.✓ata 1i-.�WLZZPAG�[t Eivet- erja.r+rt.a�.t. • ��11�/7f1117 Apelfect Remedy for Conslipa- fton. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms Convutsions,Fcverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSimiie Signature of tree NEW YORK. 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••411, 1 The lYlolsons Bank • Incorporated 18x3. u�� I V IIIfl I CAPITAL 1 RESERVE FUND For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 11 is tnortlhti old 3Do.rs-3jCi.`(S CASI LXACT COPY 011 WRAPPER I ?N• O•NT*U5 CONParsv, M:w roan CRY. 0 t NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Co= mpany of Canada FALL.,. GOODS $9 374.000.00 $3.374,000.00 Has 65 /Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Yrine*pal Cities in the World. General Harking Business Transacted, Savings Bank Department 1 1 at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dlekt30n 6t: Carling, solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager Z•••••••••••••••••M•••••••o••N•••••••••••••••••••.4 See our splendid range of new wrapperettes @ r 2 i4 c. Our hosiery is complete and range in price from 12% cents to 5o cents. Try a piece of our cotton cashmere @ 14 cents. A full stock of Hardware including Nails, Glass, Putty, Hinges, Horse Brushes, Paint Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes, Raw and Boiled Oil, Etc. -Highest Price for Produce. - B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar (�rp 11111pals Fali UlUHeW Sig Iliol Come and See Them is about to puhii';h a nese issue of the Official Telephone Directory' for the District of ‘Vestern Ont- ario, including the Village of Exeter. Changes of lit ata names, changes of MI ea addresses. or (etrs for dnplic- ate entries should be handed in at once 10 e---_� A. MARCHAND Ltrcart:Martag er. De Usborne and Nlbbert tukc Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable • Compound as it had cured her. f B3()VRI1_ I-IMI.1•f:1) n ST. PF i ER a TEtliEiT,AIONTREiAI i arnler's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE We wish to extend to you an inS itation to call and see the new Suitings .hat are "itt it" this fall. These we are showing represent the choicest. offered Dy the old and new world. proud patterns are Right, they are Exclusive and weare of them. The Quality is Right too -up to the high standard we always carry. If you want a stuart suit for fall, select your goods here we assure you the style, make and fit will be right. The price beyond a doubt. we quote the lowest price possible. This is acknowledged by our customers, and recognized by our competitors. Again we invite you, we are proud to show the new goods and talk price at till times Hoag Office, Farquhar, Ont. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. 1 dent --.1. L. !t(iSS1.LL. For thirty years Lydia E. fink- I 'msid• nt -tt'. 11. PASSMottt; ham's Vegetable ('oIn )(rund, made from roots and herbs, 1IaS been the Atandard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured tltousatids of women who have been troubled avith displaeemmnts, intianunntinn, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irrezithiritit•s. peritxlic ;mins, learli;ache, t!la' bear- ing -down feeling, flatulen, ion, di,.ziness 01' nervous 11', r -1 ration. • NS lir dont )'ort try it ? Mrs. 1'inkhnnt invites all sick women to w rite her for ittlsice.) Socy.Troas. Farquhar. She has guided thousands to health. Address. Lynn, Maas, OLADMAN & STAN1311RY, ih 1ieitor• DEiIB(1T'Oits. NM, Roy, honNt1oLat P. U IVM. IBROCK WINrIlKt.SRA 1', O. T. RYAN, Dunl.t:t P. 0 ROBEI(T NORMS, Steffe. AGENTS. .1OIIN l;SSEllY, Exeter. !Jest tot reborn() and Ifittdulph. OLIVER BARRIS, Munro. ',Oat for Elibbert, hull trton and Logan. B. W. F'. BEAVERS, J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON MEAD OFFICE, 'TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER. Presitleat ALEX. LAIRD, General Saaagsr GRAND TRUNKSYS EM Western Fair LONDON 05 cents dtoit, Exeter. Good going Sept. 12, 13, 11, 1G and 18. Special excursion rate 90 cents good going Sept 15 and 17. Return limit on all tickets kept 81st. SPECIAL leaving 8.07 a. rn. Sept, err, 16, and 17, returning 10.50 p. m• Sept. 15, 16 and 17. Regular train No. 33 twill leave London 5.15 p.m. Sept. 15, 10, and 17 Low Rate Western Excursions Going Sept. 17, lx. heal,. (poen Exeter Port Huron i2 110. ()rand Rapids $7.05 Detroit $4.30. Saginaw $5.10. Chicago *1(1.10. Minneapolis $:.'t. Bey ('ity $5.21) Kt. Paul, Cleveland, via Detroit and 0. k C. Steamers 89 So. Return limit Monday Oct. Sth 1S81K For information etc., apply to J. J. KNIGHT. Depot Agent. or write J. D. MCDONALD, Union Depot. Toronto. Ont. sirunTions:. with leading leusine, honscs nw,til our grndtr►tt•s. Loose -Leaf Ledger aril ;t 1 tnudere dice methods obit It mealrapid ndv;tnee- me'r, t . Gregg Shorthand 1,.00 by 111.. 0: ly 1 •.teherin (tnt,itio wh. attended the Author's School. THREE COURSES: --Stenography, C •intoe'c•be1. 'telegraphs. Enter any dot•, write for patttculars FALL 1 LRM 1 1:(1M SCPT. tat Clieion ,Bis i ss Prior til OI I(1N. 1 riorit n1. IPaid-up Capital, $10,000, Reserve Fund, - 5,000, III 111 1 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred )49 telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113 Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager Iirancll also at Crediton. Two 6 Octave Organs Second hand. CHEAP Also Two Pianos Slightly used At Great Reduction. Sewing Machines The best made at prices that will suit you. Bicycles, Baby Carriages and Go Carts Very attractive. 1'rices right Fine Stationery S. MdrtIn & son ATTEND THE BEST! J AcEHrAaL �- STRATFORD.. ONT. It is recognized ae the LAI10. • EMT. BEST. and MOST 9UC• ('1?SSECI. training school In • Western Ontario. Three de.: partn,enlP:-- • COM,11IiRCIAL. StHORTHAND• o TELEGRAPHIC. • Our gtaduates eecure good 1.0• enema arid forge to the front. • Write for ear free catalogue, • you will 11rd it interesting. Yoe 7)111 POI erany time. • T • 1:1.1.101'1' k M ('i,ACHLAN, Principals. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re - tura to a normal "andition, and the patient will feel and look tike a different person. All cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- plete cure if instructions are followed • . Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. 4 _0 years. K. have been established over WE CURE Nervous Debility. Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. 1f unable to call wrise for a Question List for Home � Treatment. E NNDY KE D NE s.K DR Cor. Michigan t Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich. 1111 No Honing -- No Grinding 444- 7 inema• i,7. N. 0 Hive you ever whittled a nail ? F.teel to stand such a test must possess unusual quality, But almost every high grade knife will do this, lust as any high grade razor will whittle a hair. Cutting hairs, how- ever, iia mere difficult problem than whittling nails, cr hair. A higher grade s,eel, more evenly tempered, perfectly ground and sharpened are some of the essentials for a keen cutting edge for hair. A razor edge is a series of firt. Irregular teeth. Dull razors are those which have the teeth broken cff, or turned -broken, on brit tie razc,s- turaed, on soft ones. !tarot steel is iron free from air, dirt and foreign particles p-rfectly fused with carbon. Carbon gives life, tenacity and toughness to these teeth. To get a high percentage of it perfectly fused is impossible by bre tempering. Fire, with it: varying d sprees of heat, consumes the car?on -the more carbon the quicker the cone:option - result, brittle sad crumbly steel teeth. A way has been found to fuic the greatest per cent. of carl•o■ ecu known by a secret process of electric heat properly appked and accurately measure 1 Because of the added toughness of this recarbonized stool the teeth of Carbo Magnetic razors will neither bend nor break and are unconditionally guaranteed. But test this uwoowdittl•wally SW&ranto.d razor in year awn home -or have your barber elle it oa you -for thirty days Drop us a postal, or better yet, come in and see os and we will give you our rew proposition for having these razors tested without obliga- Con to purchase, together with our free booklet " Hints on Shaving." 040 SrnopIs 01 Me Canoaion Noflil west HOMESTEAD 111(0ULATIONB. Any person Who is the sore head of a family, or any male over 18 years old may homestead n quartet, sectoni of available Dominion land iu Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicnni: roust appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for (be district. Entry by, proxy may be had at the agency, oil certain conditions. by father. mother sun. daughtwr, brother, or sister of intend:ng homesteader. Duties:. -Six months residence upon tut 1 cultivation of the land in enob of three years. A homesteader tnay live within n:no mile. of hie home- stead cn n harm of at least 80 acres :solely owned ntid Occup:ed by hint or 1,ls father, mother, son, daughter, i.rolher or sister. In certain districts a homesteaavr :n good stet .lin;t cony pre-ompt a gees t'•; :,eet'on aio,tgeide his home-. steed. l'r.ce `3. ler acre. 'Metier-- M.i: t reside •:x months ineaeh of sir years from date of homestead entry (.nc:uding the time required to earn homestead patent) a rid cu vtae Lily acres e � rs x.r.� . c A lio ee,tee.t,r e 'ic La: exhausted pili. hotn;h,cnd r:glee noel cr. tinot oh. ;a:n a pre-etnptiott may take a pure ilea•• e1 homestead :n a •rt'1itt districts 1'r e; :E3. -per lc e. i)tlt:t s. -Stoat .• .•'o ,ix teeth h: in each of three eee,r1, c•c:t:vate fifty acres tool erect 1.r.:. • ,forth $300.0.? rnilY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. B. -Unauthorized pnbllcatlon of this Muntn went will not be paid for Mr. W. Smillie. d nc• of the pupil[ at the Collegiate Clinton. met w p a painful nec;dcnt or; Tuesday :ate noon. rrhi:e playing football. 1 a arm was put out of joint at the wrist when checking, rn(o:no hart m'(ch pain. Tl a Hoath o: Mr. John W. Little root;rrea in Mcgiilop nn !atonally of :tat week. 7•he elnccaa••,1, whose Tamil^n name was Moot Hannah Few - titer. was born in Kirby Moresidc, York:hire. E•ng:ind. 77 years ago. She wtweld:•d ;o h •r 'ill Itoabandj 51 y.,are -ten '11 L•,ralon. fent.. tool re- od, c:t ear. T. '•tct:::-r'. t ,- a few yen r:. moving fine 1t:.• to the pre- • to home on t'1' Rib con.. of f he saw' township. A fart :,v of roar song and four dautzhter9 ,revive to• mourn the lost of a spiendid Chris - ::an mother. W. S. Cole, Druggist The home of :Mr. an 1 Mrs. Jem•s Stewart. Eg:no►dvi:Ie. "iii the scene of a very pretty r•teddin•z `i• pt.•in. tier ninth when their daughter Vic- toria A. w•ax united in marriage to Mr. \V. G. Charlesworth. The c,rc- Inony was conducted Sy Iter. Neil Shaw in the , �ettc:' c( at»'i: C'1 if you had taken tee of Cirter'a Little Liver fills before if irin;f pan eoul.t not have bad that coated ton- gue or bail tante in the mouth this morning. Keen n vial with you for occasional nos.