HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-17, Page 1!tart S URON &M1DDL ESEX GAZE TT E THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR—NO 1824 i • We are showing a very extensive range of the Nev : Colored Dress Goods for this season. 2 • Stripes are very new and come in Green, Brown, Blue and Iced. The cloths are very fine witn a beautiful finish. Plain • cloths are very popular in the sante shades as the stripes and our •: stock comprises the Pink of the Dress Good trade :: Panamas, Chifion, Venetian, Broadcloth, English IIWorsted and Serges are all nwf. Z Black Dress Goods Welare famous for our Black Dress Goods, and do not ♦♦♦I purpose falling behind this season, we are better than ever • lin Viiles, Taffeta Cloth. Chiffon and Broadcloth, Panama, English and Worsted serges. We can- Z not be beat for quantity quality. Do not fail to Z see our targe stock of Blacks. ••♦•♦•••••••••••••••♦••♦••.••♦•♦♦•••♦•♦••♦•♦♦• v........ •♦•••••••••N•••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32 • Auttimn Tidings From our Dry Goods Department Autuinn is putting on her Golden tinge now, and that means business will soon be booming with the New Fall Dress Goods. Everything here is in Full swing for the big rush. New Dress Goods, Suitings, Separate Skirts, Eur Lined Coats, Furs, Millinery, and in fact Every Article for your Comfort. Our milliners are Here Ready to take your order for your early Fall Hat. The new ready-to-wear Hats are very New and Swell for the Early Fail wear and are found here in abundance. livery Lady should look after her millinery early and give the Milliners a chance to fix you tip real Swell. Colored Dress Goods Fur Lined Coats and Furs You will be suprised this year to sec our large stock of Fur Lined Coats, Fur Coats and Furs. There is nothing left out in this line. We have them all and all the very best. We want you to see tlleln as we are very proud of our largh showing, and think you will be the same to see the large select- ion we give you to choose from. 1 POULTRY ('hicks 2S lbs, each, 8c. per Ib alive, caressed per Ib. Sc., For) lump Chickens, under tints each, Inc per lb, liens Iict per lb alive. Ducks 7c per ib alive, Jets per 1b dressed. MI poul try must be dry picked, and piclted clean. No cash paid for poultry. No than poultry taken at any price. Jones & Clark IIeadquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. ••••••••••N••♦••••♦•••••• ••♦•••••♦•••••••♦•• •••••••••••••N•••• ••••♦••••••••••••••♦•••♦•• HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amoun0 of private rands Nn on farm and village properties a0lowratte interest. (BADMAN & t?TANBURY Herrlstere Solicitors, M sin SL!Exeter FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur geon. Successor to A. R. Ram- _T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani- V • P. 8,, Graduate Victoria Un mals on moat approved principals, witty. once and reeldeoence. Domtolao Special attention to dentistry, Of11ce Laboratory, Exeter. at Itunsay's old stand on !!lain street. Associate Coroner of Huron. Night call at Peter Ilawden's residence Main street. •• 22 ♦22 •• shots. It looked at the beginning as if EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT lith 1908, Bowling In last wcck's issu,: in reporting the Ladies' game, nee wade an error andplaced the ,►". U 1 rl 9 n cr t • urn !tr the t wrong skt P In justice t A thea' f tr ones we make amend by .waking it right this week. The score should have been.— 'Mr. Gladwan Mr. Stewart Mrs. Ileatnan. Miss Dloncur Mrs. Stewart Mrs. Martin - miss Dickson Mrs. Gladman Ekip 5 Skip 10 'The final game of bowls for the championship and the medals donated by President N. Dyer Ilurdon, was played off at the green on Thursday afternoon and was an interesting one throughout. The rinks were skipeel by Messrs. Taman and Blatchford the former winning out by two 22 ♦ • Mr. Tamtan's rink would have a • • walkaway and at the tenth end was •2 • 13 to 14. Mr. Blatchford made a re - 2 I markable run when Taman was ly. • I ing Jive shots and taking the kitty 22 I out scored two points, making the • t I score 13 to 6. At the sixteenth end • 2• 22 •.• •• ♦• 22 the score stood 16 to 14. In the 17th Taman made two and in the 18th by a beautiful shot Blatchford -made two. Snaking the total score 18 to 16 in favor of Tainan. The medals made of the first vent pieces coined at the Canadian mint, nicely framed and suspended on black guards were then prosettled by the donor. The medals according to the winners entitles them to be worn at any demonstration, Twelfth of July, I7th of March, or any other old time. Following is the score. Tatman Illatchford •2 W. T. Acheson W. It. Alger sB. 'Martin .1. W. Broderick 2 I. R. Carling I . J. Christie ! W. \V, Tatman \1 . ?1. Iflalchford • ♦2 i1 Skip 18 Skip 10 fl Guy Club 36001 • • • • • ss The Huron 'Indians had an inter- esting shooting tournament at the club grounds on Labor Day, when some good shooting was made. Messrs 1?. Kerr and John Triebner were tie for first and second high average, the latter winning the toss and took the cuff links. Mr Kerr got the watch fob. Mr. B. Webb took first in the third event miss and r .t and ,von a tic pin. Tho new ae.omatic trap worked well and everybody was pleased with the day's sport. 10 10 20 20 7 9 15 14 60 10 0 18 14 65 13 8 7 10 44 9 S 17 15 65 7 3 22 No targets 10 10 S. Webb S 7 • j F, Kerr 5 t) •• • J.Bissett •• 22 S. Fitton W. Johns Triebner ♦ W. Sanders • F. Triehner 2 2 G. Delp triple 3 ifW. Statham 1 W. Venner 5 E. Vein 11. Smith 4 11 1.2 • Jas. IIksett N 13 TEN LIVE PIGEONS 1st Event 2nd Even DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. 1). 8., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury'e Main street—EXETER, ERNEST ELLiOT Conveyance' Accounts Collected 1A ON IW bo loan at lowest rates. 1�1 North Vest land., for Sale. Office, Main Street. Exeter EDISON P1-iONOGRfi P -i8 �IIE dance music of the Edi- Ta.y :' I' 1.1.1133. EXETER, LIC son Phonograph is clear, • ensed Auctioneer. Bales con tuneful and in perfect t time. ducted in aII puts. Terms reaaonable Fascinating waltzes and spirited Orders can be left at the Ti Meat Office � two-steps of the worlds great corn - Et) i3OSSENBERRY, ZURICH ; posers as well as the popular Licensed Auctioneer. sales con dance music of the hour. /1 . ducted in all parts, Terms teasonabl and satisfaction guaranteed f phonographs $16 50 ON EY TO LOAN • SNI Records We hero unlimited private funds tor Invest '` S 4 oc�ra+tSt • eat open farm ar village rroperty at tows ate,. of intereee SOLI) :11'— 1)IC'KAON & CARLINO Exeter [Phonographs PURiTY DICKSON & CARLING, I igrbters solicitors Smarten, Conve screen • Oomml.stenere, Solicitors tar the moleore nit. E'c. I decamp to Loan at lowest rates of latent.%. OrrICEt—MAIN $TRF:F.T, LZRTER. L CARLrwa R. A. t. H, DiC<taC• 1 THE TORONTO tliowls Thomas Nutterv Civil En ineer Weekl Globe t A Architect t✓ (rote Department of Palk" work., Canada.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County ANI) 'Work, ddlectrie railroa1., Sewerage and waterworte 8r stem Whanto, Bridget and Re enforced Concrete Phone 42fe London onuses DR. (:. F. ROUL.'jTON, L. D. M. D. I). S., Dentist. Member of R. 0. 1), S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Orpicx:—Over Dickson & ('arling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former .lentil parlor!. From Now until January 1st. 1910 For $i.6o. Crocker-Mollnews Nupliois A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at the residence: of Mr. Moh- an! Witter. East Toronto. aor onto, an Wei. nesdaafternoon. i when Miss Lily M.ttMatt)e ws, daughter of Mrs. Peter Matthews, of ldroug1'su Ont., was united in marriage to .11,0. Edwin L. Crocker, of Toronto. for- merly of Exeter, and youngest Bou of lir. and Mrs. I{ieharil Crocker, of town. The ceremony was per. formed by the I{ev. Thos Ratcliffe, in the presence cf sixty guests. The bride looked ehaean:ng in white silk, carrying a bouquet of brid- al roses and ferns. Her travelling gown was navy blue cloth, with p:c- ture hat. The bride was escorted to the altar by her uncle, Mr. Randall C. Matthews., of Shipka, to the strains of hlettdelssohn's wedding blare!), played by. Mr. Ir. J. Eacrett, of Exeter. Guests were present from Pickering, Brougham, Shipka. Exe. ter. Toronto and other places. • Mr. and tMr.s. Crocker left Toron- to on Wednesday evening for Phila- delphia and Atlantic city, where they will spend their It olevtnoog, and on their return to Toronto will reside at 128 Christie Streets. The bride was the recipient of a number of- 'handsome wedding pres- ents. The Times jo:us in exteiel ng co•tl gra tO ado's. Hufller-Npwilos Waling Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 15th, ons the scene of a very pretty wedding at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ilawkins, Elimville, viten their youngest daughter Evelyn May, was united in marriage to Mr. Wi:ber I. Htl.nter. The knot was tied by an Elimvillc "Old Boy" in the person of Rev. Itobt. Hicks, now of Credi- ton. Promptly at half past four to the strains of the wed ling march played by the bride's sister, Mrs. George hunter, the bride, who was i~iven away by her lather, took her place beside the groom (under nn evergreen arch on the lawn, which was beautifully banked with flowers and ferns. She wore a lovely gown of Marquesettc over Peau de Cygno trimmed with satin and lace and carried a shower bouquet of ereatn roses. She was attended by Ithp groom's sister, Miss Linda Bunter, attired itt ivory voile finished with ribbon and carrying pink roses, while Mr. Milton Clarke supported the groom. As the register was being signed Miss Ilattie hunter sang the beautiful solo "O Love Divine'. Af- ter congratulations, all, numbering one hundred and fifty, repaired to the dining -room where a splendid dinner ►vas served. The evening was spent enjoyably in lassie, games, etc. The gifts were loth numerous and costly showing the high esteem- in 4 which the popular young couple are held. The grooms gift do the 3 bride was a handsome oak rocker ; 1 to the bridesmaid a ring Net with 5 rubies and pearls ; to the best man 7 gold cuff links. The happy couple left amid peltings of flowers rind 21 rice for the. groom's fine home just MARRIED month of F.limville. The bride's go- I(of the{—iIAWKiNS—At w' ing-nny gown ons of 1):41eof :41e broad- the bride's parents. cloth with ha to match. Guests were present from Toronto. London, R.,e::ft rte. Ilensall, Exeter, Kirkton. C. analis and other places. The 'Tunes" joins in wishing the happy coupic a happy and prosperous we 1. ded life. NC Premier's 0010rio tour Sir \Viltrid Laurier left Ottawa ott e .t,. n do y wt his tour through Ontario. Ttubda 5 • he e . s poke .o an irran.vtee gathering at Niagara Isis and to -day he will address t he Man- ufacturers' /banquet at Montreal. Friday he will leave biotatreal, ar- riving in Strathroy Saturday noon: where he will address a meeting. Sunday he will rest in London and en :Monday will epeuk at Tilbury, On Tuesday he will rest tip again in London and on \Vedateselay will leave for Clinton, arriving .there at 10.50 a. tn. After his address in Clinton, he will go to Toronto and 011 'Friday will address the tneeting at North Bay. Monday. Sept. 28th, he will address the tneeting at Jackson's l'o:nt and on the 30th will speak at Cornwall. after which he will re. turn to Ottawa. M. Y. Acton 800 De [Moroi C00nitlole M. Y.. _McLean, 'M. I'. of Seeforth, was the unanimous choice of elle Liberals of South 4luron et the convention held in Ilensall on Tues- day, to contest the riding .in the in- terest of .rho Reform party at the cotning general elections. Mr. Mc- Lean in accepting The nomination thanked the delegates for the inter- est taken and \vas sure with their united support anti the support of the Liberals generally, there would be no doubt that ;South Huron would continue in She Liberal col- umn. \V. S. Calvert, 1.1. P., chief Liberal Whip. made a stirring speech, and went 'thoroughly into several -nat- ters which Dir. Foster tried every bard to make scandals, particularly the 'Saskatchewan Land transaction by which thousands of aores of lana were opened up and is now quite thickly settled. Ile urged his bear- ers to take advantage of the occasion to see and hear Ilon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier at tho demonstration rut Clinton next Wednesday. The candidate made a short ad- dress after Mr. Calvert, and gave several pointers as to organization, etc, after which 'the meeting close rl with cheers for the King, *the Prem- ier, the candidate and lir. Calvert. ea Thames Road The trustees of Bethany church in- tend making. several improvements to the church, by ranking a more rent- able entrance • to the church and re- pairing the -fence. Mr. Thos. Cameron, lest .week sold to Mr. Pete Moir. of the Fourth Con- cession of (tsborne, the Andrew Catnpell farm containing 150 acre. price $10,700. This is a fine farm and while we will miss Andrew as a neighbor, Pete is to be congratu- lated in securing for himself such a convenient home. '1 r. Campbell in:ends rtoing west in t le. sl•r"nr,. 5. \V,tbh R 4 F. I:err, 3 ;1 John IHissctt W. Johns S. Fitton, J. Triebner W. Sanders. P. Triebner G. Dalrymple W. Veneer W. Statham 7 7 :i 10 2 7 1 7 L 1 Four of Lucan's crack tennis play- ers came over Saturday, and the score will tell at a glance just what they did to the local players. Fox and Lang beat Graham and Senior 0-3. 6-3. Lang beat Graham 6.4. 6-1 ; fox ilt•at Senior, 0-4, 1-6 (i-0: Foretnan and Smith beat Alger and Palmer. 0-3. 5-7, unfinished, Foreman bent Palmer 0-2, 0-3. Miss Ellett McLean,, of Grafton. Dakota. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. MelnniA ,lir. George Hawkins, London toe] North, is very ill at bis home suf- fering frorn erysipelas of the arm. Mr. Hawkins is pearly 90 years of age. lion. 11. L. Borden. the leader of the Opposition is expected to speak :n Princess rink, London. on Tues- day evening, Sept. '22nd. Ile will be acco:npanied by the four l'rovinc:al premiers. The ?nelsons; Hank. •Exeter, have donated to the Exeter Agricultural Society nt Doming (nir n special prize of 83.00 for best walking team, agricultural or general purpose. Dis- tance. once aroused the course. Mr. .1. 0. Stanbory Slicccedcd in making a sweep of the prizes at the Western fair, London with Ill, gladiolus. Ile entere 1 his clowerr ir tour the professional and amateur c:a.srs end ►von first prize in Loth. Concert Fair ,Night.— The Hewer Concert Catnpany will give their ex- cellent concert in the Opera house, Exeter. Pair night, Sept. 22nd. The company consists of geertelte, com- edian Stun two remarkable boy so. firanos. who are certainly little wonder,.. \Val. Brown will presi Ic at (the piano. Admission 25 cents : Iteserred lents 33c ; plain of hall at Cole's Drug store. The Ou font Powder Co. hae pre. rented to the Exeter Gun Club o handsome (rimed picture of the farnous setter dog "Ladies Conn; Gladstone." The pilot fire will be put up as a trophy to dx' shot for some time in tit.• near'futtlr' and is well worth making an effort to p„ - cure. The picture is mow on exhi• Sidon at S. Fit tot'. store. all Locals This is fair week in London and a number from here have attended. It is expected many will go down to- day. —Mr. Fred Brook. of ltidgetow•,,, DIED who has been visiting itis sisters, HOLT%MANN.— At Crediton. Mrs. Northcott and Miss Brooks re- cloy•'Dt., 13th, 1908, Geo. Heitz - mann. home Tncsda,� morning. mann. sr.. aged 85 years. 6 111.1,. —Miss Pearl A. Kitson who spent and 7 the past week with .1. Willi+ Pow.all EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL HOARD and wife returned to St. .Thornas Bnurrlay'' The regular monthly session of —bliss Morlock wishes to nnttounre the iloard was held in the To•►n Hall that her millinery openings will be on Monday evening last with a full held on Saturday. Monday and Tues- atteudaticc. Thc following is the or - day next. der of business disposed of. Pet The Messrs. Gregory returned this chair. minutes of previous meeting. week toorelaytheir father, I'er Martin ann F. W. MadmanPhos. Gregory being Strcntly in. that the report of the chair :Wyk - proved in health. ing the engagement of Mr. )1. !log - Mr. \\•eidenhammer. the principal of the high school. hat rented lir. Mack's home on the street north of the Metropolitan hotel . Mr.. Collins, Miss Bonthron. and Miss Katie Collins returned Friday evening from a ten day.' visit with relatives in Toronto. the home Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hawkins, Elimcille, on rruesdac. Sept. 151)1 by the Rev. Role. (licks, • Miss Evelyn May Hawkins to Mr. Wilber L. Hunter. 31IDDLETON - UAYTEI{.— In Step- hen, Wednesday, Aug. loth. Miss Bertha. daughter of Mr. T. llayter to Mr. John Middleton. of Godcr. ich towttshiof. CROCKER—MATHE\':S.— In 'Tor- onto Sept. 9th, t\Ir. Edward Crock- er. of Toronto. former!” of E •• - - ter, 'to Miss Lily Matthews. i.f Toronto. —Mrs. A. Laramie, of Detroit. who has been visiting relatives in town returned borne on Teiesday ecenm. pnnied by her mother, Mr.. 8. Tait. Why mot compete /or our epecinl fol best loaf of bread baked from our STA It FLO(3It. Bee Striae list. ar 1 R t 1 and Miss ils9 A. Martin as toile- plies t1ltiplics in rooms 3 and 5 be approved I'er S. Martin and H. Ifttston that the following accounts be. approved, S. Fanson, scrubbing, $10.00; P. Hey- wood, painting ale! repairs, $15.80: United Typewriter account in full. '#.Oil. I'er It. N. itowe and 11. Ruston on the report of the princi- pal. that the shelving hook. and chairs required le. placed by the r•• - pair. eoni. Per 8. Martin and It. N. Rowe that the additions to the Li- brary and Ketene, department be se- cured by the supplies corn. Per H. Martin and F. W. Olsilmnn that the 1Vheat wanted at the mill.—Harvey defects in the east side drainage be Bro.. remedied by the G. & S. tom. Aiso Dr. 0. F. Ilouleton w fishes to an- that the well elny be properly die- noune' that he will be Meseta from lributed under the 'same direction. hie office alt Thursday, Friday and I'er 8. Martin rind 11. Hustontt;ri1 for tid the fee charge Saturday of next \cet•k, the lath. r) rrlissiolt to 25th and 20th. the Latin class for the term be $1.00. The (first assembly of the season Per t3. Dlnrtin and I'. \\'. (lladniarl was given by the young men of town that Ur. Mtalloy be the Board rrpre- in McDonnell's hall, Friday evening Ituar ti forthothl rs',ni,c. of t he o•rn There was a good rotetulane* content. ering the warm weather. Mr. Wesley J. Snell. who has been visiting his -Bother rind calling on old friends for the pa.t two weeks, returned oto Chicago \Ve,lttrsday 01070111 it. Mr. Win. Berke met" with a nein- DU acted, ut Litt week. (le was Out Letting and stepped itt a hole, tot- ting his knee out of joint. It has been set in lalaeter park and in eon- aegltence of the necident Mr. Berke of Meteor Leaving pork shbnld cots - of Dr. Amos, removed. Per 1', \Vou,l adjoitrn►ncnt. • .1. Gi{(GG. Scey, Note,.—The following are i,;ken front the verbal report of the Prin. cipat received at this session. H. M. attendance 87. Supply for (lepart- ment 3 doing fn:r:y well l'roces- Alone) entrance introduced producing good results. i'rcperntion for rotor. lar fire drill being emote. 11. i. In. epector favorable to the Introduction has been Contintd (0 !Krt. ditiona prove facorab:e. $f.o0 per year in advance x3 [XLT[,R Ffllft DflYS September, Zest. 22nd. You are cordially invited to examine our stock of STOVES and RANGES, during the Fair, or any other time at your convenience, HUY A Garland, Souviner or National Ranges, for quality economy and price. We have several slighty used Happy Thought Hauges, on hand, to bo sold cheap. In four and six holes. Samson Brand Portland Cement Just received another car of the Celebrated Cement. The I3est for Walks, Walls, Floors, Silos, etc. Order at once. Washing Machines, Wringers, Apple i'arcrs, Food Choppers, Apple Drying Wire, Lanterns, Shot Guns, Rifles and Ammunition at low- est prices. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE T. Hawkins & Son Shelf Jobbers and Dealers in and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc, We Blake a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof- ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convinces that it is the cheapest spot in town! T. HAWKINS & BON FALL SurnNcs Just to hand the largest and best stock of Fall Suitings ever shown in town. We have received the Fall Plate of the latest styles in Fall and Winter Wear. Make your selections early and avoid the rush. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario Auction Sale of Farm (Extensive Auction Sale Stock & Implements 'the nude! signed auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction on 1,OT 0, CON. 3, STEI'lll'•N Of Real Estate, Farm Stock and Implements. On Lot 2, Con. y, Usborne On WEDNESDAY SEPT. 23rd At 12 o'clock sharp —on-- STOCK -1 heavy draught Blares, 6, 5, 1, 3 pears old, all bred t,v Siberian; 1 brood mare 4 years old by Lord At one o'clock i harp the followingHowateon, 1 brood mare 13 years old prolxcty. bred bo Gregor; 1 gelding three years old. 1 general purpose. sucker; 7 cows 11011SE8.-1 aged 1107. r ; 1 horse,i supposed to be in calf, 1 thoroughbred 13 years o.d ; 1 aged mare, supposed I cow calf at foot, 1 steers 2 year r,ld, to be in foal to I'ercheron ; 1 y-atr j 2 heifers 3 year old, 5 steers 1 year old, old filly, by Wilder Lee ; 1 suckling 1 heifers 1 yearold, x calves, 2 brood colt, got by Lord U�wat on. r sows 2 yeats old, 1 thorolyed York - CATTLE. -7 cows supposed to he. shire hog. ri shoats ri weeks old, 12 with calf ; 1 farrow Cow ; 2 too -'sheep. year old steers: 2one,year-olds.steers IMPLEMENTS — Lumberwagon 2and box, pair of trnr•ks, stock rack. I1tI'Li;1tI:NTS.—1 tread po►►•er and Frost and Wood binder, mower and belt ; euttin3 box and grinder; fan.lpe a harvest••-, Massey Harris hay nine mill. brick hard cart and liar -I loader nearly new. Maxwell rake and nes.: scales, 2,000 lbs; a wagon;ore politer, cut tins box and carriers, hay Democrat ; 1 sulky ; 1 'buggy ; ; , rack, 2 single plows, ('ockshttt 2 fur. hay racks; I mower; 1 hay rake ; 1 i row plow, Maxwell flier harrow, 2 set cultivator; 1 aced drill, beetle new ; ' diamond hatrow., land roller, seed one innd roller; one reaper ; . one drill, fanning mill, pair bob sleighs, aulky plow ; one walking .plow, her-' cutter, grave! box. pair :,014111). wales, rows; one disc harrow"; ;: scttfflers; attachment for weighing stock, pair one grind stone, one work h. neh : 1 of counter scales 211) lbs, :t top buggies root ter 1per; 1 grave! pox; 3ladder.; 2!wetly new, road cart, circular saw1 wheel barrow ; 2 sets of llarncts. and (Gone. man saw, Melolte cream 1 single ; 2 crow bars ; 1 sugar ket- sepatettor. Chatham 211) egg incubator tie : 1 cradle : 1 r eyt he ; row chains ; and brooder, (.'yphrus brooder, IIM) fork., sl►ovcl., chains, 30 rows rnnn White Loghnrn berm turning IttIiP, golds, 42 rods long; 40 row•. turntps,!set of chisels and riblety. patsy churn 42 rods long ; 3 colonies of be••.. pee No. 3, wi.od t oak Move, glb.ss cup• hives ; sap buckets and spites ; ; bar-' hosrct '2 set double harness. set single rebs ; cream separator. National, ; sag- , harness, long ladder, whiflletreev, ar beet plow; Fuger beet cultivator; oceeyokcs, grirding stone, rattle number of cedar peat. ; steel .tone ,.),),iris, and other article's too linrner- toat, corn speller, water t rol,gh, one to n,r ration. tank. one honey extractor, three HEAi. ESTATE ---There will be of - piece. be.lroom suite, 1 bureau, and fered for sale at the None time and other articles too numerous to moo - ; !,Ince, that f,5) acres of land. being lot SATURDAY, SEPT. 26, 'OE People coming from n die ace will n. 1. w S• adjoining the alio%. fart(. 'the be ,served dinner arid aceotlroodation fnrnt is now all seeded ,lawn. bale Terms of Sale.—All cams of 5.00 terms to suit purchaser. Bari under, cash ; over that amount that nils and under cash; over that ammint12 eumths reedit given 11 months credit will he given nit on furnishing approved joint notes, furni•tang approved jo:li: note-. 4 ;, per cent pre tineuin off for ca.h on per cent off for caeb em , • ,I.I credit amounts. amounts. No remove as the propriet.r(r has JAS. STANLEY \V M. (':\I1.I':\s told hie farm. Audience, Proprietor JOS. WHiTE, UEU, I{OWCLiFFIC Auctlotaeer, Pt enlister.