HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-10, Page 8'12. E 1!:XETER 'LAMES SEPT 10th 1908, 44 -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++♦++++4+++4+4 -104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWART's We are ready with a BIG NEW STOCK for Fall. Every depart= II ment is crowded with fashions t$ newest creations. Our New Dress Goods and New Mantles will suprise PHONE 16 you. The Dress Goods this season will be plain Mirror fin- ished, and Fancy Chevron striFes. The new stripe goods w e are showing are certainly works of art, the shadings are true rich Autumn tints You will like our New Suitings, there is so much choice and the shades are so harmonious, you are not confined to any one color, and yet there is a character in them all We would be delighted to show you these new goods, and talk about them, the range is large but still the choicest lines go out first. I . Tuft. y#ar foprettiest New Stripe suitin r do rl the see this season. Colors are Blues Browns and Greens Shaded and Blended, with rich Au- tumn tints. S4 inches wide and pure wool. $4.25The suit end for a lovely lot of Blended stripe suitin s, Autumn tints, in Browns, Blues, and Greens, very stylish, and great wearing qualities. We want you to see our New Fall Jackets, they are all in and ready for your verdict. The colors are Black, Blues, Greens and Browns, and all tailor made by Continental Costume Co., ac- knowledged to be the best makers in Canada. Come and see the display. Live Ducky and Live Chickens and Hens wanted. J. A. STEW ART ++++++++++++++++9»++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++*+++++++++++++4 '++•i•++++++++++++++ Market Report. -The following is ' the report of Exeter markets, ear- rected up to S,•pt,utbcr 10th. \1'hra, 1{t to t;6c. lt•rrley. 45 to 50 cents. Oats 35 to 40 cls. Peas. 75 to t•2o. Bran, $20. Shorts $25. Blended 'Flour. STAR, kt2.60. Feed flour, *1.30 to $1.35. Clover Reed, $8 to $10 per bushel. Coal, 57.2 ton. ' is space belongs to Th p RELIABLE WATCHES Perfect in Construction Positive in Performane We again call attention to our grade of WATCHES Good Material, Fine Finish, and! Accurate Adjustment are all combined in our 1 -sigh Grade Watches. Our aim is not a question of price, but qua) ity, like anything else it is al- ways cheapest, in the end, If you want a good reliable watch call on us. A, MARCHAND Wedding icings a Specialty. Eggs, It)e a tloz. Butter time. Coal, 7 :t ton. Hogs. liveweight, 86.25. Bel! dressed, ,$8.25. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- S N E L L/ l Hotel.Ktlllours 0.30 a.be at oitt. to 4.30 p. Its. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye car and nose treated. Next visit Saturday September 26th. Good Grocery business for sale.- Apply at 'Tithes Office. -Mr. Percy Hooper. of London. spent t he holiday in town. -Miss Tillie White returned from Toronto Saturday af ter visiting there for a month. -Messrs. It. N. Taylor, Chris. Luker and Earl Brick tvood left yes- terday for Toronto. -Nelson Vale. of London. . spent the holiday at the home of his anoth- er at the north ends -Pete Coleman left last Friday for fort Arthur with a carload of horses for Mr. Whalen. -Among those who went to 'Tor- onto Saturday %vcre tired) llaw•kshaw, Miss Dern, John Cottle. The Exeter creamery intend ex- hibiting the products of the fac- tory at the London fair. -Dr. Router Kinsman, of Sarnia. spent Wednesday of last week with his brother and sisters here. -Mr. Case It. •Iloward, of the'.\tol- sons bank, St. 'Phomas, sttent the holiday here with itis parents. -Mr. Chas. Adams, of Calgary, was a guest at tlhc home of Mrs. I). ,Johns during the past tveek. -Miss Tom, dressmaker, has rent- ed the rooms recently vacated by the 'Misses Sharpe and Jackson: COATED TONGUE. are popular only itt hospitals. Busi- ness men and Strenuous workers have no need of them. If lion get one though, don't throw it :away, but come to us and get it fixed. We have.. PILLS s FOIL Icon eTONGUES au•1 it ,wouldn't be a bad idea to buy a box of [[o ey's Stomach and Liver fills and have them ready. Indigestion, billioustless or a bad cold may coat the tongue, Our +,ills will cure it. Only 25c a box. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist Dad Opticians, EXETER - ONTARIO. Phone 60 •••••••••••••••••••••••••. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •+++•t- t- 1•-t.+ :• .••t' -:•+++•t•++++++4 • LOCALS • • •••••••• •••••••• Mr. Alf. Walter spent the holiday in Toronto. Mr. Lewis 'fern left Saturday for Toronto. -Mr. J. 11. Soctt is attending the Toronto fair. -Mr. and Mrs. R'. 1). Ciatke spent the holidty in London. Mr. \V. Ii. Levett was In Toronto the fore part of the week. -Mrs. 1. 0, Stanbury visitcit last tycck in Toronto and Whitby. be^*use fashionable dressers realize ,lfiss Bertha Cobbirdick is r•pcntl- that we turn out the most stylish gar- i utq scleral days in Toronto. intent, while one charges are reason- -Mr. Thos. 'Trick, of Clinton, was Able. Front the selection of the fab- •' visitor in town last wcekt ric, lining. thtead, etc„ to the com- -Mrs. Grieves, of Seaforth, spent piete finishing of the garment, our a few days with friends in toe n. work is characterized by thorough- -Dr. Art Ramsay. of Ingersoll, Hess and attention to detail. We keep was at hie hosts here for the boil - all our old customers and add to their any, Dumber daily. -The Misses Nina, Martha \Wthnie Carling spent the holidty in Toronto. -Mr. \Ijrn. Grigg, of St. Thomas. visited his father here during the past week. -Mr. John Smell, of St. Tl.ornas, Merchant Tailor. spent the holiday +with his mother, EXETER, -- ONTARIO. Mrs. Ann 9netI. -Mr. Ed. Sptekinan, of Tllenheirn. •Pent it few days in town Inst week: Mr. Spackman is now the 114++.P++++•t►+++++++♦+++++++4i attest of Mr. Frei 8outkcott at the 10.•••••••“.............. 15e ods We are Always Busy TailorinE W. W. TAMAN Mr. and Mrs. McTavish, of Shakes- peare, visited with the latter's par- ents Mr. ani Mrs. John Taylor. -Mr. S. K. Martin, of St. Marys, visited his brother Samuel, here a few clays during .the past week. -Mrs. Gco. Jamieson, of \Wiarton, teas visiting with her niece Mrs. C. W. Christie during the past week. Sir. and Mrs. G. Dickson, of Lon- don, spent the holiday the guests of previously. "The Exeter high School, Mr. anti J1rs. Davis. at the north Girls' Athletic Club" is anticipating' Gole's T nIste c. a good season and some interestingY -Mrs. .lxford, of Talhotville, who Eames• -Secretary. ..,n.1itcd her emit airs. John Spack- -Last week we made reference to Creme Dentrifice man. returned to her glome on Tues- :t corn Talk left at the office which d " ► I measured 12ft. flitiches, and on Sat- 25 cents a Packet. TIIE OLD RELIABLE School has started again and the Boys and Girls will need Clothing, Shoes, etc. Does your Boy need a New Suit. Does be need new Shoes, Does he need new Knee Pants Does Lo need a new llat. Does Ito need anything i11 wearing apparel.? 1 If he does it will pay you to bring him to us We arc headquarters for "GOOD WEARING DUDS" for Boys, the kind that will stand the hard skufl'ing, any strong healthy boy will skuff them too' The kind that you will not have to buy often. Does your Girl need a New Dress. Does she need new Shoes. Does she need new Hosiery Does she need a new Hat. Does she need anything in wearing apparel.? J If she does it will pay you to bring them to us. We have the sort R of Dresses. Shoes, Hosiery, osiers, Hats, etc, a robust girl needs. The kind that wears well and always looks well, See Add Next Week A GRAND OFFER. -THE TIMES: AND CANADA (FARMER 033ROM LOBEIreme AND TORONTO WEEKLY iGLUBE NOW UNTIL JANY. 1910 FOR $1.60 O[t THE TWO PAPERS FROM NOW' TO JANY. 1909 FOIL 35 CENTS. Dentrifice g furs repaired erre-1 ••••••••• Those wishing modelled should bring theta in this month in order to secure reduced 1 prices. M. BALK\GILL, Andrew st,' Exeter. ••••••••••N••••••••••••••� A meeting of the basket ball club, was held Thursday evening Sept. ti for the purpose of re -organizing the team for the fall term. The mem-, Icctc(i for the executive were hers e as follows, Zion. 'President, Mr.:Im arts a delicious sensation of \Veidenhamtner ; President. hiss, p Gregory ; Secretary, Miss Howard: cleanliness to the mouth. If you Treasurer, Isla Marchand: !Keeper„ are looking for the best DEN Nellie Amy ; Field Capt., Ida Howe,;. The club which is to be called as TRIFICE on the market ask for, An Antiseptic Tooth Paste delicately perfumed and a pleasant preparation to cleanse and whiten the teeth. Prevents Decay, Hardens the Gums, Sweetens the Breath, Removes Tartar, and --Mrs. Bert 1:night has had the! "rias•rlir '1' li Fhapton, of Step - :i wit of her building a fete floors• hadn't been trashed brought ns in hen t . [ • us the ,limit W one that would make a gool flag Chemist and Druggist •,ott1h of the Times office nicely re-, painted• pale. We couldn't stand it 110 in -- Mr. S.imly Pardon returned Eris! our sanctum sanetorum so tied it in-TWANTY TOMATO PEELERS day from Wisconsin, where he had, front of the. office. It nteasuraf WANTED -At Canning Factory. Ap- taken the trotting horse "Tommy, 11 ft. Il inckes. \\'r are now await- , wait- t' at Factory.liurlts".. ting for samples of large, potatoes, I •Y •)ust a sit If you bring your Boys and Girls here for their "Duds" you can keep them well clothed at moderate cost. CARLING BROS. S. COLE, Phm. B. -.\1r. Duncan McKay, hook -keeper for W. 1i. Lovett. was confined to his house :s few days last week on account of illness. -Mr. Joint 1elv:ii Southcott at- tended the 'Toronto (air last week: Bc aL.o took in Buffalo and Niagara the editor of course becoming owner Special Prize.- The Canadian Bank New GroceryyStoreand Shoe 2 Doors North of Postoffice,opposite;Wood's Meat Market Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, Women and Children, all sizes, at the very lowest cash price Call and be convinced, fiesn fames OGeiles alis Rus T. J. WILSON. \of the tubers for the trouble occas- of Commerce is offering a silver :oncd by having them w'eighear medal for the hest two-your,-ela It is this i)'car illegal to either filly or gelding entered in atm heavy draught class at the corning .Exeter shoot or sell partridge any place fair. 1 within Ontario. Last year Aineri- Wm. Biggers, of rit•aforth, brother cans could come to Ontario pay a j S25 fee, and from Sept. I to Dec. of Robert. Sillery, of Osborne, lies Falls on the trip. 115th, shoot, but not sell partrtdg,, tery til nt hi. Lome ul . ea for , Mrs. \\'ru. Bec, who has bean its i 'These birds have been getting thin- `offering from cancer in the mouth. the West for a coupie of months, Isl nett out. and tht: Ontario government Some weeks ago At r.�3ilIery went to very ill in the hospital at Saska-I has so !,gistatrd tbat this year al Lon w ndoand a1, operated on, but the diseuae had made such inroads toots, Sask.-Parkhill Gazette. 1 one can shoot 'them withnn the pro - into his systcni that the operation i since. The measure is one approved ,lid not avail anything. alt. Hobert Mr. and Mrs. George Eacrett are of generally oil this side of the line spending the week visiting friends) but will probably keep away :t nuns, Siltery left for 13ca(orth yesterday to :n and around Exeter prior to Icav- bet of Americans who have been ac- renailt with his brother a fcty (iays. Ing for their home in Gladstone, )customer' to cross the border for -An Oisrttion w:as Vrrfornud at some tall sport. Toronto on Tuesday or little Blur - Airs. T. M. White. of Windsor.ry, the son of 51r. and Mrs. Fred ntkl 'Mrs. John Clyde \\•Lite, and ....,Jori is rapidly going ahead on 1lawksLaw, when his crippled leg little 'cal. of Memphis. Tenn. were the new howling gretn. Last Phut'=- teas :uuputatc(1 1 short distnticc be- be- 11;nests of NIrs. Jcl n white last day the trees in front of tholt! o- !ow' the knee. The little follow has tt 't L', perty were cut (town and the land been crippled since birth and .Us. Toronto, t h o[ Dano 0 - Starr- thespecialist. • rc in S r _ I is the t greatlym- disked. t n a a 1 thoroughly list c - {d }[ •Id.. l 1, 1111 hash r0 1 1, t c t o R Y proved his pt °veils' on Sanders tension of 1tie syndicate to make a examined the limb, advised its re. street by the addition of a tit(ttr terrace around the entire plot and ['loyal so that an artificial one summer kitchen and a coat of paint plant trees, When completed Esc- could be put on in its place, thus en - on the house. ter can boai,t of having the finest ailing the little fellow to learn -Mr. anti Mrs. Al. ford and child- t;owlittg green in the county[ 11 to stalk. It is said he will be able ren were ill Brantford last week, at- looks as though bowling had taken to get around like other elrldron tending .the weddina of Mrs. l'ord's .1 strong }gold on the business men and will be little inconvenienced by brother 'Mr. Charles \Vestaway !t o' and others of Exeter. Every even- his artificial limb. Miss Jessie (:rooh. tag a number can tie seett enjoying At last the• first (livid, rid to the -instead of being at:le to sit on ; the game and next year w hen the sharhobiers of the defunct \ of k the fence and ~latch the results of j new greets are in shape. it is ex- Loan Company is ready to he dcclar the election across the line, the peoted the membership will be double ed, and a last rill for books was p;op4• o[ Canada wiII have enough what it is this year. made last week by the liquidators to do watehing their own "knit tin. '1 anniversary services of the the National Trust Company. The The beech and i, 1tternnt trees! Trivitt Mono t ial dim ch held last dividends will be paid in three pay- ts:Slimily trete successful both as to trentt and will total not less than chi's cseasott. ah st „t itsiia tlenold attendance and amount of collection forty cents on the dollar. and pro - saying that plenty of nuts means a , Itev. R. .1. A1. Perkins. of Ingersoll baby better, and all that remains long and hard winter corning. Bubacforitcnt rrecorq deliveredtwo ex- x- now ithe figuring tt of ttitest;tt!. stand - these old sayings don't aln.ays come i cask's. The church was tastily de- Iruc' ' rotated by the ladies. At t he even - of w ck we scut eat a nt:tuhcr Ing 9rrvirc the edifice was filled by of accounts to subsctibcrs who Inc rtpwaids of six 1tun.lrrd 'persons. fete years in arrears. it is nes, j Air. A. MiJdleinost, of Seaferth sang .558ry that the autount of these snh- i a baritone solo during the offertory eriptions be icntittcd to t us. or t'c) ,aha ar the c;osn of the service a till he conipclle i to Claes the 1 saerrd sensori wits gity n h.V Mra. ,rno'tn's in Ilio hands of eur colic- ! T'e.rkins. Mr. Middlemosr and 0Mr. lots (or collection. I Brown. The collections for the day Notice to Exhibitors. -In the prize! amounted to a)natt $321. list of the Exeter Agricultural s� A iteactionary Slot to 1'ei in l is ciety tinier the head of horses, an I Central on the lOtlt l Itti and 1'_'tb, error was made in class four. car- 1 having fall moon on ti; lOL, t.e- riage horses. 'ihc word, "Class 4 tween its perigee on tits lath, and Carriage" should be at the top of its passage over t}.r celestial tgt:ator the page over the words "Brood its the 11th. 'rhe P.11t to (lie 15th is marc accompanied by foal.,, at Ili•• annual cei'is of magnetic an- been taken: Anson. 2; Asltfiel.l. 9:, days will ,be gist on furnishing ap- -it is practically settled that tagonistn between the Earth th nmdl Athens, 2: Aylrnet. 4; Iinrton. 6: proved notes. 'Thanksgiving Day will be placed on Run. ami the chances ars• nt:thy that 1 hayfield. 2: 1)ayh;nl. 6; Idylls. 2; further tertn< .an,l conditions still \londay. October 10. 'The change to the disterhance`; of the precedii,gl Bohc,)gcon. :t; Bawuuaucill.• i be made known oft tL'ry of a=al, nr .. ..•a[,. r•. r may Is, had on application to GLAUM.%N & STANItl. RY Exeter. Ontario Solicitors for Aebninistratrir. , OHN GILT. Auction, e:. Exeter. Ing ofeach shareholder, I + e- cleared and in a good stair of cut - the of this task will pot,ovation. It is (silly state cinder - offactual paytnt rtt of the moue) drained and lanced. There 19 about A convention of of( for Witte months or a little over. oft,, -half acre of ():dung. As it is, however. , all who wish to At the same time and place n fioue in this dividend mnsf have his quantity of faun implements and boot: in the liyuidato: s' bands its• household furniture will also he of - side of thirty days. (tied for sale. The campaign committee of the '(•Elul`` Dominion Alliance has completed ar- Real Eatate-T, n vet rent. of the i -on- o. for the big local option l,uIchase money" on the day of sale 11 campaign d trutg the season of 1908- and the balance in sixty days th'tc- Tuesday Sept. 15th, 1908 o. It wall i caged principally in after without interest. A portion of the counties of Muton. Oxford. 1)11:- the purchase money can remain on hath. Neithumbcrlard and 11::stings (list Mortgage at five l'er cent. in - The following is the list of tnnnici- (erect if tl:c purchased desires. palities with the number of licenses Chattels -Ten dollars and under, in cacti, where action has so far cash. Over that amount +bitty days P PL ES A WANTED We wish to announce that we are now ready to take apples and will pay:- lOcts. per cwt, for Chops and Red Astrakhans. 25cts. per cwt, for fall fruit that will make peelers. The Caledonia Evaporating Co. Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter. J. G. EARL, Manager. • FARM FOR ,ENT NO BETTER 75 acres of Lot 16, Concession 6,1 Usbornc to rent for pasture. Good' to Alfred E. Johns. Elimville. well and windmill (or terms apply i MINTED Our Customers say ACTION SALE Brick house and lot in Centralia the properly of the late Wm. Baker they want nothing bet - on Monday Sept. 19th, 11908, at 0. o'clock p. nt. on the prcmisis. For particulars apply tu. GLAD.MAN ANI) STANIII'ItY )Barristers Exeter JOHN GILL ter than they have been getting, and they have Auctioneer•(been using r Flou Star Auction Sale -of- VALUABLE 50 ACRE FARM AN STEPHEN One customer Saturday, another I have been instructed by the Ad- tninistratrix of the estate of the late Jane Hodgins to offer for sale by auction on the premises' 011 TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15th, 1`903. At two o'clock p. m., the North half of Lot number Five, in Rhe special at the air.. Ninth Concession of the Township of HARVEY BROS. Stephen. in ttte County of Muton, containing by admeasurement Fifty acres more or iess. On this property is a log dwelling house, frame barn and frame stable, Reform Convention of brick milk house, an;! :1 never failing well of good water. The land is all Monday, and one nearly every day. "Just send me the same as before, we could not have bett�r bread" Why not compete for our South Huron the Reformers of the Electoral District of South slure on, as constituted for Dominion +fur. poses, will be held in McDonnell's . Opera House, Hensall 1Iott,lay has been halide at the re. period will lest into. and 14ach i 1lratnpion. t . (han. qnest of commercial travellers, who their final r,tlntiitation derutg this; worth 1; Cliesley. fl: Clinton 6;(bl- (ound that '1'hnrstlay. which ttas reactionary period. \Within a per-ichcster South, 2.,1)unwick. 2; DD. forrncrl.v the day of the week set ind of about fits days. iakinir the; ton. 2; Ekf rid, tt; Elzcvir. ••n 1 Gion- :wart. '1,1 oke nil) •their we, kr pith :is the central day. it ..will be: stare{►,'2:,.Euro. 2; Exeter.5 For- -Mr. Cha.. \Wrstewny, of the Re most natural that tnany egitinoetal;est. 2; Hagerman. 1; ; Ilillsworth, gina 4ffieat of the Massey Harris .totnta and seismic per ferias tion. Notch. 2; Hirtirei(oi.1. 2; Gottrrich. Co. ami a former Exeter boy. was mho': s1 (teent. Behind these aortas! 9: fngerso:I. 9:: lriquo,s, 2. Madoc married on Tuesday of last week toil t)'g: ,1:mi it th.e far look northrapid any i 3 ;e,Mar mot a,tand Lake. keSidney. Mint eo. 11. Miss Jessie Groot), daitgl.ter of Mn Franklin Groot), general manager of very decided changes for high Aar- ncy. i; Strathroy, 5; Thvtlov,'- the Brantford plant of the I\tas•- y ^meter. boreal galea and much cooler 4: Tilsonburg, .ri: 'Trenton, TI, Ilarris Co. ltev. \W, 1•:. Matthew.. weather. •r his ehangc will spreadior an, l ,as roe 2, 'hwcrd. 9: Wol- of Chatham eff.ciat.d. while Uies eastward and toultiwnrd during the!liugton, 2; \\,,gliatit. 5: Walla -sloe. l:athleen Burke. of Toronto and ,1r. llth to 15th. breaking up hrstt;d. 1: Woodstock City. 11; Ynnge ::r.1 iteseell itidlick, of Brantford sup. conditions. with probable frost in Escott front. ti; Yonne and Escott ported the bridal couple. maty localities northward. rear. a; Lest Zorra, 2. Ontario. -M1. Y. McLean. '•1. i'.. for South li,tron. ha offerc 1 85 for the best sill most useful farmrs' drieinr outfit. horse. 1•t:ggy -•ltd harness. to b•• owtnel by a (armor an 1 to ba judger) for use fol Ulm purposes at ,},e Naming Exet• r f ir, lst ?3 ; 2nd) ?j. Two to enter or no first prize ; three 'to sitter or ito second prize. at 11 o'clock A. L\t., for the purpose of selecting a candidate to contest t he Riding in the Reform inter. Ir. A MASS MEETING commencing at 2 o'clock ail! he held when W, 5. Galvert, M 12. anti other( are exnectrtt to he present and deliv- er adt'*esses. The ptiblic are cordial. ly in•'ted to the mass meeting. M. ngs will he held in each M'an- icip; y on ' londay, Sept. 14th at R , . m. for the election of dele- gate-. (See hills.) HENRY SMITiT, J. G. STAN1I1 KY♦ 1'.vaidnnt, Secretary, Exeter, Ontario.