HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-10, Page 5TEE EXETER TIMES, SEPT 1Otli190 CREDITON NEWS Zwicker's, Crediton September Arrivals 01 Fall 6OOlJs We are receiving daily consignments of our Fall and Winter Stock, and will be pleased to Ehow you our large assortment of the latest styles of Dress Goods etc., in all the latest Fabrics and leading shades. We have made a special purchase of Black Dress Goods this season and can show you the best values in these lines. We have just opened our NEW FALL and WINTER MAN- TLES. We have them in the very latest makes both Semi fitting and loose Styles, mostly 48in. long, nicely trimmed with self Strai- ping and Braids, in the leading colors, Black, Navy, and Myrtle. We are handling the very best make of Mantles made in Canada for Styles and Quantity our prices cannot be beaten, We have also a nice range of Children's and Girl's Mantles, in all sizes and prices. Ready Made Clothing We have received several shipments of Men and Boy's Fall Suits styles and values cannot be beaten anywhere. Call and inspect our new lines we will be pleased to show them. Vie are shipping live Fowl. delivery any day but Saturday, prices for this and nett week:- Spring Chicks 2Stbs. 10c, lb. Hens Oc In. Butter IOc. Eggs ilk. doz. A Call Solicited CHAS. ZWICKER New SaiIings mol are "in 11" full Come and See Them We wish to extend to you an invitation to call and see the new Sttitines .bat are "in it" this fall. These we are showing represent the choicest offered Dy the old and new world. Tha patterns are Right, they are Exclusive and we are proud of thein. The Quality is Right too -up to the high standard we always carry. If you want a smart suit for fall, select, your goods here we assure you the style, make and fit will be right. The price beyond a doubt, we quote the lowest price possible. This is acknowledged by our customers. and recognized by our competitors..Again we Invite you, we are proud to 'bow the new goods acd talk price at al times J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON BROWN'S NOTICE This month we are swinging with the big Fall Business. Each day will find more NEW GOODS in place, for this is the month when Al our Fall and Winter goods arrive. RVe call your attention to our new stock of Dress Goods, all the latest fabrics and a full line of therm. Be sere and see our goods be. fore purchasing elsewhere. Watch this space next week when we will give you details regarding Ladies' and Children's Coats Underwear, Blankets, Millinery, etc. Bring us your Produce. anything that will sell, Timothy, and Clover seed, etc. for which we will pay highest market prices. A ('all Solicited. S. BiRowly THERE IS NO REASON Why you should not use the best kitchen Ranges made. Happy Home, Ladies' Aid, and KIRKTON FflIRPandoras, Thursday and Friday Oct., 1, 2, 1908 Crediton Mr. 1t. Dinney, of the +Mansion !louse. Exeter, and Mr. It. .Tre4,le spent a few days in town Last week. Mr. Otto Drown caught three fine pike the other day weighing 7, 8 and 11 lbs. Mr. Conrad Kuhn is on the sick list. Fishing is the order of the day. Trick managed to get a 14 Ib. pike on the troller Monday but could not get it out. The pike got the trol- ler and Chris. tho pole. A great number attended the races at Zurich Monday. Mr. Fred Brock, of Exeter, spent Labor Day in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Mc Isaac spent Labor 'Day in Zurich. Mr. August Kuhn echo was man- ager of the branch of the Sovereign Bank, and later teller in the Bank of Commerce here has been trans- ferred to Chathatn and will act as toiler in the Bank of Commerce in t!. ,: iv. Mr. Kuhn is a Crediton boy o_ J are citizens are proud and though sorry that he is leaving our village wish hint continued suc- cess in the banking business. Last Friday was art interesting Clay od sports in Crediton. Tho Zurich baseball and la'vn bowling clubs, ac- companied 'by the Jubilee band came over to have a good gams, of sports, and although defeated they had a good time. In the baseball match six innings tvero played and result- ed in the defeat of the visitors by a score of 11 to 9. Two games were played on the bowling green and resulted in a victory for the Crediton kitty touch- ers thy a score of 42 to 40. Crediton'Zurich. C. Kuhn It. Williams S. Brown J. Dcichort II. Eilber P. Lamont E. Mahon Skip23 Ran Skip 20 G. Morlock C. Greab \V. II. James E. Zeller D. Swcitzer A. !less H. F. Eilber 1'. Sipple Skip 19 Skip 20 The Dashwood tennis club also had the sporting fever that day and brought over some good players, in fact 'too good for our boys, as they were victorious. Tho Crediton bowling club wish to express to the Zurich brethern a vote of 'thanks for their kindness in bringing over the band, which help- ed a great deal towards enlivening the clay's proceedings. Mr. A. Kcllermann, of Dashwood, occupied the pulpit in the Evangel- ical church on Sunday last and de- livered two very atowerful sermons. Mr. R. A. Sift, of 8ebringville, spent a few days in the village re- newing acquaintances. The Misses Salome and Emma Tie- rnan, of Dashwood, spent a week in the village visiting friends. Miss Gladys Kestle, of Exeter, was the guest of Miss Vera Iloltzmanln for a few days. The Messrs. Janes and Fowler, of the Bank of Commerce spent Labor Day at their respective homes in Toronto and Seaforth. Mrs. D. Link has returned from rho millinery openings in Toronto. Miss Lizzie Snell, of London, spent a few days under the parental roof. Mr. Albert Beaver and family, of Weiland, spent a few weeks at the former's home. Garnet Maker, of London sjtent Labor Day in town. Miss Alma Hill has returned home after a pleasant visit in •Milverton and Berlin. A number of our citizens took in the races at Zurich on Labor Day. The following are this week tak- ing in the Toronto fair, 11. Brown and son, N. ltoltzmann, J. Morlock E. .Morlock and W. Morlock. air. Arthur Iloltzmann expects to leave Monday for Napierville to con- tinue his studies at the Northwest- ern college. Mr. and Mrs. G. Morlock, Mrs. Eilber and Mr. Matthew Morlock left last Wednesday to vi.it friends in Morristown. Court of Revision was held in the Town Hall on "Tuesday last . Miss Tillie \Vein, of London, ar- rived home Tuesday ;last. 11. K. Eilber is spending a few days in Detroit. ► • A grand song service will be ren- dered in the 'Evangelical church on Sunday evening next, consisting of anthems thy the choir. male chorus. solos, etc., assisted by the Ladies' quartette, of Dashwood. All who heard this quartette sing at .the Sunday School picnic will be pleased to hear that their services have been secured. The chair will be occupied by Arthur Kellertnaun of Dashwood. Saska-Alta. They bake perfectly, save fuel, keep fire day and night, delight every user. Made of the very best material and guaranteed in every res- pect Buy Them and save the expense of buying coal backs. Special attention given to EAVETRt)U(31tiN(I. SP 11�OORE FALL GOODS Liberil prizes in all classes, and big attractions Speed contests 2''5 trot or pace :3 minute trot or pace, 1li�h jumping for horses, lady drivers, Foot races. T. OORE - KIRKTON . Silver. Medal value $10 offered by the Bank of Commerce Exeter, for the best single Carr- iage Turnout. See our splendid range of new tn•rapperettes ((i 12 tz c. Our hosiery is complete and range in price from 12% cents to 5o cents. Try :' piece of our cotton cashmere c 14 cents. g ,'and PPatriotic Songs. A full stock of l iardware includingNails, Glass, Putty, Ilio es Ilors•' Brushes, Paint Hrushes, Scrub Brushes. Sherwin Williams Admission 25ets Children locts. I'aii•t. anti Varnishes, Ra land Boiled Oil, Etc. Carriages 25cts. - --Ilighest Price for Produce.- - j For Premium List write to Atmos Doupe yP(. Kirkton Public School Compi= tition Procession, Drill B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar • Elimvllle Mrs. Walters, of Godesi.h, is vis- iting her sister, 1Mrs. i%', Meru. Mr. awl Mrs. Chas. Miners. of London, spout a few days the guests of Mrs. Silas Johns and John Miners Our worthy council board Dave had the township hall repaired and repainted and put in first class shape, Messrs. Alf. Zimmer, Herm: n Zini- for the new council of 1901). I mer, John 1'. Fasaaid are The new C. 0. C. 1'. keg is Corn- visiting in TorontoZeiler.and Won! and was oscupied .m iFr.day Rev. R. Eifert is vis`.::ng friends night last for the first time. it► our village for a feta clays. Mrs S. Andrew is visiting Ler She Dashwood Planing jlill leo. sister, Mrs. W. Webster, of t'd.ra bavo the frame work of the new and friends in Toronto, and is a: so mill up and roof on. \\'lien the taking in the exhibition. building is completed it will be Mrs. Fle.tvolling, of Kenton, Man much larger than the one recently is visiting her sistr♦r. lies. Rues. burned. Tho manager. Mr. John Skinner. Roffman expects to stave the rna- A large number froze tee villsga ohinery its place and the mill run- ning in a few clays. The company have had a v•ry successful ycnr and although the loss of their factory by fire put them behind in some of their large co►ntr•:cts, they expect to be running shorty and will soon) catch up with their work. Miss 'Dunn, of London, has been engaged as milliner by Messrs 'l'ie- man t5c Edighoffer and Commenced work on Tuesday of this week. The genial manager of the Farm- ers Bank here. Mr. R. T. Dunlop. has been made man:taer of •the branch of the Farmers Bank at, Bruceficld. Mr. Dunlop will spend three days each week at the Bruce - field branch and the other three at the Dashwood branch. Mr. 'Emil Schroeder and sister, Miss Schroeder Left 'this week for a visit with friends and relatives in Fort Wayne, Ind. Mrs. Symonds, who had charge of the millinery department of Messrs. Siebert & Co., last season, has been re-engaged for the fall season and commenced, 'work this week'. Our tennis club visited ,Crediton on Friday last and played a friendly game with the club there. The game was won by the Dashwood cru&. A number from `here attended the races at Zurich on Monday. Dashwood bowlers visited Zurich on Monday and defeated the club there at a game of howls, and were afterwards defeated by Bengali. Mr. Archie Rutledge, of London. spent the holiday at his home here. A number from here attended the Harvest home and Childrens' .Day services at Zurich on Sunday. Mr. Fred Gassman left on Friday for a visit in Port Huron. Mrs. Baker is visiting her daugh- ter in Seaforth. Mr. \Ves. Miller anti Mr. Shore are visiting in Toronto this week. a 1191 IX' R=A.. • The Kira You tate Always Bought DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood and vicinity attended the chicktirtt pie and raw tomato sosia: held at Zion Monday evening. Itcv. 11. J. Fair conducted the ser- vices in the 6taffa 'Methodist church last Sunday, the occasion being the opening and harvest home services of the church. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Itich- ard Bunter was the segue of a large assemblage of neighbors and friends on Monday evening. M1•. and Mrs. Hunter have decided to give up the ardurous duties of farm life and in- tend taking things easier by retie, ing to Exeter to live. The Town-. ship assessor and Lis good wife bare been such true [riends and acquain- tances tbat their many friends could not allow thein to go away, even such a short distance, without in some way showing the esteem in which they are held by their legions of friends. Mr. and Mrs. BIuttter were presented with the following address and a beautiful chair. Mr. Hunter responded in a vcry pleasing .manner, and after a very pleasant evening, stirring which all vouchsafed that they were pleased to know they would oftimes have the pleasure of seeing them in Exeter, all repaired to their !tomes. Mr. Hunter's son will manage the farm hereafter. Iaimvillc, Sept. 7, •1908. To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hunter. Dear friends. -It is with regrets that we learn of your contemplatett departure from among us, after be- ing numbered as our closest friends and neighbors during your past life. Your re:novel is a distinct ,loss and one that will be hard to fill, and we pray that in your new home you will be bountifully blessed by the giver of all good. Not only will you be missed by friends and neigh- bors, but in your work in connec. tion .with the church and Sunday School, 'in which you have always taken a deep interest. You and your family have over been true friends of the glorious cause and were ever gi nattue ready to sacrifice self to protnotn e its welfare. We are, however, pleas- of ed that you are not contemplating a removal to a distant point, but to %eh.... Ave may of times meet you and enjoy the hospitality with which you are both gifted. Although we will be separated more than in the past we know that your thoughts will often revert to the old home and the long associations. To express a slight token of your a..:ociation with us during these long yet:rs. and not wishing you to go away, even such a short distance. we desire you to accept this present, which we hope may be Enjoyed by you for inany years to come. A GRAND OFFER. -THE Timm AND TORONTO WEEKLY GLOBE AND CANADA WARMER {FROM VOW UNTIL JANY. 1910 FOR 4l.60 OR TiIE TWO PAi'EItS FROM NOW TO JANY. 1909 FOR 35 CENTS[. Bears tb. Shipka Mrs. logs and her child are visit- ing at her home Mr. and Mrs. M. Finkbeiner, of this place. Mr. Mark Kinney is all this week, •It's n girl. 'Mr. Fleming , of Thedford, was in our burg one day last weeks Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich, of Battle - Creek, are visiting .at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baumgarten. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schady and family, of Zurich, called upon ihMr. J. Geiser of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of tondo1 t Ilaro visitingn. at Mr. and .Mrs. Ezra renne smiles NEW FAIL New Fall Dress Goods, New Fall Mantles, New Fall Skirts, New Fall Waists, New Fall Hosiery and Gloves, New FallSuits , New Fall Overcoats, New Fall Water Proof Coats. %Ve extend a cordial invitation to come and see aur stock before you put.• chase your needs for Fall and Winter. Don't forget that we are offering Shoes away clown in price Siebert & Co. Hartleib Block. DASIIWOOD, NEW FALL GOODS Dress Goods in all the leading shades and cloths in Venetians, Broadcloths, Latin Finish Cloths, Fancy Striped and Plain, etc. at close prices. New Mantles and Jackets We are sole agents for the Celebrated Puritan Brand Ladies & Children Mantles and Jackets, For style and quality and excellent fitters there is none to surpass them. We have them in loose fitting also seit,i-fitting. Be sure to call and see then[ before making your purchases. Our prices are right. New Flannelettes, iVrapperettes, Flannellette Blankets, and all Wool Blanket' A full line of all the latest in Shoes Gloves, Hosiery, Aats, Caps, etc, 11 FURS We have a Isrge stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall Renember we have a good as- sortment of Furs, in all the latest and Winter. and prices as Styles and invite yon to call and low as the lowest. inspect them. Mens and Boys Ready - Made Clothing We have a splendid assort- ment to select from, and at prices that will suprise you. Made to Order Suits. We have a nice line of Worsted and Tweed to choose from. We nave something special in this line, come in and let ns show our new suit- ings and quote you the prices. Hardware Cut Nails all lengths (Blighty rusted) 2cte. per pound. 1 Favourite Churn 1 1 Peerless washer rAt bargain priceo 1 Leader washer J 1 Hammock regular 82 50 for $2.00 Long handle Shovels 50c each Sad Irons regular $1.25 for $I.00 set D Handle Spades slightly rusted 50c ea Window Screens clearing at 20cts each A full line of Scoop Shovels and Grain Bags. If you are in need of any Fenc- ing be sure and see that you get the Ideal Woven Wire the best fencing made, we are Agents for same. All kinds of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Machine oil. and Cylinder oil. We handle the celebrated Sherwin Will. iams Paints, they go the farthest and wear the longest, because they are the best, Highest prices pbid for Farm Produce. Corner Store, - - DASHWOOD flensall. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER A number front here attended the Industial Exhibition at Toron- i[you had token two of rl gyou to last week; The Farmers Bank of CanadaLittle Livor Pella bolero rotingyott Dir. Will 33ottthroil of Chicago, would not have had that coated ton- is visiting his parents. guo or bad taste in tho mouth this; •Mrs. R. 1). Young, of Ncepeea, Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets morning. Beet) a vial with you for . Manitoba. is visiting her mother $1,500,000 occasional use Mr. and Mrs. George Sproat, of Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current, Rate.. 1 firs. Gcorgo .D[oir. 40 Branches throughout Canada. Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business - -- 1 CChas. n:0. N. 1). visited Mr. ani! firs. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Chas. McAllister last week. Mr. George Wren, one of our es- Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principa' teemed villagers died at his home 4 times a year. here ort Saturday August 29th. Al- Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where hurplare, thieve' though he had been in decliningor fire may take it from you, or to invest to risky speculations or with doubt- health for some time, his death was fur institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned not expected. wealth. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSUED Winchelsea Anniversary services will be con- ducted at Sunshine on Burnley Sept. 13th, by Rev. E. A. Fear, of Main Street church. Exeter. who will preach at 2.30 and 7 p.m.. SF(cial offerings for '!'rust Fund. On .Moat. clay evening a Harvest Home supper Hiss Helen Swan. of Goderieh, le will be given, 'when Ilcv. Fear, Bev.e'a'ting her mother. Itacey and others will deliver ad. Mrs. Lorne Scott. who was quite iii. is improving n:t..rv. Manager Billings. • , the Molsoi1s hank is away on L.- holidays. dresses. Music will be furnished by the choir of the llensall -Methodist church. Admission 25 cents. Mr. Guy Powell. of Cro.-sw•ell. Mich., is visiting friends here. Mr. Elmer Coward, of London. was at the home of his parents here for Labor Day. Mrs. Turnbull and Iter brother. Mr. \Vm. Thompson, who were vis- iting in \Vingham, have returner! homo. A n:itnber from here attended the chicken pie social at 74on Monday evening. Les and lady friend were among the number. Mr. Lawrence Foster .of Seaforth. was a guest of Mr. 11. Francis Sun- day. 8OUTOFIO pIEs ersons suffer at some- time or other from Piles! So says a great medical aeliwity. There is no disease causes mote pin and wretchedness than piles ; riaii 1 giving almost immediate ease Zam-link has won the praise of thousands of sufferers. if you are suffering let 7.am-liuk rule you. Mr. Neil Devon, Wcl.bwo,d, Oat. suffered with piles eight years. A few boxes of Zam• tuk cured him. Ile e.ii •.r says: -"hhave had no return of the trot' .le s, tlsnt I know the cure is p'ermancnt." Afr. C. 11. I r. ;t, Le: sasville, 1'.Q., writes: " i have proved i im•liuk a great cure for piles from which I suffered acutely fora long time." Zam•Bttk also cures cu's, ulcers, burns, abscesses, poisoned wru *ds, boo.,•, cuma, and all skin troubles. soc. a box, all drug- gists and stores or from 7rim•Buk Co., 1'oront••. 3 b"xcs for $1.25. .41k.sZ`ol;r.A.. dears th• _ The Rind You Hate Always d^auht Signeuro or i Zurich The Zurich fall fair will take place Sept. 23rd and 24th. The Misses Klopp and Miss Flora Klopp, Stratford, who were visiting their brother Oscar left on ;Monday of Lost week for their hones Mr. E. 0. Weber. of Berlin. gave on address in the Evangelical church last Sunday. Mr. henry Kalbileisch •was quite 111 list week, but is now consider- ably improved. Miss Vs.rcy \Vittt•er left for De- troit last week. /where s11c expecte to remain for rt while. Miss Mollie Wurm, of Chicago, is visiting friends in the village. - Mr. ,iohn lecher last week aold hia matchc,l team of drivers to Mr. Whalen, of Pprt Arthur for 0185. Ile also sold • a three-year-old to the sine man, making G00 for the three. The horses were taken to Exeter and shipped last Friday from (hat station'. Last Sunday was Children's Day and Harvest Horne festival in the Eva ngclicaI church. Cho:eto pro. ,.rams were rendered at all the ser. :ocs. Mr. .1. .1. Merrier was in Toronto last week on business. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and money orders are available here, and Bold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin cipal points in the United States and Great Britain. Ova Morro -Courteous Treatment. No Red Tape. DASH WOOD. Office one block north of Siebert & Co'e, store. R. T. DUNLOP, Manager, Cold Weather IS COMING What about a nice Pandora Range, A Royal or Peerless Peninsular, An Oak or Base Burner? We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, and Roofing, We nand. le Brandford Roofing. Preston Galvanized Shingles and Core•Iron. Cement always on hand. A snap on some Page Gates and Fencing Coil and Barb Wire. Eggs and Butter taken, ('orae and eee us before you buy, Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood IRON AND WOOD PUMPS 1 wish to inform the Public and those in need of Pumps, that i hays ni'wv the agency for the Aylmer Iron Pump s and will be Pleased to quote price and Travis. if you are thinking of putting TheKind You Hare Always Bought t in an Trot; or Wood Pump come in and see us before buying. Pump Repairing a Specialty. Bears the Signature of HARTMAN ELSIE, Dashwood. Dealer in iron and Wood Pumps.