HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-10, Page 4.a HE EXE'1EB TIMES, SEPT 10th 1908.
1 ton Id be assigned to selected men of
the permanent militia than that of
lrtsttueting .the boys in the schools
e[ Ounada. It 'vas proposed tkat if
tete movement ibecarne general
, throughout the Dominion that the
Ik-rutuuent force Du(to be 1+tomote1
largely to be a teachin( corps, and
Instructors to sent out would of
Afull line of eeoouvrt. receive better pay'for their
School Books N
and a 11 other! to HenryJohnston, relict of the
late fleDatars, sr„ of the town -
School supplies 1 Trip of flay, decd on tad reap a last
e `t•.eck. 511. Deters Lad reached the
1with1000. IN FRILLS!' wit nisi! ugd of t35 years, and until
in about a week of her death
was quite smart. The deceased was
a native of Germany and emigrant.
No scholar should fail to ell to this country with her hus-
get one of our Prize Seri Jblers4 band, who predeceased her eighteen
years. 'They settled first in the
and P1'at1C(' Books,and tryct county of Y. aterloo some 55 or GO
for a coy of the Boy's Own moved seats ago, and after residing there
1 , [or a few years uved to the .there
or the Girl's Own 1 slip of flay, where they continued to
Annual. t to reside. Since Mr. iDatars death
I Mrs. Datars has lived with her sons,
500 to be given away. and at the time of Ler death, and
for some years previous, had leen
Morel bring with her son Frederick; TLc
Brow�nirgs Drug . deceased alas well and favorably
_ known, being one of the pioneer re -
The Exeter Times excelle, and vas possesseddil °t emits-
excellent qualities, and will be miss-
ed. by a large cir:le of friends,
Sko leaves •to mourn Ler loss three
sons, Frederick, Ilenry and Edward.
The remains were interred in the
Lutheran church cemetery at Zur-
ich on Tuesday afternoon last.
Exeter. Ontario.
Items of Subscription $1.00 per
tear in adv.uoe. $ 1.i3O Loa)" be
rareed if not so paid. To United
■fates subsoribere, $1.50 strictly in
Until all arrears pope
are r ' pa d.s un)lets+1a t
the e
Sate tolon of the wliieh every psubsc subscription
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates on application.
Any person or persons who takes
a paper regularly from a post. office,
(whether addressed in his name or
another's. or at tether he has sub-
scribed or not, is responsible for
If a person orders his papers dis-
bliss Bertha Sutler by is home on
her vacation.
Mrs. J. Wright, spent her ,holidays
with Mrs. Passmore at Stratford.
.Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson,
were in Stratford on Friday.
Mr. J. 1Vright and Miss Bessie
Morley, rendered a duet at the pray-
er meeting Sunday evening.
klext Sunday will be Missionary
Mrs. Dan 'Hodgson, attended the
Toronto Exhibition, and also visit -
continued be must pay all arrears, the Niagara Falls.
or the publisher may continue to J. Wright and harry Squires at -
send it until payment is made, and tended service at Centralia on Sun -
then collect the ,whole , amount
whether the paper is taken or not.
The Courts have decided that re-
fusing to take newspapers or period-
icals from the post office or remov-
ing and leaving .them uncalled for
subscription remains unpaid, is
prima facia evidence of intentional
-Our pastors visited in this vicin-
ity on Thursday.
Word Isas been received from our
boys who .went west that work and
wages are scarce and men are plen-
Mrs. Albert Gunning has returned
home from waiting on her aunt,
THE EXETER TIDfEB P'T'G . Arksey, at Paisle.
Limited. DtMr. Harvey Sutherby3is calling on
friends around here.
Note and Comment
If thorn ever was a specific for
South Bruce Liberals will hold a any onocomplaint then Carter's
convention in the :Walkerton town Little Liver Piles ate a specific for
14 a 2 sick
pp, monfor'theypurpo emofrsc cting ahoulda
know this. QIIyache and e every
a eandid►tek dose. Try them.
A Liberal Convention for the se- •
leotion of a candidate for north SALE REGISTER
!Middlesex will be held on Friday, Auction sale of valuable farm in
Sept. 11th. The meeting Mill be ad- Stephen, north ihalf of lot 5, 9th
concession, consisting of fifty acres.
Sale Tuesday, Sept. 15th, Gladman &
Stanbury, Solicitors ;,John Gill, Auct.
Auction Sale of of house and lots
in Centralia, belonging to the estate
of the late Wm. Baker. Sale !Mon-
day, Sept. '14th. Gladman & Stan -
bury, Solicitors; John Gill. Auct.
dressed by W'. S. 1Calvcrt, (M. P.
and D. C. Ross, :DI, P. P.
' At a convention of the Conservat-
ives of the south riding of Bruce,
Pinker -
Son, Jas selc s ted (Donnelly,
party rstand-
ard-bearer. Mr. Donnelly's name
was the only ono mentioned, The
attendance hvas large, every section
of the riding sending .its full quota
of delegates.
An important auuouneement was
made by tho Minister of Militia at
the luncheon given by .Col. San=
Hughes. M. 1'. ,president of the Dom -
minion Rifle Association, at the
Backc;itfe ranges Friday. The pre- A.
sident in proposing the health of �' 4%.O �O ___�.
the 'Minister, referred to the pre- �` - Q•,cv tv Luoan
sante of cadets in this ,ear's match-
es. and the encouragement which the �V'``~c� k.Q O�
Minister was giving to the cadet r V ,'
movement. Sir Frederick •mount- 44 01:,V
-it', �},/��`4'
ed that an order -in -Council had beep � e
passed approving of an agreemeht V + O -f •'1`p .•
entered iuto by the Department of , O Q/,;
Militia and the Government of Nova Q •k •'�''
Scotia with reference to the schools q, �P �•
of that province. This agreementMilitia will furnish, free of cost, `p
51r. and Mrs, David Bruce have
the sincere sympathy of the entire
1rou:wunity in the death of their in-
fant soar, F.ilheE, who died Saturday
evening sifter an illness extending
over five weeks from meningitis The
little fellow was oneycar and nine
mouths old. The funeral was Lehi
Monday, interment being in the
Staffa cemetery.
From Exeter to Port Huron, 52.60
Detroit, f<4.30; Chicago, ts10.1U; flay
City, 65.20: Cleveland, via Detroit
and 11. S•t C. Steamers, 66.80 ; Sagi-
naw, $5.10. Good going Sept. 17, 16
and 19th. Return limit Oct. itis,
191kS. Proportionate rates from all
all stations in Ontario. full inform
atiou and tickets f ron) any Grand
Trunk Agent.
Mr, and Mrs. Getty and family and
their niece have returned to their
home in Caron, Sask., after spend-
ing two months Awitl 'Miss Herron,
Mrs. Getty's sister. -Misses Lizz.c
and May Carmichael are home from
Hamilton for their holidays, -Mrs.
Taffin, who Las been very ill, is im-
oroviug.-Mrs. McTaggart Las been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Venner.
of Chiselhurst.-Mrs. Campbell, - of
Cromarty , has been visiting her
niece, Miss 'torrent -Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Currie, of St. 'Marys, called on
Miss Herron one day last week.
Miss Kate Oliver, fvho has been visit-
ing realtives here has returned Lome
Mr. 'McCormick, of London, is a
visitor at •the Carlin (louse.
On August 21st there passed peace-
fully awway at his home in Hibbert.
a most kind and indulgent parent
in the person of Henry Clinton 'Mor-
rill, brother of the late Judge Mer-
rill, of Prince Edward County, also
of Matthew (Merrill, who resided in
Michigan near Yale, and died at the
age of fifty-two years. There were
also several other brothers and too
sisters, all born in the town of Tic -
ton, where the youngest sister now
resides. Their father, Samuel ;Merrill
barrister, was a descendant of Nath-
aniel Merrill, who with his brother
John Merrill. came from England to
America, and was ono of the first
'settlers itt Newburg, Mass, •In the
time of tho United Empire Loyal-
ists, the Merrill family came to Can-
ada and settled in Kingston, Pres-
cott and Picton. In politics they
were Conservatives, and were mem-
bers of the Church of England. At
times the late Henry IMerrill. would
become very entertaining in describ
ing the many beauty spots of Prince
Edward County, the most famous be-
ing the .wounderful lake on She
Mountain, the depth of which was
never fathomed. In the early days
of the IIuron Tract Mr. Merrill came
west from his native town, engagetl
as clerk in a general store nt Rod-
gerville, which position he retained
for some three years, _after which
time he settled on the London Road,
where the village of Hensalt now
stands. Shortly before the London,
Huron and Bruce railroad was built
he sold out, a deal which fie after-
wards regretted. He removed to
Exeter, where he resided for some
time, and finally settled in Pettit
county, where he 'has since resided.
Ito was married to Elizabeth Jane
McTaggart, daughter of James Mc-
Taggart, of the London road, near
Exeter, who predeceased him twenty-
one years ago. Ile lived to the ripe
old age of eighty-one (years, and
leaves two daughters to mourn itis
loss, Mary Edwards Ilale and Eunice
Ann Merrill.
provided that the Department of
from the
permanent. force, for ser-
vices in the school of Nova Scotia
I This.sign instructors in drill. physical 1 rain- � permanently attached
ing and rifle shooting. In turn the; to the front of the main building of
cducatonal nuthoritics of Nova Scotia the Lydia E. Pinkham Jledic'
are required to adopt a compulsory i Co' Mpany, Lynn, Mass.
regulation that a teacher, before , What Does This Sign Mean?
securing his certificate to teach in It means that public inspecti011 of
the schools of the province, shall bc the Laboratory and methods ofdoing
compelled to pass an examination In btesine.s is honest lydesil'cd. ItmeaiLs
physical trainign and drill. The 1 that then' IS nothing about the bus -
Scotia Governinent has agreed
to this and Sir Frederick regards it bless which is not "open and above -
as n great step in advance( The board"
Minister further announced that It means that a permanent invite -
another order -in -Council, sunnletnetl- tion is extended to anyone to t'Olne
tory to the. first Lad been adopted. ant
verify anyvinll all statements
giving the Department of 'Militia au. made iii the advertisements of Lydia
thority to stake similar agiecmcults a, I'tnkhanl's Vegetable Compound. with all the other provinces of the g 1 luster is compounded of shellac. one
Dominion. Besides conferring bene-' Is it a purely vegetable eomllouu(1 ounce : alcohol. three ounces: a pinch
lampblack n color. 'owing to
t ata t t 4
- 0 1
with- ti
andherbs- It t
( h
made from mot
fit on t he youth of the country, an 11 ` o the unfavorable action of alcohol on
Ernest AbLot(, of the 2nd-, Ilid-
dulph, has moved into the village.
and will conduct a dray (business,
having purchased the outfit of IA.
G. L. McDougall, of Toronto. is
the temporary principal of the Lucan
high school. His services are avail-
able (or two months only. In the
meantime the board will endeavor
to engage a permanent man. 'Miss
'McMillin, of London, as one of the
assistants, fills the vacancy of Miss
Carter, of Guelph, who has gone to
Miss Violet Carterr
returned Ito
Toronto on Monday to resume Ler
position at Fairweather's.
W. 11. Stewart, of London, is in
town this week'.
The 'Tennis Club will pity a re-
turn match with Pat khill on Fri-
Miss Nellie llodglns, of Woodstock.
is visiting in the village and town-
Shoe varnish. A waterproof shoe
tarnish resembling patent leather in
arrangement of this kind would to, out drugs
beneficial to the men of the german C0111(` 1111(1 See.
en 1 force. No better 'work, he said 1)othe women ofAmerica continu-
ally ase as much of it as we are told ?
Come and See.
NVai there ever such a person as
Lydia E. }'inkhorn, and is there any by first .treat int; the leather to rev -
• n coatss • wellrub-
1 ofit r va. h r
whomo o vaseline SS :r Pinkham now to
[r. 11
oman am asked to \trite? bed in, over which n very thin coat
Conte and See. of paraffins is applied hot, and the
Is the vast private correspondence
excetis immediately ,wiped orf : the
IS particularly suitable for with sick women conducted lr shorn shooed then be burnished tt;cM
a 3 col ton flannel until the surface t3
women only, and are the letters kept smooth and fee from oil or paraf
\S'ben 114'.lting strictly confidential ? find. The shoe varnish is then thin•
Colne and See. ly applied with a small sponge las•
cold iUt'itt, conned mt'at or have they really got letters from tened ro a wire. Several thin coats
over one million, one hundred pit1 (.11 Sewcra1 (lours apart teas. be
pork and bean:, stir 111 a thousand women cormespondents? nt ee sats to get hill luster, After
Conte and See. that. usually ono thin application
little Bovril and notice tho Have they proof that Lydia E. ishr rubbc,lent.l'ot`nt.!eatlister it nd lbnrttis10!-
Pinkb,un'sVegetable Compound has with flannel. softer,s th, gtittet and
difference. it will wake the curia thousands of these tlUmen? leaves n very handsome height sur -
Come and See. face, The chief other nilvantagc to
food more tasty, inol'e nutri- This advertisement is only for be derived from its use comes from
doubters. The great army of women it, resistance to wafer, it is, (here.
tIOUI4 and more digestible. who know fmm their own personalfore. Itheluablc schen applied to ere•
experience that no medicine in the good looks of t l., of
world equals LydiaE. I'inkhanl.+ the •0103 and heels to 11 o• n :11t base
Send post card for lvorS weather, and even to evaterproof
Hew reci a booklet Veetable Compound for femalr ills their bottom.'.
i willstill fro on using and being ben -
1e 'fa't )islet's to eflted by it ; but the 'blot don ting, All disorders caused by a bilious
suffering woman must, for her own state of the system can be cured by
BOV'R11. [ AMITE') flake.lx taught ennt'ttleiiee fiirshealr'i assail Cartcr'a Little Liver Cells. ' o
!y ST. PE I'tif: STRF-fiT,MONTRFAt, might jtistas well regain hter health. p.iining th�irpuec. o discomfortr y tbem.
this shoe vara. •h is not to
he 1eeomrricnded for brand-new shoos
but to rehabilitate old shoes to a
pristine shine it is unsurpassed.
Thr' tendcncf of shoes being crack-
ed by it may very largely be averted
911U11114'r 1IS(' .
) no 1)I)6
etable PteparationforAs-
ting LltFoodatidllegula-
WeStticbs ttnll3owellss of
INi 1\ 1`, ( HILDItl:N
Promote sTh esti 'on,Cheetful-
>ttessidEest.Contatns neither'
p�uQ1, torphitte nor 1'Thaefal.
AINwraazrseizzuv r
IMO 1)
Apgfect Remedy for Cons tipa-
tio tn.SourStomach,Diarrhoca,
Worms ,Convulsions ,Feveri sit -
MSS xnd Loss OF SLEEP.
iacSimille Signature of
d' 27st
110 month-, ((1t1
3 i Dotics. ci .rti
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••41
1 The Molsons Bank
CASTORIA � �.P�... ...��
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
with leading business houses
await our graduates.
Loose -Leaf Ledger
and all modern office methods
which ensure rapid advance-
Gregg Shorthand
taught by the only teacher in
Ontario who attended the
Author's School.
THREE COURSES:- Stenography,
Commercial, Telegraphy.
Enter any day, write for patticulars
CIin101 BllsiDess Collene
GEO. SYO'l'TON, Principal.
TheBell Telephone Co= s MartIu & son
Two 6 Octave Organs
Second IIand.
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines
The best made at prices that
will suit you.
Bicycles, Baby
Carriages and Go Carts
Very attractive. Prices right
Fine Stationery
mpany of Canada
i; about to publish a new issue. of .
the Official Telephone Directory ATTEND THE BEST!
for the District of Western Ont- I
ado, including the Village of
•Changes of orals names, changes of 1 � /U
street addresses. or orders for duplic- �
ate entries should be handed in at STRATFORD. ONT.
once to
Local Manager. •
Notice to Creditors l
Notice is hereby (given pursuant to
the revised Statutes of Ontario, that
all creditors and othersrs having
Estate claims against the 1.>tstc o[ the
late John Cornish. of the Village of
Exeter, in the County of Huron.
who died on or about the fifteenth
clay of .1•1ly, A. D. 1905. are request-
ed on or before the fifteenth day of
October, A.1).. 1909. to send by
post prepaid or deliver to the under-
signed Solicitors for the Reverend
Richard C. Evans. the executor of
the last Will and Testament of the
said deceased, their christian and
Irnaples, addresses awl descript-
ions, ibe full particulars of their
claims a statement of their as.
fur of the secur-
thenature counts. a tin
if any, held by them.
that after the Laid last mentioned
(late. the said executor will proceed
to distribute the. 'assets of rho de-
ceased aeon; the patties eptitled
thereto. having regard only to the
elnirns of which he shall then have
notice and that the sail! executor
it is recognized ns the I.ARO•
CESSI''CL training school in ♦
Western Ontarir 'Three de- t
partntents: - -
RItIO/1A and forge
Our graduates secure good po- Y
to the front.
• Write for our free l'AIAtOglle,
you will find it interesting,
You may enter any time.
.... $3 374.000 00
RESERVE FUND •..• $3.374.000.00
t15 Branches ia Canada, and Agents and C'orrespo'ndents in Alt tho
Priaeipal Cities in the Would.
General Balking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
• at all Branches, interest allowed at highest current rate. so
♦ Dickson &Carling, fiallleltors. N N. D. H U R DON, !►tanager
HF.AD OFFICE. TO4 8'611PA I:8r.UJ11-IstII It 1807
B. X. WALKER, PresidentPaid-up Capital, $10.000,00
ALX. LAIRD, General gre I Reserve Fund, - 5.000,000
Branches throughout Canada, -and in the United States and Englanl
$5 and under
Over $5 and not exceeding $10
'810 "' " $30
" $30 " " $50
These larders are payable. at par at,evcry offi o oif Bilak311
(Yukon excepted), and at the ptineipph backingp. • Yh United Stafes.-40
are negotiable at $4.90 to the £•steeling in Great i!l>;Rt34,$rela3ld.
They form an excellent nsetlsad of : .� •4_, , ••• I:.c.:..' . /•. • •.. wi(I>t
at small cost, and may be obtained with•• ,ii•I-• ./ i
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
3 cents
6 cents
10 canis
15 certttq
Guaranteed Cured or No Pay.
If you ever had any contracted or hereditary
blood disease, you are never safe until the virus
or poison has been removed from the system.
You may have had some disease years ago, but
now and then some symptom alarms you. Some
poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford
to roe the risk of more serious symptoms appear-
ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury
or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may
ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the
treatment of these diseases, enables us to prescribe
specific remedies that will positively cure all blood
diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad
effects on the system. Our New Method Treat-
ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up
all ulcers, clear the skin remove bone pains, fallen
out hair will grow in, allfd swollen glands will re-
turn to a normal condition, and the patient will
feel and look like a different person. All cases
we accept for treatment are guaranteed a corn -
pieta cure if instructions are followed.
Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE
OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation
or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years.
WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and
Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free.
1f unable to call write for a Question List for Home Treatment.
Cor. Michigan II Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich.
No Moving ----
No Grinding
PLA3 N �-
Ntr. 4 A
The finest steel made and tempered
b electricity will not make a perfect
Carbo Magnetic razor blade. It
still requires grinding to complete
the work. This grinding must be as
true and reliable as the ingredients e
Grinding entirely by hand is icnper-
[act-wobbl too m
y -G y machine,
chanical to search out every point
needing attention -but combine the
two with the severe secret test each
1blade is finally subjected to and you
ihave a perfect Carbo Magnetic razor.
The quality of labor employed is a
♦ 2 most essential point in producin`
cutlery steel, he men intruste
with the grinding of Carbo Magnetic
++++++++.:„+++++++++++++++++ steel have spent the major part of
their Ines in reaching( their present
state of perfection They are Ham•
burl; gnn1ers, unquestionably the
best known. Every razor blade
turned out of their hands is absolutely
uniform end to end, with no irregulari-
ties or thick spots. The shaving
edge is true and straight. 1t w,:1
cut smooth. clean aril ccmfortabie,
leaving g no smartingsensation.
• No son spots, ro brittleness will
appear in a Carbo 1'daggneti razor no
matter how long t.or:i. No meth -d'
of tempering by fire with its constant
vu,at,on of heat will produce.VIM.
uniformity. Every blade has bevn
brought to a fixed temperat-,re ac•
ereae'-luyIns tmre". acps. luairne, ,d;r b1 y" ea.encyrtervdiariathtbioeeri•
95 cents from Exeter. Good going
Sept. 12 13. 14, 16 and113. Spec'al/crouerm:bt
western Fair
will not be liable for the said assets excursion rate 90 cents goo's going
or any part thereof. to any person Sept 15 and 17. Return limit on all
or persons of e lin.c Plaints notice tickets Sept 21st.
eheel trot have been .received by Si'ECIAL leaving 9.07 ri. m. Sept.
hirn at the time of such distribution.. 15, 16. and 17, returning 10.50 p. m.
DATED at Toronto the third day of Sept. 15. .1G rind 17. Regular train
September A. D. 1909. No. 33 m•iII leave London 5.15 p.m.
Coatsworth & Richardson.
Executor's Solicitors.
Continental Life Bldg.,
The engagcue t,' innoenecd of
bliss Kate M. I:,•:,l. of Goderieb, to
John Somerville, of .Itirkton.
While engaged in shifting a belt going Sept. 17, 1S, 10th. from Exeter
on a threshing machine recently, port Huron 42 to). Grand Rapids $7.Iki
Mr. Bab Youngsoll. n yo•ing farm-; Detroit $t :p). Saginaw K).11).('hicsgo
er of Blansbard. almost lost his; "linin, Jlinne•tpolis S. '+. }Ito
('sty $5.20
knife clasped in his hand right hallo. Mr. as he at- on had a St. Rud. Cleveland, via Detroit and
f) & ('. Steal'rs $!t wt.
temped to shift the belt, and in some Return limit Monday Oct. 5th loom
manner the knife seas caught in the
belt. causing the hand to be almost For information etc., apl)ly to
cut off across the palm. Mr. Younis- J KNI(iH'I', Depot Agent,
son recently started in the thresh-
ing business, having ,purchased a or write[ J. I). MCDONALD, Unios
threshing outfit of a London firm. Depot, Toronto. Ont,
last spring.
Sept. 15, 10. and 17
Low Rate Western
Rut test this rr:,conili(lonally
gssaranfood r..tnr i•1 yo., r c•A•a
home or have yo.r 9crtcr as.: 0 .a
you --for thirty days.
) Drop us a postal, or better yet
come in and see us and we will give
you our new proposition for having
these ratsors tested without obl,(;a-,
tion to purchase, together with our
Pee bcoklet "Hints 911 Sttavini."
W. S. Cole, Druggist
One of the old residents of Mc-
Killop township Passed away en
Tuesday evening of last week in the
person of Mr. Wm. Storey in his 751)1
Year. The late Mr. Storey hod been
i11 declining health (or some lame
and two weeks ago suffered from
two slight ,strokes of paralysis
which leas followed by nit attack of
intlamation of the lung., resulting
in his death. Owing to bis long re-
sidence in the township he hail a
large circle of ncquaintanten who
will regret to hear of hi• •balls.
The deceased was in native of Ire -
rind cam•• 10 Canada when a lad of
12 years.
Syoopls of Me C000dloo Noilt WesI
AANY es en numbered section of Dominion Land* In
tranitoha, oaakatchewan and Alberta, excepting
8 and 20, not reamed, may lie homesteaded by
any person ho is the sole head of a family, or any
male over 19yerrs of ag., to the extent of one -glut;
ter section of 160 acres, more or lex,
Application for entry must be made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion (Ands Agency or Sub.
agency for the dislnct in which the land is situate.
Entry by proxy may, however, Le made al. an aged•
certaiueondilions by the father, mother, son
daughter brother or sister of an intendingIeme
The homesteader is required to perforn, the
homestead duties under one of the follow ing planet
(1) At least six months' residence upon and cultl•
cation of the land in each year for three) care.
(2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, per form
the required residence duties by living on far ming
land owned solely 1) him. not has than eight) t8U)
acres In extent, in the vicinity of his homes teat.
Joint ornerahip in land will not meet this req tommeet,
(3) it the father (or mouser, if the father to de.
ceased) of the homesteader hs* permanent residence
on fanning land owned sole) by him, net less than
eighty (80 acres in extent, In the %trinity cf rho
homestead, or upon a boniest sad entered for 1.) him
In the sieinity, such horueste &der may ittfoot' bis
o•an residence duties by lining with the father or
4 The tern '%trinity" In the fro ',reseeding
paragraphs Is defined an noosing not more than
nine miles n a diret line, exeltsite of road al ow-
ances crossed In the measurement.
6 A homesteader intending to pe rfotm his reel -
'knee dutlrs In accordance w Ith the otiose whits
lining with his parents or on fanning lard owned b
hinsself must notify the spent of the di,trk•t of such
Pix month: notice In writing should 1* se en to
tCommissionerof Mminlon hands at Ottawa of
he 1 1 tad a
intention to npply for patent.
w. W, COiLY,
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N. n,-t'nanthnerim pnblkatlon of this advertise
merit will not be paid f,r
Tne Osborne and tilbbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gonwanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President -.f. L. RUSSELL.
Vice.Prosid• nt-W. 11. i'AS/MORK
WM. Roy, BOnNiltn.w P. 0
Wm. BRO['K WINe11K1sxA P, 0.
T. RYAN, DonLiN P. 01
1tOHERT NORMS, Scalia.
JOHN EHSERY, Exeter, agont for
1•.borne IAA Jlirlduloh.
OLiVER HARRIS. Munro, atltept
for !libber t. Full arton anal Logan..
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
OLADMAN & BTANiIIIRY, 9 'leiter•