HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-10, Page 2• FELL 500 FEET FROM AIRSIIIP\m MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS lel' MA11. AltOt•'t' JOHN BULL AMU II 1 S PEOPLE. A 'Poll Known Aeronaut gilled at the Maine Fair. A despatch Nan�Yatcrt•iSl � the this tis me ttl►ein tL,alkuon had leased t of the motor. Maine, says: In full view of(x 45,00 et►t of the fair grounds. Severe horrified spectators 'on the Central minutes elapsed before Jones n° no - Maine hair grounds here late ou tired the fire. Then he grasped the 11 edne,aduy, Chas. Oliver Jones, rip cord and by letting out the gas the well known aeronaut of Ham- er,deavore•d to reach the earth. The rnondsport, N. Y., fell a distance of machine had descoodcd but nshort.500 feet to his death. Amon the distance, When a sudden burst of witnesses of the frightful plunge flame enveloped the gas bag, the were the man's wife and child, and frame work immediately se`'parat.ing they were almost the first to reach from the bag. itis side after the accident. The Jones fell with the frame of his aeronaut expired about an hour motor, and when the spectators and half after the tragic event. reached him he was lying m the r it When the aeronaut reached a about a quarter of a utile fro height of more than 500 feet the fair grounds. The gas bag, which spectators were amazed to sec small fell nearby, was completely destroy - tongues of flame issuing from under ed. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS L'APPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Mr. J. A. Cummings walked off a train in his sleep at Kama and was killed. Dr. Milton L. Hersey of Montreal bas given $10,000 to the Kingston Mining School. The Railway Commission is con- sidering regulations for carrying explosives on railways. Swift k Co. of Chicago are said to be interested in an extensive stockyard and abattoir scheme at Winnipeg. In a row among drunken Italians at Fenelon Falls one man was slash- ed across the abdomen, and his al- leged assailant was arrested. A horse -thief is alleged to have stolon a horse and buggy from By- ron Beamer of Lincoln township, and set fire to the barn to cover the theft. Mr. Beamer lost his barn machinery, horses and other stock and caps. Occurrences in the Laud That !feigns Supreme iu the Com - menial 11 erld. A white seal in the London zoo- !c•gical gardens has turned black In the past six mouths the litho tates wheat 90 per ceut. patents, r,,aiit,fac•turing nations of the world Metropolitan Railway carried 46,- $3.30 to $3.35 in buyers' 1►uve taken pre!iniinary steps in a 243,9.51 passengers. eac•ks outside kr expert. Manitoba crusade against the new British pat - Devonshire farmers say tliat flour, first patents, $6; sowed pat hawks areveryaudacious this jai ent law. The project originated with y e (tints, $3.40, and strung bakers ► the Trade elle! Pate.it Congress, oven attacking caged birds. � $,,.30.en►, The embarking end disembarking Wheats --Manitoba a heat—No. 1 which was in session at Stock c -f 40,000 passengers at the Isle of Northern at $1.17;.,; old No. 2 at from Aug. 26 to Aug. 30. All the delegates to the congress, includ- ing those from the United States expressed the opinion that radical measures were necessary to bring Great Britain to terms. It was de- cided that this could be attained by the various neti•►ns passing enc re restrictive patent laws, and by negotiating patent treaties be- tween nations whish will waive the !HE WORLD'S MARhtTS'THEWORLD AGAINST BRITAIN REPORTS FROM T111: LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Reale and Abi nail. BREAD:AU1 i �. Toronto, Sept. e. ` ; +ur—On- Combined Crusade Will Pr'oce3d on the New Patent Law. A despatch from I.oadon says: A despatch to the London Daily Maii from Berlin says the great Man the otter day was a record i tf 1.14'/, and old No. 3 at 81.12. New fur the island.i No. 1 Northern, tip l .13, and Nu. 2 Several thousand Egyptian quail, i at $1.11, lake ports. wcrth about $3,500, were burnt to' Ontario Wheat --No. 2 white and death in a fire at an aviary at \'food red quoted at 86 to 86%c outside. Green. Oats—Ontario, new, No. 2 white, 2Jc on track ; Manitoba No. 3 quot- ed at 44'' _c, and rejected, 43,',..,'c to 44c, lake ports. Rye ---Buyers at 73c outside. Peas—bec outside. Corn—Prices at 88c for No. 2 American yellow, and e.t 87c for No. 3 American, on track, Toronto. Barley—No. 2 barley quoted at LAND FOlt WAR VETERANS. Militia Department Has Issued Form of Application. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Militia Department has issued the forms of application for the land bounties under the Act of last ses- sion. The forms provide for the cases of office: s, for non-commis- sioned officers and men who were enlisted in Canada, for men who were not members of corps raised is Canada, but who otherwise serv- ed in South Africa, and for officers and men who served in the corps which did not reach South Africa before the close of the war. The applicants have, in the case of non- e:•urs. and privates, to send in their discharges, which will be returned. All the applicants have to bo sworn to before a commissioner. The forms of application can be obtain- ed either from the Militia Depart- ment or from any district officer commanding. Early application is advisable in order that the appli- cations may be passed upon by the Militia Department and forwarded to the Department of the Interior, which will issue the warrants to the individuals concerned. GREAT BRITAIN. Prince Bolotoff, a Russian, will ntteinpt to cross the English Chan- nel with an aeroplane. The British bark Amazon was wrecked off the Welsh coast and 2; of her crew were drowned. The Earl of Rosse, one of Ire- land's representative Peers in the House of Lords, is dead. Great damage has heen done in England and along the coast by 'terrific storms during the last two days. A madman caused a panic on the London Stock Exchange on Wed- vc•sday by firing three shots from his revolver in the building. John E. Redmond, the Irish Na- tieenalist leader, has declared the Irish University act to be one of the greatest emancipating measures of the century. Another unsuccessful attempt has re.;ently been made to raise the sunken! cruiser Gladiator off Yar- mouth, Isle of Wight. For sleeping in the open air at Stuwupland a man was sentenced to a month's hard labor at Stow - market on Friday. Mucl, damage has been done to larch trees on the Manchester wat- BRAKES TAMPERED WITIH. Rubber 'Tubes Under fhe Cars Found to be Cut. f.y to 60e, and No. 3 extra at 51c erworks estate at Thirlruere by a outside. plague of saw flies. Bran—Cars are quoted at $18 11 At present more than 10,0)0 moo-• bulk outside. Shorts quoted at $21 to $22 in bulk outside. men are engaged in factories and workshops in London, 8,000 of theni in the clothing and allied trades. Rates collected in Sunderland for the period ending with July aro $40,000 lower than the amount re- ceived in the corresponding period cf last year. The Nottingham City Council has decided to raise a loan of $110,000 in order that works designed to al- leviate the unemployed may be proceeded with. General Booth says he is going to South Africa in search of a new Canaan, in which the unemployed of this country can receive a wel conte and a home. Over sixty members of the Bris- tol Crimean and Indian Mutiny Veterans' Association were enter- tained by the Duke of Beaufort at Badminton on Friday. The winning bunch of wild flow- ers in a petition among the pupils ',f the Thoinlinson Girls' Grammar School, Wigton (Cumberland), con- tained 929 different specimens. A party of Liverpool motorists passed through the village of Ast- ley, in South Lancashire, where reckless motoring is causing much it,dignation, were pelted with rot- ten lemons. During the last few months four cases of cattle maiming have been reported to the Grimsby police. In each instance the outrage was coin- mitted at night in mysterious cir- cumstances. A Fulham mother, to keep her baby safely in bed, tied a hand round the little one. The child must have moved or fallen as the band tightened round its throat and t mingled it. 'fhe Phoenix Assurance Company, Limited, of London, recently re- ceived $260 "conscience money." The money was sent in an old mus- tard tin, and there was not the slightest clue as to the identity of the sender. At an inquest on the body of Thos. Hooper, 73, a greengrocer, f Bath street, ('ity road, London, :;, was stilted that he lived fr 16 days after breaking lois collar -bone stairs. A despatch from Montreal says: A criminal attempt to interfere with a railway train was made on 'iuesday night by parties unknown. Ar a train of freight cars was pull- iug out of the C. P. R. yard in Hochelaga it was noticed by a brakeman that the pneumatic brakes were not working properly. The train was stopped, and it was found that about 150 rubber air tubes bad been maliciously cut un- der the care. If this had not been ncticed in time the train crew be- lieved it would have been the cause of a serious wreck, with loss of lift.. Detectives have been notified, and wrests are likely to follow. UNITED STATES. The people of the northwestern States are agitating for the free ad- mission of Canadian lumber. Four seamen on the !British hark Puritan were suffocated in the hold of the vessel near Boston. Eight trolley ears loaded with ex- cursionists were stalled by potato hugs on the rails near Bristol, GENERAL. An edict issued in the name of the Emperor promises the Chinese }'cu ►le a constitution in nine years. The Japanese steamer Bankoku Some wren seem to extend a Meru was sunk off C'luba r j f` e,tur = standing offer f f emto the public to sit with a loss of twenty-eight A widespread political conspirle'y Mistress (angrily)—''How dare including plans to murder Lord you talk back to Inc in that way? M tato and other high officials, has I never saw such impudence. You been revealed in India. have a iot of nerve to call your - The great oil fire near Tempi- sell a lady's maid." New Maid— co Mexico. which burned for two '•i don't call myself that now, months,. consuming $3,000,000 e of tii' ma'am : but I was a lady's maid of oil, has been extinguished. before I got this job." SECTIO` HAND WAS SHOT. Roy ('arryittg Rifle .tcc•identall;; Discharged 1t. domestic patent laws so far as the treaty- power is concerned. Arrangements for a cua!it:o,1 against Great Britain will proci'ed K ithout delay. It is expected that the discussion in congress of the I.t oposed new American Patent Act will give an impetus to the move- GFRi'1AN "FLOWED Cal" ('1'1'1' OE' ERE( it'f 1i 1S '2,o;lt) ACRES 01' G.11t1►I:Ns. 1.:;rge Quantities of Farts Seed* Are Cultivated in l;rcat Variety'. A correspondent wiling rein \S einlar, says that Erfurt, a th ►►►g commercial city of souther• Prussia, with more than 100,000 in- habitants, is known throughout Germany as the "dower city." h has a world-wide reputation fur ment, and it is hoped that the mat- fewer and farm seeds and plants, ter v.-01 by Spring have pre►gressed ; the trade in which the correspond- ent portrays as follows: 'Tho origin of the industry dates from the tenth century, and it was developed by the monks of the Pet- ers monastery. The growth to the present large proportions is of much more recent date. Since ISb0 the business of raising flower and garden seeds and plants in Erfurt has increased rapidly, until it is against Great Britain. now five times as large as it was a quarter of a century ago. When to a point where Great Britain will be effectually isolated. It is believ- ed that Ili itish nnanufaca.trcrs will then he compelled to press the Gov- ernment to repeal the Act, or make treaties with other countries. Ger- many intends to repeal her present patent law, which is not enforced rigidly. She will then be in a po- sition to con►bire with other nations THE FUTURE BATTLESHIP COUNTRY PRODUCE. Berns—Prime, $2 to $2.10, and nand -picked, $2.20 to $2.25. Honey—Combs, No. 1, $1.50 to $1.75 per dozen, and No. 2, in 60 - pound tins, 9%o ; No. 1 extr::cte i, a) to Ilc per pound. Hay—No. 1 timothy $9 to $10 a ton on track here, and No. 2 at $e.50 to $7. Straw—$0 to $7.50 in car lots. Potatoes—New Canadian euotc 1 at 53 to 65c per bushel in : , rge lots ; New Brunswick potatoes, per bag, on track. Poultry—Chickens, spring, dress- ed, 13 to 14c per pound ; fowl, 10 to 12c; ducks, dressed, 10 to 1 le ; turkeys, dressed, 15 to 16c per pound. THE DAIRY MARKETS. :1 despatch front Kingston says: James Ferguson, a Section hand on the Grand Trunk, was accidentally shot in the left arm on Wednesday morning by a buy named henry Knox. Knox was bringing a rifle into the city to have repairs made. He WAS carrying it with the barrel tt wards the track, when it accident- ally exploded, hitting Ferguson 'n the arm. The bullet entered just above the elbow, passing through the muscle and entering his side. Fortunately the force of the bullet was spent when it entered the man's side for fatal results plight have f.�llee�e•d. Butter --Pound prints, 29 to 23c; tubs, 20 to 2/c; do., inferior, 18 to 19e. Creamery rolls, 25 to 26c, and are faithfully copying 13. iron and tear their war through t to and to the total an - lots. at 24 to 2t'.c. signs. to � in ca. -.e For the present year two monster best modem armor �eai• at Settle range. ` available pl'� regard I',rturt seed and Eggs -20 llc per cozenships—a battleship and a cruiser-- To m R firm pro- duces have been voted. The battleship, .d 1 mom to Cheese—Large, 13 to 131,e per d BRITAIN'S DREADNOUGHTS AND COMING DESIGNS. Teo Monster Ships Begun This Year, One of 19,200 Tons With carry a new monster gun, the 13.:, Turbine Engines. inch, eight or ten of which inay be name of 1'4 eir,nlarkt, which w^ w Tho comingof the Dreadnoughts, ilts mounted, and will thus carry out changed later to Weimar. ► g "The soil about Erfurt is especi- a i all the world knows, has tueaut the policy of "out-Dreadonttghting ,ally adapted to the culture of vege- a complete revolution in naval con- the Dreadnought." neto r two report, tables and plants. It is deep, rich naval iol In the opinion of most these guns,and cors the future is to the have been building for some mutlt'os fall isoll }leaav�red. The and the surra trading nual raia- naval utfi Power which possesses most of and the employment of them to and can use thein well, St. Vincent class is known to have 'lilts coolafford good prof etisometimes rom these ships writes H. 1! . Wilson in the London been considered All only reluctant- Mail. l.• abandoned. All the detailsanaval l t sweep own from are lOt3► concernsitger- en- llaily It will be of interest, theft, in confidential, but the German public gaged in the seed industry, also 35 view of the pun: %..►roil has been handbooks will supply P the present year in with what is certainly an intelligent seedea of exportersthe extent of this oflorists. business An made during uess and possibly accurate tnf ,r British to examine how the !; new navy stands in this latest rr,atir+n. According tothem BGetons be gained ,!eyed. from The total �sPa of 113,- 4pt� pe of ship and what are the de- 13.5 inch gun will weigh motor s likel • to be adopted in the or nearly 30 tons more than the ex- 735 square inetets (square sign y ,will be about equals 10,764 square feet), of which near future. The Admiralty is cum- fitting 12 inch weapeaTt ' rnitted to the large battleship and b2 feet long, and will fire a shell . 30,807 square meters cover propa- pounds or 1.-� gating houses, and 82,858 square tt will scarcely go back. Nor would weighing about 1,3001beds. �people do SO in view of the 400 trounds, as against the 12 inch' mlized arils used overearly 3,000 specially ll Pr it t wise toshell's pounds. Such huge p i fact that almost all foreign Powers jeeti 850 P there are no statistics Netiles would pierce five feet of are employed in various capacities. itlstl dc• j1 1 I "1Vlule If such an experimental ship is to the land failed to produce good be built with great spied to obtain wino grapes the people turned their experience the orders for her guns, barbettes and machinery will bo given well in advance, before she is even voted, and they may be placed in the summer or autumn of the present year. The sante course was followed in the case of the Dreadnought. The ucw ship will not improbably attention to the seed industry as a means of saving THEIR WANING FORTUNES. In former years the hills about Er- furt r- furt and Jona were famous for their vineyards. 'the wine was sold mostly at Weimar, about half way of the distance between those two cities, giving this place its original $25,000,000 LOSS BY FI s of the size an length so that. they will be able to fire en either hroad.i a is a matter of extreme dif£lc►►lty so long as funnels rem^in. But there is some hope of getting rid of therm an 1 thus giving A CLEAR FIELD OF FIRE. plant concerns, a single80,000 eac 1 year cy- clamen, 400,000 lillies of the valley, 60,000 apple sprouts (in pets), , 000 pear sprouts, 10,000 lum,sprap- ricot, peach and quince 20,000 strawberry plants, 300,000 short stemmed and 40,000 long'gicre- pound, and twins 13,% to 13'Ac ; old cheese, 15 to 15/4c. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clears, 11 ' to 11%c per pound in case lots; mess pork, $19 to $19.50; short cut, $23 tel ated by steam. Thus she Kill make $23.50. St. Vincents, t uF. the group of four Hams—Light to medium, 14' to and when she is completed for sea 15c; do., heavy, 12 to 121 �c ; rolls, the British navy will possess two, 10' to ll%c ; shoulders, 10 tel rots �, each four strong, of all big 101/2e; backs, 17� to Ise; breakfast gain 1►att.leships. The other vessel bacon. Ir, tc, 15 4c. will resemble the Invincibles, with Lard—Tierces, 12',x;^ ; fobs, 12%c ; i,,,l,rovements, and will complete pails, 12,%e. the group of four 25 -knot cruiser BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. SO MUCH FOR THE PRESENT. contrary to the reports circulate , will be sitnilar in all important re- spects to the St. Vincenis. That i' to say, site will displace 19,200 tc ns or thereabouts, will carry ten or twelve 12 -inch Funs, and will be propelled by turbine engines actu- The Belleville company is said to ! mod roses. be c,oetgning a boiler which needs "About 2,000 acres of land in the ►;v funnel above water to discharge, city and the immediate vicinity are the waste products of combustion DEVOTED TO GARDENS. and there is the bare possibility ,the Crown, that producer gas engines might 11•l�c- theland is owned cityand private individuals. It adopted. The firm of t icker ;rat has prepared designs for battle- is leased to the various concerns ships driven by producer gas, and at rentals depending nhre- it is understood that it is ready to tion and on the productiveness battle hips• turn out a Dreadnought using gas the soil. Owing to the rapid growth forthwith if it finis any /tower ad_ atn ecf nttagc ity, wlecternit alum town in 1liontreal, Sept. 8. — Grain — It will be seen that there is no- �enttruus enough to try hew- this country quite an area of the Manitoba No. 2 white at 48e, No. 3 thing sensational to the design of exporitnent. The Admiralty, h garden land has been plotted at 47c and rejected at 46c per bush- ver, the ships for this year which are is not at all likely to install hest g car lots,ex store. Flour— meant to fill gaps in the existing the gas engine in battleships tried un it into creel city to►f ,ts and illasastdei coy- $0.10; oy- el, in patents. $0 to it has been thoroughly Choice spring wheat organization. But next year it is of ds $s.50 ; Winter possible that there may be new and merchantmen and smaller cruisers. er "The cu tivatirt *11 f the gilly flow - But l0 ; seconds, uses. straight rollers, startling P' But that it will final cattle y every rib an wheat patents, $:► : departures. From hints yeared in the window of a in a fall down the $4.30 to $4.50; do., in bags, 42 tit which Ministers and others have 1►e taken as certain. first app 1.d5 te, $1.73. Mill- the Admiralty will be corn- The British battleship of 1910 may dcieeds of thousands sandslrof these flowers $2.10;t extras, $ dropped, thus be a vessel of 2,.000 , feed—;Manitoba bran. $22 to >lt polled to ask for no fewer than , have been promulgated.- The e. -'� shorts, 893 ; Ontario hran, $el to five monster battleships. 11ore i mounting eight or ten 86 ton gildsis s $26 to $27 : shorts, be needed, but this mast nee- whioh will be so arranged as fire'e--' mated annualTct} cosamce,neztc QUEENS ANI) BULLFIGHTING. 4Y3 ; middlings, ,; • pure may 1 on the prt,gress on either broadside. • ► he pthelants. in gra per ton, including bags essarily de.penc s so, is the cultivation of 680,000 'ictoria of Spain hopes to 11 grain meuillc, $30 to R;;3, and mill- which foreign ships make in the semhle the new Brazilian hips in nearlylux- tcarrying twenty 4, ; inch or 6 inch cAlceolaria, verbena, petunia, K Even if Others Did Fail. cd grades, t32:, to $28 per ton. Fin -next few months. p it iA, zinnia, panrcy, carnation, hal- c and Past- Germany, gems fe►r defence against torpedo phlox. he►ll}hock, I►crlargou- c.st westerns 12% to 14', it must be remember- K Queen Victoria of Spain is, it �s tis l2'. to creamery, Butter d 4ts has to -day building or sanction- attack. and will thus he exempt r;Am, said,anxious to abolish in her coun- erns, j and round lots ed, battleships of Dread- from the most screens failing of the juin, fuchsia, AraliA, etc., in almost for finest creamery,eel seven endless variety. It is estimated try at cis fa ori of bullfighting, are goofed 24c.wEggs--Sales 24c, nought type (against the British original Dreadnaught --the entire has hitherto consented to at- stock were made at two, or possibly three', absence of a medium battery. that the annual output of flower she selected eight) andseeds is it' i much under 1,000,000 tend at this favorite notional sport, No. 1 at 20e and No. 2 at 18c per crullers of the Invincible typo ----------4--edi marks (L�`S3a•ne>e0>. but the last time she birth, shortly dozen. Provisions—Barrels short1 "Vegetable and farm Seeds are witnessed Don Jaime's r i what she (against the British four). And ten -quantities and cut mops, half 1+h!s., $11..,0: pregramme site will IMMIGRANTS 13:11t1t1:1) OUT. cultivated in large q �� itnessed filled her with horror $22.50 ; der her fixed I g and reef. clear fat bricks, $23 ; dry salt char lay d„�, n three more monster bat - 323 Were Refused Admission to ;n great variety. Among them are g br,cks, l lc : barrels.. doplate beef. Et17.- tleships and one more monster crtii- - So she has caused to be revived . bhls., do., F9at ; eef.$1nd next year. the battleships, it 's Canada. included 101 kinds of peas. 168 of 0 . half , , ger � beans (700 bushels shipped this year the: memory of the fact that the lard, S'•; to 9%c; Part' lard, 12,Yec ,1 despatch from Ottawa gays Queen Isabella, when sl►c re- erect 13 to 13',,/„c ; believed, displacing ig i 000 tens er to Boston to help make up the de great to lee ; kettle rendprogramme On the first of April last inspectors e9 vac• even more. p felt in its staple food), 2:. turned fromh conquering was the Moors, hams.o 12% to 14c: breakfast bacon: of five battleships and one cruiser were placed along the international ties o38 kinds +t f kitchen ale '- declared that ti was her cruel sport 14 to lbc; Windsor bacon, 15 to 16e, aculd bring the British total of E(,undary and for the three months radishes and 30 herbs, other roots. "p which, bullfighting , a fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, etil do/1 ring up to only eighteen,ealof ceding 30th June last 323 people r < onions;. Pte., 65 of grass for fel tr d•h, she asserted, had been in- *7 to $7,10. „� against the German liftsl of were refused30thadmission into Can- filer, 30 of clover, 320 species of 1 troduccd by the Paynim floors and 5,,75; live, -_ _- thirteen or fourteen. • The British ads from the United States. From tatocg. 'Chore are 1,!i42 variPti.�g which was unworthy of a Christian UNITED STATES 1i:11t11T:1'S. margin of four or fie Ship, which 1st. January to 30th June 437 ire- of ve etnlele seed cultivated in F.r• racy. ; ;t would give, would be far less migrants were refused landing at fttrt.'� If the Spaniards of t° -day are re- Buffett,. Sept 8 —«•1'e,it Spr n4 ocean ports, and daring the same______ Winter ca. No. 2 red, than what the euld two Power the minded that the Queen tof whosere tae- higher; -ice: s e; No. 2 standard dewands. period x+72 were returned to the $I•'NTENC'1. SERMONS. tnory they adore was only prevent- 99c; N•o, 3 extra red, 97/then. we assume that the Countries whence they came_ mak Fri 1,� her death front hutting down -}rite, e"."/"Ac; Nc�. 2 !nixed, 04c. ('c+rr. If• Immigration tice they Department. Faith in God is hest evidenced f five the cruel sporth. it is hoped thattheyl:irmer; No. 3 yellow, 8-t•'; 1\u !, Rritlessli programme consists o },y fellowship with men. present Ween to Ric . No. 3 white, 83c. Otis ' battleship. arid one imprv,ved 1n• �_�_ may allow their Bellew.1 t.. yti • battlh1C-- and nothing less will sat- f Too many measure their n+t•11:1'i ladies it at least unfashionable for -- Easier : No. 2 white, 33,4 BIRDS ALSO DRINK WINE. by their meannese. ladies to Attend on such sights. No. 3 white, 52e to 53e; ��o. 4 --i the ct'1►al,lcet that Admiralty Queen Christina tried to do so white. el'., to 5`9e. pias!:,: --Feed --it is pdown one group of Pitt its. Wine is so plentifulshores of Lake flcTrnade te,lmake migiht break i - may - will lay in the early days of her rule as tc. malting, 63 to t3Re. St. Vineents--four battle- sent moment on the Regent, says the Lc►nd°tt . i lnea „tits, Sept' g ---W -c” pi owed ' is to cunt, each hatrte t o- Maggiore. from the village. f lake- The hardest seats ►v the w t.i lel aro widowed ed K �I r 1 , e !. No. ships, that Illustrated Netr+, but she had so Dec.. :�1 : May. $1.03/; ; Ca;.y people r.re alway., pray. '•,• !t : • t. tw lv'e 12 inch qua?. But the fifth' s to ven freely to tramps Switzerland, tease on Nagging asystreet tree . much else to contend with that she 1 hard. X1.0.)', : No.1 h' cite possibly tic itg may q for its glory. had to .1t+andc,n this unpopular r:- t1.023/,': No. 2 Northern. ;l't;,, to battleship for a drink. The poorest peep ing peace i • 3 Northern. 7. to i+�e. AN EtI'1.R1111'`T.11. Sfi1i', leave a bowl of wino on the egnel'►w `forms of the dust make peer form No seemed impossible not long ago hran cels bulk. 818 'e► $18 ") IL .ir type, built rapidly and tested rill for all corners. It is f>1`'hArc� Iee. 9Tcialof riymh;tthv isen to the t)lc'tvsnitent a►f 1 t . e I13rnn for c1ue11 inR ever to be abolished of settling personal dis- _ First patents, u1t3.G:, te, Yb 'S ; toe- a new . p t 5.txt t„ $5.6rt; first with the object of gaining c•xperi- iy refilled. and even the birds• ole ,Arent. , 4 c•nce for a new class which will ►the hospitality. „emllfor themersting many theological aorldgiS not amers. to virtue 1 closet, $ t.35 to 81.43 ; sc^e,nd cies' figure in the programmesuchwill of 1910- ' order to make r to $3.60. 911. Here much hill ohvious- vintage, are getting rid of their or- b} picturing it as wholly swim'''. $...50 - ant! 1 wine at nominal prices. Y'u eennot have harmony within 1y- depend '►n the Action of foreign canary .-�—* __-- _ yc,►raelf without conflict without. Powers and whether the reports bring me No preacher ever caaght men poxe correct which credit the Ger- Gentleman—"Waiter, who wall fishing for compliments. :ldmlralty with the intention sonic And what'll you yc►uVhave to fol- Formalities ata the substitutes Gentleman—"Indigestion, with which the empty heart tries to make up for faith. Enormous Damage in British Columbia During the Season. A despatch from V1 -feria, R. C., licked up by the fires, and the C. says : The heats rains of the past 1'. lt., the Vic•torna and cliermain- fete da) s have worked inealculahle t:s Lumber Company and Ow t'owi- e+od in all but extinguishing the chan and Ladysmith Lumber Oen- c,rest tires that. hal e for weeks i•anies are heavy sufferers, their ........-.___-- been raging in the CoNvichan des losses running far into six figures. lutes and wiping out insults among trio and thence toward the heart it is estimated that t1 rest hues gentlemen. but etQue through en icto ria 4,f Vancouver Island. The fire eon- thus far the. Season S achieved toted in the vicinity of the Mount III itish C'olunlhia have caused loss- )usl,,and, slie so arranged that duel- hr icer is measured t,� it. :1�}►ir- ,. where ;ill save es Approximating *25,000,000. The ling should never again be resorted i Ation Prayer r than by the inf.,►rrla f. kcr ilding calci! of these in fire •buildings in whet is quite a hcat1eq Nest seetionsgwhereat}►c c eo' c)ua►rrehs Men urntothe dafend tothnirtheir n lien it sends to heAw�rth the li�inpc fak►uildinpc vessels far larger and n. flames. mining t ilt9ge n e rat up ('re,w Life wouldn't be Jrft flames. aruction of the Town of Fern►e },,,nor, and this K -As at,ecilil! .a�'- j expect. t contribution to the ce ted as possible and right in cit 11 if it was a continuous succ scion ofwere powerfully armed than any Iow , �� The creA i e►f the island's most ar A heen y , p `pudding and ice ogres y ei accessible timber wealth has been k Caral�-tiAB totdi• 1� l=ei