HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-03, Page 8EXETER, 'P l- M E S SEPT 3rd 1908, ♦++++++++++++++++++++'t'++++++++++♦++t++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ t'++++ STEWART''S PHONE 16 yrare ready with a BIG NEW TOCK for Fall. Every depart- ment is crowded with fashions newest creations. Our New Dress Goods and New Mantles will suprise you. The Dress Goods this season will be plain Mirror fin- ished, and Fancy Chevron stripes. TI'.c new stripe goods v.c are showing are certainly worts of art, the shadings are true rich Autumn tints You will like our New Suitings, there is so much choice and the shades are so harmonious, you are not confined to any one color. and yet there is a character in them all We would be delighted to show you these new goods, and talk about them, the range is Large but still the choicest lines go out first. $1,20The yard for the prettiest New Chevron Stripe suitingyou'll see this season. Colors are Blues Browns and Greens Shaded and Blended, with rich Au- tumn tints. 54 inches wide and pure wool. $4.2d C The suit end for a lovely lot of Blended stripe suitings, Autumn tints, in Browns, Blues, and Greens, very stylish, and great wearing qualities. We want you to see our New Fall Jackets, they aro all in and ready for your verdict. The colors are Black, Blues, Greens and Browns, and all tailor made by Continental Costume Co., ac- knowledged to be the best makers in Canada. Come and see the display. Live Ducks and Live Chickens and Hens wanted. J- A. STEWA E T ++++++++++++++++4-++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++•i'++++++ .+++++++++++++++++ Market Report.—The following ts' the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up to Sept. 3rd. Wheat. F0c to no. Barley. 45 to :,0 cents. Peas. 7U to 75e. Oats 35 to 40 cls. Bended Flour STAN, $2.50. Snell bt :2owa 1HE OLD RELIABLE 35 Men's Suits School has started again and the Boys and Girls will need Clothing, Shoes, etc. Bran, $20. , • Shorts $25. At $2.50 ReductionDoes your Boy need a New Suit. Fetal flour. ti1.30 to $1.35. on each suit in Blue Clover seed, S8 to $IU per bushel. Does he need new Shoes, Does he need new Knee Palntg Coat, 87•2� a toll' and Black Serge (Dark and Light Tweeds) Does Le need a new flat. Does he need anything Eggs, 19e. .10z• pp Re. in weaC111P, apparel.? Butter 20e. sizes 36 to 44 regular price of all $10. Cerate,, ne„ • Dur .' big. If he does it will pay you to bring him to us We a[0 hcadquartCrs for Boggs, dressed h7.ia to $5.00. flogs, liveweight 56.50, duced to clear at $7.50. ill "GOOD WEARING DUDS" for Boys, the kind that will stand the 110:. livt,,,•ig.hr. x6.15. hard skuffing, any strong healthy boy will skull theta too: The kind White Waists at 25 per cent White Underskirts that you will not have to buy often. 7 only while underskirts static Of Does your Girl need a New Dress, good material, and very prettily trite- med82.(X) skirt for $1.37, $1 50 skirt Does she need new Shoes. Does she need new Hosiery for l48c. ents. Does she need a new Hat. Does she need anything 1)R. OVENS F,Y1'. AND EAR SUR- off geon. will be at tho Commercial Hotel. flours 9.30 a. in. to 4.30 p• A few choice styles in Fine Lawn iu. Glasses properly fitted and dis-I waists these are sure to go quick at eases of eye ear and nose treated. such a big discount. Nex': visit `�`t"`day. t;t•1.1t•rttI. r 26th, 75 Boy,s Tweed Suits at 20 per cent Discount in westing apparel.?If she does it will pay you to bring them to us. We have the sort Made of fine imported Tweeds, quality that will stand good hard wear, Apply at Times (.cod Grocery fficecss for sale.-, number of different styles, all sizes 22 to 31 on sate at sr; off. Now is the \kind rthatsweasewell andralwaysslooks,well robust girl needs, e time to fit. your Boy with a good suit -` big saving. Lace Ilosiery In Tan, Brown, Black and White all on sale at exactly wholesale prices.'. Gifts to the Bride A Few Good Suggestions Never before were we in a better Position to offer yon an extensive sel- ection in suitable, useful and accept- able Wedding (rifts and the closest, price on every article from works of hitheat artistic merit to the lowest price make it greatly to your advan- tage to buy here. Beautiful Silverware such as (lake Plates, Tea Sete. Fern Dishes, Biscuit Um, Marma- lades, Salad Bowls, Bake Dishes and many other hand- some pieces. Rich Cut (;lass, Vases, Sugars and Creams, Olive Dishes, Putter Tubs, Oil Bottles, ('ar- atTes, Timiblers, Berry Bowls, Celery Dishes, Etc. A. MARCHAND Wedding Rings a Specialty. -Next •llond,ty will Le Labor Day. _Only (our months of -ibis year 1'2,ic, Wash Goods at 10e. lett: -The school opened for the fall All Ginghams, Chambray, Cashmer• terns Tuesday.. I efts, Delainetts, Muslins and all others -Mr• Jack \\ alper left Monday 121)cts. wash stuff on sale at ltJcts. for Woodstock._Work bas started on the Jett Men's Strong wearing Shirts at a Snap Price lawn bowling greed. -Mr. T. E. Handford returned last 1 Made of Reek fast Drill in Blues. Blacks and Greys, small neat pa -erns Friday front Winnipeg. and stripes warranted fast colors and wear guaranteed, On sale at 45e. each. _,li s Kathleen Stewart left Tues. SNELL & ROWE day to tired B ks. o0. -qtr. !'red Brooks. of Ilidgcto,%'n, is the guest of Lis sisters, ____ ---- -Mr. W. AV. Taman spent Sunday — with his father in Myth. soM -Mrs. Saxon Fitton left Tuesday'' ' for Toronto o visit her sisters. L •s . it•tetliApp . -Mrs. N. Dyer llurdon tet tt Tuesday front -her visit to Buffalo. -Miss t1abel Barrows. returned Monday front Detroit and Port Itor-1 .� o. .ri -Miss May Gill left Monday to10 COATED TONGUE'. are popular only in hospitals. Busi- ness men and Strenuous workers have no treed of them. If h•ou ret one though, don't throw it away, but come to us and get it fixed. \\-r• have. PILLS FOlt COATED TONGUES and it avouldn't be a bad idea to buy a Lox of Ilowey's Stomach and Liver Pills and have them ready. Indigestion, 011liousness or a bad cold may coat the tongue Our pills will cc:rc it. Only 25e a box. resume her duties as teacher at Fort • Erie. -Mrs. \V. Barrows returned last r week from l:cr' visit to points its tile, We wish to announce that we are now ready V. ! to take apples and will pay -Wesley' Ouyn,ut left Monday to , at tend the Chat ham 13usiucss Col- lege: ol- leg, ; torts. per cwt, for Chops and I I r to is Visiting his father, Mr. Ja[ncs,Red Astrkhans. Omnis. -Mrs. Gardiner has ltd vi ed trout 25cts per cwt, for fall fruit Blyth, niter an extendtd crit ,,crib; her son. J. A. Monroe visited Aiiss�that will make peelers. Retia Essery, at Eden, the later part of last week. -Sandy liawdcrt left last tt•cck to i attend the forest City Business Col-� lege at London. -Mr. Dyer 'Burden, of Buffalo, is visiting his parents, having n ten! �1a« vacations Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter. -Mr. Geo. Armstrong left Moud,ty' to resume his position as telegraph) operator at London. I! -I'VE TAKEN A FANCY TO YOU, bee:use you use 1•:njoyme Almond ------ C -M111. r. . S.ld at Colo spent e tSunday. in A GI1ANI) O1;'lf:it.—TILE TIAIESI ' lntcan. Mrs. COle, %‘• 110 ryas visiting AND TORONTO ,,\VI{EKLY tULOBE there returned home with hire, • ANl) CANAD1 iFANME1i (PROMs -Mr. Earl $packuran left fester..NU\V t1N'rIL.lANY. 1910 I'Olt h1,60 day for Alvinstou to resume his du Ult THE TWO PAPERS FROM NOW ties as toiler in the .liolsons Bank TO JANY. 1'901) FOR 35 CENTS. there., Dentrifice Miss Bella •Ilatckins left on fon- ••••••O•••••••♦♦•��♦••• day for Chatham where she will take, Those wishing furs repaired or re- n course in the Chatham Business' modelled should bring them in this College. month in order to strum rerluced - Alex. Stewart had (0 lay oft' rtirices• M. HALK\VILE. Andrew st. An Antiseptic Tooth Ptaetedelicately m'ork sevet'aI days hst week. owing; Exeter. perfumed and a pleasant preparation to an inju i ed finger caused o bile , •••••••••••••••••••••••••♦ to cleanse and whiten the teeth. playing Sal{. Prevents - Miss Edna ,Dow. who was visit- .-half price sales all this \vt•ek ;id Decay, ing in tont, left Tuesday for Toron-1 the Exeter Hargaitt store. All the` Hardens the Gums, to to continue Ler course of training' balance of the stock of groceries go I Sweetens the Breath, for •, nurse, at hut! price artd itt this lot trill -The 1u my friends of Mrs. 3. he offered tteo barreis of first 0185?) Removes Tartar, and Lot n,• Scott of 1lcnsa11, will be sor- Norwich vinegar' its one and five imparts a delicious sensation of cleanliness to the month. if you arc looking for the best DEN- TRIFICE on the market ask for, WANTED W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chert::,: and Opt ieinnt ONTARIO. Phone 50 EXETER -lir. Frank tennis, o orou •••••••••••••••••••••••••• la••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • e++++++++++:.-4-4-0.-++++++++++4 We are Always Busy Tailorin because fashionable dressers realize that we turn out the most stylish gar - w ent, while our charges are reason- able. From the seleettotl of the fell. tic, lining, thread, etc., to the com- plete finishing of the garment, our work is characterized by thorough - [less and attention to detail, We keen all our old customers and add to their D umber daily. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, — ONTARIO. RN•••••1••••••• •••••N••• LOCALS • • • ••••••H .••••••• Ganott Apples for :Talc. -A fete cases slightly rusted tins of gallon apples for Pale at 15 cents per 0311 or two for 25c. at factory; also the lea straw at 15 cents for one horse load and 25c (or loo horse load. The Caledonia Evaporating Co. J. G. EARL, Manager. reme If you bring your Boys and Girls here for their "Duds" you can keep them well clothed at moderate cost. CARL1NC BROS. N e wGrocery and Shoe Store 2 Doors North of I'ostoftice,opposite:Wood's Meat Market Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, Women and Children, all sizes, at the very lowest cash price Call and be convinced. fiesh Olou ICS dad Shoes T. J. WILSON. ATTEND THE BEST! -.After an i1lne a extending over a period of three scars, i\lacy Atut Stinson. beloved wifs of Mr. Thomas Case, passel to her last ten aril tit her home on Carling street nn Sat- urday, August 29th, aged 58 years. 8 months and 17 days. The deceased was trout in Inniekillen. near Toron- to and with her parents moved to Stanley township where Ler mother died. After the death o( her mother she tt is taken by Mr, Wellington Comity... of •Ilayfield, and raised by hire. from Hayfield the fancily went to Brockville and silbsequently canoe to Itogerville, obese 38 years ago she :was married to her now sorrow- ing hushan•t. They resided on the farts until lest spring, when they rt rated the farm and proved to Ex'•. ter. Sho is !survived resides her hushand by four son' and sire daugh- ter, Frank 1:., of Dashtsood, Nelson G., of Clandeboy.' ,los, ph, itedginnld nn.) Susie at hone. The funer- al took {tram frau tier late residence on Tuesday to the Trivitt Memorial church. whore services were hell. after which the remain• were taken to the Exeter camas, ry fer inter - menu. • ry to learn that she is ill tt'itb tS- gallon lots ; also one i} ,ri.lr, phoid fever. seventy (i%'e failots :ud: -TUE OLD OAKEN HI11Cb ET is shoes. All go forrs of just haolf price touching but NAMELESS has 'ern all also t wo sltvw cases, one steel safe, heat for cold in head, ote. Sold at one cash register and (111 Silent The Purity. salesurun.-J. \V. B1U)1)1:It1C1C. —Mr. .lohn Mitchell is erecting a —� Paste dv elliag hoose on 1Io Cot tier where •Air. an'1 Airs. Itichnrd \Vet ti lett op TooIH he cid mai ket stol oppoite the Tueday rnorning for' tithes t:1.��b NIeuopolitau hotel. -Al r. Fred Collins, of London, Is Hots is this for nit offer; 'rhe Vain- the gue-t of 911. and Nits. Edi i'y Herald and •\Weekly Star and Treble,. , Tun, s to stew subset diets for the -Miss ('earl Kitson, of St. Thomas 1.ilanctt of the year for 35 cents. is visiting Mr. and firs. 'Willis -Nils and Miss •1. East Jordon (neo a'owell• w• S. COLE, Phm. B. Mary Mnrray) of l:od.'rich, reit- -Rev, and 'Mrs. Going returned ed here S':nd:sy, stopping off on e Dow h•ts leturtled last tet_ck frons their 180811on at Chemist and Druggist their return from their on,•ymooru -\iisscs Bertha Mack and 'Lois. -.,,,..s Ilirney left )\Monday for iChathatlt, from visiting • relatives in irororito silos Vera Campbell is ,isitiTi rcl- «here they intend laking a course and Orilti1• ativcs at I{oltsholni- in the business college of that city. -Mrs. 1011„11 rettltne•l home )'as- -Miss Terri•, of Lon.iou. sis the -Among t hnsr ;who :eft Tuesday today after spending the summer at guest of Miss Easily ltrookx. to attend the or on exposition thu It - M. Y. McLean. M. 1'., for South %vete. Edits, Sanders. Mt s. Collins, —Miss Anna .Martin is in chntge Huron has offered `5 for the best Mi..' Boot bran. Katie Collins. Mrs. of Miss 11c.Cnllum's 100111 during the and most 4isefii1 farmers' driving Noir, is hereby Riven that a Malloy. tatter's ahsattte• outfit, bora'• buggy and harness. to Court will :be held pursuant to Ttu: -Mrs. Roger Crocker 'left for -Mir. Jack Crooks. of Clitrlon. b,, owned by a farmer and to be Ontario Voters List act by His her borne in 'Tot onto hist fiitui'diY spent n (r %y days durinG the past Judged for use for farts purposes at llonour 1)1 lodge of tLe County Site was nerontpained by her sister week with friends in town. the cooling Exeter fair. 1st $3; 2nd ('011rt of the County 0f flutes. nt the hiss EliteTreble. 11110 will visit her -lira. 1. Fisher and Miss Vin" 41'2. '100 to enter or no first prize: Town Hall Exeter, on Wednesday the for a 11111.Fisher left Tuesday for Hamilton to three to enter or no second prize. 9th day of September 1908. sat 10 1..wl- Loughead, of Sarnia. o hu at visit Mrs. Fisher's daughter. o'ciock a. in. to hear ,ind determine one time 14 as amateur champion t,i- -Mr. Sand; I'urdon left last week -Several of the bowlers had an complaints of errors and omission 1n cycle rider.of Canada and the (:nit- for \Wnssean, Wis.. taking oith him exciting chase 1'tiday n'.ght after the \orte�' List of the Municipality States, died at his hone itt Sarnia the trotting horse "Tommy Burns." their return from St. Marys and so tl i:xet,r for 1t o l.st friday. -\t r. E.I. Faw'c1I coin tallied by did the chap they were after. 'They Dated this 21th day' of August 1969. -Mrs. Gco. Hawkins, accompanied Miss ('ora Fottdll left Monday 011 Were standing on the corner discus- ,LOS, t:n, i d1)'t, Clerk. 'v her sister. -Miss Hazel Browning,) Eastern trip in Mr. Fowelrs 81110. sing some of the excellent plays ' ft last week fot Calcdoui•a. \tinta,1 Mr. Wesley Snell. of Chicago :mil made during the day, when some Tltrr weeks sego. tLe limes ptl,- hrre they will visit their trot her1 a fornur Exeter 10y, is he Quest of earl whose prrsorr,Re could not be lisped rho suicide hy drowning near !tr. Will lirown ing for a mouth. I his mother itt the honer of Nits. Geo.'. made out in (bei darkness. approach (;rand Bend 01 Alpena (:rl idol t�•. -Mrs. Pref ,lla%wkshau and lir lie t(amtt,Il. jcd than, amt nuttcinR th•. gather- Last Saturday the daily papers had Toronto., -fir. and firs, Donald McInnis ate! ing. t+irrcd s+:d took to his heels up the sante account of the affair, but Our Customers sayl''� son Barry 141 Tuesday for While there the little !•id's tteform-, attcn.ling the wedding of their grand' a side street. Too of the bowlers' read, it app ar as happcniuR last ed leg Ott ill he amputated below the t niece Miss Rhoda Ilunkin of Logan I Loth Irishmen and good 1 annei s al Friday1 they want nothing bet- knee and on at Oficial limb put on.1 to Atr. Gtio• Jacf,,o1 loci( 1Iastthnvicek! (het fleeingr, individnal,l stat o l.owtlettin The ISoacd of Examiners for the -Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Coultis, Mr.' -Alis, Birdir ' ter than they have been awl titin, 3. Hind, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. for Junes ons, :tlicli- t1 t`e she fins hand athey l entt st con nhe street Coenty of Huron met t Seafr rt„ on . n nese attended the wedding of their A 1. Davidson.a position ciser la f with it KA3.etting, and they have shard Miss Zeta Laskin. of Minn- Alf. Dfor Joh e( Exeter. swifts for gentleman, still tmnaind reasily dist:nicel '10m,tatndl.1• I111iCameron. Afterl rotl�`g shard to Mr. ire Afarshall, of Kirk-, Mtysrs. Arthur, ,lobe Albert and been using Ern" Gregul7 attired in to"m his puroucr No%one er 1%1ttllnittlillthecasesoft1hoserwhoohid not spass")I g loft on 'Johnr)'. CD el ltcre owing to after ir.i.lntgttt % 8ndctr th -Air. John ,rnploy'rc, who after the abeing Srhonl exan,:nation n! leaving the employ of Mr. Alf. the illness of their father lir. 'rhos• is thought Lo is one of ikmgyocl�o December 1190'. but who had not "Soo'' returned t%ortte,l its 11:idgen rind t he Gro gory. Wood- sial call sad tint 41tshiug '10 have his obtained their nonprofessional stan.l- lour -Mr. R. N• Creech way in act ' it rt elation of stir lstant-'Star .1Soo ;111,1 r1t 1 11 t0 Int n hot Thur.- tw • an it is now oterpying his old nark of week vett Bowel), the iota ! thatbewits�lout Hong alter t0c snit- ion Department. Co Arty hoard! One customer Saturday, another n ,. oral of Miss Grave ifo%yell, of that , Lesch in \1r. 'Walter's t h { ,, c,,, Miss Nowell was well known night lamp should bare been (lick- hive now no aathority to grant -Her. Ernest Grigg. missionaryCan tot l,:t third class rett,fccates: of those1Mond r, and on. nearly ec.•ry (1ny. Miro-Intl th, and who has been in Canada in i zeter, having been a frequent � eted, or lie 1.as aft aid the hew',• r were a gin„ of hank scour. or who 1,i,l iris la them, sen.l thein Just •Cad mC t1:C Santa 851•efOre, for the past year, last Sunday deity -1 visitor here. we c •S1 d not have bctt_r bread" erect an excellent aernl0n in the -M r. Nelson Prier, of Glenhoro, something of that sort, and tootle to the Education Departmeailnt ayslhl Main street Methodist Church. Rue. Man., who has been t'isitinR his tat1ta- his spitd okidOO. it R ellen have ttenr,men. the tModel School atetnent te they tracts inat)r 4) Hit V 1101 ('('llll)t't(' for our Grigg left its visiting to join Mr:, ei Mr. Thos. Prier. and esti r r gra( 1;t D till' fair. Grigg who is visiting Irvrdr in fives for the last tririnrt,. lift fol :zoned A. ail moat likely person. 1:107. and get third class certificates(�D got othher parts of the it to , and to. the wast .Tt:raday. lie ,tils l'ri,aecom- hut \v o' keeps the besteofve it. hoursknoo andirttthe hile torgrant cxt1tit:0115 em. The tonntl rddecided lass- A VEY BRO tether s'io tt'ill sail l0 t foreign up wjll l bark by Alias Cos, gentleH l' their mission,ry' stork ,n ii a foreign `.iill make an extended visit in the iailsbeing to lcfavorite eapturewith the x' iii rd.eBcC., Clineon.^ret0forr•. t%,o I fields. Creme Dentrifice 2.1 cents a Packet. CENTRAL STRATPCRt)• ONT. • It is recognized as the LARG- EST, BEST. and MOST SUC- • OESSFUL training school in ♦ Western Ontario. Three de - 1 partmente:— 2 • 2 • • ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, • Principals. COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates secure good po- sitions and forge to the front. Write for our free catalogue, yott'will find it interesting, You may enter any time. • • •• • • • • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Two 6 Octave Organs Second Iland. CHEAP Also Two Pianos Slightly used At Great Reduction. GRAND TRUNK sYs E„ GdllddIdll National Exhibition Toronto $3.85 From Exeter, flood going Aug,21) to Sept.12. Special excursions rates $2.85 via Lucan Crossing good going Sept. 3, 5, 0, and Ilth. All tickets valid returning from Toronto, on or before Sept, 15 OS. See other advertising matter for special train service, ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent. WESTERN FAIIR LONDON 95 cents from Exeter. Good 'oing Sept. 12, 13, 14, 16 and 18. Special excursion rate 00 cents good going Sept 15 and 17. Return limit on all tickets Sept 21st. SPECIAL leaving 8.07 a. m. Sept. 15, 16, and 17, returning ,10.50 p. m: Sept. 15, 16 and 17. Regular train No. 33 mill leave London 5,15 p.m. Sept. 15, 16, and 17 Sewing Machines The best made at prices that will suit you. Bicycles, Baby - Carriages and Go Carts Very attractive. Prices right Fine Stationery S. Mrt1ll & son Notice. LABOR DAY Return tickets at single fare be- tween all stations in Canada. Good going Sept. 4, 5. 6, and 7th. 'Re- turn limit Sept 8th, 1909. For information etc., apply to J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write J. D. MCi)ONALD, M ANI Depot, Toronto. Ont. SiTUfTIONS'.'. with leading business houses await, our graduates. Loose -Leaf Ledger and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. Gregg Shorthand taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School. THREE: COURSES:—Stenography, Commercial. Telegraphy. Enter any day, write for particulars FALL TERM FROM SEPT. tat. 011111011 Business C011R GEO. SPOT VON. Principal, NO BETTER WANTED •