Exeter Times, 1908-09-03, Page 6f
IThey Risk Health Rather Than Lose
Employment and Eventually
*4-1-1-41-111•41--1-1-1-1-1-14 H-1144 Break Down AND FANCIES.
Thousands of earnest intelligent
novel bracelet is of heavy an -
tique filigree, gold or silver, broad 3' '' g women who earn their live
Tho lihood away from home in public
where the setting appears.
setting usually is of jade. offices, and large business estab-
Shte'd fashion prophets of Paris !ls}unents are silent suffering vic-
e tuna of overtaxed nerves and defi-
er(' venturing to predict that next ciency of strength. Weak, breath -
year will be one of great simplicity less and nervous they work against
In both hats and gowns.
and such
an time, with never a rest when head -
With the sheath g aches and backaches make every
other audacities firmly excluded, hour like a day. Little wonder their
the directoire style is still the all cheeks lose the tint of health and
conquering mode of the day. grow ale and thin;their eyes are
Charmingly effective lingerie ull and shrunken nd beauty slues
gowns that are, inotwithstandingo ly but surely fades. Business girls
their beauty, Y practical,and women, because of their work
are made of eyelet embroidery of and worry, look older than their
various widths.
years. What they seriously
One of the variations of the di Is
the frequent help of a true
rectoire dress is called the Tan -
strengthening y
retied to carrythen
agra-narned after the Tanagra through the day. Dr. Williams'
sculptures so admired in France 100 Pink Pills are like actual food to
years ago, will be largo and the starved nerves anti tired brain
Fall hats of the business girl. Bymaking
toques small. Soft and wavy felts rich, red blood theysupply
are to be much in demand. Velvet pp y just the
asters and roses in bright colors kind of help that girls need to pre-
serve thoir health and their good
thein. looks. They bringbright eyes,
Linen suitings so closely resemb highs frits and thumake the day's
ling suede that the difference can duties spirits
lighter. - y
not be told a few feet away make Miss lexandrine Bedard, asten-
good looking shopping suits for the ographer residing at 36 Richelieu
warm weather. St., Quebec, says :-"For the past
A winged chapeau, a jumper dress couple of years I felt m constitu-
of embroidered net, and one of the tion beinggraduallyundermined
newest cretonne coats, with ere through cntant indor work, and
tonne ss, ser ngs and black satin the greatgtax on my nerves through
bindings, serve to complete a fetch- the long tedious hours over a type-
i.ng costume. writer. But it was only some six
Trianon hats are fashionable just
flow -those wide, wandering ere- months ago that the climax came
ations with enormous brims and when one afternoon I lost consci-
one or two large flowers for their ousness through extreme weakness.
only trimming with perhaps a touch Ton
wle reaas th nl sertousness pathetically f apparentmy , as
of black velvet.
The newest sash is of black chif- I was confined to my room, lacking
fon, made with a chou or rosette even the strength to walk about.
how and long sweeping ends. It Iei `santended nth y a doctor,
car a-
is fltstcned Dither in the back or g a mounder
on the left side in the front. In showed no signs of improvement.
It was at this stage that one of my
either case it has no belt..
In the latest dancing frock sleeves relatives read of the cure of a young
are practically dispensed with, girl whose case bore a striking re -
there being no concealment of the semblance to my own, by the use of
awn from shoulder to finger tip. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I began
Gloves are likewise as often con- the use of these Pills the next day,
spicuous by their absence as by and y attribute
tirlyto temIhad not
their presence.
Heavy net and the long, popular taken more than three boxes when
filet lace are both excellent for af- I began to get better, and after tak-
tcrnoon gowns for midsummer, and ing tho pills for about a month I
these two lend themselves especial- felt as strong and was enjoying as
ly w•elt to the new tunic and draped good health as ever in niy life."
models and are good placed over You can get Dr. \VilliamsPink
silk or crepe de chine as overskirts. Pills from any medicine dealer or
The newest hat pins for tailored by mail at 50 cents a box or six
or ready to wear hats are of imi- bexes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
tation amber or yellowish onyx, limns' Medicine Co., Brockville,
spike shaped, and looking for all Ont.
the world like an elongated pear.
For an all black dressy hat the one Germany supplies London with
correct pin is a long, narrow ob- forwtwenty
illion ry purposes. feathers
atrs every year
long, sot in rhinestones.
Some reflection of the second em-
pire millinery fashions are found in The transition from winter's cold
tiny shapes of fine straw in natural to summer's heat frequently puts
color or pastel shades, with a prim a strain upon the system that pro -
garland of old world favorite duces internal complications, always
blooms, forget mo nots, lilies of the painful and often serious. A cora-
' valley, or roses of exquisite soft mon form of disorder is dysentery,
coloring. to which many are prone in the
The proper neckwear for the tai- spring and summer. The very best
!sired suits are the tailor stocks. medicine to use in subduing this
These are of white lines edged with painful ailment is Dr. J. D. Kel-
the colored stripes. They have the logg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a
small jabots of white frills edged standard remedy, sold everywhere.
with the striped linen and trimmed Some men do not try to reach
with buttons. the top because they prefer corn-
LEAKAGE IN (:OLD MINES.— Concerts are to bo given each
Gang Believed to Have Got Away morning and afternoon in the ])airy
With Large Sum. Building at the Exhibition. This
is an innovation that visitors from
There is every reason to believe the country will appreciate.
that the disclosure is imminent of
a g•gantic conspiracy to rob the
Rand gold mines of enormous sums
Some months ago, several Rand
mining companies discovered leak-
ages of gold. The natter baffled
enquiry, and a careful watch was
kept on persons suspected of illicit
sit alings. Detectives were sent to
all seaports and watched all trains.
Suspicion pointed to a gang op-
erating in Johannesburg and Dur-
ban. Six weeks ago sixteen detec-
tives were despatched to Durban to
1 shadow the suspects. The detec-
tives were ostensibly watching
r tad -sharpers attracted to Durban
by the gala season. In reality they
had laid careful plans to father) the
,es - conspiracy. It is believed that their
efforts will shortly be rewarded
I with success.
The modus Operandi is to obtain
gold from confederates on the
trines. women taking it in their
luggage by the fast mail train to
Durhan, where other confederates
ship it to England. Members of the
gang have been constantly travel-
ling between Durban, Johannes-
burg and Europe.
Another party is believed to be
operating in the direction of ('ape -
town. and possibly a third by way
of Delagoa Bay.
it is alleged that n total sum Of
1!4100,000 has been stolen in 1001,
and many thmisnndk in 1007. The
detectives preserve profonnd see-
1/1��` recy as to their investigations.
Woman Rip Nan Winkle Awakens'
From Long Nap.
A most remarkable case of a wo-
man who has slept steadily for
thirty-two years, is reported in
"Der Tag" form Uirns-Moateraes,
near Stockholm, Sweden.
Karoline Karisdatter was a school
girl of 13 when she suddenly fell
asleep over her books in the school-
room. After fruitless efforts on the
teacher's part to rouse her the girl
was carried home.
She slept until last week, when
she awoke to find that her child-
hood and girlhood were lung past.
and that she is now a middle-aged
woman of 45.
Fraulein Karisdatter is not very
true[) worried over the matter, how-
ever. She feels as fresh and as full
of energy as if she had merely en-
joyed a good night's rest.
Her chief concern at present is
to make up for lost time and com-
plete her education, which was so
abruptly interrupted. She will
juin an elementary school as soon
as the Autumn terra begins.
Many Have Made Small Fortunes
at the Work in France.
Tho work of oyster collecting and
culture is most unsuitable for wo-
men, but in France, owing to its
tedious nature, it does not appeal
to men.
Often from an early hour in the
morning till late into the evening
the women aro standing up to the
knees in water, with a strong sun
beating down on them. The result
is that never a year passes without
some of then) going mad and having
to be hurried away to the asylums.
The work is well paid, as indeed
it ought to be, while in the case of
the few who own beds the profits
are large, and small fortunes are
quickly amassed.
L A X) I El el
"How glorious it is to bo engaged ee,,i your same and a4 ire.. and you will recnirs
t 81li l'\l'e1 cCiatput•Ku
P'a'ts for Our 11 omen t olk . in I!.
purely intellectual uccupa th t'°• ••w •
PEN1Y>;Ul1t. Tl{A. Y.ary m„ther and lady
When you find your ski) rough, )loll murmured a young maiden, should ass It lead •i.- ,, .lolly ty thousands
re(} and patchy, or dry, scaley and ' ut leliaa a p^wer. put hrrw'eu vepetabls
gazing rapturously into the adlllir- 1 m,dleine fur uetneas ye alrrr to w,unei an,t rll
coarse,twith and t and inflamed iiig eyes of an editor. "Your own dt.ea.e. ash nd there rem tet .tae t +r girls by
spots here there, rare 2,80 !mental faculties for tools, and the' 1i druggist..Tu��uto A. Sl••cua. Limited, in
there is a reason. There are 2,800' whole universe for a workshop. Now "g
pores on one square inch of that tell rte," she added, "what do you
same skin of yours, and these con- find the must difficult thing con II :\D HIM Cl)Il\1:IIED.
i id toncl feet of tubing, all pro- I netted with your noble profession 1" gili,w-"Dv you know hon much
tided clear away harmful and
"Pay the staff,"' said the edi money there is in this country per
waste excretions, skinkwhich get out tor.
of order when the is unhealthy. __ capita?" „
The value of Zuni -Buk lies in the Miluw -"About $33, I believe.
fact that its healing essences and Only those who have had experi 1lilow-„Have you got your
encs can tell the torture corns Eha•e?„
mines can Se absorbed ”"by these cause. Pain with your boots on, „
miniature "Skin Uouths' pain with them off -pain night and Milow- Sure.
Applied to a rough or inflamed ed ; but relief is sure to those who Hilow-"'That's Rood. Lend mo
patch, ctrl, bruise, heat sore, or day'
chafed place, Zatn-Buk first lubri- use Holloway's Corn Cure. five for a few days, will you rt"
cotes, cools, and soothes the hot Giles ,entering a sixteenth -floor Ra BICKERSTAFF & CO.,
surface, then heals. That is why, office of a sky scraper perspiring A. Stooks. vont s Debentures
children like 'Lon► Buk. It stops and panting) -"Well, them stairs and Peat Estate.
pain so quickly. Applied to eczema, must be several miles long'. Oc- and
ulcers, and festering sores, Zan)- cupant of Office -"Why didn't you CobaltCaa ada and nd an iunited Stiatee.ok* 01
Buk first kills the disease germs curve up in one of those elevators
Ordery evarated ,.7th promptness. Comsa-
t: hick cause suppuration and in- there Y" Giles --"Not much! I JCS p„ri,lem o a ,Sr.,t„J.
611 to 627 Traders sank tulld:rg, Toronto, OM
fresh tissue.
Clown that hole there. f
fresh uu. Then it builds up see one of 'ern full n' people fall
In this way an eczema patch, ul-
cer, abscess, ringworm or open sore
is removed completely by Zam-Birk,
and a cut or burn healed.
For insect stings, sure feet, bruis-
es, chafed places, for eczema, ulcer-
ations, blood poison, chronic sores,
and for piles Zanl-Buk is without
equal. Fifty cents a box at all
stores and druggists, or from the
Zatn-Buk Co., Toronto, for price.
Three boxes for dollar twenty-five.
Th's offer is for family use.
"We get some sad cases," said
the attendant at the lunatic asylum
to the visitor, and opened the door
of the first cell.
Inside was a man sitting on a
stool and gazing vacantly at the
"Sad story," said the attendant ;
"he was in love with a girl, but
she married another man, and he
lost his reason from grief."
They stole out softly, closing the
door behind thein, and proceeded
to the next inmate. This cell was
thickly padded, and the man within
was stark, staring mad.
"Who is this i" inquired the visi-
"This," repeated the attendant -
"this is the other man."
--- ess-
N lie (on return home) -"Have
you noticed that my husband missed
me very much while l was awry,
Mary 1" Maid --"Well. I didn't no-
tice it so much at first. but yester-
day he seemed to bo in despair."
"Mighty oracle," cried Cleopat-
ra, "can you tell me how I can se-
cure everything I want?"
"Sure, Mike," replied the oracle.
"Just quit wanting so much."
A coNTEST 11'olt'rH }:NTERING.
A Life Annuity of FIFTY-TWO
DOLLARS is offered by the
ORANGE MEAT people to the one
sending in the largest number •►f
bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack-
ages before May 31. 1009. This
means that the winner will receive
One Millar EVERY WEEK, or
as long as he or she lives, or they
can exchange it for a (':1FH 1'RilZE
Besides the above there is a sec -
end ('nsh Prize of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes
as follows :-
Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY
Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL-
LARS each.
Twenty Cash Prizes of FiVE
DOLLARS each, and ONE HUN-
DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL.
LAR each.
The only condition attached is
that you cut out the bottoms of the
ORANGE %1E:\T packages and
send them in to ORANGE MEAT,
Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo
package counts equal to Three of
the smaller size. You should be
able to win one of the above prizes
if you start immediately and get
your friends to help you. Send
your name and address to
ORANGE Mi:.\1', Kingston, TO-
DAY, and state that you are en-
tering the contest. It is surely
worth trying for.
Pat Murphy, who was in lodgings,
was greatly annoyed by the land-__
lady helping herself to his provis-
ions. Site began by taking a piece PILES CURED AT HOME
of his butter, and when Pat came
home she said : By Nov Absorption Method.
"Pat, I'm taking a little of your
butter; but I'm not like other land-
ladies -I'm telling you."
Next day it was an egg, and so If you suffer from bleed -
on. Every day there was sun's- i ins, itching, blind or protruding
thing taken, and put off with t ail Piles, send r•o your address, and
remark, "I'm not tike other lair'.- :I will tell yo.t bow to cure your-
ladies-I'ni telling you." relf at home by the absorption
Of course, there was never any treatment; and will a:so send sone
reduction in Pat's bill. Ono Sat- of this home treatment free for
urday his bill came to a larger trial. with references from your
aanount than usual. Pat looked at Dwn locality if requested. Immedi-
it, hundletd up a few things in his ste relief and permanent cure
but tes-
handkerchief, walked to the door, ! cured. Send no rnoney,
and said : !others of this offer. Write to -day
"Landlady, I'rn sloping. I'm not to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 102
like other lodgers - I'm telling Windsor, Ont. �-
---•F ' Teacher -"What kind of a bird
WO\DERi Ui, "NUGGET ", did li o "d out of theTarkr
Small Boy -"A dove." Teacher
"1'm surprised to find that the
Ono of the most remarkable dis- one to know." Big Boy -"Please
he smallest boy in the class is the on13
shown i on record will again itt teacher, his father keeps a bird
shown in the Process Building at store."
the Toronto Exhibition. Last year
people wondered at seeing a shoe
andpolished with the "Nugget" Polish It is Good for Man and Beast.-
immediately afterward washed, Not only is Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie
without the water destroying the Oit of incomparable value in the
shine, or causing the polish itself household,
to ruf off and soil the clean white stockmanectri
find it very service -
towel, with which the shoe was able in the farm yard and on the
wiped cattle range, often saving the ser -
The "Nugget" Shoe Polish is on vices of a veterinary surgeon. In
sale at the usual price, lOc., at all irjuries to stock and in cases of
dealers and is now the popular ar- cough and pains it can be used
title, as in addition to being water- with good effect.
proof the shine lasts lunger, and Hewitt -"I have been pinched
the polish keeps the leather soft fcr uwncy lately." Jewett -"Well,
women have different ways of get-
ting it. My wife kisses me when
she wants any."
The Canadian National Exhibi-
tion this year will be especially
strong in Hackneys, Clydesdales
and ponies. Saddle horses, hunters
and harness horses will also be well
up to the average. A noticable fea-
ture of the horse department will
he the number of animals especi-
ally imported for show.
"No man is honest to a fault,"
Said Pat, "unless, be jabers!
The fault is jist wan of his own
An' not wan of his neighbors."
For Rheumatism anti all Kidney.
Liver, Bladder nod Urinary
An etnin'ent physician has used the fol-
lowing prescription in his practice for a
number of years and found it very suc-
cessful in the treatment of kidney, liver,
bladder ar.d all urinary affections, and is
unsurpassed for the cure of rheumatism,
driving the uric acid entirely from the and pliable, which prevents the shoe
system. Ile claims that a very few doses from cracking. When at the Exhi-
will relieve the most sever. pains In the bition we invite you to have your
back arising from disordered kidneys and I shoe shined free of charge in the
Process Building.
The mercury once more will try -
And 'tis no great endeavor -
To raise the 'customed annual cry:
"The hottest sunlmcr ever !"
A Cure for Rheumatism. - The
#- intrusion of uric acid into the blood
The young girl's air was pensive. vessels is a fruitful cause of rheu-
"To-morrow," she said, "Reginald niatic pains. This irregularity is
will conduct me to the altar. owing to a deranged and unhealthy
There," she added, smilingly, "his condition of the liver. Anyone sub -
leadership will end." ject to this painful affection will
find a remedy in Parmelee's Vege-
neWr tehedConditien of thousands is due ti,lile Pills. Their action 'then the
to the fact that they ns lent the simple it cars of
their health. When In t�i+conditi••n •' Ferro, ite kidneys is pronounced and most
will build you ,p thud she you etreagth. l: eneftcial, and by restoring healthy
action, they correct impurities in
Singleton -"What's the matter, the blood.
cld man? You scene to have trou-
ble in your mind." \Vedderty -
"My wife told me to order some-
thing in town, and i'll be hanged
ir. I can remember whether it was
a settee or a tea -set."
SPCIlfianonlly CUiCd l
Sent Ihrongh Caned a r Agency Pennant.,
Cure. not only temporary relief, for per rrou
dlaease1.1:p',ep7. puma, ht. Vitus l,.nca
Debility, Exhaustion. Founded 1871.
011. H. S. 1111111, Ltd,
g31 A -oh It.. PhitadelOhlat
The Mild Climate of Virginia
airs splendid opportunities for stock raising,
fruit growing,drirying and general farming.
'Winters are hort. Climate healthful. land
good and selling below its value but Increasing
in value each year. Alany Canadians are living
to Virginia. Write for information to
Comwisaiuuer of Agriculture,
Unique Exhibit
at Toronto Fair
Altogether different than any
cream separator exhibit you'1 e
ever seen! Our exhibit will
be one of the most novel, in-
teresting a n d practical
"sights" of the Fair. To see
it will be alone worth the trip
to Toronto. ('ertainly if you
are going to attend the Fair
it will never do to miss it.
We are the makers of this.
world - famous Frictionless
Empire, the Empire Star, the
Empire Disc - three distinct
types of cream Separators
and each one the leader of its
type. Tho complete Empire
Line will be shown at Fair.
At our esbibit will also be shown a liue
of "Empire" (iae•,1ine Engines that will
be worth looking over.
Company of Canada, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
sat (Med Hulls would look bettor dyed 1t an arms
01 etas le four wrta direct aeoutroal, Boa 11)
for fruit picking and all other tit's. light and
strong. Steel wiring` to prevent aide swaying.e
Simple device for railing and lowering with r.,pi,
Satisfaction guarauteut. Circular and prices
on application to
Forty Years
Send/oma (3te!oyue
102 & 104,
impure blood.
The prescription is one ounce of sweet
spirits of nitre, one ounce of compound
N'irnoso and four °nice' of syrup of rho•
barb,mixed together and taken in dessert•
'spoonful doses after meals and at bed-
time in water.
The ingredients are harmless and inrx•
pensite and can be obtained at any re-
liable drug store and mixed together at
One of the greatest blessings to
parents is Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator. It effectually expels
worms and gives health in a mar-
vellous manner to the little one.
"I cannot imagine why you re-
fused such a splendid offer," re-
marked a disappointed mother.
"But he always dresses so shab-
bily." said the daughter. "Well,
that's merely eccentricity." "Yes,
T know. But he would probably
expect the to be just as eccentric!"
Chewing Tobacco
Rich and satisfying.
The big black plug.
.1•• -se
Visitor -"\V hat brought you to
this place, my friend?" Convict -
"Sneezing." Visitor -"Sneezing 1"
Convict-"Yis, sir : it awoke the
gintleman up. nit' he nabbed roe."
"For goodness sak•'," for the
sake .,1 the satisfaction you get
from using it, buy "Sfilada" Tea.
It pays to pay for quality.
Boll Organa are
also world famed
Send for Free Catalog
No. 75 to
he BCIi PION and OiQOO CO., lid., GUeoel1, OfI
F LY One packet
has actunily
c killed a b_Shel
Pof utas.
— SOLD 1•Y —
lOc. per packet, or 3 packets for 28c.
will last a whole season.
Comfort by day and sound sleep bynight fol.
low the use u W ' Cerate, for akn troubles,
no matter how tormenting they be. Ibis t int-
msut soothes and cteaaves
Mistress—"I don't want you to
have so much company. You have
more callers in a day than I have
in a week." Domestic -"Well,
mum, perhaps if you'd try to be a
little more agreeable, you'd have
as many friends as I have."
Impurities in the Blood. -When
the action of the kidneys becomes
impaired, impurities in the blood
are almost sure to follow, and gen-
eral derangement of the system
ensues. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
will regulate the kidneys, so that
they will maintain healthy action
and prevent the complications
which certainly come when there is
derangement of these delicate or-
gans. As a restorative these Pills
are in the first rank.
Jones -"1 sny, Smith, you are a
good hand at arithmetic?" Smith
-- "Yes, I am considered very good.
\\ by 1" Jones -"Well, here is a
little problem for you. There was
ti mon named Little. living in Dub-
lin, who had a daughter. Now. she
was in love with a chap she knew
Ler pater did not approve of, so
one day she eloped with him. When
tele evict
man found out he was vcry
and at once followed them.
Now, then, what time was it?"
Smith (angrily) --"What time was
it ? How on earth do you suppose
I can tell you? 1 give it up." Jones
(triumphantly -"Why, a Little af-
ter two, of course_"
Any sort of advice is stood, as
lung as you don't attempt to fol-
low it.
In Vienna, no married man may
make a balloon ascent without the
consent of Iris wife and children.
"She's really too young to go
shopping alone." "Yes, she is ra-
ther impressionable?" "Impres-
sionahle. How do you mean?" "1
mean she's liable to get excited and
buy something."
15ti1'f: \0. .1.; 0
Do not fail to visit out exhibit of Billiard
and Pool Tables in the Manufacturers
Building of the Canadian National Exhihi•
lion, Toronto. We build eegutaticn
Bowling Alleys. Write for our terms and
rice list just issued. - - - -
Crow much money he could says by using a
Fairbanks• Mtorae ack.of•ali=Trades Gasoline �En-
gine to maw wood. pump water. grin,) feed, fio.,
we would not be able to supply the demand.
Cut this ad. out an.1 -end to us to -day, and wle
' will send you our free catalogue.
The Canadian Talrban:ts Ca., limited, Toronto, Ort
51,,nlreal, Winnipeg, tanc.,urer.
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
LYMAN BCLAnti ON,r Toronto; ISA11ONAToronto awl L 1►Itt G LondonCO..t
Bonds and Stocks Bought
and Sold on all all Exchanges
CorreeponJents - Char. Head & Co., 1'lembera
New York and Boston Stock Each; n,zes.
Bargain Sale
of Good Watches.
CA 1'AL000E:
Jtl.,t .t few «'c(A:q 101)1.1111 111 w11i''11 t (11s))os0 of
our Mock, This ill your chance to get It good
timepiece cheaper tit 11) any other place in Canada
'(111 ('.111 save 611011'11 On '0111' (turella3(S to pay for
your 161) tt) tho Tort,llt(x fair.
eT x 'VW ; L1--.
LS1 At11 1 allot) 1840
168 YONGE :> i'., TORONTO
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