HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-03, Page 4Alio Honing --
No Grinding
cease at 'that time. The education Letter From the Nest
department is preparing a series ui i f
copy books 40 be ready about the Its my dost lcttet I left you at
beginning of October. The prices Winni from rihIt‘1,11t.
I tyout to
will fie announced tLen, A se o[ Peg
exercises ie also being prpape d \nL'eu 1840h or Laky, ;)Ian. 'Pais line •from
may be used vtith Llank paper in lieu lbrtagc docs not please the eye, the
of the copy books. 1'Le department scrub on the prairie bei;[; y,•ry thick:
has just authorized tLe tfollowing 1 and the land very rough. The crops
' books to be used in any schools 1lookcd well on leaving there July
A full line of Hall & F nit;Lset s Junior A chool,50 last for Brandon. looking about
s. .I [fad that things urc very dull, and
cents, and Robertson & Carruthers'
Latin Lessons for Beginners, CO ccs, everybody looking fur the crops to
The latter Look, may, however he brighten things rip. Brandon is
building a very large arch cement
procured from the publisher, by
any purchaser for use in Ontario at bridge across the river, a vri)
48 cents, and the Junior Algebra at large tundertakinsi Left nraudon
40 lents, both net. ' on the Gird for Itcginat. This place
has not ithe bustle and bustle it had
The ne=t lieutenant -governor of two ',years ago. They have put down
Ontario •+gill the lion. J. �I. Gibson, a tot of good pavement, ; },ich Re -
No scholar should fail t0 of Hamilton. Sir Mortimer Clark cgian has to have owing to the cooky
has filled the office same ;;cars clay, wg hich hangs to ones shoes
get one of our Prize Scribblerswith rare ,grace and dignityt Ile- like a bean to a tar barrel, after
a rain. The crops arstand here look
and Pratice Books, and try fore he was called to this honor from well •and it nothing Lappets kill
for a copy of the Boy's Own
the rucks of Private citizenship hc) run 45 bushels to the acre. Every
was not trot widely known outside person is 'looking for the crops to
Annual or the Girl's Own a some hat Ircctircleven
life. crAlleulture a bring good times again.
LT•Lnllal. tad gentleman, he Las appeared al- The new parliament buildings are
500 to be given away ways to advantage at public funs- al -
going !o It)e in a very pretty Placa
• lions and Las .shown a happy faculty The lake has been drained and clean-
. f for maks ing pithy ant. dr instructive ed out, snaking .it look much better.
They urc also building a fine arch
Brownings Drug Storelsl' lone John Morrliso►hc(Lbson,thtnn. bridge over the river, which will add
like the Present incumbent has bad a great deal to the beauty of the
a long experience as a public mat/. leading street Ito the parliaurent
Ifo novas thorn in 1842. the son of a building%
We left Regina for Davidson .on
Exeter, Ontario. Scotoh farmer, who came to this
country ill 1827. JIfe received his the Prince Albert line. The crops
(terms of Subscription $1.00 per around Davidson 'look well. Drove
Year to advanoe. $1.50 may be primary education in the schools of out west to the Elbo town on the
star;ed If not eo paid. To United Hamilton, and graduated from the
now road running north from afoose-
BOatea subscribers, $1.50 strictly in University of Toronto in 1863, carry- jaw( The C. 1' .Il. are rushing this
IMIlvanoe• No. paper discontinued ing off 'the Prince of Wales prize, lino and are going to take out the
until all arrears are paid, unless at the silver medal in classics and mod- crop of this year, Elbo Town will be
mod -
the option of the Publisher. The ern languages and the prize in Ori- a good large place yet, It is just
Bate to which every subscription is ental languages!. Ile was called to
toad Is denoted on the label, the bar itt 1867. 'In 1869 he married far enough north of +>Ioosejatt; andbeing situated on the Saskatchewan
Advertising rates on application. l rte°Rad hlDirrell the daShe died inhter f 1874. will have good drainage of twenty
DECISIONS 'RESPECTING pfeet :bank, People mho located in
NEWSPAPERS ?5f r. Gibson novas first returned to the this part happened lucky. We then
Any person or persons (vho takes Legislature in 1879 for •the oity adHamleft for 'Medicine Bat this place has
a paper regularly from a post office,
until ton, IIB held a Hamilton seat not gone ahead very much► The
Whether addressed in his name or until 1898, t;Lcu he met his first dc- part o1 ?the country has been so dry
another's, or whether be has sub- teat. A.fetvtgpntbs later he was c1- this season that the crops aro not
scribed or not, is responsible for forest for WellingtondinEast, and sat long enough .to be cut with the bind -
Payment. for that riding until e the general el- er and lots of it will never be cut.
cotion of 1905. He entered the Gov -
It a person orders his papers dis-. eminent in 1889 as provincial secre-
ecre- The next stop was tCalgary. This
or the• l•d he publisherst mayy all continue to tart's .was appointed crown lands where the is gland the isms until irrigated. you Then
B end it until payment is made, and commissioner in 11896, and attorney the land is watered just as you want
then collect the whole •amountone of the general in +1891) Undoubtedly he is in' Calgary is cert' )(lull. noshing
whether the paper is taken or not. ual men ithat]have adest and ornedost 'thelpub- going on. Saw Mr. Jos. Cobbledick.
The Courts have decided that re- lie life of Canadl. He is a little ander the ;weather,
fusing to take postnewspaPers or period- _ but is doing a good business, he
}call from the post office or remov_ --= is building •a very largo house on
ing and leaving .them uncalled for When a man in Novia Scotia goes Fourth Street. ;which will .be very
While subscription remains unpaid, is ftp to the bar and asks for "Choice fine ,when finished. 1 also ,saw
prima facia evidence of intentional Tomatoes and Soda' he gots what he Jessie Miller and W. J. Gourley, the
gaud. ttants.• latter gentleman having visited Exe-
---�-- ter a year ago last spring ,with his
Limited. The appointment of .'Mr. J. :11. automobile and stook part in the Vic-
IIunter, •formerly secretary to the toria Day procession.
Note and Comment • Ilon. 'Mr. dlytpan, as deputy minis- Edmonton •ryas the next place visit -
ter of 'public works is announced ed. 'stopping toff at Westakivan.
• Leading men cf both parties tin from Ottawa. Mr. Blunter has been where we saw Mr. 1). French, former
Nova Scotia and New (Brunswick 1 acting deputy since last winter, but care taker of the Clinton house of
formed joint leagues against corrup- I not until Friday was his appoint. Refuge, and once to resident of
tion in the Federal '-elections. A111 ment formally ratified by the Gov- Exetera. Ile is well rind looks after
the town weigh scales, (which he
Persons joining the movement under- crnmentC says is n goof! job for an old mart:
take to fight for a clean contest. _no__ Edmonton is quite dull, nothing .do -
also provide a fund wherewith The reports of a disagreement ing, except she icel of some new
to prosecute any person found guilty between Sir Wilfrid and Sir Richard ing, es andt (putting making gtte some new
of irregular acts on either side. Cartwright and wholesale retire-
stresewers for bvhioh they have to go
Other parts of the country might Inents from the cabinet are ridicul- dow
r twenty five feet to get an out -
well follow the example of these cd at Ottawa, there being no immed' let. They arc also linking Edrnortt-
poineers. late changes in the cabinet pending on and ty are c na frith a street
and there have been none discussed. car Tina
School Books
and a l 1 other
School supplies.
$1000. IN PRIZES!
The Exeter Times
The department of, inland revenue
last year .undertook prosecutions
It was a long ride .to Vancouver,
Thames Road where ti nm at 'the time of writing%
against a large number of personsThe C. It n. are going to make a cut
wbo sold ad•tlteratcd maple sugar Miss Olive Madge has been appoint- into 1' mountains and make a loop
and syrup as the puro article. In cd organist of the Wiarton church. in each pne to cut out the great
that year there were 500 samples Miss Madge is an accomplished muni- grade of 0150 feet in eight 'miles.
collected all over Canada, and there ciao, having been successful in pass- This work swill cost about three mil-
3vero 77 of these found to be adult- ing all her examinations at the Tor- lion dollars. The 'fruit in ?this (no-
nrated. This spring another Coltec- onto Conservatory of Music, ane} lrict is very good this season. The
tion of samples was mode and out there is no doubt but that she will young trees ore bending to the
of 140 samples examined there were 1 give the hest satisfaction in her ground so diction), laden are rthcy
only 14 found to be adulterated. The new position. ith fruit. however the fruit docs
campaign for pure maple products is Miss Myrtle Madge left last week not taste dike our
?Ontario fruit.
regarded as n success. for Manitoulin Island. twhere she
_—.,--_- - resumes her position as school teach -
If it is decided to hold the election catirr. Thos. Cann, who has been an
as it seems to be, whyhy not dissolve invalid for several years. is taking
parliment now? is the question often
A. E. llodgert.
asked. The nnatter, though not quite' treatment front an osteopathist doe- Mr. and 'alts. E. Ramie were in
convincing, is of some value, and it I tor in London and has hopes of most London and 6t. Thomas 'last week.
is to this effect, that .the Government benefiLondoncial results, llrs. Miller, of •Pontiac, Mich,
is bound to keep the existing parlia- SUBSOiIIHE FOR 'FIlE TIMES. who visited her sister, IMrs. J. Scott,
went alive within a measurable dia. i , returned last week to her homo.
tance of its successor, and having Miss Jessie Grassick, of Grand
practically decided to have the elee Forks, Dakota, is the guest of .Mr.
tion, say about the end of October, and Mrs. :Donald Grassick.
It would .not be wise to dissolve par- Mrs. Rivers, of Exeter, visit' il
Bement 3 months before that thus friends here last wccla.
and have the country without any
parliam:'nt in an emergency. The
practice, therefore. is in an indirect
wap to let the country know that an
election is impending, and six weeks
before it takes place to dissolve the
exiting parliament, and thereby re-
duce the time tinder which the coun-
try will be ttithout a parliament to
a very small period, say five or six
weeks at the most. Everybody,
therefore, expects an election by the
let of November, and it is clot likely
that the dissolution will take place
for too or three weeks yet.
According to a statement made by
the education department, the text
hooks authorized for (Le schools of
the province in 1907-8 remain auth-
orized until midsummer vacation of
1909. but only for the schools in
which they are now in Ilse. it is
@aid that the new text books will be
ready 1.y next midsummer to replace
those. th,• ant Iso: i7 itio,i of IN hie!, win
Fora light lunch , aft('rnC(in
teas, picnics and camp, there
is nothing that twill t'tll},11 a
ft is tasty, more nutritious
than hatn, beef or chicken,
and mole t'('t'titt111ical. Sentl
a 1)ot:t ('a1'i fir' neer recipe
booklet "'i'.i t\' 1)iAes" tt'
This woman says she was sav'd
frons an operation by Lydia E.
I'i 1 1 ' Vegetabled
8111181011111E 'FOIL THE TIMES.
The suit of John Ward, trail car-
rier between here and Clandeloye,
'gainst the 'Township of Biddulph to
recover sixty dollars, the price of a
horse he lost through defective
toads on the Sauble 11111 last winter.
rune up on Thursday afternoon/
The decision was given in favor of
1. defetldatlta
Mss Sarolitle Rowe, who has mode
her home :It Dr. Ilossack's fbr the
;.r five years, left on Friday for
\loutreal. inhere she was married on
.august 2J to Wrn. alathcson, son of
,11e late T. G. Matheson, county
crown attorney for jIaltork. Miss
Itott•e was a valuable 'tnember of
tic taros --
omi►oun .i 1)0 Presbyterian Church choir here,
Mrs. 1''rank F.IltSICy', Lindsay, Ind on the eve of her Ir..
Ontario, writes to Mrs. IPinkliant: presented bye the :tier?
r. Stephen-
• 11'heu ! wrote to you some time .on, 011 'behalf of the eongrcgatiole
with n handsome silver bake tush
tad spoonl also carried away num-
erous other gifts from liter marry
friends in the village an surround -
;ng countty'. Mr. 'Ma thermit. the
prospective groom. is a civil engin-
eer in the employ of Mackenzie &
Mann, and at p►e.ent has charge of
survey party on Ithe Canadian
Nn • I kern in 'rho Province of Quebec.
.1 Imes Sadler, who has been repre-
r r Campbell o
the 'Mattson CI Co,o
..nq 1 c
'thaw, here Joe the cast year, has
moved his .family to Forest.
John Ward has sold his evaporator
to the Caledonia Evaporating & Can-
n:ng Co., who intend improving the
,'roperty and carrying (lI n ;lore
IllSi we biiin's'a.
1 he O. N. O. ,C:tti) held o success-
- ;1 summer hop its the Stanley Opera
1103130 on Friday night.
The parties who leased Several
•n+ in this vicu:tiity last fall for
; i pose of boring for nil rind gas
. Ir rived itt coat' and will beg:n
ago. 1 was a very sick woman suffering
from female troubles. I had inflamma-
tion of the feminine organs and could
not stand or walk any distance. At
last I was confined to my bed and the
doctor said I would have to go through
an operation, but this 1 refused to do.
••A friend advised Lydia E. I'inkham's
Vegetable Compound. After using
three bottles of it, I feel like a new
„ I Int til. heartily sec +comet t} I y''ia F1,
l',nki.am's Vegetable Compound to all
women who suffer with female
For thirty years Lydia E. 1'irlk•
hant's Vegetable Compound, ;lade
from roots and herbs, has heen the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands o
Women who have been troubled twith
displacements, inllanlmat init, ulcera-
tion, tibmid tumors, irregularities,
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
illuse for over 30 years, has borne the si.enatr(re or
and bas been made tinder his per..
Ztejeoeconal supervision since its infancy.Allow no 0110 todeceyen in yein title.
All Counterfeits, Iinittations and "Just-as-good"are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the healthor
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare..
gorie, Drops and Soothing. Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
othercontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It(lestt•oys Worsts
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrh(cu and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, titres Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Town CITY.
1 The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855.
$3 374,000.00
WesLern Fair
Oredtest LIVE Sto6k {,xIiIhItIoD
of Western (Mario
Full Programme of Attractions twice daily, including Kemp's Wild West
Show. Best of Music, Fireworks Each Evening.
Come and enjoy yourself at London's Popular Fair.
Reduced Rates on all Railroads
Prize I.ists Entry Fortes, Programmes, and all Motivationgiven on application to
W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary
London,Sept. 11-19
Brick house and lot in Centralia
the properly of the late Wm. Baker
on 'Monday Sept. 14th, (1908, at I`
o'clock p. m. on the premisis.
For particulars apply to, ministratrix of the estate of the late
GLADMAN AND STANBURY Jane Hodgins to offer for sale by
Barristers Exeter auction on the premises on
Auctioneer. At two o'clock p. m., the North
- }calf of Lot number Five, in /the
Lucan Tennis Club played their Ninth Concession of the Township of
first match games on Friday against Stephen, in the County of .Huron.
Parkhill, and were victorious, win- containing by ndmensurement Fifty
es more or less.
ning 8 games out of 10 played.aeOn this property is a log dwelling
house, Immo barn and frame stable,
Zurich brick milk house, and a never failing
well of good water. The land is all
Zurich will have races on Labor cleared and in a good state of cul-
It is fairly eve1l under-
\lr. John 'lley, jr. recently ills- drained and fenced. There is about
posed of n fine three-year-old marc one-half acre of orchard.
to 'Mr. ,Iternhardt, of Preston ,tor At the Rattle time and place n
$100. quantity of farm implements and
The remains of Mrs. Ilse, twho died household furniture .trill also be of -
at the house of Refuge, was brought (crest for sale.
here last ;week for interment in the TERMS
Lit cetnetery. The kleceasell Real Estate—Ten per cent. of the
1 illy was .101 yells obi.
Auction Sale
I have been instructed by the Ad -
i Ham 65 Branches in ('ascii. and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Prinesparl Cities in the World.
General Flanking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, S.ITeitore. N. D. HURDON, Manager
S••••••••14141414144•••H••v•••••••NNM* ••••• •••,
purchase money on the (lay of sale
Mr. Garnet Bteinbaek. of Berlin, and the (balance in sixty (lays thet•e-
v:sitcd at Lis old home here last after without interest. A portion of
Nathaniel Self, alias Geo. Fer^-u-
son, pleaded guilty to bigatny before
Magistrate Bartlett in the Windsor
Police court and was sentenced to
five years in Kingston penitentiary.
Self, under the name of Ferguson,
was arrested on August 18, on com-
plaint of Lilly May Norish, nn Eng.
Usti girl, swho supposed she tt•ns l'cr-
eusolt's lawful wife. having married
him in Windsor last April. Site hail
information. which the police sub-
stantiated. that her husband had
married itachael Beattie, a Galt
young woman, over a year hfit t NEW TELEI)ll° !
Ana 1'crquiton admitted the first. . ,
marliagc. site f+ppa'+:ei1 ot: the statin
and testified without any apparent
malice towards Self. that she was his
!awful trite, and that she is now aup-
BEAD OFFI(}f:, TO98011110 ESTABLISHED 1807
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Idaaaser
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,0
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
ascio• rs forthe t ato
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collect[
BANKING BY MAIL 'crmoniests nd depay osited or
this way with equal facility.
Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager
Branch also at Crediton.
the purchase money can remain ort
first Mortgage at Five I'er cent. in-;
terest if the purchased desires.
Chattels—'Pett dollars and under,
cash. Over that amount thirty days
days will be given on furnishing ap-
proved notes.
Further tenni end conditions will
be made known on day of sale to
may be hail on application 4o
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors for Administratriv.
Auctioneer. Exeter. Ontario.
Successors to
Excesses and indiscretions am thn cause
of more sorrow and suffering than all other
diseases combined We see the victims of
vicious habits on ^very hand' tho sallow,'
pimpled faco. dark circled eyes, stooping
form. stunted development. bashful, melee -
cholla countenance and timid bearing pro-
claim to all rho world his folly and tend to
blight his existence. (Jur treatment positive-
ly cures all weak men by overcoming and
removing the eifects of former indiscretions
and excesses. It stops all drains and quickly
1 estores the victim to what nature intended—
n healthy and happy man with physical, men-
tal and nerve power complete.
For over IO years Die. K. & K. have
treated with the greatest success all
diseases of men and women.
If you have 'tny secret disease that is a
worry and is menace to your health consults
old established physicians who do not have to
experiment on you.
Wo guaranteoto cure NERVOUS DEBILITY,
Von Fria. If unable to call, write for a,
Located le Oar Own Ofnee Balding.
question Blank for Borne Treatment.
• Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St, Detroit. Mich..
r• ,Y.I ,NT. 1.V7,
N. 8
"A.E.B.from (5.A.C."
Have his Initials with yours ctcl e4
*spina a Carbo Magnetic blanc.
Doesn't this solve the hauntinggnes-
tion "What shall I give him?"
Thcrea:e athousand pleasinggifts
far • woman to one for a man. He
v,aats something exclusively masca-
line and practical enough to be a
daily reminder of the donor.
"Oh, he has razors," or "I!e goes
to the barber shop l" you exclaim.
. 11 the more reason for a Carbe Mag.
uetie razor—he knows from experi-
ence the difficulty in securing a racer
that will give satisfaction every day
without periodical boning and grimi-
When ):.i buy a precious stone
you either secure an expert to select
it or go to a well establisheJ firm
that will unconditionally guarantee
its purity. F:azor steel requires even
more ere no sel'L:Ian. 11 vanes
more than a precious store in quality.
The Carbo Magnetic razor has ail
the good qualities a razor should have
with the annoyances lea out. Owe,
of these razors given •s a C'rlst,nas
present will prove • lsst,ng Jae; t•
the recipient,
We carry • complete t,ne of the ,
unconditionally guaran-
toed Carbo Magnetic Razors, and
will have •ny desired initial engraved
on the blade without extra charge.
Sloops of ire Cooadioo Norm west
ANY et en numbered section of Dominion lends to
Aranitnl,a, ,aekatchewan and Alberta, excepting
8 and 211. not reserved, may Le homesteaded by
any person who is the virile head of a family, or any
male over IS yo: n of age, to the extent of one -q nar;
ter section of 160 oeres, more or less.
Application for entry [oust t e nude in person by
the applicant at a Ot.mhnion Lands Agency or Sub-
agency for the disinct ht which the land is situate.
Entry 1.) proxy may, however, be made at an siren -
c) on tertainronditions by the father, mother, son.
daueteaderghter brother or Mater of an intending i,ome-
The homesteader Is required to perform the
homestead duties under one Mille following plans:
(1) At least Pix months' residence upon and cults•
nation of the land in each )ear for three years.
(2) A homesteader mayif he ►n4lcsires, per form
the required residence duties bw Sting on far min
land owned solely by him. not less Our, eighty (b0)
acres in extent, In the vicinity of his homes lead.
Joint ownership in land will not meet this req ulrs-
(3) 1f the father for mother, if the father 1e de.
ceased) of the homcateadcr has perumsnent resid encs
on farming land owned soler b) him, not less than
eight) (mu sores In estent, ,n the t idutly of rhe
homestead. or upon a homeat earl (-Mired for M him
in the vicinity, ouch honteste ad,•r may i•erforn his
o-rn residence duties by titin g with the fat l..r Or
4 The tern "tidally" in the two prer.eding
paragraphs is defined as meaning not mere than
nine miles n a diret line, exelupire of road al ow -
snots erased in the measurement.
b A homesteader intending to /s' rform hip reel-
denee dunes In aeconlaecr with the allot e while
Sting with his (vreotP or on farming Is, d r Tired b
himself must notify the Agent of the di,tri. t of such
f+lx months' notice in writing should be ,risen 10
theComm•.,ioner of ieeeseion lavas at Ottawa of
Intention to apply f.,r patent.
W. w. CORY,
Deputy of the ttiniiter of the Interco,
Y. It.-1'n.u1horite.i pnLf•mtion of this adverths
ment will not he paid for
Tae Usbornp and iilthert
,, �,�� _ Farnier's ,��ltutal Fire Insur-
DDIRECfORY RAZOR \v/� ane. Gompanu
resting their three I children in oft The Dell Telephone CowsL Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
dots. Ido thi::1 nrrrrage ea( proved' . ova S. Cole, Druggist
against Self. It took place in Lou- ('r(•id''nt—.f. L. RUSSELL.
don last January, but the girl 'At -W1
mpany of Canada
Vice - free id.• n t — W. I I. I' A SB M t)it R
not summoned. The police received ; . 1 -(irand Bend DiRE(;TOliy,
word that 4wo other 'matrimonial' is about to plll)11 }t a new 13911: of
I ElU1350101111'. 4011 TIIF. WIMPS SVM. itoi. RoltvnnIso P. 0
tocorttbyothim111d but been vel[ d 1t cdrdthern the Official Telephone Directory ! i1 r. Gtrreo. of this place. }tart call. War, i1R0('K NVIreco aseitA 1'. 0.
and no investigation ryas mode.; for the District of Western Ont- ed in the aid of th elaw to locate T. RYAN. 11(-ttt.TN P. 0;
The prisoner said -tbst he was. arta, including the Village of his d 1 :Otter. ,isho was induced to ROBERT NOTtitts, At.tff,.
surprised and disappointed at the Exeter leave home by one .Tomes Wilson.
lteriodie mine, backache, that hear- :i.:.tt:on+ soon. 1 AGENTS.
(severity of the sentence. being under Abotit :i year ago Wilson mnrried
itlg.d'twtl feeling, flat ttlett('y,indigt's- Thr• Tt;sh Ni",-. twill PI" syn the impression that three ears ('hnnaes r'f (i1n.+ name., change, of the girl, mho was then only thirteen bill\ ESSEIC V. Exeter. ;Rent for
tion,(iizzinessornervousproetration. Kitn••s with the reysteads of Lobo would be the limit, y sheet eddresiie@.�trord(•re for dnplic- years of age. Ile twos at rested, tried, I'-t,.rn�+ 1,114I )}idtnlph.
Why don't von try it ? nn 1,rhor 1)ny, Thr morning game -----...e.-- ate entries should be h wiled in at end e1 compelled to Aire a hand.
()LIVER Munro, agentMn. Pinithanl invitee all Bien "'.I start at 10.30 frith Gibson ntld aAMIorOR=AL. otter to promising that he W011/1! leave his for Hib}re+rt, Fullrtrton and Logan.
women to write her for adrice Downing rig bat terve for the loo ils. 1 INK rd Y•u bate Alaa IOW
She has fded th011taand't tp Thr afternnnn Rattle will start et ?NM Ole
d Williams e tt�
young hri•1,• with her ptrrnls •cast B. W. F. IJEAVERtd,
ill b not molest her. }loiterer in some
health. A dress, Lynn, Maes.
3 o'clock when
w ppttc t�aata» / meoner 11e again Rot motet/ion of Soov.Troas. Farquhar.
for !mein. of - .r,Pf.' Local Manager.h r an•t drove away " th her.
(MADMAN & STANBURY. q. lizitoA