HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-09-03, Page 1Nan
e•••••••-••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••-
Phone No. 32.
Good News For This Week
Dame Fashions has been very kind to us this season
in the selection of Our New Fall Dress Fabrics. We
have opened up the most complete stock of Fashionable
Goods ever shown in Exeter and wish every Lady to
see our display.
Striped Dress Goods Are the very
newest shown
for this season. We are showing a good variety of
them in all the leading Two toned, Shadowed, Self and
Herringbone stripes. Very nifty. p
-Several rinks of Crediton 'Jowls
eracame over last Thursday Lind
played a fewgames with the local
kitty touchers. Tho (visitors put
I2P Benno excellent games as the an
Pellrlid scores :will show t- i
Exeter Crediton
W. IB;trrows huhu
Jos. Davis Brown
Mr. lfarrsion S. Brown
Rev. Collins C. Bluett
Skip 22 Skip 10
C. Zwicker
W. D. Clark. Clark
E. J. ChrietIo James
I. R. Carling II. Eilber - _
Skip 9 Skip 15
Dr. Sweet G. llorlock
• • 1). McInnis Il. K. F.ilber
•• • •1. G. Stanbury Ed. Aiello*
Rev. 1V. M. MartinDr. McCue
Skip 1 f kip 8
tt' J. W. Broderick Kuhn
J. Grieve Ilrown
C. B. Snell S. Brown
Jas. Taylor C. Bluest
Skip 10 Skip 13
F. KnightG. _Nr_ r_.... .
Martin 11. K. Eilber
W. M. Ina teta ord Ed. (Mahon
1t'. W. 'small Dr. McCue
Skip fikip 10
W. T. Acheson C. Zwicker
W. IL Levert Clark
I,. II. Dickson ,Tames
W. J. Heaman If, Either
Skip 15 Skip 9
.Locals ; Laurier Coming to'
WANT)iD-At Canning Factory. AP- 23.
Ply at Factory(, -_ I
-Miss Susie Moir, of Detroit, scho
i Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of
hat, been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Canada and Eon. Gco. 1, Graham, Furnaces■
Moir, of the 4th of lisborne, hat) Minister o[ Railways and Canals, and Plumbing
returned home. y
$1.00 per year in advance
have been announcV to be the cen-
\Voman's Institute. - The regular nal 'figures of a great Liberal
meeting of .the Woman's Institute demoneecatiot�����tvbich will take
will he held in Senior's hall, Friday. place at Clitttd4('pn Wednesday, Sept. Galvanized Iron •
Sept. 4th at 3 o'olock. Members all _'3rd. Preparat�ns are already .well
and Tinwork
requested to be presenf.-Mrs. haat- advanced forrthe tweeting, If the
Ings, Secy. . weather is favosaLle, speaking will
—Tkc anniversary services.of the take place in the park, but should gh in
Trivltt Memorial church 'twill bo there be unfavorable (weather, the avetrou
held Sunday, Sept. 5th, when Bev. R. spacious rink .will be utilized for
J. :M. Perkins, of Ingersoll, a form- the meeting,. It is expected that)
er rector, will have charge of the single faro rates will be secured on
services. the railway and it is proposed to
-Thor■tat Baker met with a run special trains from Clinton as
far ClintonExeter on the retort,, Ito c_ BigA reductions in the following to clear out for eine
nasty accident last Friday, Ile had ing Cabout 7.30 or 8 o'clock
taken a _ traveller to Clandeboye in the evening A detailed program ;
and •ttas unloading a trunk, w•Ietl of the day's Proceedings will be pub-
week:—.SCreeIl Windows, [Hammocks, Gasoline and OH
:I Pe 1 al the edge of the fished 1 1
his foot slipped c gint :e Times next week.
•Z walk and overturning the ankle. ^��_ Stoves, Step Ladders, Clipping Machines and Gasoline Cans
• made a painful sprain.in
-;On Tuesday, Aug' 25th.
i• 13 Satchel Purse, which contained (;0.00 ---
s• in bills, Borne small change and a -The L'resbytory to Huron met i1(
gold ring. Finder will be suitably Cavan church, Exeter, on Tuesday,
•♦ 14 rewarded by leaving it at Dr. 3Cins- the 1st last. Rev. J. .A. Anderson. - --- 3
Plain Cloths ••• man's office. of G1st it h, (Moderator, tt•as in the
w }a -"Chief" Gill last weal handed chair. Reports were .received from
• us n corn stalk that is a whopper, commissioners to General Assembly
and Brown and is always one of tha best goods for mak- • reaching its head skyward to the er, stating their at tendance at the same.
• Ing up a good serviceable suit. •• tend of .12 feet 8 inches. ItRev, Mr. Smith reported forhthe T. Kawkinsn c. is saki & Son
• _• that some of the farmers have corn Sabbath School committee that two
growing which reaches thirteen and Institutes for teachers, had been
• wentlito St.'Marys last ree rinks of tFridaer y`vand lers fourteen feet. This is certainly n scaforld jth;" nude T31y�it1' oesPcc[ ecly
Jobbers and Dealers in
good year tor the corn.
♦ were successful in trimming the which were well attended and had
stone town players. Following is -Miss Grace 'Wilson, daughter of resulted in good. The report also
•Z the result of the games: Rev. Jasper Wilson, of Leamington. recommended that Rev. J. W. Mc_
Exeter St, piarys a former pastor of the Main Intosh, of 'Mitchell, he invited to ad- Shelf and General Hardware, f Paints Oi•
_: atthetws Rodgers street Methodist church. was last dress the /text meeting of Presby- BroderickMNicolweek presented by the members of tery on Sabbath school work. This
itDicksonSharpthe Epworth League othe Leam- recommendation was adopted. A let -Glass Nails Seeks etc
Blatchford Brown Methodist church with a ter fromSir Thos. Taylor, of Brant- f f f •
•• Skip 17 Skip 13 leather set and an address as a to- ford, the convener of the Synods'
• Adams McGillivray ken of their appreciation of tier ser- committee on Augmentation fund We :lake a specialty of E
■ • Broderick Lang vices in league work during the past was read regretting that he could Eavetroughing, Roof
Dickson 51cLarty three years. The occasion of ad -
the not be present to address the Pres_ ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Fur Lined Coats .2 idtatchford Stanley presentation was the leaving of b'[iss bytery on aha necessity of an ad-
• Skip 22 Skip 10 Wilson for Port lfo}fe, where she has vance in the support of this 1'1111(1.
.i= Z� McLean Srnith secured a good position in the high which aids weak congregations Call and be convinces that it is the cheapest Spot in town
♦♦ For Ladies and Gents •• Broderick Knox school of that reseal• throughout the Church. The letter P
•♦ Dickson Thompson -Messrs. N. D. Ilurdon and Alen further stated that he hail request -
This is the best time of the year to make your choice of a Blatchford Bairdyer, ed M. Y. McLean, M. P., to take his
il yestc accompanied by their sons left Mr. McLean afterwards ad -
•Fur lined coat. The stock is new not picked over. If you needSkip13$kip14yesterday for fort prank for SpainplIIc"'one this year we are in the very best position to supply you, with Ilurdon W. Andrews dressed the Presbytery in felicitous
annual fishing:old hunting trip(
our matnoth stock of Rat, Squirrel, Hampster, Kalugaand other • Knight 1',. 9. Boz terms, hoping that congregations
good linings at the verylowestprices. We cannot fail to t e �2 ,Taylor F. McLean fishing took in unlimited supply of
g y tackle and ammunition ]with `would raise the amount ailette 1 to
ou the best of satisfacion, •• llcaman M. J. Dewey them also a good supply of stories them. A remit from the General
� �• Skip •17 Rl:'p 11 for the entertainment rn Caplids- Assembly regarding the standing of HAWKINS
s Small Furs Galore
Z Ilurdon F. Smith )eyi As the4wocommit-
Evangelists and Catechists in the SON
2 ZZ Knight
gentlemen are Ores- Church was committed to a commit -
W. McIntyrely of and vice-president, rrspectluc tee to consider and report 'at mit-
• •• ly of the Isaak Walton fishing club,next
Fur Ruffs, Stoles, Muffs, Caps and Coats will be found here •• Beaman R. S. Boz meeting. Another remit proposing
Skip .15 $kip ]� there is no doubt but that a num.
in abundance, Made from the best Furs in the country.You her of nimrods who frequent that to make it compulsory on all rninis-
Knight J. 'Mcighcn' tern to join the Aged and In(irmcd
will find it too your advantage to examine our big stock. • •
Hui -don J. Ready
portion of the shores of lake linnet(' Ministers' Fund was also sent 10 a
Taylor A. DfeLearf
will be curly initiated into the orderThe Call
with all the solemnity that N. D. Committee for consideration. The O f Summerllcaman T, C, Somervilleand Alcx arc able to bc•stotw, resignation of the Rev. W. 91. •Mar -Poultry Chickens 10, Ducks i�, Hens u, • Skip :14 Bkp 11 fist of his pastoral charge, awns then
•• J. A. Stewart A. E. Wood Again the fall fair season is close considered. lie tresentatiwes from
• •• J. Davis 11. Guilfoyle at hand and :gain the officers and I Coven church, Exeter, consisting of is for new styles in C10thl[lg, We have the
Jones & Clark �• iiev. Martin It. hunter directors of the Exeter Agricultur- F. and3.an, Ifenty 8trar;r; Jus.
• Rev. Collins. R. E. Gill al Society have got fairly well start. Senior and J. G. Stanbury and from latest in all fabrics and our workmanship needs
•• Skip 17 Skip 15 a<1 in the (cork of preparation in con_ Chiselhurst, Henry Morton and John no comment. We always have the best
• J. A. Stewart :action with .the big two days' ex- Varley were heard regarding the
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford • J. Davis hibition to •be held in Exeter on resignation. Afterwards Mr. Martin available
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. • lie v. 'Martin Monday and Tuesday, September 21 stated his adherence to his resigna-
Z Rev. Collins. Andrews and . The fine .:weather with tion, The Presbytery declded to Our Suits are the best value we have ever
Skip 18 :Skip 112 which last year's fair was favored accept the resignation, but owing (o
•••••••N•••••••••••••••••N•••••••••••••••••J, A. Stewart M. Watsin and the unqualified success of the a request from the onnc*reg3 ions
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N•••••••••••• J. Davie J, G. Constable last exhibition hate had the effect that it should not take effect im- offered in Exeter.
Rev. Martin R. Teskey of accelerating the Agricultural mediately it 'was agreed that Mr.
ONEY TO LOAN. DR. A. R. KiNSMAN, L. D. S, D. Rev. Collins. E. 11. Towel' Society men in their endeavor to; Martin shoal(' not terminate till the W. JOHNS
Skip 17
_ Skip 11 have each exhibition surpass in ev-) first Sunday of February. The fres-
D. $„ Honor graduate of Toronto cry respect the exhibition of the
pprr funds Uniperetty.
, year, bytery adjourned to meet at lag. Merchant Tailor
NaoafsrmaadvlllsReDrotrertteea6towrsM previous, mondcille on the. 10th of November, Exeter, Ontario
Are shown in all thej'leading
colors of Black, Blue, Green
New !Fall Coats
All the Latest and Best are shown by this store. We have
long been considered the Leader for Ladies' and Childrens' Coats
and are bound to keep up our reputation for the same this sea-
son. You will find our stock better than ever. Loose or tight
fitting coats are both very much the go, in the leading colors of
Black, Blue, Green and Brown. Military Braid tritumings are
very much used while others are self stripping and stitching.
Come along and see then(. We are only too pleased to showour goode.
Ws Save a largo amount of private
Interest. Dental Surgeon
Office over (illadman & Stanbur•'e
Barristers Solicitors. Sitio st.IEtzetet Main street -EXETER,
FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur W. BROWNING, M. 11, M.
geon. Successor to A. R. Rain- -a P. 8, Oradu
say, V V. S. 'treats all domestic ani- rate Victoria Un
mals on most approved rincinals. srestty, omoe and r•stdenenee. Dominion
Special attention to dentistry, Office
at Ramsay's old stand on Main street. Associate Coroner of Huron.
Night call at Peter BB:t•wden's residence
Main street.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to loan a' towr.t rates.
North wept land. for Sale.
Office. Main Street, Exeter
• ense:i Auctioneer. Sales con
ducted in all p Lets. Terms reasonable
Ordersaatt he left a: the: 'Finns Office
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con
ducted in all i arts. 'terms 1easonabi
and satisfaction guaranteed.
We have unlimited private funds for Invest
- sa'
01 .niton:(Anefarml. or rinses ttoyertyat Iowa j 'We aresole Agents for It. Let IISab•
DICKSON: & CACKLING I sell you a Phonograph and you will
' 4ixetiss have lots of FEN too, all kinds, prices
DICKSON at CARLiNG, 1 fr.mi $10,51) up. Records 40c,
New Post ('aids this week.
enlisters. M'tettar., NotsM.., Conveyancers
_ °otnmisnl ner.. Bolleltors for Ike Nielson
Rank. 1Cte.
hawser to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
L CLRa.nt■ a a. 1, e. DWEINIP
(,awls Thomas THE TORONTO
s& Nutter
Civil Engineer & Architect
Cona il:ing Engineer for Municipal and (
tf(tate Department of rutdic Work., Canada ) Weekly Globe
Work, Electric mitres(., Sewerage and wateraor!,
System What, rut, Bridges and Itt•enforcalt•oncrete AND
rhone rico London Ontario
DR. G. F. [tOUh1TON, L. D. 8. Tim Es
D. D.8.P Dntiat.
. Member
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
ru'tc:-Over Dickson & Carling's
0Mcee in Dr. Anderson's former
_%I parlors.
From Now until January tst. 1910
For $ 1.65.
-James Sussex, a traveller. repre-
Mr. L. ill. Dickson is the proud P - - -
possessor of the gold headed cane setttlnq a London firm met with a ,
trunaway accident on Monday near on.y a few ]:ours ill. Elle was a very ed Ly Recision to I:. G. 1). Freeman,
(con by the Exeter rink composed of y I Huron industrious women and in her 01st, or TorontoJ. Ile also look Second
Messrs. ie Exeter
. Dickson, Levert the swamp on the %.t rich road. He year pulled flax every day Burin class
was driving to Zurich when • 1115 Mrs. J. E. Cante'.nn of Clinton. «ifs ,i honors for the Edward Blake
n t Last "week( It tMt. decided el pita horse became frightened at an ap.lof the Canadian champion in shooting the season. The remains were taken Scholarships in (Mathematics and
pia last
doubles with Messrs.i1111r-
The proaching automobile and ran away.!nlso excells in 1his line. She at teed-
'Enrich cemetery for interment• science which was awarded by revi-
1 yTwo new inmates were admitted to cion to K. E. Burges, o[ \tick second
don and Dickson on one side and The buggy .was upset and Fussex was: ed the annual ladies' shoot at 1Lu't- the House last week, one from Dash- In single p
thrown against a barb wire fence, Ilion on Saturday, and aeon third honors inrshi she ranking second
,Messrs. 'iceman and Levet t on the wood and the other from Grey. class in science for
other and then the winning couple c•ttting his bend and kg and tear-' prize.
play singles. The first game result. ing his trousers. The horse con -1
Daniel Ferguson, a ((well known
The death took pile., in oilericli the Edward Blake Shcolnrship which
ed in a victory for Ifurdon nays tinned its ran for a mile and a half resident of Goderith, joined the great Wednesday' afternoon of Mr. .Daniel eras awarded by recision to hiss bf
towards Hensnll, where it was ca Ferguson. et the age of 74 years.Gordon, of to revision
Dickson by a score o1 18 lo 10, and P majority on Wednesday
a(tcrnoon, gif you had taken two of Cantor's
in the play of[ Mr. Dickson defeated
rin,l (lined by she occupants of the auto.' of last ,week. 'Ihe death of the old Ile tuts Owen ill since last October
niter it Lad run into a fence con -f and his death was not unexpected. Little Liver Pills before retiring his opponent 13 to 6. Wept '.lir. Sussex tt•ns taken to % Alf- gentlernau ten; pot a surPri`c• ns air. Ferguson was at one time " oul,l not have had that coated ton-
by the auto people and a livery' he had ,Levu eery ill for SOlil tlnll', iguo or had taste in tho mouth this
1t inure ever tvae a specitto for the cont�.arnticorly well-to-do men moral: Keep a tial tsithyou
Baseball rig sent from Exeter to bring him of Goderich. For years he was in for
back to Lowry any nue complaint then C.rter'e
business in Godcrich. and latterly had occasional use.
-Ji r. Richard Tlc•bridge met with Little Liver fills nye a specific for
p Leen the market clerk, a
sick IT:11owu and every woman which he gave up it short time ago. �7dIgTOR2A.
a rcry' painful ac"vide:( last Friday,1 should know this. Qtly one pill a
while at Winchelsea assisting in the doge. Try thorn. ile was; a :temper of (lie 8nriz The erection of n barn for his son. Mr. Presbyterian Church, and (pale:{ • d &anths T 8111
Delbridge was Brandin(; Jin 1 pro -r 'Mrs. V. N. Cresstrell p.1sse.1 from to Maple Lodge No. 27, A. O. 1', \V.
action. cut tine one of the timbersIbis life at her horns 111 '1'uckersntah, of which be was financier at ,.be of ite
time of, his death. Ile ttas also a
Mown. ile was twice :tarried and
betides bis second "ire' n rata"). of Reform Convention of
5u1era! children s- renes. The fun-
eral took place on Friday.
The ('entralia ball tossers played
an interesting game tcilh our boys
on Friday night, the contest lasting
friar end one half innings, when it
":,s called on account of darkness.
C. lit retie scored 1 run in the Sr('. lilt► An axe, when the board he was (west of Egmond1.ilk. on Sunday
and, and one in the fifth. (while the Standing on .broke precipitating him everting last. M re. Cresswell had
:nestle were blanked in the first three to the .basement of the barn some been in failing health for several
itininn..( In the 4th. however. They nine or ten feet. The axe fell with i lmonths, end for sone. tte,•ks 111(1•
got to Moyle and with errors crossed hits anits sot:.' uay Lis head stir;ck hoi'•s tc,'re c•ntortailtcd for her re -
the plate with four tallies. the s1t 1 r Wade itt(lief ing n c,111,
nj eocery. 1I,'r maiden :arae was Eliza -
store, eftrit inches in length slam tnbell' It. ill. Thompson. Mrs. Cress-
(•entral;a F:xrlcr left lido of the head. His left art:
Cole 1 8. Itloomfiuld 0 wac also bully bruised, as to ell his
Hoskin ll I , tr 0 right leg and back. He was irnnte,li-
Creech tl Mitchell 0 ately lifted up and cattier! to the
11,tt,(, n 0 • Duplart 1 house, "'here his bend (was tied up
11 ins 0 Moyle 0 nal was afterwards firelight to his
11,trtin 1 Coughlin 0 home Pur,.. It r,q,rired cewell r titch
1{. ndk• 1 'lan'nn 1 cs nnd hien
bis eadpart 1n fife. %night 0 R. Illoomf iota 0 teasto fortc:osounatetc thhouat thie bladhe of. theitTlp' l%owe::meats' outside I,rcakwa-
- -
I';per 1 11. It;oomfield 0 axe stn:ek him in a slanting ntnn- ter, Goderich, was finished last week.
rter or l:s injuries might ecce been Th
the event marked by n pro -
4 2 more serious. This is tae r, vend ac. longed salute of whistles along the
G,•orge Eaerett refereed the game Cielent that 1las occurred to morn- w"star (rout. This awoik was cotr-
to the satisfaction of all the players. hers of the family Iv iii le erecting the wateed three years ago, and befog
barn. A f.•"• :weeks nen when the partially dree years
by ototms, •was
-The Exeter ,Tuttiors teen[ to Con- bents "ere being raise'1 his son Fred. "Itan,lonc.l. \\'hilc it: that condition
(retia Tuesday evening and played n had the misfortune to get his l., the Government steamer !Airline
friendly gntne of ball with the jun- holly injured by getting it pinned be. Is wrecked on it last fall. The
fors of that place. The game re. ((teen t wo timbers and is still con- work has progressed energetically
suite.} in favor of Centralia by the fined to the house in consequence. under the new contractor, Denning-
of 4-2. hollowing was the Mr. Richard Dclbridge is now rest- hem. of k,Ilgc1U11. '1'I, hrcaktwnter
all,` lip; Ing quite easily end It Is hoped 11 (` w h,eh is u( concrete. is 500 feet long.
Exeter Centralia «ill soon be able to gut atronL bit fill probably be extended to
ll. it. flak 0 F. Bloomfield 1.500 feet at a future timet
1{. Ynrtin 1 It. ,Mitchell 0 11. Cook. of Varrta, appeared before The oldest inmate of the Hours. of
(i �C . � p 1 011 P� "G. t e n 1 ii I t. And! Clinton.C' nt.• u inhe r.of Mrs. Elsie
. .D 11 Ian 0n ., bat n, f ge, 1 person i
W. Knight 0 1'. Boylr 0 Wednesday. and wee f:t,ed 820 and who come from Zurich five years ago
11. Southeott 0 11. Dupla: 0 coati under the Ontario Liquor Act. died on Monday of last •t eek. age 101
W. 1latler 0 11. Bloomfield 0 Varna is in the local option Toe ii- year.. She was a native of Germany,
it. i11int,n-ll 0 11. Hanlon 0 ship of `tan].), and Inspector Torr. and though she lived in youth Huron1. I.11,ntt n 1). Cocklin 1 ante's 115,1 n' n' unexpected. It !reek- for a long period collo! scarcely
Igoe. Mitch, 9 0 11. Illoontfield 0 td as though ('ook just unloaded a speak a 'word of Istigli.h. Ilcr health
- case of beer when the insp, ctor Cont:nucd remarkably good tight up
2 4 dropped in. to the day before Ler death ; she was
(cull 11:1,1 reached the age of seventy
four sears. Ilcr }lusts -m.1 Mi. W. N.
Cresswell the even known artist.
died abort 20 years ago. Mrs. Cress-
well was a (nest estiinabl(• laxly, bp.
Mr. liwnry Me•rill. .of the 12th
conc,'ssinn oT llibber1 1:as passed
away. M1. Meriil came to this coun-
try aloe fifty years ego. ILL• fest
Clerked its a store in the then thriv-
ing village of itodgert•ille. A few
loved by all oho knew her. She was years later he married a Miss Me.
kind and genet oils and did well her Taggart and %.ought fifty acres of
land on the London road w} r Ii r
South Huron
A convention of the Reformer: of
the Electoral District of South slur -
on. as cons Dotted for Dominion tier -
roses, will be held in .licltunncll's
Opera House, tiensall
m r e 1- —on
Ball nowslan.ls. Ile sol•] that jest Tuesday Sept. 15th, Igo8
tailor,. 1he,Lon•1nn. 11.:ron and Brncc
railroad lame in. and bought the at 11 o'clock A. :NE. for 1 he purpose
firm on the 12th concession of ]lib- of soleeting :o candidate to Contest
bort. (t here he has lived ever since. the Riding in iae Reform iutr•restq.
11r. \krill was P1 years tf age nn.l A MASS MEETING
leaves to n:outn the lase of a kind
and IOwlltg father ttwn daughfor eomtnenc:ng at 2 o'clock a i11 ho
llrs. licnll 1icing predeceased hrn, Halal at Methodist cher ch shed, when
t" `tl """ y�'re Hugh Guthrie, K. G , M. P
lir. E. .1. �Chitt ikcr, student ai sad
the S,afort1 Collegiate Itistituto lta. J, Galuerti M. P.
sucCessfelly passed his junior Matric.
illation Examinations and arh1eecd a are expeCt'•1 to he present anal deliv-
rnost whim,
Standing. TI:c rc- cr ndriresses. The public are cordial-
porte which were iss'ied on 1 iesday ly incited to the esus meeting.
by the registrar of Ihitt to i niwer- binvitegs will he held in Cath llun-
.1(5 shott'.ihat eft. \'Pinsk r stands
-send in the list at the recent pa-
icip1lity on
ams. and has been :warded the Gib- Monday, .Sept. 14th
son Gotteral I'rofiri„ rtcy Scholarship.
in the double sebol�+rsliipa be took at Q P m. for IL 1.41 I on of (tele -
first Can honors in modern and lira
ISct hill..►
science ranking tecond with R. 11. IiEN1IY SMITH, ,1. G. I4TANi!URY4
Fraser, of Chatham. for the Eduard President. 8ecrelary.
Blake &Cholars)i p %%Lich was awards Exeter, Ontario.