HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-27, Page 5liensall.
Mrs. and airs. Will. White nd son
were in St. Thomas last week attend-
ing the funeral of the late airs. its we adyerUse prices, and be convir.ced that
Qarry, White.
Ii the 'Martin, of Exeter took charge TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER
of the services in Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church last Sunday. _
Miss Maragret -Murry, .3f New
doctor. lie applied ell kinds o[ lo- York, visited friends here last week.
,fir. and .Mrs. John McEw;tn re-
name. lie next ordered that the Lair turned last week from a three The Farmers Bank of
be all shaven off the girl's heads months' trip to Vancouver and other. Canada
in order to get down to the disease we_ stern points. Capital $1,000,000
on the scalp. They each had .nice 'suss Edna Neelands is visiting Total Assets $1,500,000
long hair and I thought it such a friends in London and other points. 40 Branches throughout Canada.
Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business
pity to cut it all off. 1 refused., file Misses Petry visited in Bay -
Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates.
Ile thereupon 'withdrew his services field last work,
altogether. --�-- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT
After that 'I bought first one and Farquhar Deposits of 31 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal
then another, but it was all no 11 r. Thos. Cameron is this week at- 4 tunes a year.
good until we got 'learn-Buk. That tending the high Court of Forest- Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieves
proved equal to the case and inn
era being held to London this week.
or fire may take it from you, or to invest nn risky speculations or with doubt -
few weeks it cleared every rtracc of Mrs. J. ahfol)onald, of Bay City, and ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their bard earned
skin disease from each child. With' Mr. Box, of Stratford, visited Mr. wealth.
it in use there was no need to cut land Mrs. Douglas Saturday and Sun-
oft the girls' hair or .inks any ot- day last. When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our
her extreme measure, it just went Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gardnier visited drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible
to work and healed the Worcs in fine friends in llpnsall on Thursday last. rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin
'� lits. Abell of Sc th, ytlfastc Mrs. cipal points in the United States and Great Britain.
Ilburn, of Paris, and Ji r, and Mrs. Oen Morro -Courteous Treatment. No Red Tape,
R. T. DUNLOP, rlanager, DASHWOOD.
Office one block north of Siebert & Co's. store,
Mr. Clarence Gowauts has returned
from his holidays and is at his du.
ties at school again.
glias Mabel Gilfillatl, of Kirkton,
visited friends here on Thursday
Rev. and Mrs. Fletcher are visiting
with friends in Goderieh.
Rev. 1)r. Mildrurn will occupy the le
pulpit in Thames (toad church next
Sabbath .
Mrs. Wm. Fletcher cud :Mrs-
Quance, of Exeter, !visited :with 1
friends here during the week.
Miss Tennant, of St. Marys, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. I'. Eggs and Batter taken. see us beforeyou bu
Rundle, left last we.k on a trip to Y•
the west. Hardware
61105011111E F'Oit T11F TIMES.
old Weathr
What about a nice Pandora Range,
A Royal or Peerless Peninsular,
An Oak or Base Burner?
We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, and Roofing, We hand.
Brandford Roofing. Preston Galvanized Shingles and Core -Iron,
Cement always on hand.
A snap on some Page Gates and Fencing
Coil and Barb Wire.
('suis end
D. TIEMAN, Dashwood
F:1►itu ifiloN
Th.' annual picnic will be held to
Grand head on Saturday. This pia
nic is the event of the season and
everybody is invited to come along!
end enjoy'_ the day. f wish to infortn 1110 Public and those in need of Pumps, that I hays n. •s -
-----�_-- agency for the
Zwicker's, Crediton
We have just opened out several shipments of Ready made
Clothing. Early Fall :'.eliverly, comprising of Men's :Youth's
and Children's Suits. Which we offer at special prices.
You will find our Stock of ready to wear goodb larger than ever.
Men's all Wool English and Scotch Tweed Suits, good (innings, good work-
manship. latest styles, natty patterns for - • $7.50 to 10.00
Children's Tweed and Serge 3 peice Knacker suit from • $2.50 to 5,00
Boy's Norfolk Suite all wool Tweede, single and double breasted styles
from - - - - - $2.00 to 3.500
Now is the time to secure a bargain on Carpets, Linoleum, Oil Cloth, or a
pretty Tapresty Rug. We are ahowirg some extra good quality rugs. sizes
3x3 314x4 4x4 4ix4I call and see them.
Muslins, Dress Goode, Linens etc. We are clearing out many lines to make
room for tall shipments of these goods.
REMNANTS -Wo have also for sale this month a great many remnants o
spring and summer goods, which we intend to clear regardless of cost.
GENTS FURNISHIF(:S-We aim to keep our stock in this line complete with
all the latest goods. Now is the titne to secure a nice Sailor Hat cheap. We
have just received a shipment of Shirts, the latest New York patterns, also
Ties, Collars, unlined Kid Gloves, etc. Our prices are reasonable.
You will find our stot.k is well assorted with seasonable goods,
Our Grocery Stock is always Clean and Fresh.
Also highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs, Wool, and all Farm produce
We handle Gold Medal, and Plymouth Special Binder Twine.
Dinner -wale, China, Crockery, and Glassware.
This month we are offering 0.97 peice Dinner Sete lovely patterns for $9.50
per set regular price 9112.50. it will pay you to see them before buying.
SVe will pay for this weeks delivery for Live Chickens (we ighing not less
„Shan 2lylbs) 1908 hatch 12 cents per pound.
Hens Ocents per po and live weight.
We intend shiping fowl each week through the season.
A Call Solicited
As You sew
so Shall You Reap
Wo aro constantly sewing on the hest clothe money can buy. We are
reaping satisfied customers. Natural isn't it? When we sow:our advertise -
anent in the newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat, trousers, overcoat or
whatever the add. might suggest, we include the best of everything in that
suit, the best cloth, the best linings, the best paddings. the best thread, etc.
as well as the best of our ability in cutting. fitting and making. Shouldn't
we reap our reward? This add is sowed to reap you as one of our customers.
When you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, Nancy Vest, let this add
lead you to our shop where we can prove to you that we live up to our word,
On Specials to Aug. 3
We have but a limited quantity of White Waists, Under-
skirts and Corset Covets and in order to clear them out are
offering then' at a' 2b per cent discount.
in the past two weeks our White Goods and Muslins, black
and colored and Cotton Voiles have been nearly all cleared
out. See the few that are left and secure a bargain.
Ladies' Waterproof Coats
Also offering five Ladies' Waterproof Coats, light in color, just the
thing for autumn wear. Regular $8.00 for $5.50.
New Dress Coods
Just arrived and in opening then[ up find they surpaes anything we have
Byer shown before. All the netvest fabrics and colors at Tight prices are in
our selection. As you are aware this is the Dress (foods store of Crediton
you may depend we have something to please everyone. ('ome and see the
Our Groc�ry St')ck is always Fresh and I'rices the Lowest.
Arriving inside a week direct from the growers in the Niagara
Buyers ot Live Poultry. Alsyke. Timothy and Clover Seeds and other Produce
A Call Solicited.
Why you stir,uldi not use the best kitchen l;ang es
Pandoras, Happy Home, Ladies' Aid, and
They bake perfectly, save fuel, keep fire day and
night, delight every user. Made of
the very best material and
guaranteed in
every res-
Buy Ihetn and save the expense of buying coal backs.
Special attention given to KAVETRt)t•U11!NO.
t- - - - - - -
Seasonable Goods at Hot Weather Prices
10 per cent discount on the balance of our Oxford Shoos
for the halanco of the Summer
i.'idies'Can Oxfords regular $2.110 now
Misses „ 1.75 ..
Ladies patent Slippers regular $1.75 now
Donnell' Oxfords regular 1.5o „
A few pair of Men's working slices •
The lutlance of our Asia's Sumner flat+ - -
t'ee'e Smock., and working Shirts from 50e to $1,00 I
Mr. Will Snell, of Exeter spent
Monday in town or, business.
'Mr. 1Vw. thrown the well known
Organist, of Exeter. is arranging a
class in Crediton and makes his
calls every 'Monday. Mr. Brown is a
thorough music teacher.
Miss Myrtle (Clark spent last 'week
in Exeter.
_Mr. Wilbur Bradly, of Ailsa Craig
spent Sunday in town.
Mr. Fred and bliss Jennie 'Brock,
of Exeter, spent Sunday in town at
the Royal.
'Mr. petty aVind, of Detroit, Is
visiting friends in town.
:lir. and airs. 11. C. Clark spent
Sunday in Exeter.
Mr. Harry IEilber and 'Norman
Hohmann intend leaving for •the
west shortly.
'Mr. and Mrs . Daft. Sweitser are ex.
Numbers from here attended the
[uncial of the late 11, Wein, of ercd-
Mr. %Sim. Sweitser left for Mani-
toba for the harvest.
Mr. Gordon Geiser left for his
house itt Detroit last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Regan, of Detroit,
are visiting Mr. J. Lynch.
Mr. Thos. Lynch eIipped a car-
load of cattle to Toronto last Satur-
Mr. Boltzmann left Moeda) fur
Dashwood Dashwood
Mr. F. ,Eifert and Miss S. Etfert
of F:oradale nre
Mrs. Jas. Eidt.
'airs. Nickelson, necompan:cd by
her son. Albert, of Blake. were the WO will offer the following to clear' at greatly reduced )rices
guests of Mr .und Mrs. Jonas dlart- Boy's Sumuner Blouse Suitt, W cents and up, l
leih swot .Sunday• Men's odd Summer Coats at cost.
Detroit. Jlr. and :Alts. John Eidt, of .Park Ido s and Youth's Suits
hill were the guests of Mr. and [MIA.
y' (it broken loll 141 off.
AL - O _ Herman Elie for a few days. Remnants in Dry Goods, Muslins, Prints, at and under cost,
Basra the l.a K nit Yc) Hate Alltafs Br•l :Messrs llorb. Young trod Chas. Balance of Linnen flats at cost.
Nestor* \Vo1f of Crediton visited friends in We also carry a full line of goods ]list now 111 demand
such a$
of town on Sunday. Dinner Sets, Odd Dishes, Cider and \Vhite Wine vinegar.
An interesting game of bowls was
played heave• n the north and south
visiting , Mr. and
.."rte' • --
Bargains ! Bargains!
air. and ,Mrs. Frank Rogerson of
Jamestown, N. Y. who were recently
married are spending a portion of
their honeymoon with Dr. and Mrs.
'Miss Bennett ,of St. Marys, visited
last week at Robinson's.
meted home this week. ;Mies Edith Brawn ,of Exeter, vis -
Mrs. Sinclair and family, of IDe- ited last week with her brother, Wil.
troit are visiting !Mr. and firs. Bain
let. ..•, -t of Mown.
al . '' .vin Harness, of Centralia
spent .`...uday in town.
�Mr. Aug. Kuhn of the Bank lof
Commerce is visiting with friends
In Toronto. week to visit relatives in Slantana.
bliss Alma 11111 left last nvicek for Cliff Brown and Norman Ursteadt
a short visit with friends in Berlin. left last week for the Northwest,
':lir. Edgar Siebert and ,Miss Nora Mr. Walker. has been engaged by
Siebert, of Dashwood visited over the school trustees for another year.
Sunday with (JIr. and Mrs. B. Brown.) 'Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland are
Dr. and airs. J..11. Rivers, of .Hay-( expected home from the northwest
liatn. She will also visit friends In
St. Marys and Lennon.
Wm. Dymond and dewily, •of
Strathroy, visited at Jacob Taylor's
last week
Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Miller left last
mond, Alta. who are well known in
our village, were this week renewing
old acquaintances.
Mr. and' Mrs. W. .W. Kerr, of ,Win -
Chelsea visited in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morlock kvere
in Sarnia .for n few days East week
visiting .friends.
Miss Geiske, of Clio, Mich., is the
guest of 'Mrs .Itev. Bean for a few
weeks. Zurich
Rev. E. dl . Bean deft IASL h1'CCk for .Miss Freda Shilbe, who was work-
s month's visit in the west. ing in Exeter, has returned home
Rev. :M ices it, of 'Dashwood, (took Two rinks of Crediton bowlers vis -
both services in 'the (Evangelical ited our rinks on Tuesday of last
church on .Sunday. Mr. Art. Keller- week, resulting in a victory of the
mann, of ti)Ashwood, will take the visitors by nine shots.
service next Sunday morning, and in ;Mr. and airs. C. Stickles, of Bee
the evening a song service .will be troit, are visiting Mrs. 11. Greb and
given. • other friends in the village.
Mrs. Thos.,Ycarly, of Ilderton, litho Miss Clara Welker, of Buffalo, is
is well known bete ,underwent an g ,her sister .Mrs. .1'. Bender
operation in 1St. Joseph's Ibospital, vis,tin
London, on Friday last, and is now and her brother Mr. C. Welker.
doing ,ts well as could be expected. Mr. Elmore Klepp had a yield of
Mr. C. Bhtett spent Saturday and 210 bushels of wheat from ti 1-2
Sunday in ,ForeMaoist. acres. This is an- average of 46'bush- (-limville
SUBSCRIBE FOR TILE TIMES. els to the acre.
A number of our bowlers visited
Mt. Carmel on Tuesday of 'this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Wortz and little
son who 'have been visiting :Mrs.
Wortz's mother returned this week
to their home in Pigeon, Mich.
The remains of fleury Wein. who
was killed itt the \Vestmau fire at
London last week, were brought to
the home of his father, EMI-. Matthew
Wein last :Wednesday, the funeral
being held on Friday afternoon. The
cortege was one of the largest seen
in this section, many coming from
a distance, among whom were 'two
London Aldermen, two captains of
the London fire department, and a
number from Rho Exeter fire bri-
gade. The floral offerings were very
beautiful and came from the fire
departments of London, Chatham,
Woodstock and Brantford. The city
of London had Mr. \Vein's life in-
sured for 52.000.
William Taylor. of -Centralia, while edits in vain and thea consulted a
sawing wood for a thresher which
be was assisting to operate last Sat- lions but the cores remained the
urday evening, slipped on a piece of
wood lying on the ground and fell
forward on the buzzing saw. The
instrument cut n deep gash in his
hand, necessitating several stitches
to close.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dyer, ot De-
troit, are spending .a few weeks at
the latter's home.
Mrs. Link left Monday to attend
the millinery openings at Toronto.
1'he Misses Scott and Eilber, 'who
have been visiting in and around the
village for the past few weeks, re-
turned to their respective homes on
Monday Iast.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the lawn social at Mt. Carmel on
Tuesday night last and all report a shape•
very enjoyable time. Zam-Buk cures blood 'poisoning' Beg. Abell, of loran Ir. and
cuts, bruises, old ,wounds, running Milburn, -�'- sores, ulcers, boils, cruptions,sealp A. J. Ford. of Exeter, visited •btr.
Harsb, purgative remedies are sores, eczema, itch, barber's rash, and Mrs. 0. W. 1'. Beavers on !Wed -
fast giving way to tho gentle action burns, scalds, and all skin injuries nesday alst.
and mild effects of Carter's Little and diseases. Beat cure for piles yet 'firs ,J, 11. tray and children of
Liver Pills. It you try them they
known•olz l cora Igom4'/am.Band uketCo.t \\ rn jt y9arc at present visiting at
will certainly please you
Toronto. Mrs .Lamont and children of Lis -
very shortly.
Rev, and ''Mrs. Veale visited their
daughter Mrs. (Rev.) (tiles. at Hay-
field last week.
;dear, the Ile Kind You (tare Always hied
A good stock of Pickling Spices.
side of our village on Friday after- Cosave you money.
me and see US before you make 'Orli'
noon last which resulted in a vict-
ory for the north side. hollowing
is the .lino up;
North Side South Side
R. T. Dunlop J. A. \Vambohi
1). Tiernan 1. W. Graybiel
W. L. Siebert E. Tiernan
J. Hartleib G. Edighoffcr
Skip -32 Skip 16
Skip 24 Skip 8
'Mrs. Syrnonds, milliner dor Sie-
bert & Co. is now attending the tuil-
linery opening in Toronto, Mrs. Sy-
monds expects to be here in n cou-
ple of weeks for the fall season.
A number of our bowlers visited
Mt. Carmel on Tuesday.
I)r. Jack, who has been in Wallace -
burg for the past month has return-
ed to superintend the packing of the
flax machinery to move to Wallace -
burg this week.
Quarterly services were held in
the Evangelical church on Sunday
last. Both services being taken by
the presiding elder, Itev. Mr. llaist,
of Berlin.
Why don't you try Carter's Little
Liver Pills? They are a positive euro
for sick headache and all the ills pro-
duced by disordered liver. Only one
pill a dose.
Rev. McVanncll, of Si.: -Mary's is
aocuping the pulpit of the Presby-
terian church during .the absence
of )rev. (McKay, who is at present
spending his holidays in Scotland.
Mr. and Mrs. Calendar, of Ottawa,
are visiting at Mr. Donald ('arks.
ars. Park, of Brantford, is also a
guest at Mr. l'ark's.
'Mrs. Mcllraith, of Durham, is vis-
iting with her father (Mr. Frank
How Zam-Buk Saved
a Girl's Hair,
A Lessors to All Mothers
When eczema, ulcers or ringworm
break out on the scalp, generally the
first thing the doctor orders is to
have the i,air cut off. Don't do It
to Toro trying !Lam-Buk, which can
cure without such a sacrifice. Mrs
J. IL tier, of 5 BalTnockburn Avenue.
Jlontraal says: -
My ,laughter, Annie, caught ec-
aema. It broke out on her face and
scalp, and the disease was quickly
transmitted to Herbert and Edith,
and in their cases not only their
heads, but their hands and daces
were covered with sores and scaly
1 tried various blood -purifying rem-
-Mr. Samuel Johns has purchased
the stock and premises of Mr. Wal-
ter Bern and will take possession
October 1st. In the meantime Mr.
llertt is making a big reduction sale
and is offering many excellent bar-
gains for the month of September.
See his ud. itt another colutnn for
some of the bargains. Mr. Vern has
done an excellent trade .while in
business here and es Mr. Johns is
known to be one of our substantial
citizens there is no doubt but that
he will command a large trade.
purchase. We will
Farm Produce taken in exchange.
We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil
Siebert t& Co.
Hartleib Block. DASIIWOOD,
You cannot possibly effect as great. Ladies White Underskirt, regular $1.23
a saving by buying hither or thither for 31.00 each.
as you can by confining yoursell,to the Ladies White Night Gowns regular
one great bargain giving centre Tie- $1-50 for 31.00 each.
man and Edigboffer. Bear in mind for Ladies Embroidery Corset Coyers re.
every bargain you see or hear tell of gular 50c, for 40c. each.
there is just as many and just as good Ladies Black Hose 3 pair for 25c.
iu our store. Our bargain given is Ladies Tan Hose 2 pair for 25c.
not confined to only a line or two but
it is spread over all and the bargains
you get in one of our lines are only re-
presentatives of the many others we
are giving.
A few pieces of Fawn and Tan color-
ed dress goods in Satin Cloths, Hen-
rietta and etc, regular 50 and 60 to clear
at 25c, yd.
Fancy Muslin 15 to 25ets. for 10cts. yd.
Fancy Gingham 121 to 15c. for IOc. yd,
IOc. for 8c. yd.
American Prints worth 7c. for 5c. yd.
10 pieces of print regular 1211c. for 10c.
Blue and white Checked Skirtings re-
gular 12tc. for IOc.
Bleached Sheeting 2'yds. wide for 25c.
Factory Cottons worth 121}c. for 10c.
See our Bleached Table Linens the hest
value ever shown in Dashwood.
Ladies Vests l0cts, each,
Bargains in Embroidery and Laces.
A beautiful range of Ladies Belts,
Fancy Collars, Ties, Gloves, etc.
We handle the celebrated D and 'A
Cut Nails all lengths (Blighty rusted).
2cts. per pound.
1 Favourite Churn 1
1 Peerless washer -At bargain pricer
1 Leader washer
1 Hammock regular $2 50 for $2,00
Long handle Shovels 50c each
Sad Irons regular 31.25 for 31.00 sob
D Handle Spades slightly rusted 50c ea
Window Screens clearing at 20cts eacb
A full line of Scoop Shovels and Grain
Bags. If you are in need of any Fein.
ing be sure and see that you get the
Ideal 1Voven Wire the beat fencing
made, we are Agents for same.
Ladies Waists regular 50c. to $1.00 now All kinds of Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
25c. to clear. Machine oil. and Cylinder oil. We
Flannellette Night Dress for Ladies handle the celebrated Sherwin Will-.
regular $1.00 for Qac, each. isms Paints, they go the farthest and
Flannellette Night Dress for Ladies wear the longest, because they are
regular 31.15 for 75c. each. the best.
5 lbs. good Green Tea $1.00 Korn Kinks Sets. per packet.
2 Ibe. best Green Coffee 25cts. 21b. Pkg. Ammonia Powder. 5c, pkg.
2 lbs. Coast Rio Coffee 25cts. Salmon 10cts. per tin.
Seeeded Raisins IOcts. per pound. Corn and Peas 3 cans for 25cts.
A full supply of Pickling Spices, Curry Powder, Tumeric, Mustard Seeds,
Celery Seeds, Ginger root, Chillies, etc., etc.
All sizes of Crown Fruit Jars in stock. Fruit jar rubbers 5 and l0cts, per dot.
We' handle those celebrated Teas, in packages viz: -Red Rose, Salada, and
Blue Ribbon, in Green or Black and Mixed. In i and Iib. pegs.
Highest prices psid for Farm Produce.
Call and examine our goods,andwe do
Corner Store,
- - ----- Ward and Mrs. los. Vance.
are visiting withMrs. m.
Mr. Wilson ,of lllatisliard, has been
engaged as teacher at S. S. No. 3.
Miss Gardiner having -resigned.
'fire Jlisses Smith, of Jlich;gan, are
visiting will' Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
We have sold our Store and Sto„ k and for the month of Gardiner.
September we will Wier a large amount of our stock at great-
ly reduced prices. The following will give you an idea of
our big bargains.
Black tea regular 25c. per pd. 51 for $1 5 only Men's Suits
Illue Ribbon tea reg Mc. for :taste 1 Cailor roads size .31 reg $15 for 310.00
Salads Teat reg. 100. for :t3cts 1 alert's Suits sizes 31, :35.
Coffee neg. 35cts. for '-mets Regular $13.00 foe $8.50
1 only Toilet Set reg. $5. for $:3 531 „ $12 IN) for 37.50
1 only Toilet Set reg. 3'2. 75 for $2.001 „ ill2 0(► for $7.50
Also White Toilet set at reduced prices ; .. $10.(x) for 87,00
3 only Dinner sets reg. $12 01) for $9.50 A nunibtr of pieces of Prints.
38.50 for 36.1,0! Regular 12yc Ids and 8c for Ine Sc and tk
., „ „ ,. ., $600 for $4.00 Lace reg 34 6 and lac for lc 2c lc and (ie
We have too, a lot of Shoes at low prices.
All goods sold in the month of September will be strictly
cash. Pro'luco taken as cash. highest price paid for
Accounts Will be rendered Sept. CASTOR IA
ember bit., and must be settled for For Infants and Children.
by Seat .30tH. the Kind You Have Always Bought
Farquhar W. IIERN
Elimville:.attuarena the
i;ige of
Dealer in iron and Wood rumps.
Aylmer Iron Pump s
and will lit' eleased to quote price and Teams. if you are thinking of pnttizg
in en icon . r Wood Pump come in end see us before buying,
Pump Repairing a Specialty.