HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-27, Page 4SCHOOL
Earl Gree, visited old l'ort Malden Thames Read
near Amberstburg un Saturday and itev. Of.,Mildruio, of St. Louis, Mu•
was so pleased with the preservation) twill preach in the Presbyterian
and natera1 beauty or t he situalton. church. Thames Road. next Sunday.
that be promised to give his every St' IISClt1BE FOR TI1I: Ti M F.J.
assistance in Surtbcrieg the project ___
of reclaiming and restating this his.. SUBSCRIBE FOR I'll I: TI\IF.s.
toric spot to the people as a nation.'
—41• --
al park, commemorative of ,the stir -1 Winchelsea
A. full line of ring time sof the latter part of the'
seventeenth and eighteenthcensor-1.51
,s, W. W. lierr, wwho visited
during the past month at the boo.
SchooSchool B O O is J s ica.----`---- returned home Monday.
l The new official returns for births, Miss Sara Clements,returned home
and a 11 other deaths and marriages haste been is- Saturday from Newark, Ohio, where
sued by Alm provincial authorities at she visited for two weeks.
School supplies. Toronto. and Lan been forwarded to Dr. and hie-. Rivers, of Raymond,the clerks in the uiniciPalities• The Alta., %1 ho are visiting friends in
forms are touch more elaborate than Crediton. visited ;with Mr. and )Ars.
the old (forms, and would puzzle A W. W. tier[' Monday.
lawyer almost ;to get through them.Mr. Fred J)elbridge, who was bad -
NO SC110111r Shou1(1 fall tO There must the Iwo certificates of )y hurt several days ago, is prot'res-
rom the pbysioian in ing favorably.
$1000. IN PRIZES!
death, one f
get one of our Prize Scribblers hearse ants nliother from the family
and P1'atice Books, and tl'y or area[ hien
for a CO1)}' of the Boy's Own,, T•)!e C. I'.It. strike is still unset -
Annual or the Girl's Own darkerI tied ues the
tittlook,e longer
forit'the condote kers
AAnnual.i Canada has just passed through a
financial stringency and many men
• I many of (whom are skilled mechanics
were forced out of employment and
Brownings Drug Store the company seems to have little dif-
' ficuity in securing mon to take the
place of the strikers. The outcome
of the whole thing will be that some
will return to their old places, while
Exeter, Ontario. the others will have to look for new
Terms of Subscription 41.60 per jobs.
year in advanoe. $1.50 jrtay be ---�
efbar.ded It not so paid. To United An effort is being made to extend
Nates subscribers, $1.50 strictly in the market for Canadian products
idvanoe. No. paper discontinued by putting early Canadian apples on
•ntil all arrears are paid, unless at the British market for the first
the option of the publisher. The time. Cold -storage space has been
date to which every subscription is secured on three steamers, the first
Void is denoted on the label.of which sails from Montreal on Sat -
Advertising rates on application. urday next. The Dominion Govern -
DECISIONS ItESPF.CIONG ment induced the steamers to open
NEWSPAPERS :cold -storage facilities thus
Any person or persons who takes early by undertaking to pay for all
a paper regularly from a post office, of the space [which has been taken.
whether addressed in his name or It is understood that the fruit mend
another's, or whether be has sub- have come to the front with such
scribed or not, is responsible for large consignments A etopayat the little orovern-
If a person orders his papers dis- Ing. ' t the
and meets arrives with Onfago•on
continued he must pay all arrears,
or the publisher may continue to England it will mean the extension
send it until payment is made, and
outhto applsix e shipping season by from
then collect the
whether the paper is taken or not. Conventions are (being held daily
The Courts have decided that re-
fusing to take newspapers or period- all through ;the dominion selecting
teals from the post office or romov- candidates for .the coming eleot.ion,
ing and leaving them unoalled for which will be some
f2the although snoCairn
al,ile subscription remains unpaid, is
prima facia evidence of intentional finitetZhiouloliticnl pot has cam-
frTH1E EXETER TIMES i"T"G CO.1 mencetl to simmer and with the an -
Limited. nouneement -that the leaders of both
n-�,�. , parties are ,contemplating a tbilr
through Ontario, have made politic -
Note and Comment ians prick up their ears and get
__ ready for the fray. Premier Laur-
ier will open his campaign at INi-
The present :House pf Commons ag ira Falls on Tuesday Sept. 15th.
consists of 214 members. Basket -
After resting a day he twill speak
cs'an and Alberta have nowt 1() at Strathroy, on the 21st. he .will be
seats, but will have 17 in the neat at Tilburg ; on the 23rd Clinton will
parliament by season of the rapid in- be visited ; Friday, the 25th, he will
crease of population. The repre-
sentation will then be: 86
ontario .....( 65
Quebec ...... ...... ...... ...... 18
Nova Scotia ...... ...... • ., ...... 4
(Prince Edward Island ............
New Brunswick 13
"'the Conservative ;party announced
Saskatchewan •.. 10 to speak nt I'embrooke, on the Clst,
Alberta •• I London on the 22nd and Toronto on
British Columbia I 1 the 23rd.
Yukon ............
500 to be given away
The Exeter Times
Three hundred and seven farmer -s
throughout Ontario conducted ex-
periments with autumn sown crops
during .the past yt•ar. Reports have
been received from twenty' -six of
the counties of the Province. Those
counties which furnished the great-
est number of good reports of suc-
cessfully t conducted experiments
were Bruce, Norfolk, Middlesex,
Grey and dalton. The experimenter's
deserve tnuch credit for the good
work they have doite for themselves
and for the farmers generally.
Average results of the carefully con-
ducted co-operative experiments
with autumn sown crops are here
presented in a very concise form.
\VINTER WHEAT. Three variet-
ies of ,winter wheat leer° distri-
buted last autumn to those farmers
who wished to test some of the lead-
ing varieties on their own farms.
The following are the averages in
yield of straw and of grain per acre:
Imperial Amber, 1.4 tons and 05.9
bus: Abundance, 1.2 tons and 23.3
bus; rind No. 5 lied, 1.2 tons and
22.2 bus.
Not only did the Imperial Amber
give the greatest yield per acre in
the .Co-operative • experiments
throughout Ontario in 1908 and in
1907, but it also came first in popul-
arity with the experimenters in each
of these years. The Imperial Amber
will again be distributed (through-
out Ontario this autumn as one of
the three varieties for co-operative
experiments. The Dawson's Golden
Chaff, which we distributed for co-
operative experiments t throughout
Ontario in each of twelve sears prev-
ious to .the autumn of t900, and
which is probably grown more ex-
tensively in Ontario at the present
time than all otbcr varieties of win-
ter wheat. Combined, has not been in-
cluded in the co-operative tests
since 1906.
WINTER RYE. Of the two var-
ieties of minter rye distributed in
the autumn of 1907, the "Mammoth
White stood .first in average yield
of grain +with 34 bushels, and the
Common, second with 28.6 bushels
per acre. Last year the Mammoth
White surpassed the Common rye by
be at North nay and on D!onday the I an average of 5 bushels per acre
28th he will be at Jackson's Point, throughout Ontario.
Lake Simco.. Sir Wilfrid will be ac- FERTILIZERS _ wIrii IVINTEIt
companied by lion. George 1. Gra- \VIiEAT. In the • co-operative ex
ham, Minister of Railways and Can- periments with . different manures
als on his tour. applied in the spring of the year, the
lion. R. L. liorden, the leader of PP r
average yields of grain per acre for
the past dive years are ns follows:
Mixed fertilizer, 27.6 bus. Nitrate
of Soda, 25.8 bus. Muriate of Cot.
ash, (25.7 bus. And Superphosph-
ate, 25.3 bushels. Superphosphate
was applied at the rate of 320 pounds
and the IMuriate of Potash and the
Nitrate of ;Soda each 160 pounds per
acre. The [Mixed fertilizer consist-
ed of one-third the quantity of each
el the other three fertilizers here
mentioned. The usual cost of the
fertilizers, as used in these experi-
ments, is :between four and five dol-
lars per acre.
FODDER CROPS. In .each of five
years. tlio seed of Hairy Vetches and
of Winter Bye has been distributed
throughout Ontario for co-operat-
ive experiments in testing these
crops for fodder purposes. In the
[vera e of the five ,years' experi-
In ins, the :fairy Vethccs produced
:lightly the largest yield of green
fodder per arce, but in 1908 the let :•-
est yield was.produced by the Win-
ter Rye.
Dsitribution of Material for (Ex-
periments in 1908. As long as the
.apply lasts, material will be dis-
tributed free of charge in the order
in which the applications are receiv-
ed from 'Ontario farmers wishing to
experiment and to report tho results
of any one of the following tests:
1, three varieties of Winter Wheat
-'. two varieties of Winter (Rye; 0,
five Fertilizers of Winter 'Wheat ;
1. Autumn and Spring Applications
of Nit rate of Soda and Common Balt
+w t i h Winter !Wheat : 5, Winter Van-
rner with \Vinter Wheat and Winter
Harley ; ft• ,Ilairy Vetches and Win-
ter Rye as Fodder Crops. The size
of each plot is to be one rod wide! by
1 wo rods long. 'Material of numbers
3 and 4 will be sent by express
and t hat tor the others by mail.
0. A. C., Guelph, Ont.. Aug. d2tb,
1908. C. A. ?AVM.
• Total . ...... ..... ......... Q21
There will ,be another change in ` solloicAL
the first ,general elections lafie a rcr �federal census of 1911,distribution wil lbe necessary.
The general election of November.
1!101 resulted ns follotcs Ieb. Con. OPERATION
1'218 (I
Prince Edward island 1Manitoba 1
Territories 3
British Columbia 0
Yuko[[ tl 1
Totals 137 77
The above figurestho have
bean verlittle nffectcd •bqsince 1901. The standing in two or
three of the provinces is changed
to the extent of a seat or two, but
the Government's total majority re-
mains the same.fSir \Wilfrid returned to the Capi-
tol Monday night to Itstend a spec-
in1 meeting of the Cabinet ttnd to
appoint commissioners for the pur-
pose of •ndministcritlg the newv. civil
service act and the appointing of
3 additional members to 1he new
redo ay comtelssion. It • es possible
the date for the coming election
will be settled.
It was expected that )fon. Nelson
lhtonteith, the former 'meviber of
south l'ei th [who w•as defeated nt the
last provincial election, wwould get
the .tppoil►ttnent at Etnigrutiou In-
ep,'etor of [the Ontario Government
in London Eng. Neville i entley .Col -
cook, of Niagara ('alts, circ -consul
there for the 1 rifted States has been.appointed to tIS newly created of-
:,rw,ts+r -aa
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
if there is any one thing that a
Woman dreads more than another it
is a surgical operation.
We can state \rithont fear of a
contradiction that there are hun-
dreds, yes, thousands, of operations
performed upon women ill our hos-
pitals which are entirely unneces-
sary and anally have Leen avoided by
1�o1' proof of this statement read
the following letter.
Mrs. Letitia Blair, Canniftou,Ont.,
writes to Mrs. Pinkhanl:
" I was sick for fire years. One doc-
tor told me it was ulceration, end an-
other un,r,
fibroid t t
other told me it was a ,
and advised an operation. No one
knows what i suffered, and the bear-
ing down pains were terrible.
is particularly suitable for "l wrote totnysister about it, and she
advised me to take Lydia E. !Inkhorn's
sullltllel' use. When heating! VegetableCompountt. Auction Sale
' it has cured me of all my troubles, I
and I did not have to have the opera- —of —
COhI meat, canned ineat OT t' niter all. The Compound also I VALUABLE 50 ACIII.. FARM .IN
helped me to pasts saftly through STEPHEN
I)Ork alltl bCtHIS, St11' 111 a Clian:-e of Life." I have been instructed by the Ad-
ministratrix of the estate of tl:e late
MO. Bovril and notice the FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Jane tfodgins to offer for vale by
For thirty vi•ais I.) (I hi E. fink- auction on the premises on
It will snake' the ham's Vegetable (0111 sound nladc TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 1&03.
(Iif}t'I'('nCe. At two o'clock p. nl., the North
from roots and herbs, )R9 been the half of Lot ttutnber 1 ive, in rthe
fool more tasty, more nutri— standard trmctly for female ills, Ninth ('onccasion of the '1'owtnship of
and has positively cured t!musandset Stephen. in the County of Iliaron,
tions and 111Ur1' digestible. women who havelit't'ntF(tild 1 cith containing by admcasurcmcnt fifty
(lisplacements,illtlaniniation,ulcera- acres more or les=.
;'t'tli1 ;t 1)OSt card for tion, fibroid honors, irregularities, On this property is a log ilwellini:
p'rttxlic ixtins and backache. house, frame barn and frame stet'', ,
Bow 1 t•('11n(' 1)OOiii t brick milk house. and a never fails.:
,( „ )1 r.. i'illl.hi►m ins Hee all siek well of good water. The land is all
TAM Dishes to I NI)lnl•11 to »rite her for advice.
cleared cunt in a good state of cal-
LIAIITEI) she has aided thous.intl•. to draned It is fairly even solder.
�' drained and lanced. There is about
J7 ST. PEER STRIiET.NONTRfiAI- health. Address, Lynn, Jltass. one -ball acre of orchard.
b . L.
CASTORIAli NNtIt►4a4NNOM��N��N�4/N�4d1NNN�444�oN4/N�
TheMolsons Bank
Incorporated 1855.
CAPITAL $3 374.000.00
RESERVE FUND 13,374.000.00
For Infants and Children.
Has t.i Branches in Canada, f,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
INI .lei 1 s ( HILInu:\
prmotesrstfon,Clteerf ul-
bESS, dlkesf.Containsneither
O�1num,Morphine nor IfinerrJl.
1% Arad D^SUIIIZZiwrzze
Aptffeet Remedy for Constipa-
tion. Sour Stolnach,Diarrhoes,
11'orms Convulsions,fevcrish-
nesS and OF SLEET'.
7acSimile Signature of
l b months,. old
.j) Dostis—35CLNITS
For Over
Thirty Years
TNs COMPANY, NW •Oda erre.
iWestern air
Greatest Live Sto6K Exhibition
of Western Ontario
Full Programme of Attractions twice daily, including Kemp's Wild West
Show. Best of Music, Fireworks Eaclt Evening.
(bore and enjoy yourself at London's Popular Fair.
At L'11(►N 6.11.1•:
13tick house and lot in Centralia
the property of the late Wm. Baker
on Jlondny 5;•p:. lith, s1908. at 2
o'clock r t 011 the Iemis's
1'or pat, iculars apply to.
Barristers Exeter
Reduced Rates on all Railroads
I'rir.e 1-ists Entry Forms, Programmes, and all infottnation
given On application to
W. J. REID, President A. M. BUNT, Secretary
London, Sept. 11-19
and Agents end Correspondents in all the
1't*auipal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
DICkt8On & Carling, 3olicttors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
HEAL OFFICE, TORO'F(O f:sl.t1t1_Iy111:1, 1807
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
I Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Ae ousts may be opened in the names of two or more
persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the
;miniver or by the survivor.
Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager
Sranoh also nt Crediton.
to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Well-paid work for over 25,000 men.
one-way second class to Winnipeg. Free tickets from
Winnipeg to points where harvesters are needed,
east of Moose Jaw, and west of Moose Jaw to
Alberta at one cent per mile.
Apply to ticket agents for full conditions
AUG. 14, 18
SEPT. 1, 8
Frrm station, nn Toronto -North
Pay lose, west to but not mi hiding
Tar,nto-Sarna Ime.
from terrdory
AUG. 18, 19
SEPT. 1, 9
From ,talion, on Tr" ntn-Sarnia
line, and r+.'h thereof in (ossa'
AUG. 20, 22, 27
SEPT. 2, 11, 14
I -eon statioe, East of Toron•n•
North Bay hoe, to and includ.r.•
Shushed 1.x1• and Kingston.
).ri.n i*. l e. women. but n rt at half•iare or children.
AUGUST 14, 1e and 20 Apply to nearest C P.R. ticket area
for leaflet giving cond.aons, train times. etc . or write
C. B. FOSTER. District Pastors Agent, TORONTO
Ercuraoea alkyd I,e.t arersvi.
modation. ,-I.h Tounu51,..rv.
Leave SLI' r. 1 1 s. 1'I
Ask agent about then.
At the same time and place ri
quantity of facto implementsimplementsand
household furniture .% ill also be of-
fered for sale.
Roe! Estate—Ten per cent. of the
purchase money on the day of Pale
and the .balance in sixty days tbure-
after without interest. A portion of
the purchase money can rem ut on
first Mortgage nt Five Per cent. in-
terest if the pnrcbssed desires.
Chatter—Teti dollars and larder,
rash. Over that atnount thirty days
day( will ,he given on furnishing ap-
proved notes.
Further terms end conditions will
be made known on day of sale nr
May be had on application so
Ex. tur. t►ntario
Solicitors for Administratric.
Auctioneer. Ezeter. Ontario.
Clearing Auction Sale
C1101t'I: 1":\11M. 1tt+11'RK BUGGIES,
Mr. Thos. ,Cameron has received
instructions to sell by Public- Auct-
ion at ,the CENTRAL IROTEL. EXE-
111. '08. At one o'clock p. m. sharp.
the following property.
1 pair geldings, 3 years old (agri-
cultural); 2 geldings 5 and 6 years
old (carringe) ; 1 driving marc S
years old. fit for farmer or lady dri-
ver : 2 good dairy cows ; the follow -
lowing articles all new—lumber wag-
on. complete, (Adam's make) 3 sets of
lumber wagon springs ; 4 lop bug-
gies: 1 sulky plow : 2 large 2 -furrow+
plows; 2 walking plows: 3 -drum, land
roller : dime harrow : grinder ;
wheel -barrows; 1-2 doz. hog trough';
incubator ; washing machine; 2 cut-
ter robes; also following articles
nearly new—eet of single and set
of double driving harness; 3-4 lum-
ber wagon ; 3 buggies : wagonette;
Gladstone buggy.
ibsitively no reserve ns the pro-
prietor has rented his shop.
There will also I e sold at the name
time t good 101 acro farm on lot 17.
Con. 8, iHanahard west honndar•y. 011
the farm there is an up.to-datc
briek htnise and good out buildings;
2 never failing welts one a't the
MEN, you become disheartened
when you feel the symptoms of
Nervous Debility and decline stealing
upon ysu. You haven't the nerve or
ambition you used to have. You
feel you are not the man you ought
to be. You feel like giving up in
despair. You got nervous and weak,
have little ambition, pain in tho
Lack over kidneys, drains at night,
hollow eyes, tired mornings, prefer
to bo alone, distrustful, variable
appetite, looseness of hair, poor cir-
culation—you have Nervous
Debility, Our New Method
Treatment Is your refuge. It.
will strengthen all weak organs,
vitalize the nervous system, purify
the blood and restore you to a man-
ly condition.
Pay When Cured.
Aro you n victim? have you lost Hope? :ire you intending to
marry? alas your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness`
Our New s of
others, t bwillLed enit
do for you. CONSULTATION FItEE. No atter whhas done foro Las treated
you, Write for an honest opinion Froo of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOL'3
FREE—"The Gulden Monitor' (illustrated), on Diseases of (Sen.
C. 0. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question
list and cost of Honest Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
No Honing—
No Grinding
core aio .la). *'
steal is reined Iron—iron without
air, dirt or foreign aubstaate_fiwrez
with carbon. Carbon gives tpugtt•
nets and itrengtho.too much makes'
it brittle and worthlesc.toe lila.
soft and pliable4
'' Steel varies secor4tog to the male,
used, tempering and quality of labor
employed. Uoles' you lime devoted'
all your liple to ate m(actpre yo
kmow the sltsOst kmpoaatissibte task ;
of judging the finished articte,,T•
break' the auricle sad examine the
grain; hammer • and : 41e,,it to note
the quality of labor,tand other'
equally destructive test$ is out of
the question.. There is but one rest
teat for you—take it and it for a
period of time.(
Cutlery steel—such as is used is
making Carbo Magnetic razors—
must be of the finest selected grade
tempered uniformly throughout to a
d+amond•like hardness. Fire, with its
varying temperature, will not do this.
• Thirty 'years of most careful re-
search aid study have shown a way
to add carbon to the Cubo Ms/tactic
rasor steel and mage it un,i�etwilrrt-
througheut the metal by asecree-prev,
ess of Electric Tempering. All egbi
elusive and severe test of the ialahell
blade results in an absolute uaifsrtslty
in the line. and we are thus ens --lel to
.noorid I Iona", guarani* el
every Carbo Magnetic rasor used, ; a
t But telt this MOO honing,' nil
grinding razor In,your own bom44
—or have your barber use it on you.,
Drop ug a postal, or better 711`,
come io and He us and we will giver
you our new propositioo fit barites •
these raters tested without obliga-J
Epp to purchase, together with eur,4
kite booklet Riots OD Shaie1." '
SynopIS 01 Inc C0o0dion NOR WeSi
\1' et en numbered section of Dominion Lands to
,t+skatchewan and Alberta, excepting
ti and 2e, not resentd, may be homesteaded by
any person who is the sole head of a family, or any
tnale over nye. rs of age, to the extent of one -quart
Iter section of Ilio acres, more oriels.
Application for entry: must lie made in person by
the applicant at • Dominion Lands Agency or Bub.
agency for the distnct in which the land Is situate.
i Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an A (en-
ey on certainconditions by the father. mother, son,
daughter brother or sister of an Intending i+ome-
The homesteader 1s required 10 perform ►bI�
homestead duties under one or the following Leans:
vision of the land in each residence
Jrfor the on and coast
(2) A homesteader may if he so desires, }perform
the regnircal residence duties 1. lis ing fanning
on faing
land owned solely by hitn. not less than eighty asst)
acres in extent, In the vicinity of his homestead.
Joint ownership in land will not meet this require-
(3) 1f the father (or mother, If the father Is de.
ceased) of the homesteader has permanent resdenco
on fanning land owned solel ty him, not lees than
eighty (50)) acres in extent, in the vicinity of rhe
homestead, or upon a homestead entered tor by him
in the vicinity, such homesteader may retforn+ his
o•vn residence duties by lit ing w alt the father or
4 The teen "vicinity' In the two preeeedfng
earnitra du 1e defined as meaning not more than
twine miles n adiret liege. eschisi,e of road al.ow.
aures crossed in tha measurement.
6 A homestculer Intending to perform his resi-
dence duties in ae•cordance with the al.ove while
Iia ing with his parents or one farming land owned b7
bimrell t notify the Agent of the distract of suds
Sic months notice In wrinno should he given to
.he i'enmissloner of Dominion Lacots at Ottawa Or
intention to apply for (.'►lent,
Deputy of the Iliniste► of the In'trbr
N. It —Unauthorized priblitation
oftLs advertise
men' Wit, not be paid for
Tne Usborne and Hibbert .O
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
o anGe Gompanu
W. S. Cole, Druggist Head Office, Farquhar, Ont: -
President—.1. L. Its asl•:LI,.
house and the other at the barn 1 ti Vi ce.I'rceid,•nt—P.. II. I'AS14MOIL1
good orcha rde, 40 noes Beetled. The DiNfrCTORN,
farm is ee:t 1. need, •100 rods of wwire
fencing. 'this 1:11111 must L(• ,ri'.1 •ts WM. Roy. Boi►siint.M P. 0
the proprietress leas left the to' '1, ' Wet. Btti►'K WIN('IIKi.HKA P, 0.
Possession ni once. 'terms wwt:; ' T. RYAN. Dunlap; P. 01
made known on flat of sale. 1'0- - ROBERT NORRIS, Blatt:,.
tively no reserve. For fit it her pa:- AGi:N'1'H.
ticul•irs apply In Thos. Cameron.
,inti\ EfiSVIIV, Exntor. Agent fee
TERMS u:l' CHAT"! :.1. -I.,: t.,, ,io•1 )t;ddulph.
$5 Ind smite' cash : over GI it a- Ol.iVElt IiARItIS, \Munro, aseng
motto. 12 .rnnnth'• e: 1011 ,w,:! he tier !libber?. hull'srtoo and Logan.
given on furnishing iipproved joint B. W. F. LIE AVEftb.
notes. 5 per .cent off for.arts on Socy.Treas. Farquhar.
credit amount.. ,
Proprir;o of Ch. ate:
e..'•'..It 1N• •I.1it'IAN A STANPt'lti. °: "'ROMP