HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-27, Page 1• • • vela HURON &M1DDL 'SEX GAZETTE THIRTY-SIXTIH YEAR -No 15+21 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUG 27th 1908, ••••••••••••••♦♦••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• t•ois •••••••••••••••••••••• •MA••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Good News For This Week NEW FALL ---zwit i =DRESS GOODS Dame Fashions has been very kind to us this season in the selection of Our New Fall Dress Fabrics. We have opened up the most complete stock of Fashionable Goods ever shown in Exeter and wish every Lady to see our display. Striped Dress Goods Are the very newest shown for this season. We are showing a good variety of them in all the leading Two toned, Shadowed, Self and 1 -Herringbone stripes. Very nifty. B Plain Cloths Are shown in all the leading colors of 131ack, Blue, Green and Brown and is always one of the best goods for mak- ing up a good serviceable suit. New !Fall Coats All the Latest and Best are shown by this store. \Ve have long been considered the Leader for Ladies' and Childrens' Coats and are bound to keep up our reputation for the same this sea- son. You will find our stock better than ever. Loose or tight fitting coats are both very much the go, in the leading colors of Black, Blue, Green and Brawn. Military Braid trimmings are very much used while others are self stripping and stitching. Come along and see them. We are only too pleased to show our goods. Fur Lined Coats For Ladies and Gents This is the best time of the year to make your choice of a Fur lined coat. The stock is new not picked over. If you need one this year we are in the very best position to supply you, with our mamoth stock of Rat, Squirrel, Hamn� ppater, Kaluga and other good linings at the very lowest prices. We cannot fail to give you the beat of satisfaction. Small Furs Galore Fur Ruffs, Stoles, Muffs, Caps and Coats will be found in abundance. Made from the best Furs in the country. will find it too your advantage to examine our big stock. Poultry Chickens 11, Ducks 8, Hens t3. here You Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••th••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• j''iONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fonds DanonLrm and village properties atlowrs s IntermiMADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors. Main st-IEzeter FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur geon. Successor to A. R. Ram- say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani- mals on most approved princinate. Special attention to dentistry. Uflice at Renisay's old stand on Main street. Night call at Peter 13awden's residence Main street. ERNEST ELLiOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to loan at lowest rates. North West Lands for Sate. Office, Main Street. Exeter BS.l'.il LLiPS, EXETER, LIC • ensed Auctioneer. Sales con ducted in all parts. Terms reasonable Orders can be left at the Thugs OfTIce EJ BOSS ENBERRY, 'ZURICH Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con ducted in all I.arts, Terms reasonabl And satisfaction guaranteed. MONEY TO LOAN 1 We have nnitmIt.xt private funds for loves. 'Int upon farm or village property et towel else or !Merest. DICKSON & CARLING Rzottar ;yv DICKSON & CARLiNG, arrlsters. Solicitors, Notaries. Convef peer• Commis-4,neee, Solicitors tar tbe moI.oes Hank. Xto. lames tc Loan et lowest rate-, of totems% Orr1C1C i -)l AIN STREET, RXIETZR. a, C&ALrtra a. v L. R. moms Mewls Thomas & Nutter Civil Engineer & Architect (Lite Departmrnt ,.1 Put :;r Works, Canada.) lbnsultin,t Eu.in.•r for Municipal and County Mork, E1r tri, ratimv.l., sewerage and wet/more' System Whar.e., Erni;es amt Re•enforced Concrete Phone 2r:n London Ontario DR. 0. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8. D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Uniyereity. OP>rleR:-Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlor,. Bowling The Exeter howlers had a grand time at the Mt. Carmel picnic on Tues- day and are loud in their praises of the excellent treatment accorded them by the Mt. Canoe! players. Two rinks went down and both came through to the finals, and in the play otT which was finished after dark. the rink skip• ped by \V, J. Hearne!' won the trophy a beautiful gold headed cane. As it will be impossible for all the winners to sport the cane, it has been decided that it be played for in competition on the local greens. Messrs. Ileautan and Levett will play Messrs. Hurdon and Dickson and the winning pair will play off for the final possession of the trophy. Following is the result of the •• playing of the Exeter rinks: Exetev N. D. Burdon i \V. 11. Levett L. IL Dickson W. J. Ileatnan Skip 15 ••• •♦ •• •• •• • ii •2 •• •• • i• •• •� • • •• •s 1 ( 1 DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman k Stanbury'e Main street-EXSTRtt. JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un rarity. omoe and residenence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. SOAPS SOAPS SOAPS All Kinds All Prices THE PURITY Woodham Joseph Stephens. a tt ell known and esteemed resident of Woodham, died at his hotne here on Monday. aged 70 year.. 7 months and 2 days. The deceased had been in poor health for some time and his death was not un- ,expeo(cd. Some yen vs ago he 'con- ducted the Woodham hotel. The funeral %vas held Wednesday, inter- ment being in the 'Kirkton Union cemetery. THOUSANDS 01' PIGEONS TO FLY The Dominion Concourse Associat- ion propos.s to let loose 4000 pigeons in front of the Grand Stand at the Canadian National Exhibition, Tor- onto, on ,Children's Day, Sept. Cnd. '''hese pigeons ar efrom all parts of Quebec and Ontario. So many have never born set free at one time be- fore in Canada. and the sight can- not fail to be a most interesting ono. Exeter N. Dyer 'Jordon W. lI. Levett L. 11. Dickson W. J. Seaman Skip 18 Exeter Dr. Sweet Itev. W. M. Martin W. W. '1'amatt F. W. Gladman Skip 10 Exeter Dr. Sweet Rev Martin W. or. Taman 1'. W. Gladman Skip 11 Dashwood 0 Edighoffer J Kellermann E Tieuian W. ('. Miller Skip 111 Crediton T. Mahon S. Brown Dr. KcCtze ('. Bluett Skip 11 Crediton lllorlock Clark Sweitzer Eilher Skip 11 Dashwood Dunlop Hartlei h Skip 1:3 N. D. Hurdan Dr. Sweet. Wm. Levett Rev. Wm. Martin L. 1I. Dickson W, W. Taman W. J. Heiman F. W. Gladman Skip 17 Skip 13 After the result had been made known, the winning rink was invited to the platform, where Pres. N. Dyer Hurdoni in behalf of the Exeter play- ers layers made a neat speech, thanking Rev. Father Forster and those in charge for the excellent entertainment pro- vided. Baseball -An interesting gauze of baseball was played Friday afternoon at the recreation grounds between the Bensall Indians and the Exet t• nine the score being 8 to 2 favor of Exe- ter. Tho aborigines have been put- ting up a good article of frail is the onion town and they. put up a good game here, and bad the pitcher. cat- cher and first baseman reeeived any kind of support the result would have been different. For the first three innings the locals were unable to negotiate any runs and only Baw- den and Hoskin were able to connect with the sphere. The Indians secur- ed one run in tbe first innings but from then till the eighth, they Stere only able to secure three hits off lJatvdeu, and those tame in separate innings, so slid not figure in any run getting. In the eighth they got an- other run, owing ,to a wild pitch. .el the fourth the locals got three ,runs but for the next three in- nings I3eeswax the pitcher for the Indians put 'cm over and refused to let the locals score. In the eighth the boys in maroon got to the ilen- sall twirler and when the dust clear. ed away five runs had crossed the plate. The Indians were put out in one, two. 'three order, ending one of the most interesting games fitlayed here for some time. The home team was strengthened by tbe addition of some of the old time players. Sandy 13awden, Ike Bissett and "Rattler" Eacrett, each of which showed up well in the game. Bandy was there with the stick, out of four limes at bat getting three safe bingles and getting his base on a passed ball on the third strike. Beeswax fo rthe Indians pitched a nice tgame, and had the Exeter Loys guessing moat of the time. Following was the lineup and score. Exeter Indians Manns rf. 1 M. Minion 1 Hoskin c. 1 Beeswax 1 Bissett se. 1 1. Simon 0 Eacrett2b. 1 8. Lageon 0 Stewart If. 1 A. Albert 0 Itendie cf. 1 C. Simon (I Martin 3b. 1 A. Sturgeon 0 Bowden p. 1 A. Shadow 0 Fleming lb. 1 N. Beach 0 Exeter t0039005x -8 Indians I00000010-2 Mr. Geo. E. Anderson refereed the game. Grand Bend i, is beginning to feel like winter here. Mrs. Champainc left for her home in Ilattleford, on Wednesday, after a month's visit here with relatives. Misses Currie and Dobbs left for their home in Parkhill on Sunday evening nfter a two weeks' tvisit with Mr,. W. 18. Oliver. Mr. end Mrs. C. W. Coupland re- turned to their home in St. Marys on Tuesdny after a month's (visit with their sister Mrs. itobert Ham- ilton. -Mr. and Mrs. Standeven and fam- ily of St. Marys leave for their horse to -day Tuesday, after spending the sutntner at Grand 'dent'. Mr. 0 .11. Smith, our Qaopalar blacksmith, is improving nicely. Ile underwent an operation in London some time ago. Threshing is the order of the day here et present. Any person wanting a boat to purchase call on John Sonthcott of 0. 13. he can no doubt furnish them. Mich. (Hamilton and family n re milking preparations for moving out to Vancouver. South Huron Conser• vatives name John Sherritt E x.M P EXETER COUNCIL. Tlhy regular session of the Council of the Village of Exeter seas held in the Town hall on Friday, August • • 21st. Absent, Councillor Knight. The mimics of the meeting held August 701 were read and approved. A letter from the Secretary of the School Board requesting that $2800 be levied for school purposes for the ensuing year, also a card regarding the annual meeting of the Ontario Municipal Association 4o be held itt Toronto the 2nd and 3ril of Septem- ber. Both of which were ordered to be filed. Jas. Creech, sr., asked that the Council re -open 'ti ditch on mill street. Per Fuke-Ileaman - That the Commissioner look up the same and if necessary have it repaired.- 1 Carried. A petition signed by J. 11i. Scutt, \V, Bagshaw, A. Gilley and others asking for a light at the corner of Wellington and William street's': re- ferred to a committee of the Reeve and Councillor •Fuke. They are to report at the next meeting ort mo- tion of Beaman and Johns. -Carried. Per Ileaman-Puke--Owing to the several complaints re -street watering t he commissioner is hereby author- ized to notify Mr. White that the council demand a better service or in future a reduction will be made in weekly payments. -Carried. The committee appointed to look into the condition of the lower drain along Ann street, reported, that the two drains connecting therein are both blocked at the mouth, and they recommend the same to 'be cleared at once. They also find that the creek is badly choaked through the fields of Carling and Gidley estate, also east of Main street through to Al- bert street by trees, grass, coarse weeds, etc., which is allowed to grow. Moved, ask that some action be taken Ito have this corrected. The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid: The Queen - City Oil tCo., -gasoline, $7.77; !.hos. Ifartnoll, balance duo on drain con- tract, $125.02 ; ''hos. White, 2 weeks street watering, ,$28.40. Passed on motion of Johns and Puke. JOS. SENIOR. Clerk . Mr John Sherritt, Ex-M.I'. for North Middlesex was chosen by the Conser- vatives of South 11 uron at the con- vention held in lien s&. 11 'Tuesday to contest the riding against the Liberal dandidate at the approaching general elections for the Commons, A number of names were put in nomination, namely, Hugh Spackman and T. 13. Carling, of Exeter: Thomas Hays and M. Broderick, of Seaforth; John McDonnell, of Hensel!: J. J. Merner and John Williams, 'Zurich: J. McNaughton, t#tanley: Henry Morton, Tuckersinith; (leo. Holman, Egrnond- ville; Rev. Elliot, Goderich and the nominee, Mr. Sherritt. One after another withdrew their names until only Messrs. Sherritt, Bays and Merner were left. These gentlemen allowed their names to go before the convention and on the first ballot Mr. Sherritt was selected, after which he was made the unanimous choice. S1r. Sherritt was the former member for North Middlesex when Exeter and 1 Stephen were in that riding, and in 1900 he defeated Valentine Itatz the present member for North Middlesex by 213 votes. At that time Exeter gave Mr. Sherritt a majority, of 11)1 while Stephen gave Ratz majority of 19, leaping Mr. Sherritt with a majority of 90 in two municipalities, which at the Bye -election held in Jan- uary, gave Mr. Horton a majority of Locals -Mr. Mart Salter is attending .the Grand Lodge meeting of the 1.0.F. being held in London this week. Thos. -Acheson of the Cent- ral is improving the interior of his hotel by putting in air pressure pumps and a new washroom. -Mrs. W. D. Clarke gave a tea to a number of friends yesterday afternoon in honor of her mother- in-law Mrs. 31. C. Clarke, of Hamil- ton. We are glad to be able to state that Mr. ,Thos. Gregory, who has been so seriously ill for nearly three weeks, is now showing signs of im- provement. m- provement. a -The outside woodwork of the Main street Methodist church is be- ing re -painted and ndditions made to thebuildingsmall. spires at the top of the On Tuesday iwhile John Tinney, of the Fifth concession of Hay, was giving his Cattle some salt. the ani- mals knocked him down and tramp- ling pn him, fractured and dislocat- ed his thigh. Dr. Browning iwas Balled and attended the injured man. -The following were successful in winning the prizes offered by the Purity for their guessing contest: 1 T. Ilriggs Farquhar, 2 R. N. Rowe. 3 Garvey Acheson, 4 Loney Heywood 0 Miss C. Prior, 7 Truman Elliott, 8 A. iF. Bennett, Parkhill, 9 Miss A. Heideman, 10 A. Colvert, 11 W. F. Down. 12 Wilfrid Stewart. !POPULAR SCHOOLS It means something to a young lady or gentleman, to be a grad- uate of Canada's Greatest Chain of high-grade ;Modern Actual Busi- ness Schools, situated at Clinton Wingham, Petecboro, Goderich, Walkerton and 'Orangeville. Our Employment Department places stud- ents itnmcdiately upon graduation. The only Colleges west of Toronto putting Loose Leaf Ledgers. Bill and Charge card Systems. and all modern appliances in , hands of students, assuring rapid promotion and high- est salaries. Over five hundred lead- ing Business houses state that our graduates are thoroughly grounded. We get loan to bed -rock founda- tions of living business principles, hence the demand for our product makes us the largest trainers of Stenographers. Bookkeepers, aitd Telegraphers in Ontario. A large number of our graduates are engag- ed as teachers by other Colleges. We have Mail Courses, in any Business School subjects, for those who can- not attend. The Clinton Business College re -opens Sept. 1st. and those who enroll .will never be found in the ranks of thc unemployed. Stud- ents from almost every county in Ontario, and many front British Col- umbia. Manitoba, a /Saskatchewan. New Brunswick, England, Scotland, Sweden and West Indies, nttended our Chain last year. The Western Fair from the stand- point of an agricultural Exhibition is growing in favor year by year. The management are doing their ut- mos t to make it seceessful along these liner. A large atnontit of motley h is 1 .-en expended this year on horso 1it its, a new one having been built. thus making plenty of accommodation for all. Encouraged by the splendid exhibit of ponies+ last year Ole prize list has leen adjust- ed in this department atirl a fine ex- hibit is looked for thin year. in the cattle department a milking con- test has .been added when ;50.00 will bo given in three prizes and also silver medal for the winners in this elass. The Prize List in the other live stock departments has been care- fully revised. Single entries thrive been given in the pigeon class. and a study of the list thronghont will prove that the intervets of Live Stock exhibitors have been well at- :endcd to. in 1Ite Dairy Department s new seeTon has been added for beet collection of cheese. The butter making competition will again be a Bears the centre of altriction. Mhile cream separators will be in actual operate! 816nstars ion in the Dairy building, of Huron Mr. D. L. Macpherson has been ap- pointed treasurer of the town of Clinton. succeeding Captain McTag- gart, resigned. All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver PIlls. No pain, griping or discomfort attend- ing their use. Try them. :Mr. G. A .McKee, P,, A., a former Classical 3laster of Clinton and Lon- don Collegiatea, has been appointed stiperviser of schools in Stratbcona, Alta., also Classical Master in their University. Strathcona is not far from Edmonton and is a University city, and the appointment is an im- portant one, as a choice for Deputy Minister of Education is frequent- ly made from the Province Univer. sity, and it is said that Mr. McKee has already been interviewed with n view of making him Deputy ,Min- ister of Education for the 'Province of Alberta. It you had taken two of Carter's Littlo Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated ton- gue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional use. Mr. William F. Burger'', son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Jurgen!, of Egmondviile, died last friday ;afternoon after a lingering illness. He had undergone three critical operations in Toronto General Ylospital within the last eight months, end eight weeks he - fore his death, he was brought to his father's home, twhere he suffered in- tensely 11110! the end came. A11 that could possibly be done to alleviate his suffering was done for hint. Ile bore the pain with calm christian patience and resignation to the will of God. Ile was a young man of ex- cellent parts a general favorite with all who knew him. Another of KIM old residents of Goderich was 'buried Monday after- noon, in the person of Strs. William Cunningham, whose death took place on Friday last. The deceased lacked Tess than a month of being 88 years of age. She was born in the County of Northumberland, and in 1843 was married there. About forty /Years ago they /came to Colborne Town- ship and resided there until 1 wenty- five or twenty-six years ago. then they moved so Goderich, for a num- her of years residing on the Huron road, just outside the town. i•'or the past 51 years Mee. Cunningham had lived in Goderich, her husband predeceasing her by about e:even years. Eight children survive. The funeral services mere conduced ily Rev. Dr. Dougall. pastor of North etrcet Methodist church. lf there ever was a specific for any one complaint then Carter's Little Liver ''ills ate a Specific for sick headache and every woman should know this. 0 tly one pill a Mose. Try them. DiED STEPIfENS.-in Woodham, Monday. August 2011, Jos; ph atePhens. aged 70 year?. i!ANDFO1tD.-At Fullesv:lac, Alan., August 13th, Caleb 'landlord. for- merly of Exeter, aged 51 years. \VF.ir.-fit London, ,August 11811 19US Henry Wein former ly of Cred- iton Age•l 27 ''ears. 2 !Menthe, 23 hays. c� .11‘. ,t3 P Co I . .AL. 1'e K ' Y') N' ht )'),aft BJultp IZew $1.00 per year in advance fur re•stuining and finishing Furniture, Wood. work and Floors They can du the work themselves with excellent results HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE T. Hawkins & Son Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc. We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof. ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town, T. KAWKINS & SON The Call of Summer is for new styles in clothing. We have the latest in all fabrics and our workmanship needs no comment. We always have the best available Our Suits are the best value we have ever offered in Exeter. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario CANADIAN NATIONAL kind. 29 EXHIBITION Sept. 14 TORONTO Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World Every Province Sends its Products $100,000.00 In Prizes and Attractions Mammoth Massed Band Concerts Grand Art Loan Collection From the Paris Salon and other Old•N'orld (iallerfes. iateraatlonal Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle • The Siege of Sebastopol With 900 Performers. International Dog Show International Cat Show 8'000 Live Stock on View FM ►rte• Lists, Emir, Slags .•1 mil I•foraelie• • d,str 1. 0. 011. Vossfor. Cir, alt, r•ree• CHEAP FARES FROM EVERYWHERE )11'1,1. FOIL SEiRVICE-COWS FOR SALE iluioats King. No. 90142,, American .iersey Cattle Club. for service at the undersigned stables. Service fee $2.00 for registered cows ;11.50 for grates. Three exceptionally good Jersey cows for sale. Must be sold to make room for other stock. JAMES iJNSWORTIT Manager of Jersey Stock Farm Lumley P. 0. Ont. Toronto, Westenh 19. Exeter. Sept 21 led 22. St. Marys, 8tpt. 23 and 1Zirktott Oct 1 and 2. FAi.L FAIRS 4101'SE AND LOT FOR SALT: That house and lot at the corner of Albert and .lame astreets, belong- ing to the Sovereign Bank. For terms and particulars apply to Can- adian Bank of Commerce, Exeter. Farm for Sale 1-1 mile south of Centrali.t, con- taining 113 acres. prick dwelling 3 barns, one of which has basement stables. One acre orchard. three ""'"m"" never tailing wells: two windmills. The soli is a -clay loam. Is clean of weeds, well underdrainrd and in 1st 11 fo Claes state of cultivation. For terms etc., apply to R. Picks,. Centralia. ntra1 n Miss Aggie Hepburn visited friteda n Exeter on Sunday. August 31 to Sept Fair, London. Sept S1.