HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-20, Page 6THE BABY'S DEVELOPMENT.
A baby in a family, especially the
brat baby, is a source of unending
entertainment. Nothing is more
delightful than to watch the gra-
dually increasing signs of intelli-
gence as the special senses develop
one after the other, and to sec the
mind unfold as the body enlarges
and grows apace.
The first of the senses to be de-
veloped is that of touch. This is
present at birth, although it is not
very acute. But it rapidly increas-
er:, and very soon the crying and
fretting of the baby. if a pin
scratches or the clothing presses
unduly in any part, afford ample
proof that this sense is well devel-
Taste and smell aro prerent ear-
ly, but do not become at all acute
or discriminating until after infancy
is past.
Infants are not born v:ith their
(yea shut, but they Wright as well
be, for they are as blind as kittens.
They appear to distinguish between
daylight and darkness, and a child
a few weeks old is evidently inter-
ested when a bright object is moved
before his eyes, but it is two or
three months before the child evi-
dently recognizes a face—even its
mother's. This is through no fault
of the eyes, but is due to the fact
that the brain is not sufficiently de-
veloped to record and interpret
what the eyes sec.
The new-born child is deaf as well
as blind, but usually notices loud
noises by the middle or end of the
second week. The direction from
which a sound comes seems to be
recognized about the end of the
third month. It is some time after
that—anywhere from two weeks to
two months later—before the baby
can distinguish different sounds or
recognize its mother's voice. Babies
like noises, if they are not too loud
yr ton sudden, and they are parti-
cularly pleased with rattling or
jingling sounds, especially if they
are more or less rhythmic.
By the end of the first half-year
an infant will show pleasure on
hearing nusEe, especially singing,
although humming_ on a few notes
will usually give it as much plea-
sure apparently as actual singing.
A child's movements at first are
without significance or reason, and
its kicking, clinching of fists and
slaking faces seem to be nierely in-
stinctive exercise of its new mus-
cles, just as its crying serves to ex-
pand its Lungs. Other motions are
reflex or instinctive, and purpose-
ful muscular movements are of
course not made until the brain is
sufficiently developed to order
them.—Youth's Companion.
One of the most convenient arti-
cles to be used in a sick -room is a
sand bag. Get some clean, fine
sand ; dry it thoroughly in a pan
en the stove. Make a bag about
eight inches square, or flannel, fill
it with dry sand, sew tho opening
carefully together, and cover the
bag with cotton or linen. This will
prevent the sand from sifting out,
and will also enable you to heat
the bag quickly by placing it in the
oven or even on the top of the
stove. After once using this you
will never attempt to warm the
feet or hands of a sick person with
a bottle or hot water or a brick.
The sand holds the heat a long time
and the bag can be tucked up to
the buck without hurting the inva-
lid. It is a good plan to make two
or three of the bags and keep them
on hand, ready for use at any time
when needed.
Don't over exercise.
Sleep all you can.
Don't worry, hurry, or get in a
Don't lose your temper or let
tidies irritate you.
Eat freely of flesh -making foods,
but not enough to ruin your diges-
tion. which means greater angu-
Drink at your meals and take
plenty of water, as well as cocoa,
chocolate and milk.
Avoid pickles, acids, salt meats
os fish.
Rest frequently, keep in the open
ail and sleep in well -ventilated
Learn to dress to conceal your
defects. You may think it is hard
to do, but, it isn't a circumstance
to the trouble your stout sister has
tc mask her flesh.
if it is necessary t:, use iodine for
Fainting the skin in medical treat-
ment it is worth remembering that
the painting should be done in the
(lark or in a red light such as is
used in photography. If this is
done and the painted portion of the
skin be covered without being ex-
posed to white light it will not blis-
ter nor stain the flesh even if the
painting is rcpcatttd a gond many
4h -
A fatted calf has no love for a
prodigal sun.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restored
Strength After Medical Treat-
ment Had Failed.
"I can truthfully. say Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink l'ills dict for me what
one of the best doctors in Halifax
failed to du --restored my health."
This strong statement is made by
Mr. \1'm. J. Weaver, 172 Argyle
street, Halifax. Mr. Weaver adds :
"A few years ago I took employ-
ment in a large factory as fireman.
I knew the work would bo hard, and
friends told me I would never
stand it, but as I was a strong Irian,
weighing 160 pounds, I laughed at
the idea of not being able to do the
work. Anyhow I started and found
the job a hard one indeed. There
were a number of firemen employ-
ed and men were taking and quit
ting the job every few days. I
kept at the work for two years and
during that time lost 50 pounds
weight, and was a broken down
man. I could not take my meals
and often took my dinner back
home with me without touching it.
When I would bo working on the
night shift I could not sleep in the
day time, and this added to my
trouble. Finally I became a total
wreck and had to quit the work. I
could hardly drag myself about,
and yet had become so nervous that
I could not sit still and would
walk about the house until I was
ready to drop. The doctor came
to see me every day, and changed
the medicine time and again, but
it did me no good. Finally he
wanted me to go to the hospital,
and at this stage a friend cane to
stay with me overnight. While he
was reading the evening paper he
came across the testimonial of a
cure wrought by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. He said, 'why don't
you try them, nothing else is help-
ing you and they may do you good.'
He went out and got me a box at
once. When this was done I got a
half dozen boxes, and before they
were all gone I began to feel like a
new man. I continued using the
pills for a couple of months when
I was again as well and as strong
as ever I had been in my life, and
1 have not seen a sick day since. I
feel confident there is no remedy
in the world equal to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for building up a broken
down and nervous system, and for
such trouble I would strongly re-
commend them."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill cure such
cases as Mr. Weaver's because they
make the rich, red, blood that feeds
the starved nerves and tones and
strengthens every part of the body.
That is why they cure anaemia,
rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia,
St. Vitus dance, paralysis and
ether troubles due to bad blood and
shattered nerves. Sold by all me-
dicine dealers or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
front The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Dorothy, aged 5, who had been
very ill, was much impressed with
the wisdom of the family physician.
"Why, mamma," she said one day,
"if I wanted to die I couldn't,
'cause Dr. Blank wouldn't let me."
A Sound Stomach Means a Clear
Head.—The high pressure of a nerv-
ous life which business men of the
present day are constrained to live
make draughts upon their vitality
highly detrimental to their health.
It is only by the most careful treat-
ment that they are able to keep
themselves alert and active in their
various callings, many of thein
know the value of Parmelee's Ve-
getable Pills in regulating the sto-
mach and consequently keeping the
head clear.
Coal Merchant (anxiously) —
"Hold on 1 That load hasn't been
weighed. It looks to me a trifle
large fur a ton." Driver—"'Tain't
intended for a ton. It's two tons."
Coal ttierchant—"l3eg pardon. Go
Used according to directions, Dr.
J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
will afford relief in the most acute
fern) of summer complaint. When-
ever the attack manifests itself no
tune Should be lost in seeking the
aid of the Cordial. It will act im-
mediately on the stomach and in-
testines and ally the irritation and
pain. A trial of it will convince
anyone of the truth of these asser-
In a recent campaign of the
French in Madagascar 14,000 men
were sent to the front, of whom 20
were killed in action, and over 7,-
000 perish: d from preventable dis-
ease. In the Boer war the English
losses were ten times greater from
disease than from bullets.
Black Watch
Black PIES
The ChewingTobacco
of Quaity.
SUTHERLAND SISTERS are you sura that occurrence
A little more grey' in the lesseningl
hair 7 SCALP CLEANERwas on the seventeenth of the
Each day as the years go by ; k the only Dandruff Cure. For I Month I- asked the law)er, in a tone
which seemed to imply that cer-
tainty upon such a point whit almost
beyond the reach of the human in-
"les," said the undismayed
youth, who was being cross-examin-
ed, "it was the seventeenth."
"Now, remember," continued the
lawyer, with increasing solemnity- -
"remember, you arc under oath.
How do you kuuw it was the seven-
teenth t"
"Because the day before—"
"Be careful what you say, now.
Go on."
"Because the day before was the
sixteenth and the day after was the
A little more stooping in the furin,
A little more dint in the eye.
A little more faltering of the step
As we tread life's pathway o'er,
And a little nearer every day
To the ones who have guns before.
.\ little more halting of the gait,
And a dulness of the ear ;
A growing weariness of the frame
With each swift passing year.
A fading of hopes and ambitions,
A faltering in life's quest,
And a little nearer every day
To a sweet and peaceful rest.
A little more loneliness in life,
As the dear ones pass away ;
A bigger claim on the heavenly land
With every passing day.
A little farther from toil and care,
A little less way to roans ;
A drawing near to a joyful hope,
And a happy welcome home.
Dowager Empress of Russia Twice
Saved Ihlsbaad's Life.
The reported discovery of the
Czarina of a "Terrorist death sen-
tence" lying on the bed of her
sleeping son recalls two similarly
tragic episodes in the life of her
mother-in-law, the Dowager Em-
press. On one occasion she found
on her husband's dressing -table a
curious and unfamiliar jewel case,
and, on picking it up to examine
it more closely, was both surprised
and alarmed at its weight. Hur-
rying with it to her own room, she
plunged it into a basin of water,
and summoned the Prefect of Po-
lice, who pronounced the innocent -
looking jewel case a bomb of a par-
ticularly deadly type. On another
occasion, on entering Alexander's
study, the Czarina fancied she
heard a slight rustling sound be-
hind the window curtains. With a
rare presence of mind she took her
husband away under pretext of
bidding his children "good -night"
in the nursery. On leaving the
room she locked the door and gave
the key to a party of soldiers, who
on entering and examining the
study, made the startling discovery
that some one had made his escape
through the window.
"Please pass me the salt," said
the first boarder.
"Salt shouldn't be taken with this
course," said the second boarder.
"I know it. I'm not taking it with
this course. I'm taking it with your
last remark."
The Olympia Games
Has been selected as the only Beef
preparation to be sold at the
Throughout the whole world there
is only y on BOVRIL. Don't take
a substitute.
G. E. LARNER, winner of the
3'00 met. es walking championship,
The 2,000 metres tandem bicycle
race, July 29, was won by A. Schil-
les and A. Auffray. Read what they
say :
"Bovril is the best. food for train-
ing that I have ever used."
(Signed) A. SCHILLES.
"Bovril is excellent for athletes
and I use it exclusively."
(Signed) A. AUFFRAY.
BOVRIL gives strength to the
weak and maintains the strength
of the strong.
It doesn't pay to borrow trouble
even on a friend's account.
Children whe are Pate and dpeevish wan so i.
thing that w ill make goo
nothing to equal " Ferrovim" for this purpose.
Ilotbers, be sure to get a bottle
Folks who make a lot of fuss over
their faith would be more convincing
if they simply would express it in
terms of friendship.
Teas come and go, but the tea
that always stays, always leads, al-
ways absolutely pure, always the
beat in quality is "S ser'."
Shampooing it has no equal. Sold by all
ail druggistry sot', or sent postpaid from
the Seven Sutherland Sisters, 179 King
St., Toronto, ea receipt of price.
The Toronto Exhibition
of Hair Goods will be made by Prof.
Pember at his new store,
Switches from $2.50 to) $25.50,
Pompadour Bangs ;Brum $6.50 up,
and Wigs and Toupees from 826.00
to $50.110. Write for catalogue.
Sixty or seventy chews to every
bite of food is what we ought to
give ; instead of that, we scurry
through oar meals. we bite our
food and hastily swallow it with the
help of a mouthful ''f water or other
fluid, and what is the result of this?
First there is indigestion, from the
stomach receiving improperly
chewed food ; secondly, all the evils
which follow indigestion—namely,
muddy complexion. red nose, and
lustreless eyes. Then the teeth suf-
fer from lack of use. The teeth are
meant for chewing the food, and
if not used for that purpose for
I.;t i► Nature intended them will
i 1, Note how much one's
1 upon chewing one's
Young Son—"Say, paw, when it
rains hard, does the rain go into the
cistern I"
l'aw—" Yes, my son, of course."
Young Son—" Well, then, how
does it come to be soft water t"
Paw—"You go on t' bed."
Home Employment for Ladies
Such as any lady can do and en-
joy. Any lady who wishes, and
sees this advertisement may, If she
writes soon, secure this opportun-
ity to be independent, earning a
good living in a very easy manner.
Work any lady can do.
For particulars address
Correspondence Department.
Windsor, Out.
Affable Barber—''You'rq very
bald on top, sir." Self-conscious
Customer (much annoyer.)—' W hat
if I am 'I You needn't talk so much.
How about that squint of yours?"
A Lifo Annuity of FIFTY-TWO
DOLLARS is offered by the
ORANGE MEAT people to the one
sending in the largest number ')f
bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack-
ages before May 31. 1909. This
means that the winner will receive
One Dollar EVERY WEEK, or
as long as he or she lives, or they
can exchange it for a CASH I'ItIZE
Besides the above there is a sec -
end Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes
as follows:—
Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY
Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL-
LARS each.
Twenty Cash Prizes of FIVE
DOLLARS each, and ONE HUN-
DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL -
LA It each.
The only condition attached is
that you cut out the bottoms of the
ORANGE MEAT packages and
send them in to ORANGE MEAT,
Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo
package counts equal to Three of
the smaller size. You should be
able to win o: of the above prizes
i` you start immediately and get
your friends to help you. Send
your narne and address to
ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TC -
DAY, and state that you are en-
tering the contest. It is surely
worth trying for.
A talking machine is all right if
it does not talk machine politics.
One trial of Mother Graves'
Hard and soft corns cannot with- Worm Exterminator will convince
stand Holloway's Corn Cure ; it is you that it. has no equal as a worm
medicineBuy a bottle and see if
effectual every time. Oct a bottle it, does not pleas^_ you.
at once and be happy.-
Peggy—"\Vas that P'liceman ever
a little baby, mother?" Mother—
"Why, yes, dear." Peggy (Thought-
fully)—"I don't believe I've ever
seen a baby p'liceman."
Lingering. stubborn old sores are erased from
blood -Mal to
blooaver's Grate. d -cleansing 1s completed with Whe ear.r'sSyrup•
The Professor—"I want you child-
ren to go to my lecture to -night."
Hobert—"Couldn't you whip us in-
stead, just this once, papal"
Known to Thousands.—Parme-
lce's Vegetable Pills regulate the
notion of the secretions, purify the
blood and keep the stomach and
bowels free from deleterioua mat-
ter. Taken according to direction
they will overcome dyspepsia, era-
dicate biliousness, and leave the di-
gestive organs healthy and strong
to perform their functions. Their
merits are well-known to thou-
sands who know by experience how
beneficial they are in giving tone
to the system.
Little Harold—"Papa, did Solo-
mon have 700 wives t"
Papa—"I believe he did, my son."
Little Harold—"Was he the man
who said, 'Give me ..oerty or give
me death' t"
A Soothing Oil.—To throw oil up-
on the troubled waters means to
subdue to calmness the most bois-
terous sea. To apply Dr. Thomas'
Eclectrie Oil to the troubled body
when it is racked with' pain means
speedy subjugation of the most re-
fractory elements. It cures pain,
heals bruises, takes the fire froth
hums. and as a general household
medicine is useful in matt(• ailments.
it is worth much.
Father—"Got a fall, did you T
Well, 1 hope you didn't cry like a
Son—"No, dad, 1 didn't cry. 1
just said one word --the same as
you'd have said'"
E NO. $3—OS.
Stocks, Bones, Debentures
and Real Estate.
Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stocks 01
Canada and United States.
Orders e:oouted with promptness. Corres-
pondence solicited.
121 to S27 Traders Sank Sultdirg, Toronto, Ont
We can call you the bort ,vhet,t lauds in
Saskatchewan from 19,e0 pe: acre upward
on oacy Dorms. W. defray all e:penees ul
your inspection. Marlin us for infon'utliun.
J. H. w'ILf.OL'(1nnY CO., Ltd.
Real Estate and Financial Brutes,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Ivory packet
will k111
doors Slime than
O00 shoots
at sticky paper
— SOLD tY --
40s. par p►oket, ora paok•ts for 2Sa
will last a whole **soon.
Wtswww awwwwwlas
2ihe 'OM Piano
Bell Organs aro
also world famed
Send for Pres Cat slog
_ No. 76 to
iBe Bell PI0no and Orcon co., Ila., Gueipll,.Oni
For Fins Desks
And interior woodwork
Library Bureau quality is
standard. Our new factory
at Ottawa is now in full
operation and is turning
out the best interior wood-
work, desks and filing cab-
inets made on the contin-
If you are interested in
High Grade Woodwork we
will send catalogs free of
charge on application.
Library Bureau of Canada
" I thought 1 inust go on suffering from
piles until 1 died : but Lam -Duk cured
we." Gays lt.s, E. seed, ul Steecburg, 0ot., and
adds: ' 1 war w waakaaed that 1 wuid barfly
e .a about, and a little work caused me great
agony. Tba !beard of this grand balsa, and 1
au thankful to say that it bac cured ma."
Zu•Buk also curet cats, burns, to ui.es, st;lr. at.,
eczema, aka's, .baled plans, rare feet, forth red
skin patches, m.d all skin injuries and t4.easrs.
Druggists and stoles at sok, a boa, a Z.61.1 -bale
Ca..'l o on,o. g bus (er $'.ss.
Dpstng 1 Cloanln ; t
res the tee, Mases/ SW cwt 6. Oa
Lar w .N6 ka row tows. w see/ Wer
likiateesloT.roato. Ottawa, Qaabaa,
The Mild Climate of Virginia
offers splendid '•I'F••rtuuilies for stork raising,
fruit gra w1 , , au,t.. mut general farming.
Winters are short. l'IItuate I:a.s!thlul 1-unl
``tool and selling below its value tui Inert..•u.g
in value each tear. klauy ('an,.liaut are Itsiu,s
in Ylrglola. write for information 1,
U. W. KOIN►:It.
Commissioner of A ricu11 ate,
ichmuud, Va.
how much money he amid sass by using a
palrbanks•orsoJack-of-all-Trades Uasollne Ka-
gtuo to saw wood. pump water. grind feed, dre.,
w. would not be able to supply the demand.
Cut this ad. out and send to US to•day, and we
will send you our fres catalogue.
The Canadian Falrbaake Ca, Limited, Tomato, Oat
Huntrsal, Winnipeg, Vancouver.
PUl00eiTY [Yiei tt
Rent thr.ngh t aosI a+ ase -e7 P.rman.•�
('ole, sot only tamperer) rete n
for Aeor
(Weasel, Sp .'i -y, ripsaws. at. V..• u,' 1...1 •
Debility, E,teau.t:oa. Y•.toded ltlil'
DR. N. U KLUNL, Ltd,
141 Arch St., PANa4slphlai
All prices and styles from Si s 40 to
$2.40. Write for fiee catalogue.
284 Tongs Street, Toronto.
Agents wanted in every town.
Bonds and Stocks Bought
and Sold on all all Exchanges
Correspondents - Chas. stead !Q Co., I'lembers
New York and Boston Stock Exchr ages.
For Neura;gia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
LYMAN ItnOS. ft CO., Toronto and Montrea); LYMAN KNOX it
John Wanless tit Co., Toronto's oldest and most
reliable Jewellers have disposed of their warehouse and will
sell out the whole of their immense stock by October 1 st.
Unheard of bargains are being offered in Watches, Rings,
silverware, Clocks and so forth.
You Should Get some of Them
(No Personal Liability)
Authorized Capital, - $4,000,000.00
Directors—President, Arthur Dinnis, contractor, Toronto;
Vice -President, A. S. Wigmore, Manager Holmes Electric &
Protection Co., Toronto ; Secretary -Treasurer. Frrd Armstrong,
contractor, Toronto ; F. II. Herbert, architect and engineer,
Toronto; J. C. Holtby, contractor, Toronto ; George Duthie.,
manager hoofers' Supply Cu., Toronto; .1. 11. Tighe, L iner,
Larder City.
Bankers—The Crown Bank. Toronto.
Auditor—Henry B.rbcr, T+.rt,nto.
The property consists of .A 40a(re claims immediat ly ad-
joining the now famous Har ria s1axttoll and upon the mine
amount of development should prove equally as good.
100,000 shares are now offered to the public at 15 rents per
share. Do not lose this golden opportunity of investing in one
of the most promising properties in the di::trict. For full par-
ticulars apply to
No. 8 Colbor ne Street, Toronto.
rte—' -- _ 's