HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-20, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, AUG 0th19us CREDITON NEWS Zwicker's, Crediton AUGUST SPECIALS We have just opened out several shipments of Ready made Clothing. Early Fall deliverly, comprising of Men's Youth's and Children's Suits. Which we offer at special prices. You will find our Stock of ready to wear goodb larger than ever. Men's all Wool English and Scotch Tweed Suits, good linnings, good work- manship. latest styles, natty patterns for - - $7.50 to 10.00 Children's Tweed and Serge :3 peice Knicker suit from • $2.50 to 5,00 Boy's Norfolk Suits all wool Tweedy, single and double breaste styles frons - - - -- $2.0f. 3.500 Now is the time to secure a bargain on Carpets, Linoleutu, Oil Cloth, or a plrettyTapresty Hug. We are showing some extra good quality rugs, sizes 3x:3 :fix 1 4x4 •fix i+l call and see then). i Crediton 1 11,•1,1. Wein, 44110 %US killed by 1 the falling floors during lite fire in 1 Westm,ii's hardware store in Lon- , dun on Ttie,'lay was a former Credi- ton boy, having been bora here. •Ile i was auout ;27 years of age, wit.; un- worried :tall lived with Wks sister and brother-in-law on Bathurst Street, London.Be )eearee a mem- ber of the London fire department about [two years ago. DASKWOOD NEWS t Lo 1 f 1 Dashwood tBargains! The ball game which %Yes +pllaycti M. Moses llst, of town anti Jit,J. 1. Goetz left Tues,: ►y fur Bargains! I,cts►celt the :Brownies and Lucas On 'Vu: ,z, of •Michig.,n spent lloud:,y :t j tj 4vt eks' visit with fronds in !'ridgy hit svgs very rxcitin) from at t h Iic nil• tit r :ttford. 'rnyistock, Berlin and W e will offer the aO110��•ltlt► �• the outset, the scute heiug G to 1 in' J1,•„t,. llto) 3i1,1 ]lorry 13t•11,1,•r, of t•+t•hrin',wdi.ne r to clear at glerlt.11' 1t'(IItCE'd prices favor of the Brownies. '!'here were i Zurich spent Sunday and ;]outlay in M. 'George Powell and Miss 1 to - I3oy b tiututttet Blouse Suits, ii1 cents and up, wane' interesting _sidelights. The } to4w1►. Stens odd Summer Coots at cost, k Bert (Clark, was lust •pie Si►cll, of i•:xeter, visite]] �4itli lir. Bo b and Youth's st'eyre- caper. 1I r. yea. , of lurich. spent 1). 'I'ietuatt user Sunday. t YSuiten tet, broken lot t 1.3 off. once, but later s►•:ty Tomtit borrow- i a few clays in town during the week. Mr. and 'ors. Geo. .Me flier have Remnants in thy Goods, .11uylius, Prints, at and under cost. Pig urore !pencils. 'There %vete many Mr. 11. ('. Chit k, of the Royal, Las the sympathy of the entire co►urmtn-' Balance of Linnen hats at cost, swift, close and brilliant ]+lays made received a nice set of bowls and can g Wo also C.AIiy a full line Of OOHS lust now in (1e111'lll( sty in the death of their bright sort• that ,,,re trot recorded ("eying to the be seen bowling u,•arly every clay. Wert!, . who died last Thursday, af- J .l 1 such as exciteW..Jit. In baseball nye have not 1 S:lrn thinks Ire •a►n he it !,int, but tor suffering from acute Bright's j Dinner Sets, Otici Dishes, Cider ttnd N�'i►ite ‘‘'tttt• ti ol►1y' "fair” ut cycle' profession, f)ut i what about t he chccker,d eVela the members are of many VO. Two ritik5 of Credite,n l;uas'lers iu- catiotts. Take for instance "Sjecky" tend playing 'Zurich this week. who is one of our hustling business i'Ir. ['has. F inkbeincr, who has been boys, carpenter. Specky says he can't in St. Austin for the last four years quite harmonize stealing with sound was ;a visitor in toss's last week. business pieiciplcs, nevertheless f.t Charlie is the same ohl boy. has fallen to his lot to act as sub on the regular nine. .lsccky is a thorough enthusiast, very consistent in practice and determined to make __ a hit some day. Watch hint. It be- til r hoes;• •l. rand ;SI Shipka Muslins, Dress Goods, Linens etc. We are clearing out many lines to make rotn,•4 :r0 interesting study. to (watch '. k, I . visiting for fall shi )rnents of these goods. t 1-•' .- ••ut' i Ice in the !)1'o ogress of garten, of "little Crack, ore sisitit,t► 1 fi fi 11 r. C. 'Baumgarten. ' the t; . ‘..hen the ball makes a tiles: J. Net.... a 1 son •(;orlon, of dull thud as it spins into the glove Detroit, are vititi just an eighth of a eecond before the' ' at the Lorne of lucky batter imagines he has made ' r. A. C'atttp{1c11 the iuiti:ti foal ill safety, Governor's 1 `� 'l'1iet svedtliit toek place at face wears a smile as big as the full the (,orhe,t l,arson4tt•e last �lou,lay moon. When he happens to teak + e'v'1 .'i ' when Miss Lillian Smith ttwas REMNANTS—We have also for sale this month a great many remnants o spring and summer goads, which we intend to clear regardless of cost. GENTS FL'RN ISIIIF(IS--\Ve aim to keep our stock in this line complete with all the latest goods. Now is the time to secure a nice Sailor Hat cheap. «'e have just received a shipment of Shirts, the latest New York patterns, also Ties, Collars, unlined Kid Gloves, etc. Our prices are reasonable. You will find our stork is well assorted with seasonable goods, Our Grocery Stock is always Clean and Fresh. Also highest prices paid for Futter, Eggs, Wool, and all Farm produce We handle Gold Medal, and Plymouth Special Binder Twin e. Dinner -ware, China, Crockery, and Glassware. This month we are offering (1-1)7 peice Dinner Sets lovely patterns for $0.50 per set regular price $l2.50. It will pay you to see then) before buying, We will pay for this weeks delivery for Live Chickens (weighing not less than 211hs) 1.x08 hatch 12 cents per pound. Hens 0cents per p,5 and live weight. We intents shiping fowl each week through A Call Solicited the CHAS. season, ZWICKER As You sew so Shall You Reap 4 We are constantly seeing on the best clothe stoney can buy. We are reaping satisfied customers. Natural isn't it? When we sow our advertise- ment in the newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat. trousers, overcoat or whatever the add. might suggest, wo include the best of everything in that suit, the hest cloth, the best linings, the best paddings. the beat thread, etc. as well as the best of our ability in cutting. fitting and making. Shouldn't we reap our reward: This add is sowed to reap you as one of our custotuers. When you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, Fancy Vest, let this add lead you to our shop where we can prove to you that we live, tip to our word. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON BROWN'S ANNOUNCEM EN On Specials to Aug. 31 We have hut a limited quantity of White NVaists, Under- skirts and Corset Covers and in order to clear them ofi:, are offering them at a '2.i per cent discount. In the past ttvo weeks our White Goods and :tluslin:s, black and colorer and Cotton Voiles have been nearly all cleared out. See the few that are left and secure a l'argain. Ladies' Waterproof Coats Also offering five Ladies' Waterproof Coate. light in color, just the thing for autumn wear, Regular $8.00 for $5.34). New Dress Goods Just arrived and in opening then] u�1 they anything Oyer shown before. A11 the newest fabrics and colors at right prices are in Ottr selection. A9 you are aware this is the Dress Goods ',tore of Crediton you may depend we have something to please everyone. ('otne and see tate variety. Our Grocery Stack is always Fresh and Prices the Lowest. 11 41(1 surpass we bare PEACHES AND PLUMS Arriving inside a week direct from the growers in the Niagara district. Buyers of Live Poultry, Alsyke, 'fitnothy and Clover Seeds and outer Produce ..all,,,,,c,,.,, S. BROWN TheKirkton Hardware Store Wants for the Summer Months Paris Green, Binder' Twine, of the following brands Plymouth Special, Salmon Tag, Silver Sheaf Gold Medal, and Hobbs' Best. Sterling Machine oil and Oil of all Kind We have a large supj):�• of Binder Mitts and all kinds of supplies for threshers. W. MOORE gIRBTON e a rrtarrietf to IM r. �'. St. Clair. The safer slide home, the smile thecomas y.1arrp; rottpic left 1'uesttay for i r:iu- quite audible. Keep it up Governor,' , °lin, garter -like 100111; the forts of Tela, ,. itt the (path of all flies that come ill' 1I r. ,1. F. Robertson. of Ailsa the vicinity of the ventre field. 'Tela' Cram• cornrnenct}o her ditties at the 1 school on ("otomy.. is 1107 a chameleon, nor a tree -frog i Ms:. 11 I;°ht'rt I;CSt:trei :alld faUlily cithei, but he docs just like to "cat tub" all the flies that be can roach, are visiting relatives at Bayfield an,l and there is }l:arrlilto►t. Generally a pretty in- Those' 441,0 left Tr vitittg sort of a trap ready for the Tuesday for the unwary one when '1'eda gets Itis fist_ not tliw'est are as follewa, es. J. see. t- Bers crossed at the right place `1L(1a's 4 zer, I'liutuas 'Ilayttltatn, J. ()Rourke, teammates say that he always keeper' 11. 1'faff, ,i, -McPhee, .1, ;McIsaac, O. cool and merely winks at .Rbc ticcel> . , Schroeder, t1". Latuport, N. fit. "Clair tive curves ,when Le is tan to +bat,''111'1 W;. )M:tsort. .110T by , a keen eyed "catch-'cru-au1'' 'M r. ordon Gaiscr of IJetroit, is Gcrrnait catcher in every game is to visiting at the Messrs. Sweitzer and be found behind home plate twith the ' Gasser, of this place. big mitt. Ile is 1)0 1cspectcr of per- I --f`— sons, for one of his favorite pastimes Bayfield. is, by evel1 elf t ccte'i throws to bases, to arreet without distinction all who Messrs. Dixie 13:ii14�', J Spencer. c arec r .1 ► of n McLeod, i nrr • Tt I r 6 1Turner, . Ic 5 errorc . lisp to try to stealS The Guard of the: approach to house Johrtstort, George King. Louis Rob - plate is S. \Vlrerth. 8unnie plays a inson anal 'William Sanders left on very aggt essive gauze, fields well his . excursion to the west this week. 10517101) at third base and uses goo's Messers. Abel and 111tlnlne1, of Go+l- hcad-woe k in delivering thu ball to � c'rich, have the contract of building the 4:1 r-i(us bases. At. the bat Sun ' :a new abutment for 1 loo new bridge sic }).4 the rare good judgement of here oil account of the ole} one giv- hittint; ;ill he eau and letting alone II" a'way. all he can't reach. Sunnie has a deep Messrs. .1tistarll and Wheatley, of voice :and by co:ninon consent is al- Clinton, .ire {Joey covering the lowed 10 chill sta(10ns for such of his bridge one mile north of the (;ode- fe11o4vs as are enrotltc for horse v,1ate. rich road. Tu It. I'3hncr we have in short a «m. Johnston moved his ratnily "sucker''. Of course. nut :ill suck- and }101'40 effects •,0 Clinton 011 Teet- ers are as elcsil•:ii)lc as the species 'to day where he pts; :a po-itiun 41 lilt T11(.,: - which ltoy'1y is lungs, cert:only on 'Mr. Flynn, blacksmith. latter variety their 1s 110 elis'eount. The cottage; and boarding homers I10)1), perhaps the lightest man of :are aII 11111 :►t present et itli summer the purge}, is noted for latitude cath- visitors who are enjoying the balmy er than longitude, but neve rt belt•;, (freeze; :int be:au1ifu1 scenery. he plays his position %veil and the ?1 r. (;ib -on, of the Alleghany rnoun- fan., have only' flattering predictions gin, spent :t tnunth here with his for hit's. '1' he Cretlitoit Brownies carr `''',' daughters, of Detroit. congratulate II1 7109,•lyett on their Mr• v, m. Jowcit has just ;finished choice of captain for the !'lair -.:1)g the "'Ise k11)4wn as the I year for in I ]i1t;which he [las had r•e- 'l3arty' swc have one of our all 1 ou ud ' nth1etcs. This satire thirty, they sty ;..,',,,—.C,-11-1"—.-'•t•into q (I"wellin1; boos]•. ins a rear►l like :1 ft eight car on all '�lr. -:-..],ion puteirast( a set of es o runs and has ,• scales for ;weighing apples for the evaporator front iMr. Vox of London, 44-110 is setting then[ up ►,t present, solos t 1 110 t.trt►cu- 1:tr syml)at by for members of oppos- ing teams when they take ton much liberty about exploring the county when they shoal,) he sitting at his t)r.',r lioc},cttte, 441+0 was to have feet on the r hanged at Montreal 1:tst Friday had rad. Consequently lie his cer1,cue,• committed to life int- serel: them at intervals to the side- I prisonrnent, through the Prince of liner for another' try :at the loo Art says he p' W tics interceding for his fife. Dor- Art a 'knocker', 'hut , lnke•s [many :t :4e!1 directed drive at ins, the Prince's s visit to (?ochre he the sphere just t he semi., The 'words visited t he seminary at Montreal, "11) l't ed' ,lo not signify 'that •13i._ dining s4 ith the priests. among Ss'horn sett i; a happened to be one of the faculty glut telt, or that he is a i who had married Ilochette's sister: weikling and fust Lie fed during the • Ihlrinf; the course of entertajii,nent games. Itmt i[ they stand for any- i it swu, 44hispercd that they '0141,} thirtq, it oust he that deers it :a great favor it he :would intercede for the murderer. This, it appeals he did, cabling the ling, and the sentence of death has been commuted to life imprisonment. tes- timony to the factthey bear tc3- that E. 1', has a most 44onderfir 1 prope11'ity for feed- ing on flies 44 hen 1 hey come near his 's •cttorl of the field. In spite of the fact that this i8 Itis first 9ea-otl on the tc:rua tosser t promises to lie a f tvorite nnt01)t,• the fans. At tithes he shows an ,uterest in perfecting the nirship. liere goes for our swift little short stop and cert rimy the ball stops shot 1 44 hen it conics clear i•:rvin's glOve. E. 1', is a Lglatweight but he understands how to wiel'1 the big stick, and generally is able to find the slrltere somewhere in Mid- nir end reverse its motion through 'purr in the direction of 11)' out- field, after 'which he peddles 14:4g: Weddle our twit ler. has for /the pest lour years kept the local rnathernat_ iceins guessing to f;gate 0111 the pro - pert es of the V5110114 (171%'(s, (:11'3. bolas, hyperted I-. ellipses, circleA. epiIaIs, cvc!n',I 31 Cs (1ne1 Qit1:soid cross seel.01is involver] in the. 111 tar. klieg of crooks 4'ltieh he is in the habit of pulling into the path of the b t',I over hotne plate. It is a corn- nton thing to hear it said. 4411,•n the tt:ten 1eturlt9 "'Peddie struck out 161 then." Th • 11:17)ager• declared after the , game that t he Itre wnies culled trim the Stara easily' 1 No one ledie•tt s it. M r. 0. Wti r1 z al)el M r. Tobias I Wu:1r., of I'rgtolt, alichil:an. aro 1 wisitiltg f t lath]; in and 0 t 0::tltt the 1 village. (?+iirtetl-v service 41111 1:,• hc1(1 in the Evangelical els,: r cit on Nutt-' day next. Rev, l.. 1:. ]:lilt, of Dash- 1 wood. officiating. I �i • • Ezra Oestrichcr received n 1 position n; hook -keeper for the Eke- 4 t i le Light ('ornpany tf Detroit 4171 t 1 'Ton arriving at Port Huron he 'was' en ib.e• to ,cross into ('sale Sent's , 0.�113TCI) It . 2••11 th. _ , 1he Kind Yeu Hare Always d14let1 signo ra/0 of doo,.►in-. The stern look r of the 11n - Seasonable (foods at riot Weather Prices r"'t'r t °t turned 1p r . Fred .]ones, of London, is vis- iting f1len:14 in the ti11•iKe. Mr. David 1% rim of London. is v:s.( icing udder t h a p,arent :al roof. I Mr. r. ferry I lir rmh'e, of S., 1 nig. is re. $1. 5 rj,'14 t• et r , t, acyrtnint'nice; in arid arou,ld I 1.50 the village. 1.80 Bowling l'h'arsdray resu}tc'd in Go.I - - 1.^,5 Mr. Faller, of Seaforth. is 'Junior , clerk in the Kink of t'nrtttucrcc here. 1,111 Mr. tti'ilt,ur (Bradley. of .like Craig 40 1O per cent discount Oil the balance of our Oxford Shoes for tlln balance of t-lw Summer Lttliea'('an Oxfords regular $'_'.0t) new Missies „ 1.75 1 siltes patent Slipper% tegul:r $1.;:, now 1)ongota Oxfords regular Lee A fete pair of Men's working shoe; The balance of our Men's Summer Hat 4 • + r agent urns, lata hack. .rp,•t,t Sunday ,tT town Ye I's Smocks and working Shitts from 500 to $1,00 each. �1:. rand Mrs. 11, 4'. (::,irk spent Bw'. F BEAVERS, !NI!' .el.•• Farquhar art. tt'i'I «'bite, of 1101+311 spent 8r, ►t<1 re' here. SORE B Farmers, farmers' wires, store girls, clerks, bricklayers, poltcernee and postmera- all were have to be on their feet alt dap,,a t sofferfroat sore feet, chafing, et blistering will find relief in Zam-Bak. Mr. West. Ashley, 527 Seig• nears St., Montreal, sa)•s:--'• I suffered cruelly from sore feet, which became raw sad blistered. Settle day 1 was hardly al,lc 10 walk home from stark, and others 1 had to irate (,ft about 3 o'clock. Powders, ~lyes and ointments of all kit1d• i tried in vain, sometimes actually work• ing Kith them in my boots. 1 was advised to try iam•liuk, and in a few how. it reduced the smarting and soreness. 1 kept on with it, putting a little on each aigk), Ina iew day;thes„rcnesw.•:allgone. Of aft axes and w .ikb,. wen• [tors at 1,c. a tort, , r Zain•Ilutt Co., Toronto, Curt meow, a, prairie it, h, sate ab ra;n, insect stings, sunburns, r , ,burr and tit skin injuries Ansi diseases. A GIVES INSTANT EASE - disease. The mother at the present ! t A good stock of Pickling Spices, negar. writing is dilate 111, as is also t he i Come an(1 see us before you lnake your purchase. We will brother of the deceased lad. 'Misses Rupert and Adam, of Il,t f- save you money. [apo, are rho qui•.-; of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zirntno r. .Mr. Schlanderer, of Mensal], has opened a photo studio here. The :Misses Carling, of 1::xeter, have resurned their 10511 Iona as teachers in our school which opened on .!loltday. Rev. and dlrs. I:idt, 44110 have been yiiiti1lg ;11 Lisbon, have returned. !fortieth Block. :Messrs. Ira Drown and Ed M-hor: of Crediton s.peni. Sond-ty ;with their - frien(ls herr•. The brickwork, of the new Luther, art church has been finished and the filen are busily etigraree't in pitting on the roof :and finishing the inter- ‘0‘.. nter- 4s'ork. Sec 1'ienaan's hardware ad. in this e. Dashwood w:as again visited by a ]fig conflagration 011 Thursday even- ing. of last week, when the planing mill, which is owned fay a joint stock conlp:tny, was burners to the [;round anal was a total loss with tio itt,,rr- slice. The fire is .apposed to have originated in t he engine room and was not noticed until the flames hail t;;►in4<1 considerable headway. A bucket brigade gyri at once organ- ized, but i1 4w:as seen that the mill was doomed and efforts were direct_ 1• once' blush!' 1` t `' e41 towards saving the houses of C. I fancy (ainghatll 12i to 1:)c, for 10c, yd. Guenther•, T. (;uenihet. end .1. •K11n4 z 11)c. for Se. yd. across the street f rum the tilt tared American Prints worth ic, for %C.yd. st rtactur ', and alio the stable of [lir 1 10 pieces of print regular 12ic. for 0c. Siebert t, r an the rear. :M r. Jahn 1110i[- yrl, .n►an's stable adjoining the still put 131cte and white Checked Skirtings re• un fire 511(1 ss'a; soon horned 10 t t:c >tutltt• I.►,- e. for lllc, g t►round and it 4wa; s, it}, diffic+illy I31i'aclied Sheeting 2.yds. wide for '25c. that his residence was saved. Hail yd. the wind been Wowing at the time Factory Cottons worth 1211. for 10c. it is doubt fir! if :thy portion of the yd. vi 1I;igt• could tette, been saved. The See our 131eacllecl Table Linens the best lutuber files at the rear of the nri(1 value ever shown in Dashwood, :and the stable for storing seasoned lumber were saved by he bard work of the bucket brigade and the al,- senco of ;lily 44 in'1. It was thought the fire 4sou1'1 extend and a tel,•- elione niessa'ee was sent to Exeter io, the fire .t)rig.idc of that. town. which peontpt to responded. The citizens u: the village desire to thank tie. fir, Itrigade of Exeter, and 1h, citizen; 1:f Zurich, :41141 the eurro,ln,ling coun- try for t he assistance they gave in helping to quence Ili,. flames. During the time of the fire scv- .t i People were hurt, tM r. George i:ellerma(sn got his arm injured in some irnkttosvn Manner and is now 1'ompt•110d to carry t he injured mem- ber ill ti sling. Dan Schroeder had his hack injured an -1 is cotafi►►,•d to his house 58 :t result. John !lender stepped 0!: n nail, 1L,• sharp 4.11,1 of which rate into his foot, c.:rui;ltg iaini co'tsideratile l,t'tite T1),• planing rn;11 44 .4e' ,q+tippcd with all the latest machinery and !was ill►-tr+-,I:,te in every' respect 1111(1 414JO)e41 a good business and the loss is severely felt by the citizens of DSshwoo'I• It is understood the company 44 ill re - lo ild in :t very -port lime and hoped t trey' Will. 'Nie. Jim,: Berman. Of hhifska, was in the village 'Tuesday. A number of our Dowler; drove u•. •r ,0 :Aft. Carmel oft iF'-•i,tay last and enjoyed t wo games with the howlers of 1h,• Irish settlement. The game resulted in the defeat of Irish - wood by :t scot,. of 4G ;1) 41_' Mt. Cannel ll;l�}111'l►°d Father lly:at+ Uu111044 Father 1:agei, lluffrnan \tr. I)o c Father Forster Tiernan tiki1, L'S .skip 111 .Skil: IS Skip 1'.'. Farm Produce taken in exchange. We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil S iebert & Co. DASIIWOOD, SPECIAL AUGUST SALLA You cannot possibly effect as great Ladies %Vitite Underskirt regular $1.21 a saving by buying hither or thither for $1.00 each. as you can by confining yourselt,to the Ladies White Night (;owns regular one great bargain giving centre Tie- $1•:,1) for $1.01) each. man and Edighofrer, Bear in mint] for Ladies Embroidery Corset Covers re. every bargain you see or hear tell of Killer 50c, for -inc. (etch, there is just as Arany and just as good Lathes Black Hose :i pair for 25c, iu our store. Our bargain given is Ladies Tan Hose 2 pair for 25c. not confined to only a line or two but Ladies Vests IOcts, each. it is spread over all and the bargains Bargains in Etnbr idery and Laces. you get in one of our lines are only re- A beautiful range of Ladies Belts presentatives of the many others we Fancy Collars, Ties, Gloves, etc, are giving. We handle the celebt.ated I) and 'a, A fesv pieces of Fawn and Tian color- Corset. ed dress goods in Satire Cloths, 'ten- etrietta and etc, regular 5 Oland 00 to clear • IIAftI)tVAItE 95c, yd, Cut Nails a!1 lenf;thrs (e3lighty rusted) 5 o2Scts. for 10cts, yd, ''eta. per pound. 1 k avourite Churn 1 Peerless washer :1t bargain pricee 1 Leader crasher• 1 Hammock regular . 2 50 for $'2,00 Long handle Shovels 50c each Sad Irons regular $1.25 for $1.00 set I) Handle Spades slightly rusted50c ea tVindow Screens cleating at 20cte each A full line of Scoop Shovels and Grain Bags, If you are in need of any Fenc- ing he sure and see that you get the Ideal Woven Wile the best fencing made, we are Agents for same. Ladies:Waists regular 50c. to $1,00 now All kinds of Paints, Oils,V 25e. to clear.Varnishes, Flannellette Night Dress for Ladies handleMachittt)tl We hecelebrated dltSl Sherwin Will regular bl.0() for 05c. each., Paints, they go the farthest and Ftannellette Night Dress for Ladies, wear the longest, )weet's° the a are regular $1.15 for 75c. each, the best., y GROCERY DEPARTMENT :, lbs. good Green Tea $I.00 Korn Kinks :)etas 2 Ips. best Green Coffee.,- , per packet. .►cts, 211►. Pkg. Antriloniit Powder. 5c. pkg. Seee '' 1b4, C oast Ilio CotCoffee2acts. Babson !Orfs, per tin. led Raisins IUcts. per pound, Corn and Teets. cans for 25cts. A full supply of Pickling Spices, Curry Powder, Turner ir, Mustard Seeds, (- elery Seeds, (iinLget' root, Chillies, etc., etc. Ail sizes of Crown Fruit Jai in stock, Fruit jar rubbers 5 and 10cts. per doz. We' handle those celebrated Teas, in packages viz:— Red Rose, Salada, and Blue Ribbon, in Green or Black and Mixed. In j and 11(3. i sgs. Highest prices 'mid for Farm Produce. can rind examine our goods, and prices, and be convinced that we do as we advertise. Mt Carla •I The Mt. Carmel sweat 44 ill be hell 'Tuesday next, August 25th. 'There 4wii1 also be a big bowling tourna- ment. a gold headed cane going to the 44 loners. The London Harpers will le. ;)resent during f la. evening. Zurich Ourt,aseb;a11 boy; s4 „lit over to Hensel! on '1estl.ay of 1:a•t heck nn,1 trinanted the boys of the onion village, 113 to 1. Mi. Nor Man ltultznaln, of Water- ton, spent last week in the village. Mr. and Mrs. harry Lcichert, of New !Vivo). ',1ic!t., :are visiting re- latives in town, Mr. .1. Lewis Thomas, C. E., of London. :arid peeve Lamont were en- gaged last ;week in locating the tress' toad to b; ispeneel to Lake tlluront Mr, and Mrs. .101111 Laporte's hone - at the Sable Linc, has for the serum limo inside of t wo weeks, been visit- ed by the nag,! of death, this time their .laughter fnceresa, a [;right oft 1 of ne.'tt le' sixteen years l!)t•itig coed aaVaft,•r s othree s'eli'eks, s%Vn,!, followingnn 111illne'tplaerfatit►n for appentheiti=. The deceased was a student at a college in Chatham fur votne time 511(1 l'n311)- (4 ;n her studies, and44nR herexceiI 3tiot1) 44111 11 .1)e4 Very keenly felt by her school metes, as well al by 1104 rarenty, 1►roth..is and sigtcrs, 9ineeTe sympathy is (z - pre 'od for the parents and f•arnily in their double bereavement. The f.1 n.•:'.11 took place on Wednesday 1110T -11i11!:. CASTOR I I# For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Menys Bought Bears the ;Signature of TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, -- DAS1iWOOD e Farmers Bank Capital $I,000,000 Total Assets $1,500,000 41) Branches throughout Canada, Special Attention Given to harmers' Business Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or ridded to principal 1 tinges a year. Your money itt too valuable to Leave in the house where burglars, thieves or fire tuaytllke it from you, or to invest in risky Fp'e•ttlati(ens or with doubt- ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed then (.f their hard earned wealth. DRAFTS ANI) MONEY ORDERS ISSUED When Fending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and money orders are available herd, and sold at, the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin cipal points in the United States and Great Britain. Orli Morro—Courteous Treatment. No Red '!'ape. R. T. DUNLOP, Manager, DASHWOOD. Office one block north of Siebert esti (;o's, store, Num to the Hardware trkidIollG Carrying nothing but the Standard lines --We pay cash for our purchases, and are under less expense than our competitors. Doing our own work, consequently we can sell cheaper. Another thing, we don't pay $1000 for Clerks. Reason the above facts before purchasing elsewhere. The Fall Season is just commencing and we would like you to look over your wants in:— Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, (class, Natle. We carry the Famous PANDORA and PENiNSU'LAR{ STOVES, and RANGES, I3AS. E. ill'RNE.RS and .T0 t'f',$. We do Furnace work, Tinsrntthing and Plumbing in nil their branches. Cement, always in stock. Eggs and But er taken. Hardware D. II, T1EMAN, Dashwood IRON *110 WOOD PUMPS l wish to inform the Public and those in need of Pumps, that i have hear the agency for the Aylmer Iron Pump s and will be pleased to quote price and Tennis. If you are thinking of put in an iron car Wood rump come in and Fee tie before buying. Pump Repairing a Specialty. HARTMAN ELSIE Dashwood.>' Dealer in Iron and Wood Pumps, •