HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-20, Page 4SHE EXETER TIMES, AUG :20th 1908.
The Exeter Times
Exeter. Ontario.
Terms of Subscription $1.00 per
Wear in advance. $1.50 inaf to
gaerd.•d if not so paid. To United
fate& subscribers. $1.50 strictly in
advance. No. paper discontinued
Until all arrears are paid, unless at
was Laving a barn Iaiaing, the by a score of 0 to 1.
toe option of the publisher. The work acing mostly done with blocks ` The Misses Mary and I)orotYy Car-
lisle Vernon, and Gerald Carlisle arc
spending the holidays %c;th dies
Ipperwash Reach.
,Miss K'yhard, of t)ttcrvillc, is
spendin gthe holidays with Miss
'Maud Willis.
(Miss Vent Grey, of Toronto. is vis-
iting at Mrs. Ashbury's.
Wm. Rollins left Tuesday for Cran-
brook, 11. C.
James A. Gauley, of Rock Island,
Ill., who has spent the past month
visiting relatives on the eoursey
line, left for his home this week.
Thos. M. Creighton left here as
Tuesday for Kenarton, bask. where.
he has scoured a position as teach -
(him J. W. Orme, alias IDaisy and
Norman Orme, of London, aro spend-
ing a few (lays here with relatives
before moving to Vancouver.
Dr. lfoa ock returned o11 Saturday
from a trip to Buffalo, Niagara
Fall: and Toronto.
1)r. '1'. Willard Ready, of Chicago,
spent a felt- days last week 'with Ur.
'Mibsses Dulcio and Ilolly 3lartin
have returned from their holiday
trip to Toronto and Canton.
Cf ir1=1RMA.
the Kind You Hale Alaars Bo
Wadcna, - Pierce, Liberal.
Weyburn,- Liberal elected
'forkton.- Garry, Liberal
Athabaska,- Deferred.
,has beet* visiting 31;ss Annie Ryan,
Water strut, retnrned home this
Mrs. Wm. Read, of this village,
received u telegram on Thursday
announcing the death of Ler motherat the advanced age of 111 years at
•Mr. Fred 'Le:bridge was the vie- Minden, N. S.
tiro of a very painful accident on The Lucan Junior baseball team
Saturday last, His brother Henry was defeated at Crediton on Friday
rte to which every subscription 1s
tllald is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates on applicatiea.
Any person or persons who takes
a paper regularly frorn a post office.
whether addressed in his name or
another's, or awhether be has sub-
scribed or not, is responsible for
anti tackle and the men were at work
on tete fast bent. Mr. 1)eihridge
was standing at the end holding a
pry to keep the lumber from Flip-
ping while it was being raised and
when it was about six feet from the
grouted a chain broke causing the
timber to swing backwards, shoving
the pry ugainst bis ankle and pin-
ning it between the pry and an-
payment.other bent -which had been raised.
It a person orders his papers dis- Ile was ((propelled to remain in this
continued he must pay allarrears, painful position until the timber
or the publisher may continue to could be lowered and .when it was
send it until payment is made, and lowered the end raised about six in -
then collect the whole ' .amount rhes crushing his leg above the ankle
whether the paper is taken or not. A physician was immediately called
fl'be Courts have decided t
tnsing to take newspapers or period-
icals from the post office or rernov.
Ing and leaving them onoallcd for
nihil& subscription remains unpaid, is
prima facia evidence of intentional
Note and Comment
The Liberal Conservatives of South
Huron •will bold a convention in Mc-
Donnell's hall, Ilensall, on Tuesday
Augu,t 25tb, for the purpose of
selecting ,•t candidate for the
proaching general elections for
House of Commons.
-Sir Wilfred Laurier will make
a tour of Ontario during September.
The tour will be for the rural dis-
tricts only and will possibly start
at Niagara Falls and continuo west
and north. He will be accompanied
by lion. George 1'. Graham, minis-
ter of railways and canals. 'It is
the intention to hold all open air
meetings, and in the afternoon. Riv-
ing the farmers a better chance
to attend. The route of the tour
bas not been decided but work has
been started upon the itinerary.
,'Middlesex has produced three pre-
miers, Blake, !toss and Scott, the
latter being premier of Saskatche.
twhcu it teas found that while no
bones .mere broken the injuries to
the leg were very severe and pain-
ful. It is quite likely Mr. Uelbridge
will be laid up for some little time
owing to the injury.
Our school opened on Monday,
with Miss Jessie Hamilton as teach-
er. Miss Hamilton made a good re-
cord as leacher of the Thames !toad
sobool for several years and the
trustees are to be congratulated in
securing her services for our school.
Mr. and .Mrs. D. McDougall re-
turned last Friday to Comber, itc•hcre
Mr. McDougall is principal of the
public school.
Miss Maggie Coward left last !week
to resume her duties as teacher at
!Miss Jessie Morrison returned
Friday to her school duties, in Med-
icine Mat after a pleasant visit with
her sister Mrs. D. Coward.
Master Earl Coward returned home
Monday after a few twceks' :visit
with his brother Elmer in London.
Mr. John Francis, of London, is
visiting his brother harry and two
sisters, 'Mrs. •\Vm. Coward and pars.
John Fletcher. Mr. Francis was
called to London last Week owing to
his son getting injured by a street
car, -but as his son iwas trot as badly
injured as at first reported, (fir.
Francis returned to continue his
Why 'don't you try Carter's Little
Liver Pills; They aro a positive euro
for sick headache and all the ills pro-
ducod by disordered ilver. Only one
'll d c.
t a os
' C1'C
The Saskatchewan
tions last Friday resulted in the . _•---►--
return of Premier Scott's govern. Lucan
meat by a substantial majority. Tho
Since the publication of the results
campaign was marked for its bitter- of the various examinations held by
tress, but the Liberals were confident the department of education in July
it is seen that the excellent results
made by the students of the Lucan
high school in recent years, have
not only been maintained, but in
many respects surpassed this year.
As an illustration it may be ,pointed
out that .13 out. of 16 candidates for
entrance to the faculties of eduoa-
tion were successful in obtaining cer-
tificates. two receiving .honors. The
6nstcad of having a mnlor►ty of Lucan school received 31 per cent.
of all such certificates obtained in
from two to five. be has twelve. the county of Middlesex,,which is a
The election in the riding of Athol). striking fact when it is borne in
nska teas deferred. and a date has mind that the pupils of this school
Inot been fixed as yet, but it is ex- constitute only about nine per cent.
mooted to go to the government by
of tv'inniflf . :Mr. F. \W, G. llaul-
tain, I -oder of the opposition was re-
elected in Qu'Appelle. Mr. Sam. J.
Latta,a former Exeter boy, who ran
in the interest of the Liberals for
Last Mountain was defeated.
Final results from 'Baskatche-
(wan show, that Premier Scott has
been returned by a larger ma)or-
ity than given in the first report
Ilattleford.-Simpson. Liberal
Catttlin3ton. -Robertson, •Liberal
iCanor:t-ltobertson, Liberal
Duck Lake, -Hon A. Turgeon,
Estevau, -Bell, Liberal
Francis. -Stevenson, Liberal
llattle•y-, -McNeill, Liberal
Humboldt, -Dr. Neely, Liberal.
Kinis;ino. -Johnson, Conservative
Lloy,lntinster. -Liberal
Last 'Mountain -Anderson, Con.
!Maple Creek. -Wylie. Cons.
Moose Jaw County, - Stepheps.
'Moose Jaw City. - Wellington,
'Mil -;cues - 'Whitmore. Cons
Moo Mountain, - Elliott, Cons.
thlooso'ttmn, - Smith, Liberal
Nort h Batt leford, Finlayson. Lib.
' North Qu'Appcllo - J.. A. !Mc Don-
ald. Conservative.
Prince Albert County,
ton. Conservative.
Prince Albert City,-
,P e. - Johnson. Liberal
-,rote. -Gillis, Conservative.
1'il hills, - \Willway. Con.
Rei::: 4 v. - Bole. Liberal
Regula County, - Tate. Con.
Rost kern. - En!. Liberal.
' iteslb, rry.- Langley, Liberal
Saskatoon County, - Sutherland,
Hack deco City.- e\le\ab. Liberal
Saltcoats. - ,McNutt. Liberal
Swift Current. - lion Walter
Scott. Liberal.
ig. - liirid^:1.
So Qu'Appelle.
Colts,. votive
— i.;h^gal eleotcd.
Vo::.ta, - fo;.i:, Liberal.
- Donald-
- Ilaaltnin,
Fot a 1ig11! lunch . afternoon
teas. picnic,: and camp, there
is n(tthing that will equal a
It i( tat\', more n!ttritiuns
than 11;1111, beef or chicken,
and i11ot0 ecenon)ical. Send
a 1) St. Cilt'tl ft'1' ilt'w recipe
book't•t ''T.)-tt i)ish►'s" to
BOVRIL. 1.1 11111:1)
a7 ST P1:1 I:Il ST1ii:tiT,MONTRFAl.
of the total enrollment in the Coll-
cgiates and high Schools in the
county. The school bas been unfor-
tunate in losing two 6f the teachers
who have been FO largely respon-
sible for the creditable showing, Mr.
W. L. Sprung, 13. A., the principal
having secured the position of math-
ematical master in the Stratford' Col-
legiate institute and :Was F. V. Car-
ter, D. A., taking a position (n the
high school at Essex. Their depar-
ture is greatly regretted by all con-
cerned. The board is engaged in se-
curing competent successors.
Strs. W. Ji. Ilutohinson. of Lind -
s ty-. is visiting nt "Mrs. Ilarrigan's
Kat Reidy. of Mitchell. !who
Bears the
A very pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1r.
Marshall, St. Marys, and recently of
this village on Tuesday Aug. 11th,
when their daughter Irene ihl, was
united in marriage to Dr. W. 1).
Ferguson, of Valetta. At 11 O'clock
the bridal party entered the drawing
room to the strains of Mendelssohn's
wedding maroh, played by Miss Glady
Shier, •cousin of the bride. The bride
gowned in whitesilk trimmed with
valoncienne lace null insertion and
carrying a slower bouquet of
bridal roses and maiden hair fern
was given away by her father. She
was attended by her sister, Miss Car-
rie 'Marshall. who was gowned in
white organdie triinwed with lace
Miss L C
t' nod also
and insertion t11SC
Ferguson, sister of the groom Stas
gowned in white organdie trimmed
with valenceinne lace and insert-
ion. The groom was supported by
his brother, Clarence and Mr. Ira
Marshall, brother of the bride:, Lit-
tle Miss Annie Ferguson and Miss
Pearl Marshall nadc pretty little
flower girls. The ceremony %vas per-
formed by Rev. N. D. McComas. as-
sisted by Itev. John Veale, Kirkton
and Rev. S. Anderson, of London.
After the ceremony and congratu-
latoins, guests numbering about one
hundred sat down to a very sum-
ptuous wedding dinner. Guests were
present from 'Toronto. London Port
Elgin, Fergus. Valetta, Kirkton and
Greenway. The bridal couple left on
the evening train for Toronto amidst
the best wishes of all present.
Edna and Howard Carr left Sat-
urday for Illyth, where they will
visit for several days.
An expert from the Stratford Mill-
ing Company. is here this week put-
ting the now engine on the 'bed. They
will now be able to handle the busi-
ness much more svccessftelly.,
If you had taken ttvo of Carter's
Little Liver fills before retiring you
would not have bad that coated ton-
gue or bad taste in tbo mouth this
morning. Keep a vial uitb you for
occasional use.
Miss H. Johnson, of 'Willow hill
Farm, returned last week from n two
months' visit in 'Manitoba and (Dak-
ota. She was accompanied from
Woodstock by her sister, Mrs. Shot t
and children.
Mrs. John D. Dick, of Clarksburg.
is visiting relatives in thin vicinity.
Mise Jennie Murray, of Dundas, is
spending her vacation with her re-
latives here.
Mr. Robert Ihltlt, and family, of
Missouri, are here visiting Mr ilunt's
Three rinks of Goderieh bowlers
were here on Tuesday of Inst week.
having come from Exeter, where they
were defeated by the bowlers of that
town. Ilowevcr they were more suc-
cessful here, defeating our players by
about twenty-five point!.
Jl . A. King, G. T. It. agent h.:.•
received word last %week of an nee, -
den. near Kincardine ill whirl► a
number of his brothers and sisters
linre proof that Lye! I:. Pink- and also his mother met with n nar-
hisiti•-Vt':;etable ( unlptrunll cures row escape frorn serious injury. it
fetiitle ilea, appears that in attending an minted
Jit- ..lultn Scott, 4811(:riud'1'runk picnic and while driving down a steep
St., Montreal, \writesMrs. 1 inkhnln: hill along the lake shore road, the
I was eery much run down in
health from a female trouble, was thin,
nervous, and very weak, and suffered
from bearing down pains. indeed 1
did not care whether 1 lived or died, I
felt s,) buil?• sotnetimes
'•Lydia F.. I'inkhan►'s \'egetableCom-
,ound completely cured the of all toy
troubles. 1 gained in flesh, and ani
free from backache. female trouble,
sickheadaches,rbcs, and nervousness.
I heartily rceonnnend Lydia E.
Pinkl,arn's \ egetable Compound tot-
orall Woolen's ailments. knowing what it
has done fur ale..'
For thirty yeseta I.yrli;t 1:. Pink -
ham's Vegetable (•o'Ot ragout, made
from roots and Herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cored thousands of
women who have ltc•en troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion. fibroid bungee+, irregularities,
pperiodic pains. ltackaebc, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flatuleney, hid iges-
t iitll,tliZZilte•q or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
,fre. I'inkl11m invites all sie•k
•.1.mtt1,'n to 1%11(4' Iter for nrl%iv'.
wheel of the carriage broke, causing
the horses to run array and threw
all the occupants out and inflicting
painful injuries, but fortunately no
one was fitnlly injured.
All disorders caused by n bilious
stale of the system can Le cured by
using Carter's Little I,iver fills. No
pain, griping or discomfort attend-
ing their use. Try them.
The r ural schools opened Augus.
17.11 for the year 1908-9; That the
year may be a successful one all the
pupils should be in their places as
e trig in the term as possible. The
classes should be organized properly
at once. Definite work and real pro-
gress should mark every flay of the
term. Many teachers on account of
wasting time and lack of method
during the early part of the year find
their pupils below the standard at
the end of the term. A neat time -
Harsh, purgat remedies are
fast Kivin_ a ay to tete gentle action
••11..bac guided thousands to and mild effects of Cirter's v.itfI,
!Ic ►Ith. Address, Lynn, .Mass. Liter Ville. if y'ou try them .Ery
t. ill cert linty (.lease you
\',k \\ \ \\' NN,N,'.' \\\NN, \ \
Tho ICiu(1 You IIave Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 )-ears, has borne the sirnatttre of
and has been made tooter his per-.
ar-isomal supervision since its infancy.e Allots no one to deceive yott In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -g 1" ares but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment.
Castoris is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parc-
gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. it
contains neither Opium, ltlorphine nor outer Narr•otitt
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Roans
and allays; Feverishness. It curet Diarritte:t and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy tool natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -'1'1143 Mother's friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Hate Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
k. 29 EXHIBITION Senntt.14
Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World
Every Province
Its Products
to Prizes and Attractions
Massed Baud
Grand Art Loan Collection
from the Paris Salon and other Old -World 'Galleries.
'International Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle
The Siege of Sebastopol
With 900 Performers.
International Dod Show International Cat Show
8;000 Live Stock on View
Tu friss Lista, ashy Masks sail aH latarasli.s sheen 3. 0. 011, Ysssler, Gtr Rall, Tweets
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••1•41,
1 The Molsons Bank
• Incorporated 1855..
• CAPITAL • • • .... $3 374,000-00
Z RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • • • • • $3,874.000.00
lias lt:, Int lied in l'ar.ada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the'
• Principal Pities in t ie World.
• General Ranking Business Transacted.
? Savings Bank Department
• at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson at Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U RDON, Manager
• .....•••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••••••••••••S
to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Well-paid work for over 25,000 men.
one-way second class to Winnipeg. Free tickets from
Winnipeg to points where harvesters are needed,
east of Moose Jaw, and west of Moose Jaw to
Alberta at one cent per mile.
Apply to ticket agents for full conditions
AUG. 14, 18
SEPT. 1, 8
From stations on Tor,ra-- J.,rth
flay line, wen fr. hut not tnrludmj
Tnr..no-Sam.. 1....
front territory
AUG. 18, 19
SEPT. 1, 9
From ,tati.m, on Toronto -Sarnia
line. and .a'.h thereof in Ontario.
AUG. 20, 22, 27
SEPT. 2, 11, 14
1 e.m stations Fast of Toronto-
Nnrth Ilan hoe, to and inrbJ.n„
Sh.rbot Lake and Kingston.
Tickets notal to women. but not at halt -fare (:a children.
AUGUST 14, 18 and 20. Apple to nearest C P.R. ticket agent
for leaflet giving conditions. train times, etc., or write
C. B. FOSTER. District Passenger Agent, TORONTO
Excursion. afford !ret wrnm-
modatioa. w„h TnorbtSlre.a,s.
Lease 1FPi'. I, I1. 2't.
Ask agent about them.
table for all classes should be arran-
ged before September 1st and put in
n conspicuous place in the class room
This time -table should be faithfully
Organize: your entrance and grad-
ation classes in September. A bright
Pupil who i+ iwill:nR to work nit boil th
a little behind other members of the
class may be put in this class. Ile mill
do much Leiter to go in the class at
the beginning of the year than be
stn do later -
The sttccessf+,i teacher prepares
every lessor* for etch dry before at-
tempting to teach it. His blackboard
excreiscs arc neatly and methodically
lei en the 1 before Oil', o'clock.
trhere is w'ot k for every class. 50
that each pupil is busy as soon as
the school is opened. Stich teachers
soon get the beet po+ition!, .while
the itedolent, carclees teachers re-
main in the poorest places.
Every teacher shorild take The
Canadian 'leacher, which contain! :n -
formation. suggestions and exercises
that %will assi!t the teacher in hie
work nod save much time and worry.
It is n Canadian magazine which our
teachers should read anil use every
day. It is a credit to our province.
it is worth tett times its price to the
teacher who will use it wisely.
In several schools the results of
the entrance examination were it dis-
appointment 10 the teacher and pup-
il. That next year's work may be
satisfactory avoid last year's 11119-
The August and ,8eptetuber n-: !1 -
hers of the Canadian Teacher tt
contain the selections for memoriz 1.
Hon and the literature selections for
the entrance and graduation classes.
The four books to be read by the
entrance Cass should be started at
once. 11t a number of school& the
trustees buy several copies of each
look and these remain in the school
for the use of the pupils from year
to yenr. The following Looks arc
recommended. "Old Testament Stor-
ies” ''Thr heroes", Kingsley, -Christ.
utas Carol." and "Poems on the Love
of Country." These may be obtain-
ed at 10c or 15c a copy All the
hooks nutted in the Inspector's Cir-
cn:.tr of September, 1907. should be
in rho school library for sitlg)Ic-
merlt.ary reading.
The subject of exantinstinn for
public school graduation %.ill bo
those of the lower school of the -!Bali
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
COUNTRY BUSiNESS.'F'others`fo'r}the otrap actionrmofsthft
banking busines.. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection,
BANKING BY MAIL •'`111011 sndeposmy itedvorawithdrawn�li
this way with equal facility. 115
Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager
Sranolf also at Crediton.
Drs. Kennedy & Kerganv
Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept'
to a premature grave through RARbY INDISCRRTIuNB,
ItxCZSSES AND I11,001) DISEASES. If you have any of the
following symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you
nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy. specks before tate
eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irrita-
ble. palpitation of eb
!cartbashful, shfu1 dee
ams and
looses, a
di -
front is none, pimples on the face, eyes soaken hollow cheeks
careworn expression, poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack
energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change-
able moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair/
loose. sore throat etc.
Owing to Dr. Ker -
tan being deceased,
Dr. J. D. K.nnedy,
Medical Director,
has assoelated with
him Dr. Kennedy Jr.
who has leen with
the firm for several
ycare, so hereafter
business will con-
ducted under the
name of
• KN KENNEDY are the most
{,revs eat au most serious diseases, They up the very life
i blued of the victim, and unless entirely eradicated front the
system fay street the future generation. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the,
symptoms -OUR NKW MISTROD cures them,
OUR N�W METHOD TREATMENT alone can cure you, and make)
man o you, oder 111 io lueac. the brain becomes active, the blood Purified so that all
pimples, blotches, and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong as steel, so that tier-
vouaes, basbfulaess and despondency vanish, the eye becomes bright. the face full and
clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical, and vital systems are invig-
orated; all drains cease -no mere vital waste from the system. Dont let quacks and fakirs
rob you of your hard earned dollars. Wei will enrolee or no Day.
Re mattewho has treated u, write for an
n Free
of Charger BOOKS I R E—"The Golden Mon tote' (illustrated)
IQuestion List for Hens Treatment Sent en Request.
or. Michigan Arae and Griswold St. - DETROIT, MICH..
No Honing—
No Grinding
•:: oor t sl�ss�.!:
commun. 11Pt.
Sone day staving Ls forest epee
every as. At first It dove set
atter what sort of razor is rse6-
tstber's pet Carbo Magnetic se
mother's fond birthday gift of me
expensive safety with its cgeebtat
tax of new blades -Just Nit
The beard soon stiffens sal thee
the real, vital question arises; "Wiry
doesn't a razor hold Its edge uni-
formly from heel to head without
Boning oe grinding?" Shaving las
row become a seceseity-put the i t/t
comfort and satisfaction of a daily,
cool, clean shave Is very seldom ob-
tained. Pulling and smarting is the
ureal outcome of the effort, whether
you shave yourself or have it done
In your favorite barber's chair. Yee
persistently ask, " Why?" "The
temper of the blade is sot uniform.
making periodical booing aad grind-
ing a necessity," 1s oar saewer.
'The blade of the Cub Magnotk
razor 1s finished by a secret process
of EisofMlb Tempering that
positively merges every partici* of
c rbon (the life of steel) Seto Ski
metal -g wing a d/snsostel. jir.a,
loaf doss• uniformly thret
the blade-solnetbieg abso!ntely Im-
possible with bre-tempered sloe! wed
W making all other reser blades.
But test this no boing, goo
grinding, unconditionally guarana
teed rasor 1a your own home -et
$ave yosr barber use it on 75,4
Drop as a postal, cr better yet,
come in and see es and we wdt give
you our new proposition for i'avmng
these ra:ors tested
without ob
a -
to purchase, together with our
•u booklet "Hints oa Shaving.",
Synopls of Itle C000dion NoMlh West
\ ti even numbered section of Dominion Lands to
ranitot.a, ,askatchewan and Alberta, excepting
b and 2)1, not reserved, may be homesteaded by
any person who is the sole head of • family, or any
male over 1;t yet n of age, to the extent of one -quart
ter section of 160 acres, more or lea.
Application for entry must Le made In person by
the applicant at a Dominion lands Agency or Sub-
agency. for the district in which the Will issituate.
Entry by proxy may, however, le made at an Alen•
cy arm certainconditione b' the father. mother, son,
dau,hter brother or sister of an intending home•
nt ender,
The homesteader le reports to perform the
homestead duties tinder one of the following plans:
(1) At least six months' residcnee upon and ctilti•
vatlon of the land in each year for trate) ears.
(2) A homesteader may, if he eo desire s, perform
the required residence duties lo liting on tannin}
land ostler] solely by him, not less t�iitin eighty (t+t
acres In extent In the vicinity of his homrotr•ad.
Joint ownership in land will not meet this require -
(3) If the father for mother, If the father is de.
ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence
on farming land owned solelyby him. not Tess than
eighty (till) acres in extent, In the vicinity of rhe
homestead, or upon a homestead entered for Ip him
In the vicinity. such homesteader may perform hie
o -un residence duties by liting with the father or
( The term "vicinity" In the two pm-eed'na
paragraphs is .leaned as meaning not more than
nine ntile, n a diret line, exclmsit a of road al ow-
ances crossed in tha measurement.
5 A homesteader intending to perform his resi-
dence duties in acconlInceN ith ane above while
litin( with his parents or on farming land owned b)
himself must notify the agent of the district M such
Six months' notice In writing should be riven to
the Commissioner of Dominion (Ands at Ottawa of
Intention to apply for latent.
W. W. COl,
Deputy of the )IlnI,tetl't of the Interior
N. it.-nnanthorred pone a' ion of this advertise •
torn, w III tu,1 IP psi.1 for
Tae Usborne an(I Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
p ance Gompanu
W. S. COTe, Druggist Head Office, Farquhar, O'Ptt.
Schoo:s. Fo 1909 Laokkc&hing and
business forms rind nit will he re-
quireei See fn!pactor's Circular,
1908, for the other subjects. Thi -
year the geometry work ees poorly
done. Candidates should rise Baker's
-Theoretical Geornetry for Schools.'
Students should do all the exercises
from th.. beginning.
With a defill:te extnl.nttion for
fifth c'aisacs betelee:8 8111 Papils
shon:d find 11!c fif'h for work in-
teresting. Some pupils may co%e•r
the coarse in nn &year, bat most of
them will require t%co year• to •io
th:•_ work seti!fac,orily. There are
no ehvnges In text books for 19084).
J. E. Tom. i. 1'. 8.
I'r(sident -.i. L. itf'SSF:l,f,
\'it'. I'r••!id .nt -\\'. 11. 1' \stiff HP.
0111F. ;'1'OIt'+.
%V NI. Bit(s•K S%'INuHIi19Y% 1', 0.
T. RYAN, Dcnt.ta P. 0,
ROBERT NOltltIS, 8taffa.
JOHN ESMElt\. Kxctt'.
‘bort." .tnd Jiiddulph.
OLIVER JIARRIS, Munro, tweet
for it MOP: 1. lmlt tr'or. and i.e.it.uu.
B. W. F. IiE.AVI i;b.
Socy.Troa?. F'-trquhar.
<¢enl foe
iLADMAN & PTAN('I Iii, :how