HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-20, Page 1•
$1.00 per year in advance
•• •• • • • ••• ••••••••••••• is* Nil!.* •••
JONES & CLARKS' Mr.o\T urs ay I Luker, and ey Cave
: lett on Thursday last for the north-
;• west.
Phone N O • 32. : Mise 1Vinnifred Essery entertained
a number of yours friende to an ice
cream party onednesday evening
N D SSGOODS i last.,
E � � The Hisses Hattie and
T d M F
Lydia liana,
• fort an ibe Gladys .ssery visited
friends in i3eaforth last week.
Just arrived A number from oere attended the
• ball game at Crediton Friday eve.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jcnes and daughter,
111 Opened up and Rudy for Early Buyers•
on S, were the guests of Mra.
Hicks on Sunday,
• Mr. Charlie (iraftou is visiting at
Our Display of Fall and Winter Dress Goods i the home of Mr. Geo. Eaaery.
for this season surpasses anything we Lave Ver i REDUCED ItATES TO TORONTO.
shown before, both for quality and quantity. All tZ Via Grand Trunk Railway System
• • on account of Canadian National Ex-
tne Newest Fabrics and Colors, in the most stylish �. hibition. Return tickets will be sold
patterns are in our selections. Come early and •• at single fare frorn all stations in On-
chooseour dress before the fall rash. We have .. I tario to Toronto, good going Aug. 29
y •Z ,toSept. 12. Returning from Toronto
something to please everyone. You will be de- • on or before Sept. 15. Low rate excite -
lighted with the arraywe show. •i @ions will also be rim on certain dates,
g ♦ particulars of which can be obtained
• • 1 from Grand Trunk Agents.
•• Grand Bend
•• A drowning occurred about four
•• miles from here on Wednesday of
last week, but whether it was with
• • suicidal intent or not is not known. victimwas 'Miss Albers Ger-
Theie ' a G -
•♦. matte. daughter of Ben Germotte
♦ and was about 25 years of age. About
•• 12 o'clock she wandered away and
search was made for her. It was
• thought She had fallen or jumped
•T into the river and search was 'begun
in that locality. About seven o'clock
22 in the evening her .hotly nvas found
t and brought to the surface. Around
t i
her •body was wrapped a sheet and
tied to her wrist was a bible. It is
sant she had a desire to become a
White Skirts • nun and had attended a convent,
Onlya few to dear at 33 °' •♦ but owing to ill health was not
off. ens ♦ allowed to take the veil. A second
l'• ♦ time she made application but was
Ready-to-wear Hats = refused. For two days before the
�♦ drowning(she had been acting in a
A whole table full of them strange manner caused frosts nervous
A real good lot your choice ♦ prostration and run clown of the sys-
for l:icU. each, :: tem, and it is thought that .while in
a state of aberration she took this
Parasols Straw and Crash Hats : rash means of ending her life. Her
good buying all year.
what is left of them. They
We are giving a big cut on
kinds for 2,5cte. each.
Hata to be sold mit 50 and 75c
All our Straw and Crash
♦ home •was 1-2 miles from Green-
way and tht place where she was
drowned was.itLout 15 feet deep.
_Mr. S. Armstrong and family Who
have been occupying 'Barney Castle'
♦ for the past two weeks returned to
• their home in Parkhill on Saturday.
Mr. W. 13. Oliver attended 1ire'fun
eral of his nephew lest week .nt �It.
Morris, ,Mich.
Our teacher, bliss Mills. has re-
turned and has resumed her duties
at the school here.
School re -opened on Monday.
Mrs. Ticknor end daughter Vera,
and Mrs. Caines, of Parkhill, were
here for Sunday.
`Messrs. Barry lloyiton„ 'John
Gilbert, Charles Boynton and Bert
Schram were 'Sunday visitors at the
Rev. IDtr. Steadman delivered an
interesting and instructive sermon in
the ^Methodist church on Sunday.
Misses Luella Daubs and Annie
Currie, of Parkhill. are guests with
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver.
Sid Bossenberry was in Parkhill
from Saturday until Monday
The holiday season is nearing a
New Fall Coats
All Ready for Your Infection
Our big consignment of Ladies, Misses and Childrens. Fall
forthe ars buyer.
and Winter coats have arrived and ready early y
We are leaders in this line and you will find us with a tetter
• and bigger assortment than ever. The leading colors in Black,
Navy, Brown and Red made up in the latest fashions loose or
: tight fitting. It will pay every Lady to see our 1909 coats before
making their purchase.
= Summer Goods
• Only a few lett but all to clear out regardless of
i price.
White Waists
Ont 1) left. We will sell
the balance at 33A% off.
Embroideries and
All to be hustled out to
make room for our new Fall
s♦ Poultry
From Friday morning 8 o'clock of this week un-
til 'Thursday evening 4 o'clock next week, we will
pay the following prices for poultry:
= Young Chicks, 12cts. per pound live weight.
Ducklings 8cts. per pound live weight.
Hens (icts. per pound live weight.
Jones & Clark
s Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
• . Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
*•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••♦••N••••••••••
•••••••••••••••••♦• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
That is about the number of people supplied at Exeter. The large portion
of them need our goods -they have to buy. They should turn in and take a
hand in the great contest. it will be keener and more interesting from now
to close on August 25th, You can't make a mistake buying here- you slake
a mistake when you don't.
tarWE ARE SELLING -Crushed Violet ralcurn Powder, ('rushed Rose
Talcum Powder, Skin Fonds, Hair Grower and Dandruff cure, Foot.
Ease, Tooth ('ream, Picture Postcards, largest variety in town.
Camera Free THE PURITY Camera Free
We have a large amount of private made
Ma oo farm and village propertle• at iowT bs
Harrteter• Solicitors. Malo SLIEzeber
FRANK ('AiRtNS, Veterinary Sur
geon. Successor to A. It. Ram-
say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani-
mals on most approved principah.
Special attention to dentistry. (
at Itatiisay's old stand on Main street.
Night call at Peter Oawden's residence
Main stneet.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
tnnNt:w ,o loan at toweat rates. w
North , .I laa
ud+ 1.., le.
s Office. Main Street. Exeter
12. N.1'.4 . 1,1I'3. EXE:rl',K, LIC
`ense,l.\I:tion"er. Melee con
dueled in all parts. Terms reasons le
Orders can be left at the TIMET Otftce (!.ate Department of I'ut•Ile works, Canada )
Consulting Engineer for Nnni ii+.I and Co,anty
Work, Electric railroad., t.,•w-raze and waterworks
E.) BOSS ENDER RY, ZURICH System wharves, Itridges ant Ke enforced Conerce
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales eon phone 222n London Ontario
ducted in all tarts, Terms teasonabl
and satisfaction guaranteed. a The coroner's jury at London sit-
ting on the case of William Alullen,
MONEY TO LOAN who was killed by a i ere Marquette
train while returning from
We Dave unlimited private lands for tovwl Stanley enAugust G
th, exonerated
farm or village upon
1ro at lo
wee oaleas T Iprt wore
bUt blamed ppthe train 'the c
aMe if !alters+k com-
DICKSONa CARLING Pasty for nrcrcroo.ling the cars.
Exeter Ira 1). S'ankcy, the noted song
DICKSON & CARL11\G, throughout flue Christian Srorld.dkd
r writer, anal known as an evangelist
at his home in Brooklyn Friday even-
solleltor'a NotaMea,(toeveLaacsre ing. Mr. dank.y Stas GR y,'are of age
t Ooen,!solicitors tar Ike molten@ and for the past throe years has
ies', telco. at lowest miles of tatenel. been blind. Among his most famil-
iar compositions ata'. "The Ninety
MRCS 1 -MAIN STREET, IQI18'1'fl, Nine,' and "When $he Mists ►liar,•
III OLRZJ1ta O. a. us. tworeco Rolled Away."
close and already many campers have
returned to their different homes.
The campers held their annual day
of sports on Friday of hist meek.
In the morning boat racing and div-
ing contents were held and in the
afternoon foot -racing high jumping
and baseball avere the attractions. In
the evening •n good program ,was
rendered of songs, recitations, piano
solos and duetis and gramaphone
selections, after nvhich there was a
grand display+ of fireworks.
Mrs. .1%1. (Hamilton and son Ewart.
of St. Marys, hare returned to their
home after a pleasant three weeks'
visit with Mrs. Hamilton's dnughfer
'Mrs. W. 13. Oliver.
Mr. John Melville Southcott, of
tie. Exeter Tithes staff spent Sun -
R. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8„ D. 'lay here. Wonder what brought
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto tum out I
grand -
University. rs. A. Champaign and grand -
y ,laughter Esther Lattitner. of Bat -
Dental Surgeon ilw•ford, Sask.. are visiting iMr. Ware
Office over Giatlman k Stanbury'a Oliver and o,her relatives.
Main street-EXiCTER. - -�
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8.
D. D. S., Dentist.. Member of
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and honor
Graduate ofTt cont) ) t
v y
OFFICE: -Over Dickson A Carling's
Law Offices in Dr, Anderson's former
dental parlors.
BROWNIN, M. D., M. ('
W. G'
• P. 8., Graduate Victoria Un
verity. nMec and restdnnenre. Domtntno
Laboratory. Kaeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
Lewis Thomas & Nuttier
Civil Engineer & Architect
St. Marys
A quiet stedditlg took place at
noon. Wednesday„ August 12, at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farr.
t' hen their youngest daughter, Sass
Martha, stns united in marriage to
lir. J.W. White, of Toronto,to son
of Col. White. of St. !Marys. Only
a few of the neat telatives were gtrc-
sent at the ceremony at 'which the
Iter. 1). N. McCamus officiated. The
bride. who was given away by Her
father, wore a dress of white or.
gently trimmed n ith valenciennes
lace and carried a shower bouquet
of white roses. She was unattended
Daring the ceremony the wedding
march was played by the bride's sis-
ter, Mrs. Service. After congratu-
lations the bridal party repaired to
the dining room where a dainty wed-
ding dinner was served. Mr. ,vl
Mrs. White left on the afternoon
train for their home in Torono.
:\ startling feat to be, presented
it the Canadian National Exhibition.
Toronto, Aug. 3Ist to Sept. 14th. in
front of the Grand Stand, is, what
hasbeen ,w.
termed by n r
e e cthen c a
a death -defying net ,Mme. Marie La
lilottcbe is the heroine of thia per -
formatter anal dashes from the top
of the Grated St:uttl throagli space,
touting everybody to bold his breath.
1[ there ever was n apeciffe for
nny one complaint then Carter's
I.ittlo Liter }'ills ate n specific for
sick hendarhr and every woman
should know tide Oily one pili a
lose. Try t hem.
TLe !lay voters' lit just issi�ild -Three rinks of Exeter bottlers
gives a total of 960 voters, of whom went
the onion t ll last lhursslay to
490 are qualified to serve as jurors. playexperts. Re-
sulting in t he defeat of Hensel! by
Re -
While passing throug}t the past- five shots.
ure field. on Saturday \Vizi. &loth, of EXETER IIENSALL
knock -
Renick Tp., was attacked by a bull \V, 11. Alger
and baldly injured. Ile was knock- Jos. llpt'i Cook
ed down, his backbone dislocated Jas. Taylor- Stacey
anal the spinal cord injured. The Rev. Catlins McDonnell
old gentleman's body and lower ex- Skip 19 Skip 17
trentities arc paralyzed and he is in J. W. Broderick Scott
a precarious condition, 1,. it. Dickson Brandt
Mabel Clarke, one of the Clinton C. B, Snoll Stewart
New Era employes, had the mister- \\ . J. Ileaman Siilery
tune to get her arm broken on Mon- Skip 13 (Skip 17
day of lust week. She was coining J. A. Stewart ilobkirk
into Clinton in a top buggy, when J. Grieve Arnold
the buggy\t . NI. ltialcitford Cooke
r top caught in the branch- F.W. GJadman Millings
es of a tree and twos torn off fright -Skip 21 Skip 16
thing the horse. causing her result.to be Tito rinks of Exeter howlers went
thrown out, with the above to Crediton lost Friday to try con-
'e 8e second tlenfornnual celebrationsJ a of elusions with the rinks of that vil-
one Wednesday u. SSf lash et ns nlcld la e. Pour games ws e played and
gn dsoft of last week on the inthreeof them the Exeter players
Thede of the ost unfavorable
Toa[ Club. were winners, but in the other game
The day was ion.;t inta iling a foin- the Germans bad so much of a mar-
vehe nting
is most 0of t tofu fay. Shu at re_ gin that the day's playing resulted
tenting most of the day, thus yrs- in a tie, 54 points each.
venting the carrying out of the en- EXETER
tire program of sports, as the track F. 9{night, Jr. IIcrR I'.i1R
was in a very muddy condition. l \Vib. Dlartin II, James
The inclemency of the weather also II. Gregory S. Drown
bad a damaging effect on the at- 11. W. Taman Dr. McCue
tendence. the crowd being •much Skip 15 Skip
smaller than Inst year. AW►letes T. Acheson
11. Either •
frorn Toronto, London, Woodstock T. AchesonMcInnis C. Either
and other points took part in the W. H. Lovett C. Kuhn
Athletic sports. Bobby Kerr, the :..D.ILeveltrdon C. ahonfeted Hamilton sprinter. tw}Io tookluett
skill 8Skip10part in the Olytnpic game; in Eng -}night Eland, Wag there and gave an exhibit- Martin 11.CEilber
icn of 50 yardsand was Presented W.
11. GregoryartinC. Mahon.
with a Handsome clock by the B.O. W. W. Taman C. Bluett
B. Athletic Club. Jbc baseball mato}, Skip 15 Skip 14
bet ween feature am and Fullerton W. T. .Acheson licrb Either
was a of the afternoon's D McInnis 11. James •
1_4e gram and was won by \\-Ingham
W. 1i. Levctt S. Brown
N. D. IIurdoa Dr. McCue
16 Skip I5
-Two rinks of Exeter Bowlers
went up to Goderich Tuesday morn -
fling to •tdke part in the tournament
in that town. The following gentle-
men took (part ::Messrs. J. W. (Brod-
erick, L. tai. Dickson. C. 11. Snell, \V.
J. • lea/nen, W. W. Taman, 3itev. Col-
lins, W. Blatchford and J. 'A. Stew-
art. In the trophy preliminary
event, W. J. lleaman's rink ataent
down before N. 11. Monteith. of
Brussels 17 to 9. Rev. Collins' rink
was up against 1t. Q11cLean's rink, of
Goderich and defeated them 21 to
17. 'In the first round of the tro-
phy F. Davis, Goderich, defeated Rev.
Collins 21 to 13. In the first round
of the association match, A. M. ilea -
One of the severest electric storms
in this district in years took piece at
Goderich during Sunday night, re-
sulting in considerable damage from
lightning mind and rain. Nine
thousand square feet, or about half
of the roof of .the new wbe•l factory
was torn off and ,blown over Ito the
south of 'the building, and the north
of the building and 'the north walls
of the upper story. which are large-
ly of glass, were blown in. The rat-
tan and varnishing looms were un-
injured, and the damage to machin-
ery and stock is mot large, as there
was not much rain 'after the disas-
ter. Y}te accident comes at a bad
time of the year, as orders were bc-
gining 'to cotne in freely. Manufac-
turing operations will probably be
continued as soon as insurance ad- man, of London, defeated his bro-
jueters have mode a settlement, end ther W. J. 12 to 11.
a gang of men will be 'put on to re-
pair the roof. Earlier in 'the night FALL FAIRS
the roof of Ilarry Edward's restaur- Toronto, August 31 to Sept 14.
ant was bonen off and considerable Western Fair, London. Sept 11 to
damage done by the rain. Other 19
roofs .were injured and tunny trees Exeter. 21 and 22.
were broken badly in various parts St. ler, SeptS, t 21. 11 and 24.
of the town.
- - 1{irkton Oct 1 and 2.
-A very pretty aro 1.iing took place LONDON IIAS BIG 1FI1tE
\Vednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock
at the home o[ \i r. and Mrs. James The \Veltman Hardware store at
Murray, Andrew street, when their London was destroyed by fire Tues -
daughter iMary Telfer, was day evening, causing a loss of !$50;
united in marriage to Mr. J. (East
OOP. Fire chief Clark. Sergt. 'Cock -
Jordan, of Goderich. The ceremony burn and Henry Wein. who went
was per[ortned by Rev. W. M. Martininto the burning building were
in the presence of a number of in. crushed to death beneath falling
t•itcd guests. After n dainty wed-
extended thnlfloors. Severbuilding
buildings adjoining
ding dinner 81111 congratulations were the Weslvebuilding were damaged
ft o couple, :Mi. 01111ce
by fire, water and smoke to the ex -
Mrs. Jordan Itf: on the 'evening tent of several thousand dollars.
train on a honey moon trip. _
-Norman McPherson, 32 years of
age, a clerk at the Booth Com-
pany's cold storage plant, .Detroit,
was crushed to death in one of the
elevators at the (plant Thursday
evening. lie leaves a widow Anil
four little children. His !parents
live in Parkhill, Ont., and a brother
is principal of the public school in
Preston, Ont.
Any student from Exeter swishing
to attend the Clinton Business Col-
lege, may do so at a very "low. cost,
by Ipurchasing a monthly ticket,
thereby saving board hill. Such
students •w111 miss two hours each
Morning. but swill be given free tui-
tion at the end of each month to re-
compense for same. The graduates
of this college are filling the best
positions available :-n Canada and the
United States. All are placed im-
mediately after graduation. During
the Last year, aix graduates nvere en-
gaged a teachers
5 ether •13
rain s
'Marys, Tuesday, August 11th by
Rev. McCamus, lit to M.. daugn-
t..- of Mi. and Mrs. W. 11. Marsh -
shall to Dr. \V. D. Ferguson. of
of Mr. and Mrs. James Murray,
Andrew street. by Rev. W. 1M. Mar-
tin, Wednesday, August 19th, Mary
Telfer Murray to J. East Jordan,
of Goderich.
\IEI;N E11.-ln T)ashwond, Thursday,
August 13th, Vern, ''ot1 of Mr. and
lira. Geo. Merner, aged 8 bears.
IiQX.-1n Stephen. August 13th
James !lox. aged 96 years, 10 mos.
LAI'ORTE-At the Sable Litre, !lay
on the 10th list, Theresa Laporte,
aged 15 years and 10 months.
rHarvestersA • Needed And
!c he
0 0
2v 0
Good .\Vngcs Offered."
' • • -•,--.Preparations have commenced in
The report of •len sixth annual Preparations
for the handling of the
meeting of the directors and
share Northwest's big wheat
holders of the Sovereign Rank, has
only difficult experienced by farm
crop, the
been issued in which the following ers being the scarcity of labor in the
paragraph appears: "The stoekhold- harvest fields. It its to induce glen
ors will 4'e • the
to hear our opine to
to netthe west
e lCwI R.
ion as t the tole) outcome of the ofhe ten dollars from Ontario. This
Rank's liquids. athren. When it a con- fare carries the ticket Kohler to any
Sha. there is yet due will
13:utk over 1?13,000,000, you .l'oitlt on the company's MICA cast of
.Moose Jaw : trains are run direct to
readily conclude, how difficuL, in ..
[act impossible, it is foe• us to give \Vinnipeg• and the men are re -tic.
you any )lefinntr' rinse rr. ea}'ecinlly i keted there for the points where
when we ce,isider the reckless man -`they wish
lo work. After at least
her in (which the Bank's money avac,otle months w•otk in the field, lalor-
lonned=all conservative banking ets are issued tickets hackto Ontar-
prrinciples seemed to have been lg. i in .starting paint $18.00. Leaving
note.!. 1V,+ may, 'however. .venture ;date' are of Canadian
it Sept. l,fic R. from excursions
the s•iaternettt that if the assets of a inns nett Ittcst Sopt.o1, R. Aug 18
the Ralik as illy ttoiv stand t;et no 1 19. Sept. 1. 9. from mato, south•
ttor e. you will not be called upon(I,
for n double liability. Our apparent! west of Toronto. and Aug. 20, 22, 27.
n t t
_I stations c
fie 't 2,11.1 1 I t o
a ,a 'v now
[ o
sur las es rt
1 ata Iw
all liabilities: east of this sfrpli s eve Tot onto . The most important ex -
are sure to lose anywhere from bait elusions arc Aug. 11. 18 and 20, one
a million to ihc whom amount • from each district, and on .these
--�- -- dates special trains will be Inn from
The Luean baseball alb is ex- alt C. P. it. stations, times of "bich
[Voted here (Titley night to play a ngentt will furnish. The C. I'. R.
game flub the local team. Is the only Canadian t to the
-�- West. rind the only line esrrying
Ip.IL-p CONIL =Aa Farm Laborers through ttithotat
lla ltt I("ti 'fru Han lbws chrome. Apply to ticket agents, or
for re -staining and ifni�hiul
Furniture, Wood-
work and Floors
T. Kawkins & Son
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc.
We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof.
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convince] that it is the cheapest spot in towuj
The Call of Summer
is for new styles in clothing. We have the
latest in all fabrics and our workluanship needs
no cclnlnent. We always have the best
Our Suits are the best value we have ever
offered in Exeter.
Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario
Applications for tho janitorseip oil
the Exeter Public School .will be re -1 Valuable Farm Land
ccivcd by the Chairman up to the
22nd inst., by whom details will be In the Township of Hay, in the
furnish,'. Duties to commence on County of HuronSept. 1, '08. Pursuant to an order of the Iligh
Court of Justice made int the !natter
of the estate of Peter Henderson late
1T(>8'SF++. AND LOT FOR SALE ) of the Township of Hay, in the Coun-
tyTllat house and lot at the corner action
of Huron, Yeoman, deceased in an
action of llettderson vs. Henderson
zit Albert and .Jame sstreets, belong -
et al" there will be offered for sale
ing to the Sovereign Batik.For by Public Auction with the appro-
ternls and particulars apply to Can-
adian Ration' o[ Bernard Louis T)t,yt., Es-
quire, the local master at Goderich,
- i by B. L. Phillips, auctioneer zit the
,1t 2 o'clock I'. M. on
1-4 mile south of Centrati.i, con- SATURDAY, .AUGUST 22, 1908
taininp) 143 acres. Brick dwelling All and singular that certain pnr-
3 barns, one of which }las basement cel or tract of land and rertains sit-
nevers. One Here orchard, three „ate lying and being in the Township
sit -
never r a' wells i windmills. c failing els two an (mills.
o[ ala in the Coent of Huron and
Y Y ,
1 c
soil is n rd loam. as Icon of described as follows -}]ting compost -
well f cultivation.
rained and in fat ed of the South half of Lot windier
class state o[ eultiwatinn. For terms Eight (8) in the Second Concession
etc., apply to R. nickel Centralia.. of the said Township of allay. The
said hand contains fifty acres and is
1111[.[. Fol: Siiit:\lV,E i('i?-CO\1'S 1'Olt %yell fenced and drained. It is situ-
`;atcd about three miles from Exeter,
and is within half a mile of church
and school. On the said land are er-
}lurons King. No. 80142„ American cele& a frame house and a frame
Jersey Cattle Club, for service at barn.
the undersigned stables. Service fee TERMS OF SALE
$2.00 for registered cows: $1.50 for The property will be offered for
grades. three exceptionally good Bale subject to n reserve bid. The
Jersey tows for ante. Must he sold purchaser shall pay ten per cent. of
to Make room for other stock. his purchase motley at the time of
,TANIES UNSWORTii sale to the Vendor or their solici
Manager of Jersey Stock Farm tors, and the balance in thirty days
Lumley I'. O. Ont. thereafter, into Court, to the credit
of this act1on without interest. The
Vendors %sail only be required to
Farm(ernish a Registrar's Abstract of
for Sale Title and to prod'.Ice such desalt
copies thereof or evidences of title
A good 101 acre farm on lot 17, as are in their possession. In all
Con. 8, Blanchard west boundary. On other respects the terms anal condi-
i us ofsale 111 he the standing
is 1 11 ?a O•llat
to h � t n
t is farm there a t l cR
1 c
brick honest and good out bu':dings: conditions of this Court.
2 never failing wells one at the i•'ut-titer p,trticttlars may be had
house and the other at the barn i q front Dickinson A (1trroaws Barris -
good orchards, 40 acres seeded. The t,•:s, (Inderich; 1'. \V. Ifarsourt, N.
farm is well fenced, 400 rods of wire C., Official (J''ar'11n11, Toronto:
fencing. This farm must be !old as Nickson & Carling. tinrristera.
the proprietress twill give up term. Exeter.
Dater) Goderich this Gtb day of Aug-
ust, A. .1)., 1908.
(Signed) U. L. i)OYLE, Local :des -
Ser. Goderieb.
ing. Terms cusp. Possession at
C. 11. foster. District 1'.a'scnger once. l'or further particulars apply
Agent. Toronto. for f1111 informa- to Mrs. T. Cornish, Woodham, or to
tion. Thos. Cameron. Farquhar, Auct.