HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-13, Page 5'1'$E EXETER TIMES, AUG 13t1 190 CREDITON NEWS Centralia Dliss Smith, of London, forureelp a teacher at Fairfield school. is re- i stewing acquaintances. 1 DASHWOOD NEWS •_ Mrs. Dyer. oe Detroit', Is visiting I e-___ -- --_-- -- - -__-- - ----____-- her sister, Mrs. (4)r4 t#tipe. Zwicker's Crediton Crediton Miss lactic Elliott is twt .� her Dashwood holidays home with her *awns. She ' �� is accompanied by Blots lrsen, o[� Messrs. Tiemcui, Edighoffer, Sie- London. • Burt :end Dunlop were over t.: Cred- Dargains ■ BargainsMrs. Kelso and daughter Tillie are Rev. Jas. Nestle, of lies fist I ` , yrcach_1 iton Monday afternoon play.ng it E renewing Acquaintances in town. es in the blethodist church 011 min- l Miss \Va enast, of Waterloo. is game o[ howls. B say nett, sat a U. Sett tak;•.We will offer the following to clear at greatly rctluc(d prices Mr. Hartman Elsie is one of our11 i , visiting at the borne of Mr. 'Brown, the services at James street churcho business men, awho believes hi ad- Boy's 5uulmet Blouse Suits, 40 cents and up. Mr. J. Nichols, of London, was the Exeter. 1 y' of Mr. I. Brown over Sunday. The Ice Cream r ooial +dl tiling• Since placing his cover- i Men's odd Sumpter Coat at cost. guestgiven iw the tisement in the Titres he has sold a Boy's and Youth's Suits (a broken lot) 1-3 off. On Friday night last the Brownie Epworth Iark by tLe ■yworth Lea- nutnber of pumps awl in each case Remnants in baso ball club went to Lucan and Rue Tuesday evening in a: well at. has given entire satisfaction. llon't' Dry Goods, Muslins, Print, at and under cost. played the twirlers of that place. A tended. The evening er as a afoot a Balance of Linnet) Hats at cost, forst. him ++ben wanting anything keenly contested game was played favorable one, and eld sad young en- joyed ;n the !rump line. i We also carry a full line of goods just now in tlenllnd such as We have just opened out several shipments of Readymade as the score will show. 1-0 in favor themselves. titins Winnie $s• Diisees M. Ehlers and 'Tillie Mil- : .l P, of our boys. Those who witnessed sery, 'Miss Katie Elliott, *Ir. Andrew ler aro visiting ,at Mrs. 6, \1'itmer's' Dinner Sets, Odd Dishes, Cider and White 1Vuu' vinegar, • Clothing. EarlyFall deliverly, comprising of Diens Youths the contest record n very fast game Butt end Mr. and lira, Norman ¢nnricb. A good stock of Pickling Spices, pp All lovers of baseball will be pleased Mitchell took part in tl,,e isgramm• Dir. 'Dan. h•chroeder is all smiles and Children'sSuits. Which we offer at special prices. Come and see us before you make your purchase. We will p to hear that the return match ~will Some night marauders re been You will find our Stock of ready to wear goods larger than ever. be played here on Friday next, so committing acts of raudwllst)t whits',those days. Its a new butcher that 1attired. Dan snu:. s Suite often. save you money. Yen's all Wool English and Scotch Tweed Suits, good !innings, good work- . ork- dont fail to ace it. The admission may rcauirc govcrnn,enl incestiga- Miss Brown, t Crediton, visited F =sushi!). latest styles, natty patterns for $7.50 to 10.00 will bo very light. tion: such as cutting Hire fences, with Miss Vera S;.bert over Sunday.! arm Produce taken in exchinge Children's Tweed and Serge 3 peice Knacker suit from• $2 fi0 to 5,00 The children of Mrs. Ocatricher breaking window., and setting fire I.Qatite a number of our y0'ati$ pet)-) t • SI' Boys Norfolk Suite all wool Tweeds. single and double breasted styles met at her home on Wednesday last grain in the field. Some of these pie spent Inst Sunday at the Bend.; from - - • - $2.00 to 3.500 to celebrate her 80th birthday. !Mrs. things are of too serious n nature Try Tiernan & Edighoffcr for ties Now Is the time to secure a bargain on Carpet, Linoleum, 0I1 Cloth, or a Oestricher is one o[ the first act- to be lightly passed over. y p yshowing goodquality rugs,y•veryThey are daisies. 1V8 don't ask yon We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil r pretty Ta rest Rug.We are some extra f ualit sizes tiers In this community. A en- Miss Lois Smith, of London, is the T ybbut you can't help it after 8x3 311x4 4x4 4ix41 call and see them. joyable evening was spent and all guest of Miss Alla !licks. sl , seeing them.t• C Muslim, Dress Goode, Lineae etc. We are clearing out many lines to make dep sting wished her many more Mr. Ilarvey !ticks and if r. Percy bliss Snider. of Alntir•a, is visiting r Sie be rt Ir& Co room for tall shipments of thesegoods. :1- �►►, .:. ' t them. Hooper. n[ London, visited friends p in our burg. REMNANTS -We have also for sale this month agreat man remnants o DIr... �i:.,th, of Berlin, is spend- here on Sunday. Iiartletb BIo ck. y We certainly have a few men In spring and summer goods, which we intend to clear regardless of cost. ing a few days with her mother , Mrs. Win. Abbott, of London, is our town that ++e can call singers. ll:1SIIWOOD, Diss. Oestrichcr. ' the guest of Mrs Wee. t�sa•ens• \t•e may soon call them Khe dm all +1 GENTS FURNISHIFGS-We aim to keep our stock in this line complete with Flaa-pulling is completed and the bar. and Airs. Ai. Ilaatings andette, per have he st reclatest eiv dna hi ment of Shirt . Now is the time o the lat st secure a is ee Sail ork or atpattert a also work in the mills has commenced. daughter Ltllri, of Exeter, were the 1�Mrr. IMat. QT. ua J)unlo13 of roodet SPECIAL. AUGUST SALE j }� a Mr. Wm. Lewis is making eaten- guests of 611 r. Geo. Essery on Sun- the Farmers' Bank, returned last You cannot g $ Ties. Collars, unlined Kid Gloves, etc. Our prices are reasonable. sive repairs to his barn, and when day.possibly effect as great Ladies White Cndet•skirt regular 1. Saturday after spending a week or You will find our stock Re well assorted with seasonable goods, completed it .will be very .commo- I 'bliss Lydia Handford. who has been two at his home in fluting ,t 1;11 a saving by buying hither or thither' for $1.W each. as you can b couflnin Our GroceryStock is always Clean and resp, dious. i visiting friends in Loudon for for y y g yaursell:to the Ladies White Night Gowns regular r y Mr. Thos. Lawson and Mr. Geos a-. past two 'weeks has returnee] home. A number of our local bowlers one great bargain g g B g giving centre Tie- $1.50 for $1.00 each. Also highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs, Wool, and all Farm produce Boltzmann have laid down cement 1 'Miss Minnie Sanders, of Exeter, went to Zurich last week and play- man and Edighoffer. Bear in mina for Ladies Embroidery 40 We handle Gold Medal, and Plymouth Special Binder Twin e. walks, which added a sociable game, defeating Zurich ever bargain Corset Covers re. ) ,-. Dinner ware, China, Crockery, andGlassware. pcarancc of their greatly ;the np- I on Sunday. of Miss Blanche Smith Flto 11. om here?LDicssrs,+ing Goetz. players 1►cIL there is justasyouany and just asgood LadiesBlackHose •3 pair for 25c. Miss Edna Brock, of Exeter, is -+--iu our store. Our bargain given is Ladies Tan Hose 2 pair This month we are offering (1 t)7 peice Dinner Sets lovely patterns for $9.50 visiting at the Royal, IIOBiESEIsNI'sRS EXCtJ1[SIONIj lermaun. Edighoffer and E. Tiernan- not confined to only a line or two but Ladies Vests IOcts, Embroidery r tie. 1Mr. Geo. Wambold. of Blyth via- g • per set twi1 salsa. for this we ks delivery U to see t Chickens buying. less Mr. Garfield LnsysoJi spent Sun- To Manitoba, Baskxtcbawan, and ited here a few days with his par - We gis et indone eof our lines r all and are nl are• Ains arbeautifnlFmbruide of and Laces. pay C y (weighing day in Exeter. Alberta. All rail wig Chicago and St. eats last mceg, y range Ladies Belts, than 2itb) 14 cents per pound. Mr. and Mrs. J. Procter and fain- i Paul August 18, Sept. let, 13 and are givin ivies of the many others we Fancy Collars, celebrated Gloves, etc. Hens 7 cents per pound live weight. ily, of Zurich. spent Sunday with 29, also via Sarnia and Northern N. Mr. Arthur liellermann preached are giving. �Ve handle the celebrnted D and 'A We intend chiufas fowl each week through the season. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown. `Co.s Steamers, leaving carnia at 3.30 very interesting sermons ill the Ev- A few pieces of Fawn and Tan color- Corset. CHASZWICKER Mr. W. Clark has returned home ,r. Aug. 19 and 31, '08. \Vanni- angelical church last Sunday. ed dress goods in Satin Cloths, Hen- • from a week's visit at Barrow Lakc.1 peg and return, 432: Edmonton and Mr. Thomas Klumpp has the best rietta and etc, regular 50 and 60 to clear Messrs. Garfield Lawson and John I return $4`2.50. Proportionate rates outfit to give farmers satisfaction at 23c. yd. Trictz intend leaving for the west t to other points in Western Canada. in threshing. Mr. Kinut,11 is engin- Fancy Muslin 15to 12& to s. for lOc. yd. this week'. good for sixty days. Full information oer and henry Staubus and ID. Pfaff Fancy Gingham 121 to l:,c. for lUc. yd. Most of the Indians have left for f from any ticket agent of the G. T. R.feeder:. 10c. for Sc. yd. other parts. Flax -pulling eves fin -1 system. , •Mr. and Jtrs. Geo. Sinnott, of Lon- American Prints worth 7c. for 5c. yd. ulshed last week. Crops are good. don are visiting nt lIu'ds and Millers 10 pieces of print regular 12ic. for lOc. A large auto load of Itepplc from llenry Staubus and wife paid a vis- yd, Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Farm for Sale it to )fro. \\'m. Dabus on friday. Blue and white Checked Skirtings re- AfcIsaae on 6nyiday• A good 104 acre farm en lot 1T, Mr. Arthur Kellerntann will take gular 121)c. for 10c. Don't forget the Brownies play i Cort. 8, Blansharc! west boundary. On charge of the services at the 'Zurich Bleached Sheeting 2'yds. wide for 25c. Lucan team Friday night. the farm there is an up•toadate and 14th concession Evan. churches yd. Mr. Ira S. Brown spent a few days brick house and good out buildings ; next Sundayduring the absence of Factory Cottons worth 12ijc. for 10c. in London last week. 2 never failing wells one at the the pastor, ,Rev. Gishler. yd. house and the other at the barn ; -�- Seo out Bleached Table Linens the best good orchards, 40 acres seeded. The Harsh, purgative remedies aro value ever shown in Dashwood. farm is well fenced, 400 rods of wire fast giving way to the gentle action fencing. This farm must be sold as and mild effects of Carter's Little the proprietress will give up farm- Liver fills. If you try them they ing. Terms easy. Possession at will certainly please you once. For further particulars apply to Mrs. T. Cornish, Woodburn, or to Thois. Cameron, Farquhar, Auct. A Call Solicited As You sew so Shall You Reap We are constantly sewing on the best clothe money can buy. We are reaping satisfied customers. Natural isn't it? When we sow :our advertise- ment in the newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat. trousers, overcoat or whatever the add. might suggest, we include the best of everything in that suit, the best cloth, the best linings, the best paddings. the best, thread; etc. as well as the best of our ability in cutting. fitting and making. Shouldn't we reap our reward? This add is sowed to reap you as one of our customers. When you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, Fancy •Vest, flet' this add lead you to our shop where we can prove to you that we live up,to-our word. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON Special Announcement Unparalleled Slaughter Sale OF ALL SUMMER GOODS I We are giving a discount of 25 per cent until August 1st on our White Waists of which we have but a limited supply. Here are the ,rices. $1.00 for 75c, $2.25 for $1.00 -. . $1.50 for $1.15 $2.00 for $1.50 ♦• All Muslins and %Vhitre Goods to go at the same reductions. See our display on table. lac and 18c Catton Voiles and Muslins now 10c, 20c and 25c White and Clawed Mullins 15c. Also showing a good line of Print at 1Oc per yard. Have but short ends of three pieces of Checked Mercerized Ginghan.s which has every appearance of silk, something new. Regular price 25c, dur- ing sale 17c. H eatherbloom It is one of the finest goods made for its purpose. Just as good and rustles like silk and is taking the place of silk for Undershirts and linings, 36 inches wide at soc per yard. One Hammock regular $3 for $2 Mr. Albert Feltner spent Sunday in Exeter. Mr. Jack Triebner, of Exeter fawns in town a few days last week. Mr. Barney Cunningham, Khiva. spent Monday in town. Miss Emma Beaten! and Miss 'Boy- senberry, of the Imperial hotel, at Grand Bend, spent a few days at the Royal Last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Roland and fam- ily, who have been visiting Mr. and Auction Sale of Farm Airs. Math. Nein, left for' Woodstock Tuesday to resume his duties as Property. chief of the fire department of that • place. Sandy is a great favorite around here. Auction sal cof farm prorcrty. A big surprise party was glven Mr. 'Ir. Thomas Cameron has received Michael lilu►npp on Saturday, Aug. testi 'actions to sell by public auction 8th in honor of his birthday. About at the fifty of his friends assembled in to CENTRAL 1iOTEL EXETER, see him. Ile has reached the good Shipka Death removed on Mondas7. Aug. 3rd. one of the landmarks of this locality in the person of Mr. John Sharpe at the advanced age of 63 years. The deceased was bora in England and came to this country about the year 1852. Ile first liv- ed at Scarboro, where he +worked for 14 yaers. After his marriage he moved to Stephen, where he lived on the old homestead for the past 42 years. Mrs. Sharpe died in 1906. elle old age of 77 years and is still hale -011- leaves to mourn his decease, two and hearty. We wish him a goodFRIDAY AUGUST 21st 1908 s011s and five daughters -John, pf many more years of health and at 6 o'clock p. in., the following val- Stephen, Fred on the homestead, strength. liable facto property, consisting t)4 Mrs. T. lieYs, of .Stephen, 'Dirs. W. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mellick, of ?Air- the north half of lot C5, con. 6, Us- Jones, Mrs. George Scott, Mrs. G. iclt, and Mr. and Mrs. 7. Smith, of borne, containing 50 acres of land. Shephard and 'Mrs. Walter Neil. of Detroit, were the guests of lir. and 10 acres are of good hardwood bush 111cGillivray. The decensed had suf- forred for c Mr. Dan Diclsane over Sunday. and the balance is in good shape for years from rheumatism. - Mr. C. Zwicker has installed a new sowing fall wheat. The property is Interment took place on Wednesday he Farmersherrn;! seed and grain cleaner ;n well fenced and drained and in n In the I nrkhill cemetery to which Bank of Canadahis premises. The machine will clean good location. Will be sold without plaeo it was followed by n large from twenty to thirty bushels in en reserve. Possession given on day of number of old neighbors and most Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets 1, hour. The seed or poured i intimate friends. • $ b00,000 grain is sale. Terms and particulars made lure. Kelso of Detroit spent nt +► fart 40 Branches throughout Canada. into a bin throng,' nn opening in the known nn day of ante or on applies- p' Special Attention Given to Farmers'Business floor and is carried by nn elevator tion to Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer I days with her mothers Jacob and Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates. to the second floor Anil from there tl Fled Geiser of this place. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT b'ar. char. 1 feeds into the machine. After pass -J. D. Mannon spent a few days at Ing through the machine it is car. , London during the Old Boys rt. -union. Deposits of 81 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal Georgeor, of Parkhill went titres a year. rid McGregor,Grein a similar manner by another JUDICIAL SALE a few dys at 8. Sweitzer's plumbing Your money is too valaahle to leave in the house where hurelare, thieves elevator which fills the bags. One A severe electric storm passed over or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt- mnn can attend to the whole 111011_k ane. whereas before it took at least Valuable Farm Land lore last Tuesday evening. ,U r. James fel institutions that to often in the past have robbed /nen of their hard earned O'Rourke's baro was shuck and wealth. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSUED When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our draft and .money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and:prin cipal points in the United States and Great Britain. Ocrt Morro -Courteous Treatment. No Red Tape. R. T. DUNLOP, ["tanager, DASHWOOD. Office ono Mock• north of Siebert & Co's. store, HARDWARE Cut Nails all lengths (slighty rusted) 2cts. per pound. 1 Favourite Churn 1 11 Peerless washer At bargain prices 1 Leader washer I 1 Hammock regular $2 50 for $2,00 Long handle Shovels 50c each Sad Irons regular $1.25 for $1.00 set D Handle Spades slightly rusted 50c es Window Screens clearing at 20cts each A full line of Scoop Shovels and Grain Bags. If you are in need of any Fenc• ing be sure and see that you get the Ideal 1Voyen Wire the best fencing made, we are Agents for same. Ladies Waists regular 50e. to $1.00 now All kinds of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 25c. to clear. Machine oil. and Cylinder oil. We Flannellette Night Dress for Ladies handle the celebrated Sherwin Will.. regular $1.00 for 05c. each. Tams faint, they go the farthest and Flannellette Night Dress for Ladies wear the longest, because they are regular $1.15 for 75c. each. the best. GROCERY DEPARTMENT 5 lbs. good Green Tea $1.00 Korn Kinks nets. per packet. 2 lbs. best Green Coffee 25cts. 21b. Pkg. Ammonia Powder. 5c. pkg. 2 lbs. Coast Rio Coffee 25cts. Salmon lOcts. per tin. Seeeded Raisins iOcts. per pound. Corn and Peas 3 cans for 25cts. A full supply of Pickling Spices, Curry Powder, Tumeric•, Mustard Seedy, Celery Seeds, Ginger root, Chillies, etc., etc. All sizes of Crown Fruit Jets in stock. Fruit jar rubbers 5 and l0cts. per doz. We:handle those celebrated Teas, in packages viz: -Red Rose, Salads, and Blue Ribbon, in Green or Black and Mixed. In I and lib. pegs. Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. Call and examine our goods, and prices, :and be convinced that we do as we advertise. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, DASHWOOD two and sometimes three hands to c machine is oper-' do the work.. 1'hTownship the of Hay, in Some the i caught fire. Soe of the boys being In Men's Goods we are also giving snaps and showing ►nano new things. ated by a new gasoline engine. County of Huron I near quenched the thanes after a hurt[ 8traw hats, but a few left, gointl at a reduction, Mr. W. I1, James, manager o[ the I'iirsuant to an order of the high struggle and some daninge had been has returned from it pleasant outing of the estate of Peter Will Give You a Summer Suit r+t 25 per cent Off Canadian Bank of Commerce hens, Court of Justice made in the matter done. Henderson late Last Thnt•adoy a yr ping a hail slot m Just received a new thing in Ties. They are the Knit Tie and Swagger at Sparrow Lake, Muskoka. Mr. A. o[ the Township o[ !lay, in the Coun- (tossed over bete. . • •'.'itzer had 17 StnfT, ninny shades to choose from. Shirts, Collars, Fancy Sox, etc. will be Jt. Graham, who was relieving white ty o[ Hilton, Yeoman, deceased in an scree of oats thresh,.. , y the hail. seen here in abundance. ' he was away, is now holidaying at action of "Henderson vs- Henderson bliss Maggie McPhee, of Detroit, is Dealer in Linceecl, Machine and Separator Oils. Twine and all the other his home in Ramilton. et al" there will be offered for sale visi ting at her home here. necessaries for the present season. The boys ate enjoying the bowl- by Public Auction with the nppro- Mr. McKenzie and daughter. of St.. ing game this year. The green is bation of Bernard Louis Doyle, Es- Thomas, are visiting with Peter Mc - HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE in excellent shape and many good! quire, the local master at Godcrich, Kenzie. games are played. by 13, L. Phillips, auctioneer at the Mits Emma Restart', t Detroit is B O W The plisses Ktihn e•nterlained the CENTRAL HOTEL sit itis q at her home here. A ('all Solicited. Linger [.onger girls and their gentle- j IN T11E ,VILLAGE OF EX ETElt. --�-- 1 men friends at a corn roast on ?lion• ,1t 2 o'clock 1', �1[. on Whalen dny es•f•nl,n,(, The Kirkton Hardware (In Atclny ,► IT,nshwfr d rink visit- 1 11nd siiigu rAthat Tc 22, 1908 Store Crediton and were defeated in two All and singular that certain para Al r. Nelson Cunning, of ltoss)nnd, gainer, r eel or t ract o[ land and premises sit- Il. C. is visiting relatives and friends Aftt•rnonn Game 1 ante Tying and helps in the Township around here. Credit on Dashwoodo[ !lay in the County of Huron, and Jlr. Newton Millson, operator at Wants for the Summer Months Mr. Either Mr. Dunlop ;deacribccl as [a:ta,+a_It.ing compos- St. Marys, visitd with his parents _ Mr. Brown Mr. Siebert ed of the South Ila1f of Lot number over Sunday. Paris Green, Binder wine of the following Mr. Mahon Mr. Mieberlfet I Eight (8) in the Second Concession Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Ogden sp.•nt ' e''711= sir. 131neIt AL. Tienn►„ of the said Township of Bay. The Sunday with friends in Lucan. bl'illl(IS - �3;� Skip as Skip 12 i said land contains fifty acres and is Mt A. A. Dinsmore and (lengthier. 'well traced and drained. It is situ- •alrh Evening GrineMaggie, of •Bay City, are visiting the Plymouth Special, Salmon Tag, Silver Sheaf �� '" 7 sZ Mr. Either Mr. Dunlop I atcd about three miles from Exeter, former's brother. Mr. .1. V. MilIson. ��- j McCue Ale, Siebert I and is within halt a mile of church Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parkinson, of Gold Medal, and ilobbg Best. �.,, fir,,, Dr. Dlc('ue Mr. Tiernan Skip and school. On the said lend are er- ilryanston, were elle guests of her ' "' Dir. Rlueft yi-, E'lik Skip 111er , ected a frame house and n frame mother. Mrs. Joseph Morley, on Sun - Skip 18 1 barn. day, dTERMS OE SALE 1 _p The property ++ill be offered for kinds Klrktnn 1 tis :c subject. to . . eset ee bid. The 1!'"ehave'H a l;li'�,�r Sl:l,l).)' (►f j;Ill.lt i' i�iit[S i'il(� ll r111Ci3 t,fj \Liss Reid is spcnd,nit a week at &�ii pure;, ase. shall pay ton per cent. of supplies tor threshers. Mime in Godcrich. f(his purchase money at the .time of The Misses Dailey, of Toronto, sale to ttie Vendors or their solici W. MOORS KIRKTON I tors, and the balance in (hart, days have returned home. , Quite a number of the youngthereafter, into Court, to the credit pct)- 1 of th;s nct•on without interest. The t'r aro in $L Marys •.to -day nt- Vendors ++ill only I� required to :peeling the marriage of Miss [veno furnish a Registrar's Abstract of Seasonable Goods at Hot Weather Prices `1'[rs a Echlin, to D. Ferguson. er ureal is visit- I Title a:,.l to produce such deeds • ing her sister. Mrs. J. E. Montreal, copies thereof or evi(:ences of title i0 per cent (discount on the balance Of our Oxford Shoes Mr. T. A. Wiseman, nt as are in their possession. In all for the balance of the Summer with E. N. Shier, bus secured rassit- I mbar respec,the terms and condi- tions Oxfords regular 82.04) now 'intim' in the Trailers flank. tion, of sale ,will be the standing --�- - - $1.7" Mr. Doupc who had his barn t'onditions of this Court. Sterling Machine Oil and Oil of all Kind BINDER TWINE We Sell Maple Leaf Binder Twine. Come and see us before you buy and wz will save you money. if you are in need of a new Rope, Slings or Pulley', come and se uS \''c have them. ROOF2N"G- Ametite Roofing, Mineral Surface $2 So per square Preston Safe Lock Galvinized Shingles and Corrigated Iron in stock will last a life time, (SATES AND RENCING A Targe assortmcr't of Page Gates on hand which we will sell•cheap Fencing. Barb and Coil Spring Wire at right prices. Mrs. Satherby has returned fromTry Martin-Senour Paint too per cent pure, an eetcndrd veer r •c iib her daug'iter Getjonc of cur Oil Stoves, the proper thing 'h:s !lot •veath^r. Celli: ' 111 Nee don. Mrs. Allier t;unn ng is visiting anti `c:; us, everythini; ,•'w and up.to•date. ,� with her num, Mrs. \Vm. Arks a of Cement always on hand. )totter and Eggs taken, 1';.isles. Miss Bessie Morley has returnee; Dashwood from her vacation with friend• of Hardware D. TIEMAN, Bryanston and London. Mrs. Abe Gilbert and sister Jima - - - - Jennie Neal of Parkhill were guests of Mrs. .i. V. Millson this week. Mr. Ilezlewood and sister Mary. of Kirkton, were guests of their bro- ther John of this place. Misses ., ,. .. 1. 1.50 burned last week is making plans Fut ttier i'' rticelars ink. ee heal Ladies ,,et.•nt Fla • rets re ides $1.;:, now from Dickinson & Garro++ Ba rd. - 1.50 I I K 1.50 for a larger and better one.• tern, (Goclerieh; F. W. Ile mitre. K. Dongola Oxfie ds regular I.:e, - 1,3 Miss Francis of 11. C. is visiting 1 (t., Official Guardiren, 'Toronto: A few pair of Men's wee king she , s Mende near Kirkton. i 1.00 _ Dickson & Carlin:, Barristers, etc. 'Che b►ianao e1 felt Alen'. `limner hats 40 0A1111TCeII.2A• Exeter. efen's Smocks and working Shirt+ from :or to sit oft each. Jeers the lie R'^1 Yc:I Na,a lieah Dated Gml rich this 6th day of Aug. net, n n i�oa B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar « df (visaed) U. i,. BOYLi:, Local ,1as- `1 �tl � „� I ter„ Goderich. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Mare Always Bought Bears the Signttt1 a of IRON AND WOOD PUMPS I wish to inform the Public and those in need of i'nneps, that I have ►. .v the agency for the Aylmer Iron Pump s and will he pleased to quote price and Teams. if you are thinking ofputting in an iron or Wood Pump come in and see us before buying, Pump Repairing a Specialty. HARTMAN ELSIE, Dashwood. Dealer in Iron and %Vood Pumps,