HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-13, Page 4•
Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years.
fin !,vas surprisedd at how Ne
sofas hooted- " your
AtrTMos TREATMENT for a /edema blood
disease*I r t eha years.h tiInflicted I had been
1 had consulted as•(r,
of physicians. taken all kinds of bice sI
merhe'fuo, visited trot Springs and other
mineral water resorts, but only got tem-
porary relief. They would help sur for a
Dme,brit after discontinuing the medi-
cines the s)•rupfut„s would Lrcak out
again -running sewed, blotches. rheum.
) of the glands. uimi of that le pains. loosenem of elt1ar dsssealin
Itchinevs..f Shu skin, dyspeptic stomach. AMR TREATMENT { when a
a[rOR[ TREATMENT etc. 1 had Ronal up In despair h
friend Eutcised me to consult you, as you had cum, him/ of a similar disease 8 yearn ago.
l 1 t,ecame encouragtdlook yt1contiR,l r1 the Nre n three M,rrtime
aouTn ATMENTcommenced
at the end ,d that tline evert symptom had disappeared. 1 si%n cured 7 years ago and no
sieus of any disease since. Jly boy. three years old. is sound and bealths.. 1 certainly
can r,•r„n,mend your treatment nt with all my heart. You can refer any person
n 1 , 111.•
prirutety, but you can uw• this tustim"ninl as you
of Men and Women
.t re you a visttrn! Have you 10 -it hope? Are you ;Mending tomnwTy' Ma
your 6100'I Iwn•n dIy,wmv1' (Ina• you noy weakness? our NEN' air11,.5
'I itVATIC ENT sill cure you. What it bastion.- for others it will do for you. Consultation
Free. No matter who has 1rwla,l You, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge.
the .t r •as nah1.• seeks nos "'trttetloldeu �lon(lon' Illustrated, on Imwas,•: t
f .l.. n.
ut s t
Question Iist and cost of Hasa Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
.. fl E.E`I1.•;R TIMES, AUG 13th 1901i.
\�rinchclsea I a a•eru guests of Mr. and Mrs .Jul.0
• Giltillan on Sunday last•
1 Mr. tie°• Cpshall, nil() tor over Mrs. i)r. _Balfour and children, of
I • Exeter, Ontario. twenty four years, has been a valued , London aro guests of .Mr. .n•1 Mt
resident of this section died at his Warren 'McGill.
Terms of Subscription •1.0O iierhome on Thursday afternoon. aged Mr. and Mrs. Gillard, of Stratford,
_ear In advance. ltd.$1.50To flnit d i '107 n flood health! for)sed over ad two nbeen ot
Win Ton ers visiting fatatter's l resent.father, !1i r.
cd It not so paid. etlr i.a I .
n abscess ' Lis bead. A !tow. lir. Turnbull and Miss 'lutt\-
The Exeter Times
eaten subscribers, $1.5U ctrl
4vano(' s No. paper d iseontionef
SOW all arrears ore paid, unless at
option of the publioher• The
lits to winch every subsotription is
rid Is denoted on (Le label.
Saiverlisinl rates on application.
Any pet son or persona !who of key
a paper",rennlarty from a post
whether. adrlressed in his name or
anothc•rs, or whether be has sub-
scribed or not, iv responsible ter
�faynlelf a ors tlis-
If a Orson orders his spllper dis-
continued he must a payall
or the 1' i blisher may
send it until payment it made, and
then cojleet the whole ,amount
iv1•bethee the paper is taken or not.
who Coarts have desided that re-
fusing to take newspapers or period-
icals from the post office or remov-
ing and leaving them uncalled for
wishilr' subscription remains unpaid, is
prima facia evidence of intentional
t a*3ed %�) a
week or so ago. he bad a slight
bill, of Toronto, are guests of tcl-
parlalytie stroke and on the follow ntives in this district. It is expected
ilfu j''riday had a more severe one. l the reverend gentleman will occupy
from whish he never regained con- the pulpit of Thames Road church
soiousncss• he was born in the I on Sunday meat.
peel county and came to Ilibbcrt 951 'Mr. and 31rs ,Millar. of Crotnarty
years ego. There he wasspent Sunday alai friends.
married is bfargaret Allen. tvbo sur- , !bliss .may 'parch is visiting frion is
votes him, In religion he awns an )1 near Cromarty,
;Mr. and rats. Arthur Passmore, of
St. Paul, (Minn., visited the fotmer's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Pass•
more during the week.
Master Charlie Cottle, who ' has
.been visiting his grandparents at
Bornholm returned home last week.
:Mr. E. J. Eacrett spent Sunday
with his mother at Exeter.
'Boss Smith, of Toronto, is visiting
Episcopal. (rut attended the lilt
ville Methodist church. Ile was a
order had charge! ofbthe e fun-
eral. held Sunday afternoon from
his late residence to the Exeter Cem-
etery. Besides his widow. he is sur-
vived by. Miss Emma, at home, Mrs.
Enos Cook. 131anitoba ; Mrs. Norman
Jarrott. near Iletisall ; Sarah. flet- I bre sister,
tha and Charles at home and airs. \V• Mrs. W. R. Stew intends
DIcClelland, of Elkhorn, Alan• The re- Mr. John Stewart, 3r.,
mains were followed to their last leaving shortly for Regina to visit
resting place by a large concourse his brother.
;wing relatives and friends.
Mr. Ed. Clark, of Chicago, is +t-
icing et Itis home here.
terVera, of Idet>sallvisited Mrs. IL
Robinson a few clays last week.
Mrs. (Chas. Godbolt is visiting her
two brothers John and Samuel Sta.
Note and Comment in Ilensall
M •G Etta D
y' t filler left last week
Miss c with her bis-
ar tment for a two'molthe' stay
e now
of the finance clop 1 tor. t\Irs. Jos. White, of New York.
aro tiow making out zeturarial cat- Miss Maggie Clark was the guest
Culatious on 'which the gbnscA 1Cnt of Sloss Vora Coward on Sunday.
• d' Ler
old age annuities tet•- --
When the latter are ready for sale
agents twill be appointed to explain
the annuity idea to the 1publi°►e80
that it may be thoroughly
stood throughout tho the country
Particularly among
classes to whom it would be of the
greatest advantage.
Fault is .being found with the
change of Thauksgivijtg Day from
;Thursday to Monday on the ground
that people) will not go to
c urch
two days in suocession•
!like to know how many of the fault
finders regularly attend
,Thanksgiving `Day' tic re
can remember far more people !werte
shooting, 1)layed ball or otherwise
amused themselves than attender; Farquhar
church. Talk as you .will, of late Mrs. rBarbaro IRobb, of r. and bStrratfordhn
years Thanksgiving Day has been visiting
more of a holiday than a holy -day. Duncan:
and Monday /will suit the great ma- Mr. Thos. Russell. of Exeter, vts-
jority of persons better than 'Thurs. ited with friends at Plugtown on
day for holiday purposes, -hence the Sunday rand !.Its. J. Brown, of Ran-
°haD$e' nock were guests of :Mr. and ,Sirs.
The fanner. if he only knew it. Is Will Douglas on Sunday last.
a little nearer the kingdom of bcave r Mrs. Jos. Boss and son, ; Lorne,
than any one on earth. lie is rcr- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bea-
ton) of three sluarc meals a days vers during the week.
and is the only man 'oho can fence Miss Victoria Whyte, of 'f1trat-
himsetf itt and live in aspite of ^rtfhc fort! is a guest of Mrs. 1 D. b�axbcen
Mr. Ernest 1lorley
visiting his sister Mrs. Arnold Har-
ris leaves this Thursday for the Qwest
on the harvesters eicursion.
Miss Vera Campbell visited her
brother. Mr. Arthur Campbell, for
several days !luring tbe week.
Mr. Eber ,Paynter, of St. Marys,
also Miss Senn, were visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Il. W. F. Beavers on
Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs..John McCullogh and
daughters lett on Saturday for Sar-
nia to visit for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. tl Turnbull
'Dir. Leslie Robinson and m a
attended the hunter picnic to Grand
Bend on Saturday.
Master Garnet Bell of Farquhar,
was the guest of Erie Coward for
a few days last week.
'Miss Almena lleywood is visiting
at Sam't Routtey's.
Master Douglas Stewart and Lon-
nie Heywood, of Exeter, were the
guests of the 1Misses Nellie and Ella
Heywood on Sunday.
Why don't don't you try Carter's Little
Liver Pills? They are a positive cure
for sick headache and all the ills pro-
duced by disordered liver. Only one
pill a close.
Mr. Thomas Barrett and bride, of
Carlyle, Sask., are here visiting re- 1
latives. Mr. Jarrott is the editor of
the Carlyle Herald.
Miss Flossie Foss i:. visiting In
Brussels ,with relatives.
Miss Florence Cudmore, of Wind-
sor. is here visiting her !parents.
Miss Alice Petty, of Londesboro, is
home visiting her parents.
Mrs. Miller, of Michigan, is the
guest et her sister. Mrs. Scott.
Several from here went to Sea -
forth yesterday to attend the 8.0.
S. celebration.
G. T. B. agent Bing Is spending
bis vacation nt Kincardine.
D. A. Cantelon is enjoying a couple
of weeks' vacation up the lakes.
Mrs. D. Urquhart and daughter of
Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. 1).
Miss Ferris, of harrow. is writ-
ing friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. J. !1). Dick visited her broth-
er, Charles Chapman, at St. /Thomas
last •week.
Mrs. W. Yungblut, of tbe North-
west is here visiting her /parents.
rest of mankind.
and sheep and fowl to provide him
with food and clothing, '+rbilc his
fields yield hits flour and a source
of revenue. So generous are these
ly to 1sfarmer in ten make s and so cmmon Lat a
any ac-
count of them, although the ordin-
ary business than thin'ks he has clone
well when he reaches the end of the
)re and
to )made s hat e lrls1ehas meet. a little
Very frequently ave receive cor-
respondence on the mail Wednesday
evenings and ns we go to press in
time to get the papers distributed to
our town subscribers tbat evening
the news is too stale for the next
aveck'- issue. We have an excellent
corps of correspondents, who great-
ly assist us in making our paper
nbetsy and e delighted lift otheyr can arrange 'would we
get their budgets in by Wednesday
morning. Formerly the Times work-
ed all Wednesday night and some-
times part of Thursday morning to
get the issue ottt, but things have
changed. we don't mind working at
eight, but the members of the me -1
ebanical department would rather
not so our night work %silt continue
to be discontinued. Correspond -
etas kindly act in accordance.
Alexander McDonald was taken to
Goderirh frotn Teesu•ntcr ort 'Satur-
day, and on Moodily was 'before this
tUDnor Judge Doyle on a charge of
theft. when be entered 8 plea of
guilty and .AV S remanded till the:
170, scent for
ometrfrom thePrisoner
.t.'n ted
8tato�, and in bad recently Wroxeter he went to.
an hotel and naked for n bed; he got
one, noel sometime after his arrival
a watch chain. Jnonoy tend articles 1dU\Y many American vYCrn('Tl in
of jrwcln oar. a missing a from McDtheonald
lonely home to -flay long for this
room o[ n bearers, and as could ald I
>< :1 i I he only person who could have ` blessing t9 come into their lives, and
otnt.•n the articles, he was npprehend to 1)0able
le uttertthese wordc s,
but (fit being searched, all the miss-
e of [1,g ;,rticles and others suppo!ctl to Ment this happiness is denied them.
have been stolen. acre rolled in rt i Every woman interested in this
belt strapped tightly eronnel his allbjC•
et should know that pmpara-
-_-: t� tion for healthy maternity Ls
If you had taken two of Qarter'a
Little Livor Pills before retiring you
would not have bad that coated ton-
guo or bad tanto in tho mouth this
morning. Keep a vial t'.ith you for
occasional use.
Mr. and !Mrs. Jacob Smith, of De-
troit, visited itt town last %week.
(Miss Agnes Kaercher, ,after visit-
ing in 'Michigan for several months,
has returned home.
Mr. Arthur Kellermatul, iof bash -
wood will occupy the p p the
Zurich and 14th con. Evangelical
churches next Sunday.
'Mrs. C. Fritz and family spent last
week with friends in Guelph.
'Mr. J. J. Metro left last week
for the northwest.
Rev. and Mrs. Giahler and family
are visiting at Berlin and vicinity
The Dashwood bowlers trimmed
the local rinks last week 21 to 11.
The 'Zurich players are only learn-
ing tho game so the score isn't too
The Zurich llcrald last week pass-
ed the eighth milestone of its exis-
tence. The Herald, under the guid-
ing hand of Bre Zeller, has done
considerable towards the building up
of the village. It is n newsy sheet
and is deserving of the support of
the villagers.
wmnnmesc m:
nn.nua c,•+m.. u911Jaata
, ,-
' cp tratioiiforAs-
ii ood andlleg ul;3-
bit ShNITtsirh5w ilkA esof
1\1.1`; 1\ (HILl)ltl•:N
1tessAttd 5LCOI1tAlns neither
'ritri,Morphine fior }Titles!•
Jive;• ✓OM s•S484121'l7CfAfR
AptfectRemedy forConstipa-
tion. our Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms Cenvulsions,Feverish-
tless and LOSS OF SLEEP.
FacSimile Signature of
11 (s rnonlhs- old
5 Does-35CEMrs
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
1 The liolsons Bank
eoorated 1855.
CAPITAL .... $s 374.000 00
RESERVE FUND 63.374,000.00
`, :1178;,4r,;11-Ni-IiiToi•••,41•., and Agents and Cot respondents in all the
1 rllsai d Cities in the Vorld•
General) b B% Busineas Trans'tcted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Rrtutche. 1laid ant allowed at highest current rate.
•Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
•••••••••••••••••w• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••t!1
ESiADL11tlr.D 1807
Canada's Is most strongly
Marked by the
Growing Increase of its
One of 'Middlesex's earliest settlers
passed away on Saturday afternoon
in the person of William 11i. Ryan..
at tho ripe nge of 00 years. Ile was
barn in Ireland and came to Canada
when it boy and settled near Elgin -
field, which was then known as Ryan
(Corners. For forty years be Con-
ducted a hotel business at that cor-
ner, and was known for miles around
for his generous hospitality and his
willingness to assist the needy. Ibis
services in a public capacity extend-
ed over a period of :10 years and dur-
ing his term of office always dis-
charged his duty with unwavering
fidelity. He was elected reeve of 11id-
dulph and London Townships for
many years and starved as county
magistrate for a number of years.
For some years past he has lived
with bis son John, of Lucan. from
whose residence the funeral was held
r no
of to
8 . James
n t t
on Monday [ c
cemetery for interment. ile is aur -
rived by four sons -Rev. Francis J.
of Lucan. George, of liiddulph ; 1D.
of itiddulph, and ttwo daughters,
Mrs. Phoenix .McLean, of London Tp.
and Mrs. James Crawford. of 11ut-
sentetorIlY a chance to make enquiries accomplished fly the ULSe
nce is to give the county a
aho+:t the prisoner.
Telephone Service
affords Service with 100,000 Subscribers.
Exchange Connection costs I
only v ' to 10 cents per day
An Extension Set on Your
Desk 3 1-3 cents per day
for Rural Line Connection. Over 300 Rural Systems
now connected
Mt Carmel
Vincent Quarry has Lein very sick
M1lND .wiMr. .lth apoan pendiRciotis.
lands had the nails
�11'� 1ia►;t,l,` ti111111'1', of West
tY ttt
1 u
Rt y
For Full.
' 1 til
la h,
r 1 r�.o.l' �1-ritcSt111011.L C.,
as real run-, ,p
from a weakness peculiar to my sex,
particularsnir;lLle for • when Lydia 1'» I'inhham' 5 Vegetable
is 1 Compound wan recommended to me. It
not t on
Y restoredto perfect health,
Sllillint'r us('. \\'ht'll he.ltin•g but to my delight 1 ant a mother."
Dtrs..losephi ie ilall,of Bardstown,
torn off two of his fingers last week
an hay loader.
, means
sister.of •De-
i v and
\ C
I n . t t
.It. John of
11011. arc spending their vacation at
the home of Mr. Tim Collins.
ToniRyan, , of Chicago. o, accompanied
by his wife and daughter, are at pre-
sent spending the hoadays al his
et his father's home here.
Mr• John iBoland received word last
cold meet, ('+llllll'tl meat Or ---•,\writes: week that seven out of the eight
'• I ITER a very great sufferer from scholars whom he sent lip for the
lltl 1)('1111°, st 11) a female troubles, and myphy�-i,'ianfailed fecent entrance examinations passed
)Uf'Ii totnc. Lydia E. 1'inkhnrn's Vege' with very high percentages. blurb
i help 5 I
ilttle 13uv1'il ;led 11(ttlee the table Compound not only restored trio credit is due Mr. Boland for his sue-
t(' perfect health, but i am HMV nprowl I eesful term's work. -'
difference. 1t will make the moths -1. -
Boli nlnro tel', more a llUtl1- For thirty years Lydia E. i'itili- owethe Itosi iehli (turegulnr
Soni' 1 Vegetable Compound, made ° t). evcninT ;est were 11. E. flu.-
't • from retot..t and herbs, has lien the ton and R. N. !love• The ltcpnirs
t1011`+ ;11111 illl)It• digestible. etandanl remedy for female filly (011 and a reN. ltd ttwo ndditiinal
Alldlla.p(tgiti�'el}-('ill'(d"InUaandynll fire exits to the west front and the
twiner) Who hare leen tnolbled wit!► necessary improvements effected to
displacements, inflammation, uleera. rho !water closets. The Tithes Print -
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, ing Co. bill of $5.25 for advertising
riodic lain.;, backache, that bear -I was passed, also that of Roa' Sk
feeling, flatulency, indiges f 1 ► Rtr) to fen
f ion, d oiliness or nervous prostratit)11.
Send post tart! for
11,p+v I t (lilt'
1 i
•1'.,i'-tV' 1►lsllt'4 It'
Why' don't you try it .0
t3U►VR11. LIMITED Mrs. Fila!:hart invites till stick
WOntett to write her for advice.
27 ST. PI.TBR aTR1a.T,MONTi�1:A1. She has guided thousands W
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Tlylor or rim ';r ofe)0 one new proposition for having
tht.p*eye 71E015 tested without oblige
tiers are invited for the j'tnitors
of the school, applications to he, re- •ties to psrehase. together with our
eeitcd by iris up to lbs 22 , tree booklet '• flints on Shaving."
inst. The blackboards in rooms 1,
olid tt are to i , repaired• the turn- e
Hers overhauled. school scrubbed.
and floors oiled.
The Contract Dept.
A. M ARCH AN D Local Manage
No Honing -
No Grinding
��RAZOR SLA s•+: -
N.. a
Von will find it impossible to secure
that tiisortable not properlye tempered, with • tppprr-
fectly ground and accurately bal.
anced. [(you find it perplexing and
cannot rely upon your own Judgment
b•:y a razor bearing the name Carbo
Magnetic -et is uncssdttionally
The Cabo Magnetic razor blade
In the only new idea m tempering in
history of shaving. Itis ther.ret,Cally
•nd mechanically perfect, being
ground, stropped and sharpened by
the Hamburg process - the finest
nu c
known in tarot ma
The secret roce+s of accurately
measuring and applying electric brat
has resulted in securing the highest
percentage of carbon ever known in
the history of razor manufacture.
na d toughness and
Carbon i•este c y, R
life to steel. Out it is perfect fuel
and burns quickly, hence when too
1.',erally supplied it is consumed by
fire tempering before it is fused.
The minute saw -like teeth of a
razor edge ei•herbcnd.wken too soft,
or beak. when too hard, making a
shaving edge worthless for cut fj
our beard. The recarbomz.r,; of :.1
Carbo Magnetic razor blades does
•way with both of these drfficulties-
the steel has been made diamond hard.
It is • scr`n•rnc fact establahed
beyond cavil ttat every razor requires
occasional Kroening. If the rani,
teeth will neither bend nor break
there will pa:k between them tiny
soap particles -which, with water,
make the lather. This is removed by
the stropptnz. Hon, rg and gnn! ng
•re only required to restore broken
0r bent teeth.
eut test this uneofRrtN1/orally
/[sa'anteed 7110f in yo.,r own
Keene -or have your barber use it on
you -for thirty days
Drop es • postal. or better yet,
come in and see •s and we will give
LAIRD, General Mastaose
Branches througllot (C y:•asd in the United States and England
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,0
Reserve Fund, - 5,000
$5 and undk 3 cents
Over $5 aetd not exceeding $10 6 cents
" $10 " „ $30 10 cents
$30 „ " $50 15 .cents
These Orders are paa•tti+l,' atlas• at every office of a Chartered Bank in
(Yukon excepted), and :it the pgwsnpal banking points in the United State;.
:,te negotiable at S;•90 to tlx• b Mei4i.rg in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an rxrdlent,twoelsed 0/remitting small sums of money with safety
at sma11 cost, and may be oaterisud without delay.
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager
liraneh nieo at Crediton.
The Sick. Made Well
1 Si 11051S 01 Iile Cavo 1 I Norm Wes!
2\Y earn numbered section of 1)"minlnn ;Ands In
Hn r\1 h:NT R.t 5) It 1•:O t LATIfrNS. .
AMatdtol.*, saskatr•hewan aril Alberta, excepting
8 and 26, not reserved. ins) be homesteaded by
I any person who is the sole head of s family, or any
male oast 15 )etre of age. to the extent of one -guar;
tet section o1 160 acres, more mks'.
Appltratien for entry must ).e made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion lands Agency of Sub•
ageney for the dietnst in whit,, the land is situate.
Entry by prosy may, howeaer, t.e made at an Alen•
cy on rertaineonditinns by the father, mother. son,
daughter brother or sister of en intending homer
The homesteader is required to perform the
homestead duties under one of the following plans:
(1) At least isle months' residence upon and cult!•
Nation of the land in each year fur three, ears.
may, If he so desires, perform
homesteader },
on 1
(the rc'1ufn+1 r,..idence duties by loping R
land owned solely by him, not less than eight) IMO)
acres in stent, in the s teInlly of his immes'ead.
w hS . in land wilt not meet this require --
o nen )
R I (S) lithe father for mother, if the fattier la de•
ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residetu:e
1 on farming land owned solely by him. not len than
eighty (sal acres in earent, n the sir Intl n1 the
1 homestcru , or upon a homestead entered for by him
in the airinity, such homesteader may perform hit
own residence dntiee by thing with the father or
t The tern. "slrinit). in the two preeeti ng
I paragraphs Is defined se meaning net more than
nine miles n a diret line, exclusive of road al oar
anus er,sse•I in tha measurement.
5 A homesteader intending to perform his reel-
; dente duties in accordant, w IIS the aberie aline
In ing land owned by
' himself mastinotifyritsthe agentf On f of the district of mach
811 months' notice in writing should he street*
the Cornmtatiener of Dominion la101 at Ottaw• Of
intention to apply for patent.
W. w, CORY,
Deputy of the Minister of the interior
N. 8.--t'nsuthnrited pnbliration of this adrerttse
n,en' will not 1* paid for
Without Medicine
Precious Life and
Health can be saved
by this New Method
All Sickness is alike
It applies to all cases, no matter what the foul' of inseam) may l.e. it re-
vitalizes Use human holly with OXYGEN from the air. OXYGEN is a vital.
Necessity -the greatest necessity life knows.
tae ripply OXYDONOR at home while you rest or s trap.
• 1<!0 loss of time fr.( tit your work or business. It is easily applied,
safe and always ready for use. Its force never exhausts. It will
serve the family, children as well as adults.
Write for FREE BOOK No. 02 to
. St Cole, Druggist
Dr. II. Sanche & Co.
:cit St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Que.
All disorders c:,used by n bilious
pint of the system ern be cured by
using Carter's Little Liver rills. No
pain, griping or rlieconfo t attend-
ing their use. Try them•
Agent, llruccfieId, was United in
' riagc with Mr. Arthur E. 8haia
The decomposed of Aicrtn- veiling representative of the Dotri-
who wandered away Express Company. The cores
der Robinson,
from his boarding house at' (iorrie on . snotty teas performed at St. Joseph's
or nitwit July 22nd, was found 'rhurs I• chuteu by Bev. Father Hanlon., after
t th
• v o 0
I t drove c u t c
e happy 0
is) udcl olden 11c 1 1
i c t t : IY.
week s h 1
, nn of
last c 1
day net lung g
(:nrn a fret in Taylor's hush, 3' hors). <t the bride at Itruccficld,. the
nos., from the town. lac hail user!' /'x.1.1;,1,( :, /cheer being partaken of
a fetter wire to irnn hinrteif. there. On the afternoon train Mr.
• ai 1 left for their r tutnre
A and accident happened at God. and .1r is
Crich on Wednesday morning of last borne in Chatham.
week, whereby rt )•nting nil" 513111' i 11 r. Ben. Cole, of Clinton met with
ell \t'nl. Henry, of Atwood, lust his a p•1'nful accident on Saturday. 1
life. Ile was employed ns s telephone .oven? over to the Catholic church o
baron awl ptwos setting on n cross •se (hem raisin the trusses for the
liar On n post. //other workman g
threw him a rope ; he failed to get roof, and while stepping from one
it. and lot his balance, filling to join to another his foot slipped and
the groom!ti �ustnincd injuries from he was thro+n forwaril on his facer
which he turd nn bout later. Ile
is .pokcn of ns tnost exemplary � knocking out three of ms teeth and
yOnng .att• :t otherwise injuring him. n motnent
On ttaturday Augu+t let, the un- later "several of the unkturw„ emptor
ed on the church mea oilh an nCej•
timely death of I.eslr• 1!. I. 3i13
son of Mr. Gibson Mal, iffy, of (lib•
bort. occurred. Ile a as a gU:et and
highly respected young rnan awl it
is thought that the warm weather
of the prewioae clays had affeetrtt him
Ile arose as 11-111 on Matto -day morn-
ing ',nrl onus aufipored 10 Move :vow
to ! • Work, but sou`1 afterwards his
I„!; • at fond in the barn, life
t .r
stiller. Ile Has 23Yen!
dent that resulted in their brans
snm,•twhat bruised, ansl they were
fort •1!,rtte in getting off so easy. One
end of the tee's was allowed to rest
on the mason's sr -Molding and when
an effort.Wt( tn•ptle to tiler the trait%
the scaffold 1.: nk‘• throwing the mon
nff, scam.-:` of wora 1 !1 .to tit" joiwt•
12 fret i,e!ot•:. it: an a ffoi to save
11 y 1 ! of
thee., 'ret a (n'tpl, prr.hbr,1 a wit'-
do- 1. , ahech \.:,s n:l(led Ont,
agd octet':
et: • 'r lib the krone 4nll. find it
On Sat urd* , .Ailgtist 3rd, Miss was \wO c•I• r none of 'hero were
Let tie Prime', daughter of the G. T. aerion'ly hurt.