HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-13, Page 2♦4++4+++44+++++-++++++++4H++++4444++4+++4 ++4 A Broken Vow; —OR BETTER THAN REVENGE. 1 +++-++++++++++++`►+b++++ ++++++++++'*++++++++++i! 'nether, and has been kept by her. What a fool I am ; how could her mother's name have been Phipps? besides, the writing in the diary is very like this in the Prayer Book —singularly like. I'll go to Trent Street, Westminster, and endeavor to find a clockmakor of the name of lugg. Trent Street, Westminster, was a difficult place to find, but Martin was keen in the search, and above all things there was a certain ex- citement in coming upon Trent Street when the Abbey clock chanc- ed to be chinning; a greater excite- ment in coming upon a tiny clock - maker's shop with the naine "Tagg" over it. There was no doubt about the matter ; here Aunt Phipps had lived, and probably lived still. Martin pushed open the little door and walked into the shop. "I want to see Mrs. Phipps," ho said. The old man looked up at him, and surveyed him steadily for a mo- ment; then resumed his work. "I'm afraid you can't do that," he said "Why not? Is she out?" "She's dead," said the old man, and went on with his work again. Martin Blake started, and stared at the man. The shock of the thing was greater than he could have im- agined; his interest in the lonely woman he had seen but two or three times in his life had been very strong. He thought of the strong, handsome face—the grave, calm eyes—the low musical voice. To be told quietly that she was dead, in this apparently casual fashion, was horrible; it took hire a moment or two to recover his usual equani- mity. "If you could give me a minute or two of your time," he said, "1 should bo glad. I know Mrs. Phipps and I should like to know something concerning the manner of her death. Will you listen'to me?" "I am listening," said Tagg, glancing up at hien for a moment. "But I can work while I listen." "Will you tell me what you know about Mrs. Phipps?" asked Martin. "Believe me, this is not a mere matter of idle curiosity ; I knew and respected Mrs. Phipps, and I ani shocked to hear of her death. Sho seemed so strong and healthy ; she was young to die." "Young?" The old man raised his head and looked at his visitor curiously. "A frail old woman like that! Why—she was near the end wheel she first came here; in all the time that she was here, while she kept her room and only crept out sometimes at night for a breath of air, I could see her run- ning down, day by day, as I've seen many a clock run down. And at last she stopped altogether — and there was an erid of her." "I can see there's a mistake," said Martin. "We aro evidently not speaking of the same person. Will you tell inc what tho Mrs. Phipps you knew was like 1" The old man laid down his work, and folded his arms, and looked at his visitor. "A little thin woman —dressed in black --and given to crying," he said slowly. "Might have been sixty years of age; might have been more. A poor little fainting, trembling, shaky sort of a body that needed someone strong to look after her. That was Mrs. Phipps." "It's very strange," said Martin. "There must have been two women of the same name—although that is reasonable enough. But in that case, how did the papers belonging to the Mrs. Phipps you knew come into the hands of those connected with the other Mrs. Phipps 1" "Papers? What papers?" asked Tagg. "These," said Martin, laying the packet on the little counter. "There's a Prayer Book --a diary— and some odd things of no parti- cular value or interest. Will you lo ,k at. them 1" Jordan Tagg opened the packet, and nodded his head slowly. "The only things the poor old woman left behind," he said. "I gave them to a friend of hers—" "A friend V' interrupted Martin. "Can you tell what he was like. ' CIj:\PT1tIi X11II.--(Coat'd ). So surprised was Odley at the sudden checking of her plans, that she turned round at once, still lidding the packet, and went to the door. Opening it, she admitted the tall figure of a man—Martin Blake. And as she stood stupidly starring at him, and holding out the packet that had so suddenly been snatched from destruction, ho laughed quietly and took it in his hand. "For me?" he asked. "You wore always generous, my dear Odley. Why, what in the world has come over the woman 1" he added, tak- iing,her by the arm and leading her nto the little sitting room. 'And why are you making bonfires t" "Oh, Mr. Blake --I don't know what I'm doing at all to -night," said Odley, beginning to tremble. "I'm always doing things with a rush and being sorry for it after- wards. I shall bo sorry to -morrow that I've burnt all my love -letters. I know I shall." "Love -letters?" asked Martin looking curiously at the litter on the table. 'A pity to burn them, Odley, isn't it? I daresay—in fact I'ni quite sure—the writers meant all they wrote." "Yes—I think they did," said Odley, with a whimsical look at $ho cardboard box. "Don't look at ons, Mr. Blake," she said, in a low voice. "I—I wrote 'em all my- self." Martin quietly picked up those that wore lying on the table and slipped them into the cardboard box and put the lid on. He looked across at the grey-haired old wo- man, and his voice was very quiet and very gentle. "Why, Odloy 1" Le asked. "Because there was no one to writ.o thein to me," sho said, with a sigh. "Many and many a night when I was alone, and when I'd had dreams of what someone might have said to me, I tried to put it all down. It came to bo a habit in time—and sono of 'cm wasn't bad reading afterwards, when things went a bit wrong." There was a long pause, and then Martin spoke; ho still held the packet. "And what am I to do with this?" he asked. She told him how it had come in- to her possession and what she was going to do with it. Ho listened Attentively, shaking his head more than once ; then suddenly broke the string that hold the packet to - ether. "I'll read it myself, Odley," he aa' J, and sat down to do so. CHAI'TElt XXIV Martin Blake carried the con- tents of the packet back to his 'Indio that night, and sat long and late, going through it again and ag gin. Ho could make nothing of it, bd • se of course ho knew nothing conteerning the poor old woman who hal died in the clockmakcr's house. Ile fingered the little worn Prayer Book, and read the elate in bewil- derment. Of course, the only Aunt Ph'pps he knew was a comparative- ly young woman, who could not, at the most, be more than thi••ty years of age; yet the Aunt Phipps of the diary and the Prayer Book was ap- parently nearly twice that age. Above all things, there was that curious suggestion that someone had taken someone else's place. "There is some mystery hero — jnst as there was a mystery about Mrs. Phipps," said Martin to him- self. "Lot me think ; that man Kel- man was a friend of Aunt Phipps —and Kiernan took these papers to Odley, with that message that they were to be given to Chris. Why 1 And again. how did they come into bis possession, and who is this wo- man who writes her natue as 'Anne Phipps," and was apparently born seine fifty-five years ago I" 11e tusncd to the diary again, and found various references to the name of Tagg. Thus, there was one --"Tagg is very good to mo, but I wish his clocks were not so noisy" ; and another—"Tagg in a bad humor to -day ; 1 think ho has sold a favorite clock." A little fur- ther on, towards the end of the di- ary. was a curious plaintive line— "i wonder if I shall ever see any other place than Trent Street? It is hard to be left here ; it [night bo harder still to die here. Only one thing pleases me ; if I open niy win- dow 1 can hear the chimes from the Abbey right above the noise of the street. It cheers me." "That seems to suggest that she is living at a clockmaker's in Trent Street, and within sound Of course. it must. le, Westminster ; and the name of the clockmnkcr is Tagg. 111 solve this mystery ; be• sides, I should like to see Mrs. Phipps again. Perhaps. after all, the Anne l'hipps of the Prayer Peek was some relative, or might have been her mother. Yet that can't he, either ; the diary is dat- ed for this year. Unice., ,f enurse, the Prayer Seek belonged to Aon "There was one other," said Tagg slowly—"a woman." 'Ah—we're getting nearer," said Martin, drawing a long breath. "What was the woman like 1 What was her naine 1" "I don't know," said Tagg. "She came here ono night with Mrs. Phipps, soon after the old lady took the room. Mrs. Phipps spoke of her as a friend. Sho was a tall woman—very handsome — though with a look of care and sadness about her face too great for her years." "Please go on," said Martin, in a low voice. "Let me beg you to fc rget nothing, and to ]cavo Ho - thing out; this in a matter of great- er importance than you can imag- ine. Tell me anything else you know concerning her—this friend of Mrs. Phipps." "She had a quiet, slow way of speaking, and she very rarely smil- ed," said Tn',g. "Sho was hero when Mrs. Phipps died. I think she must have held her in her arms at the end. She seemed terribly upset about it; I think she must have been very fond of the old lady. She paid all the expenses of the funeral. I've only seen her once since ; she came back and ask- ed leave to go up into the room for a little while." "Was she alone?" asked Martin. "Yes—quite alone ; but while she was there the man who had been here before, and who had taken Mrs. Phipps away with hint — the man I gave that packet to—came asking for Mrs. Phipps. I sent him up to the room." "I see. So they met there, ap- parently knowing all about it. A clear matter, of conspiracy—though for what pupose? So deep a con- spiracy that they must needs get hold of the papers relating to the old woman ; so light a conspiracy and so much done with, that they can send the things back again and both disappear. I wonder what it means 1" "Is anything the matter ?" asked Tagg, looking at Martin curiously. "A great deal tho matter, Mr. Tagg," said Martin. "I can't ex- actly explain how it is; but this wo- man you knew as Mrs. Phipps, and who has been buried under that name, was apparently not Mrs. Phipps at all, or at all events ei- ther she or her friend gave a false name. For the tall, dark young woman who visited Mrs. Phipps was known to me by that name her- self. Are you quite sure that the old lady did not say she was a re- lative V' "So far as I remember, she spoke of her only as a friend. But they seemed to be very fond of each other." "\Vas Mrs. Phipps—tile old lady, I mean—was she a rich woman 1" asked Martin, as a sudden thought occurred to him. "Sho didn't seem to be," said Tagg. "The rent she paid was very small, and she only got the cheap- est possible things to cat. I know she had no money, because she died in my debt, and the younger wo- man paid me afterwards." "So that, if you heard that she bad been paying out sums of money amounting to a couple of hundred pounds, you wouldn't believe it, eh ?" asked Martin. "I should say it wasn't true," said Tagg, with a shake of the bead. '•She wasn't the sort of wo- man ; besides, she said to me more than once that her husband — 'Phipps' she always called him — had run through everything before his death. She seemed afraid of him ; the night before she died sho spoke about him." "Tell mo what she said." "As nearly as I can remember, she spoke about his having robbed someone—" "Yes—yes — go on," broke in Martin ecxitedly. "She said it was a boy—and the boy would starve unless something was done for him. She said the boy had been crying for her all night long, and that she couldn't help him --couldn't give him what was his. Of course, you'll understand, sir. that she was lightheaded, anti didn't know what sho was talking about.. In fact she quite turned round afterwards, when I went up to her room to see how she was." "Turned round 1 In what way 1'' asked Martin. "She laughed about it. and said that she had made a mistake; swore that she wasn't Aunt Phipps at alt —hut only the poor friend. I didn't understand in the least what the meant, but that was what she said." "There was never any quarrel between her and this friend who visited her—never any dispute 1" suggested Martin. "You don't think she was forced to do anything "Tall and thin—and rather shah- against her will, forinstance? by "[t by ; but quite a gentleman, said "Not in the least,s Tagg. "Spoke in a careless way, was the one thing she looked for - and with a light manner. Said ev- ward to—the visits of the young erything was 'charming' or woman. At the last, when she wet 'sweet.' ' waiting and longing for her to "Kelman to the life," muttered came, she said there was something Martin. "The mystery gets deeper she had to thank her for --that her and deeper; because it's obvious friend had put the world right for that that man at least knew both her." Mrs. Phipps --the young and the "1 can't understand it," sail old. )tow did you come to give Martin, with n puzzled shake of the the; e things to that man 1" he ask- head. "Have you seen nothing of ed this younger woman since 7" "Ile said he was a friend of the "Not for months." replied Tags. lady. and 1 knew he was. Ifo carie "Only once, as I have said, who.i here once, and took her away with elle came herd and asked if :he hits for some hours; she came back alone. I had no right to thein, and so I gave them to him." "Was ho the only friend sho seemed to have 1" asked Martin, alter a pews. me beg that you won't say a wor 11 about what 1 have said to you; it would only do harm." "If I thought that anything I've said to you could cause harm," said Tagg slowly, "I'd bo willing to cut my tongue out. You'd say the same, -I'm sure, if you'd seen her as I've seen her --almost mad with grief at the death of an old woinau who was only her friend.,, "It shall do no harm, believe rue," said Martin. "It is merely a puzzle which I am trying to work out ; that is all." Ho took the packet again, and went slowly and thoughtfully away. Arriving home, he went carefully again through the fragmentary diary—reading it in a new light af- ter his talk with the old man. Ho began to beat out the thing in his mind bit by bit and step by step. "This old women was evidently SHRE ; s 11Maks Your Stomach Happy with SHREDDED WHEAT ii ALL ('ROL and fresh i'rutts. An Ideal summor food, wholesome, nourishing, delicious. CONTAINS AIORE REAL NLTNItIE"T THAN MEAT OR 005 1oe4 SOLO BY AL . i ERS the original Aunt Phipps," be said at last. "According to what she H'O'I'$441t►'10.04,00Ili44i said the night before site died, she knew the boy had been robbed of what should have been his; that was f probably done by Phipps. Sho would appear to have arrived in London, and to have hidden her- self away in a mean street in West- minster. After that, there comes upon the scene a younger woman— 114e.�' quite unexpectedly—whose name is TESTING COWS ON THE FARM. not over known. For some extra- Farmers ordinary reason she takes the place , who have never kept any records of their herds, will uatur of the real Aunt Phipps—and with the consent of the elder woman. ally ask, "Dons it pay to go to the More than that, she spends money trouble of weighing and testing each upon Chris—gives him two sums of cow's milk?" A person, who is ac - a hundred pounds each. She is customcd to doing this kind of work, anxious that his love -affair shall can do it very quickly, but the man, come right; slio is present at his who has never been trained to use wedding ; yet she leaves him, as at the scales, takes samples and record the present time, in comparative the amount of milk given by each poverty—and she disappears. She cow, finds, in tho beginning, that sees to it that Aunt Phipps is buri the work is somewhat slow and ed ; she is terribly upset at the tedious. If he will continuo tor death of the old lady; yet she never awhile doing this sort of work, he discloses who she is, nor why she will find that the knowledge gained does it. A powerful motive here— about each one of his cows will many yet how to discover what that mo- tive is 7" (To be Continued. CAN ADA. How It Is Viewed from Over The Neighbor's Fence. (From The Cleveland Leader.) . The most vitally and widely inter- esting feature of the celebration at neglect things that do not have to Quebec is not the throe centuries of that city's life—a slow and quiet be done and how hard it is to follow despite this sort of work regularly and sym- istenco for the most part, despite metrically. Most men realize the famous thrilling incidents long ago. value of this work, but somehow, It is not the historical significance not many can bring themselves to of the story of British and French rivalry and warfare and final union (with some marked limitations) in Canada. It isn't race, and it isn't royalty visiting America in an of- ficial capacity. It is Canada. heFrm times repay for the trouble it takes to get a record of each one. There is this to be said about this work : There arc certain seasons on the farm when the work is very rushing and it seems almost impos- sible to do any more. The time for weighing and sampling comes and it is put off until the interest in this work is lost. Any ono who has done farm work, knows how easy it is to doingit. 1\'o know of one herd of cows whose production of butter in three years was raised from 225 pounds to 330 pounds of butter per cow, by The Dominion was long a story keeping a systematic record. Here is an increase of 111 pounds of but - and a promise—sometimes seeming ter per cow per year, which is hardly more than a hope. Now it is worth, at present prices of butter, a fact—large, virile, expanding, more than $25. With a herd of 20 thought -compelling. It is a great cows,it means an increase of over empire within a greater, a virtual $,;00 Did it pay this farmer to republic under a monarch's flag, a spend a dollar a cow to have this realm of itnmonso open spaces and work done? For every dollar spent unmeasured natural resources, only in obtaining a record he received beginning to find itself as a power $20 in return, and ho had the sat- in the word of industry and com- istaction of knowing thathe was mere() and a factor in the progress milking nothing but profitable cows. It was a great revelation to this man to know that so much could be ac- complished in so short a time. \\ hen an undertaking proves so effective as this, we doubt very much whether there is any work on the farm that will pay a greater pro- fit. But that which we never have bad is never missed. So the man, who has never brought his herd up to the highest profit production, does not realize what ho is losing by not knowing more about each one of his cows. Cow testing associations will even- tually become the instruments for making yearly records of the farm- ers' cows. It will cost from a dollar to a dollar and a half per cow per year to get a complete milk and fat record of each cow. Of course some farmers will do the work thernseeilves rather than to pay this to some person to do it for them; oth- ers will never keep any records of their herds. We predict, however, that the day will come when most farmers that are keeping cows will pay some one to make systematic records for them."—Hoard's Dairy- man. To be the most serviceable horses must have the best opportunity to rest when they aro out of the har- [less. Attentions to the little wants of the horses always rays, although there may not seem much in it at the time. A high-spirited horse, driven only a few miles occasionally, should not be fed as freely as another animal driven long distances daily. A horse that is continually over fed, is a horse whose digestion is to be sooner or later seriously impair- ed, if not ruined, and whose clogged organs never do their work easily and naturally. of mankind. Canada is still underrated, scarce- ly understood. It is always belittled rather than exaggerated by outsid- ers. Its future is read darkly through the narow lens of an in- adequate past. Tho fertile land which is not too far north or too high above the sea to have fairly good climate may con- stitute a comparatively small part of British America, but it is suffi- cient for a great population and the creation of great wealth. A thin slice of Canada is bigger than many a famous empire. Add the timber, the minerals, the water power, the fisheries, the waterways and the ports of the Dominion, and it stands out among the newer lands of the earth as richly endowed, vast and of tremendous possibilities. Every event which centres atten- tion upon Canada turns a search- light upon crude forces, vast spaces, huge stores of natural wealth—all that makes a young land worth the study of those who concern them- selves with the larger movements of human progress. For Canada is essentially young, notwithstanding the three centuries Quebec is cele- brating. That city is an ancient gateway to a new empire, a pictur- esque old fortress guarding a river which drains much untested and un- used wilderness. Make no mistake about Canada. A grent nation is growing, faster and faster. across the northern boundary of the United States. r. - BEAUTY'S BATH. Bathing in various preparations has always been regarded as a great aid to beauty. One Roman Empress kept one hundred asses, in whose milk she perfc•rined her ablutions. Queen Elizabeth believed in a wino bath ; while the beautiful Mary, Queen of Scats, used milk. Madame Tallien. a famous French beauty in her day. had decoction of crushed strawberries and raspberries put into her bath -water. The Empress Josephine. Napoleon's unfortunate consort. pinned her faith to milk might go up to the room. I've perfumed with violets. Other point - never seen her since." tar recipes of the eighteenth cen- "if ever she comes here again. fury were bouillon in which rose - will you tell her that a friend would water and honey had been mixed. like to talk with her ? There is my and the juke of barley combined card; she knows mo very well. Let with yolks of eggs. OLD -T1111: S.1I1. D1(11.i.. itangerous Exercises on the Fight• ing Ships of Lveg Ago. Ono of the dangers and one of the hardest tasks of the tnau-of- ar's roan vanished out of his life when, with the supplanting of the fr igaso by the steam cruiser, the old-time sail -drill became a thing of the past. Fleets, in the old days, were continually exereised,n mak- ing and shortening sail, shifting spars, and all similar manoeuvres aloft, says Capt. J. W. Gambier o tike British navy in his "Links it Sly Life." As the greatest rivalr existed among the erects as to whirl ship should carry out on evolution first, accidents were frequent. Hardly a drill day passed without men being seriously injured. Once, during a drill in Kiel har- bor, where the rivalry in tho fleet was increased by the eagerness of foreign ships to compete with the English, an unfortnato French mid- shipman went head first from the mizzen cross trees of the French flag -ship to the deck. That numbers of accidents should take place in sail -drill was not as- tonishing when one remembers that spars measuring perhaps sev- enty or eighty feet long and weigh- ing two or three tons were whisk- ed about with bewildering speed with nothing hut men's hands and brans to guide them; Hundreds of men crannied into a space of a few hundred square feet, where nothig but tho most marvelous organi. tion and discipline could avert Heath on deck or aloft. - To the landsman, who under - nothing of the difficulty involved 'itl rapidly shifting these great masts and yards, or in reeling and furling thousands of square feet of stiff canvas—perhaps wet or half -frozen —the rapidity with which it was done was perhaps the chief wonder. Ropes, running like lightning through blocks that were instantly too hot from friction to bo touched, had to be checked to within a few inches, requiring the utmost cool- ness and presence of mind ; while the officer in command had to sup- erintend what to the uninitiated looked like a tangled mass of cord- age, but which was in reality no more in confusion than the threads it a loons. In an instant this officer might see something going wrong; to do - lay a single second meant a terrible catastrophe. Every one, alow and aloft. was relying on his judgment. "Belay!" "Ease away 1" The order come in an insant. Tho boatswain's mates repeated it m a particular call which this life -and - death necessity soon taught every one to understand ; the shrill wines ties rising above the din of tramp- ing feet and running ropes, or the thunderous crash of the peat sails in the wind. Death had been avert- ed—or not. If not, you looked up and saw some unfortunate man turning Head over heels in the air. Your heart stood still. Would he catch hold of something, even if only to break his fall? Or would he come battering on the deck 1 It was a mere toss-up. If he, was kill- ed outright it generally stopped drill for the day. If he was only seriously injured, the drill went on, for this was part of the lesson that nntst be learned, that in peace, as in war, one must take his chances. FARM NOTES. If you have no better way of cool- ing the cans of milk, set them into the wasntub and pour cold water around then. If very warm, it is well to change the water before bed- time. Right after haying is a good time to draw out some of the very tine barnyard manure and scatter it about on the places in the meadow that are getting thin. Brush it over with a light spike -tooth harrow and it will help a great deal in protect- ing the grass roots and making next year's crop better. Pasturage should be adapted to the soil and the kind of stock kept: Cattle want grass long and luxuri- ant. Horses and sheep delight in short, but sweet grass. Judicious management of stock upon pasture is essential. Do not turn on too early. Give the grass time to make a good start. Sheep aro most de- structive to turn on grass too soon, as they cat the heart out of it. One of the worst of all weeds is the wild carrot; it spreads rapidly by seed, and the only way to eradi- cate it in meadow and pasture is to pull it up by hand. When the ground is dry, it is nearly impossible to get it out in this way; but after a soaking rain, the plants are easily drawn nut. Anyone who has tried it at both times is surprised at the slippery ease with which the roots come out after pouring rains. It is not then a heavy task to clear a field with it. Two or three men, or a farmer and his two sons, will clear a ten -acre lot in half a day, or at most, in a whole day. HORSE NOTES. A horse without a good foot is not a good horse at nil. Itegularity is one of the esaon- tial conditions in feeding hors.•. The horses which L: e steady and consistent work, stand hot wcatti- or best. Nothing is more detrimental to the reputation of a good stallion than inferior offspring. It is very difficult to replace a valuable hors., spoiled by vicious or careless handling. There is nothing harder on horses than to overheat them. and nothing is more easily clone. Oats are not only the most natural food for horsed, but are decidedly the most nutritious. If a colt once becomes stunted Dr injured in any way the bad effects will generally follow it through life. All the food possible will not keep horses in s good condition if they do not have good water to drink. The most enduring horses are those which are kept constantly moving, never overtaxed, and given good care while at wutk. A DECEPTIVE ATTITIJDE. d A scene that was more than far- cial, occurred in the British House of Commons last session. Two of the most respectable members of the House were seen with their coats off, and with a staid old policeman standing between them. Tho two had been down -stairs to wash their hands, and by sonic mischance had changed coats. They went into the House together. Ono of them put- ting his hand into his coat p,r:ket, pulled out an old brier pipe o very strong flavor. It was not his. Ho looked at the coat, also that of his neighbor, and turning to his friend, said : "Excuse me, but I think you have put on my coat." "I beg your pardon; I have done nothing of the kind." "I think," replied the other mem- ber, "this is your pipe ; and if you put your hand into the right-hand pocket of the coat you are wearing you will find a cigar -case." "Dear me !" was the reply. "You certainly are right. What r mall we do I" "Wo cannot change in the House," observed the eget trembcr. "Lot us go into the divisio;• bby." Here is where the policemair caw SENTENCE SERMONS. Pertificd virtue is but vice. You cannot work for God without love for men. A deadhead is almost sure to be a blockhead. Sighing for a lostEden will not make a new earth. Easy street is not a thoroughfare to heaven. The double faced man always is convincing --to himself. There is no love in the charity that docs not court secrecy. 'deny an alliance with sin is hi..den by a defiance of the devil. No father ever lost any of the time he spent with his children. The man with many corns always wants to go barefoot in the crowd. people with putty heads usually like to think that they have brittle hearts. 'Talking moonshine about being sunshiny does not snake this world any ),righter. Ile v. ho succeeds in dodging duty is surprised to find how sUcCCSs dodges hire. It takes more than ''Keep off the grass" signs to mark the path of • righteousness. Folks who take their time from in. Seeing the two facing each oaf- every clock are ala acs titre the er, and at the same fine taking off is off his schedule. their coats, the policeman feared the Mae worst. He rushed up, and placing a hand on the shoulder c f each, said : "Gentlemen ! Gentlemen ! Not here, please!" — are soured on lite If'We they have been trying to make els spice do for the bread of life. i.00t' •,f people would we a good deal in re faith in the Almighty if he world show more docility t,, their .i11s When a men steels tite hon ,y from sinhimself A Scottish laird was telling et the 110 a1" a} s tells hat be will pay for it with the c„',a of re - dinner table of a fino fish he had ntancd. caught "How heavy was the fish pent is ens}' to shut nor eyes to the I took last week 1” he asked, turn- ing to his servant. "wed,)," replied brother w bo is down wh, n our Sandy, "it was twos pund at break- hungry hands are gin oft t', the fast, it had gotten tae achteen at one who is up. dinner time, and it was sax -and - twenty when ye sat down to supper wi' the captain." Then, after a pause, he added, "I've been telling lees a'• my life to please the shoot - ors, but I'm no going to tell lees neo in my sold age to pleaae fibs fush- era." THE N EcE.S.\11Y "Your love," lie cried. "would give me the strength to lift moun- tains. "Densest," she murmured, "i1 will only be necessary for to rail* On 'dust' "