HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-13, Page 1THIRTY -Finn YEAR -NO 1'q8 • •dd•••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• <•00000••••••••••••••••••••.N••••••••••••••••• JONES B. CLARKS' Rhone No. 32. 1 NEW DRESSGOODS Just arrived All OPENED up and READY All OPENED up and READY for EARLY BUYERS Our Display of Fall and Winter Dress Goods for this season surpasses anything we Lave ever shown before, both for quality and quantity. All the Newest Fabrics and Colors, in the most stylish • patterns are in our selections. Come early and choose your dress before the fall rush. We have something to please everyone. You will be de- lighted with the array we show. Summer Goods Only a few lett but all to clear out regardless of price. 1 White Waists Only f) left. %Ve will sell the balance at 331;`;; off. Embroideries and Laces All to be hustled out to make room for our new Fall Stock. Parasols We are giving a big cut on what is left of them. They good buying all year. White Skirts Only a few to clear at 331,' off. A snap, Ready. to= wea r = Hats A whole table full of theist A real good lot your choice for 25cts. each, •1 Straw and Crash Hats All our Straw and Crash Hats to be sold out 50 and 75c kinds for 25cte. each. MUSLINS AWAY DOWN Every piece of Muslin in the store to move, to do this we will give you the greatest bargains you ever had. Do not miss this Muslin sale. Poultry From Friday morning 8 o'clock of this week un- til Thursday evening 4 o'clock next week, we will pay the following prices for poultry: Young Chicks, 12cts. per pouud live weight. Ducklings hcts. per pound live weight. Hens Gets. per pound live weight. I Jones & Clark Headquarters the Celebrated W. E. Sanford grade for Clothing also high shoes and wall papers. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• HURON&011DDL 'SEX GAZETTE EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUG 13th 1908, Examination Reports Tile list of students v.ho passed the recent examinations for entrance to the Normal schools was announced by the Department of Education last +reek. The examination was written upon in almost every portion of the •province. It takes the place of the former junior teachers' examinations and is the academic test for fitness for second-class teachers' certificates. About Aug. 17 the certificates o[ those who passed and the narks of those %rho failed will be mailed to the public school inspectors and high school principals. Appeals should he sent in before Sept. 1. E. L. Anderson : p. Armstrong, hon- ors; M. 0. Anderson, honors; J. T. Anderson, honors; 1. 1. Anderson; M. A. Anderson ; M. Brothers. honors; L. Brown, honors :.Dr. J. Bissett, J. W. •Merry : J. 11. Best, honors; M. J. • ♦ f llone • J. ('• Bowman; L. A. l.\L !Cur- lie : E. G. Campbell, honors: .M. Cowan. honors: 13. M. Campbell; E. 0. Cluf( ; l,', 11. Clegg; E. A. Cante- lott, honors; J. C. Copp, honors; tj. A. Coombes ; T. Dark ; K. E. Dead- man, hewers; E. Dickson, honors; It. M. Davidson; II, V. Dodson, honors; T. 11. •Elliott, honors; Ii. I. ti'.Icoat, honors: 8. honors; 11."C. F.dmestOn4 I. 13. Frain. honors ; .1. 0. Ferguson; 11. E. Fowler. honor's: W. A. Gal- braith: )l. J. Gallagher. honors; W. H. H. Green. honors; It. Geiger ; A. M. Govenlock, honors; }lender♦ son. honors; S. A. Iiolmes, honors: 1t. I, Ilamilton; It. IIart ; L. A. Hetherington: N. lliggins ; V. lI, • Z Isard, E. '1. Isbister, honors ; S. I. Johns ; ']l. H. Jordan. honors ; M. J. •• HI Keys : 11. R. Ker. honors; R. G. Lovell. honors :.i1. D. Larkin. honors •• , J. 13. \V. Long, honors : J. F. Lucas, • ' honors ; E. S. Miller. honors; J). L. Z+ Milliard, honors; W. C. Allardice lion - ors: 'M. E. Musgrove; ,B. II. Mar - sales, honors; R. C. Marks, honors: \V. J. McLean. honors: C. W. Mc- Kee, honors; A. M. McEwen hon- ors: C. G. MacNeil, honors: A. E. !McGowan, honors: C. G. Macgregor ; L. 'MacVicar ; 11. I. McNevin, honors: J. A. McConnell, honors ; 13. McEw•an • F. 'McKenzie, honors; J. E. Porter R. C. Procter ; J. W. Peck, honors: S 22 • i M. Polley, honors ; M. W. l'faff ; M. I. •Pearson, honors; .1. Robb. honors; L. Rutherford, honors : S. R. Ross, honor.: J. 13. Roach, honors; 0. M. Ross, honors; M. L. ROSS. honors 13. 8. Robertson. J. B. Sheriff : 'D1. Sheriff, honors; J. A. Scott, honors; A. G. Somerville: 11• E. Stapleton. honors ; G. Sturdy : Al. Smith : 1). H•. Stewart. honors; C. Speir, . enors: W. I3. Strachan. honors: F. Tighe. G. J. Thompson. honors; 3. A. D. Thom, E. J. Taylor, F. 11. Van Nor- • • man, R. II. Vodden, honors: W. \V, \\'eir : II. V. \Vorkmnn : ,1:. Walker, honors ; R. A. Walter ; J. B..Vclsb. honors ; J. C. Wilson; M. E. Walsh. honors; E. M. L. Yee, honors. 10,000 P E 0 P L E That is about the number of people supplied at Exeter. The large portion of them need our goods -they have to buy. They should turn in and take a hand in the great contest. It will be keener and more interesting from now to close on August'2.lth, You can't make a mistake buying here- you stake a mistake when you don't. tw'WE ARE SELLING -Crushed Violet 1'alcuun Powder, ('rushed Rose Talcum Powder, Skin Foods, }lair (:rower and Dandruff cure, Foot Ease, Tooth ('ream, Picture Postcards, largest variety in town. Camera Free THE PURITY Camera Free Tne Usborne and Hibbertanti Sing, o[ hvill. � Thaerrs.e 1lenG.sall botttirllers wthoe attenageded Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur- ! tvhe totrrn:tmcctt its London gate a e y goo l a o iris of 'themselves), but tenth* to get inside the money. The t3. T. it. are hating the sta- Head Office. Farquhar,;Oflt. ! tion re -painted, considerably inn- pro•ing the building. What is nced- Pr1,0;ide11t-3. L. RUSSELL. t,l here is a new station. Vies-l'resid,•nt-\V. 11. I'ASSMMOIIE ; Mrs. It. 11. Collins and daughter DIRECTORS. . and :Kies Kate iionthrnn, of Exeter, Wu, Rov, I3oRNHoot P. O were here tart week the guests of Wet.Minute\VIN(•}1KLSKA l , 0. Mrs. fthirray• T. ROAN, ROBERT NORRiS, Stella. Dt7m.tN P. 0.I Voters' List For 1908 anse Gompanu AGENTS, VILLAGE OF EXETER JOHN EttSERY. Exeter, egeot tog I Notice is hereby given that 1 have Vshorce said Niddtilph. transmit ted or delivered to She per- ♦ OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agoot soars m entioneil in Section Eight for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. of "The Voters' List Act." the copies B. W. F. BEAVERS. I required by the saiel Section to be so So y.Treas. Farquhar, transmitted or delivered of the list made pertinent to said Act, of all `GLADMA\ & STANBURY. Solicitors 3. rsona appearing by the last Re- vised AIKcasm(•nt }toll of the said --- - j Municipality to he entitled to tote Staffa in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legielative 'As. Mist Marie Vivian, of Woodstock, , steadily and at Municipal elections is the guest of her •brother Mr. G. and that .:rid list eras first lasted up Vivian and family. at trey olfire•, Exeter. on the t20th Miss Lorena Butson. of St. Thom- day of July. 1008, fund remains there as, le visiting Ler grandfather Mr. for itenpe•otion. Electors are celled 'Angus McDonald. Miss hazel Drake visited in Mit. ellen fast week. Mr. Joseph Drake and son of the state of Ohio, arc visiting the for- mer's nephews. Messrs. Harry and Edward Drake. Mr. Drake ie 81 years of age and is Bale and heart?. Mrs. Archie Miller. of Stratford, is tisiting her Staffs relatives and friends. Fears tb Mrs. Quigley and sort, of Lunn. • were visitors !est week at the Car. I &8sawn lin ):o'lse. of u1Jol to cxanninc the said list and if any omieeion or other errors se found therein, to take immediate proecedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 20th day of July, 190Q. .i(1RkI'll SENiOR. Clerk of th•• Village of .Exeter. Cl tSTOIFIL. =A. 1".e K • J Y:s Han Vs.10 &J M The junior matriculation results were announcer) by the department of education !.Monday. According to the calendar of the University of Toronto. the pass standard is 03 per cent. of the marks assigned to a paper. The following list contains the names of two classes of candida- tes ( 1) Those who have 'written up- on and fulfilled the requirements of the University of Toronto in a suf- ficient number of subjects for full matriculation; (2) those who have written upon one or more Papers and have fulfilled the rchtiirements therein. It follows that all es'ho made 33 per cent. upon the papers upon which they wrote are hero re- ported. The certificates containing the marks will be sent to the Prin- cipals of the higb schools and the Inspectors in about a week. Can- didates will apply to these officials, not to tete department. for 1heir re- ports in detail. IIL'RON.-G. Armstrong, M. G. An- derson. I. I. Anderson, .1. T. Ander. son, M. Brothers. L. Brown, J. W. Berry, J. 11, ilcst. E. A. Cantellon, 3. C. Copp. E. D. Conrtice, F. R. Clegg, M. Cowan. J. E. Curry. K. Deadman, R. M. Davidson. V. M. Davidson, (3. G. Duncan. M. 4)uncan, J. F. ielis, .T. C. Elliott. T. 13. El- liott. 1. D. Frain. I. 0. Ferguson. 11. E. Fowler, E. Going, it. Geiger, A. M. Gorenlock. It .3. Gallagher. W. A. Galhrnith, A. Goble, G. E. Goble. %V. M. Green, W. Ilenderson. ,A. 1. Ilamilton. 11. 8. Ilamilton, A. R. Ilart, M. 1. Johns. A. T. Jordan, M. I1. Jordon, 3. 1'. Lucas. 11. D. Ler- Death of Mrs. Frank J. Knight 130\\•1.1,t; LastTuesday four rinks of Goder- ich bowlers, headed by Sheriff Rey- nolds. arrived in town by the early morning train intent on taking away After All illness extending over a the scalps of the local bottlers and number of years from liver trouble. also playing a few friendly games. Mrs. Frank J, Knight passed peace- , eace- As Goderich Las setae of the best fully away at her home es were even- kitty touchers in the province, the ing, as the church chimes nvere call. local trundlers expected thea decisive ing people to vine service. The defeat, but went after gentle- iiig of her death tt:rs received with men from the county town as though they intended to defeat them and sorrow and regret, in The. town they did. Eight games were played where she was Loin and was eld in ed ill the morning and as three of the very highest esteem. During the visiting rinks went to ]Icnsall the past few years .Mrs. Knight has after dinner, only one game etas been near death's (boor many times, played in the afternoon. The result but she would rally from her illness. of the day's sport showed the wear Each time only to be left in a more ors of hod carriers trousers of ]frIC- weak cited condition. About five ter up 34 shots. There was touch weeks ago she was compelled to take rejoicing in the local eamp over the to her bed, and several times oper defeat of the visitors and it is ex- ations had to be resorted to in order pected more interest will be taken to prolong life. Eaeh operation wasin the game and that Fxetcr when followed by a slight improvement, but the relapse following would be more protrounced. Two months ago her mother Dirs. Ed. Drew, of Ont niece California. came here to visit her daughter, and was a constant attendant ;tt her bedside. lIer husband has been in- defatigable in attending to her wants, and so constant has been his attention and devotion that bis health has been somewhat impaired. The deceased was born in Exeter, 42 years ago, and was the daughter of the late Edred Drew, 'who sears ago, was one of Exeter's progressive business risen. having erected many of the most substantial residence and business blocks in town, -the opera house being tone of the build- ings. Mr. Drew some yeers ago moved to California where he died. The deceased was married twenty one Years ago to her now sorrowing husband, two sons being the result of the union. Frank and Will, svho are at home. iD1rs. Knight took nn active interest in the work of the ladies' guild, of the Trivitt Memor- ial Church, and at the time of her death was president of the Women's Institute. of which organization she also took a very active interest. The funeral took place Tuesday af- ternoon, the casket containing the remains being taken to the Trivitt Memorial church where services were conducted by the Iteotor, Rev. 1). W. Collins. After the service the remains were taken to the Exeter cemetery for interment. EXETER COUNCIL. The council of the village of Exe- ter met in the Town Ball of Friday J. A. Stewart August .7th, 1908. Minutes of the Dr, Bright meeting held July 17th read and ap- I. R. Carling Proved. Jas. Ta tght 12 Mr. Hugh Oke asked the council to open a ditch around 5),., corner________.0.______ rte his ' • 1 $I.00 per year in advance UdIIUGU6 DdIruIll6o'$ Cleaner and Cleanser WHAT IS IT! It is a scientific Cleaner and Cleanser free from all Organic Matter, Caustic, Lye, Acid, Poison, or Preservatives. Made especially for cleaning and sweetening Milk, Pails represented eltc� orto e at;ltournacompetitors: tri`lo a Strainers, Separators, Cans, Churns, etc. lowing are the scores. 3. A. Steware .1. C. Laithwaite Dr. Bright 3. E. Tom I. It. Carling J. 13. Brown Jas. Taylor. C. Il. Humber Skip. 22 Skip 7 5 pound Packet 25 cents. Used for Cleaning everything and anything. Dr. Sweet. A. 8. Gamble N. D. Iiurdon J. Kidd J. Grieve W. A. McKim F. W. Gladman R. S. Reynolds Skip 15 Skip 19 D. Mclnnis J. Yates \\'. M. Illatchfor•d S. J. Bullard W. W. Taman Rev. Elliot J. A. Tigert Skip 1:3 Skip 14 N. D. Burden A. S. Gamble J. Grieve \V. A, McKim , W. Blatchofrd J. Kidd \V. \V. Taman It. S. Reynolds Skip 10 Skip td Jobbers and Dealers in T. Acheson T. Mcl)crmid • L. 11. Dickson J. A. Rumbull C. 11. Snell C. A. Nairn W. J. Heama.n Dr. blunter Skip 23 .Skip 7 J. W. Rroderiok J. C. Laithwaitc L. II. Dickson J. E. Tom C. D. Snell J. 13. Brown W. J. Beaman C. 11. Humber Skip 28 Skip 12 J. Grieve R. 8. Reynolds I. 1t. Carlin.; J. E. Tom Jim. Taylor A. 8. Gamble \V itr. Mat chford J. Kidd Skip 11 Skip 13 Rev. Collin,' HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE T. Kawkins & Son F. Gidley' I). McInnis Dr. Sweet F. W. Gladman Skip 12 J. Yates S. J. Bullard Rev. Elliot .1. A'. Tigert :Skip 13 T. McDermid J. A. Rumbull C. A. Nairn Dr. Hunter. Skip 19 oppos' property. Iteferred to committee. Mr. W. \Valker asked the council to open the ditch on Alain st. north to allow the surface water. which he claimed ewas soaking through his cellar, to get away. Referred to committee. Mr. F. W. Gladman, representing the cemetery board. interviewed the council in regard to the placing of a new fence in front of the cemetery The board. he stated. had come to the conclusion that it would be the most economical in the long run to erect an iron fence with posts set in cern- ent• flans and estimates were laid before the council for their consider- ation. Knight -Beaman -That Otte action of the cemetery board be approved of and they are hereby authorized to proceed with the ordering and erec- tion of same. An ntnendment by A. .8. Fuk,4 That whereas the cost of the same would be in the neighborhood of be- tween seven and eight hundred (tot - )ars, that Ste get an estimate of ex- penditure for the year before taking any action. The motion was declared carried. A petition signed by C. F. blooper% John .}'arsons, Mrs. Ann Snell and otheir. asking that a suitable tile drain be constructed along Carling street from Gidley street south to • the creek. Referred to n committee i of \V..Tohne and A.E.Ftike to report et the nextmeeting of the council.1 Knight-Fukee-That the Reeve end treasurer are hereby empowered i to borrow one thousand dollars to the credit of the municipality for kin, E. M. Lamonby, F. McKenzie. A. current expenditure, Carried. McEwen. De 1.. Millyard. .1i. C. The following accounts were read ( Marks, A. E. McGowan. C. G. Mac- and ordered to be paid.;- The Ere - Neil, \V. C. Jlurdie, 13. I1. Jtarsales, ter Canning rind i'reserving Co., cin-' C. W. McKee. P. Macpherson, .1. it. dors, $2.00: Bell Telephone ('o., Men - Platt, J. W. Peck, 1). E. }toss, S. It. sages. $1.20; Boss, Taylor Co., tum- Russ, G. 11. Robinson. 3. 11. Roach, ber supplies, $,16.59;; Wm. Coate, O. .M. Ross. M. I.- (toss. W. 13. Sera- Goderich. Registrar, Gibbs Ry -haw char,, D. II. Stett'at t. \V. 'A. Steven- agreement. $5.10; Queen City t)il son. A. M. Smith. M. Stori,lart. J. Co., gasoline ; Times 1't inting CO, A. Scott, it. E. Smile. A. E. Sta. `;3.50; Electric Light & }'otter Cn, pecten, E. Tighe. G. J. Thompson, 3. street lighting .1107.28; town hall A. Ton, E. R. Tye. E. T. Taylor, (3. lighting $2.00:; 1). Cobbledick, nail' E. 'fere, 0. Ti or. it. Ii, Vodden. J. 40 cents: Thos. Hartnett, prepayment C. E. L. Willis, E. \Valker, on drain contract, $94: Thos. White 1. 11. \\'el h. M. E. •\Valslt, M. G. three weeks` street watering $42.re; White. E. M. Teo. Alf. Bedford, labor, 811.25: Thoma. Creech, $1.75 ; Rd. Davis, $1.71; 13 3. Quante, $3.75; Sid Sanders. $17.25; Geo. Cudmore, $8.00; )''red White, $3.50; W. Gillespie. $1.75; W. J. ilissett, gasoline, $1.50: W. J. Bis- set, ;,t. salary, $33; C. W. Cross. pt salary $29; W. A. 13:tlkwell, labor and repairs to 'Tett hall, $7.45; 8. Stattl-ike & Non, planking for to me- tery, $17.60.; F. W. Gladman. paid for teaming cemetery, $3.00; Fred \\-ells, labor at cemetery, 812.00 tileasrs. Taylor and Sanders, prepay- ment on contract 8250.00 Amount- ing in all to $659.95. JOS. SENIOR. Clerk , -Mr. A. 1). McIntosh. of New York. a former resident of Bruce - field and n ho 25 years ago clerk- ed for John Grigg, passed through town Thursday on his way 'with a party of friends to visit the scene!• Of his childhood. A very pleasant and happy event took place on Monday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Win. Clarke, Alice etrect. Guelph. late of Clinton, when Labiab, eldest daugh- ter of Mrs. Clarke. was united in marriage to Mr. john Loudon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loudon. The bride entered the parlor on the arm of her brother, who gave her away, and she looked charming in a gown of crepe de chem. The bride was at. tended by .Miss Jane Loudon, sister of the groom, and the groomsman was Mi . Alex. Patterson. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Wilson. After the ceremony abort twenty-five guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding !sulrper. to ts'bich 1:1 did ample justice. The prelterlte were numerous and costly, which testifies to the popularity of the 1 young people. LAWN TENNIS Several Lawn Tennis players from Parkhill came over Friday anti Ivere defeated by "the local players 4-2. The last two games were unfinished on account of darkness. Singles Graham, Exeter, defeated Stewart. Parkhill, 6-2, 9-6, 6-0: Alger, Exeter, defeated Mitchell, Parkhill, 6-4, 4-6, 7.5. Harrison, Exeter, defeated Loose - more. Parkhill, 7.5, 6-1. Newton. Parkhill, defeated Rev. Collins. Exeter, 6.4, 6-4. Senior, Exeter. defeated Patrick, Parkhill. 6-3, unfinished. Doubles Harrison and rainier. Exeter, de- feated Loosetnore and Itatz. Park- hill. 4-6, 6-4. 6-1. Stewart and Patrick, Parkhill, de- feated Graham and Senior, Exeter, :i-6, 6-3, 8-6. Mitchell and Nee ton, Parkhill, de- feated Rev. Collins and Alger, Exeter d.3, unfinished. -The Exeter lawn bowling syndic- ate are negotiating for the exchange of the present green for the pro- perty north of the laundry building on Main Street paying a cash bonus in addition. I3 the deal goes through the club will have the best available Place in town and when the grounds are put in shape will have the best green in the county. The grounds will accommodate about twenty rinks, so that the local club can, ar- range for tournaments Inch year. It is intended to move the club house built this summer to the new grounds. -Mr. Junes Moore, died at the home of \Vm. Northcott, liay town- Qr Ship on Thursday August 0th, from bowls Thomas & Motto'''. - beenBright's diseasefercfrom tnle t he bad I Voters' List For 1908 been a sufferer for conte time. Ile Civil Engineer & Architect WAS 76 years of age. The e'cceascd (Late Department of Public Work., Canada) I was born in Devonshire, England, liomoltinz Engineer for +iuniri1a1 and County 1 TOWNrllil' OFt'Si3OR\E end was there married to Elizabeth work, tee.•tri' railroads, Sewerage end WaterworksNotice is hereby given that 1 have N,ltthcolt. Ile cause to this country 61•soma'harts.,Uridge•andRe•enforcedConeretw Itransmitted or delivered to the per - 27 years ago and settled in Exeter. intone ereo Lomtoaonarto; north- His wife died four g tons mentioned i■ Section Eight years ago. r f o[ "The Voters' fist Act," the copies since that time he )ins lived mitt) Mr. �O\ EY TO LOAN 1 required by the said Section to be so Northcott. iie w•ns a member of the transmitted or delivered of the list church of England and in polities PVCbaveuarmttedrrlveto fund. for tnvasl : made mrsuant to said Act, of all wtts n Conservat ire. The funeral aao�oftiteresworv111yreerollertye►tlower persons n was held Saturday from the home appearing by the Inst Re- ' CARL3N(t ' vised Assessment Roll of the said f N thcott nt room being in usr Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc. We make a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof- ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest, spot in townl T. KAWKINS & SON The Call of Summer is for new styles ill clothing. We have the latest in all fabrics and our workmanship noeds no comment. We always have the best available Our Suits are the best value we have ever offered in Exeter. �. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario. DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto fe'IONEY TO LOAN. University. t ■ We have a large amount of private fonds Dental Surgeon I oan on farm and villagepr'operties &blows s Office over Gladman & Stanhury'e 1 interest. MADMAN & !TANI1URY Main street-ExETEtt. Barristers Solicitors, At tin : LISxeIsr DR. (3. F. ROULSTON, L. D. H. FRANK CAIRNS, Veterinary Stir D. D, S., Dentist. Member of \ 1 goon. Successor to A. H. Ram - R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor , say. \ . 8. 'Treats all domestic ani - Graduate of Toronto University. ' mals on most approved principals. OFPIc'K:-Over Dickson & Carling's 'Special attention to dentistry, Office Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former I at, Rantsay's old stand on Main street. dental parlors. ; Night call at Peter Bearden's residence !Main street. T W. BROWNING, M. D„ M. C • P. Se Graduate Victoria Un ver�tty. office and restdenence. Dominion '.aooratory, Kxeter. i Conveyancer Accounts Collected Associate Coroner of Huron. ; MOSEY to lo . 1-...t rate, lr► North We., LAN 1. 1 r Office. Main Street, Exeter ERN} ST ELLIOT n Mr. or s i e ret __ - ze Municipality to be entitled to vote DICKSON & CARLiNG, , in the said !.lunieipelity at Elections for members of the Legislative As- -- Iaemble and at Municipal elections ont.ters,tlolieltore tiotar1e , Gonvs seer• and that snit! list was first posted up Commosetenet.. co11eitors for tpel�tolaoa.: at my office. Whalen, on the COth Rank, Eta. 811,11t1'ti.-At 8hipkn, August, 3rd, Money toLoa, at lowest rotes 01 l lOreeb. I slay of .l July, 1903, and remains there John Sharpe, aged 83 years. for inspcntion. Elector. are called UPSlIA1.L-In 17.borne Thursday UiRllCkt-RAIN STREET. 10EliT1tR. ;upon to examine the said list and it August 6111. Geo. Upshall, aged 76 a. "au" 0. L L. Re DICKS" 1 any omission oc other errors ata years mei 2 months. .' found therein, to takeimmeniate KNIGHT. -Iii Exeter, August 9th Q e.i' i , Lt PS, EE \rt.:it, Liu !proceedings to have the said errors Charlotte Louisa 'Drew, )beloved wife of Frank J. Knight, aged 42 year.. 7 months. MGORE.-Lt tiny, Thur..dny August 6th, James .'loore, aged 18 years. .xetc•r cemetery, 11c 11 ane daughter. Mrs. 1''. Bartlett. of • Alberta. 1)iE1) • ensed A'tJtionser. S •'•'s con ; corrected according to 1aw. ducted in all puts. 'Fermi r,• .,ona)de I Dated (hitt 20th day of Juty, 1903. Orders can he left at the TI ‘1 :s Office 1FRANCIS MOIRLEY Clerk of the said Municipality. E.) B09SENREi3RY, ZURICH 1f (here Beer etas a specitro fur Licensed A teti.,neer. Sales cr,a „ny otos cornpl•lint Then Carter's tD A. TORTA. ducted In all 3. arts, Terme ieasonahl �1.it3le Liver Pills at e a specific fur >sssntie 1st f 1 Yet HA AIWA 8,3411 and satisfaction gnvanteed• sick headache and every woman eietatnre ���Q -_ -�._-- 1 should know this. 0 tly one poll a cf �GcGf�iy%'tit ESClttlil•: FOR IDE: 'iIMEH. lose. fry them. , I