HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-08-06, Page 81213E EXETER TIMES AUGnth 100ni,
Gent's if you want to Keep Cool you want one of
our nice nifty Grey unlined Suits, they are right in line
with the Newest Style; dcn,t wait, Come right along and
sec them $10.00 snits for $8,00.
Gent's if you want a pair of Fancy Stripe Worsted
Pants, they are travellers samples bought at a special
discount here is where you can get a good selection at
$i 75, 2 00, 2,25, 2.75, 3.00, 3 50.
1I you want to see the newest line of Men's Tics you
can see them in all shades, "Tan, Brown, Ivory, and
Grey " with nice stripe to give it the correct Blend; they
have that real soft Silky effect; Just the thing to wear to
visit the "Old Boy's".
if you want to Brighten up your home with a lovely
decorated Parlor Lamp, we have them the finest you
will sec any place, direct from the makers in order to
give you good value; if you see them you will want
one. $2 75, 3'50, 4.50, 5.00, 5.5o
40 Choice Toilet Sets to choose from, the decoration
is entirely new and exceptionally handsomely made of
t,te finest grade of semi porcelain and has that deep
gloss milk whit- g,lazc with gold tracing that will harmo-
nize with the furnishings of any room.
Boy's we have the finest range of Boy's Knickcr Pants
that has ever been shown in town they are a sample lot
bought at reduction they conic in Light Grey Tweed and
Worsted. just the thing to stand the Scuff and Brush, to
clean 75cts. S5, 95, and $1.00.
Remember we want your live Chicks, liens. and
Ducks, for which we will pay market price. Will take
any day but Friday and Saturday.
•••••••• ••••••••
To Rent. -Dressmaking shop; pt o
for sale or rent furnishings for
same. -V. Treble.
Gallon Apples for Sale. -A few
cases slightly rusted tins of gallon
apples for sale at 15 cents per can or
A Few Good Suggestions (WO for 25e. at factory; Also the
Pea straw at 15 cents for one horse
Never before were we in a better load and 25c for two horse load.
position to offer yon an extensive eel -
en it. suitable, useful and accept- -The 'tunes to new subscribers
tcfile \Vedding (lifts and the closest from now until Jan. lst, 1909 for
price on every article from works Of 40 cent., or 25c for three ,months
bighted artistic merit to She lowest trial. Show these otters to your
Ttrw•e make it greatly to your advan- friends who are not subscribers, or
tage to buy here. sand ns their name and address and
we will mail than a sample copy.
-Miss Flossie 'Taylor is visiting In
-Rev. Ernest Grigg :eft Siturd,y
for Guelph. •
-Mr. I'ercy Wood Icft for the
West on Tuesday.
-Mr. Alf. Grigg is the guest of Ins
father, Wm. Grigg.
-Mr. John Farther Icft Saturday
morning for Detroit.
-Mrs. Gco. Manson visited in Ayl-
mer over the holiday.
-Miss Grigg is visiting relatives
in Ottawa and Montreal.
--Mrs. Billings kit Saturday for
Boston to visit her sister.
-Mt:. John Taylor left last w-eck
for a trip up the lakes.
-Mr. and Mrs. Esli Iieywood were
in Sarnia over the holiday.
Miss Edith Sanders visited friends
in Detroit during the week.
-Mr. W. 11. Moncur and family
are holidaying nt the (lend.
-The waterme:ons suffered
Saturday, Emancipation day.
Mr. Will Burke is spending this
week at his home near Brussels.
-Miss Lila Johns is the guest of
Iiss Cora Towel' at the ;lend.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barton are
spending a few bays in London.
Gifts to the � LOCALS
Beautiful Silverware such as
('ake Plates, 'tea Sets, Fern
Dishes, Biscuit .Tars, Marma-
indes, Salad Bowls, Bake
Dishes and many other hand-
some pieces.
Bich telt Glass, Vases, Sugars
and Creams, Olive Dishes,
Better Tubs, Oil Bottles, Car-
efree, 'Tumblers. Berry howls,
Celery Dishes. Etc.
Wedding Rings a Specialty.
�••: •::. :.J. ;..c : .. : •:--•: -1••1.1•++•S•f
We are Always Busy
tx'^ause fashionable dressers realize
that we tuns out the most stylish gar-
Dr. and bits. Sweet and daughter
!tient, while ottr charges are reason- nesse, are visiting friends in Lon -
able. From the selection of the fab.
tic, lini,tgj, thread, ere., to the cote.
plete finishing of the garment, oar
work is characterized by thorough-
ness and Attention to detail. \Ve keep
all our old customers and add to their
number daily.
-Mr. Geo. hockey is .pestling Lis
vacation in London and Niagara
-Bet b. t3onthcott and Douglas
Stewart spent the past week at the
-Miss Laura Gregory returned
last Thursday from a visit at the
We W. TAMAN -Mrs. Thos. Handford and child-
ren returned last Friday from the
Merchant Tailor. Bend.
EXETER, - ONTARIO. -Sirs. J. Bagsbsw and Miss North-
cott visited in Thedford during the
week. • .
Misses Gcrtic ehrcre and Alice
++++ :••:-++;-++ 4i •:•+++$•++:•++ iian,lford visited in London - this
0•••••••••••••••••••••••••/ week,
Market Report. -The following to
the report of Exeter markets'. cur-
1.•ct,.l 1.; ,u .\ti I,, 1)111.
Wheat, 75 to Soc.
Mirky 35 to 40 c.
Peas. 65 to 70e.
Oats. 40 to 43 cents.
Blended Flour STAIR, *2.50.
Bran, $20.
Shorts $23.
feed flour, $1.3J to .�1.3:..
Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Egg= lee.
Mutter. 19c.
Potatoes tiOc per bag.
llogg,, stressed 6.75 to
(logs, Jiveweight $0.50.
Hay. $0 to T•7.
�13nell �e ;Rowe
A Creat Big Child's Kid Slippers
in Red, Tan and Black, with strap
and fancy silk bony and buckle.
$1 35 Slippers for $1.I9
$1.25 slippers tor $1.10
$l,0) Slippers for SSe.
in Plain and Fancy
- A. It. O° Colors Browns Blues I going
his holto sell eyery Hat all this sea-
9 sons styles Sailor shapes.
- Mrs. Norman Creech, of kraut- j
ford, is visiting .Mr. and 'lira. Win. Greens and Blacks
Men's Fine Straw Hats
at Reduced Prices
Weisman is away
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1)auncey
-hent the holiday in Wyoming and
- Miss Bertha Fitchett, of Thed-
furd, is visiting at t he home of J. B.
11 rick wood.
111r. Ray Ruston of London visited
at the home of Jatnes Taylor on the
the holiday.
-Preparatory services were held
in Cavcn Presbyterian church Fri-
day evening.;
-Mr. Jack Thomson. of Rannock,
was a caller in town the latter seta
of the %veer.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Colvin, of
Toronto, are the guests of Dr. and
Mrs. A. Is. Malloy.
-Miss May Sanders left last week
for Denver, Col.. where she will visit
her brother ]tarry.
-Mr. S. It. B. Eacrett, of Brant-
ford, formerly of Exeter, was a v;s-
itor in town Saturday.
- Mrs. Glazier and son. of London,
who visited Mrs. E. .11. Follick, re-
turned home Friday.
-Mr. A.{uilla (sheere. of Lansing,
Mich., arrived in town last Friday
and is visiting his mother.
-This tveek belongs to London and
the old boys and girls are getting
the glad hand right and left.
-Mr. G. E. Anderson left Saturday
for Harrisburg to spend Sunday' with
his daughter. Mrs. Vroomen.
-Mr. Ed. illooper, who has been
in Winnipeg the past year or so, re-
turned home Saturday evening.
- Mr. Coleman .Moncur, of New
York. arrived home Last week and
is with the family at the fiend.
-Mr. 11c•ystcr, of Cincinnatti and
Mr. John Gilray, of Detroit are the
arrests of Ed. Towel' at the Bend.
-Mr. and firs. Win. \fason, and
regular Price
50 cents
All on Sale at One
38 cts
$2.75 Hat for $1.1111
g•_.''' fiat for $1.:41
$1.:41 fiat for $1.01)
$1,00 flat for 75c,
75c. Hat for (i'4,
Our stock of Groceries are fresh you
I can depend upon it we sell nothing but
Best. Fresh new Fruit, Pure Spice,
Canned Goods, Extract, Baking Pow-
der, Cereals, ata pure and good. We
also sell Red ltose Tea which every-
{ body likes. Try a Pound package,
Black or Mixed 3t1, tl), 51) a lb.
Absolutely Pure Highest Quality Greatest Strength
Our special selection of whole and ground Spices is complete and
will ensure perfect success.
Are You Ooing Travelling P
If you are going away for a few days or a few weeks to
spend your vacation it will pay you to call on us and get
equipped with all your travelling necessities. We are show-
ing a handsome variety of Travelling Goods
Trunks, Suit Cases, Hand Bags, Vacation
Clothing, Hat and Foot Wear
Everything you will need to help make your sunnier outing
a pleasant one. Come in and took our stock of travelling
goods over. You will surely find things that you will re-
quire. .We are sure our prices will please you.
Highest Price Paid for Produce.
Butter 19c, Eggs 17c
New Grocery and Shoe Store
2 Doors North of Postoffice,opposite Wood's Meat Market
Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, Women
and Children. all sizes, at the very lowest cash price
Call and be convinced.
Cloves, Cinnoman, Ginger, Nutmegs, Allspice, fresh merles and Shoes -
Mace, Black, and White Pepper, Curry,
and Fumerie Powder.
Sulci in Bulk, car 10 cents per Packet.
-Al. Moore, of London, was a cal- Two 6 Octave Organs
ler in town Sunday.
-Miss stanbury, of Bayfield, is the Second I land.
guest of her brother, .1. G. Stan -
Mr. Mason's mother. of Clinton, vis- bury. CHEAP
)ted relatives in town Sunday and -The een,lition of Mrs. F. J.
Monday. knight, •e hu has been seriously 111,
-Mr. Sandy Itawdcn, who has been is not itnilrovcd, Also Two Pianos
in British Columbia during the past Mr, Stewart Carter, of Clifford,
year and a half. returned home Sat- was a guest nt the home of Mrs. S. Slightly used
urd y. (Seance during the past week. At Great Reduction.
Mrs. \Vw. Treble left on Thurs- -Mr. It. GidteY, grandson of Itich-
day list for Winnipeg, where she ant (�ddley, to%%tt, left yesterday for ---�-
e•,tl visit her daughter, Mrs. Arthur I•:dmonton. where he will visit his Sewing Machines
- Mr. Bert Miller, of Granite falls, other.Among those who wweut to Lon -
Wash., was the guest of Miss llorney The best made at rices that
last desk returning (0 his home d°tri Saturday tt spend Civic holidayi
Monday morning. were: )Its. Sutton, hire. Thos. Sweet Will suit. you.
Mr. Richard ()trance.
Miss Kestie,
-Mrs. Wesley 6. Iloww•cy twill re- Miss Ilene Lang, Mrs. Ortwein, Mrs.
ccive for the first time since her Ann Pickard, Miss Nellie Ramsay, Bicycles, Baby
marriage, August 13th and 1401 from s Ituby Morton and Mrs. 1i. Mak-
three to six p. m. ins. Miss Carriages and Go Carts
- Mrs. Wm. Davey and two chil-
dren of Tot onto. are visiting the
former's brothers, \Vat. and J. B.
Ilrickwwood, Exeter North.
- Rev. W. M. Martin and famiiy
and Rev. and Mrs. Cranston, are
spending a couple of weeks at Mr.
McCallum's cottage at the Ilend.
-Wednesday and 'Thursday were
reported as the hottest days of the
year, the thermometer nearly reach-
ing the hundred mark on each day.
-Miss Georgia Bonthron, and lady
fr;,•nd of 'Toronto, and Miss Margar-
et lionthron, of Hensel'. were the
guests, of firs. R. 1i. Collins last
Mr. G. If. James, who wwas with the
Molsons bank at Dutton during the
past year, has been transferred to
the Exeter branch and is doing (bit
work of Junior clerk.
-Miss Simmons, of Edmonton, who
has been visiting friends around
Lutnley for sonic time, was ticketed
last Tuesday by G. T. It. Agent, J.
J. Knight for the west.
-The Exeter boty ters have noth-
ing but 'The kindest retnarks for the
seamier in 'nhictt they were treated
by the London clubs at the tourna-
ment held there last meek.
-The Mesdames, Stanbury, Glad-
n,an, Collins and Miss Bonthrom en-
tertained a number of ladies to a
:awn tea on the lawn of Mrs. Glad-
nian last Thursday evening.
The rink skipped by Mr. Ilet t.
Beaman, of the London Thistles, and
brother of Ald. W.J. Beaman, town,
were the winners of the association
the second honors of the London
- Mr. Thos. 11. McCallutn, Mrs.
1 ouglas, Mrs. Geo. Willis and Mrs.
slid Miss Smith. of London, after n
f.wv weeks at the Bend, returned to
.own friday. Mrs. and Miss Smith
.eturned to London friday.
-Rev. Going left yesterday for
Bayfield to spend his summer vaca-
tion. Ile will be away three weeks
and during his absence t!.- pulpit of
the Jaynes street church trill he oe-
cup:rd by Rev. ICestle. tont rt.
1)11. OVENS EYE AND EAR St'it-
geon, will b'• at the Commercial
Hotel. (tours :1.:10 a. in. to 1.30 p.
in. Glasses properly fitted and din-
is bought by auction in block at Lon.
eases of eye ear and nose treated. ,ion for fifty-one cents in Ole dollar.
i This is a fresh, new stock just ar-
Fall Term Opens I
Sept. lst.
• �
61v16 flOIffldH
,aluS e
Thea......... ems.. ��.��.,1..�n n
The sooner you complete a
course in this school the sooner
you may expect. to (told .t posit-
ion of trust. Our coursee are
thorough arid practical. Our
stedents always succeed. \Ve
assist graduates to positiont.
\Ve have three departments,
Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy. We employ exper-
ienced instructors. Catalogue
Return Tickets at Single Fare
TTo all stations in Canada, also to
• Detroit, and Port Huron Mich., But!-
: alo, Black Bock, and Suslx•nsion
• Bridge N. Y. Tickets good going
• august 1st. and 3rd. return limit
• August 4t1). 1t$e4.
♦ • Train Service and
• Principals. •
• • the hest.
• Book-keepers •
• Stenographers and •
G. stanbury %+ho rem.ined for the Very attractive. Prices right • Telegraphers •
-Rev. \\'. M. Collins attd Mr. J, •
Scotch doubles at the London bowl- • (rained by ear manage
• meat last eaar. F;r{er• Z
• fence counts. Graduates
• ,dost successful. Special Course for Teach• •
• era- Mail Courses. Send postal for swarth
ing tournatncnt 1piny'ed in except- �--
ioually hard luck, being defeated in Fine Stationery
each of the two times they played by
only one point.
-Three Exeter quoiters Ed. Treble V
Cliff Speakman and Geo. Anderson. ExeterxS. martin & son
took part in the London Qttoiting
toitruatnent hell this week. In first
games of the heavy weight series Mr. BULL FOR fil:its"ICE-CO\1S FOR
Spackman was defeated try 41 to 17, ti:\LI:
Geo. Anderson 41 to 30, and Ed. Tre-
ble defeated his man 41 to (18.
-Mrs. A. Q. Dobler and son Maur-
ice left 'Tuesday for Drinkwnter,
Sask., where they will remain for a
eouple.of months and possibly longer.
Miss Norma Dottier went ww tI h 1
thein as far ns Battle Creek swhels
she will r• titer the sadit:triutu to
take it course of training as .1
nurse. -An ice cream social twill be held
in the basement of the James street
Methodist church under the auspices
of the Epworth League on Tuesday
evening next. August 1101, commenc-
ing at 8 o'clock. Ice creem and re-
freshments %will be served followed
by a mueical programme. Admis•
cion 15c. Everybody welcome.
-Mrs. .1. A. Stewart returned from
New Tor k en Wednesday of last
week. Mr. Stewart got as far as
London tt Oh her, when he received
word of the serious illness of his
tnothcr at Brechin and Immediately
left for her bedside. As Mrs. Stew-
art's. sr.. condition was greatly im-
proveil, Mr. Stewart returned home
Friday evening.
A bg celebration. - The lions of
Scotland will hold their annual cele-
bration in Seaforth on August 12.
The fatuous 48111 Highlanders (land
of Toronto has been engaged for the -Exeter celebrated civic holiday
day and v. ill also give Its open air 0n Mondn1 and outside the 10v that
concert in the evening. There Is 1 rc•ma;ne'1 at home and those who
gootl programme of sports and I.
went to the Bend. nearly everybody
land dancing and piping• A special took in the excursion to London to
feature will be a championship base- assist the London Old Iloys at cele -
ball match between \\'inghaut find grating. Everyone who went to
I'ullerton, two of the best amateur London seems to have had an enjoy -
teams in western Ontario. Every nble time. although n number did
person sleould be in Scaforth oft Aug-
not like the idea of having to pay 50
ust 12th. -cents for a reserved Heat just toe c
-A Let -Go Rale. -Got em again. the queen crowned nt fhe close of
Another bankrupt stock of Groceries the Mardi Gras procession and also
have to wait almost two hours and
a half before the affair reached the
park, when the whole thing outside
rived nt the Exeter ilargain Store, the crowning of the queen could
and will be offered together (with easily have been seen from the sides
the new and ups-to•dateatock •f of the streets. The city however.
was certainly opened up to the vis-
itors and a general feeling of good
fellowship existed. The stied+ were
gaily decorated with healing and
lost card from Pete ilawden, nho is Friday end Saturday. \\'e mean arches and in the evening the differ -
with the bowie: • touring England.` business and all the goods in the 1 cal colored electric lamps made a
On the back of 'he card %t as a photo store will be offered very .heap. Not very pretty effect. The train Ic•nw-
of the bowlers et one of Alt's old trouble to .how goods. Also for sale I ingt London for Exeter. whieh ea.
bwlliwack. in \\'ales and a post at halt pries' Cash Register, steel advertised to leave at 11 o'clock, waf
script added .n}. the. \Vclsh arc all fiat.', Counter Beales and and Showy held for half nn hour to aceomrnn.
right. Case•. -J. \V, ilroderiek. date those who hail gone, to lisp park.'
Hurons King. No. 80142„ American
Jersey Cattle Club. for service at
the undersigned stables. Service• fee
$2.00 for registered cows; $1.50 for
grades. Three exceptionally good
Jersey cows for sale. Must be sold
to make room for other stock.
Man-tger of Jersey Stock Farm
Lumley I'. 0. Ont.
Farm for Sale
1-4 mile south of Centralia, Con-
taining 113 acres. Brick dwelling
3 barns, one of which has basement
stables. One acre orchard. three
never failing .wells; two windmills.
The soil is n clay loam. is clean of
weeds, well mnderdrained and in 1st
class state of cultivation. For terms
etc.. apply to R. Dicke. Centralia.
4iCR'5E. AND LOT 1'01t SALE
That house and lot at the corner
of Albert and Jame sstreets, belong-
ing to the Sovereign Bank. I'or
terms and particulars apply to Can-
adian Dank of Cori mcrce, Exeter.
-Mr. 1txon Fitton last wweek per -
chased from Capt. ilurley, of Port
Frank. a thoroughbred beagle hound.
The animal is trot ns large as the (loots nail Shoes Lough! at Toronto.
ordinary rabbit dog, but it's one of This will be a Let -Go -Sale and .wilt
t he beat in stirring up the rabbits. begin Thursday, the 0th of Augurt
Alf \\•alter Inst week received a and continue all this week.'Phursday
• mart.• •
♦■r t rrnu OPENS nrntr 1
: Clinton Business College ,
IGEO. Si'(1'TON, Pities it wt.. •
• -- _
-The Josses Sharp and Jackson
spent the holiday in St. Marys.
-On Thursday evening while Mrs.
Bobicr was driving along London
road north with her daughter-in-
law Mrs. S. Bottler and two child-
ren, the horse became frightened at
a 1'ig Jumping out of the ditch and
swerving to one side overturned the
buggy and occupants into the ditch
on the opposite side of the road.
Mrs. Ilobier received several scratch-
es, while .Mrs. Ilobier jr. had her
back sprained. The buggy top was
badly broken. The horse did not
make any effort to run away or
more serious injuries might have
been s•rstaitted.
For tickets and full information call
J. J. KNIGIIT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONALD. Uni1rg
Depot, Toronto. Ont.
Shut Down
For a few days for re-
pair but have a good
supply of our popular
also considerable mill
feed and hope to be
able to supply your
need along our lines.
jRri JA
Manitoba. Alberta
Work hart-wtmfc for 25.000
men Good wage,
Gres ►ets from Winnipea to points wh.r. farm
laborers are needed, within certain 1,m,ts
Relurn far
after at least
addltlon■I `�' .so da, s wort
from ail .11 cele to f•r►itery between Toronto•
Sarnia • and Toronto -North Bay Zine.
Atk C P r.. Set Arent for t•rne of sp.c 151
t.a,n on A, .st 1411• If no a5.rt renren,ent,
wr,te to
(;.11. EC ,.11- R. inio. Pus. Ads., (:.r.11., Toronto