Exeter Times, 1908-08-06, Page 5s THE EXETER TIMES, AUG llthlfos CREDITON NEWS ifilPETIT1Of ISWAX" Racialism Offers Peace and Friendship Instead of Conflict. Our present syste1), of society is i based on a state of peslwt'ual war. R - - ------ ms.so- w'i�k�?s, Do any of you think flee i3 as it , Dashwood Orediton Crediton shout(' be? 1 knn\ (hal you have cutupBar ains ! Dargainsulr .. Dir. AIG Will :...., of London, spent •e t. I gains : e f that i1 etiuuuln:rs bow\•lers a visit last Friday u; ternoou, ii„ ; of the rote. eet•0„. ,,•n- A fine game was played bola after - ('Sunday in towers. pie .i: • t 11 yea t!:i{=houl.l call e;.:n- noon and evening. We will offer the followin to Cletll' tit 'sally 1'l'11t1CCd priceg, Mr. Henry \Vt•iul, of the Loudon , I Al '!'1:ItXOON GAME fire department spent a few days in a i�.+ ► ,: �.u'rter t r+re,c of war a :•, b• honest. „a„1 dun Crediton Dashwood Boy's Suwmet Blouse Seita, IU cents and up. town Inst week. r[ \\!, tit. 11 I'ilb• \1 l' Zi T Dunlop T3 ass at cost AS \t • it • DASKWOOD NEWS ,. - kUGUST SPECIALS We have ,just opened ou everal shipments of heady made Clothing. Early Fall deliverly, comprising of Men's Youth's and Children's Suits. Which we offer at special prices. You will find our Stock of ready to wear goods larger than ever. Yen's all Wool English and Scotch Tweed Suits, good 'innings, good work- itnanehtp, latest styles, natty patterns for $7,50 to ]O.W Children's Tweed and Serge 3 peice Knicker suit from • $`2.50 to 5,00 Boy's Norfolk Suits all wool Tweeds, single and double breasted styles from - - - - - $2.00 to 3.500 Now is the time to secure a bargain on Carpets, Linoleum, Oil Cloth, or a pretty Tapresty Rug. We are showing some extra good quality rugs, sizes 3x3 3hx 1 Ill I jx•l I call and see them. Muslins, Dress Goods, Linens etc. We are clearing out many lines to make room for tall shipments of these goods. REMNANTS -We have al -p for sale this month a great many remnants o spring and summer goods, which we intend to clear regardless of cost. [TENTS FURNISIIIFGS-We aim to keep our stock in this line complete with all the latest. goods. Now is the time to secure a nice Sailor Hat cheap. We hate just received a shipment of Shirts, the latest New York patterns. also Ties, Collars, unlined Kid Gloves, etc. Our prices are reasonable. You will find our stock is well assorted with seasonable goods, OBI' Grocery Stock is always Clean and Fresh. Also highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs, Wool, and all Farts produce We handle Gold Medal, and Plymouth Special Binder Twine, Dinner -ware, China, Crockery, and Glassware. This month we are offering 0-t)7 peice Dinner Sets lovely patterns for $9.50 per set regular price $12.50. it will pay you to see them before buying, We will pay or this weeks delivery for Live Chickens (weighing not less Basan 21'1.'15 cents per pound. Hens 7 cents per pound live weight. We intend shiping fowl each week through the 'A Call Solicited CHAS. Clark r. a , r is spending a .. t" a"'' ' 1 tri Men's oddSummer Coats few weeks with his brother William, eaellahe: I,rt nt;a Mr.,McMwn, .Mr. Siebert , Boy's and Youth's Suits (a broken lots 1-'3 elf Barrow' Creek. Ont. t; , ' i '''ad hal eh.tsiug Miss Jennie Brock. who has been eeselrtt may do. staying ,with her sister, Mrs. 11. C. \•rir:.kever yeti Clark, returned Louie Wednesday.I' '-1 it. Means at Ike Quite a number frotu Crediton are ` ' 11'0,111114k. at taking in the Old Boys' re -union at •eee is! veal loss, and London this week. is t:.. I•:, ••i rt you newt not he The young tncn Who have been en- ''' • - r • etitxt eves' «,f your joying the company of the young ' I' :.•t,.: or yee veil vertically ladies at Linger Longer, Grand Bend, • '"-' i :: the• %01st jtc tlu +4iufrple. are anxious that they remain a lit- , etel.•rstaud that pa•fteotly as to tic longer. t'. • ., r•1 ,.f war ie white' people go Mr. and Mrs. Ort of Zurich spent lint t , kill and h • killed- Hast sort of Sunday with dlr. and Mrs. John 31c- w::r in which ;'tips are exnttmi.csicnied, fsaaa. far instance, "to sink, hNnt,• and do - Dir. Chester Coultis, of Exeter. :':•:;y" -hut it appears that you are not so conscious of this waste of spent a few clays in town last week. ?' . C'• • -=. Eilber. of Zurieh,spent :..u, town. IcLee Liar.► Wenzel left for De- troit on ,Monday. 'ler sister accom- panied her. ;well; surely Socialists caw after you this week. The Misses Kuhn and Miss Myrtle ai•ethin in the tlnoe of Clark returned Bottle Saturday from can. g I +•a"ti!+at• It Mr• ,l, I tfitermasu Tse putting in Grand Bend after a two weeks' bol- can. It east offer you peace and friend- !,a bath outfit this w\cek. iday. ship instead of war. We might live DI r. lt. T. Dunlop is away spending ` D1 r. If. C. Clark, of the Royal' utterly without national rivalries, ne- his holidays at present. spent Tuesday in London on business.,6r"'\w'led •in • that, while i�'lii best for utterly y ---�— Mr. August 11111 spent Monday in` those neseoiiiiuunityeel tundor-oao-stamat they oBto harsh, purgative remedies are good,. when you are ugly swesaying on that other war called t•tnnl,etitiort. t)b.;erve, however, tlrtt the waste is there all the seine. Air. S. tiroe 'n 1Y, C. MiJlcr + ltentnants in Dry Goods, Musllns, Prints, at and under cost, Mr. Bluest• E. e Timau , Balance of Linnen Hats at cost. sk'fw 1. bk,p 2s We also carry a full line of goods just note in demand such as Evening Came Ci- ditou 15 3)ashww'ood L'1. Dinner Sergi, Odd Dishes, :Cider. and %Vhite Wine vinegar. A numbs' of young people were I A good stock of Pickling Spices, invited to -pend the evening with' Csrne and see us before yov make your plll'Chase. We will Misses Finkbeiners and Miss Edith 6 !save you money. McCaughan last Monday evening. Miss McCaugh le returned house to Toronto last '1'uc ,fay after spending a few weeks with her old friends. A number of our young people held a sociable picnic at Grand Bend last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edighoffer vis- ited at Varna last Sunday. t\liss Olive Quanee. of Exeter, is visiting at Mir. and Mrs. J. Goetz at present. Farm Produce taken in exchange. We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil Siebert & Co. Miss Flossie Kibler, of Listowel. IIartletb''lock. visiting .tvith Miss Ethel Kellerman — DASIIWOOD. London. govern themselves, et ,1Jr)y it cora- fast giving way to the gentle notion Mr. T. McCormick, thfek, of Iibiva, spent' n d and taild effects of Carter's Little a few days in the village. } enmity in civilization sk 2wtt+I fi}iat �, Quite a number of the boys spent) Livor Pills. 11 you try them they Wednesday last at the Bend.will certainly please you . Mr. Flannery, of Detroit, was the guest of Mr. J. llodgins on Tuesday. Mr. Fred Smith, of Ilatnilton, is it had interests opposed .bo may ether, their economical condition Beiizg at any rate similar; so that M' citizen of one corn►iunity • could loll k 'wor and live without dist trrbtal,ds of ids visiting friends ami relatives in and life when he was in, a Semeitiacoe season. around town, try and would fit into his eft qu4tom ZWICKER Mrs. E. Glanville and daughter, of naturally; so that all ei Bnal ang British Columbia, are visiting the would form one great jtamru ' former's mother, Mrs. Beaver. ngreeing together as topIJS �ldad •... A Linger Longer re -union was amount of production t held at the home of Mr. S. Brown on tion needed, working i4 Monday last and a very enjoyable such production whor time was spent by all. Teddy rccely- best produced and a • , . 'waste' ed the booby prize. -"Catsup galore" all means. Please to think of Quite a number front town took in amount of waste wheels they woad, the Old Iloys' re -union at London on avoid; how much such a Chargee would 'Monday and Tuesday. add to the wealth of tho world !-Wil- The Eilber picnic was held on 'Fri- liam Morris, British Manufacturer and day last and was largely attended. Socialist. \Ve are constantly sewing on the best cloths money can buy. We are Mr. S. ,Brown very pleasantly en- reapcng satisfied customers. tiatural isn't it? When we sow ;our advertise- tertained the choir on Thursday last went in the newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat. trousers, overcoat or in honor of the birthday of :Jliss 1s. whatever the acid. might suggest, we include the best of everything in that Finkbeiner. suit, the hest cloth, the best linings, the best paddings. the best thread, etc. Mr. Albert Morlock. while work - as well as the best of our ability in cutting. fitting and staking. Shouldn't Ing ,with a large file on Monday he we reap our reward? This add is sowed to reap you as one of our customers. jured his left hand severely, the When you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, fancy Vest, let this add sharpened end of the file running lead you to our shop where we can proye to you that we live up to our word 'several inches into his band. As You sew so Shall You Reap J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON Special Announcement Unparalleled Slaughter Sale OF ALL SUMMER GOODS 11'e are giving a discount of 25 per cent until August rst on our White Waists of which we have but a limited supply. Here are the prices, $1.00 for 75e, $2.25 for $1.00 $1.50 for $1.155 $2.00 for $1.50 All Muslins and White Goods to go at the same reductions. See our display on table. 15c and 18c Catton Voiles and Muslins now ilk, 2uc and 25c White and Cdbred Mullins 15e. Also showing a good line of Print at ilk per yard. Have but, short ends of three pieces of Checked Mercerised Ginghams wb h has every appearance of silk, something new. Regular pi ice c, dim- .- H eatherbloom It is one- the finest goods made for its purpose. Just as good and rustles like silk and is taking the place of silk for 1'ndcrshirts and linings, 36 inches wide at soc per yard. One Hammock regular $3 for $2 In Men's Goods we are also giving snaps and showing ninny new things. Straw hats, but a few left, gointi at a reduction, Will Give You a Summer Suit nt 25 per cent Off Just received a new thing in Ties. They are tate Knit Tie and Swagger Stuff, ninny shades to choose from. Shirts, Collars, Fancy Sox, etc. will be seen here in abundance. Dealer in Linecod, Machine and Separator Oils. Twine and all the other fteeessaries for the present t•enson. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE A ('aii Solicited. S. BROWN The Kirkton Hardware Store Wants for the Summer Months Paris Green, Binder Twine, of the following brands Plymouth Special, Salmon Tag, Siler Sheaf Gold Medal, and Hobbs' Best. Sterling Machine Oil and 011 of all Kind no., We have a largo supply of Binder Mitts and all kinds of supplies for threshers. AV. MOORE - KIRKTON Seasonable Goods at Hot Weather Prices 10 per cent discount on the h;llllnce of our Oxford Shoes for the balanco of the Summer Ledirs'I'en Oxfords tagtear$2.00 now Misses „ ,. „ 1.75 , ',antes patent SIii vers u gular $1.75 now Dongolet Oxford+ regula- 1.:.1► „ A few pair of Men's working shoes The balance of our Men's Summer Ilats - Mens Smocks :teal working Shire . from eel, Salntsb ury A beautiful and saintly life was drawn to n close at Arthur, Ont., on the morning of July 2801, when Mrs. Frank Washburn, after an illness of four months was called to ber last long .rest. Deceased was a daugbter of Mr. Frank Davis, of Saintsbury, and was born in Biddulph township in the Year 1866. in whicb locality she spent her early years up to the time of her marriage to frank Washburn, of Usborne. in the year 1891. A year Tater husband and wife moved to Chesley and thence six years later to Arthur, lettere they have resided up to 'the present tiwe when the heavy hand of affliction has so sore- ly .fallen on their peaceful and happy borne. The deceased was a woman of of highideals endued with th nn earn- est n est Christian spirit, a spirit cultivat- ed from her youth up. She was or- ganist in 8t. .Patrick's church, Saintsbury from the time of her girl- hood days. taking the organ at 1-1 and playing until the titne of her marriage. Iler sorrowing husband will miss n helpmeet who loved her home so ;yell that she built "the home -life with n roof of prayer and walls of devotion. Being an earnebt and energetic member of the church of England, the Ladies Guild and In fact the whole church in Ax-tbur will miss her sorely, ns will also the host of neighbor. who mourn her loss. The cause of Ler death was peritoni- tis and although they only bail n day's notice, the host of friends were et the house on the evening. of the 28th where service was conducted lac Rev. P. C. Brickley, of Arthur, as- sisted by Rev. C. F. Washburn. of I Millbank, a nephew of deceased. In his address Itev. Mr. Ilockley said that in bis experience as a clergy- I f•or.l ilyron in iso ses.4W;ly tort.• •i men, visiting the sick, he never saw )iis thoughts to rnnerimony. 11, c• •: such fortitude and resignation as tided to n friend his intention "i 1': , she had shown and that in the yea re j,u+i1Y: to Miss Milbnnke. the dsngi,t.•r he had known her, she always gave ad Sir Ralph Miib:utks. The fi ver. him encouragement n, his work. thn,aght some other Indy mere weary and worn from refusals mill d agreed with Byron to mitt of others to keep his missionary en. a proposal for him. Oar claw ;t< '' &savors, he had but to call on deceits- ed nn•I les heart would ever be two weir sitting together flyeoe . ••• So t hey tell Me near an'far, cheered and encouraged. �irr•, reeved n refusal from the Indy. "Y..1, Shnru he fried it oft O'Reilly, 'Washburn reeves heeeles her sorrow'- N" " said le, "that Alter, ail `,1; An heh tried it on Doc, Carr. lllilbnuke is to ►e the peesota. i rill Not c• -The author nsks us not VII glshand'rthrerf boys the eel lest ight, f tee writ,' to her.,3;(3, [Itceoni+rsl�e tar .!i•I : ,. publish his Warne, ns he can feel ing n girl of 16 and the ane IIIc frienrl- wa•hn Was .slt ,,,.,..,....t result of his dose still. three youngest years, all of whom accompan- ied the remains from Arthur to (.u - can, tvhi•re they were met by a great number of friends, relatives .11)11 nc- qua:ntanccs, who in sorrow foliowwcd the remains to the ser'.'ee and inter- ment in 8t. James cemetery, Claudc- boye, which service was Conducted by iter. 0. W. llace•y, of f'irkton and C. I'. \Vashbtcr n, of at;nbanl:. Landsesr's Valet. Sir Edwin Landaeer, the famous animal painter, had nu old servant -his butler, valet and faithful slave -named William, who was particu- larly assiduous in guartlittg the outer portal. No one could by any p•,::i- bility gain direct ,.•'cess to Sir Eta, ie. The answer email invariably b'. • .-;:r Hodwiu is not at 'mite." Th.' le i,:.•.• consort himself ;•ace receive.! answer when he called, nenaliti..1 e•t that occasion by the assn,nu,e.• "he bad gone to a weddine."'- tire fiction on tVi!liam':: eel 1. :••; t • prince found out. f-,- on w•-•1'.ir7 1. J: in and around the geese -, '•e t'•, ed Sir Edwin l•,oking out ce i,:.: ' (1.i: whitlow. Thi.; was tate arta ' •••• tendert who. ,•eta (ley. ...esti •c 1'•, • had di.'.l at the zoo are t :. e • came up in a four it -he -eel e • ' • painted from. star Ns! 1:i. nt:, t•,, the que+tion. "1'le '.e. Sir ;:..' did you )order n 1'0,10" Egee Ware In 31i: •,:lv Ow... it t t, Mr. r i.• r•,tt, � � .,.• F.ut •r•1 should take t.i, hi.: t --.-i t•,; .• • ••t'•• Rossetti nt Otte.- I1.o, -••. t' •• •. , Walk. Thr novelist a•_ 1 t., r sa., And fiddle kindly answered "yes" couple of rooms, ons' (,n-• 1:4. ' For it helped him .wid tit' joke, shortly after Rossetti had rio i • Soots 1 shntoke began n -puffin' ,lir. ,fere•lith, who tc:\.+ lieu ' i , An' eft' locket• shr:u•ted rocket' fair, drove over to l't•..':, a t. Ihtt laddie lay continted, his new afrirtnn•nt •. "I• u••'rill hez head began a knockin' nowt." rrintee Mr. .ferede•'t : -1e•' ; Then he touched th 'button shore, ti had not yet risen. 1b.• •-.., •. As he often did nfore. tut exquisite day. On tt.. t, , An' ht•z ould frind Larry, th' flu Landed in th' table in a huge dish rert.•I middle iv th' B , slth.; of barna, upon whi.J, lir • I oor Larry filled %with horror, egg, had slowly bled to ,late. • t' fllnmed someting in 1h' chair. sentry Ito;iCtti appear( ,i in Till Eddie calmly tow Id him. That not n thing euz there. - -.►--- Klrkton The fall wheat and barley harvest has been completed and threshing has begun. The mill is being repaired ; a new engine is being put in and it is hoped better satisfaction all round will re- sult. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wiseman and daughters, of .New York, are visit- ing at Mr. \Vw. Wiseman's. The Misses Leigh are visiting .this week in London. Dr. Itaccy is visiting at the home of his parents. Miss Mitchell. of Sherbrooke, Que. LEARING SALE QF SUMMER GOODS Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Summer Goods. They must be sold as we do not want to carry a piece over if a price will sell them. 30 pieces of Muslins in all the new- CHINA, CROCKFR1', GLASSWARE est shades and ratterns, regular 15e, • Just to hand the finest line of Toilet 20c, 25c and 30c a yard, your choice Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever for lOc the yard. Lown in Dashwood and at prices that A few pieces of Dress Goods regular will suit you. We purchased a large 50c to clear at 25c the yard. - line of those goods at a special price See our anteed feet tcolorsints t 7c the yard, guar- 1 the sameand we 1e e alltear•lr►► the benefit of Shirtings 121c the yard for 10c. !SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Bargains in Ladies Blouses, Corget All the latest styles in footwear in Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vests, !Patent Leather, Tans, Chocolates, Ladies Hose 10c a pair. ' Blucher Cuts and Oxfords, Remem- Mens Dress Shirts at half price. I ber that these are not the cheap kind Boys White Shirts at 25c each. Mena that will not wear, but, these shoes are isisher sister, Jl and Boys Ready to Wear Suits at the good kind at cheap prices and is vvis.iting ;with bargain prices. Job line of Mens and j guaranteed to wear. Our prices are Boys Fine Straw Hats at 1Oc each. • lower than the lowest. rs• HARD\VARE , Onr Grocery Department is full of A full supply of Forks, Rakes, Scy-New and Fresh Goods. 5 lbs good th es, Snaths, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys Matcheseea $1, 8 lbs Roasted Cans $1, -Pure Paris Green -Screen Doors (large box iOr, 3 Cont Window Screens, hammocks, Coil 2"c' 3 Cans Peas 2oc, 1 !b, Seeded Wire, Barb Wire, Ideal Woven Wire Itnisine lOc, Korn Kinks fie pkg, 3 lb's Fencing. Fancy Cakes 25c. Buy your Binder Twine from us, we j MILLINERY are sole agents for Plymouth Binder, All Millinery to be cleared out re Twines, guaranteed the beet. gardless of cost. 10�0�0 pounds of Wool Wanted ' l the next two weeks for which we will pay highest market price, cash or trade. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Wool and get some of these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you are helping yourself. Market Prices for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, — — Miss II. Elliott is visiting friends its Georgetown. Mrs. George Murton and family spent Wednesday visiting friends in Fullerton. • A. Duffield has returned from vis- iting friends in forest. We send congratulations t.o Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson on the birth of a son. Mr. J. O'Brien and slaughter, Kath- leen are visiting friends in ;Port El- gin and Jack is "batching it'' now. 1)ur.n;, tete severe electrical scorn, which passed over hereTuesday evening the barn of Adam 7)oupe vas struck by lightning and destroyed together with his crop of hay, wheat and barley. LARRY ANI) EDDIE'S ELECTRIC CIIAIIt. Shure Larry ;vuz In iiirkton, Not very long ago, And called to see one Eddie. \Vho is not so very slow. 1Vid a pressin' invitation, Shure Larry he sat down, Whoile Eddie lay asoide hint \Valeta ashril or frown. n. Now Larry being invited guest, ltc•quisted fcr a shtnoke, gown nilh slippery done et !. •• rep harry sat down once again d••• • et •,I the &linty re , Ir. decided 't This �yl . •' In that ancient rocking affair, {J , .3 i hii oven tr ale to •• An' poor Larry 1hnught he'd swear And twvicc Eddie touched lb' button, n ' but sent in n ,!; , tett -flat afternoon and reteai., .1 Now Larry Ile lifteed up face de, up the f:.. Jlayf[rir• Thrice Eddie touched th' button Thnt drove Larry nearly mail. Byron's Proposal, But 1 ran tell yea now, An' I'll tell it to yez all That 1here's something very pea ing In that ancient cocker, tall. Shure Eddie tried it on poor ,less Per Jessie told nie so, That Eddie touched th' button hard,, Till poor Jesse cried otrt "llo" And he tries it very often, i( ou had taken two of Carter's Lit t le Liver Pills before ret iring you w'oul•1 not have had that coated ton- gue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a tial ti it h you for occasional use. Winchelsea airs. T. ('ownr.1 and three children, Eric, Vera and Percy rind Lulu Coil - bolt, are camping et the Dead. $1.7s, CASTOR IA 1"i11 For Infants and Children. p. 1.110 The Kind You Have Always Boughs toe 1., • • .0 l . - IO } Bears the B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar I Signature of to leie chole.. en reading -over the letter remarked: "It realty is n very pretty letter. it is n pity it should not go." "Then it shell go," said Byron. it went, and the , re+uit wins the miserable marriage wthic•h is now a matter of history. Two Points of View. An old .cotchtt"rnarc was uallcing to church with her family. The nub' kirk minister rode past nt a Demen- t otic rate, nut! the old Indy said to dir children: "Siccnn a wwcy . to Le n', and this the Sae bath day. Aweel, ,.tweet, a Fede roan 1,, marcifie tip bl3 beast!' bhortly afterward h,•r own miniaer recta 'rant just as furiotnrit, and the iortlrr ell stifle crital • "Ah, there he eco r The Lord Meas; him. . pair foam ! s heart's in his twa:k, an' he's eager beat 1t:' to the K'hy don't you try Carter's Little Liver 1'illsl They aro a positive curd for sick headache and all the ills pr o• duced by disordered liver. Only one ''ill a dose. E11 rivtllo win. Veal ',. confine'i to his home Try Martin--Senour Paint too per cent pure, •n account of illness. Getione of our Oil Stoves, the proper thing this hot weather. Come The blacksmilla shop of John ncty and f, n and see us, everything up-to-date. Johns was struck by lightning (lur- Y p ing the severe electrical storm on Cement always on hand. Butter and Eggs taken, Tuesday evening, knocking out a portionfIbeat'''e at we seA"1C Limn Hardware D.TI E,_/$1__ AN, e Dashwood of the r.torrn there were several men and horses in the shop, but forCun- ately none of them were injured, al- - DASNWOOD The F Bank of Canada Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets $1,500,000 90 Branches throughout Canada. Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal 4 titnes a year. Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieVele or fire may take it from you, or'to invest in risky specuiations or with doubt- ful institutions that so often in the pant have robbed men of their bard earned wealth. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSI'ED When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remetnber our drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and'prin• cipal points in the United States and Great Britain. Oen MOTTO -Courteous 'rreatment. No Red Tape. R. T. DUNLOP, Manager,DASfiWOOD. Oflice one block north of Siebert & Co'e, store. BINDER TWINE We Sell Maple Leaf Binder Twine. Come and sec us before you buy and wz will save you money. If you arc in need of a new Rope, Slings or Pulley, come and se us We have than. 1lmetitc Roofing, Mineral Surface $2.50 per square Preston Safe Lock Galvinized Shingles and Corrigated Iron in stock will last a life time. GATES AND !FENCING A large assortment of Page Gates on hand which ne will sell:cheap Fencing. Barb and Coil Spring Wire at right prices. though they were badly fr;ghtene&.'BOB AND ' W00D PUMP 1 wish to Inform the Public and those in need of Pumps, that 1 have r,, iv the agency for the IIENSALI. An interesting baseball match was played here Monday evening between a tenni of Indians (who are here Fsedi pull:nq flax) and a teats Of Hensel'rig sn Eskimo. boys. The game ;w h:cit was well 1t 8 -,laid that an Eskimo ,well' d.'- contested throughout, resulted its a #wenty pounds of meat In day. win for the Indian team, the .core and will be r.leased to quote price end Teams, if you are thinking of pt,t,n g fI the meat trust strikes the bein•r 11 to 5. A large crowd et. in an iron •er Wood I'rrncp corse in and see us before buyintr, A north the native ought to lend the game. a Ito wdorry tt e'ng on half ;trig- n--- P RepairingSpecialty. p p►ice of living- O 1 . B'r o I. TA. Pufil Iw'e ,.iiia a Aylmer Iron Pump s Zest. its ic!n0 You Hare Alva a-,Jkhl HARTMAN ELSIE Dashwood, Yen, few pysople are, re•aliy well as Si ns•,tm Dealer in Iron and Wood Pumps, .Very l_vriQ, themselves.6e, �.!