Exeter Times, 1908-08-06, Page 3CLIFtE
pt•°k A.rdatbe and r •Neve all tlr, troubles Incl.
deet to a tulio,u e .deur the system. such ea
!Mut uea*, Nausea, Itrow6inn5e, Dietrwd atter
eating. Urdu to the site. Aa• While their meat
rersarkable sucee.,s Lad Len eh, wn t & curtud
IFlea.he l:e►, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are
equal ►y sa►ual.leIn Comet hat coring sod duo-
+entire►; tt,isannoyluggeutnplaiut.whtlo no.) kilo
eorrrett.',IdlaerdornufIhvbtours, hstinrtlatetit.►
k,.•r and regulate tho bonds. Even U they wily
*Lobe they would be almost prt,•wless to those who
■1t7ar trg,nt thia,liatressln3con►1•Iaint; Il*tt*ftU-
IIately theirgoodnessdoes notend leero,a /id those
Whoou,•etry ::.stn will tlud these little pada rain -
able In au u,any wars that they will not be wll-
• to do 1.31 t,uut thew. lint 'slier *''sick Leas
the bane of er, many llvea that levee la where)
e mare o: r gr, r t tweet. Our pillscure it while
here do out.
Carter's Little Liver ; idle are very small and
cry easy to t:a'..o. (e:.e or two villa utakea dose.
el are strictly ve, ecabh, and do nut gripe or
►r,•, but by th, r Gentle action pleaeo all who
Pill, ST1111 Da kil "{M►�t
One Dares Lay Sacrilegious
Finger Upon Them.
:ver since the beginning of the
constant troubles in India a
deal has been heard about the
sass, says Pearson's Weekly. al excitement.
A Mullah, or, as it is more pro- Every time you enjoy an emotion
erly written, mollah, is a title without attempting to employ it as
iven in India and throughout the a dynamic for some definite service
East generally to a religious leader you bots lessen the power of that
of any description. emotion to appeal to you and the
Thus, the Sultan of Turkey is a possibility of your answering to its
mollah, because he is the supreme stimulus.
head of the Moslems world. The Arouse deep feeling and high
ostile Somali leader who caused sentiments and allow them to be -
so much anxiety between 1901 come ends in themselves, and their
anu 1905, and whose name occasion- ends are siirc to be only evil.
ally crops up even now in the daily
Any impression to which we do
papers, was also a mullah. And
there are hundreds of others. not give expression results in hiller
To most of the more conspicuous paralys•
is both of emotions and will.
among them we prefix the adjective When pity, sympathy, aspiration,
"read." This, however, must not be indignation, or the passion for
taken to mean that they are insane,
the word being used rather in its
Oriental signification of "inspired."
The influence wielded by the mol-
that he v+Rx cro3rnl; ewer toy disadvantageous }round. TOLSTOI S �1RRAIG HIEN f whose chief duty it is to pervert
11+. Forehead --Perhaps the "tem -
conceal true Christianity ; for
loll" as the front of the forehead inc all these transportations of men
from place to place ; for me these
i.hu Id have been protected by the D EC LA 11 F. II USSI.i N PEOPLE hundreds of thouse mds oft hungry
htFellt which he wore. t R E 11 l:l'O M 1\ (: 1) F lit t 1 E D workineri wandering about Ruxsia ;
Fell upon his face -Stunned by fol ale these hundreds of thousands
the impact of the stone. David (,f unfortunates dying of typhus
rushes up to hila and slays hint Aged
• • and scurvy in the fortresses and
with his own sword. -.1,(d \cote list Can No Longer Ens al d scurvy whirl► dc► ne•t su1ses fur
- .p- - dune His Country's Great
sucsh a multitude: fur r_ie the3 nru-
TI it Idl:lt I'.t /1 I E. Wrongs. tillers, wives and fathers of the ex -
ilea, the prisoners and those who
Ha- llssn Dere fee Some Years. Driven to a fever of anger, indig- arc hung, are suffering; for nie are
Tu },ire that knoweth to do good has seared his soul. He has -t field • nation and despair by the awful those spies and this bribery ; for Inc
and due'th it net, to hitt it is sin.''--- ed the finer moral muscles. 1►r. t'( rnu11 Thinks. the interment ,, massacres on the hangman s sear f these dozens and
James, iv., 17. There is only one way to keep the "We have been taking for'twen- fold which are now sweeping over
hundreds of wen who have been
in certain types of religious meet- heart green like a fair garden where 0 -six years on this subject of a Russia, Count Leo Tolstoi has writ- shut ; for Inc the horrible vvork goes
Ings you may hear people deplore the emotions spring up and flow re- p,robrible timber- (amine, and some ter. the most terrible arraignment en of these hangmen, at first en -
the loss ui emotional exaltation once freshingly, and that way is to make t;riie ago 1 was asked where was of the Czar and his agents of exe- listed with difficulty, but now no
enjoyed ; they pray for a return of every emotion contribute in some that predicted timber famine. 1
"spiritual blessings" ; they earnest- way to life's fruitlessness, let every said, 'You have been asleep; it is
ly seek fur the repetition of experi- tide of feeling, every passion and alt us already, fur when prices; rise
ences, the return of Clouds of emo- impulse, find expression in action, continuously at a rapid rate there
tions once felt. So many a person is either the action of obedience to its emus;, be a famine.' Not an ahsu-
wonderiag why the emotional pleas- call or of resolute and positive op- lute absence of material, but an in-
ures of. religion have gine from him. position. crease of prices makes a famine;
The reason is simple : That stirnu The emotional life is worthy of and the prices hate risen very
lus of religious emotion which seems cultitntion. For us all it consti- `t('adily, as you xee• PEOPLE BEING DEPRAVED.
pleasant to the memory fails to re- totes one of the perennial sources of ` "Thies more or less he►rirontt.2
turn beratlse when it was first felt jey and strength. The pleasures pf line_'," referring to a diagram ex- What is most dreadful in the
we failed to obey it, to put it into the home, of friendships, of love, of Witted at the sheeting. -indicates; ++•keine matter is that all this inhu-
artite expression. Subjectively, the doing good, of helping one another the prices before 1599, while this man Violence and killing, besides
pleasurable experiences of religion are all emotional experiences. They rapidly ascending curve represents; the (direct evil done to the victims
are the emotions and exaltations of are kept alive and we remain sensi the prices since that year, :end from and their families, befogs a yet se► -
high ideals. The price of cantina- five to these finer feelings in the the character of the curve you can more enormous evil on the whole That is why I write this and will
knee is the. practice of the ideals. measure that we do their high bid- ; see that this rise in prices will go People by spreading depravity -as circulate it by all means in my
You cannot do away with feeling (ling. (un, as may also be predicted from fire spreads amid dry straw ---among power, both in Russia and abroad ;
in religion ; the extent to which it We need to keep our hearts tender ll other (luta, I assure. Sou. Every eters clash of l:ussians, that este of two things clay happen
year you pay just eght per cent. A sh(ert time ago t►sero w� re not, --either that these inhuman deeds
will be manifested depends on the one to another ; we need to watch more for your wood than you did two executioners to be found in all may be stopped or that my comer.
individual, even undemonstrative lest selfishness sear the soul, lest td1N year before. .., you no in- Ruxaia. In the eighties tsetse was
t in' with them may be snapped and
natures are influenced by it, to an the fear of imposition make us dr.tti, te,s.rtit in that ? I mean has the only one. Not so now ! 1 put in prison, where I may he
extent which no one can measure. to the cry of public in•r1 small sho ,.:ee c•r in Moscow clearly conscious that these horrors
You might as well look to have GENUINE UNG. f general no interest inthe 1 P are not committed on rn • behalf
K pa- SUFFERING. l�.Iel, forestry question It. acetas to ale w'}r�'ye affairs were in a bad way, y
triotism without excitement as re- It would be better far to suffer some they have. Everyybody must have haying coffered his services to per- or; still hett•er (so gaud that I darn
ligion without emotion; but the small loss from imposition than to an interest in it, because it touch_ form the murders arranged l►v Gov- not even dreamt of such happiness),
danger is that both patriotism and lose one's heart., one's power to re- es his pocket. ernlnent and rte' -Icing a hundred they may put on me, as on those
religion shall evaporate in emotion -
It Would Be Better to Suffer Suffer Some Loss
1.� �1 idol T han to Lose One's Heart,
Cntte,,) that ever carne from the great longer so loathing their work ; for
noveli,t'a pen. The article is en- 1 we exist these gallows, with well-
titIed, ••1 rttnnot. he silent." After soaped cords, front it-hich hang wo
descrihing in detail the execution men, children and peasants; for
of twelve men for an attack made me exists this terrible embitter -
with intent to rob on a landed n:ent of man against his fellow --man.
proprietors' estate, the aged nove-
And, being eons •iaus of this, I
can no longer Cloture it. but must
free myself frurn this intolerable
position !
It is impossible to live so! I, at
any rate, cannot and will not live
spend from the practice of constant • "'there is another point I wish to roubles (50) for each person hung,
calculation and scepticism. make, manuals, that, while before Rion mended his affairs so well that
if we aro seeking lost joys in re-! 1h99 prices went up and down from he no longer required this addition-
lil;ion we shall never find them until year to year, but on the whole re-
al business, and is now carrying weight I mtay tighten the well-
turn from that search to seek out malined level, from the year 1899 on his former trade, soaped noose around my cld throat.
the joyless, to yield to every good Prices of all grades of wood began VOLUNTEER I-1:\NGMAN'S g.
emotion of kindness, to care nothing an upward course. What. is the PRICE.
how we may feel or what we may • re•:sun 1 . . . The explanation is
gain if only the dreams of a better • rill"Ple�. In 1899 the data collected In Orel last month an exer:utiun-
world and of happier humanity by the United States Census re- er was wanted, and at once a man
or -
which once refreshed us may be garding supply and dermatic] of for- was found who agreed with the or' -
realized. t' t products became known, which I ganizers of governntent,tl murders1 �'•t1 FI) I'11011 .1 LIFE SEN
the endeavor to make real those' sl'vwed that •in •prrdijting this ti:n-1 tee do the business for fifty roubles '1'LN('I; IN l'1:\'['('t;N'1'IAK1'.
visions which, as they broke upon ; Ler famine we were net so very far 1 er head. But the volunteer hang -
us, appeared so beautiful, we find out of the way. mean, after making this agreement,
that they return to us. Service is Not' supply acid demand, but heard that more was paid in other
the one hope of the :•alwat.ion of our ` knowledge of supply and demand towns, and at the time of the exe-
of feeling; endeavor pec- makes prices, and the trouble has cation, having put the shroud sack
serves emotion • expressionk , I been in the Past the absence of • con the victim, instead of )cadinp,
possible new impresriuns.
ec Ke• as o our timber resent.- him the scaffold, stopped, and,
I -.:, of s t u •1,superintendent,
• o , • work ofreform. 'u us add another
c s e nose twenty-five e-., you �xce en-
joys you it!"
met iwe them away t the joyl• ess,
actually feeds the hungry that his' • had
heart is refreshed, it is when he F :, . •' 1 weather. _
- Toronto. atannuli meeting ofCa- hangings. Lads from the figs
'Indian Forestry Association,1909. schools. who are a most children,
twenty or twelve peasants, a
shroud and a cap, and push me also
oft a bench, so ' that by my own
Supposed Murderer Made Free in
'Texas by El ideneo Front
a Dream.
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cramps,
Colic, Pains in the Stomach,
Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Chol-
era Infantutn, See Sickness,
Sumner Contpplalnt, and all
Fluxes of the Bowels.
It hu been on the market for 63 years.
Its effects are marvelous. I1 acts like a
charm. Bolter is a:tn:•st tn:tantan-oas.
Ask your drugii,t tor It. Take no othtr.
Substitutes are Dangereas.
The genuine i4 mauufaoturevl by Tett T.
Mi,.isui e. Co.. 1.niirrko, Toronto. Ont.
Price 35 cont*.
Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Tessier, Sask., tells
of her experience in tho following words: -
"I wish to tell you of the good 1 have
found in 1)r. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry. last summer mylittle girl.
aged two years, was taken illwith Stun.
'nor Complaint, and as my mother always
kept Dr. B'owler's in the house when I
was a child, I seemed to follow her exam-
ple as 1 always have it also. 1 at once
gave it to my baby as directed and she was
at once relieved, and after a couple of
doses were take, was oomp:etely cured."
his dream -the man who killed the
woman --was of entirely different
\Valdrip was so impressed with
his dream that he felt called upon
to study the case. Ile neglected
his own business and delved into the
records. He interviewed the prose-
cuting attorney in the case. He
sought the trial judge, long since
retired, and begged him for assist-
ance in freeing Jones.
"The plan is not guilty ---I know
it -I saw another man commit the
murder, sats him in my dreamt,"
W'aldrip declared with earnestness.
righteousness stir within one needs cs knowledge ] t t b } i to tl At first Waldrip's dream was
carefully to watch lest we lose sight cc and t! is lack t 11 arpr ache g the Pardt,ned from a penitentiary looked upon as a joke. His friends
o. the duties, the toil, and service to If you would keep your faith alive! works against our n k f said "1 u m t 1 ] t} life sentence because of a dream- feared for his sanity. But he kept
which calling. it, LIP)"onyour religious the against are ell in danger from the g }edge has increased and the result cy or I won't do He got the sus rounding the release of George
attracted more or less of a follov►
y o ,e 1uy e,,s . }tat been that Prices have risen as increase and he did the lob W. Jones from the 'texas state pri ing. Kittle by litho the tangled
us the border tribes of Afghanistan atrophy of our emotions. One views lives. No man feels his heart by it became known that the supply Of executions, hangings murders son at Huntsville, where he was s and now,
is enormous. Clad in their sacred a dramatic appeal in which social
thinking about It It 19 u hen he kein was trnwotlnd
robes, bearing aloft the green slant!- wrongs are shown, one reads a novel K was less th n h 'cl been sup►pused and bombs people now write and incarcerated for eleven years un through the dream of \Valclrip, a
mrd of Islam, they gel up and dowel np,pcalitlg tc, the sense of justice or Dr. T3 r Fernow, Dean of the speak as they used to speak about the charge of murdering a woman. total stranger, the Governor of
the taleys shrillingthe 3tohamme pity and goes his way, skein enjoy-
n n •- ecu L of Forestry University of the west er Children play at In many respects Jones was a Texas and the Pardon Huard have
t3 ) y carries the cup of cool water to nn I I f 1 high
1 remarkable convict. The murder set free Convict Junes.
don war cry, and woe be to him who ed the sensations of anger or pity,
other that the well of eternal water cj' I' r 1 fir which he was imprisoned was• tBereft of the wife for esus" dove
rcf:tses to heed, but making no attempt to give voice springs up within 1 go out nn expropriating rxprdltrons committed in \\'illiameon county. he sacrificed his right hand, Jones
The person of the mollah is sac and turns to his �•clltintettf5. He ready to kill. just as they used to A woman whose namehadhas sought seclusion on a ranch
z -ed. • True. the Amir the other day ---_•----------- - go hunting. handled more or less by local gos- near San Antonio. where he says
was reported to have ordered that , ' sip a+•as found dead. Certain fir- hr shall remain.
any of thein caught preaching the THE S. S. LESSONof raPmnnt. It probably consjstetI tiernt o[ Dietlye(rt Old Age lit+sr ARI1A1C11\AlI;1iT OI' ThiE GZ11. ; rr,mstances seemin ly g pointed to 1,
:eqjehad (holy war) should havo their h thong doubled and held Been Dimon creel.
the executioner -at - first - band Jones as the murderer. Ile was COST OF El'!aOi'1:.t \� 11:.
tongues torn out. But if he really. in one hand by both ends. The knows that he is an executioner tried and convicted. His wife sho'W-
issued such an edict -which is ex-
was widened and cup -shaped Dr. Metchnikoff of the Pasteur In- and that he does ►vena and is c
b. 1 her defusion by removing from Stslrt-nit Stalis!iev by G( r•nean
tremely doubtful -it was merely , . so as to hold the stone which was stitute, Paris, the noted specialist therefore hated. and he is afraid of het home to Huntsville, the peni- Authority.
meant for European ears. Not even I� I I'lt� t•i tO21.11 LESSON, hurled by swinging the sling and and student of the human organism, risen, and I think this consciousness tentary town, so that she aright J
the mighty Ila ears. himself 3t t' C. ;1. then suddenly releasing one end, has discovered a new disease, which and this fear before men atone for v isit hien frequently. Her was vtell_ The l,cl licogo section e•f the Gar -
would cat% to lay a sacrilegious David is well used to all these, and he has named •'macrophagocytosis.•' at least a Pert of hie guilt. tu•do and furnished money for her man public, including the fire-eaters
finger on one of these saintly per- - rtnw is ready to join the battle. I It is, in popular language, the dis- But you all -frond the Secretary support. of the army. have keen ral')er taken
41. The man that bare the shield ease of old age, which, the scientist of the Court to the Premier and CUT OFF RIGHT HAND.
aback by a bulletin issued by the
sonages. If he were to femoro such 1.es.on VI. Dal ld and Goliath. +vont before -To protect him against 1says that a the Czar -you indirect participa- unheard; of thing vengeance , , g asserts, is curable. He p p General Sltafi on the authority of
would surely overtake him. For it
Golden Text. Pyo. 11. f. Any possible treachery. It was one hundred years hence the disease. will : tors, to the• iniquities Perpetrated Jones maihtaihced his innocence of General Blume as to the ,rut ;.i,!(:
n' the duties .►f the armor -bearer be treated like bronchitis and di ►h_ every day -- do not seem to feelyour the crime, setting forth that he was i
is the cardinal principle of the Verse 38. Read verses 1 :;� for an I gcost of a fmodern European war.
te► guard the person of his master. theria are treated and cured at the galls nor the shame your rrtici at all time4 devoted to bis wife Germany,
t'lin,a -era the mullahs are coddle- accuunf. of Goliath and his chat -Pit is atlirmsd would be
4'. Looked about -- A Kraphici Present time. patios in these horrors should
and had never associated with other •. '
tivel • termed -that an injury pit r- lenge, David's visit to the Israelite, r women. For about a year ;11rs:, able to put 4,e50,0a0 troops in the
posely caused to one of their number camp, his proposal to Raul to meet touch, As if the I hilistine hAd sol Old age :trcoreli»p; tc, Dr Metch- etc ie. field. A war fought ,:gains t ane.t%u•;
take specie pains before he could' nikoff, is 'an "ancient law which Therefore I think that, low as Janes was a frequent caller at the European power would cost (J r -
can only he atoned for by the death the Philistine champion. and Rail's' even Ree David,so insip;nifrcantI •presses un mautkin(1. His recent re- that unfortunate executioner has prison. It was the one bright spot,
of the individual inflicting it. final consent. i way he in comparison. he stands morally inlrneasrtr.prison1111113' $1,600,000.0110 per annum as
fallen, in Jones' life -these visits ,
His apparel lint her, "his ar- p searches and studies prove that it is.temp; as it last d. The indirect foes
'1' !nor." Alt hi Stmt in verse 37 He disdained hint -H15 contempt the diseases of the intestines and ably higher than you, p,artie-•ipators front his wife
• for Da% id was caused not onl • ' the stomach which shorten man's In nsstl part authors of those awful
No CASE FO11'I'III: 1301);13II?R. commends 1)sc+ id 10 Jehovah s help }tis, ill -matched size of body, ht t by life. \Vc cat too much meat : and he crimes.
fol Udell ss, he plans to snake It y:
Marks; ''\'ou secrn to be in a high mere cert:nin I► c ui ► ,in the the fact that he Was a youth and points to those who eat vegetables, 'I'OLSTOI, TOO, FEELS GUILTY.
g y equipping p g of a fair countenance : his boyish fruits, dairy products- in xhort,
glee t" youth with his armor. 1 his:, while Everything now being done in
Parks ---"leer,; great case of kid- not to be compared in massive besot;' was an tassels t.► this train,. those' Otho partake of a cooling caret
napping at our house last night." +.eight and r.ize with that of the ed warrior• ---tine! have grown incl in yea re.
Russia is in the name .►f the
general welfare, in the manse of the
:darks ---"Rut 1 don't ,ee anythiait; giant., would make the combat :1 deg -A general 'erre of eon- 11e ever. in spite of the savant's prntrction and tranquility (►f the
amas,ing in that !" more ocpual,
tempt, stet quite fitting here, as the asse!i'tiens, we (•nrrnot prevent old inlln{,itants of Russia. And
Parks -"Don't 1 Oh, yes, there i Helmet of brass --Or bronze. The staff David carried had undouhte'd- I age fl'''''' Kct tint,• a hold on its. The + then it is also done
1'ou ace, it's the first time this helment Was cuninu►nly made f hide IY been A'ten used t 1 • do r this he so,
is a'n chastise his only thing to c o is not to grow old 1 for mil, who iive in Russia. For
kid has napped since lie ! leather, f •i'^pherd elegy it ii disuhedient. before coir tune. In order to stay' mc, therefore. exists the deat.ittt-
43. Cursed David by his gods-- young, therefore, we must observe a; tion of the people, deprived of the
Ile used the nntne•s of his; patron careful sold methodical hygiene, re- first most natural right of rnan--
p{odsi in iniprera(I'Hl but did not gelate the life. work moderately, the right to use the land on which edea his richt hand at the wrist., imately 900.000 killed and wounded
gain thereby 11) OW Iter l t, both physically and mentally : avoid he is, born ; fer the the half million and with his left he banded the during the same length of time, and
44 t.. Notice the tetter lack of all violent emotions and excitement, men torn away from wholesome amputated member to the deputy Gen. Blume believes the proportion
boasting on David's part. .111 reefs; live in the country, tint sparingly, peasant life and dressed in uni- sheriff. saying :--- would be much higher. he declares
e f cries t ee • fi rtns arid taught to kill ; for me "Take this back to my wife and it would be a veritable orgy
that false, so-called priesthood, tell her it is my answer to bei. di- blood. of
► - - vorce petition -my good right hand ;
hand _`
was born, (►r eA er, one o metal being glv
two months ago." eft special mention.
-- + -- ('oat of mail --Strictly, the main
garment which covered the upper
Mrs. Slowetar a -"How do you part of the body. The terra is used
find 3eenr 'teak this morning, Mr. though t., denote arm►'r in general.
Slimmer?" 11r. Slimmer ---"I have 39. Assayed -Tried. The infer -
concluded that probably a micro- once is that he was unsucceeefill
But there rams a time when the; thruirght financial depression and
visits were not so frequent. Junes the paralysis of industry would be
pined, but his wife explained that
greater. If three or four more
she feared to gain the displeasure' European powers were involved, as
of the prison officials. She felt that
they were Annoyed by her calls.
Ono day after the viaiix diad
slackened there came a civil officer
t•► the prison with a divorce sumr-
mnny for Jones.
Jones glanced at it hurriedly -he
realized its meaning.
Catching up the hatchet with
which he had been working, he sev-
would be likely in view of existing
alliances, the drain on the resources
of Europe would be appalling.
Incidentally Clen. Blume ex-
presses the opinion that the loss of
life would be heavier than in the re-
cent Russo-Japanese arntie.n in the
field were killed or wounded. Reck-
oning in the same proportion, a
European power would lose approx-
a and noises were used by and let your diet he vegetarian rzth-
scope could be the beat way.
" the reason being theft he hied net j armies to terrift their enemies Ar ] er than meat : sleep suflicirhtly, ab-
stain from alcohol. tea. coffee and
tobacco. and avoid as mus h a, pos-
sible contegiotlS diseases.
But, asks the l'arisiean, is the
game worth the candle! How ran
one lite these (lay's without the ex-
citement of attending the Antor'n(,.
tory. t 'hc ,ne, as quoted in the. Samuel, a►ile n occasional game Prix. ams without
ey playing
New l't•tttnr • Bible. First S R 1 he t
Pegs• it"' says : • • Nowhere else out- aux 1 And again, one mutt lite in
ride lit the New 'r ,..&
tested it. If, as one narrative in-; in single encounter it was etiato-
Was Troubled With His dilates, he is. still a shepherd lad j nary to recite one's own brave
unfamiliar with the egnrpnleet of i deeds and to hurl taunts at the op -
Back for Over Twenty- war, it is no wii-ider that he finds I p( neat wit h the same purpose. In -
y the heavy. strange Ammer more of a Rtrad of following the example of
flve• burden than a help; and even if, as I his enemy David with t.olemn oe►n-
\'ears Soul's armor -hearer, he has already fidend, announces Jehovah's vie -
become aecustornvd to these things,
tide outfit is not his go% rt and, there-
fore, is of little 114e fes stn,.
Got jptm Every Kind of Medlclue:, But
DO A N' S KIDNEY 40. His setaf, -- Ile has prated this
�t.tnrs 1 dues the the country, even in the wire -'r. ;Ind
The she'per(d'r+ invariable we Apun 1 message of encouragement to tito� throw away the pipe and forst ear
I L L S and instrument ; he used it to lean i.ttnible•
and exhcertatiotl to mei
upon in climbing and as A club for; weak in faith receive �o A�ectimg, tea and ce►fire'
defense. It is possible that in ' so inspiring an expression.-
David's case the sling watt: in some' 45. Jehovah of hosts -The le,lti-
may fastens d to this staff.
!Pet of all the titles given Jeh fah 'i'he question of chile{ labor is hr-
( -'hose Ilial --"Selected." out of ;n the Old 'i'estarnent. Herr it esti- encs agitated in Sp►nin. I'1;,1,.,. the
the brook 1'rohably the rnerintnirt (Ir•ntly' has its early significance of
Spanish Ino child re r► ',Muer?, ins and
stream which ran down beside 1110 the God of the ,armies of Israel, hut! 1-1 may mot work more tt,nit six
camp of Israel retis,• than the it cause later 1e, include the thought! hour -sr a day in industrial establish -
brook which ran thrones the dee ,,; Jeho• alt a, ruler of all the hea- menta, ne►r more than right hours
ter of the valley and separated the ►on}y .eats: as well (laza. G. 3). a clay is offices. Nowa decree has
two camps. When) thou hast del ---.:1n in- been pas .ed feerbidding the employ-
Wallet .\ skin hag slung by te.o silt to Israel was a defiance' of Je- inent e•4 vhoys under 16 and women
straps over the thhrulder made t.' hovel). f under ti in a number of trades
contain prov-i:ions, fond. etc. \1 i •i7. The battle is .tehntala's - Aa deemed injurious to health. Chem -
most as indispensable to the ship, ' opposed to the sword acid veer and ic•al ands. glass works. the mn
hers a, his staff. David put it t, n�
p j.t-elim of iris en(my ;•.en,pare Psa. facture .•f ether, of celluloid and of
n rc'c•c11 t the praetloal use of carry ing les ;1. ri- 1) (•.c ineit•.s and the handling of lead
of prime by The Dula' Kidney P 11 f,;ut Amtnunitton. p K
-- 4-.
Mrs. If. A. P-hpe•r, Foserton, Ont.,
writer -I can err 'airily reeeemmen►1 your
I�•~114 el 1(e,.'1ay rill.. Sly ttu,l►ar►d had
been tr,uhlyd with hte1,ackfor over twen.
ty Live' pars. 1 g : 144:3) every kind of
medicine I could think of, but they diel
him no good. A friernel advised hire to get
Mme e,( I►,►sn's Kidney Pelle, so he got
two holies and they cur.sl him e.,mpktcly.
lie, feels like a taew man, so 1,� a,mys. sad
wail never be without a box of i)uau's
Kidney pills in the house.
'The pries of D,►sn's Kidney Pills is 50
rents per boa er 3 boxes fee- *I.•2.i, at all
de.+irr* or wr,T be mi,,,, -4.1,r..0
., • ,
' -'y. Ran to.'-rrd the army -- Hi.e nr Al sent color& are anieng the for-
T(sroua►, Vet. Hj, slim This conipt'eted his (.-:'ears.., vtr. ' not lessened by th- tinkle-, 1. !Ma.
1 H11.1) 1.AliOH iN 51' 11\
If there 1►e nerve deranges,, nt of any
kind, it i* leound k' p►rselr,ee all the
vano is phenomena of heart derange.
midis. In
a that has never dimwitted mititted a
crime, but has worked all these Dl>�I011SfleSS
years for her support.'•e
The divorces was granted and the LiverCom Taint
wife soon married again -- marriedP
a man whom she met it, Huntsville, If vont tongue is coated, ',nit eye•t yet -
where she was living to be near her low, your completion sallow; if you have
convict husband. siek head,richrs, varial,ln appetite, poor
STRANGER 11.11) 1'1; 1. 1.il. circulation, a pain under the right«h•,n14•
er, (►r alt'-rnat.• r'.it vrt,r•.e And diarrleea,
fk,ating speek* 14 4(4,, the eve*,
Your Liver Is Not In Order
All t)i troubles and el„1eaaet1 which c,,rnf,
in the train of n dosordcred liver, such as
Ja,:rnhee, Chronic Coast.ipetiou, Cattarrh
of the'toma»h. Ifiesrt$turn, Whirr Itraah.
eta, may he quickly and easily ourod by
Jones' W 'tide(' arra healed of er
a painfel ,trt:e, hot he .tlt.ays
r,to,,,•nr'rl for 1t,!+ t f4'• and ',fire+ itr
the night the guard, (,ti their
rounds would hear 1►iia, sobbing
her name.
is enmhin31,1 tre•'trnent that 'n11 curt all •\11'1 11"►e ("r the Rtrange part of
forme elf ticrvoiv eiienreierr, its well AS the �te,ry.
act ilpon the heart itself. J. 11 Waltrip, who liven at Chet!.
Mrs. John Riley, Douro, atnl-, writ•rt: ter, Tex., and elm tett years ago
' 1 have been a great sufferer from
heart and nerVP troubles for the past
ten tears, After trying many- rrrnedies,
doctoring for two y rare a ithout
OW it a't lwcnefit. 1 decided to give Mil-
t )r? s heart said Nerve fills a trial.
i Ani tlu+nkfill to �:e1 that, sifter u,inQ tinged).tn:teted, he declares, asi yl,lhetrr,'t+ 1a>ca•1.ircr I'illa alrertie 1
Mtn" I .rcr•. 1 Am resin 1 cur, --d ,,ol 1plaltlly att th.,tl }1 be had been an el..;ule,l tet tr+ tt' m, and after using thorn
recommend the ni to Ail•utT, r, re actual ev evrii mess. 1\'uldrip w as four months I was completely cured
Prier "it► meats lier 1411, r.r :1 le•.\c. 1(1riot aequAinted w it Jones --- had r 23 e±ents 11 ria, or 5 for $1 Cs). at all
51 ' at all tkth,' or tnt:il(d direct never et en fkeen }hint. but he v -as' (IP -Along, er mailtil direct on •:„e:pt ..f
len rev, ip►i e,f ,fir.• ►,► Tl,.- 'I . Mali-urnVarnulia,-
a ith his description (rows f Frig* by The T. Alilburt. -'o., Ltd.,
Co., Limited, i °rento, (See beats- (tut.
cara.y, and the man ho saw ,n
read newspaper acronnt t of how
Jc.nes had chopped his right hand Mr. g. Oinger•ich, Zurich, Ont, writes: -
oil, dreamed a few weeks ago e1 the i i had suffered for }e -ars with Ivor coni.
affair. He hat saw in his dream, I►l.+int, and although 1 tried many me.li•
the murder of the wiiniam--saw the cine• i could not get rill of it. F... in