Exeter Times, 1908-08-06, Page 2♦++•++i►t•lo+++++++++t•i1+1t4+i-a+++♦♦+ii+ii+++ Odley answered his knock i:, to• lfl I44f)•Qi, Ib4iS
• son. Sho was evidently surprised
♦ to see him, and a little duubtful
♦ A. Broken Vow;concerning his viit. But on hie
removing his hat, and treating her
to one of his most b •.. itc hung smiles
she drew aside and asked hirn to
4 walk in.fTheErm
♦ "My dear Miss Odley, - -I will not
�R— detain you a minute," h- said, as !+•�•ii1-1•I�Fi*3iti�
4 they went into the little silting THE COMMON SENSE 1100.
t • room. ''I should only like to say,
lt~ ♦ as a sort of reface, that you aro Mr. F. D. Coburn contributes an
a.. ►— looking younger and more charm- excellent article to the Kansas
♦ ing than ever. Don't blush -- al- Fanner, under the above head. Ho
'though a blush becomes you. 1 eats:
have only recently returned front' After all, swine breeders, with all
C'IAI'TER XXI1I. tions; you have seen a woman abroad, and I felt I could not leave their breeding and feeding, their
Olive Varney stood looking at placedstaundereve.rw'mianangest to chedt;c+but see `and again without coming toi study of types, fumuies and pedi-
Kelman gloomily for a moment or you haven't understood it at all. "Yougrecs, should keep in mind the tom
two without speaking. The manYou always hada nice way with mon-sense hog, that the practical
oolitic} with some feelingof pity, You have seen me apparently strong you, Mr. KeLnan," said Odley. ever da farmer, who cares more
P Y and dominant and relentless—or "Seems •quite a lung time since we
y y
the weariness in her eyes, and the you've seen me melted to sono ten- about types than breeds, and more
curious drooping lines about her J was all what you ought call young
about form than pedigreta, needs,
mouth ; it was an older, sadder derness for the first time in my and foolish together here, doesn't applications on a warm day will not
life' and all the while you and must have, and in the end will have.
Olive Varney than he had everit. sir 1 You 1 excuse a bit of a be too many.
known. !Even while he looked, she known that I was weaker than you g rule, does
no, care the farmer, as a;
litter she added, alludiu to aFHubert Bnkevrcll, of England, nf-
turned abruptly, with a shrug, and !'nug1t ,and shat. I was only prop great quantity of what appeared to rule, does nut whether the hog ter the experience of a life time, dc -
walked rrpidly away. Vietog� kei• ing, in a blind fashion, to find I be old letters which filled a flat, wears
ethercd, white or its ears hangblack
or Glared that "animals aro like wax,
man laughed, and strode after her. "ay in life. I did at first what I cardboard box on a table, and over and in the hands of the breeder can
"My dear Olive, he began, as had been told I would bavo gone flowed on to the table itself, "I've stand up, whether it has soil is and be fashioned to suit his' tastes."
he reached her side, "why be so through any peril or privation to been tearing up and burning all cowlicks, or combs its hair straight. Charles Darwin says in his work on
carry out what I had promised. Af- sorts of old letters. You can't \hat he wants first is an animal the origin of species: "No case is on
utterly foolish? Ain Irepulsive— terwards I would have gone through g
du you me—or do you hate keep those things forever, you with constitution; and any system of record of a variable organism ceas-
du you 1 hate me is o it 1" anything to undo what I had tom know." breeding, whether inbreeding or ing to vary under cultivation." Here
She stopped and faced him again. menced. But all the time only "I suppose not,"said Kelman. outbreoding the farmer does not is of successful breed -
"'1 hate myself," she said steadily. ghat was right and trying
ngsthard for cos "You have had quite a large corre-t want in his herd. To closely inbreed is the work the fashion succes the seed -
"And I hate you, because you force s ondeuce inyour time, Miss Od- or line -breed merely for the de- er, variations as his practiced eye al
me to that confession. I suppose you're concerned, I tell you again ley 1" I velopment of some particular unim-
it'a a good and manly thing to do, that I have not finished and that "I believe you !" exclaimed Od-' portant marking, aur! in the tail, or Letts them, into an ideal practical,
to come back here and gloat over I have not given up. I am Aunt ley, with a toss of her head. "Why droop of car, at the snore time weak- and Profitable; hence necessary to
a woman who has failed—eh?" Phipps to the end ; and you never l'vo kept 'em all these years I can't ening the constitution or dwarfing weak -
the higher wants of man in his on
"My dear girl—you have not knew her. This is final ; you know think ; if you saw some of the fool- the size, is to trend on dangerous
ward and upward march to perfec
failed " ho ur ed, with a smile. enough of me to know that you ish thin •s put down in 'em you'd tion. Our oldest -cultivated plants,
g must acce t it. b ,ground. such as wheat, still domesticated
"Olive Varney has succeeded — p scarcely believe your oyes. The----' The farmer does not care, either,
all along the lino. The love -birds Victor Kelman laughed and got adjectives—and things like that —• for hogs "hrec} •in Lho purple." He animals are still capable of rapid
up and flicked an imaginary speck and the flowers they've compared i oat particular whether the great improvement or modification.
will starve—and grow old very of dust from his coat -sleeve. "Hon-
ud t and Ileo their prettyways, „to me 1 Verses in em in some cos- randsiro of his stock sold for one, e•
and Chair little billins antheir est, at all events, he said. "Like es.""she added 8co6„' two, three, or five thousand dollars. ,
little cooings. Olive Varney was all the rest, you made ruse of me . s ad lettere, Miss Odley?two,
chief interest is in this: What TOBACCO SJ10K1. POISON.
when you wanted inn— asked Victor, with a smile at the
to ruin and upset the girl, and gen- "You are wrong; you forced your breed or typo of hogs, for the care Large Quantity of Carbon -Monoxide
erally drag her down; and Olive uncouth figure before him. j
Varney has succeeded." way into an affair in which I only "Every figure
o one of 'om," and feed it is practicable for me in Gay in it.
was concerned." said Odley."There—it's no use my situation to give them, will yield,
"And Aunt Phipps has failed,""—And now you are prepared to talking abut it; I'm getting too the largest return in pork and Tho Lancet, London, England,
she retorted. "Thorn are two dead discard me. Don't imagine how- old for romance, and so I think it's money? Ho is furthermore inter- which has already had something to
people calling to me, Victor ; my ever, that you need fear that I shall best not to have them littering ested in having hogs as nearly im say on the "toxicity of tobacco
father, urging that what I have trouble you again ; I've wasted a about." mono from disease as possible, and smoke,"returns once more to the
done, all unconsciously, is right good deal too much over you, as it "Perhaps you're right," safe} Vic to this end ho wants those with vita- subject. The smoke, it says, con -
and just; a poor dead woman, who is lou bavo chosen a way of life rr pigs that will
trusted b and gave mo her last that is a dull and profitless one ; I tor. Here is something I want to °roue constitutions; l tains quite a largo proportion.of the
begged help have with considerable trouble en- leave in your hands, Miss Odley,"' fight each other for the best before poisonous gas carbon monoxide.
kiss, and be ed that, I would
these youngpeople; • and the dead he added, producing the packet. I they are a day old, even if doing ao It has been calculated, in practice
P P deavored on more than ono occa "You'll be most careful not to burn leads to the vice of stealing later. experiments, that one ounce of to -
woman calls more strongly than sion to lift you out of that way of this with your despised love -letters I He does not hold his pigs amenable bacco, when smoked in the form of
ever my father did." life. I shall make no further of
„ won't you'? It relates to a lady to the code of morals enunciated in cigarettes, giros as much as ono to
Dfy dear Olive, you are {anti- forts. Aunt Phipps—good-byre. I daresay you remember, who was a the sermon on the Mount. Tho com- four pints of carbon monoxide gas,
fol—and you don't look strong. should like to think that some day friend of mine—a )tire. Phipps.' monsenae hog must be n greedy fel- while the same amount of tobacco
Come with me to my hotel, and let you may be ha but I have nt s-noked in a pipe gives from two and
us talk over things quietly." I Py Y Aunt Phipps, they called her." low, and more or Ices of a hustler
"No thank you ; I have nothingto doubts." "I remember," said Odley short-. on occasion. He must not be an a quarter to five pints of gas. So
He turned and walked away. Sho ly "And a very good thing if she'd animated lard keg, a gob of fat, nor far, it would appear that the pipe
talk about—with you," she replied. did not even trouble to look after
never been seen at all, to my way a fastidious loafer, to be fed on ought to bo more pernicious than
"Sweet obstinacy. Then let too him; she only stared before her of thinking.What do you want mp
tomo with you to your plasm, ober- with a troubled face ; indeed it , dainties. He must not be delicate the cigarette, if it were not for the
to do with this, Mr. Kelman ? or a m;ncing eater, but growth„ 1 fact that it is prnclically only with
ever it is ; we can t discuss matters may safely bo said that the man - "I leave it to your discretion."
in the street."vigorous, healthy, and as good a the cigarette the inhalation of the
���� was forgotten before his very foot -ho replied. "Of course, I would !cooker ar! possible consistent wi 1' smoke is indulged in.
Therm is nothing to discuss, steps had died away. suggest that you should give it to
she retorted. "But since you want Despite what ho had said, and gg g the Furling swine virtues mention • The symptoms of carbon monoxide
a word or two with me,let us tomo Mr. Christopher Doyne—her ne- ed.Breodors of any breed can pro- poisoning resemble in a noteworthy
the apparently casual fashion in phew ; if 1 knew whore Mrs. Phipps duce this type if they will. manner the symptoms of tobacco -
into this place, and sit down; and which he had received his dismis- was to be found, I would give it'
you can say what you have to say." sal, therm was growingin the man -- smoke poisoning, a tendency to
to her myself ; but I don t. You dizziness and al►ortness of breath
The Placa was a public garden- a feeling of more than ordinary re- might tell Mr. Dayno, when you FRESH GROUND. on exertion and heart disturbance,
which had once been a burial- sentment. Up to a certain point give it him, that I particularly sug- Fresh ground is ono of the prime while the senses, power of judgment
ground and which was laid out is his life he had taken his own gosted he should look through tho essentials to success in chicken -refs- and of movement are frequently inl-
andpulite and aceta. The loan careless way, without troubling packet carefully and should above ing Tthe old runs, picked clean of paired. The symptoms of monoxide
and the woman sat down, and the about other people, and without all things note an address which is� l sharpgrit,with the insects
man began to speak with an air of cc,ming into conflict with them. Now inside. Ho will find it all very in -1 apoisoning resemble in some respects
finality. in the course of an hour he had Icrestin and quite profitable. snatched up poqulluted
s theygrow- those produced by an immoderate
"Now, I want you clearly to un- been turned out by Christopher with the soil polluted by the void- or chronic indulgence in alcohol.
derstand, Olive, that I am givingi You won't lose itl"g There can be little doubt, there -
Layne, and curtly dismissed by ����„t ate,” she said. "After all tags of succonta enorntith of
you what might he called your last Olive; and he did not like it. Ifo erhnps Mr. Doyne may bo lad to [owls, and contaminated with the fore, that the association of smoke
chance, he said, leaning forward went back to his hotel, and his seeds u of such trouble as gapes, and alcoholic drink is u poisonous
with his elbows on his knees so as miachevious mind began to work,icer about his aunt; no one's seen blac.c,iead and other aihuents, to gbring
anything of her for a precious long one, both aiding to about
to look round into her face. "I and to suggest some mean scheme time, 1 believe." say nothing of unwholesome but similar toxic effects. When we con
have been very patient for a good of revenge. It must bo something "Ah—I'm sorry to hear that; she little -understood bacterial and aider the quite large amount of car-
man} years, and I am really very petty, because that was the very was a sweet woman," said Victor, chemical principles inimical to bon monoxide present in tobacco
sorry for you, and very. fond of nature u[ the man ; it must be "I must bid yeu farewell, Miss Od• poultry welfare—such runs must be smoke, and compare it with this fact
you. There's nothing riotous or something biting and far-reaching, Icy, though with much regret," he avoided if continued success is ex- that as little as 17 per cent. of the
fervid about me ; lett I would treat hndause that was his nature too. said, holding out his hand. "Yon petted in rearing large broods of gas in the air is fatal to animals,
you very wall ; and you are used to And then, in an evil moment, ho won't forget about the packet1 vigorous, profitable stock. The though usually 0.4 per cent. is re-
taking the rough with the smooth. suddenly lighted upon the little Thank you so much. Good-bye — colony -house and hopper system of quired, and that anything above
I am in luck at the moment — in packet of papers which had unto keep young." fe(iding offer the best solution of the 0.15 per cent. is regarded as dis-
clover ; I want you to forget all belonged to poor Aunt Phipps, and ge strolled nut of the house, and fresh gr°and problem yet devised. tinctly dangerous, it is obviously
about this stupid business in which which had been given hint by the out of Greenways' Gardens into Get the chicks out in the cornfield, within the bounds of probability
you bavo involved yourself ; I want old clockmaker• the larger world ; and he felt very the orchard, the meadow sward, the that tobacco smoke can be very
you to give it all up, anti to comp Ho rend the poor little halting well pleased with himself. grain stubble, wherever therm is harmful on account merely of this
away with mo, and marry me. I diary through again, and looked Odley held the packet in her wastage that may be converted into gaseous constitceut. If that is so,
don't caro herywhether you have a again at the well-worn Prayer hands for sonic minutes after ho poultry and eggs. t will result not
name, or whether you haven't; I'm ]look; then hoput it all neatly to -P Y what a serious complexion dopa the
convinced that it would be a veryhad gone—weighing it up and down only in more, but in better poultry habit of inhaling smoke assume, in
gether, and tied it up, and wonder- a:; though debating within herself products. The lesson of experience whish procedure the smoke and the
good thing for me, and that I should ed what he should do with it. as to the contents, and as to the is plain.
steady down, and that we—well— "Stip thinks that she's sato in piubable effect theymight have. i carbon monoxide contained in it are
t0 put it comfortably—we should g 1 introduced directly into the circu-
this mad scheme of hers," he mut- She put the packet down on the
get on very well together. I hope tered. "So she is, so far as I'm table at last; but even then it had PROF. McKAY SAYS 3 PER CENT !story system.
you're listening?" concerned; but 1 should like to d she could!Prot. G. 1..The Lancet concludes by saying
"Yes—I am listening," she re- dropthis little bombshell some- a fascination for her, anCollege, y, of Iowa AB that the foregoing facts call forth an
8 not take her eyes from it. I ricultural speaking of a interesting reflection on the head -
plied quietly. where where it would explode when "Aunt Phipps !" she exclaimed nt proposal to fix the minimum stand-
"Simply because your father had least expected. Shall 1 give it to last contemptuously. "All the trou- and for milk at 3.25 per cent. fat, ache and drowsy and stupid feelings
a bee in his boner is no reason why the boy 1 No—that would be too bles we ever had came from Aunt said : If this were to become a law of the person who has been shut up
you should give up the rest of your clumsy — too quick. The girl1 in a "smoker" on a railway train,
life to carrying out his whirrs and There's the same objection there. I hipps and her promises. I did hundreds of dairymen could be con- or in the badly ventilatedrailway
h° a we'd got rid of her, once and stoutly prosecuted for adulteration
has f given
On the other hint, if you c know the very person," 1►e ex- for all --and now she turns a again of milk,over which they have no pherc of the smoking -room concert.
poet given up that particular Pur- claimed suddenly. "I'll gile it to control. This is quite evident to
in a—in a sort of condense form.
suit, therm is no earthly reason that old dotard Odley, in Green- every creamery inau in the country.
why, because you involved yourself ways' Gardens, and let her do what Ill think about you," she added,'
with an old woman who is comfor- she likes with it. She's just the shaking her head at the packet. IDiary of our finelln cows that
Leidy dead and buried, you should sort of blunderer that will use it She wont back to her self-impos have made wonderful records as
keep that up either. if you have with fatal effect at the wrong mo- ed task of destroying those old love- butter producers would come under
any feelings of sentiment as regards cent. Then I can go away, per- letters. They trust have had very the ban of the law, and some of our
our young friend Christopher and meetly happy and secure in the pleasant memories for her, because ether grades and breeds that are not
has really very charming bride, let thought that some day or other the she lingered over them for quite a Holstein would at times be con-
inc assure you, from my greater ex- game will be all up when they least long time, and made quite a bust t elemned. Three per cent. at the
perience of the world, that he will expect it. Upon my word. its a ness of the burning of each one. I most should he high enough for a
inec'tnbly fall on his feet, and get jolly clever scheme—simple but ef- And ever and anon her eyes travel standard of this kind.
on somehow. There are lots of fectiie. More than that, I ant so led away from them back to the
young couples in the world as hard disgusted with Olive that I'll he Packet on the table LIVE STOCK NOTES.
tin as they are : but you can't go glad to be done with it all. My `I won't do it, she exe�aimed P
nt last, quite suddenly. ''There's 1f you reside dark sheds for the
mixing yourself up in other peoples chinning Odle}—I will l.ay you abeen trouble enough, one way and sheep to run in, or a clump of thick
affairs. It isn't to he expected." N i.:it." another, about Aunt Phipps; it'll underbrush, the flies which make
"Is there anything ilei you have If lend,. his way to he house v- be a good thing for them if they grub in the head will not be nearly
to say l" she allied wearily. Greenways' Gardens that very ev
"Nothing else flint 1 know of." c ping. He was in a cheerful frame never hear her name again. So 80 apt to trouble your flocks.gs is in
he replied, a little petulantly. "and o' mind, because hS
e had after all here's good-bye' to you " r w11arm beat time weather,t tlfotten besttow-ay, a
I certainly think that you might ' done his best, or so he told himself, picked up the packet, and made for
take what i say in a different spir- in regard to Olive ; and he was suffi- the fire. And as she did so the little grain with the pasture ; the
it. At all events," he went on, "I tient!} philosophical to be Able to knocker on the front door of No. best breed, the hogs that will eat the
z Greenways Gardens, sound'd most grass, make the most gain and
expect., proper reply ; and there is Fly- that it was no use crying over loudly. have the most lean meat mixed with
only one reply to 'take." what couldn't be helped. At the (To be Continued.) the fat.
"1 agree with you." ,!i0 said. sante time the vanity of the man, If you find your horse with A sore
"There is only one reply to make, which had suffered tether a severe + --shoulder, remove all the roughness
Vietor Kelman, and that reply is blow that day, began to he tickled from the collar and dust it well with
---now and always and most enipha- at the thought that he could. after TILE BACHELORS hWK.
tically—'No.' Yon are not so near, all, play the last card, and that corn starch, not gloss starch. Also
Victor, to the real heart of nil as they who had been willing to de- An ex bachelor says that it may dust the shoulder, putting on as
any 'trnnger near be in this great spiso him and set him aside should not cost any more to feed two than much as will adhere. if the starch
city of London. ti -„u have seen a yet discover, in the time to come, one, but it costs ten timea as much is applied often enough to keep the
girl grow t:,r udder curicus condi- that be lad to be reckuned with. to dress them. Isore dry, it will soon heal. Four
for breakfast kith milk or cream and a little fruit.
it k a tnu' le-buil,ling food, easily digested by the most
del;c,tte •,tum,t, h.
Puts ‘'ho and Vigor into tired nerves sad ae�ry I rnhis
sur n rn A11. 4.1.1044:11
that there is in circulation 6,990,-
000,000 francs, leaving 8,293,000,000
francs unaccounted for.
Various theories are advunced to
account for this discrepancy. fart
of the loss is doubtless duo to use of
the precious metals in the arts. Part
is duo to great calamities—fires and
sh;pwrecks. A very largo part is
caused by exports of gold.
But taking all these factors into
consideration there remains a vast
sum unaccounted for. Some of it
has doubtless been hoarded, some
hidden and forgotten, 801110 lost out-
interesting Romance of the English
There was a very happy ending to
a ease which came up in the West-
minster Police Court, London, Eng-
land, a few days ago under the new
clause of the criminal law amend-
ment act, which makes it a felony
for a man to take a woman of un-
sound mind from the care of her
guardians. and proposo or pretend
to marry her. Tho defendant in the
cr_se was a clerk of 18, Arthur P.
Hawkins, who had been arrested on
a warrant at a registry office in Ken-
sington, just as lie was about to be
married to Violet .Marion Feick, 21
years of age, the daughter of a so-
licitor. The warrant had been
granted by a Magistrate after state-
ments by two doctors who had pre-
viously examined the girl's mental
After tho case had been adjourned
a couple of times, the counsel for
the girl's father, after consulting
with the counsel for the young man,
announced that his client was anxi-
ous to have the charge withdrawn.
Counsel said he had had an oppor-
tunity himself of seeing the young
lady and discussing with her father
the exact position .n relation to the
present charge. No doubt the
young lady, who was only 21, and
was a young lady of considerable
personal attractions, bad been very
much upset by the opposition that
had developed in relation to her lov-
er and herself, and the action of her
parents, who, no doubt, acted from
the highest motives, and in only de-
siring her real happiness took pro-
ceedings which no doubt very much
distressed the young lady, and
brought her into a condition when
ono could quite understand the
statements made by the medical men
who saw her.
On behalf of the father of the girl,
whose only object throughout had
been his daughter's happiness and
safety, he (counsel) was able to say
that after all he (the father) would
bo doing best in consulting her
wishes and happiness by consenting
to the marriage.
Most happy arrangements bad
been come to between the families
on both sides, from which there
would bo no further trouble.
These two young people would
now be engaged, and would, it was
hoped. start a very happy life in the
land of promise—Canada.
\0'1'14 01' INTl:l'-t:Sl' l'H')M UL•R
1;":.at i, 1:::ing on in tee Ilighlaude
and Lowland+ of Auld
tied ;a.
A Paso w bite crow was shot the
utter day in Burthwickwu.er dis-
Tho family Bible of James Ar -
'tour, the father of "Bonnie Jean,"
was sold in Glasgow and realized
A little son of Mr. Mex. Hender-
son, grocer, Montrose, fell from an
attic 40 feet, and was none the
There is a movement on foot to
rettoro the \\'est Church, Stirling,
which was built in pre -Reformation
A robin's nest has been built in
Fechney Industrial School, Perth,
close to noisy machinery and belt-
The employes of Blackie & Son,
Glasgow, were entertained by the
firm to a complimentary excursion
Tho merchants of Rawiek held
their annual holiday recently. when
o er 1,200 travelled by trains to
Whitley Bay.
It is whispered that the C'l do
steamers are flourishing this sum-
mer, and showing a great innseaso
of passengers.
During the past six years \\'em-
ysr School Board spent close on
$150,000 in new buildings ands$40,-
000 on salaries. ....
Dundee police superintendents,
inspectors and detectives have got
their pay increased to an aggregate
of 81,580.
$16,480 has been spent on the pre-
servation of the Auld Brig o' Ayr,
and the work is proceeding in a
very satisfactory way.
A link with the old ferry days of
forty years ago iii Burnt.island has
gone with the death of James Nich-
olson, at the age of .76 years.
Tho Scottish oil trade, which of
late years had a severe struggle for
existence, is able to show profits of
$50,000 over those of the previous
The smallest British -made watch
in the world is in a window in St.
Vincent street, Glasgow. It is in
the form of a finger ring with a
border of diamonds.
The Lord Provosts, of Glasgow,
Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen
and Perth have been invited by the
Government of Sweden to spend a
fortnight there.
Mr. John Miln, secretary of Dun-
dee Savings Bank for fully 50 years,
was on his retire!, presented by the
trustees and menagerA� ith a ait-
ver bowl and a purse of $500.
The Boys' Brigade of Glasgow
have got permission to hold a re-
view in the Queen's Park recreation
Grounds on Sept. 5th in connection
with the semi jubilee of the bri-
Tho north tower of the Arbroath
Abbey is in an insecuressidate, largo
rents having been seen in the mas-
onry, while portions of the stone-
work have fallen from the tower.
Fifteen tons of banaltas were de-
livered at Dundee one clay recently
'o one fruit salesman. This is three
times the quantity which formed the
weekly delivery about a couple 4
years ago.
8,293,000,000 FRANCS 311SSI NG.
Half of F'rance's Coinage for a ('en-
tury Ilas Disappeared.
What becomes of all the money
that is coined is a question that is
now puzzling France because of a
report by M. Arnaune, Director of
the Mint, published recently. This
document asserts that 8,293,000,000
franc ($1,653,600,000) of coined
money has disappeared from circula-
tion in the last hundred years.
Tlie present gold coinage of
France dates back to 1803 the silver
pieces to 1796, copper to 1852. They
began to make nickel coins in 1903.
In the century from 1803 to 1903
there was coined a total of about
15,916,000,000 francs. Prom this
there is a deduction to be made for
certain issues (lemonerized and for
light pieces recoinc d. Tho not
amount was 15,283,000,001 francs.
More than half of this has disap-
peared. Estimates of tho money in
actual circulation in France have
been made by the State in 1b.4,
1885, 1P91, 1897, and isn't. Corse, t
ing the latest of the •e b ripe• 1, •
With the others the soesiasas.. :•
Sho isn't worth a fortune, and she
hasn't airy stocks;
Her wealth is all in little shots and
pinafores and frocks,
In little rings of curling hair and
big, blue, laughing eyes,
In leaves and grass, and buds and
flowers, and bees and butterflies
But when she comes in tired from
play, and crawls up on my knee,
She's worth a hundred millions to
her mother and to mo.
She sits among her dolls and toys,
and doesn't seem to care
If wealth is all in rosy cheeks and
lucks and curly hair.
She toddles up to inc, and, like a
dainty fay, will write
A cheque drawn on love's bank with
bust her glances sweet and
And when she puts her soft arms
round my neck and e003 in glee,
She's worth uncounted millions to
her mother and to me.
And when she's in her crib at night,
and cosily tucked in,
The wealth of Croeses couldn't buy
the dimple in her chin.
And as she blink, her roguish eyes
to play at peek-a-boo,
She chuckles me a fortune with each
archly -spoken coo.
And thom'gh she has no fnrtnne, I
rim Pure you will ;wren
'-1 ,. • s fort lino, ►nose Chap elnoe7,
to hug' mother and to me.
Eery Wife Should know of Huss
band's Financial Affairs.
A wife who is ignorant of her
husband's financial affairs occupies
a difficult position, says a writer.
She never knows if she is justifed
in any expense even for her home.
If her husband has not begun his
new life by placing her above the
humiliation of asking for money for
her needs she is hound to wear her-
self out in dread of refusal of such
requests. Bach passing year in-
creases the discomfort of her posi-
tion, and if hard times descend up-
on them it will find her unequal to
the struggle. It is not sordid in
the least to discuss money matters
before marriage. Money is as
much a necessity as food, since it
i, needed for the purchase of that
and every other thin;; we need.
Tho Irishman in France lied been
challenged to a duel.
"Shure," he cried, "we'll foighl
aid shillelaghs."
"That won't do," sail suis 500.
ond. "r\8 the challenged party,
you have the right to cheese the
arms ; but chivalry d inatols that
yon 8110111(1 decide. 11 '1 weapon
with which Frenchmen are famil-
"Is that s iielide „" returned
tite generous Irishman. "Thea
we'll foight it out wid guill,.tines.'1
She found his love was growir.$
So back to Ma she came
Vowed Ile was cold, but neer told
His dinners were the a.i,,.e.
A girl's idea of a h^an is i. young
elan the decal.) want. any other
girl to get.