Exeter Times, 1908-08-06, Page 1vier
$1.00 per year iu advance
Phone No. 32.
Hot Weather
We are showing this week some special dualities
in Muslins. Silk Finish, were 50cts. per yard; to
clear at 25cts. per yard. Also a range of very
pretty patterns, were 25ct.s. per yard, clearing at
• 40.
l 5cts. per yard.
s Bargains in remnants of Ginghams, Chambrays,
1 • Delainettes, etc., suitable for Children's dresses,
Corset Cover Embroideries
Z Special price •?0cts. per yard. These are perfect
• goods, and we have a large assortment of:patterns
•• to select from.
Our White Blouse sale has been a great suc-
cess, just a few•left, and each one a bargain; must
be cleared out.
All lines of Whitewear, at reduced prices; in-
cluding Corsets Covers, Drawers, Gowns, and
Two only Misses<pure linen Dress Skirts, length
34in. to clear at $2. 00 each.
If you are in need of a Parasol, either Fancy or
Black we can supply you at prices that will please
Men's Straw and Linen slats, suit able f`or the
warns weather. Selling at reduced prices.
From Friday morning r: o'clock of this week un-
til Thursday evening 4 o'clock next week, we will
pay the following prices for poultry:
Young Chicks, 12cts. per pound live weight.
Ducklings acts. per pound live weight,
Hens ticts. per pound live weight.
Locals Whalen
Mr. Aaron Davis bade good-bye to
his many friends around here on
.-Jar. George Knight. of 11d r;oa, i Sunday. Ile and Mrs. Davis de-
in town on Monday. parted for the west on Tuesday.
Miss Mary Brooks, of 'Toronto, and
'present. Miss Jennie Brooks, of London, have
been visiting avith their parents and
other relatives here lately.
Mr. J. V. Milson spent a few days
of this week in Bay City. the guest
of his sister, Mrs. Dinsmore.
i31rs• hlCwell'alg, of Kenton, Nan..
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hodgson
at Granton and also relatives around
Rev. Fair preached here on Sun-
day and also admitftstered sacrament.
The choir rendered very appropriate
music for the occasion.
Threshing has commenced around
here and harvest is well on the way
to being .finished.
Our baseball team :went to :Cedar-
ville to fulfil the chattel)
ge to that
team, but Cedarville failed to play,
)caving the championship in the
hands of our boys. The result of
the last game was '7 to Zi in favor of
The t=ad news reached here Sunday
from London of the death of Mr.
Joseph Bennett, who died in the hos-
pital there from an attack of ty-
phoid fever. Mr. Bennett was for a
number of pears n thresher around
here and his many relatives and
friends mourn his demise. The fun-
eral took place Tuesday to St. .Pat-
rick's cemetery, near Lucan.
-Mr. and Mrs. 1t. Downie return-
ed Saturday from thtir'trip through
the Northwest.
-The continued drought of the
past few weeks was broken Tuesday
when a severe electrical storm pass-
ed over this section-
-Miss Cranston, of Lucan. and Mr.
and Mrs. I. 1). Evans from Fort Wil-
liam, nephew and niece of N. D. Ilur-
don are visiting at their uncle's for a
few• days.
A Regular Storm Period begins on
the 12th. extending to the 16th. It
is central on the 14th, with moon on
the celestial equator on the 15th.
Earth's autumnal eauinoa will also
Ile a factor in storm and other dis-
turbances at this period. Low bar-
ometer and threatening. forceful
storms are to be anticipated during
this period. West India storms are
not improbable. and those who live
along exposed southern coasts should
Interest themselves in all storm in-
dications at this and all subse;uent
August periods. As above stated.
marked storm conditions may prevail
over the lltb, but the period will
culminate on and touching Friday,
Saturday and Sunday. the 14th. 15th
and 16th. Unusual barometric con-
ditions about this time, especially In
the extreme south, should be posit-
ive admonition of rossible danger.
Between the 16th and 19th, progress-
ively from west to east-southeast,
an unseasonable cool wave should be
ti-The genial secretary of the ag-
•• ricultural society takes great pride
in his hairsute appendage, although
•• there are but a few hairs remaining
21 on the top of his cranium. A few
days ago, not to raffle the excellent
• parting which he had made after his
••Z morning's ablutions, be cut a hole
/40 in the crown of his hat and went
♦ forth to do a little fi4'hing. As Alex.
bas done considerable fishing and
camping out where the anOsauitoes
•• are bad, he paid little attention to
•• the biting st•nsation where the por-
•• tion of the hat was missing. just
22 ; occasionally scratching his head, to
•• keep what he thought were some of
the pesky slumber disturbers, away
As the hours passed he thought the
mosquitoes were getting .Worse and
cancelled his fising operations till
cooler weather. On investigation he
discovered that instead of tl: little
stingers bothering him, it ay. s the
hot rays of the suss being focused on
that little bald spot, that was mak-
ing him uncomfortable and made a
beautiful red blotch that any one
who has been severely sunburned can
a.(Q►reciatc. Ile has asked us not to
publish anything about the matter
fearing .that his friends N. D. Bur-
don and Ed. Christie might josh him,
but as Alex. is always trying to
spring jukes on the above named
gentlemen. we feel that it is our
duty to take this way of informing
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford 2 2
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••N••••••••••••••••
That is about the number of people supplied at Exeter. The large portion
of them need our goods -they have to buy. They should turn in and take a
hand in the great contest. it will be keener and more interesting from now
to close on August 25th, You can't make a mistake buying here- you make
a mistake when you don't.
R?'WE ARE SELLING -('rushed Violet Talcum Powder, ('rushed Rose
Talcum Powder, Skin Foods, Hair Grower and dandruff cure, Foot.
Ease. Tooth ('ream, Picture Postcards, largest variety in town.
Camera Free THE PURITY Camera Free
Tne Usborne and Nlbbert ' and Are. G. Stirling, of the village.
The He•sell bowlers who attended
farmer's Mutual Fire Incur- the tournament in London gave a
very good account of themselves,
an a Gompanu but foil& 10 get inside the money.
;The G. T. It. are having the sta-
Head Offlee, Farquhar,'.Ont. tion re -I -tinted, considerably im-
proving the building. What Is necd-
.11 here is a new station.
Mrs. it. 11. Collins and daughter
and Miss Kate Honthron, of 'Exeter,
Wet. Rol'. ButtxHotst P. O were here last week the guests of
Wm. tutor K %'Ivc•nt•:I.'EA P. O. 1 Mrs. S'Dirray.
T. Rv.tY, i)unt.IN P. O.
Prtsident -J. L. RUSSELL.
Nice -President -\W. IL 1':\SSMORF,
JOHN EdttEltY, Exeter, agent to
t;at.orn.i a.pd )iiddulph.
ULIVEIt 11AIRIUS, Munro. agent
for 11.bbcrt. Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
' LAI)MAN & 8TANRURY. B.fl:eltorn
Voters' List For 1908
Notiec is hereby given that I have
tranemittcd or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section Eight
of "The Voters List Act.' the copies
required by the said Section to be so
transmitted or de:iv•red of the lint
made pursuant to said Act, of n:1
persons appearing by the Inst Res
vied Assessment Ito:l of the said
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
As many of your read'rs will like
to hear how the West is this sum-
mer I will endeavor to write you a
short letter about my trip out, also
how I have found it as far as I
have come. that is to Winnipeg. 'We
started from Toronto on Tuesday.
July 7th. This year we had to take
all C. 1'. It. from Toronto on the
new road by Sudbury, this route be-
ing about 8 hours shorter than
around by North Hay. The new road
is still very rough and we had n
very heavy train of 13 coaches. \Ve
had a very good time and got along
without nay mishap. We landed in
Fort William at six o'clock in the
evening instead of 8 the night be-
fore. ns we should have had we been
on time. There is n lot more of
good new country on the new road,
than by the old North Hay route.
We landed in Winnipeg at eleven
o'clock on the 9th, about 11 hours
late. I found Winnipeg in the same
lilac., with the main street all torn
up for a new pavement. Title is
nearly finished and makes one of the
finest streets of any city in Canada,
and as I have been in nearly all of
You can take the Broadway nn.1
Front streets and they are the best
Rev. W. 11. Butt and family pjc-
nicked at Grand Bend on Thursday
Miss Emma Graham who has been
visiting with Miss Laura Butt re-
turned to her home in London on
The Misses Olive and Myrtle Beam.
ish returned to their home in Lon-
don on Friday evening after a pleas-
ant vacation at the home of their
uncle, Mr. James Handford. They
were accompanied home by their cou-
sin, Miss Lydia Ilandford, who trill
visit in London for a cotiiple of
Mr. Thomas Edwards. of Hamilton,
was the guest of his sister, :Dirs.
Charles Uuplan last week.
Clarence and 'Ilarold Duplau are
visiting ,friends in London.
Mr. Brown, of Ailsa Craig, was the
guest of Bliss Clara Fairttall on Sun-
day last.
Mr. Stones, of London, was the
guest of 1)r. and 1'drs., Orme on Sun-
day last.
Miss Alla hicks is visiting friends
its London.
Miss Mac Pollen. of St. Marys, was
was the guest of Miss Margaret
Handford last .week.
Miss Diable Butt has returned to
her hospital duties in London. Iter
sister, Miss Laura accompanied her.
Miss Sarah Nail is visiting relatives
in London. Miss Fleda Baker and
Mrs. Nelson hicks took her place at
the church services.
Mr. Dock Mitchell, olio resides in
British Columbia, is now home spend-
ing his vacation.
'The Quarterly meeting u as largely
attended Sunday morning and the
service was one of unusual interest
and profit.
Mr. \\'m. Elliott returned on
Thursday frotn a business trip to
Det rolt.
'Miss Rebecca McCoy is R'isiting
friends at London.
Miss Stella Neil went to London
Saturday wetting in company with
her grandfather. Mr. 1'. Lewis.
Next Tuesday evening an Ice Cream
social is to be held on Epworth l'ark
by. the Epworth League bere.
Mr. Geo. F.ssery has 'been slaking
some improvements about his dwel-
ling, which add greatly to Rhe np-
'pearancc of it.
Mr. and Mrs. \\1u. Spencer were
in the village a few days last week,
visiting the latter's mother, 'Mrs.
Mr. Andrew
taking in the
Mr. Charles L. Willis, son of Relit.
Willis, Seaforth, has embarked in fhe
newspaper business in Alberta, hav-
ing purchased the plant of the Inde -
pendant at Stettler.
Andrew Porter, the defeated can-
didate for Centre Huron' at the re-
cent Provincial elections will em-
bark in the conveyancing and col-
lecting business in Godericb.
Mr. W. Farrell, %r'ho has been clerk
of the Third Division Court at Clin-
ton. for a number of years, has
resigned on account of ill health and
Mr. If. 1', stance, his son-in-law, has
been appointed his successor. Mr.
'Rance has been conducting the busi-
ness for the past year.
On Tuesday of last week between
the hours of twelve and one o'clock,
some person entered the bar of the
Queen's hotel at Seaforth and tap.
ped the till for two or three dollars.
The proprietor hail stepped out into
the hall for a few minutes. when
the thief took advantage of the oc-
Anty Ross Gunn, third daughter of
Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, died Tuesday
of last week. Up to a few days pre-
vious to her death she appeared to
be iu good health, when she was at-
tacked by appendicitis and an oper-
ation had to be resorted to. This
was successfully done and the pat-
ient doing so well that Dr. Gunn re-
sponded to an urgent call from Sea -
forth. About midnight her weak-
ness suddenly developed and before
her father could reach her side she
expired. Miss Gunn was in her six-
teenth year.
casion to do the pilfering.
Mr. llugh Hunter. of \Vest Wil-
liam street, Seaforth, met with a
painful and what might have been a
serious accident, at the Bell Engine
works on Tuesday afternoon of last
week. Ile was working at a lathe,
and was using a file when something
jumped. and knocking the file from
his hand, drove the sharp point of
the file through his clothing .and
Into his body. Fortunately it ' did
not pierce the abdomen, and although
the wound was a painful one. it is
not at present considered serious, and
after a few days' rest it is expected
he will be all right again. The
wound might easily have been of a
serious nature, and Mr. hunter is
fortunate in escaping as teen as be
Mrs. Harness, of Centralia, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas.
Mrs. John 'Duncan, Jr., spent part
of last week at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. heavers, Mr. and
Mrs. 8. H. Eacrett spent Sunday and
Monday ,with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Aldsworth at Hayfield.
Master E. Meralls. of Exeter, le
visiting his sister Mrs. W. Qlodgert,
and the Misses May and Lulu lfod-
gert are visiting in Exeter.
Miss Marguerite Stewart, of Sea -
forth. is visiting at her uncles', Mes-
srs. William and John Stewart.
While riding on bis bicycle on Sat-
urday liastcr Foster Bray met -frith
a painful accident caused by coming
in contact .with the shalt of a rig
that •he was meeting. One of his
ribs was broken and be was other-
wise badly shaken up.
Mr. 11..1V, 1+'. Beavers is improving
the appearance of his store and dwel-
ling by having it re -painted.
Mrs. Jame poach leaves for Grand
Bernd this week to spend a week.
Threshing is the order of the day.
We are pleased to leant that )Sias -
ter Foster Bray is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mussell are vis-
iting Mfrs. 1). McNicol here.
Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Borland, of
Saskatoon, are visiting his father.
Dlr. 11. Borland.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Couch. of Strat-
ford, visited from from Saturday to
Monday with her father Mr. James
Mutt is lit London The Council of the 'Township of
Old Iloys' Reunion Stephen, conversed in the Town Hall.
Crediton, on Monday, the aril day of
August, 1908 at I p. nl. All mem-
sent. The minutes of the previous
Elimville meeting were read and ndopted.
__ Sanders-\Vuerih - "That sty -law
sirs. Thos. *Ornate, who has been No. 10 of 1908, being n hyelawe 40
them I can speak from ezpericnco• confined to her bed for several wicks ttrovide for the opening of Town -
leas sttffioienlly rrcovercd to Bet ship (toads daring t he season of
sleighing ; and sly -Inv No. 11 of 1908
J July
1I n. The Things
were stances in around
Mr. Thos. reale has just completed 1 ftero ide (or oil icthrtrattRof al c pilo.
July all
'tction were coming in steeps for JE r. Thos. Case and Mr.
from all directions, some of the lattorthy. Mr. Smile understands gcrIY of the 'township for the pre -
finest horses and cattle you could year, each 'Davin I1Cc11 read the
bring together in one ring ; .thresh- his business thoroughly. third time, be signed by the Reeve
ing machines in nbtndnnec, everyone The mason work on the new C. 0.and Clerk and the seal of the Cor -
being the Lest. They were there C. F. has been completed and the eoraCon attached .tberet0." Carried.
front Old England and experts said painters are finishing up the paint• The following orders were passed:
they had the best gasoline and oil ing and graining' started Jac. Qnct:n, gravel, $L76 1). Mor -
engines on the grounds. On citizens' Mr.Ranson Striate has 1isory constructing drain. N. i11, Itlh
day there were 47,000 people on the threshing with the Thornes Mond concession, $4.75 ; Chester Prouty,
Grounds, and on the following day Cnms1•ny. Rrntuiry, $2:1.00; Express Co., express
it rained and the show was called The harvesting is nearly complet- on voters' lists, 50c; B. G. Seldom
t t►an
WYdndott6 DdIrum011's
Cleaner and Cleanser
It is a scientific Cleaner and Cleanser free
from all Organic Matter, Caustic, Lye, Acid,
Poison, or Preservatives. Made especially
for cleaning and sweetening Milk, Pails,
Strainers, Separators, Cans, Churns, etc.
5 pound Packet ' 25 cents.
Usec for Cleaning everything and anything.
of 1.
i met several former .Exeterites.
Ed. Bissett is doing a good (rade in
the butcher bus:nese, having sales of
from one to two hundre:l dollars per
day. 1 also sew John Dow'nio. son of Zurich
ea and the crops are better
they have been for years.
Wm, Borate. of Toronto. tsar
recently visiting his nether.
Jtunicipaaty to be entitled to vote R. Downie. Ile is head of the goy- ,
iu the raid Municipality nt Elections l ernmcnt emigration in Winnipeg. c C. rd. $3.75 ; Crediton Isn't r ccount,
cement, $32.50: S:clney Davie. rep.
here bridge, $2.50; John Sander.. lumber
t�7.8U: V'tn. (4ander', lumber $6.75;
Mark Wilds, gravel. $17.2$ hubs► &
Oestre,cher, snaking t,lt# tile $2I:3.20;
Kuhn & Oestreicher, watering tile,
$3.20; 11. Cunningham, commissioner
for members of the l.egielati%e As- in talking to some of the farmers Dfiss D1nbcl Jacobi, of tR 1*11 on trinsfer of account, 8138.45; Jos.
Miss Minnie t'uxttottts. of London. acntb:y and nt Municipal elections from different parts of the west at white driving into the w;ll r .1 fetw atcKeeris• commissioner on S. 11.
event the past week or two here and That said list one first posted upthe exhibition, they all predict n evenings ago had Ler collar 1.0221' $4.00; Rota. Mawhinnry, tile on
.yith her parents. at my office, Exeter, on the 20th bumper crop. Thing+ are looking up broken by 'Doing upset lion) the rig road, 55; Geo. Mawhinney. the across
Mr. Lorne Scott has tooted into day of July, 1908. airs remains there' here and suite n little property ds in which she rind het brother and road. 12.00 A. Patton. gravel con -
T. Kawkins & Son
the dwelling recently erected by Mr.
J. 11. Jle:\rtlltr,
Mrs. C. A. McDonnell and children
for inspection. Electors are called
uput► t• examine the said list and if
changing hands, but not for spiel•
any omission or other errors ae dation, however.
1n sparking to the people as to the
are visiting the formcr's parents In ' found therein, to take immediate Roblin government. the whole talk
Forest. proceedings to hate the paid errors i is that they will get the same es the
Mr• Bernard Thompson's new dtwcl- corrected according to law. Ross government got a few years
ling is almost completed. I Dated this 20th day of .ln:y, 1908• ago. Things are far from being se -
Mi.. Millings attended the tercen- JO8EI'II 5E\ 11)11. . tisfactory.
trnary celebration at Quebec.
Rev. Smith Ic[t List week on hist
C:crk of the Village of Exeter. There are a few new buildings go-
-----r ing up, the new Matti of Trade
annual vacation. ()dram()dramhl, d .A. IS 7' CO R2 A. jbuilding costing ., e
600,000 . also the
..cave tlis pulpit of Carmel church 11 1', t'1 Y:J Halt Pita SNP I new union depot of the C. N. It. and
well b; 1.11(4 by different ministers•
Ws' Modeland. of Brandon, Man., - Mpatty
is visiting her uncle and :mat, Mr. .f
0. 1'. 1'. it is right in front of the
old Hudson illy store.
A. E. 110DGERT.
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc,
We snake a specialty of Eavetroughing, Roof.
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in
The Call of Summer
is for new styles in clothing. We have the
latest in all fabrics and our workmanship needs
no ccnlment. We always have the best
Our Suits are the best value we have ever
offered in Exeter.
Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario.
DD. S. R. KIMAN, L. D. 8., D. �ONEY TO LOAN.
U. S., Honor graduate of 'Toronto
• We Race a taiga amount of prlve0e taws
Dental Surgeon can on farm and village properties atlowrals
Office over (Madman & Stanbur 'e' Interest
Main street -EXETER.
Des -rioters Sobcltore. Main st.IKCxesee
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. H.' FR:\NK CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of j Rerrn. Successor to A. It. Itatn-
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor, say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani -
Graduate of Toronto University. ' teals on most approved principals.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's I Special attention to dentist y. Office
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former i at Itarnsay's old stand on Main street.
dental parlors. • Night call at Peter itawden'q residence
!Main street.
tJW. BROWNiNG, M. D.. M. 0
• P. H., (iradnate Victoria Un
renrlty. office end rreidonenee. Dotn:otoa
',monetary. Exeter. , Conveyancer Accounts Collected
Associate Coroner of Huron. . Movl:Y 'o Iran at In.....: ra'..•
Ner'h lett IAEA. f•,r i.l'
Office. Main Street, Exeter
Lewis Thomas & Nuttier i
Clvil Engineer & Architect
(Late Department of Public Work', Canada.) i
CommIting Engineer for Municipal and Coaatr I lir Iftl' Of' L sBOMNI:
Work, Electric railroad", sewerage and waterworks' Notice is hereby given that 1 Lorre
system Wharves, Prides and Re•entorcedConcrete I transmitted or delivered to Ili per -
Phone 2220
London 0atarlo sons merit ioned in Section Eight
ONEY TO LOAN 1of "The Voters' List Act." the copies
required by the said flection to be so
have transmitted or delivered of the list
We upon f llmttedprlvate fandetor Iave.1 'made purss►ant to said Act, of all
lent s opon farm or village tiopertyal lovee i viscus appearing by the last Re -
.ter of Inlerear. r p) 13
DICKSONR CARLINO � vined Assessment Roll of the said
Easter Municipality to he cntiti •d to voto
DICKSON dt CARLING, in the sated Municipality at Elections
for members of the Legislative As•
sembly and at Municipal elections
agister. 9ollNtorw Notsrle•, Conve seer. and that paid list was first. posted up
Rank, tfonen, iolfcttor. ►or ttie;tol.on. nt my office, \Vbnlrn, pn the 120th
Hank, Ktc.
For 1908
Matey La Loan at lowest Meg of interest for
of July, 1908, and remains t hero
for inspection. Electors are called
orricx(-WAIN STAMP:T. MESTER. upon to examine the said list and if
any omis4on or other errors aro
found therein. to take immt.iate
proceeding+ to have the said errors
corrected according to law.
ducted in all p tete. Terme rear enable Dated this 20th day of July, 1908.
Orders can be lett at the Tnt • OtYice M'ial the JtO1Mun
Clerk of the said Municipility.
sister were riding- t rect. blks 1.5.. S. 11. x79.75 ; Jam. s a. CARLIN• n. a. L. II. DICUC8
Dfiss Alice ltoedding, of Merlin, vis- Lovie, Rep. bridge. $2.110; A. Rollins.
gravel on London road, !x15.00; Simon H .PiI1L[.IP.i, EXETER, ETC
eV, enstd A'••tioneer. Sales con
ited its the village last week.
Miss Flossie Kibler, of Listowel, is
visiting her aunt, Mir. C. Fritz.
Mrs• J. E. INT we, and two children
of ilrigden, tt'cre the guests of Mrs.
John I'rceter last week.
Swc;iter. rep. btidg:•, $7.00.
The Council adjourned to fleet
again in the Too n hall, Crediton, on
Monday, the 7th .lay of 8,121inther.
1908 at 1 p. m.
Operntinns were commenced at the HENRY EiL11EIt, Tp. Clerk.
paw mill last week. Mr. Kalbfleisch
has a month's work to do at the C,At1STO!Ft TA.
. ,Jo • Eiscnhofer, who was n otk- Inn the 1't 1 -d 'ft) Hare rims Batt
ing fit Michigan for a few months. A:6natere �---
Iins returned home. of
E,) BO4SEN13ERRY, %CMiCH 1 It there ever wee a ppccitfo for
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con I ;ray one complaint then Carter's
ducted in all { arta, Terme teasonahl Little Liver fills ate a specific for
and satisfaction gdaranteed. nick headache and every woman
should know this. n sly one pill a
hl i15('Ith l*I I'Olt Ill F. 'I i'•I i:r. dose. 'fry them.