Exeter Times, 1908-07-30, Page 11
$1.00 per year in advance
11 •
Young Chicks, 12cts. per pound live weight. ; •
Ducklings acts. per pound live weight.. ••
liens acts. per pound live weight. • •
& Clark sJones •
it Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford • i
9 •
Phone No. 32.
Bargains 1::
Z\Ve are showing this week some special dualities •
in Muslins. Silk Finish, were 50cts. per yard; to •.
clear at 25cts. per yard. Also a range of very •i ♦
pretty patterns, were 25cts. per yard, clearing at
15ets. per yard. ••
Bargains in remnants of Ginghams, Chambrays, Z♦
Dela.inettes, etc., suitable for Children's dresses.
Corset Cover Embroideries
Special price 20cts. per yard. These are perfect :
goods, and we have a large assortment of patterns
to select from.
Sir Jas. Pliny Whitney
Preutiet• of Ontario Knighted by the
Pt ince of Rales at, Quebec on Friday
As v as anticipated the Prince
of Wales was the bearer of
a King's list of honors. which
were announced on Friday af-
ternoon of last week. Knight-
hoods for tllon. J. P. Whitney, (prem-
ier of Ontario ; Ilon. L. P. Gouin,
•premier of Quebec, and -Mayor. Geo.
• Garneau, of Quebec, chairman of the
• tercentenary .committee, are the
Olir 'White Blouse sale has been a great sue- •• most important honors handed out.
♦ Icon. Adelard furgeon, minister of
cess, ,just a few left, and each one a bargain; trust • mimes and forest in the Gouin Gov_
be cleared out.:: ernment, Joseph Pope under secret-
♦♦ :try of state, and Byron Walker, gen-
All lines of Whiteweal', at reduced prices; ln- •• era! manager of the Bank of Com-
c1tldin Corsets Covers, Drawers, Gowns, an( ••• mercc and sir George Drummond, of
g •• Moastrenl, are created Companions
Underskirts. • of the 'Victoria Order.
Two only MiSSeS )Ill•. linen Dress Skirts length �i M. A. Cheufnard is made a 'Corn- One of the oldest pioneers of a his
y 1section in the person of Mr. Thos.
34111. to clear at, $2. 00 each. •
pinion of the Order of St. Michael
St. George, while Col. Sherwood. Itott'c passed away on Friday July
i chief of the Dominion police. and Col. 21t{s in his 89th
If you are in need of a Parasol, either Fancy or Z• i Roy arc given the distinction of add- year. Thomas Rowe
was born in Cornwall England in
Locals i Larry Gets an Electric
The Sunday school p;ca,:r given by
the Main street Methodist and Tri -
vitt Mensorial churches to Grand
Bend last Thursday were \veil at- During the past week Larry has
tended and thoroughly enjoyed by t been off on a vacation. There's one
a1l ho attended. The busses ar- thing Itlout Larry, he hasn't many
rivedmat the Ilen'l in time to allow particular kind of weak spots. Now
amusements before lunch time. Af. out on top and especially -so Whenthe pienicers to take in the various as Larry is Irish he generally comes
ter dinner a base ball game was jokes and stories are going the
arranged between 4he too Sunday rounds. A few weeks ago be took .
schools, lint before the game started trip to Kirkion and called on his
sides were choscot irreapeetive of the' friend Ed. Shier. and on this occa-
scholars. From the ova • Rev. Collin bioil the tables turuel and Larry
ptayed first base, it is suggested was a victim. of Ed's.
that the local boys stecnre hint for
the season. At the bat, also he is a
"Whaler" knocking the ball all over
the grouitis. frank Knight the
umpire called the game early in
order to allow the sports to be pull-
e,l off. In the race for boys under 8
Charlie Ford was the only starter
Boys .wider 12, W. Parsons, (:ern'ld
llelback : Iloys over 12. Clarence Hey-
wood, Ed. Anderson: Girls race
al:uul Elliot t, Mildred Heywood :
Teachers' race 'Miss \Vinnie 1Ioward,
.Miss Horsley ; Egg race, Mand Elliott
Ida Ca•lerick : !Potato race, lid. An-
derson, .Gordon Taylor: _Skipping
race, •Mildredi •Iieywood, Annie Day :
Needle and thread, E. Taylor, Gor-
'tlon Taylor: .Eating cookies, T. Fear,
E. Anderson : 'Wheelbarrow race, 'C.
Fear need G. Taylor, 'Taylor and El-
liott; the married ladies race was
interesting ,front the fact that one
of the laduies took a toitnible and
in falling grabbed another one caus-
ing quite a scramble the race should
stave been run over but it nvasn't.
Mrs. Norman Lloyd was the winner
of this event and Mrs. J. It. AIcDon-
old second ; ;Married mens race, B.
Stnn!ake, 1st. A. Ford. 2nd. The day
was exeelli.nt and every one had :t
good time.
Black we can supply you at prices that will please ••
you. •.•
Men's Straw and Linen Hats, suitable for the •♦
warm weather. Selling at reduced prices. ••
ing at. V. O. to their names. 1825 and .vas married in the 'church
of England to 111iss Anstis Neil and
emigrated to Canada in the same
year. They settled in little Brit-
ton Victoria County. Mr. Rowe did
not have five dollars When he got
settled but nvas willing to tvork at
chopping and Nearing the land for
farmers at 50 cents :t day. They
remained in that part of the country
about (brae and a half years, when
they moved to Huron County taking
up land in the 10th concession of :the
Towasship of Stephen. here they
built a log shanty for themselves
tvhich served as their home and
as a place to hold prayer meeting
as well as all .religious services.
In 1861 they move,) to the Jilt con- "By thunder 1 hang th' 111:ut CLat's
cession of Stephen where he put-- sthickin' those pins in me" bells Lars
chased200 acres ofland. in 1858 ry, at ,the satne time jumping about
he was converted in a revival ser- three feet in the air and knocking
vice conducted by stet. Mr. Cant lo,, over a table that was in his way.
in 'What in•as known as the •Broken- "'\Vhats the matter" yells Ed, still'
shires log school house and froam a look of great surprise on his face,
that time he took an active inter- "Is that the Way the rheumatism at -
est in nll religious work. 1869 he fects youf It's terribly shocking."
helped to ibuild what was known as "Shockin' is the word fer it" says
the Sharon church. Mr. Howe was Larry. "But Begorry, alt' that's th'
always one of its officials and for first toitne that those .rheumatics
many yenrs its a class leader and. iver effected me in that manner. If
teacher int the Sluady School. In. they continue to act this way tvhy
1883 he purchased a farm oat the it'll be th' lakesoide breezes fer mine
London Road formerly owned by 's1r. and l'll see if by sw•allowin' :c
itichard Manning and 'tow owned by little extry lake leather if I can
his youngest turn Henry. In 1895 he' rust em omit. ez vnther will rust
moved with his %Stift to Exeter where most annything yez know. Ed.
he lived up to the time of his death. "nut sit down again. Larry, don't
Mr. and Mrs. ]town celebrated their stand there shaking. as if you were
golden wedding eight years ago. The scared to death" says Ed. "I hope
remains Were interred in the Exeter you won't be lacking those spells
cemetery on Sunday. Six sons-in-law often."
ilirnm Windsor, 'Brown City, :Mich.. Larry hall got settled and Watt
Arthur Hoskin, Brantford : Thomas feeling quite himself again when EdKest le. Ilderton ; :5am. Lamlt•.trt, gives him the effects of button num-
Clandeboye: John Pedlar and Wes. ber two.
Snell, of Exeter, acted as pill bear "B)• all th' imps null little fishes"
ers. Ifs leaves to mourn the loss of n roars Larry. "it's a bull dog that's
loving hnshand and father. Isis wife that's got me by tit' trousers."
and tw'See children. William null "Why Larry" rays Ed, "you're
Mrs. ,lliram Windsor. of scnri11g the daylights out of me.
Mr•s. Arthur llcsk:ut of UBranitford. Shall 1 said for the doctor?"
Mrs. Thos. Kestle of lldcrtoac. Mrs. "I)ochter be hanged," roars Larry,
Pin:been to all th bloomite dochters
rotund these parts. The lashs time
tit' rheumatics bothered me, they ef-
fected me int th' stomach, nn' th'
dochter tried to take stn out wid let'
5tutnach pump, but taint no use, I've
got th' motion that they're chronic.
1110 ez 1 said E.I these exhibitions
are :new to Inc. Shure an' th' feel -
,n' n ;,z first av eornethirt' grabbin'
me by th' rate av th' 1ron»ers an'
then rennin' all through me dn'
f sstwn rn
n rs lesell u1 t
But t
Il •
Ed don't yez be tenni' ann)w:ut
about it Will yez now Ed. it's just
been occurin' to me that perhaps
1 might get a little relief if i',i take
some av Ed. itt)I'M nevus mixtures."
When Eii Faw how he was getting
the joke on Larry and aS he r.hongh1
of Mitten number three. he vonldn'f
His Excellency Earl Grey is :Mar.l-
cd the distinction of D. V. V.'0., and
Col. Banbury Williams, s ecretary
to the governor-general, in creat-
ed M. (I. V.,O.
Looks Like C. P. R for
Poultry Exeter.
TI)c directors of t he St. Mary, And
From Friday morning S o'clock of this week un- +Western Ontario Itailw'ay i •eived
til Thursday evening4 O'clock next \Neck we will • the good Hews last Week t:, .t the
3 + = Doutlwion Government had :hicceded
pay the following prices for poultry: • • to their segue t and cul 1 tbsu!-
izc the road from Woodstock to Exe-
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
••..••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Tne Usborne and Nlbbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar,;Ont.
President-.'. L. RUSSELL.
Viet• -President-\\'. 11. I'ASSMOIt E
Wit. ltoY, BORNHOLM P. 0
WM. Mimi: \VIs(•iJELBEA 1', 0.
T. RYAN, Dunt.IN 1'. O•
Usborne and Bitldulph.
Farm for Sale
1-4 mile south of Centralist, con-
taining 143 acres. Brick dwelling
3 barns, one of which has basement
stables. One acre orchard. three
never failing wells: two windmills.
The soil is a clay loam. is clean of
weeds, at'ell underdrained and in 1st
class state of cultivation. For te'ms
etc.. apply to It. ]lick~. Centralia.
Farm for Sale
A .rood 101 acre tarns nn Jot 17.
Con. 8 lllanshard west boundary. On
the farts• there is an tip -to -date
agent for brick house and good out buildings:
.i never failing wells .ono nt the
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, ag'0nt f house and the other at the barn : 2
for Hibbert, Futl.irton and Logan. good orchards. 90 acres seeded. The
B. W. F. BEAVERS, farm is well fenced, 900 rods of mire
fanerng. This farm must be sold ns
Secy.Troas. Farquhar. tho proprietress will .eve up farm-
ing & STANP.URY. Solicitor. ing on or before the 1611. day of
July. Teens easy. I'osa:asion at
once. For further particulars apply
to Mre. T. Cornish. Woodham, or on
filo-. am n .\,
Con, t
The Purity
A Drug Toilet Goads Store
A Phonograph rpp
a h StoreA Post Card Bazaar
\Ve keep in toinch with every new
edea in the above mentioned lines, \Ve
want your (mule. We give you the
assortment. When in need of any-
thing, call 11rst and see if we have it.
You'll have no regrets if you dealhere.
&his week we are offering
Voters' List For 1908
Notice is hereby given that i have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section Eight
of "The Voters' List Act," the copies
required by the said Section to be so
transmitted or delivered of the list
made pursunnt to said Act, of all
persons appearing by the last Re-
vised Assessment (toll of the said
Municipality to be entitled to voto
in the said sl of -Municipality at tElections M ("'if \1 Luc,n; f;,.rtrn,le' 'Chen I,err troceeded With ver
a Glencoe Camera, and for members o[ the Legislative As -I Northern Ontario making this the Y I
Ij n
ter, a distance of 45 miles. The
-ubsidy is arranged on a sliding
.cal.•. and twill be run from 03200 to
'6400 per toile. The directors of the
road state ghat the subsidy will be
required to complete the road as the
cost of construction exceeded the or-
iginnl estimate.
A large gang of then are out :tvork-
fng on the erection of the telegraph
ine along the road. They expect to
complete their 'cork before the end
of next year.
-Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Coultis visited
friends at Carl'ingforal over Sunday.
Mr. Nelson frier, of Manitoba, is
visiting his father, •Mr. Thos. I'rier.
-Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frayne. of
Brantford, are visiting the former's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne.
-Mr. Graves, of the Heintz rick -
ling Co., of Pittsburg, Penn., is here
looking over the ground for the pur-
pose of locating p pickling factory
-Reeve A. Q. Dottier has an offi-
cial as well as a special invitation
to head the procession of the London
Old Itoys in company with the Mayor
of that city. Mr. Dottier has ac-
cepted the invitation.
-Itcv. E. Grigg gave a very in-
teresting and profitable missionary
address at the Man street Epworth
League on Tuesday evening. Al the \Vm. Lamport of Clandcboye. Mr-.
close of t he service he showed a John Ped le r. M rs. day. Gou Id, Mrs.
number of pictures taken in India \\'es. tine!1. ,blies Jtohert, •":,nin• 1
anti e1p:oined %lust they represented. and Harry. tf Exeter.
M r. Gordon Tay:or while slidingI -Mrs. Andrew Dempsey pass, d
down a rope from the second floor) away Monday .lu:y 271 Is at lea
at the Caning factory on Monday home in Toronto at the age or 63
was caught by the hooks oat tile rope! years. About two months ago de -
and severe:y wounded. It took nine ceased underwent nn operation which
stitches to sew the wound. ( at the time was thought to be sue -
Word was received this week from c,gsfu:, but later she did not Mi-
ldaletn, Oregon, of the death of Mrs.
Prot''' fu Lcn;th as tins expected nod
n. c :t'
r i i .I
K > sew worse until .
R m til 1. ,�
John 11 June 4th, beloved b
Joh t o.m:ut on
wife of Mr. John 110:man, rnatnager rc1:eved her of her sufferings. Mi s.
Dempsey em > my
of the n:lony it \y0rks of that I tY as torn in lrug:ond and
City, who is We:l known in Exeter came to this count ry when ,seven
and vicinity. +years old and settled with her star-
t ►
1t 'ah
i . ,orae. R •
h was
-'Three rinks of Exeter Jlow•ler» r e ►nynnd
I, It Mlomday morning to attend the n 186, to lir. Andrew Dempsey and
London tournament this week. The.' rn..ded in I xeter for n number of
rinks were made up as ?o11oWs; \\'•1 years, len about set Year» ago
r Ac e. t \\' 11 1, t I It Ca -' they moved to Toronto. aim Demi* • he.p smiling.
"Good mor'ii:l', sbure an' its me
thats plaze(t 10 see yez." says Larry
as he entered Ed's store about one
o'clock in the afternoon.
"Oh I" says Ed, "1 can tell by
that that you haven't had dinner.
Just come into the house and we
will see what we can do 'for you.'
"Tickled 1'Ii be says Larry, "for
its me dinner I'm nadin'."
"Come into the store when you're
through, and I11 have n chat 'with
you," says Ed. after Larry vas conte
fortably seated at the dinner table.
"Shure, an' its inc that enjoys a
chat wid yez, Ed" says Larry.
In a room off the store used for a
sitting )•oom, Ed has an electric ap-
paratus hidden in a cushion which
lies on a chair and connected to a
battery, with three buttons placed
conveniently for operating. Ed had
been waiting several weeps for the
opportunity to catch his friend Larry
and he thought that this would be
his chance,.
After dinner Larry finds Ed. re-
clining on a couch in the sitting
"Have a chair" says Ed.
"Begorry, an' that's tnoighty Coine
cookie'," says Larry taking the chair
Shure an' yez knew what (yez •wuz
loin' when yez sat oyes on that gal.
Yez won't ntoind if 'I loight me (ripe,
will yez Ed? I have th' habit of
havin' a wee shnsoke afbter me
orales. Begorry, I io' ten enjoy a
shmoke afore orales an' sivernl
toimes between them. But faith Ed,
to tell yez th' truth II kind av
loike it whiniver I take th' notion,
and that notion mint long corrin' If
I'd a thought I might av brought
long a cigar fer yez Ed, but to tell
yez frankly, ez a rhule I don't use
that kind, only on spicial occasions
when a fried offers me tvnn air' then
fer sociability's sake an' ter fear nv
hurtin' me frin(I's feelin's I ginernl-
ly thry to oblige hitn."
"Say Ed" continues (Larry "I've
been bothered a lot wed th' rheu-
matics lately, nu' they attack me
in so many different ways.
"That's too bad" says Ed. "Are you
taking anything for it."
h sous e. cit. r s,.y evils nn netive mernlncr of tin. I ".Note what's a'ez smilin' at" says
ling. W. W. T:nnan, skip : .11i..
J. \\ Methodist church Hard w as loved moll Larry, "Shure an' its no inticmin
Biodcrick, .lag. Taylor, C. 11. Snell.! ' (t
\\'nl. 11:atchford. skip: ;1. (.• Llan- re.{wietetl by mens (lieudn 1toth in Yez are to he 2sughin' nt a man Pnf-
I.x,•t,•r used Toronto. Mb' !eatrg to Cerin' undher such an infliction. if
i bury. Wiaic•r Martin, Rev. \. .\lar- 115,17 rt her :cgs a loving husband and t'ltvas th' rheumatics;
Het, Ret•, I). W. Coiling. skip. There , yez had, it'd be
are 100 ranks engaged or 421 boot-! six, chi:.beat, Mrs. .John sine ie. nf: th sympathetic hand 1'd be given'
ers from a'1 parts of Western and; C:t,ifuenin ; Mrs. Dalt ry, 'Inront, - Yez inghtend.
. rs. ,a , ursly
tripod complete, takes a sornhly and at .iunicipal elections largest boo Eng tournnmenr. in `�' { L 1 f 'f much c.tlifon to let himself down
photo tea inches. Several and that Paid list was first posted up America. Exeter has three rink.; \\'iainm. n grndnnte of the Cimog o[- tugs, hal Ed ons at his Most elinin
1 .nsa ant u 1 0 oronto. One son.
Why not use the best
Binder Twine
Gold Medal ...... • . I;50f't. to the pound.
Silver Sheaf GOOft. „
Pity Special 50011. „
Samson Brand Portland (eluent, made at Owen Sound.
The \'('ry best for walls, shoe's Walks, etc., Use 110 other.
Screen Windows •_'Oe to -10c
Screen Doors 1 00 to 1.45
Hammocks . ..... .... ....:;.00 complete
Oil Stoves 75c to 10.00
Gas Stoves .... • • • c. 4 00 to !0.00
T. Hawkins & Son
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc.
We make a specialty of Eavetrouglling, Roof.
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town,
The Call of Summer
is for new styles in clothing. We have the
latest in all fabrics and our workmanship needs
no ccnlment. We always have the best
Our Suits are the best value we have ever
offered in Exeter.
Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ot'tari°.
D. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D.
D. y., Honor gradt:ato of Toronto MONEY TO LOAN.
We have a large amount or private funds
Dental Surgeon can on farm and village properties attownta
Office over Madman & Stanbur s Interest.
Main street--EXF.TElt.
Ih.rrtsters Sollcttorr. M tin ` t.'1s.eter
DR. (4. F. ROULS'1'ON, L. D. y.?'Et S.P1111,1,IPS, EX 1'1:R, 11O
P. D, y„ Dentist. :le
ntbcr cf • ensed .1 uc•t ioneer. Sales con
K. C. D. Yl., of Ontariond Honore,, ducted in all parts. Terms reasonable
Graduate of Toronto ; niversity.• Orders can be left at the TIMES Office
OBFI(•E:--Ovrr Dicksr,n Ciulin{('e
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former ; �,) BOSSE MERRY, ZURICH
dental parlors, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales son
�V. BROWNING, M. 0., M. C'elucted in all {:arty, Terms reasorlabl
P. ft„ Graduate V ict(n Un i and satisfaction Emmis anteed.
reralty. office and re:krteneaco. Domluloc -"
Ltboratory, Exeter.
(FRAM( CAIRNS, Veterinary Sur
Associate Coroner of Huron. i g.•.m. Successor to A. il. Ram-
say• V. 5. Treats 411 domestic nni-
i ala.
d brine n
m:t1s on most approved rme {
Lewis l'ho�»as & NuttUVl 1 Special attention to dentistry, Olnce
at Ramsay's old stand on Main »beet.
Civil Engineer & Architect Night call at Peter tJawden'e samisens.
(late Department of Pulte.: works, Canada.) 1 31a 211 street.
Consuitins Engineer 1s, Municipal mei Coon',..�.
Work, Electric railroad., Sewerage and waterworks 1
Prstcm Whan es, Bridges and its enforced Concre'• , Like to Try Psyeb•
Phone 2240 London Ontarioine
"Please send mo a bottle of
1 Psyctaftte. 1 have a child afflicted with
We have unlimited private fundsfOr Inv•et tuberculosis, and have been adviitd
Out upon farm or villagetroiertyat Iowa. to try your medicine by Our fans!,
•Ues of Interepa Exeter !odor, as Le says he cannot do any.
DICKSON & CA1tLiNO thing more fur my child."
Arthur, Oat., July 14, 1;107.
Psychine ewes' when doetore fail.
arrtsters, eoitettora NO'Arle•, CoovP weer.
other pairs. ties thein in at my office, buten, on the 20th competing and :Hen'nll one. Te: fee'', shed about 13 years ago. Two and teas fruiting with button gums t:ommis.l•.0er.. �o:I Lore ear tho)olsoos) luny are Worry they did not try
the w'in(1'evnew. I:dison ternrde, fotinr f July. 1908,Electorsnnarcs therealled hitter has been meeting with good! it *Issm:rsot ilrvive,tt,Iolut The
y:,tnucl i her c1l►ree and Larry no sooner bank.Rto. Psycbine first. Throat, lung and
Ask to hear the upon to. rueeesg. On:y one of the Irxcter h remains i touches Ims the scat than he makes his Isoaey toe a at lowest rates of tatsresG stomach troubles yield to its curative
po examine the said list and it r:aikg hug 8on, nam(•:y flint skipped] were takt'1 to i ht 11011 a of her bio- +third ngcetision and sinks exhannte'1 OI/IC:Et -%*AiN STREET, IGZLTRR, ! ,ow,•r. .\t all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or
PP any omiherei or other errors 810 Hey. D. 1\'. cc, They defeat- her. \lr. John 1?'sery i shorn., nn,i a on the couch, w here Ed. s to la S n um, Limited. Toronto.
New Garbs Fuer Week
found therein, to take fmmc�itlte 1iy 1 p 3' f ' ' a °aRLtNn e. t. w. otr.=sCP I)r. T. A. I c
cd 1 opponents its the Labatt interment took p:ace Wednesday af-' thelically advises him ;o lie quietly
THE PURITY !`rocoedings to have Ute said errors 'trophy ►Hatch by a big score itna ternoon the 1•: Si ter cemetery. Ifo► :mwhil•.:•ml in the meantime he -- 1w-
corrceted according to law.
I • ndmiuisters soothing words to sue wantpals i)Itli
tinted this 20th day of July, 1908. were. rut out in the . eaosequent -Mrs, W. J. Verity, who has been , • g you to take one of Choi. P
Can. Express 141.1. EX! games by the nitirrowest margin. visiting friends and relatives in tow n' distracted Larry. when you ere atone in that buggy
{ FRANCIS MOt*L1rY ( {10\\'1•: -Died eat Exeter on July flub,
• 1'c:Inw•:nR arc the •cores: for the past few weeks def. Wednes-I "!t scrms to affeci you on:y nthen anJ l think if 1 here you I would
C1• rk of the said afunicipalit` It• t ('0 1 :c- 1t I: sex 8 day morning for her home in Ilrnnt-I You are sitting.' snye Ed. "It must kneel in the front of the boggy 190P, Thomas Rowe tato 8t seers.
\�' \�'. 'f:am: i 13 Chatham 20 ford, accompanied by her twice. Misg�come through some of the muscles While driving home. I d0n'i :Link it 141..i.:11:1;$21.:7)1"1.1 -.In Toronto, on Monday
-The brickwork in connect in:: \., t;;,ti Isfor 1 (3Ber:'.1 ".I) Martha 1 ir:.n i 8hich you brie J9U8, Vary b:a�. r}. Le -
q. g �jnlo nctiun .hen tcould be wigs to silt
dowtl, notlotr.l wife of Mr. An Dew I1, ml ��yf
with 11 r. W. 11. Levett'g bni:dinr 1;, (°'Isis 111'*ris SO Miss victoria •\liners left 0n Sat- in that {ogiiion' he continues. while you are aeon( at any rate.
scuta of the opera house 1135 beers \\•. Tamm 10(htetph 1:1 'inlay :ass for a t get aiib friend's; "That's ko:nI av 111 way l'tn fig- "Begorry, nn' that's jiset trhnt )'ll ' h•r 03rd year.
.Conveyancer Accounts Collectedcont!l:eted. v \'.. 11'atchford 13 lis T' at 20 .7. 'Ci:ecnburR. 1 eosin'," sap' Larry. "Let's t:ik. n .lo" gays Larry, "and I hope yes can I -�-
(t71s t)31 ORI A. 1 ,. CV. 1101% 10 S,. Marys
1'i -11i-g Este'1 * Neil : n, or Heiman.' wank. 1 fuel :Slier when 1'tn on 't h' lend mea bit av a rhiig to kneel on Boit\
O\F.t ,� Ivan .,t I se•t rt'e.. 1st 1 a V:a Ha,l ilia $p�,,.� ,
Sorb w'cetisn14for Salt.
Beerso"P' \. W. T:tns do 8(htrn $o,ind -1 •.t.,+ thy• goon (f I.r ,un.. Mr.. (7.'580'.,. Si i:1 1 gocas it's about tonne lo knee
knees: from Retain bld�ll:\1(11 -In 1's1,an,., fu:•wlstY,
Office. Main Street, Safer 1?��ate» ���. 1 \\'. Idlafchford •10Lr•.t,lnn 15 .1. Laker, n c: .:l• of �- .Lig i 1 truz lat:u' fer home." gores fer 1 a;nt much aged to th' In:, ':1, 19utt, to 11: ,.a 1 11rs.
rf �(r�CIE , I Isev. Cot:Eats 15 Heti is tots 1: week. I Now Lirt.ei. Larry! I wolf;lo't kneelin'. Tho-. Ilam;r, n dotlghi^r.