HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-23, Page 81 i 4 • M"Mi-Iii-i•-H 441 -11 -i -H•4 I+1 4 Fashion Hints. FADS AND FANCIES. Light, siunmery tubrios aro fascinat- ing. In Paris the short sleeve is already Piase- Tho cre: o do chine coat is a great fav- orite. All styles of coat suits aro being tosh- e. Po pongee. FLY • fho amartesl collars Ihs summer ars O. packet those of striped madras ar linen enlbrof- de,red in scallops around the edge. hu a•tuauy The ba'in coat Ls an excellent example Itlll•d a bushet of presr-nl craze of associaUn" a cloth 1 MAI•.. er ve ling skirt with a wrap of satin. The happiest results may bo achieved Li the seeker after slenderness theougn a ltr.elium of the corsage skirt. Pompadour ribbons applied as skirl borders and waist decorations make a colighit u1 trimming for a dross, The woman of small means should not indulge in an accordion plaited matinee gown, as one season ends it. It is but a stop from the absolute r.�- verity of the close fitting tall rd sleeve to one of tho most extrema versions of the deep urienlal armhole. The empire and the Grecian are a par- t cu'arly happy combination fcr a sum - nee evening gown, the tunic lending itself admirably to the Long skirt. Tho cape is a practical garment which Decry ono rejoices to welcome Ihi. year. It is seen in long, medium, and short lengths, elaborate or plan. Collate. Les, and Letts aro of the ut- r'lost importance with the shirt waist suit, wh se simplidity demands the grra'e st nicety in all of its ire -modes. \\'aids have bloused little at the belt line for some time past, but the corsage skirt rots Them of even the slight full- ness ordinarily allotted them. Thera Ls an almost imperceptible thread of blue in the deign of caltioo which was seized on as an excuse for the vivid blue of the linen coat that ac - o mpareee it. Have a pendant or two of unattached chiffon Abating about you -it makes lit- tle difference whore --arid the success of your gown will be established. For the more dressy tailor made suit a new combination of white skirts and colored coats is making its appearance. The little red golf jacket also has re- appeared. e- appea r ed. One of the best examples of the ty- pical small sleeve is used in the tail - lour. It is full length, of course, close fitting, an;I with no perceptible fullness at the aemho!e. No summer frock Is coniplete without its yard or two of superfluous chiffon. It is a fad presenting such alluring pos- sibilities to the feminine mind that it cannot be ignored. Not yet has the long skirt Dorno to bo accepted for other than dressy wear, yet the makers of fashion recommend i! for marc cinstanl use and women aro Adopting it slowly. A new use has been found for batiste. It now makes its appearance in the guise of coats heavily embroidered and braid - cd and worn with colored gowns or crepe do chine pongee. and cashmere. Coast are made of wide all over Ince, the that being especially smart and et- toclive. They require little fitting and (411:1.4!) 8u1!er.n from 1"Ita }CpltI;)q. ttI. VI ,; Dr+t e, Y ow Trvub.. w to tli.�orre ould write tb. ia�r0 1'v 1tn. It�'oron/q bra t.t.t ko� cL o t In Care suaa 91::=. >a Recluse lac pastas, y lonea of Unot crash and tiro pulul WILSON'S are finished with a Uning of chiffon and silk, or are unlined as may bo fancied. The small sleeve, when not carried to an extreme, is always becoming. It is *elle of the few fashion manifestations which the s'out woman may gaze on with equanimity and the slender woman vvithout incipient distrust. e For evening gowns and &oft dresses on the lingerie order there is a delight- ful vers on of Ito rucked mousquetair•e sleeve that will be much used. It is particularly attractive with a suggestion of drapery in the upper part that goes well with the Greek costume idea. It wilt take a powerful magnet to draw the mother's attention • item the children's frocks to her own. But who can see the new voile and mulls and Wrens in the exquisite shades of delft and gobelin blues, dryad -greens, and centres without being seized by a mad cis`re to plunge recklessly into the manufacturing of lingerie draeses, ltn- m suits. and (railing evening gowns? TWELVE OBSERVATION'S. Cousin Peggy stopped in the midst of cur nflor•nex,n walk, picked up a horned tend. sat down upon a stone, and bade lire follow her example. "Now, Girlie," raid she. "(his is your oteervation lesson. Obrcrve, first, this horned toad, belongs to the Iizzard family. "Second, the body is short, broad and glepresseI, endingin a shed hid. 'Th.rel, When ully grown, it s from six L.) eight inches long. "Fourth, it is covered with rough tie Aercules; the head is shirt and armed behind with lung spikes. The early set- ters called thein horns; hence the name. "Fifth, it is gray above and canary yellow below. "Sixth, each fool has five long fin- ger-like lois. ending in tong, sharp claws. >r 'Seventh. its defence against birds Ls 1ts color, being that of a atone over - grim n wah !lichen; against reptiles, 13 ih horny betty. "Eighth. when i pal its beck. it flat- tens itself; when I pat it on its head, it CJ .les its ,yes. "Ninth. it has n very wide. mouth, and.' as stile open.d it. "a pink tongue. 4110\ Handl me That ant. rind watch toady seal:ow it. Fran) w•h ch snail a beerve. 1. nth. it fords upon ine ts; it ferries ftM' f. to sire;,, "Lie we nth, obxserv, niy finger 4 014 real with Heed; the Bind can squirt blued from its eyes, if it rashes lo." "Whys Mate' I asked, grow;ng' inter - toted. "Why di I lain cry last night, G.r;ie?" 'I was mads" 1 answered. Iho tv!or using hi my face. "Jest o with toady; it w1, mad. Some people think stint the blot d is poison, fret :t never hurl me. °T elve, oteerve that when • ••1 wnt•tl 11. It plays possum. Turn ;r heat! and its gene. They tun w .: n great rapidity." } ----SOLD eV — DkUCDI$T$, 01001R8 AID /1MEUAL ST111E11 too. per packet, ora pasket♦ fee 2S6. will last a whet* .caeca. Is TH! NAME OF CANADA'S BEST PIANO Send for free catalog, N... 73. RIC Ball mom von CO., ltd., Guelph, OSI Home Employment for Ladies LICHT, EASY. PLEASANT S''ich as any lady can do and enjoy. Any lady who wishes, end sees th s ad- vertisement may, it she utiles soon, secure -this opportunity to be indeeend- end, earning a good living in a very easy manner. Work any lady can do. For particulars address %VIIS. NI. SIMMERS, Correspondence Department, M iardsor, Ont. If Every Farmer Knew bow much money he could save by using . Fairbanks -Wm aek•of1all.Ira.]es 0%soline Kn. gine to saw wood. pump water, grind feud, dto., we would not be able to supply the demon L Cut this ad. out and +end to us to -day, and we will send you our free catalogue. Name Address The Canadian Fairbanks Co., Limited, Toronto, 01111 Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. PIRACY IN 1908. Piracy is Not so Nearly Extinct as is Generally Assumed. The seizure of the Neuvre Tigre in the South Pacific, as reported from Syd- ney .recently, alight have Happened in the days of Captain Kidd. The muster and mato were made to walk the plank in the bad old style, after which the name of the stolen vessel was altered to 'hi) White Rose, and her course set kr tho coral Islands, on ono of which sit ultimately went ashore. Then there was the case of the French ship Baleineen, which was loot- ed by Moorish pirates oft Cape Juby last February, and whose crow of nineteen men were only saved from imminent death by the opportune arrival of Lord Mnuntinorres, who got them by a ruse on board a little thirty -ton yacht he was navigating. Somewhat earlier in the year, a little further to the southward, a horde of black pirates attacked alt+l Tooled the German steamer, Ascan \Voermann. Near Shanghai, during the same week, two launches were attacked by several hundred pirates while steaming down the river, three passengers Leing killed and cargo valued at $15.000 carried aft; while only the other day a determined attempt was made by nomad Arab tritesmen to capture a British steamer plying en the Euphrates, _several of her passengers and crew being killed or wounded by rifle fire. Nor do the above instances by any means exhaust the list of outrages of the lend Ilial have occurred during the pre - Mei t ro-cent year, for between January 1st and March 1st, according to an American Consular report. no fewer than eleven craft of vnrious sorts and sizes have leen capture, by pirates in and about the Philippine Islands. •. — Sntnebines it makes n girl blush le think how a c. Main young man might hive kii.cd her, but ain't. INWINIWINIWINWWWWOWNIIMI The Name of Black Watch On n Tag on a Plug of Black Chewing Tobacco S1^gJo for Quality. 22 'FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM ITER BANKS AND Bt1.ALS. t\hat is Going On in the Highlands and Low lands of Auld Scolia. A man has bean fined $50 for street bating in !'artick, Govan Schcol Board this year re- quires $397,5110, raised by rates. Up to date Govan has spent over $625,930 on 11s electricity scheme. It has been decided to improve Colin - ten village roads at a ocst of $1,200. Govan parish council is considering a method of collecting the taxes by 'n- statments. The sai;•yard dispute causal a loss to Dundee men for enforced illness of about 325,000. Ratepayers in Edinburgh aro to re- ceive their permits to fish in the Talla Writer free. The outlook of the fruit fields and or- chards of Clydesdulo indicates a large crop of fruit. Al Motherwell trade in all the public works iters not been E0 low ter •the past th,rty years. Ninety-five motor cycles and small cars arrived in Edinburgh from London one day recently. Forged £5 notes, purporting to be is- sued by the Cly'esdalo Bank, are in circulation in Glasgow. The unemployed relief fund (36.750) of Glasgow, is exhausted. In all there were 7.311 applications. Holyrood Palace Gardens are now, end until the end of September, open to the public on Mondays. Motherwell Town Council have vot- ed 31.25 to the Silver Band to conduct music in the public park. A slaughter of rats took place recent- ly al the Barns of Craig farm, near 11k -int -rose. Over 1,000 wero killed. The firm of James Wishart & Sons, general merchants, Queen street, Leith, has oompleted its 100th year of exist- enoe. I(irkintilloch's new gas works were formally opened two weeks ago, to the presence of a large and representative company. Loch Leven trout fishing has been phenomenally successful this seas)n. A recent catch was 681 trout, weighing ,85 Founds 12 ounces. Andrew Roger, post -runner between .ler thly and Rohallion, was Lound ly- ing dead on the roadside, with two let- ters to his hand. A Dundee sninistee asserts that tho local mill -girl only requires the refine- ment of the evening school to become fit for a drawing -room. A copular figure in the village lifo of Glassford has passed into privato Ufa by the superanuation of Senior Con- stable Donald Nicolson, The death occurred at Ballater recent- ly of Mr. William Gordon, Auchallater, Invercaukl, one of the best known sheep farmers in Aberdeenshire. Edinteurgh Town Council recently ap- po:ne d Dr. A. Maxwell \\'illiarnson, sanitary inspector for the city, to bo medical officer in room of Sir Henry Littlejohn. With over fifty years' experience on the road, Mr. Jaynes Wilson, Drum- tochty House Hydropathic, Methven, can claim to be Scotland's oldest commer- cial traveller. Threes working men's wives appeared the other day in the J. P. Small Debt Court, Glasgow. In resp ;nso to sum- monses, tar the balance of the price of family Bibles, each costing $13.50. HUSBAND AND SON CURED. A Mother's Praise of 'l.;tn1-Ittrk. Oak voed, \'ICtoda. Dear Sirs.-! have great pleasure in slating that Znm-Buk cured ray husband o: barixeee rash with twice rubbing. 1t also cured my little boy of a dreadfully led arm after vaccination. 1 know of several other cures it has affected anti 1 cannot speak too highly of it. 1 am sure if people once try it they will al- v.'ay+s use it. Yours truly, R. SAVIIJ.E. Gam-Buk is healing, soothing and an- tiseptic. It quickly heals wounds and skin trouble+s certain curd for piles. Sr Id by all druggists and stores, 50c. a box, 3 for 81.25. She (passionately) -"Will you ever love am -Atter, dearest?" He (wear;ly)- "No, never, It 1 get out of Ihs uffairl" it !IRS Many Offices. -Before the Ger- man soldier starts on a long march he rubs his feet with tallow, for his first care is to keep his feet In good condi- tion. If he knew that 1)r. Thomas' Ec- Icctric 011 would be of much better ser - Vice he would throw awny hLs tallow and pack a few lollies of the Oil in his knapsack. There Ls nothing like it. A WIDE WAY. W a " Merrydew \\ rer .� n v tell ou Pae it 1 can get through the gate to the park?' More Man -"I t'riesh so. A load of hay jest went thritereetee A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO., Stooks, Bonds and Debentures. Cobalt and all Mining and 011 Stooks of Canada and United States. Orders erecoted with promptness. Corr." poodenre ',heifer! N1 15027 Traders Sank Building, Toronto, Dei Phone Moto ?a. GEIlMAN IIED TAPE. 'rho widow of a German officer pre- sento 1 I.er..elt at fho °Ince in Berlin for the purpose of drawing the pension due •„ her. She handed in the nece:sear, it t tiflcate from Ree mayor of the vil- ing.e in which she Lived, to the effect tint she was still alive. 'This certifi- c•i'e is not correct," said the officer in c'.arge, "What s the matter with it?" vskni the lady. "It bears the date .et He comb, r 21,'• was the stern reply, "and pair I ens:on was due on December 15. ' "What kind of a certificate e1e you wsh?' naked the disappoint.~d apple c nt. "We must have a certificate stat- ing that you Beer.' alive on December I. saal the officer, with groat ilre,- Iles% WOMEN AND GIRLS HELD BY ANAEMIA Unless the Blood is Made Rich and Red Health Cannot be Restored. Ttu•,ughout Canada there are thou- :, eels of growing girls and women held .n the deadly clutches of anaemia. S!ow•- iy' but surely a deathly pallor settles on their cheeks; their eyes grow dull; their appetite Iickle; their steps Janguid. Daily they era being robbed of all vi- tality and brightness. 'their sufferings grow more acute it neglected, wild the sign of early consumption become ap- parent. If your wife or daughter or ester complains of weakness. pains in the side, headaches or backaches; if her appetite and temper are uncertain and elle is often low spirited anaemia has her in its deadly hold. \Vl}at she needs is new, rich, red blood. Give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People without loss of time, for they actually make new. red blood. They make girls and women well and happy, impart an appetite and steadily bring back the charm and brightness of perfect, regu- lar health. ,Miss Carrie McGrath, 26 Fenwick St., Halifax, N. S., says:- "i believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my life. Three years ago 1 suffered from anae- mia in a severe form. I was all run down and as pale as a short. 1 could scarcely eat anything, and what I did lake did not seem to nourish me. My hands and feel wero much swollen end the least exertion would leave me 1•reathless and my heart boating vio- lently. i seemed to have pains and aches all over. 1 was so tweak I could not even sweep a Door. At different times 1 was tinder The care of throe doc- tors, but did not get any better. One doctor said 1 had dropsy and that my blood had all turned to water. My friends thought 1 ons in a decline and that I had but a short time to live. i was completely discouraged myself, when one day a lady friend called to see me, and told me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured her daughter of anae- mia and urged mo to try thein. 1 de - clued to try them, and in the course of a few weeks felt somewhat better. 1 mot the doctor one day and ho remark - el how much better I was looking. 1 told hen It was not his medicine but De. Williams' 'Pink Pills that were help- ing me, and he told me 1 had Letter keep on taking thein. I continued to do so untU 1 had taken another half dozen boxes, when my health was per- fectly restored. 1 am more than grate- ful for what these pills have done for me and strongly recommend them to u;l weak girls.' Thousands of men and women, now well and strong, praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for having cured anaemia, general weakness, indigestion, rheunta- tl,m, neuralgia, nervoua disolders, para- lysis and the ailments of girlhood and womanhood. These Pills do this by making new, red blood, which feeds the starved nerves, drives out disease and strengthens every organ in the body. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 teen's a box or six boxes for 82.50 frem The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EVD OF THE SEASON. Guest (in restaurant) -"1 say, waiter, have you any oysters?' Wailer -"No, sal. Wo all ain't got no shell fish 'coptin' eggs, sah." A Tonic for the Debilitated.-i'arme- ke's Vegetable Pills by acting mildly but thoroughly on the secretions of the body aro a valuable tonic, stimulating the lagging organs to a healthful ac- tion and restoring Thom to full vigor. They can be taken in graduated doses and so used that they can be discon- tinued at any lime without return of lee ailments which -they wero used to allay. W fe- "Fanny has given notice." IIt.bby-"\Vtiy?" \Vile- .She says you stoke In n brutal manner to her on the telephone yesterday." Hubby -"Peter. day? 1 thought 1 was speaking to youl" Success Is LIN independent upon good hearth. you ars out of sorts, ill or feeble, take "Ferrorim." It's the best Ionic. ill bottles. All medicine dealers. Sha -"It is said that cats have a great dread of water." Ile -"Oh, 1 don't know! Our cat seems to drink that milk the milkman brings usl" To Prevent is Better Than to Repent. -A little medicine in the shape of the wonderful pellets which are known as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, administer- ed at the proper time and with the di- rections adhered to often prevent n seri. ous attack et sickness and have rneney which would go to the doctor. In all irregularities of the digestive organs they are nn invaluable corrective and by cleansing the blood they clear the skin of imperfections, "Mr. Brown is such a chars ng corn- panton!" "Never noticed it. He gener- ally says nothlr g." "Yes; but he says it so beautifutlyl' Are your oorns harder to remove than those that others have had? Have they not had the same kind? Have they not teen curd by using Holloway's Corn Cum? Try a bottle. AnOIWl INSULT TO INJURY. "Now, don't deny 1t, nose. You wore my shoes." "Only once -my feet hurt me so. find 1 wonted s)mething comfortable.' "Johnny, you must comb your hair before you tome to echoed."' "1 0.ret got no comb." "nerrow your father's." "Pa ain't got ne comb either." "1)re sn t he comb his hair?" "He ain't got no hair." erspallintiesswwwwwww Publicity make a product noted, qu li}y br ng+ tame. "Salada" Tea is loth noted and famous. r PROGRESS IN TII tNSVA tL, llo}wlul Splen of Progress Working in (lural Districts, Gen•rral Smuts, speaking• at a recent meeting at Claremont, said that great pr. gra s had twit made in the 7'rans- v:.u1 during the past live years. Land that was once bare veldt now had largo flanks of sheoe and droves of cattle on it. Mealio fields were rising at• o'er the country, houses were ap- pearing everywhere, and things were better in many res; ec!.S s ace the war. There was a spirit working in th • rural districts of the Transvaal which was one of 11x' best and meet hr:peful signs in the country. People were coping w their difficulties, and working harder than before the war; a far larger area of the colony was under cultivation, rind the work was tieing done by the farmers' own hands and by the sweat of their brows, and not by [(sills. This was one of the most encouraging things in the Transvaal to -clay. DISTiIIRUTING THE REVENUE. Tho reports of the various depart - merits of a great Railway system, would, it made publter, often surprise the readers of current news. It has been gathered that. the Grand Trunk Railway System has spent, within the past few years, not less than often million dollars in double trucking the main Jine, and that the pioneer Can- adian Railway now operates the long - (est stretch of double track wider one manugcenent, in the world. in addition to this they have spent other millions in stations, shops and other improvements, thus increasing the carrying capacity of the mad con- tributing to the upbuilding of the coun- try, and at the sane time affording nd- c'txl security to the lives and property of its patrons which the Installation of block signals on a single tracked line could never secure. By the exp'ndi- hire of all these millions in Canada, Lhey are dstributing the Revenue, or a good share of it, among the people. OUT OF SIGHT, Mlet.ess-"What you ignorantly term tho snail's horns, Bridget, aro really its eyes." Bridget -"Glory bel Phwat an illigant arrangement fur lukin' through a key- hole." \VHAT HE WANTED. 'Ties dog," said the fancier, "is a peie feet typo of a setter." "Well, perhaps he is," rejoined the prospotive customer, "but what 1 want is a hurting dog, not a type -setter." AN INCOME of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS a year as king its you live, or SEVEN HUNDRED DOL- LARS CASH, is the First Prize in the! carton contest now being advertised by the ORANGE MEAT people. 'Thom are a great, number of other largo Cash Prizes. and all that is required of you to enter this contest is to send your name and address to ORANGE MEA'('. Kingston, rind commence saving Rho bottoms of packages of ORANGE MEAT. Make a start TO -DAY. ORANGE MEAT and Milk supplies the most perfect end overly balanced food the human subject can secure. NOR THE BAT. Fish hooks have not materially changed in 2,000 years. For that mate ter, norther have the fish. Very ninny persons die annually from Cholera and kindred summer com- plaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. it at- tacked do not delay in getting a bot- tle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- dial. the medicine that never falls to effect a cure. Those who have used it (say it acts promptly, and thoroughly ; subdues the pain and disease. Magistrate (about to oommit for trial) • --'You certainly effected the robb ry in a remarkably ingenious way -!n font, with quite exceptional cunning.' Pris- oner (deprecatingly) -"No (Neely, yet honor -no flattery, I begs on yr" There is n• sere obstinate akin tenable than Balt Rheum. 1t sosotlmes lingers for years, bul (raisers Cerate makes shore work of It. Also, lake Weaver's Spay to imams pessaon.t care. "1 can't d•'c.de," . ho said, "whether 1• take the hat or not. But is is juet tee dearest thing 1 have seen this sesa- s••n." "The dearest?" asked the husband, with a endemic lough. "Then it's core lain that you'll take it." Tho healthy glow dleappear)ng from the check and moaning and restlessness al night aro sure sympinnla of worms in chikiren. Do not fail to get n 11•ll- '!o of Mother Graves' Worm Extermin' tater; it is an effectual medicine. M111< iN 1.1Il1CKe. Summer milk by the brick can now be bought in loth Denmark and Bel, germ. The Belgian government has given a yearly subsidy of about 850,. Ul(' to increase the trade. In Copen- hagen a firm engaged in this business makes a weekly delivery of 300.000 pcunds per week. and n great deal of this genes to dLeiant countries. Ruteher-"i need n boy aboutyour size, and will give you three dollars a week." Boy -"Shall I have a chance to rise?" Butcher -"Yes, for 1 shall want you to bo here at four o'clock in the ne ening," p i N CO For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. So CENTS. ALL DRUOUISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto W HOLS$Ala LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and MhnlreaJ; LYMAN KNOX CL RKSON, Toronto; NATION U. DRUG CO.. London. r 1 A. Jr PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchang©a for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. MANUFACTURERS INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND Ideal Manufacturing Premises IN TRUTH BUILDING Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest insurance. Most Central Location. Four Large Freight Elevators. S. Frank Wilson & Soils, 73-81 Adelaide St., West iim... - dor THE • Larder Cily Cold Minos LIMITED (No Personal Liability) Authorized Capital, - $4,000,000.00 DIRE CTORS. Arthur Dinnis, Contractor, Prestdrnt. A. 3. Wigrnore, Mgr. Hohn.s E'.ectr:o and Protection Co., rex-President. Fred. Armstrong, Contructar, Sec.-Teeasurvr. F. H. Herbert, Architect, J. C. Holtby, Contractor. George Duthie, Sr„ Contractor. J. H. Tighe, Minor. BA NKF.RS. The Crown Berk, Toronto. AUDITOR. Henry Barter, Teronto. • The property consists of 28 10 -acre Claims imme•l`ately ndJo:n'ng the new farnothe HARRIS MAXWELL, and upon the St.nre amount of dove.lop. went should pmvo equally as good. 100,000 shares ag@ now offered to the publ.c at 15 cents 1-er share, Do not lose this GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY of investing in cne of tho most pat,m- Ising propert.es in the district. Fcr full pal ticuiars apply to HENRY F. DARRELL, - FISCAL AGENT, No. 8 Colborne Street, Toronto. PRINTERS 'A CAMPBELL PRESS %"-(PPO RE7NTOL117T=OSS' 43x56 inch bed, cost $3,5oo, 'Will be Sold for $400 Cash In order to make room for larger and faster machines. It is in good 'running order, as it has just been thoroughly overhauled by a competent machinist. The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. WHERE BABIES ARE Nul' BUiIIED. Among the Chinese in the the Straits Settlements, anti in their own country, it is n,thing uncommon for the ooipses of infants to be cast away. instead of being burl d. The charitable explana- 1•on is that. this Is done 10 save burial expenses. Tho "Echo de Chine" gives the true reason as being the deep-rooted seperstit'.o,ls belief nen erg Them that tho eerier of a baby arises out of punistun- nterrt to its soul for sins committed Jr previous state of existence. It is nr accursed creature. who a c•)Dln no one will follow. It is. hence. n cowrie s ght in China lo see dying babies Ire, d awn by the roadside to breathe their Inst. The parents wilt riot allow them Ir, d:o in the hnuce, the belief being t1.at infante Otis their death, Lecome wicked spirits. 'To allow Them to die ureter the parents' mot will bring no- thing but evil upon the family. 'efrulh." remarked the moralizer, "is etraneer thin fiction.' "Yes," rejoined th•- i0'! oralizer. "and Ilse majority e.f n on s; em to be shy of ascots aling w lth •Tanana." YOUR OVERCOATS use row asrte wast/ loottter pie,' eft, .n s� it ase hi tour town. write dire. N.o1rrel. Des lie S)AIT1$N AM•R10AN NYIINO 00.E VICTOR -BERLINER GRAMOPHONES All prices and styles from St 2 40 to S2.4o. Write for free catalogue. DEPT. D TORONTO GRAMOPHONE GOMPRNT. 264 Yong. Street, Toronto. Agents wanted i•1 every town. iS3LE NO. 23--68.