HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-23, Page 7S
`1' E bi MLi I!I E B TIMES, JULY.23rd 1908
Zwicker's, Crediton
tiered consisting of addresser. s
tions by- the male ci,orus, rcc.tztiouy
and nuur:re ale cies rs by the iore. I
Our village was shocked on nuts- 1
day Net when the report setas rceeiv_ I � ar=se -----------
eel of the death of a\Ir. H. Winer, • stenkera!here! Dashwood bar stns f his NextWeekttendd the [annual on Stturday
JIr Cart ley sad daughter of 4)e- l ___- C
3 only Dinner Sets, a snap at $5.50
carred in t�h t16a ort Ladies White Canvas Slippers ....$1.25 for i.00
of Hotly Wing, a
,t stere. rhe re. Misses " .... 1 -co for So
crrtst in the union
Children 9s for 75
afternoon, A Mens " Shoes
:was held in the 'Evart- 200 for 1'50
Shoes 1.50 for 1.20
Mr. Henry Staubus spent Sunday trust, itee visiting at the Ioruler's
i in 1)asbwood. Lame.
Mr. Fred Brock, of Exeter, t:pen: 411. Kees le and family were the
During this sale we intend to clear oat agreat many odd lines at leas than Sunday twits his sister, M. 11. ('. guests of al r. and Mrs. \Vm. Lewis.
cost. We have a great many Remnants of Spring and Summer goods in Clark. un ;Monday, last.
fill -its, Muslins, Prints, Gingham, Shirtings, Cottonades, Curtain 111uslins, The ISeII telephone gang. of Pam- Mr. C..lRIi et t is all &wiles, a young
Mans, Dress Goods, etc., which we offer at Bargain Prices.
Won stopped at the ltoya4 hotel over `I ``u titer beans( the ruass•.
We have also a few Remnants of Tapestry, Union and Ilenrp Carpets, Sunday. 111Th& IIlllrty't jrleiuls �; [ !J(r. G,•urge
Linoletnns, Floor Oil Cloths, etc, which we will sacrifice to clear, We also Quite a nuwber attended the 1 eased do learn
offer our large and splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 20 per cent off funeral of the late Henry Winer, or l t1at he has again resumtrd Lia 7e: at
on set nrday. fuer work.
regular prices. There urlt,t have teen quite a stir 1 Ji r. Martin, of Hay, was a plea -
50 E nbroidered Waist Patterns, enough Fine satire Lawn wits, each to at the Royal the last month or two.
!sant visitor at t\I r. 1 . Fulmer on
make anysize Waist, regular rice $1,50 to $2.50, sale price 75c to $1.:.,,.
Some 45 ,nen were boarding there 1 t'e'ulay kelt.
A v'
We have just opened a dainty lot of We have a nobby line of Men's and
Dress Muslin s, Printed Voiles, Organ- I Boy's Sailor Hats, Ties, Shirts, Braces,
dies (in both black and white); Per• t Collars, Stiff Bate, Gloves etc.
Sian Lawns. Prin ted Organdies, Swiss I WALL PAPER
Muslins, Etc. 1)o not fail to see them We offer the balance of our stock at
before snaking your purchase. { half the regular price.
We have a line of Ginghams, regu-' �\11'LL1NEItY
lar 15c lino to clear at Se per yard. We intend to clean up our stock re -
Also a line of American Prints, fast 1Tardless of cost. \\ a do not believe
colors at 4c per yard. in carrying Millinery stock over mad
another season. Visit this department
(READY-MADE CLOTHING and secure a bargain.
We have made some special prices G1tOCFItI1'sS
on clothing for this sale. We offer 40 This department we pay special
Men's !'weed Suits, well made with attention to and are offering them at
close prices.
good linings, rises 33 to 38 only, recto Good Ited Salmon 2 tins for 25c
lar $O,W to $S.(lU for $3.75 per Suit. Corn and Pelle 3 tins for 25c
In Children's Suits we have about 2c5 Tomatoes 10e per tin
Suits. in sizes 22 to 25 only. regular Best Selected Raisins 3 lbs for 25c
$2.00 to $3.U0 for $1.'_.i per Suit. Prunes 4 lbs for "ic
Men s Odd Pants, Vests, Coats, Arc. Rice 0 lbs for 2.ie.
all at reduced prices. Lemons 15c per doz.
See Our Line of Dinnerware, China, Etc-
We Handle Plymouth Binder Twine. We have a stock of Gold Medal and
Plymouth Special and will be pleased to receive your rattle-.
Butter, Eggs and Wool and ail Farm Produce taken in exchange
A Call Solicited
As You sew
so Shall You Reap
We are constantly setwiny on the best cloths money can buy. We are
reaping satisfied customers. Natural isn't it:' When we sow ;our advertise -
Went in the newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat. trousers, overcoat or
whatever the add. might suggest. we include the best of everything in that
suit, the best cloth, the best linings, the best paddings. the best thread, etc.
as well ata the best of our ability in cutting. fitting and snaking. Shouldn't
we reap our reward: This add is sowed to reap you ns one of our customers.
When you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, Fancy Vest., let this add
lead you to our shop where we can prove to you that we live up to our word,
Special Announcement
Unparalleled Slaughter Sale
We are giving a discount of 25 per cent until August ist on
our White Waists of which we have but a limited supply.
Here are the prices, $1.110 for 75c, $2.25 for $1.00
81.50 for $1.15 $2.C) for $1.50
All Muslins and White Goods to go at, the sante reductions. See our
display un table.
1;,c and i8c Catton Voiles and Muslins now ilk, 20c and 25c %Vhite and
tolored.\lutlins 15c. Also showing a good line of Print at We per yard.
Have but short ends of three pieces of Checked Mercerized Ginghan,s
Which has every appearance of silk, something new. Regular price 2.;c, dire
itig sale 17c.
It is one of the finest goods made for its purpose. Just as good
and rustles like silk and is taking the place of silk for Undershirts
and linings, 36 inches wide at 50c per yard.
One Hammock regular $3 for $2
In Men's Goods we are also giving snaps and showing many new things.
Straw slats, but a few left, gointi nt a reduction,
Will Give You a Summer Suit At 25 per cent Off
Just received a new thing in Ties. They are the Knit Tie and Swagger
fitnff, nanny shades to choose from. Shirts, Collars, Fancy Sox, etc. will be
seen here in abundance,
Dealer in Linseed, Machine and Separator Oils. '!'wine and all the other
necessaries for the present season.
A Call Solicited. S. BROWN
The Kirkton Hardware Store
Wants for the Summer Months
Paris Green, Binder Twine', of the following
Plymouth Special, Salmon '!tag, Silver Sheaf
Gold Medal, and Hobbs' Best.
Sterling Machine Oil and Oil of all Kind
p, r !rave' a largo :.uplil v of Binder Mitts and all kinds of
suppliesfor threshers.
We have Salmon Tag and Gi:t Edge. Get our prices.
MACHINE OIL The kind that wears. 40 cents a gallon.
HARVEST HITS From 25 Cents to 40 cents a pair.
FANCY CAKES .\ large ascorlt .c:,t and fresh every week
Try our Letw,n C'akc', 3 pounds for 25c.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
Mr. !len Geiger spout fiunday jn fry severe electric storm pas.
1►ashttood. Some attractions. sed over this aeotion on Saturday
1''laz pulling LS the order of the last *wee,ng some damage , o fho
day. grain.
Mr. Joe Lawson has part of his
cement sheganelrnti inr hay an his (. AN IMPROVIDENT RAC&
farm, Goshen Line. George is an ex-
pert nt it.
Dir. Alex HIergott, blacksmith of Queer Ways of the Native Black Of
Cent ralia, pent Sunday in ,town. Australia.
:- . !Leroy Switzer left for 100e-1
he intends helping his For bearing hardship, such as thirsts
father, _ Ir. August Sweitzer, who is banger, long hours in the saddle. etc.a
working a big marsh 'farm. ttie blaoit has far less endurance that/.
A reception 'was tendered Rev. t Ir. the -white man. In fact, a black.fello'
and Mrs. flicks at the parsonage on L9 tmcomfortablo it he goes for any
Friday of last week, by Rhe mem- i length of time without water. And
bers and adherents of the church. yet nobody is more improvident than
The ladies brought well filled bas -
kers and a very pleasant evening was ( he. Give him two .gallons of tivatet`a
spent by. all. 1 twenty pounds of flour and two or
Our bowling club commenced play- i tbreo sticks at tobacco and tell him
Ing on Friday evening last and some; that bo will get no more for three
very interesting games are now look- sleeps -via, three days -be will .dollb-
ed for. The green is in excellent ! erately settle down and not bo satisfied
shape. . till he has finished the lot. I have
Mr. and Mrs. Russel •IIedden vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greenlee in
Exeter on Sunday.
Miss Lottie Wilson, of Buffalo, lavas
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John ,Bed.
ford over Sunday.
Little Miss Gretta, daughter of
lir. George Medford, who has been
very seriously ill, is improving slow-
ly. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sweitzer are
visiting friends in .South River for
a few weeks. Dan expects to do con-
siderable at fishing* and - hunting
while there.
known a civilized and clothed black
fellow who was traveling with me sit
down after dark and wash his clothes
(a most unusual proceeding) when ho
lead only three gallons of water and
fifty hours' riding before ho could get
any more, and this with the thermom-
eter registering 112 in the shade.
r thing 1
This Is not a t that occurs once
or twice, but always. The black man
will not loot: five minutes ahead, nor
will experience leach him. A gamble
on a small scale is dear to the heart
Mr. \Vilbur McMurray, who has of every black fellow, and it Is n coin -
been attending the !Manitoba College ,5101! occurrence for one of them to
at Winnipeg has successfully passed swap a brand new stilt of blue dim-
parte one matriculation in the arae for an old frayed white cont.
recent examination. g y'
The ltev..C. Brown, of Erie confer- thinking that lie will he nhle to sell
ence who has 'been visiting friends or deal the latter away end u,a!;e a
in the village for the part few 'weeks profit simply becnuse it Is white. an
returned to his home in north east unusual color with thein. Ret ore
Pennsylvania on lfonday• Mr. good point these blast men have
Brown preached on Sunday morning They never complain when they tied
in the Evangelical church,
Air. and Mrs. Daniel Schluchter, of they have made n H.:4 b,rr_a•n I'l,'s
Pigeon, clic(,., were the guests of Is possibly because they ferret a'ie:i
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown over Sunday. whom they made the deal-Amer:Lem
J1iss Scott, of Philadelphia. is the Cor. London Standard.
guest of Mrs. Link for a few •weeks.
Mr. John ,Feaber, of Ulby, _Mich., is
the guest or his brother, Mr. 11. Eil_ THE WART HOG.
bee. M. 1'. P„ and of her friends.
Miss 'Tillie and Millie Bertrand, of it Is Ono of the Most Grotesque Ani -
Detroit, are visiting at their home mals In Existents.
here. 'Ito the naturalist who closely stud -
at Miss Clara it ing under
of Detroit, is es animal life It sometimes sipiasit: as
tallroo[.tt visiting under the parcu- 1 natere had either deliberately set. to
!Mrs. Fred Coley and two laugh- !work 1' form weird and ettrlous ere:a-
ters, Lull and Grace, of (Detroit, are tires or else had been enga„ ed In ex -
visiting Mrs. 'Fred Eilbcr. )erimenis, for there are birds and ami -
Messrs. Wm. !Brown and Wm. Huls which might be accused of le its&
Einkbeiner who have been visiting nt made up of odds and ends.
their respective homes here have re- One of the most grotesque tuala1ais in
turned to I'ittsburg. lzistence is the start hog of .Merest.
The Crediton school board is to be
comp!i►nented on ,the exeellent staff :ailed by the Boers the \'h,ktecark plc
of teachers et-hieh they have secured ,( the plains -
to take the places of those mho re- It stands about thirty Inches In
signed at the close of the term. !Miss height, Iia: n huge disproportionate
Hart leib, of Dashwood, has been se- lend, with eyes set very high up. nud
cured for the primary roost: Miss lar$e protruding tusks. 'these nre ex
4'razt•r, of Goderiob, will have the tctly opposite those of other paste the
2nd and 3ri1 classes in room t wo, and upper ones being Maid! Innger than
Miss ,Dunlop, of Goderich, the 4th those In the lower jaw and sometiwee
classes and entrance work. Mr. C. attaining n length of etre twenty
K. Illuet1, the popular teacher, who
has had charge of the school for Inches.
some time will be .found again in L'ut the most unusual fenlure of this
charge 't hen the school open's for curious looking creature and the one
the fall terns. lois work as a teacher from which It derives its name Is the
is above the average, as the recent great wart just below each eye, n
cxtoninatious will show. all of his smaller one appearing between each
pupils w'ho wrote passing with high tusk and the large wart stew& It.
ma rks.
A meeting tt•as held on Friday 'the The body Is almost hairtoss, except
17th at the office of the Monk of that alone, the spine and the neck long
Commerce of those interested in ten- enarse hair hawse. and the whole effect
nil to re -organize for the summer. of the animal is weird and grotesque.
•There was a good attendance and the 'l'hese wild hogs often take possessloa
follotw.ino' ()Ulcers tt•ere selected: 11. of empty burrows made by ether ttul-
Eiibee, \l. 1 . I ., Hon. Pres.: H. K. mats, and when pursued They sleet
Either, president ; .le Leeson. lion• around sharply ns they enter, nmlang
vice pres.; W. 11. James, 1st v:ee
pres. : E. D. Mahon. 2nd vice prey.: their way in bled first. -London Tele -
A. /iticker chaplain : t. E. Kuhn. simple.
treasurer. I. Dime 1. secretary; 1. S.1
Brown, 'manager. KOREAN ETIQUETTE.
The following are camping at 11n-1 __
ger Longer cottage, Greed Ileal and i A Native's New Year's OM V oa an
all tepee! hawing a good time.: Ade P
and Nora 5,ebcrt, Dashwood ; nor- American Lady.
cute Wrigenist, Aylmer: Jliss \Vi,;-+ The native Koreans, who have be-
gins, Godericb ; ,Florence Fiukbt•iner,1 come familiar With foreigners and
Elkton, Mich.; Luella Fink twiner. their ways, take very readily -to the
Kilnuutagh : Ella Deaver. Myrtle custom of calling -and eating -on New
Clark, \'ici•:ra Deaver. B, Su 1:. Year's day, and one A aeiliena lady
Carrie Kuhn, Cella Brown. (r.,:, v ..
Mr=. .1. W. Orme, Central, -i, Chal•. had a very peculiar cxpeMenee•wltla n
eco;,• native official In Scoul on New Yea:'s
ell. 1! -1 I- •t -ending 1 f,.•.. day. She was keeping open house
week- 1; • ,. 1 1:,.,,,i. and had made preparntlone for re -
Mr. 1 1:':he spent Sunday :.1 ceiving her guests In the proper man -
the 11 . i Linger Longer. nee.
' 1 1', awn 18 a 11r1n belie' V Atnong other thongs she had made n
in ee rind gives just %%h.'t very excellent and rather large cake,
he ree,, :: . e Ile is iii.eeng a ,,p, r_$
fat dieroutit of 25 per cent. on a out which she expected to distribute In
or mimeos a list of which al,. small slices to her callers. A party of
pears in his ad. on this page. Dora':. native gentlemen arrived, and, having
fail to rend it and see what great , given Ono Of them n cup of tea, she
bargains lie is offering. placed this lino cake before him, with
it r. r'. aKcquailer.ntances
of Listhe I. t - an invltatlon to help himself.
newel acquaintances in the i-i:lag• ' flho then went With the others to an.
on Friday and •tturdny !ase.
.101441 /meth: of ifensa:!, sisiteil ' .. other room and was gone some time.
market Mr C. fJraun on Kittle! e Men Elia returned 8:10 ratty, to%her
taet. h'Orror, that her cake Lad all but di,t-
Jtr. C. Rae while working in i $$pearcd. Tho native. according to
brickyard of 11 r. It. Betide') ,. • his Ideas of etiquette, bed done his best
Thursday Lad the m;sfortunc of t: r•-•0 t0 !Cavo any ot the eatables sot
ing the cart wheel 11111 over tfe in- ro 11Ian.
step of his right leg.
Before another iesee of il,. T,i- 0 lady's vexation was lenlshed
the e,-rncalt t, elks of oar wi:lag, went feeling of pity ferthe poor fel-
be .,:most can pletcd and will ad•!' 3060 iia$ quite sick f-roni over -
greatly to the nppeatance of 0.: 'g. It Said that this call was
b ire. ' • pm kat that clay. Ile de-
Tl:c anal) 41 Children's Day of t: •• ' 0 bis !Moods ibai forelgners
Ev,ne.'iical church will Ls elect t. ti
111 all •tomacb if they could
next epi ay when a epee ial t'crmae , •
y,� f hOtIIe t0 1:IOolo and "eat that
will be preached in the morning au.t . MORT t "--Tondo& stall.
at night a programme i! to be r' n• I
'the death ow
Thursday last
former merchant mains were int
cemetery on Saturday
short novice ;tv
gelical 'leach here before the inter- , Boys
'Mitssl Lizzie
gpesohen, of fcDetroit Ladies Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats away
with relatives' in and around Dash -
is down in price
Mr. and Mrs. Itestemeeer of North;
Dakota, .who •!rave been spending
your shopping. rarllig reduction in Ladies Shirt ‘Vaists.
If we have nothing to suit we will trim a hat for you while ydU
some time nits their relatives in ' -
this community, :eft last week to
spend some time with free' is in
Michigan before returning home.
The time for holding the Evangel-
ical Sunday School has been changed.
to 11 o'clock, itntnediately after the
close of the morning service
With fine itweather this week most
of the hay and ,'heal in this district
will be ;harvested.
The brick 'work of the new Luth-
eran church is now nearing comple-
tion and will soon be ready for the
roof, which is expected to be on by
the latter 'Part of August.
Mr. 0. W. Graybiel has returned
after a pleasant holiday with friends
in Bay !'ort, 'Mich., and other points.
Messrs. Art ''wicker, herb Either,
Aug. I►ubn and Ira Brown. of the
Crediton tennis and bowling club
visited our village on Wednesday and
enjoyed a game with our clubs.
The Misses Ada and Nora Siebert
are the guests at Linger Longer cot-
tage, Grand Bend for a few weeks.
Quite a number from here attend-
Childrens day services on Sun-
lit -,14 .lack is out of town on A,ussi-
uess. Mr. Tombyll is looking after
business for him during his absence.
Mr. and Al's. 1.-!. I.dighoffer•, of
Bade M :spent t past
here ailing relatives
end friends.
1)r. McLaughlin ;was in London on
business for a few days last week.
,(t• ,. It. T. Dunlop visited ever 'Stn►-
•ray in Clinton.
Matinee race: were herd here at
the race track Tuesday evening.
Messrs. Lamont and Fritz intend
shippaag their stallion Nateby Grant
to the west in a fete ,treks.
Several new buildings nre being
erected here this summer, showing
that we have the busiest place of its
size in tho county.
Miss Edna Apple. of New 'Ham-
burg is visiting friends in town.
Misses Jessie McGee mill MyrtIle
Gorton, of Plattsville, are -visiting
Mrs. .1. T'reeter.
JIri. Addie Fleckinger, of Minne-
apolis, is visiting relatives in the
Miss Et tet 'Rutty, titter visiting
around here, has returned *to iter
home in New hamburg.
Mr. T'•dmun,l Moritz. of 'Wall
Hall::, North Dekota, and a former
resident of this place, me visiting
relatives here.
Wm. Becker expects to leave in a
few weeks for the west with a oar.
load of horses.
The announcement of the ''.cath of
Mrs. Joseph G. Oesch, of the Bron-
son Line, which sad event took place
on Saturday evening ,)lily 11th carne
as a surprise to many in the vicin-
ity. The deceased was of a retiring
!disposition. but 1,nd &many waren
friends among her neighbors, who
sincerely regret her dearth. She was
in the 48th year of her age aria
le•rves. besides her husband, a family
of 'mall children, to mourn the loss
of a loving .wife and mother. The
funeral took place on Tuesday.
Mr. David Spencer. will be seen no
more. lois doth took place very
suddenly on Tuesday of last week
from heart f Blare. Ile was out
walking in hi- s 1111 when he collaps-
ed and was Ito more elfin carried in-
to lois house when his spirit had fled.
The deceased was in his 80 year and
was 'suite )tale and hearty up 10 a
short time ago. Jl epencer oame
to Can•ida over 50 yt • ago and first
settled at Brampton and after cause
to this township, where he was a
continuous resident for about 40
years. 11e was postmaster of John-
son's .Mills, now St. Joseph, for
about 25 years, and also carried the
snails between Zurich and that office.
His wife and one son predeceased him
some years ago, ant he ieaves two
sons and three daughters, and a host
of personal friends, who mourn his
lentil. The funeral took place on
Thursday afternoon, lo the Bronson
Line Cemetery the services being
conducted by Bev. S. 1.. Toll. of Ilene
Why don't you try Carter's Little
I.it. r !'ills; They aro a positive cure
for sick headache and all the ills pro
:fused by disordered ilver. Only one
pill a dose.
0511 ES ar CS T d. .
lee ting Yoa Nate Alnals tl'.igt!t
dears tee
Mr. Alfred Brown, of Merriton,
Ont. says :-" }'or six years 1 have
sot known what it wss to be free
from pain. No one ever suffered
more from itching bleeding files
than I did and 1 tried everything
to get cured but failed. One day a
friend of mine who bad been cured with
7.am Flet rave me • part of a boa to try,
and t`re 7,1,111 Rot war marvellous. 1 then
Lovett a supply and before 1 hs4 used it all
was completely cured,"
Of el drug¢i.te and ttcaet. s c
100 Baskets Cherries
We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil
Siebert & Co.
Ilartletb Block. DASHWOOD,
Our Bargain Counter is loaded with SLIUiIl'er Goods.
They must be sold as we do not want to carry a piece over
if a price will sell them.
30 pieces of Mullins in all the new• CHINA, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE
est shades and patterns, regular 15c, Just to hand the finest line of Toilet
20e, '2.5e and 30c a yard. your choice , Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever
for 10c the yard. hown in Dashwocd and at prices that
A few pieces of Dress Goods regular will suit you. Rte purchased a large
50c to clear at 25c the yard. ' line of those goods at a special price
See our p7c the yard, goat• and we are giving you the benefit of
anteed fast crintsolorsat. the same. Call early.
Shirtings laic the yard for 10c. SHOES! SIiOIG4! SHOES!
Bargains in lrtdies Blouses, Corset All the latest styles in footwear in
Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vests.. Patent
Leather, Tan
Ladies Hose 10c a ,air. Blucher and
Mens Dress Shirts at half price. her that these are not t he cheap kind
Boys White Shirts at 25c each. Mens . that will not wear, but these shoes are
and Boys Ready to \V ear Suits at the good kind at cheap prices and
bargain prices. Job line of Mens and guaranteed to wear. Our prices are
Boys Fine Straw Hats at 10c each. lower than the lowest.
HARDWAREOnr Grocery Department is full of
A fall supply of Forks, Rakes, Soy New and Fresh Goods. 5 lbs good
thes, Smalls, Hay Fork (tope, PulleysGreen ttatcheselarge box 10e.lbs a 3eCansd TeCeorn
-Pare Paris Green -Screen Doors, r
Window Screens, Hammocks,Coil 25c, 3 Cans Peas 25c, 1 lb, Seeded
Raisins 10c, Korn Kinks 5c pkg, lbs
Wire, Barb Wire, Ideal Woven Wire
Fencing. Fancy Cakes 23c.
Buy your Binder Twine from us, we MII.LiNEI(Y
are sole agents for Plymouth Binder All Millinery to he cleared out ro
Twines, guaranteed the best. gardless of cost.
10,000 1)011n(]s of 'Wool Wanted in the next two weeks
for which we will pay highest market price, cast) or trade.
Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Wool and get some of
these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you are
helping yourself.
Market Prices for Firm Produce.
Corner Store, DASHWOOD
The Farmers Bank of Canada
Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets $1,500,000
40 Branches throughout Canada.
Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business
Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest (tut rent Rates.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received. interest paid or added to principal
1 tithes a year.
Your money is too val;rable to leave in the house where burglars, thieves
or lire may take it from you, or to invest In risky speculations or with doubt-
ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned
When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our
drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible
rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin-
cipal points in the United States and Great Britain.
Oen Morro -Courteous Treatment. No Red '!'ape,
Office one block north of Siebert k ('o's, store.
We Sell Maple Lcaf Binder Twfne. Corns and see us before you
buy and wz. will save you money.
If you are in need of a new Rope. Slings or I'►tllcy, come and sc us
We have thorn.
Ametite Roofing, Mineral Surface $2 So per square
Preston Safe Lock Galvinized Shingles and Corrigated Iron in stock
will last a lift time.
A large assortment of Page Gates on hand which we will sell cheap
Fencing. Barb and Coil Spring Wire at right prices.
Try Martin-Senour Paint too per cent pure,
Get:one of our Oil Stoves, the proper thing this hot weather. Come
and see its, everything new and up•to•datc.
Cement always on hand. Butter and Eggs taken,
Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood
i wash to infrrnt the Peelic and those in need of Pumps, that I have nt ts
the agency for tee
Aylmer Iron Pumps
and will be ;leaped to quote price and Teams. if you are thinking of put
in an iron or Word Pump come in and see us before buyinv.
Pump Repairing a Specialty.
Dea!er in Iron and Wood rump,.