HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-23, Page 5a•
BTER TIME S, JUI.Y.23rd 1908
, dere; coasisting of arldress-s. se:cc.
• tee,- I .. the male enorus, reeestions
3 I I. :II. •,011i 60:CCILOI1S by the jun-
1111 •• I
Ger village was shocked on Thurs. I .
I- day last when the report avas renev 1 es
30 13AYS SALE Crediton , Stripier. Quite a number from here!
ed of the death of Alt.. if. Winger
• , att, reeel Gr.? funeral on Saturday ;
Zwicker's, Crediton ' 1 3,.•• C3,‘ :ey and daughter of Ded
the f °ruler's
' in Dashwood.
; Mr. Henry Statibus spent Standee, t troll, ;lie l•llitill:1 at
Mr. Friel Week. of Exeter, 1 ghtuiNeu1s11:.li icijseilii... nanitild fNaturisi.lyzne.reLewis.ibe
Cost. We have a.great many Remnants of Spring and Summer goods in
During this sale we intend to clear oot a great many odd lines at less than emutay
Clark. with his sister, tMrs• ll' c' on !Monday last.
Vine,Dress Goods, etc., which we offer at Bargain Prices.
B, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Cottonades, Curtain Muslins, The Bell telephone gang, of Aleut- Mr• C. illoyll is all mulles, a youre;
Bargains fo r & Next Week
aslitiont,iiztelipt.d at the Royal hotel over daughter
Quite a number attended 1 rie , , • - —c leeased 1.43 leant went.
. I Boltzmann tt iii I, •
Theiiial4e'llilrguri:ell)::Iser:811:::.ett bis for.
oi f !ale. George gelicat seer ch here before the inter -
short eel vire was held in the teen -
mains eer.• interne( in :the union
cemetery on Saturday afternoon. A
Thursday last of lien: y NN, mg, a
former merchant 4here. The re -
The theta& occurred in Sir fika oft
cMhi Misses o 3
L3 aodnileys White Canvas Slippers ....$1.25 for51..0500
ens Dinner Sets, a snap at
44 14
Shoes 1 -co for So
.... 2 009 i ffoorr 1.75(5)
1.5o for 1.20
funeral of the late Veiny Wing, of I
leer work.
he.t altratsi n a t ir
Ladies Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats away
at the ltoyal the last month or two. ! A v,r o: at Mr. C. Fahner on
,. y eevere electric storm pas. clot. ra os iht -,
Some 45 men were 'boarding there 'ro°truirlD
do yoIlfir wsehohpapviengno. thing to suit WC will trim a hat for you while ydu
Stripka, on Saturday.
sa‘nt. visit --- ' cL —35. wa3 " Plea. w 'iatt)ilesreliz.litzizvi.e.4 Ili ent tasic)litiena
There must have been quite a stir 1 •
down in price .
In setle.cria•er 3t ;is. seotiou on Saturria itisoontit. present spending a few days
. .
Dashwood. Some attractions.
Mr. Ben Geiger spent Sunday Dakotze who have been spending
Mr. and Mrs. Resteineyer a North
rfr'13ig reduction in Ladies Shirt Waists.
Flax pulling j.s the order of the testnaaing some damage to te•r„ some time meth their relatives in
Mr. Joe Lawson has part of his " thie community, !eft last eeek to
100 Baskets Cherries Wanted
farm, Goshen Line. George is an ex- ! . AN IMPROVIDENT RACE • .
Michigan before returning home.
sPend some time with inlet is in
The time for holding the Evangel- _
cement gang drawing ill bay on bis t -----40.- —_ _.
f teal Sunday School has been changed,
Crer•Mrititrr'aatlAia, (Arent Sunday in 'town. : to 11 o'clock, immediately after the
ilex Bergott, blacksinith of
We have also a few Remnants of Tapestry,Union and Hemp Carpets,
Linoleurns, Floor Oil Cloths, etc, which we will sacrifice to clear, We also
offer our largo and splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 20 per cent off
regular prices.
50 Embroidered Waist Patterns, enough Fine White Lawn with each to
make any size 1Vnist, regular price $1,50 to $2.50, sale price 75c to 181.2.5.
We have just opened a dainty lot of I We have a nobby line of Men's and
Dress Muslins, Printed Voiles, Organ-lBoy's Sailor Hate, Ties, Shirts, Bracers,
dies (in both black and white); Per- Collars, Stiff Hats, Gloves etc.
elan Lawns, Prin ted Organdies, Swiss I WA LL PAPER
Mushns, Etc. Do not fail to see them I iVe offer the balance of our stock at
before making your purchase. y half the regular price.
We have a line of Ginghams, regu- ! mrm.iNmtv
lar 15c line to clear at 8c per yard. ' ‘Ve intend to clean up our stock re -
Also a line of American Prints, fast gardless.of cost.. I% e do not befit ve
colors at le per yard, y in carrying Millinery stock over mai!
I another season, Visit this department
READY-MADE CLOTBING land Secure a bargain.
We have made some special prices! GROCERIES
on clothing for this sale. We oiler 40, fills. department tve pay special
Men's Tweed Suits, well made withlattentio.n to and are offering them at
good linings, sizes 35 to 38 only, rein!. close prices.
lar $13,00 to $8.00 for $3.73 per Suit. Good Red Salmon 2 tins for 25e
Corn and Peae 3 tins for 25c
In Children's Suits we have about 25
Suits, in sizes 22 to 25 only. regular Tomatoes 10e per tin
Best Selected Raisins 3 lbs for 25c
$2.00 to $3.00 for $1.25 per Suit. Prunes 4 lbs for 25c
Men s Odd Pants, Vests, Coats, &c. Rice 6 lbs for 25e.
all at reduced prices. Lemons Lic per do'.
See Our Line of Dinnerware, China, Etc -
We handle Plymouth Binder Twine, We have a stock of Gold Medal and
I'llymouth Special and will be pleased to receive your or& e.
Butter, Eggs and Wool and all Farm Produce taken in exchange
A Call Solicited
As You sew
so Shall You Reap
1Ve are constantly sewing on the best cloths money can buy. We are
reaping satisfied customers. Natural isn't it? NVhen we sow :our advertise-
ment in the newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat. trousers, overcoat or
Whatever the add. might seggest. we include the best of everything in that
suit, the hest cloth, the best linings, the best paddings. the best thread, etc.
SS well as the best of our ability m cutting. fitting and making. Shouldn't
Ire reap our reward? This add is sowed to reap you as one of our customers.
When you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, Fancy Vest, let this add
lead you to our shop where we can proye to you that, we live up to our word,
Special Announcement
Unparalleled Slaughter Sale
We arc giving a discount of 25 per cent until August est on
Our White Waists of which ire have but a limited supply.
Here are the prices, $1.00 for 75c, $2.25 for $1.00
$1.50 for $1.15 $2.0O for $1.50
All Muslins and White Goods to go at the same reductions. See our
display on table.
15c and ;8c Cetton Voiles and Muslins now Ric, 20e and 25e White and
bolored Muffins 15c. Also showing a good line of Print at 10c per yard.
Have but short, ends of three pieces of Checked Mercerized Ginghains
Which has every appearance of silk, something new. Regular price 23c, car-
Itig sate I7e.
It is one of the finest goods made for its purpose. Just as good
and rustles like silk and is taking the place of silk for Undershirts
and linings, 36 inches wide at soc per yard.
One Hammock regular $3 for $2
In Men's Goods we are also giving snaps and showing many nevi things.
Straw Hata, but a few left, goinli at a reduction,
Will Give You a Summer Suit at 25 per cent Off
Just received a new thing in Ties. They are the Knit Tie and Swagger
Stuff, many shades to choose from. Shirts, Collars, Fancy Sox, etc. will he
seen here in abundance.
Dealer in Linceed, Machine and Separator Oils. Twine and all the other
necessaries for the present, season.
A Call Solicited, S. BROWN
The Kirkton Hardware Store
Wants for the Summer Months
Paris Green, Binder Twine, of' the following
Plymouth Special, Salmon Tag, Silver Sheaf
Gold Medal, and Hobbs' Best.
Sterling Machine Oil and Oil of all Kind
we bave a large z,upply of Binder Mitts and all kinds of
supplies for threshers.
We have Salmon Tag and Gia Edge.
MACHINE. OIL -1 he kind that wears.
From 25 cents to
Get our prices.
40 a gallon
CCH ts
O ccnts a pair.
FANCY CAKES_ A large acsortme:it and fresh every week
Try our Lemrm Cakts, 3 pounds for 25c.
Be W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
Queer Ways of the Native Black_ of
bearing hardship, such as thirst, close of the morning service
father, .:r. August Sweitzer, who is gel', L l• he intends helping his 701'
long hours iu the saddle, etel of Tthiele brickhaa init'-lo rIvk.i(Okft
r -t his week most
Iiartleib Block. DASHWOOD,
ra ta.
. With fine eveat he
. ' . Berry Swcitzer left for iDele. _
working a big marsh farm. i the black has far less endurance that eran
%self be tharvested. tiiiiiet ihiei -this distLurtilei.t
and Mrs. nicks at the parsonage on 13 =comfortable if he goes for any church is now nearing
A receptiocomple-
n iwas tendered Rev. Air. theist/to Ulan. In fact, a blaeklellovt
Friday of last week, by /the mem- 1 length of time without water. "And tion and will soon be really for the '—
bees and adherents of the church. yet nobody is more improvident than roof, 'which is erpected to be on by l
iro rum two .gallons of watet. the latter part of August.
Mr. 0. W. Graybiel has returned
The ladies brought well filled bas- i, —
spent by all. ' twenty pounds of flour and 4NVO or a pleasant holiday with friends
kets and a very pleasant evening was "v* r '
Our eowling club commenced play. ; three sticks or tobacco and tell lam Aug. in Bay Port, Mich.. and other points.
ssicrtstiilaialn.Zi tti• ireakeir3r, 0/"Ienr,hofF. i I billet,. . SU 11/1 MER COODS
ing 011 Friday evening last and some' that bo will get no more for three Crediton tennis and howling club
very interesting games are now look -Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Slimier Goods.
ed for. The green is in excellent sleeps -11'1'
erately iettle down and not be satisiled
three days—he will elelife. visited our village on Wednesday and
enjoyed a game with our clubs.
They must be sold as we do not want to carry a piece over
shape. .
Mr. and Mrs. Russel •Hedden vis.
Rand MWtill he has finished ifie let 1 have a e The Misses Ada and Nora Siebert
Eveter on Sunday. fellow who was traveling with Die sit are the guests at Linger Longer cot -
if pricwill sell them.
Red Mr. rs. m. Greenknown a civilized and clothed black tage, Grand Bend for a few weeks.lee in
Qui,' a number from here attend -
We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil
Siebert IL Co,
Miss Lottie Wilson, of Buffalo, eves down after dark and wash his clothes
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Med. (a most unusual proceeding) when he
ford over Sunday, had only three gallons ot water and
Little Miss Gretta, daughter of fifty hours' riding before ho could get
Mr. George Bedford, who has been any more, and this with the thermom-
very seriously ill, is improving slow-
ly. eter registering 112 in the shade.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sweitzer are This Is not a thing that occurs once
visiting friends in South itiver for or twice, but always. The black man
a few weeks. Dan expects to do con- 1 will not look five minutes ahead, nor
siderable at fishing* and„ hunting will experience teach him. A gamble
while t here. • on n smnll scale is dear to the heart
Mr. WiStur McMurray, who . has of every black fellow, and ft Is n cone
been attending the Manitoba College
at wianiprg has successfully passed m .,0
=nuoccurrence for 'one of them lo
his part oe
atriculation in the .,. a brand new stilt of blue dun -
recent examination. garce for an old frayed white cont.
The Rev. ,C. Brown, of Erie confer- thinking that he will he able to sell
ence who has 'been visiting friends
Ai the village for the pa, t few weeks
returned to his home in north east
l'ennsylvania on Monday. :Mr.
Brown preached on Sunday morning
in the Evangelical church.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schluchter, of
Pigeon, ',fiche were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown over atinday.
Miss Scott, of Philadelphia, is the
guest of Mrs. Link for it few 'weeks.
Mr. John ,Eilber, of Illby, Mich., is
the guest of his brother, Mr. 11. Ell-
ison M. P. 1'., and ot her friends. THE WART MN.
Miss TjIlk and Millie Bertrand, of It Is Ono of the Most Grotesque Ani•
Detroit, are visiting at their home
here. t mals In Existence.
Miss Clara Wentzel. of Detroit, is
at present visiting tinder the paren-
tal roof.
'Mrs. Fred Coley end two (laugh,-
tere, Lul i :111d, Grace. of Detroit, are
visiting Mrs. Fred Either,
Messrs. Wm, Brown and Wm.
Finkbeiner who -have been visiting nt
their respective homes here have re-
turned to I'ittsburg.
The Crediton school board is to be
cornKimented on the excellent staff
of teachers ,which they have secured
to take the places of those twine re-
signed at the close of The term. 'Miss
Hart lege of theshwood, has been se-
cured for the primary rootn ; Miss
'Frazer, of Goderich. Will have the
2nd and 3ril elneses in room two, and
Miss Dunlop, of Goderich, t he 4th
classes and entrance work. Mr, C.
K. Illuett, the popular teacher, who
has had charge of the school for
some (hit' will be found again in
charge e hen the school opePs for
the fall term. His work as a teacher
is above the average, as 'the recent
examinations will "'how, all of hi.,
pupils who wrote passing with high
ma rks.
A meeting was held 011 Friday The
17th at the office of the Bank of
Commerce of those interested in ten-
nis to re -organize for the summer. of the animal Is weird and grotesque.
There was a good attendance and the ' These wild hogs often talre possession
(allot% jrir pfficers were elected
Either, NI. P. P.. Hon. Pres.: 11. H. tings' of empty burrows made by other wri-
and when pursued they slew
Kilber, president : Jos. Lawson.Ilot
vice pres.; W. 11. James, 1st vee• around sharply as they enter, milking
pre.. ; E. IL Mahon. thel vice pres.; their way in hind first.—London TeIe.
A. Z ieker chap!ain ; . E. Keine trul,11.
iilttett. secretary 1. S.
111to% n. manager.
or deal the Inger n way strut neon. a
profit simply because it Is white, an
unusual color with them. But ewe
good point these blare mei; 'Live
They never complain whet) they
they have made ti bed leirgriei Tir'e
Is possibly because they torr -et :i
whom they made the dent —Atistriefaii
Cor. London Standard.
To the naturalist who closely eerri-
:es animal life it sometimes apeeets
If nature had either deliberately set to
(York (1 form weird and ere -Ions e 11•:1•
;tires or else had been engaged 111 ex.
?erlinents, for there are birds and nut
nets which might he accused of loping
made up of odds and ends.
One of the most grotesque aininmIs 11*
relstence Is the wart hog of Africa,
;ailed by the Boers the Vlaktevin•k pig
rf tile plains.
It stands about thirty inches In
height, has a huge disproportionnte
!tend, with eyes set very high up. and
iarge protruding tusks. These ate ee
tetly opposite those or other the
npper ones being much longer than
those In the lower jaw and sometime
attaining n length of over twenty
Ilut the most unusuni feature of Bile
turlous looking creaturu and the one
from \Odell It derives ifs name Is the
great wart just below each eye, a
smaller 0110 appearing between earl'
tusk and the large wart 811 10 it.
The body Is nlinost hairlese, except
that along the spine and the neck long
ernii•se hair Itnnee, and the whole effect
111,. following are nimping at Lin -1
ger Longer cottage, Greed Bend
all report ha ving a good t into. Ade A Native's New Year's Geld Wpos an
and Nora Siebert, Dashwood 1'ior.1 American Lady.
cure Wngenist, Aylmer : Mi.- Wie- The native Koreans, who have be-
gins, Goderich .Floretes• 1 t,lsi ;1-1.1 come fatnillar nigforeigners and
Elkton, Mich.; 1 ll
-,llea ' their ways, take very readily • to the
1: ilman,gt, ; Ella ilea vet.. ly rt 101 etintom ot' ealling—nnd eating—on New
Clark, Vivien !leaver. Susie (1,‘
Ciirrii• Kuhn, Della Brown, Credifo•., Year's es, and one Aineeteetta Iady
Mrs. J. W. Orme, Centralia, Char. had a very peculiar expeelence•with a
eron. native official In Seoul.on New Year's
Mr. II. M. Feist is eeeniling fee day. She was keeping open house
weeks at Grand Bend, and bad made preparationfor re -
Mr. A. E. Kuhn spent Sunday st celving her guests In (ho proper men-
the Bend at Linger Longer.
n r.
Mr. N. Ili nun is! a firm believer • Among other things she Wel made a
in advertising rind gives just %s hat
he nitvertises. Ile is milking a sp r. very excellent and rather large cake,
hal discount of 25 per cent. on a Ior which she expected to distribute In
of sirtneler oW0:11', 11 list of which .!,. small slices to her callers. A party of
P0:111, 111 his ad. on this page. Don , native gentlemen arrived, and, having
fail to rend it and see what gr. -at , given ono of them a cup of ten, she
bargains he is offering.
NI r. I: i r, of Listowel. '• placed this line cake before him, with
ncwed acquaintances in the • alInvitation to heir. himself.
or) rt.,: Saturday last. Oho then went with the others to an
Jahn /men( of Ifensall, %isited - other room and was gone some time.
mother C. Braun on itirr,!Men silo returned Cie sett; to 'her
last. horror, that her cako 1.A all but die -
Mr. C Hai while working in Oppeared. The native. according to
brickyard of Mr. 11. Budd( ‘••• aalkts Ideas of etiquette, bid done his best
Thursday had the in:Atone:le of I. , •• • '
ing 1 ee 051 t w heel inn ove r t 8• tit -
step of his right leg.
Before another iSFII(' of the 'IA:.
the cement IA elks of our villags
a'anost completer, end will adt!
greatly r appearance of ne:
The :mite il Children's Day of tee '
Evangelical church will Le °tact v'ez ad
nest heinylay vhen 3 mmornie
special Witten
to leave any of the eatables sot
ore him.
0 lady's vexation was b.:nisi:NI
.feelIng of pity for the poor fel-
3010 NU quite sick from' over-
t. Ns bald that this call was
tut an last that day. 110 de -
lo his frids enthat forelimers
stomach” If they could
will IT preached in the
, Cat tense 10 house and "eat that
ng tre
at night a rreeramtne if to be r(n- 1. "be thita."—Lendes.
ed 1 h,• chiblrens day services on Sun-
day at t he Evangelical church on the
tr, .Jack is out of town on ;Imai-
ness. Mr. Tombyll is looking after
business fur him during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer, of
13adax pent the past week
here :siting relatives end friends.
Dr. :McLaughlin :was in London on
business for a few days •last week.
Mr. If. T. Dunlop visited ever Sun-
day in Clinton.
Matinee races were held here It
the race track Tuesday evening.
Messrs. Lamont and Fritz intend
shipping their stallion Nateby Grant
to the west in a few weeks.
Several new buildings ore living
erected here this summer, showing
that we have the busiest place of its
size in tlio county.
Miss Edna Apple. of New Ham-
burg is visiting friends in town.
'Misses Jessie McGee aril Myrtle
Gotten, of Plattsville. are -visiting
Mrs. .T. Preeter.
Mrs. Addle Fleckinger, of Minne-
ayoliieis visiting relativen in the
Miss Elle atithy, (atter visiting
around here, has returned ito lier
home in New Hamburg.
Mr. Ediniziel Moritz. of !Wall
Halle, North Deketn, and a former
resident of this place, are visiting
relatives here.
Wm. Becker expects to leave in a
few weeks for the west with a car-
load of horses.
The announcement of t he deat h of
Mrs. Joseph G. Oeseh, of the Bron-
son Line, whicia sad event took place
011 Saturday evening July Ilth came
as I surprise to many in the vicin-
ity. The deceased was of a retiring
. disposition, but had iterty warm
friends among her neighbor:3, who
sincerely regret her (teeth. She was
fri the 48th year of ber age aria
'res. besides her husband, a remity
ot mall children, to mourn the loss
of a loving wife and mother. The
funeral took place on Tuesday.
Mr. David Spencer, will be seen no
more. His death took place Very
suddenly on Tuesday of last week
from heart failure. He wad out
walking in his yard when lie collaps-
ed and was no more nein carried in.
to his house 1111011 )lis spirit had fled.
The deceased was in his 80 year and
e as •mite hale and hearty up 10 n
short time ago. al; 0pencer Came
to Caned:* over 50 3-, atro and first
settled at Brampton and after came
to this township, where he was a
continuous resident for about 40
years. He was postmaster of John-
son's Mills, now Bt. Joseph, for
about 25 years, and also carried the
:nails between Zurich and that offioe.
His 11 ife and one son predeceased him
sone, 'ears ago. and' he leaves two
sons 31111 threC MO :I host
of eist-onal friends. who mourn his
death. fhe funeral took place en
Thu ref iy a f 1 ernoon, lo t he Bronson
Line Cemetery thervices being
conducted by Rev. S. L. Toll, of Beep
aa 11.
Why 110101 you try Carter's Lit tie
Liver Pills? They aro a positive euro
for sick headache and all the ills pro
duced by disordered ilvcr. Only one
oill a dose.
C1 AL IlEll Cl• X.EL.
30 pieces of Muslins in all the new- : CHINA, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE
est shades and eatterns, regular 15c, Just to hand the timd, line of Toilet
20c, 25c and 30c a yard, your choice setts. Dinner setts.
Water Setts, ever
for 10c the yard,
hown in Dashwocd and at prices that
A few pieces of Dress Goods regular will suit you. We purchased a large
50c to clear at 25e the yard. linp ef those goods at a special price
anteed fast colors.
Shirtings 121c the yard for 10e.
See our prints at 7e the yard, guar
the same. early.
. and we are giving you the benefit of
Bargains in Ladies Blouses, Corset All the latest styles in footwear in
Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vests. Patent Leather, T.11/9, Chocolates,
Ladies Hose 10c a pair. Blucher Cuts ard Oxfords. Remem-
Mens Dress Shirts at half ware. ' ber that these are not t he cheap kind
Boys White Shirts at 25e each. Mens that will not wear, but these shoes are
and Boys Ready to Wear Suits at
the good kind at cheap prices and
bargain prices. Job line of Mens and guaranteed to wear. Our prices are
Boys Fine Straw Hats at 10c each. lower than the lowest.
HARDWARE Onr Grocery Department is full of
New and Fresh Goods. 5 lbs good
A full supply of Forks, Rakes, Scy-
Green Tea $1, S lbs /toasted Coffee 81.
thes, Snaths, Hay Fork Rope, I illeve
—Pure Paris Green --Screen Doors,
-1 Matches large box 10e, 3 Cans Corn
Vindow Screens. Ifaininocks, Coil
25c, 3 Cans Peas 25c, 1 lb. Seeded
Wire, Barb (Vii, W
e, Ideal AVoven ire
I Raisins 10e, Korn Kinks 5c pkg, lbs
Fencing. Fancy Cakes 25e.
Buy your Binder Twine from us, we MILLINERY
are sole agents for Plymouth Binder , All Millinery to be cleared out re
Twines, guaranteed the best. gardlees of cost.
10 0001
munds of Wool Wanted in the next two weeks
for which we will pay highest market price, cash or trade.
Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Wool and get some of
these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you are
Lelping yourself.
Market Prices for Farm Produce.
Corner Store, DASHWOOD
The Farmers Bank of Canada
Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets $1,500,00Q
40 Branches throughout Canada.
Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business
Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal
I times a year.
Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieves
or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt-
ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned
wealt h.
When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our
drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible
rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin-
cipal points in the United States and Great 13ritain.
°int Morro—Courteous Treatment. No Red Tape.
R. T. DUNLOP, ilanager, DASHWOOD.
Office one block north of Siebert at ('o's, store.
We Sell Maple Leaf Binder 'Nile. Come and see us before you
buy and we will save you money.
If yon are in need of a new Rope, Slings or Pulley, come and se us
We have them.
Ametite Roofing, Mineral Surface $2 so per square
Preston Safe Lock Galviniled Shingles and Corrigated Iron in stock
will last a life time.
A large assortment of Page Gates on hand which we will sell cheap
Fencing. I3arb and Coil Spring Wire at right prices.
Try Martin--Senour Paint 100 per cent pure,
tlsigeanexeeIbnre, 1 he KInd 'I" II 2 re A 11/3C 8'41 Get:one of our Oil Stoves, the proper thing this hot weather. Come
1-gezZieand see us, everything new and up•to•date.
Cement always on hand. Butter and Eggs taken,
Mr. Alfred Brown, c1 Merriton,
Ont. says :—" For six years I have
sot known what it was 10 hi free
from pain. No one ever suffered
more from itching bleeding
than / did and 1 tried everything
to get cured but failed. One day a
Mend of mine who 5.4 been cured with
Zafri•Bvir gave me • pert of a boa In try,
and the relief frit ivss marvellous. 1
bought &supply and W.:4.1514 used it all
.s. completely cured."
01 all druggists al 0 -ret,
Hardware D. TIEMAN, Dashwood
I wish to inform the Public and those in need of Pumps, that 1 hare tu iv
the agency for the
Aylmer Iron Pumps
and will be pleated to quote price and Tr -anis. If you are thinking of put
in an Iron or %Vocd Pump come in and see us before buyinv.
Pump Repairing a Specialty.
Dealer in Iron and Wood Pumps,