HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-23, Page 1HURON&M1DDL +'SEX GAZETTE THll{TY-Fii rii YEAR -NO 1`'15 EXETER, ONT,, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUIN _':h'd f.; • 4• • Z• • • 22 22 •• •• 2• 22 •• 2• 22• 22 •••2 •• 2• ••• 2♦ • • 2• 2• 22 •2 22 •• • • if , • 2• 2• 22 •• • ,2 •• 4♦ , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••♦•••••••••••••••• .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JONES •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••-••••••••- JONES & CLARKS' PHotte INo. 32. Bargain Sale Of Summer Goods Ti I IS is just the time to make a big slash at all our Summer Goods. We arc going to let them go at Bargain Prices. Ilio not fail to take advantage of this sale. Here are a Few of the Many Bargains We are offering for the next two weeks several lines of Summer Dress Goods in light Tweed and Fancy Effects at reduced prices, were Soc and hoc, for 35c per yard. These are this seasons goods and make up well for separate skirts. Come in and see them and secure a bargain. Colored fluslins A11 10 and 121c Muslins for 8c. All 155 aluslins for 10c All 25c Muslins for 15c Some of the best left. Fancy Parasols Only a few left, but each one a bargain. $1.25 Parasols for 00c $1.:e1'1';trasol:. for $1 Netts & Laces Of every description. This is now your chance to buy tbetn at greatly reduced prices. Crash & Straw Hats All Crash and 5 •aw Bats at reduced prices. They must be sold. This is .just the time for then,. -\ good choice. White Muslins In Plain, Fancy, Swiss,Dots or Embroidered, all to be sold \Ve want none left over. Bargains will do it. White Waists The 25Discount Sale is still running. Do not miss it. The cheapest waists you have bought this season. Whitewear White Night Gowns for 00, 75, $1; White Skirts 75, $1, $L25; White Corset Covers 20, 30 and 40e. All to go. White Vests and Fancy Sox .1 ust a few of each left now. But they are some of the beet and you will get a real bar- gain. Poultry Chickens, weighing at least 2, lbs, 15e per 1b. live weight. Ducklings, weighing at least 3i lbs., Sc per lb. live weight. Old Fowi, (;c per pound Uveweight No cash paid for poultry. Will also pity in trade 5 cents per qt. for gooseberries, 3 cents per lb. for red or white currants, 10 cents per alt. tor black cur- rants, 3 cents per lb. for raspberries. Poultry, and Fruit taken Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday up to 4 o'clock p. u.. of each week during the hot weather. No poultry or fruit taken after 1 o'cl.tck Fri - (lays and none on Saturdays. Jones & Clark Ireatl(lu;trters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers, ♦•••••••••••••••••4b••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••,••••••••••••••••••• 2• •2 • 2 2 •• •• 22 • • 22 22 '2 22 • success. • That some knew the work will be seen from the highest marks obtain- ed in each subject, 'which are as fol- lows: • Reacting -Eva Seiner vale, Mary Tom, 16. Writing -Napoleon Gravelle 43. 22 Spelling -Lillie Rowe 50, •• Literature -Flossie 'McClure 89. •• Arithmetic - ,Walter Buchanan, . • Napoleon Gravelle, \Van, \\'C1smiller, 96. • • Geography Wm. \Weismiller 83. Grammar - Alto McDonald, Pearl • • Treitz 8G, • • Composition - Lulu Geiser, Roy • Fair 93. • Total -Walter Buchanan. 522 ••13A11'IELD 22 Entrance Results 'Ihe following is the list of cane didates passed by the board of exam- iners for West Huron, with the marks obtained by each candidate. A card giving the marks in each sub- ject bas been sent to each ttupil. The certificates will be sent to the teach- ers before the Leginniug of the fall term. The candidates from a number of schools had not covered the ,work Prescribed in composition and geo- trrap)ty, hence they considered these papers too difficult. The arithmetic being more practical at►d complex titan usual, required a larger know- ledge of the work thau many posses- sed. These difficulties are a hint to teachers and pupils that only thorough preparation will insure • • 22 .. ••• Itaby Woocis,.,,.e „•.,. 1•... Margaret Parker •2 1 Winnifred McNeil ,.. CENTIIALIA • • Iva Essery •• Mary Hanlon • • • •• ••2 •. 22 •• Adrian Coughlin Jfaxtvell Iiaynharn Frank •Uandford CREDiTON Lulu Geiser Pearl Treitz Almeada Finkbeiner Emmery Feltner Alfred Wuerth Russell Andrews Ernest Appleton . ' • • DASII\V'UOD •• Leslie Goetz 2tChester Geiser • Wilbur Graybiel •• Aldo Harticib •• Cora Schroeder ♦• 22 • •. 2• • •• ••• • ••• • Tne Usborne and tilbbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,'.Ont. President -J. L. It I SSELL. V ice_ I'resideut-W. 11. I'ASSMOR E DIRECTORS. Wm, K'•'', BORNHOLM P. 0 Wm. 13uot is 'IVIN('HELSEA P. O. 'T. RYAN, DCOLIN P. O! ROBERT NORRIS, 8taffa. AGENTS, JOHN Mee:RI. Exeter. agent for l 'born and Iliddulish. ()LIVER HARRIS. Munro. aoomt for llibhert, Fullerton and Logan• B. W. F. BEAVERS. Socy.Troas. Farquhar. GLAI)MAN It ATANCt'RY. Solicitors The Purity A Drug Toilet Goods Store A Phonograph Store A Post Card Bazaar \Ve keep in touch with every new idea in the above mentioned lines, We want your trade. We give you the A assortment. When is need of ►.ny- thing, call tirst and see if we have it. Yowll have no regrets if you (teal here. i) (1 yo t have a guess on j 'the (;rtpho phone Racket in the window. Contest (lases July 211th -3 days more Every 5e purchase entitles you to one guess. yes our New ('anis this week. New Gads {veru Week THE PURITY Can. Ex pros laid. Exeter.) ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected yin' ay to Ivan a• 1,•.••t TV( 4. e" .crtb west tu.d. !.,r rale Office. main Street. Exeter i Farm for Sale 1-4 mile south of Centralia, con- taining 143 acres. Brick dwelling 3 barna, one of which has basement stables. One acre orchard, three never failing .tvells: ttvo windmills. The soil is a clay loam. is clean of weeds, well underdrained and in 1st class state of cultivation. For terms etc., apply to 11. !licks, Centralia. Farm for Sale A "good 101 acre farm on aot 17, Con. b liiansbard west boundary. Oo the farrn there is a good brick house. Two good cellars, wood shed ani summer kitchen. There is a barn on it 40x60 also horse stable iind cattle shed 35x25 ; driving shed ; hog pun ; 2 never failing %tolls .one nt the house and the other at the barn ; 2 good orchards. 40 acres seeded. The farm is well fenced. 400 rods of wire fencing. This farm trust be sold as the propriet teas to ill ,rive up farm - tor onor before l•, 1GY tray of July. Terms casy. 10saesto n at once. I'or further particulars apply to Mrs. T. Cornish. Woodham, or on the premie•\9. Jos. %Vhi'e. Auet. SST CD Mt 2. Pears tie _A ate It ' d V:4 Wltt Pan Bou&M i castsre rf T R 13}'3;3 B Latimer Grieve Wallace .Puke Wilfred Stewart ' Minnie Jewell Lillie Rowe 111:unche Atkinson .....• Lillian Moyle ...... Lily Frayne Annie Jackson Lloyd Rivers Harry Fuke Reginald Knight Harry Sweet ...... Clair Wood Chester Harvey Raymond Dearing Cecil Pickard ...... Elmo Rowey ...... Earle Son thcott 11ENSALI: Lloyd Steacy Roy Brandt Albert Cudmore Florin Welsh Will •Wcismiller ...... Will Glenn Ileo llogarth ..'... ,., Vercey Geiger 1111.. . Dinnebe. neck ...... 3 4 4 • 44 • • 456 423 . ... 390 398 415 395 395 435 513 505 495 433 395 , 395 • 462 428 300 • 398 393 411) 428 399 •451 - 407 ▪ 102 409 396 435 4 02 14 471 , 396 391 415 ;192 . 456 390 456 :390 433 :392 391 17 0 .. .t 30 ▪ 4 92 2) 52 93 27 Ilerth:► Welsh Pearl Brown ...... Mary llobkirk Norma Ferguson ••1.. Anna \noir %URICII Alfred Bender ... ... Norman Trueniner ...... .. IIA Y TOWNSHIP Ns. 3 -Sophia Farquhar ... ... ... Annie Cochrane Robin McAllister .,, ..• No. 12-Nena fichilbic ..• ,.. STANLEY TOWNSHIP No. 4 -(North) Leonard Sparks Fred 1Vatson .. 4-(,3out1) Lillian Stevens 5 -Maggie Lamont ... ... Milton Johnston p -Taw•. .1. Sberritt Gordon A. Manson Florence 11. Capling .., Mary J. G. Douglas ..• 10 -Ethel Collins 13-Flore.lgoi nce .ivhu9ton Clark 11-.1anet Logan • •• • . ••• Herbert .,ones ... ....1... TO)pn \V. Iichl -1'h1'lll?N 'fO\VNy1111• 'o. 1-Giffor, Jlognrth ,.. 2-1'Iiilotnene Coughlin .•. a -.\da Willis 1111. Gordon Sanders Gladys Dearing ...... ... Sherman Willis alae. i e,, 'frichner ... 4- M',11'111 Stint 11,! beta Wein ... ... I.•.tnard :rhroeller ... G-Jlilton lt,tz 6-(.4, pirate school) Basil .1.tne.. 111 11 .'teat I, . (;lavitt Clare Glavin . g -Ware Oliver ... 1..tw rcuce Carrier(' ... 1'S11OI1NE TO\VV111P No. 1 -Nellie itowcliffe !ferry DougaII •1. nnie Strang 2 -Mai y .►arch \l oofa. Ilunkit Germ r( Passmore 5 -Zoe Sell'ry Myrtle Moodie Hazel lliw,•t t G -Mary Cornish Nell.) Hey woo.) 390 419 :190 399 390 110 393 392 498 470 390 477 r 3.17 447 411 390 405 390 416 :391 398 110 421 1111 :190 406 390 360 408 426 :1'10 300 439 423 390 390 406 401 4 11 29 93 4'5 305 429 411 392 448 3'13 Roy 1'uir 4141 7 -Ernest Penrice ..... 427 10 -Mary McQueen ... 407 TUCKERS\11'1'11 1 O\\'N still' No. 1 -Cora .\\'i1i.on 464 Cecil 1)illing..• ,1111. 400 ,GODERICII PUBLIC SCll'OOL Marjorie Aitken , Allena Clark Fanny Cox Ida Currie Charlotte Cutf Beta Dinsmore Mabel Howard .Marjorie Moore ...... Alto Macdonald Helen l'ridham... Blanche (le 1'eudry Lillie Ramsey Mildred Ryman Eva Somerville Mary 'loin ... Iris Warnock 11.11. Beatrice Wells Velma Wilson Sadie Wilson Clara .Young • ,., Clarence Armitage Walter Buchanan Harry Colborne Edward Cowan...... Eddie J)eitricl •472 Eric Hawkins ../.. ... _. 421 Ilopetown (Mitchell 450 Fred Robertson.., ... 437 Roy Sharman t,.S.,433 111. ... Edgar Swarts 454 Iden Shaw .. Harm Tufford 437 GODEHICII SEi'AIRATE SCI100L Ellis Dodge Napoleon Gravelle Mary (Hurley Marjorie Kelly Veronica h00d ..... Larry Inspects Autos) Did yez Iver mate Frank 11.vis. gineral potentiate iv til' Orange -OS- sity iv Huron, wid headquharters at Saintsbury. Frank cz wan iv th' 4511 foinest gintlemin yez Iver risted yer 1;07 eyes upon, an' he's Oirish aven to 401 th shoes he wears, an' he wuddent 486 wear th' brogans if th' pegs wvern't • 445 made by a frind iv hes at Inniskil- 417 len. 'Twas tie day afore tie twil(th 413 whin I met Frank welkin' up Main 399 Shtrate, lookin' ter some .wan to 3kape hez plug silky piece polished whin in tit' dress parade afore th' .. 4`"34 23 soldiers iv Icing Billy dura;' th' eel - 428 lebr•ation at Goderich, an' kuowin' 406 Franc since he wint to Bayfield 4o 5412773 17 kill Fenians, I wuz th' (fret wan 495 he picked upon ez hez body guard. 430 Now he's bigger nor me, but /he ..• 431 naded somewan to protict him an' 441 I accepted th' invitasion widout ask- 421 in' tie price fer th' day. • 476 I went up on th' spieial an''sate ,. .. 407 that hez silky plug indolent get mud- .. ... 522 dy. an' saw him ahlrappcd on hez 149 horse ready to lead til' procission. 426 A few, minnits afterwards I met th' ex -county warden laugh Spackman wid a counthrytnan iv Inc own kind, a gintleman by th' name iv Paddy Welsh, begorry, who hez bane mixed up wid politics since he wussent so high, an' can shpake sivin different languages, an' -besoides bels' a ,45.1 Catholic, .belongs to all 'th' ordhers that yez Iver lissened to, Oddfeflows, Orangemen, 'K. P. Elks, C. 0 0 1'., 1. O. 1'.-atuf so forth and so forth, at least that ez what 1 suspected from th' number iv badges he wuz \ve:n•in' In politicks he's a pastmasth,•r an' belongs to all soides, an' all soides belongs to him. , After an introduction to faddy an' seein' if hez silk shky Niece 'wud fit me, afhter polishing it up a bit, he sex, sex he, "are ye makin' anny- thing ,loin' nothin'. " "Begorry 06" scz 4, "Nary a wee baprith, have •I made since th' situate sbtorm." "Then 'tis you '1'm handin' tie ad- vice 4 learned ;whin studying apos- tolic honors in me lounger - clays. Ifave yez learned that th' govern - mint hez appintcd judges iv automo- billies ;what ez runnin' through "th' counthry, •makin' ould horses jump finccs and a live bouchal loike Inc sbtand on me head whin passim' one iv 'hire infernal machines: "Begorry 1'11 put yez -mixt, tell th' govern - mint yer wid 'ern art' 111 see that yer appintcd an' Ins ector at so much per, an' pay fer 'your own meals an' take what th' shovers pay. fer, an if yez get th' job 011 inc rere0nlindat1011 1'fl come down 00 show you how tie thrick ezi done. providin' yez an' Spackstnan don't put me off at the wrong depot. Looktn' fer aisy money 1 accipted lb' invitation to invite Paddy down to mit me mixt, an' knowin' that /van iv tie town judges cz Oirish loike Paddy an' tnesilf, '1 knew that if be got arristed fer •tellin' watt iv liez shtories tbat kept tit' county cannel' tl•aitin' after hours in pnssin' crimi- nal accounts, that th' judge would let him off wid a warnin' to tell 'him only to Inc nn' hinlsilf an' "91 Speck. 1 Wiser din -anted that Paddy, rued ... 441 ...... ,.. 495 ... 451 • 427 478 PUBLIC SCiloof, GRADUATION ,EXAMINATION, 1908. This examination takes the place of the public school leaving examin- ation which was discontinued some years ago. The }papers for the pub- lic school graduation examination are the same as for the entrance to the model schools examination. The sub- jects are elementary science, algebra and geometry, English composition and writing, geography, arithmetic and mensuration, spelling, English literature Englisb grammar, history art and bookkeeping. The last two subjects were optional for 1908, but must be taken in the future. This being the first year of this examination the pass 'mark is 50 per cent. of the tot:' land 25 per cent. on each paper. For those taking ell bookkeeping the pass is 525 marks, but those making 425 on the other subjects are passed this year Thirty-eight candidates wrote. The following were successful: \WITH AItT AND fOQKKi:EPING- 1' ASS 525. CREDiTON Mildred Braun .. 55j Raymond Coughlin . ............ 588 Ray Hill. 1 Edith hill 721 Rets Kicnsle 621 Howard :Meadd ........... 686 Elvin 'McMurray rt17 Gertie Short Garnet Sw'eitzcr ... DASHWOOD Ment rice Graybaybielel ...... .... ... 530 elite quietness iv tat. Augustine nn' Violet illertel ...... . 720 th' companionship iv Billy llcQuil- Leot I:,•llerroaln .. 616 lan, who wouldn't pay j be dochter Pearl 1\ alter' .. 638 fer hez advoice in tcllin' him to WITHOUT ART AND 1100KKEEJ'- shtop shrnokin', but begorry he ING-PASS 425 ; blew. in Sunday morula' just as IJASIiWOOI) Hugh alt' ane had turned th' number Norman Kellerman IiENSALC 1.36 on Ed. d''owe) I'. ;machine upsoide .. . I downNo. w son, tunm,'y oo Jean Grassick Itt'd, routes to town v :once a tt come down, nutter bei;' So used to 4f)y ! to car an' ate ict . just Sara Petty , 428 (•z he takes n notion, an he hez,- a W. D. Wilson . .. 423, notion ivory onct in a tuhoilc, nn' ---� -- 1 he allots ,brings somc14:un twit, him. Harsh, purgative remedies aro ( This time he brought a gintlemin by fast giving way to the gentle action • tit' name iv Roseman what OWns all and mild effects of Carter's Little! th' drug shtores in Cleveland, an' 4f Liver .'ills. If you try lbern they i 14d. had tinny tact( slit tiff to sell will certainly please you . I Itosetnan'd .buy tit' ria/ av thiut. ---�� Hugh nu' Inc knows Ed, but Paddy Centralia thought he At uz County C;erk Lane wid hez a hiskers harvested, thryln' ;Mr. 1•'. Lou is, of 1.on•Ion, spent to play a thrick on hitn, they are Sunday with his daughter Mrs. T. 'trout the satnr distance front 111 Nci!' I ground. nu' Paddy procaded to exert Jar. and airs. Vosper, of Mitchell, hez authority, cz 1 Laddena racnved were visitors at J. Hepburn', on Sun Inc commission, nor a list iv nutu- .lay' mobillies what ez r•egistere.l, nay_ Percy Simpson n former barber of t hey had Paddy. our town is Ppending at few days But yez can't shfrp on th toes around, renewing acquaintances. iv tit' gintictnan from St. Augustin,'. •Miss Marie Hepburn after spend - h' place ez on th map, but Ile post ing several weeks '`with her parents office directory nus•••14t shot' it, an' returned to her posit;on in roron- he proc41ded to exert hez authority, toon t S , Saturday. ay• „ h•r ,', Mr. Bruen our barber left last I i'addy,c a did Yee cunt. from sex week, but a .new man has arrived I .'None iv yer business" sex Ed. upon the scene and the business twill l "Yer bights are out" s,•z Paddy. be continued, "1 know 0" ties I:d., •'I'm not a Mr. and' Mrs. J. Co1u(ill Ppenl Bun- fowl iv 11,' barn 4arra kin,!" day in London visiting !Mrs. Colwill's "None Iv yer iusiuu:at ions," eez parents. Paddy "I've a l.i:utty in me out n pa John Cite ill Jr. has sold his farm lot and aid iii a buggy loike yours to Itebt. iMiteliell at a good Figur,-, afore. \ccOrdit' to tl. leuieed Ra- he will retire from farming. toutrs 1% ab' County Council I don't 'Mfr. Wm. Co:will our hay dealer sec th' number ou your four wheeled left Monday on a business trip to bicycle on the front lamps nn' al,' England, Scotland. Mon voyage). one mi III' back ez upsoide J1r (Rev.) Halter is visiting .at an' yez have road our y,•r ;waistCoo t. Elijah Colwill's. so I'll have to fine yez fer going The Ladies Aid of the Dlethodisttuinty.foivt• miles ;ut hour. 1 ha vent Church held their annual picnic 3)n foincd alley wan fer two wakes, nn' the Fite ort 11 Park on Thursday fully nt two fifty per, makes 4uvint y riven 60 persons being prevent. A most en- dollars, I'll let yrz off aisy by gnm4- joynblc tjflie ewes spent, the weather (in' up th' cash an' save expinsin in being ideal for such an occasion. connection uv id get tin' out eupcellaa A large congregation greeted the 4111.1 cotta, en yez had betther settle Rev. W. I1. Butt 011 Sunday evening, nn' save nnny diepute. when he ttelivered a forceful sermon EZ Ed. explained that he enddent on the Omnipotent Power of God. 11111 an automobilly over Iin mile. The Choir funder the leadership of an hoer e;duet kilibe none -win. him - Nelson lucks rendered a couple of self 1)1 prrtecelar, fire our per,u rung very fate ant hone. faddy tl.,t Win. Lane hat' hez ('ante 'Mr. W. JL !tett. jr.. of Toronto original tthiskers ate %tee enfoyin' Sftelicel college. is spending his boli- Ih' haltny breeze. iv th' I.ke shore. days at the ,.letho.iist parsorrnge he caned tie foine off .n' wetted with his parent:. th' number on til' lampe in •, rrolden i)alne 1(nrnor ,-n�,, ae,hl;nK bells hue and nicer charged a (.1:,. 1''333 ring here -portly, Ve,ldings are -not l,lentifu4 around this neigh. borhoo,l. if t here ever was a specific for any one complaint then Carter's - Litt le Liver ('ills nes n epecific for d. .8(11 Citi=A• sick headache and eterei woman Bean tie 1'') 4 1.: eta l;aa►s Seeiti should know t Li'. O fly one pill a 8,taatnre / - dose. Try t hem. of $f.00 per year in ads.-ance Clean SweetMilk The t'.di\' way to insure it, is to Ilsl' Wyandotte Dairyman's Cleaner and Cleanser, 5 lb. bag for 25c, '11'y ;t bag 311(1 be convinced that every Farmer and Dairy• man should use it. Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves 75c to $20.00 Ifam)l)oclis at :3.00 Screen Doors 1.00 to 1.45 Screen Windows 20c to 40e Gold Medal Binder Twine, .... 14 cents a pound Everything in Hardware at HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND PAINT STORB T. Hawkins & Son Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc. We make a specialty of Eavetrou king, Roof. ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in towns T. HAWKINS'& SON The Call of Summer is for new styles in clothing. We have the latest in all fabrics and our workmanship 1:reds no comment. We always have the .)est available Our Suits are the best value we have ever offered in Exeter. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontario, womme D13.. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., I). I). S., Honor graduate of Toronto; (''j ONEY TO LOAN. University. 1 j t i we pare a large amount o• iterate funds Dental Surgeon can on farm ar,d villagepropertta, solcwrsta Office over (;!adman & Stanbury's i 'metre'. (MADMAN & a ANIICh:Y Main street-ExEllett. Harrla,tere Solicitors Ata'.n 5t./2,eter Dlt. (4. F. ROULM'l'ON, I.. 1). S. '4.l'i431 LIPS, F: i-:1'I;ii, LIC D. I). S., Dentist. Member of'. • ensed Auctioneer. Sales con K. C. D. A., of Ontario and Honor f ducted in all parts. 'Perms reasonable Graduate of 'Toronto I;tsiversity. Orders can be left at the TiMES ()Rice OFFtI•IC:-Over Dickson & Carling's I -_-- Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former ;► • BOSSENBE REY' ZURICH dental parlors, ! E Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con R'. $ROWNiNO, 31. D., M. (' , ducted In all {:arts, Terms reasonabl J. P. H„ Graduate Victoria 17/1' and `atisfaction gunran.eed. rerdty. Deice aa,d rP'ldenenr'e. Don.lul',n , Laboratory. Ewer. FR.\NK CAIRNS, VeterinarrHue Associate Coroner of !furore i is geon. Successor to A. 1t. Haan - say, V. S. Treats all domestic Ani- tants on most approved princinals. Special attention to dentistt'y, Office ew1s ho»>as Se Nutl�er. at Ratnsay's old stand on Main street. Civil Engineer & Architect Night call at Peter liaccden's residence (Lute Department of Public Works, Canada.) Main street. Consulting Engineer for llunicipa) and C000ty 'York, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waterrn,ks Srstenn Wharves, Bridges and Re enforced Concrete Phone 2240 London Ootarttf '43y' I 1"'t'' n taut ru',e . :f 1 he fall ''beat cul yet, and ., yn.,utity of hay is elect out. Waster Clarence Mit eta, has been confined to the boils. •I,i( ,a,•,•1. front licuralate in the fac Crops are cxcepti'.' I. in this section of the c, -mi., +„•1 Zhu root crop is heyord e to,,'.i item. Mr. and lir.. ti. It ',. e . of Miaffa, were gne•te at -Jar. ,a.l elf.. Wm. Ogden'+ on Bnndny. arrtetere nolleItort'Notarin.,conveyancer, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Dtvie, 0( Coml• ml.,nor•,tloticltors tar the Moleons lain,fury were Kunst: :at air. Geo, Flank, Etc. fONEY TO LOAN We have uniln.ltod private funds for lot ,4 'Int upon farm or vlllaxorropertyat (owes •ter of II,tere+a. DI('KSONItt ('ARLING lizetee DICKSON & CARLiNG, fewer to Loan at lowest rates of istereet. OFFICE: -41 AIN BTREET. KXITKR. a. CARL►NO R. a. L. H. DICitICtr Whalen •1 ;11 •'o n'a 011 1411114:15'. Vit,, I)topr. of If i(4011. i+ Iii guost of t\Irs. .lobe Naa.lettreel. Jlersrs. Hugh Kirk ,er.d Rotr,thonse, of Kirktou, Mere visitors at the Kelt- bath Kelrbath School and heli' •.•red eees on the ;work of the association. Mise E'er tie* $lit herby is visiting 31r. A. 11. Gilbert, of Parkhill. .n'1 friends around here for a tete weeks. Mr. James Gilbert of Wool,,ley, Sisk. .Miss Jfilda Guflning is visiting visited their neice, Mrs. J. V. e1111. with friends at'Maintebury for a few 8047, tbi'. utcck• Jaye, Sutherby i►+ visiting t% it her daughter, ',Urs. John Tales, of Lon- -Get your solo bill'. prifited nt t ho don. Times Offio!•. Free notice will bo Sirs. J. V, Jiillsot visited with her given in the paprr when bills :are brother, 31r. (ewer (filbert. of Lu. printed here. Wo ear, Lave your +bilis can on .Thursday last. ready for posting from two to four (ht ing to the heavy rain on -Fri- hours niter the order i.i rrreiv..d,