HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-16, Page 8XETEH '1t1MES JULY 16th 10018, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ } :-++++ +++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++S STI WART'S PHONE 16 Do YOU Wdnt Ode oi Our flOtSllfflfflcr drOdillS $1.95 --Indian Head Linen Skirts, made in New York by Experts, nicely corded pleated and tuck- ed, pel•fecr fitting. Hegular value was $4.00. Get in on a deal. Down to $1.0i' each. Ladies \1'bite $20.00 A very swell line of New 13alnloral Brus- sels Room Rugs, large Medallion Centers ',saucy Corners and Floral Borders, they come in rich red shadings and fawn and wood colorings. They are just as pretty as pictures. Come in and see them whether you want to buy or not. $1.00 and $1.25=.For two very special white Lawn Waists. These came to us from a manufacturer direct. The ma- terial is choice sheere lawn trimmed with val in- sertion and lace. Ask to see them. $7.25==' °r a lovely real Austrian China Tea set pure white transparent body, with small pink rose decorations, edged an(1 traced with gold Bridal wreath pattern, Say I Are you getting Redpaths extra stant',ard granulated sugar. Its best by test. Vire sell no other, some people do. You know it pays to pay for quality. Remember we sell lledpaths and we sell it mighty cheap too. Snap for Men About 50 White Straw Sailor Hats. About 20 White and Fancy Vests. About a dozen Unlined Snnluler Suits. They must go out. We will take vety low offers on these lines. Poultry --We are in the market for Live Chicks and liens for which we will pay nrtr- et prices. Will take any day but Saturday. J. A. salmw-ART +++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +.+++++•1 -+++++•f•+++•1• -t•+++++++++ ++++++++++++4•++++++++++d•++ •++4.+++++•1-++++++++ Gifts to the Bride A Few Good Suggestions Never before were we in :t better position to otter yon an extensive sel- ection it1 suitable, useful and accept- I able Wedding Gifts and the closest price on every article from works of highest artistic merit to the lowest price nuke it greatly to your advan- tage to buy here. Beautiful Silverware such as Cake Pl,ites, Tea Sets. Fern Dishes, Biscuit iat•s, Marma- lades, Salad Bowls, Hake Dishes and many other hand- some pieces. Mich ('ut Glass, Vases, Sugars and Creates, Olive Dishes, Butter 'Fobs, (til Bottles, Coc- ottes, Tumblers. Berry Bowls, Celery Dishes. I:tc. A. MARCHAND Wedding icings a Specialty. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• We are Always Busy Tailorin ire^,use fcwhionable dressers realize that we turn out the most stylish gar- ment, while our charges are reason- able. From the selection of the fab- ric, lining. thiend, etc., to the com- plete finishing of the garment., our work is chat aclevised by thorough- ness and attention to detail. We keep all our old coatonlers and od,l to their number doily. W. W. TAMAN Shulr On Eye - alasses and you will say they are 'sure on' when you try them You can't possibly shake these AIa c offi'. 1 (. you look years 0 ca rs younger. We have these glasses in all sizes. Eyes Tested Free. famous W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician. 1•.Xi:TER - ONTARIO. WANTED A Sexton for the Trivitt ,Menlor- i•tl Church, Duties to commence at enc,•, state salary. Apply to IT. 11ll%kin4, J.' J. Knight, Wardens. -George ll;rdon has returned home from buffalo. -Rev. Ernest Grigg, who Is via - Ring his tether will occupy the pull. pit of the Presbyterian chnrch next Sunday morning. -Mrs. D. Johns returned last Thursday evening from a visit with her daughter, stirs. W. Goodison, at Sarnia. Mrs. Johns was on the train which collided with the pony engine in the yards at London Thursday af- ternoon and received quite a shaking tip• -hey. Gould. the returned mig- aionary from Formosa. Japan, gave two very interesting talks on his work in that foreign land do the Main street Methodist church last Sunday. Rev. Gauld is an excellent speaker and his addresses Ivere lis- tened to attentively. 'Mr. Joseph Lantbrook and daugh- ter are visiting Mr. Lambrook's sons at Fort Wayne. ind. Since the acci- dent tt hich happened to the family at Fort Wayne last winter: Mr. Lam - brook's head has given him consid- erable trouble and if necessary he will have an operation performed. -A lawn social under the auspices Merchant Tailor. of the Ladies' Aid of the 'Main street Methodist church will give a lawn social on the church lawn {text Fri- day evening. i.unclh will be served front 6 to 8. The London idarpers ++-4.4-:++4.+4.4.+:-+++++4.++4.++ h `sc been engaged for the occasion �••••••••••••••••••••••••• and will hive an excellent program. 'The country store and peat office will be worth w bile going to see. EXETER, - ONTARIO. Market Report. -The following 1s • the report of Exeter markets. cur- rt. .1 op to July Itit1. Wheat, 75c a bushel. !s trley, 45 to 48 cents. ;Wendell Flour ti'fA11, *2.50. Bran, $20. Oats, 40 to 43 Cents. l'eas, 70 to 75c. Shorts $23. Feed flour. $1.30 to $1.35. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per Coal. $7.25 a ton. Cutter, 19e. Eggs. l7e. Potatoes COc per bag. Boggs, dressed 67.75 to $8.00. (logs, livewcight $0.50. Itay R•5 Wool. unwashed, Re ib. Maul e• •-:1• •I 13 cents. ong Gloves at Reduced Prices Ladies Silk Gloves 118 inch. long) In Tants Browns, e're:nn, White and bushel. Black, superior quality. Regula $List glove for `•tc. Ladies Lace (.loves, 18 tach. in Prean{ or %Vhite, fine quality, (till wash and wear well. ltegular price line for Me pair. Ladies Lisle Gloves in Cream or White, 18 inch, long. Excellent {wearing .quality, rt gular price Ms- for 1Se. Ladies Silk and Leather Belts. Ladies silk Belts in Blue. Grey, Green Black and White. Very pretty styles, all 51k• qualities for :toe, Ladies Kid Belts in Browns, 111ues, Greens and Black with fancy buckles, e••••••••••••••••••••••••: regular price :3*;; reduced to 25s, ••• • Torchon and Val.Laces at Big Reductions • •LOCALS• •.111 Laces selling off at greatly reduced prices. Surae very dainty pat- ••eN••e ►••••••• terns; all new goody, in :til widths. Special cut price on 1:.' yd. lengths. 1 Lac: n lot(Jf oft. Grass and c to take a fow hold of horses or cattle to ;•rtstur•: for the s:ason. L. Me -Beautiful line even thread30 inch. wide, free from dressing, a bargain 111c. Ult. OVENSl:i E ANI) EAR Embroideries at Wholesale Prices SUR - ileum will bo at the Commercial Our stock of embroideries is altogether too large. In order to clear out a hotel. (lours 9.311 a. in. to 4.39 p. great runty lines w•e are selling out the entire stock at rust price. Ill. Glasses properly fitted and dla- All 200 embroideries for1 to All 12!yc embroideries for :1a eases of eye ear and nose treated. All 15e embroideries for Ills All lie embroideries for 4c. Next visit Friday July 3lst. 50c quality of uverlace for Mein white only, pretty patterns, 15 inches wide 12 1=2 Bleached Cotton for 10c 40c Roller Blinds for 25c -The Times from now unfit Jany. 5 dor. Blinds, mounted on best rollers in green and create, regular We quality 1st, 1909 for Fifty Cents. clearing at ,c complete. TED. -A smart boy to learn SNELL & ROWE printin3. -Mr. 'Itobt. Wilcox is rusticating :.1 Grand Bend. - -Mr..1..0. Jones spent a few days list week in Detroit. -Miss M:nul Alger, or Chicago. Is visiting her brother. W. R. Alger. -Mr. Geo. Pedlar. of Chicago. is visiting his brother John for a few days. - Miss Carrie Dyer visited with \liss Livingstone, of 1{hti . last w eek. -The Misses Johns gave a lawn party Friday evening to a ember of friends. -Mr. Knox. of Blyth, visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. James '1':.ylor. - Miss Martha Snell left this week for a couple weeks' outing at the Bend. -Mr. Fleming, of the Bank of Commerce staff, left Saturday on his vacation. Verne Davis, of London. is visit- ing his grandparents at the north end of the town. -Mrs. (Rev.) Going d: lighters. Ambo 811(1 camping at hayfield. - and .Mrs. \V, D. Clarke took in the excursion from London to 1). t roit last Friday. and two ;Erie are --Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Steuart left '.londay morning on a couple weeks' trip to New York. -Mrs. Wm. liawkshaw and daugh- ter Jean left last week on a visit with friends in the northwest. , -Miss Daisy It. Hodgson left last week to spend her holidays with her sister, Mrs. S. Mills at \Wildwood. -Mrs. W. .1. Ileaman and Master Clyde Ileaman left Tuesday morning to visit friends in Cleveland, Ohio. - Mr. Fred Jeckell was married at Albugnerane, Nov Mexico. on Juno 20th to Miss Mary Brenan of that place. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank -0001 re- turned Tuesday morning from a vis- it with Dr. Luther Gill at Gibson- vllle. Ohio. resident -Mrs. Mat lice. a former tc.l ,.n t of Exeter, and her daughter. are the guests of the former's sister, Sirs. Digory Braund. -Mr. 1ursinn n nd iIgs Flossie Taylor. of London, are visiting at the home of the !aller's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Taylor. -Mr. J. W. TI d 1 . 1, t this let t r ro week for Toronto, tile re he has per. chased a large stock which die will bring to 1115 Exeter store. -It is not likely the local buy- ers will ship any cattle for a {line, at least not until the prices on the markets advance somewhat. - itev. Mutton. of London, a for- mer pastor of the Methodist church at Centralia, occupied the pulpit in the .Tames street church on Sunday last. - 'Rev. A. 11. Going, Il . A. of Exe- ter, preached two very able and im- pressive sermons at the re -opening of the Askin street chnrch. London, last Sunday. - Mr. W. W. Taman left Tucs.lny •for Niagara Falls as delegate from the Exeter ‘Masonic Lodge to the nnnual meeting of that society being held there. • -Mr. C•mpbcll who wars principal of the Ex. ter high School for a few weeks prior to vacation, ham accept- e.l the principalship of the Chcsley High School, at a salary of $1,100. -Mr. Wm. Daw'den w'as on Wed- tesdny of last week married to !Mas Maggie Willis. of Sarnia. After n trip to Goderich Mr. and Mrs. haw. denarrived in Exeter Saturday even- ing. -Mr. Mussell Hart. who WAS here for :t few weeks on probation 35 junior clerk in the Mo'son's Lank. watt last .week relieved from duty and returned to London'Monday evening. -Quite a number from Exeter at- tended the Orange demonstration lit Goderich on Monday. The Exeter lodge joined the lfensa11 lodge in the parade. The day was excellent, the parade long and the speaking good. - Mrs. n. Kernick left last week 10 visit in London and to seo Mr. Remick'+ Infighter. Mrs. C. John- son, fcho underwent a critical oiler. ation a few weeks ago at 'Victoria' hospital. -Mr. Look ileideman. of Stratford( is visiting his parents here. Several weeks ago Mr- Heideman had the . tnitfort,ne to have three fingers of his left hand cut off non the first at the second joint. Ile is carrying n bandaged hand as it rcanlt . Bliss Merle Gould has returned to her home here having coutplctcd the millinery season. The James street Sunday school are bottling their picnic at Grand Bend to -dap (Thursday). -'Rev. and Mrs. Cranston. of Pal- merston, are the guests of the Lit- ter's parents. Rev. and Mrs. Mar- tin. -Don't fail to hear the London harpers at the garden party on slain street Methodist church lawn July 17. 1). 0. 0.M. 4. .G. Sta n bu ry tvct'f to Clinton Tuesday evening to install the newly elected officers of the Clinton 1. 0. 0. F. lodge. - The canning factory is compel- led to work ovcl•timc in oriler to keep up with the supply of peas coming in. The two viners are kept busy and the packers worked all night Tuesday. The average pack per day ,is 30,000 cans. - Lieut. W. J. 'Leaman hist week received word that he hail been ap- pointed Captain in charge of the 33rd Huron regiment which leaves Friday for London to mobilize writh the composite companies of Western On- tario before taking the trip to Que- bec. The other officers in charge of the 33rd regiment are Capt. McTag- 'tart and Capt. Shaft', of Clinton. Color Sergt. Pothole and Corp. E. Elliott, of Exeter, will go as repre- sentatives of the local company. Mr. Fred Ilunkin. of Usborne, was the victim of a very painful accident on Wednesday of last week which {nay result in his losing Ole sight of one of his eyes. but it is hoped such will not be the case. Ile was leading z cow. when the animal took fright and commenced to ruts. Mr. punkin clung to the rope and in passing a tree he dodged to get out of the way of a limb, 'when he struck it, a sharp portion piercing his eye. Dr. Ilrow ning was called to attend the injured member and is doing all he can to save the sight. -Word was received here Saturday of the death of Mr. Wm. Fritz,. the well known proprietor of the 1lrelt- ner's hotel 4.4rand Bend. Mr. Fritz was talking with a friend. when he was anddenly stricken and tell to the floor. Medical assistance was sum- moned, rind it was found that his death had been instantaneous. heart trouble being the cause. Mr. Fritz was {widely know!' as a hotel keep- er and was highly respected by the large {lumber of people with whom he yearly came in contact. Almost every person who, visits the famous summer resort knew Billy Fritz as a twholesouled genial fellow, and his demise will be greatly regretted. The names of 189 physicians have been stricken oft the register of phy- sicians by the Ontario Medical coun- cil, (which was in session last week at its building on University avenue. 'these 189 physicians are three or more years behind with payments of the annual fee of $2. They decline on principle to pay the fee, holding that once they become fully qualified physicians they should not be com- pelled to part with an annual fee. it is stated that those whose names are stricken off cannot legally collect fees for practise, nor give expert tes- timony in a court of law while their names are off the register. It is said that the registrar is neting ac- cording to Govirrnment legislation in striking off the names. we's "sure' sure" Cholera RCIllCdU it is not a PATENT MEDICINE in. is carefully compounded by us personally from a time tried prescription. It is not a "Cont: ALL" but is simply and wholly as it is labelled a safe cure for. Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diar- rhoea and Pain in the Stomach curd Bowels and etc. 25 cents a bottle. Prepared by W. S. COLE, Phm. B. Prescription Druggist. EXETER - ONTAIIIO. Baseball The local players have been put- ing up a very good article of ball lately and nothing .but conclusions with the expert Stars of Crediton would satisfy their desires, so a frame was arranged for Monday even- ing at the recreations grounds. The way the boys front the German vil- alge went after the Exeter players is a sad tale to tell and had it not been for misplays on the part of the visitors in the last inning, the Exe- ter team would have been shut out. Crediton opened up the slaughter in the first inning by annexing three runs. They captured one in the third, fifth and sixth and to snake good met.lurc tore off six in the ninth, for a total of twelve runs. Exeter was kept scoreless up to the ninth when they managed to get two v plate. Fainter,for runs over the pate Crediton twirled an exceptionally good game. w),Ie Hart for Exeter did good .work, but his support in the field was not gilt edged. Fol- lowing is the score. Crediton Worm Filhner Mc('ne `+ne11 W. Brown Rim Barer{ Gower 1". Brown 1) Exeter Cole Law Hoskins Creech Hart. Ilatwksh:tw Manns Stewart Palmer 1': 1'rrtpirc, ('rank hos le, ~ The married stenherehv challenge the single then to a friendly gamy of bare hall to Ilepi:tyed at the Recreation grounds this (1hurstlay) evening. -An interesting game of baseball was played at the park Thursday evening between the Itegulars and Never Sweats, resulting in the sce- ond defeat of the latter in a wreck. However the ,Never Sweats Iter. handicapped for n pitcher, and had the batteries been reversed would have defeated their opponents worse Om they were beaten. The follow- ing are the names of the players: Regulars, Fleeting, Manns, Law, iia vkshaft'. Hoskins, l{cndle, 11.1 t. it was officially announced Thurs. Palmer and Stewart, Never Swcats day by C. 1). Scott. of Toronto, coupe Creech. Boyle, Ileaman. iitatharn. eel for the liquidator, that the York Cole, Alger, White. Senior and i.oan Co, shareholders w ill get a Bissett. The score was )regulars 10 dividend of 40 per cent.. instead of Never Sweats 6. Geo. Anderson made 25 per cent.. as formerly indicated. an efficient empire. A great deal of clerical work will +' have to be doer before the mons)' ! BOW LINO eget{{ the 21111 to t l .. b. can b• paid ont. 11114 he expects to _A tin!, of No:'I:eh I,ow)c:s c.r. make another statement soon. All 1 t i.ed here on Wednesday and played a A Si 4r O it 11L. the various claims have now been , t wo games with the Exeter bow ler. Bears the 1te K rd Y:111114 )'Asea Boo settled. and as a result almost all' 1es,ilting in one game each. eagcatere /j� � the ehareholdeis are on an canal! Nortwich Exeter cf /L! basis. If the claims of the preferred E. Batty N. D. Burdon - aharcholdera had been allowed (lists; )r. Moles W. II. Lovett would hate been little left for the i C. unlet 1. R. Carling - _ --- - ordinary shareholders. I ut the pre- , B. Elliott t\'..1. lle:unan (erred .hang have been cut down ; is 10 skip 27 from 11,250,000 to $69,429 thus ct E. Ratty f. Acheson f, ctiuq a big sewing. The special act 11 h:lliot t W. W. Tainan which obviates, the necessity of cal-. C. Mulct t '1. Ins lcIlford ling each one of the 122.000 "hare- 1),. moles 1.. 11. 1):ckiwn holders a3ved $200,000. 'then t!., Skip 16 ekip 13 settlement of all the cllitn+ prevents; continued litit:Ition and the carry- _'1ic tl 1 0 0 11 1) 0 Centralia. THE OLD RELIABLE Are You Going Travelling P If you are going away for a few days or a few weeks to spend your vacation it will pay you to call on us and get equipped with all your travelling necessities. We are show- ing a handsome variety of Travelling Goods Trunks, Suit Cases, Hand Bags, Vacation Clothing, Hat and Foot Wear Everything you will need to help make your summer outing a pleasant one. Conte in alld look our stock of travelling goods over. You will surely find things that you will re- quire. We are Sure our prices will please you. Highest Price Paid for Produce. Butter 19c, Eggs 17c CARLING BROS. New Grocery and Shoe Storw 2 Dors North of Postoftice,opposite Wood's Meat Market • Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, Women and Children, all sizes, at the very lowest cash price Call and be convinced. f(es C.FOCO(IOS HI ROCS T. J. WILSON. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD' A meeting of the Exeter School Board was held in the Town 11a11 on Monday July 13th. Absent IL Hus- ton. The following is the order of business duly submitted atld approv- ed. The minutes of the meeting of June 8th. July 3rd and July Oth were read and approved. Per It. N. Rowe and F. Wood that the satis- factory services of Miss Dickson, of Seaforth, as Principal's supply dur- during the January -.Tune term be ac- icnowledged with a testimonial from the Board. Per I. N. ltott•e and F. NV. Glatlman that the janitor's agree- l ment form a subject fur revision at the next session of the Board and that due notice be furnished that the one in force will terminate not later than Sept 1st of the current year. Per F. .W, Glatlman and 5. Martin that the following accounts be approved. Times Printing Co.. pa- per, etc. $11.30 ; ST. Senior, card -board 40 cents : J. Grigg. examination sup- plies, $15.63. Per S. Martin and' 1.1; N. 'Rowe that the following prepay- ment be approved. . Johnston, pre- siding examiner, $33.40. Per S. Mar- tin and F. Wood that the amount registered for school purposes for the ensuing year be $2,800. Per F. Wood and 9I. N. Rowe that an in- spectoral visit to thehcool be made by the Board on Monday .Tuly 20th at 9 a. m. Per F. W. Gladmatt and Qt, N. Rowe that the staff sal- aries for the ensuing year be as fol- lows: Principal in abeyance ; 1i. 5. Department, 1st asst. $600; 2n11 asst. $600. Public school, 1st assistant, $450 ; 2nd asst. $375; 3rd asst. $3.50 ; 41)1 asst. $32.5. 5111 asst. $325. Pee F. W. Gladman adjournment. • HICKS' FORECASTS A reactionary . cen- tral tnonary storm period is cn tral on the 16th and 17th. This per- iod is also within the brace of the Mercury period. During this period look for a reaction to much warmer with falling barometer and return of cloudiness and scattering, light rain. A regular storm period is central, coincident with the center of the Mercury period. the regular storm period extending from the 19th to the 21th, and the Mercury period period from the 15th to the 28th. About the 20th the harometer will begin to fall in western parts of the country, with rapidly rising temper- ature, followed by general cloudiness. During the 21st to 24th threaten- ing stortn clouds and much severe bluster will be very nat'o ral. 7 period is also one .of the tnost fator- ablc times for rain during (his month. As a rule the Mercury per- iods bring mulch continued cloudi- ness. ;with drizzling rain. but some of the heaviest storing owl rainfalls f rt fluently occur at the blending of regular storm periods directly with the Mercury periods. Such results are passible nt this period. but ewe fear that rains will not be generally diffused and copious. Narrow local- ities may have Bulging downpours, but (he grain belts and other wide areas of 1he country. while l y may have ugly storn1 clouds. thunder. and high winds. will moat likely suf- fer a shortaKc in raitfntII. A change to cooler. more p!• ant conditions may reasonnhly be Ips rte.l frorn s I1,•II Gould i- si'ithlg at ure ror h► eax Lungs "I Lave usel your Psychlne for ab,,ut Six months, and have found it an ex- cellent remedy for pneumonia and weak longs." Ronald Johnson, Farewell, Ont., April 15, 1u47. "Psychlne is one of tme best medi- einae en the market. and for all throat inR of c3•ca to (be privy council. Mts. George young's. London. and lung troubles is unezecllcd."-A thug effecting another big laving --.0... word from a man foto bas tested it. The ordinary claim', wInelr atllountedC7AIL Jd'1'CIS RIJibs - Pneumonia, Bronehitia, Coughs, Colds to 12.88#,435.26 have been reduced to ; Betroth 14 M d l; r Na'_ 1_� Bil' and all throat. lung and stomach s2.298.435.26. in addition to {which • 8: nacre I troubles yield to Psychlne. .1t all {byre is only the ltG9,457.10 of pis- Oaf i �G t retu, Sc. and 11.nn, or Dr. T. . drug - (erred claims. RR 6locum, Litnitod, Terumo. GRAND TRUNK SYSEM $18.45 To Quebec and Return from Exeter. Account of Tercentenary celebra- tion. Tickets good going July 18th to 2 5th; return limit August 3rd, 1908. The Popular Route to Muskoka and Lake of Bays Train Service and E•iuiprnent the best. For tickets and full information call J. J. KNiG11'I', Depot Agent. or writs J. I). MCI)ONALI). Unit* Depot, Toronto. Ont. w S660llJ tO N0116 If you have ever used' Harveys Star Flour then ycu know what you want. Do not experiment with Flour said to be just as good. insist on having the old reliable. No better place to get it than at the Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. Farm for Sale A good 101 acre farm on lot 17. Con. 8 Blanshnrd west boundary. On the farm there is a good brick house. Two good cellars, stood abed ani summer kitchen. There is a barn on it 40x60 also horse etnble and cattla -:lvd 35x25 ; driving shed ; hog pen ; 2 never failing walls .one lit the° houa' and the other nt the barn ; 2 good orchards. 40 acres se,dcd. Tho farm is well fenced, 400 rods of wire fi'nc1ng. This farm must be sold na` the proprietress will ,rive up tann- in.: oe or before the 16(1. day of .tu,y. T •pmt e lay. Poesea:ten a(' one.. Fot further particulars aimly to Mr-. -. 'i'. Cornish. NVoodliam,•ditt ti_ I : rnisaa. Jos. White. Auct. Farm for Sale 1-1 mile south of Cent rtli.t, con- taining 113 acres. Brick dwelling 3 hal ns. one of which has basement stab) One acre orchard. three never failing %'ells; two windmills. Th soil is a clay loam. is clean of weed well underdrained and in 1st Oast .tate of cultivation. i'or terms etc.. ,pply to It. lucks, Centralia. if on had t .kern two of C,rtr. r'M Litt 1 • Liver i'ills before retiring you war 1 1 not Lave had that coated ton- gue or bad taste in the mouth this morning- Keen a vial withou for ocrasional ass. q �tRHIN