HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-16, Page 5•
Why the Parrot Is Able to Imitate Hu-
man Speech.
One of the government naturalists 1 , ,. ___
ut Washington has errantly gatherer! j -
30.1:1AYS SAL Crediton some froth Iuforutatlun concerning tho ' Zur ich
tongues of birds.
Stony people suppose that twoodpeck• Jliss .Ir:ur Ilagter, o[ Cliulon. is
yrs use their sharp pointed tongues as 1 `Pending a few• weeks in to' n.
The following pupils were sucec•ss-
darts with twhteh to transfix their Dr. Buchanan lett last {+.'ck for 3 only Dinner Sets, a snap at �� 5p
ray. It is true that the \rood Ler his home in 'Toronto Ladies C
taker's Crediton tut in their recent promotion exam-
PMr. I:ph. Holtzman, u[ Berlin, vis- White Canvas ,tippers::.: $I.25 for 100
Required to pass Gu per bingos with
ing astonird, shing
.pithdart y nt its his his parrots in town. vis -
Misses I'CO for so
cent., honors 75 per Cent. tfangue tiFIW astonlshing rAphdlt3• and ltc{. Father Stroeder spent l t -t j (;})jldrens
Jr. to Sr. IL -[[Doors, Clara Ocs• that its mouth Is furnished !Iritll,rlp w'crk in Sandwich, 9S for j
(During this sale we intend to clear oat agreat many odd lines at less than trcicher. Pass. 'Rocha King, Ilar- elat)tirate mechanism for Baia ptnpae�, Miss Etta Ruby. o[ NevtHamburg.: ens Shoes 00 far i•57
cost. We have a great many Remnants of Spring and Summer goods in rington Finkbeiner, crus 7[ill. Vera yet, according to the :iuthorljy. 2ne>s• is visiting herr and at her former Boys Shoes 1.50 for 1.20
Silks, Muslins, Prints, Gutghains, Shirtings, ('ottonades, Curtain Mullins,
Bohlen, Irene Wolfe. cloned, investigation shops that file Louie at Dashwood. -
Satins, Dress Goods, etc., which we offer at Bargain !'rices. Sr. 11 to .i r. !IL -Honors E. irreita. 1'rarl \Vurta is visiting friends In
and A. +Madden equal, teitk, and ling.
of this swift motion is only to ,Guelph and Sebringtille• I Ladies Trimmed and Untrimmed H
We have also a few Remnants of Tapestry, Union and !temp Carpets, IisL. Pass, Herbert Shenk, G. Guen-
ther,It. Tallman Wu ton
Hats sacrifice also E. Weiner, A. Sambrook• the purpose of holding the Captured past heat ill Detroit, is home for a ,
offer our large and splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 20 per cent off Jr. 111 to Sr. III.-Ilomors, Clif- victim the woodpecker's tongue is fur- down in price
regular prices, P awi5it. ford Bill, 'hill, Francis I1111. Pass. G. nIshed with a sticky secretion. Miss Maass intends leaving shortly If we have nothing to suit we will trim a hat for you
50 Embroidered Waist Patterns, enough Fine White Lawn with each to Benedict, E. Braver, E. 1Cicnzle, S. Considering.ils powers of imitating for ►mouth's visit to Preston. while yOU
make any situ Waist, regular price $1,Fi0 to $2.50, sale price 75c to $1.`25. Wein, E. Geiser, 0. •Motz, 11. thrown• speech, ft is not surprising to learn ,hiss Jtclloul;.,.'. milliner for !1I r, do your shopping. PP Bi reduction in Ladies Shirt Waists.
:Sr. 111 to Jr. I\'-Iiaiors !Lydia that the parrot's tongue resembles that J. J. Merner, is 1:id up with an at-� 7� �j�
S['veIt DRESS GOODS GI?NTS'FU1tNIfi11ING6 y, Boltzmann.
'E. Bean. liFcl}n )tluett I 100 Baskets Cherries Wanted
We have just, opened a dainty lot of «e have a nobby line of Men's and V, llolta.mann. Pass, 'Dlclt iu Brown. , of man more closely than any other tack of fever.
Dress Muslins, Printed Voiles, Organ- Boy's Sailor Hats, Ties, Shirts, Braces, 11. Boltzmann, W. Ilaist. Ida Brown, bird's. It Is not because the parrot Is Mr. and Airs. Burgess. of Toronto, `
(in, Collars S visited JIr. u R. Johnston, of thri e
dies both black and white); Per- i Stiff Hats, Gloves etc. Flo Hill. more intelligent than the other birds, llonninion house. We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil
Mian Lawns, Printed Organches, Swiss WALL I'AI'Elt Among the candidates {vho passed but because Its tongue Is better suited Mr. Daniel Koehler has bought the
Muslins, Etc. Do not fail to see them I We offer the balance of our stock at the recent examinations of the Lon- for articulation than thetas:. that 1t Is corner lot opposite Mess' carriage( •
before making your purchase. I half the regular price. 't' i "•n- - story of music appears able to amuse us with its mimicry, works, from Dr. Buchanan for $500, Siebert
%re have a line of Gin hams, re u• �II7,hINEItY t ' ' u� L. Geiser 'with junior . Father `Loise1le, of Drysdale, will;
B B i We honors.
The humming bird's tun:;ce Is Inf I& ®I'
lar Also15c line to clear at 8c per yard. intend to clean up our stock re- some respects the most rewi:u:;aWe ,,,f shortly start. on 0 trip to the Old jlartletb Block.
a line of American Prints, fast! medleys of cost. 11 a do not believe
The following is taken 'from the all. It Is double nearly front end to Country. Ile will travel through' IJc\SII�VOOD,
Colors at 4c per yard, i in carrying Millinery stock over until Christian Guardian and refers toEurope and will visit Palestine and I -
another season. Visit this department BQ°• ltobt, nicks, our new pastor, end, so that the little bird i.: ai•'e to other historical countries.
land Secure a bargain.
"We feel quite safe in saying that no grasp its tusect play with its tongue The marriage o[ .hiss Myrtle, the 1
RP:Ae made so eCLOTHING
spec 1 l church in our tt•hdle connexion can much as if lis mouth was furnished only daughter of Dlr. and Mrs. W.
I�CI. E A R I N Gd willE OF
f►Ve have aisle some special prices! GROCERIES
more truthfully assert than we in with a pair of fingers. A, tMcKay, o[ Palmerston. to Dr. J,i
on clothing for this sale. We offer 40 This department WO pay special
Windsor West and Sandwich that L. 1\'ilsun,, 11. A., o[ 'Lurich, {vas
Men's Tweed Suits, well ]nada with+attention to and are offering them at
the work of God is flourishing in quietly solemnized at the residence
close prices.IVI M E R COO DS
good linings, sizes 3.i to 38 only, cairn Good lied Salmon 2 tins for `�Sc our. ani'i.st. Very recently our of the bride's parents on Tuesday o[.
lar $0,00 to $8,W for $3.75 per Suit, 25e church has been beautified tlJlthin ! THE. ANT EATER. last {week. 'ltev. It. Walter Wright,
Corn:endPeaa3tine forand without, and the means to do itl 13,D. officiated, Tit. bride who wits' Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Qnmll'er Goods,
In Children's Suits we have about 25 Tomatoes lOc per tin
Suits, in sizes `r 1.o 25 only. regular' Best Selected Raisins :3 lbs for 25c able i`ied on the es' Aid. spot t Notwithstanding our estin� I A Harmless Animal That Will Fight attired in ivory dotted Brussels net :They must be sold as we do not want to carry a piece over
$-,. K) to $size for t$l.la per Suit. l over taffeta made en I'rincesse with' ,1
Prunes 4 lbs for 25e all this, sufficient love and fossas Hard When at Bay. pink and Persian trim- ! If a price will Sell them.
Men s Odd Pants, Vests, Coats, &c. Rice O lbs for 25c. A peculiar looking animal ! the touches of
all at reduced prices.
Lemons lair per doz. were lett to casks our beloved pas- a wings, carried a sheat of cream roses
for and wife a i beautiful presenta- ant eater, which Is closely -allied to ;tad lily of the Farley, :end was given! 3U pieces of Muslins in all the new- ('I11NA, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE
�'. tion at both appointments -Sandwich the Bluth fatuity. Its Drad is drawn away by her father. est shades and ratterns, regular 15c,
See Our Line of Dinnerware, China, Etc, and Windsor West. As tokens of out into ri long, tubular muzzle, at the The baleen which landed near Clio-, Just to hand the finest line of Toilet
We handle Plymouth Binder Twine. We have a stock of Gold Medal and our nb y mouth just la ton passed within a mile o[ this
mac' L''c and 3Uc a yard, your choice Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever
appreciation of their labors end of which Is n tin j g for lUc the yard,
Plymouth Special and will be pleased to receive your order•, among ,us for the last fir years enough to permit the exit of lis long. Place and was so tote that the name !bowl] in Dashwood and at prices that
theywere ( a "Chicago" was plainly visible, A few pieceso f Dress Goods regular i will suit you. We purchased a large
presented with a splendid wormlike tongue, which is entered 50c to clear at - is the ard• line of those goods at a special price
tea and berry set in cutglass and The residents of town were start Y
Butter, Eggs and Wool and all Farm Produce taken in exchange {Eich a sticky saliva. .,See our giving you the benefit of
g an ornamental clock, as well as n led, when on Tuesday et ening it was: prints at 7c the yard, guar- and we are ivin
handsome china cup and saucier and
This tongue Is thrust among the Lelanird thin one o[ their townsmen, i anteed fast colors. � the same. Call early.
silver spoon for Baby Birks, Rev. hosts of ants with great rapidity, cote- lite person of JIr. Major Johnston i Shirtings 12}c the yard for lOe. !SHOES: SHOES! $HOE$!
Phomas Manning of the Central lug hart: laden with the tiny iasecty. had departed this life atter a aborti Bargains itt Ladies Blouses, Corset. All the latest styles in footwear in
Church gave a fine address ' just To obtain Its prey the ant eater breaks illness. '1'),e deceased had been in ac -'Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vesta, I Patent Leather, Tane, Chocolates,
Prior to the presentation, {{bile one open the ant hills,. when all the active tiro business here for many years.' Ladies Hoso lOc rt pair. ;Blucher Cute and Oxfords. Remem-
I►►habituuts swarm to the breach anal
and made many {{arm friends by his wens Dress Shirts at half ; her that these are not the cheap kind
are instantaneously swept away by the temiat good nature uul business t5S Boys White Shirts at 25c each. Mens i that will not wear, but these shoes are
tegrity. 'Ile reached the age of .) `'
rcenorselcss tongue. years and utas unmarried. After a and Boys Ready to 1Vear Suits at'Ghogood kind at cheap prices and
bargain sin t '
,•.g rices. Job lineguaranteed
shoe( service at the residence of his 1 n of Mens and 1 R d to wear. Our prices are
ty without teeth, and �lhe eyes and brother, •Jir. Thomas Johnston, on Boys Fine Straw Hats at IOc each, i lower than the lowest.
cars are very small. Thursday morning conducted by Rev.
HARDWARE Onr Grocery Department is full of
'!'here are several species of ant cat C. C. J. Maass, the remains overs A full auppl • of Forks, Rakes, Scy-New and Fresh Goods. 5 lbs good
er, the largest kind being about tout
taken to [laden, the interment tak- thes, Snaths, supply
Fork Rope, Pulleys largeDlatcheseI. lora Roasted Coffee $l,
feet long and having a tail covered ing Place in Pine cemetery. -Puce Paris Green -Screen Doors, f y. I 1 �_ 3 Cans Corn
with eery long hair, forming n huge clic. Jacob �,ingcr;ch, a young rest- Vindow Screens, Hammocks, Coil's c, 3 Cans Peas 25c. 1 lb, Seeded
brush. The claw on the third toe of dent of the Goshen Line south, died Vire, Barb Wire, ideal Woven Wire Raisins lOc, Korn Kiska 5c pkg, 3 lbs
each fore limb Is of great size mid Is on Friday evening )Atter a lingering Fencing. Fancy Cakes 25c.
Buy your Binder Twine from us, we i MILLINERY
used for breaking open ants' and other are sole agents for Plymouth Binder i All Millinery to be cleared out re
Insects' nests. Twines, guaranteed the best. gainless of cost.
Generally speaking, the ant enter Is
a harmless animal, but at times when 10,000 pounds of Wool Wanted in the next. two weeks
at bay it will fight with greet roar for which we will pay highest market price cash or trade.
age, sitting up on its hind legs and 1) 3 g ,
hugging lis foe with Its powerful arms. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Wool and get some of
-London Express. I these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you are
Lelping yourself.
Market Prices for Farm Produce.
Bargains fcr ih is& NextWeek
A Call Solicited
As You sew
so Shall You Reap
We are constantly sewing on the best cloths stoney can buy. We ate
reaping satisfied customers. Natural isn't it? When we sow :our advertise-
ment in the newspaper, stating a price for a suit, coat. trousers, overcoat or
whatever the add. might suggest, we include the best of everything in that
suit, the best cloth, the best linings, the best paddings. the best thread, etc.
as well as the best of our ability in cutting. fitting and tanking. Shouldn't
we reap our reward? This add is sowed to reap you as one of our customers.
When you need a Suit, Coat, Trousers, Overcoat, Fancy Vest, let this add
lead you to our shop where we can prove to you that we live up to our word
the Sick Made Well
Without Medicine
Precious Life and
Health can be saved
by this New Method
All Sickness is alike
Oxydo nor
It applies to all cases, no matter what the form of disease may he. It re-
vitalizes the human body with OXYGEN from the air, OXYGEN is a vital
Necessity -the greatest necessity life knows.
You can apply OX YDONOR at home while you rest or sleep.
No loos of time from your work or business, it is easily applied.
eafe and always ready for use. its force neve] exhausts. it will
serve the family, children as well as adults.
Write for FREE BOOK No. 02 to
Dr. H. Sanche & Co.
:30! St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Quo.
The Kirkton Hardware Store
Wants for the Summer Months
Paris Green, Binder Twine, of the following
P1\ mouth Special, Salmon Tag, Silver Sheaf
Gold Medal, and Hobb9' Best.
Sterling Machine Oil and Oil of all Kind
We lt;t yt' a large ,uppiy of Binder Mitts and all kinds of
supplies for threshers.
kVc have Salmon •I'n.; a Id (Ti't Edge.
MACHINE OiL i he kind that wear:.
(it t our prices.
1tt coots a gallon.
HA1�VLsT i�ME l S 1'roln 2S cents to 40 cents a pair.
FANCY CAM'S . large assortment and fresh ever} vicek
Try our Lemon Cakes, 3 rounds for 25c.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
of our fathers in .Methodism in
Windsor, Mr. Coleman, very fitting-`
ly made the presentation address.
The long and particularly Pleasant
o 1 • t
[ Brother he ttso h• t
o L f t alt '
t cr II'c r, eater are
Hicks 1eutU
i sand tvitc
was concluded by singing several Gn-
vorite hymns, partaking of a friend-
ly lunch provided by the ladies, and
wishing them 'God -speed in plc their
undertakings in the future, with
kindly prayers for their successors.
The citizens of Crediton were
were greatly shocked on Saturday
last by the report of the sudden
death of Mr. Wtn. Fritz. The fun-
eral which tool: place on (Monday
last was largely attended. Mr.
Fritz was proprietor of the Royal
hotel here for some time. ribs.
Fritz has 1 he sympathy of the com-
'Rev. C. /Brown, of North hast Ohio
Is spending a few necks with his
brother. 'Mr. G. drown.
The. annual Children's Day of the
Evangelical church, Crediton, will he
held in two weeks. July 116th. In
the morning a sermon is to - `Abe
preached in ,behalf of the young peo-
ple and in the evening a splendid
programme is to be rendered by tho
young folks.
Miss Ada •\Vurin, of Zurich. Is
spending n few weeks with • her un-
cle !Mr. Ed. Worm.
The Crediton boys played the ,Exe-
ter twirlers a friendly visit on Mon-
day last. Crediton Avon the day, re-
sulting in a score of twelve to two.
One day Ibis week as one awoke
from the fair land of nod he did not
know whether he had arisen in tlfun-
cey town or where, as the Indians'
ore again parading the streets. Tlax-
ptillitig line commenced.
The union ftunday school picnic
which was field nt the Mend Friday
last was n gran? success. The
1113:11 feature in the morning was
the hall game between Crediton vs.
Dasliw•ood and Zurich. 'Crediton
carried off the trophy with n score bi}Bcult FeAte,
of 7 to 0. The game was hotly con- t 'here are eomo calrocts front a few
tested on both sides. Umpire. Mr. t :" ,
Win. rink beiner, Pittsburg. After >�, lI popular Hotels,' said an k.
dinner a mixed program was given •�'_ ho took down a scrap book.
which was greatly enjoyed. (Thr mad'
sports in the afternoon 'Vere keenly •ewortliy pastor appeared at the
contested. icor, his hands thrust deep In
Itrrry•p:ckirg is the order of the 'pockets of his loose jacket, while
day. u.,
\\'e are Pleased to hear tits; •11 r. ' _; • , the leaves of his prayer book
Geo. ilottzmann is speedly reeovctiti oily and wiped his glasses
from his recent accident.g it distraught air.
after the door was closed a
illness of stomach trouble. Ile was
in the 23rd year of Itis age.
The Perfumed Cloud.
The dentist's sleeve was smeared
with it pole dust. IIe beat it with Ills
palm, and a perfumed cloud arose.
"Makeup," be said, laughing, "the
day's usual harvest of tnakoup. Why
the deuce, to front the fierce white
light of a dental choir, will woman
eomo to me with makeup plastered
thick on their pretty faces? They all,
or nearly all, do it. Their lips aro red-
dened, their brows penciled, their
cheeks rouged, and in n few cases tho
tiny network of veins in the temples is
outlined in blue. Pegging away nt
their teeth, I mop up all that makeup
on my, coat sleeve. I smear ret! over
white noses, black over pink cheeks.
P1t wl Look outs'
'nd, brushing his cuff again, he
tea • • back to escape tho sweet smell-
t�ioud that filled tho air. -Ex-
.11rs. C. ',wicker, of London. is
at present visiting her son Charles.
Ilie 'ti ,es Finkbeitt'r. of feels-
wutg, .`.Iich•; ere spending n far.
weeks :; t t he horse of IM r. 1. .Brown.
Mrs. Tr. vsthick ,of 'London, is at
present visiting her son n'homns.
Mrs. A. Itofn,•r, of 8ebewing, flush.
is at pr/artt t,'iting rimier the pat-
entnl roof.
The Mises Tillie end' Monet Wein
arr at pi, gent visiting et" their house
Crediton North.
Mr. and Mrs. Link of London, are
visiting at the ltter's home, Mr. C.
lt,it, Crediton East,
M r. f3;un Brown, Mr. end Mrs.
Gott leib 'frown and Mrs. Mot z at-
tended the funeral of the lalt• Dirs.
(liter.) George thrown, of Chesley, oft
Saturday last.
Thee are the enervating days.
when. as some' oily has said, men
drop ly the cun.ctt•okc ns if the Day
of Fire had dawned, They are
fraught with danger to people whose
systems at. poorly sustained : and
this lead.a 1:9 to sry', in the interest
of the less robust of our reader.,
that the frill effect of Iloo:l's Sarsa-
parilla is •nett as to suggest the pi to. of rallin4 t his medichi • some-
thing besides a blood purifier stat
tonic, -say ;i siistnitiing diet. It
makes it mite[, easier to bear tb•
heat. a..ur.. refreshing sleep, an.i
will without any doubt avert much
sickness at this lin:' of year.
Why "mot you try Carter's Is .1.
Liver !'ills! They ore a positive re
for ark headache and all the ills pro
timed by disordered liver. Only Otic
Pill a close,
8tiialthy foot slipped into the roost and
with cautious hand extinguished tho
light.' Mr. Thos. Lynch shipped a c.rr-toad if you arc
"'Fitzgibbon lingered over his final of rattle to Toronto last Saturday.
lemonade, when n gentle voice tapped air. \\'m. Schroeder left last tcec•k
Mw on the shoulder, and, turning, he for Ilattleford, Sask., where he RQQ 'I
beheld his old friend once again.' (tends taking p n farts. l\
"'The chariot of revolution is rolling J1 r. 11. Wing is on the sick list. 1rnMitc Roofing,Mineral Surface $2 SO per square
onward, rip
speedy. recovery.
. gn:ishtug its teeth as it rolls.' "air. Isaac ,(:ower was in Sarnia last Preston Safe Lock Galvini::cd Shingles and Corrigatcd Iron in stock
Monday with (Lr Orangemen of tl•^
Getting Back at England.
'fbe English will ridicule us for say-
ing 'vary' and 'tnrribto' end 'momma'
when we go abroad," said n Scheel -
ma'am, "but we trill have our answer
"We'll ask tltetn why, when they
wont to know if we desire a cab, they
"'Po wenn, sit?'
"We'll nsk them why they say 'past --
tali' and 'w•nitali' and 'Indiar' and
"And, not forgetting the `h; We'll
quote nt them the dlalogno between tilisDan(I anti Son Gucci
(Ito mistress and the new maid: IRON A�O
"'Is your name Anna or Hannah?'•\ ',loll' ' ; I't ise of %am-i3uk W000 PIJMPS
"'I(annab, mita.' (1,kwood. Victori r,
"'Olt, Ilannob ' Mar Sirs, -1 have great pleasure
"'No. mum; Hannah' in ,.t ,ting that '/,ant-Iluk cured ray i wish to inform the Public and those in need of Pump, that I hayo to t+
"'Ifannah, you said.' husband of barber's rash with twice the agency for the
"'Nt,, Hannah.'
rubbing. It also cared my little
" 'Spell It.' boy of a dreadfully bad arm niter
vaccination. I know of several other
"Bay, hen, hen, hay!" '. cures it has affected and I cannot and will be pleased to quote price and Teams. if yott are thinking of putt.' g
speak too highly of it. i am sere if in an Iron nr Wood Pump come in and see us before buyinw.
people otter try it they will always
Zarn41. use it. Yours truly, R. 8:tviLLl:. Pump Repairing a Specialty.
t7�ATORT. tine tick i. quiclocatkly
soothing and H�°iRTMAN
,tearatCs 1te 'rd V;u I1 I Alia 1}'101jttt antiseptic. It quickly heals wounds EILSE, Dashwood,
int skin troubles. Certain cure for
8igna'am piles. Sold by all druggists and
o'' • . t 46.E stores. 60c. a box, 3 for 81.45, ' Dealer in iron and Wood Pumps,
Via the Grand Trunk itailway,
double track line, account. of the
Tercentenary Celebration. The many
special features in connection with
this great event, includingthe visit
of II. at. 1i. the Prince of Wales,
and the 13ritisleAmerican nail french
fleets. together with the many
thousand soldiers escamped in the
7uaint Historic old city, will make
this one of the greatest military and
Naval pageants seen in modern years.
Tickets good going July 18th to 25. Corner Store, -- Return limit limit August 3rd, 1908. Pro-
portionate rates from all points in ;
Ontario. Tickets and full informs-+
tion from any Grate! Trunk agent. � The Farmers Bank
'THOUGHT SHE KNEW 111M of Canada
A short time ago a sur 1 , Capital $i,000 000 Total Assets $1,500,000
t surgeon ha. 40 Branches throughout three leg amputation- in a oveek. ghost Canada.
The unusual number caused talk in Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business
the surgeon's household and his lit- i Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Bates.
tie daughter Dorothy was greatly! SAVINGS DEPARTMENT
interested. A few days after the � Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal
last operation the surgeon's wife 1 tunes a year.
and little Dorothy were rummaging ! Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where hurplare tht
in t he attic. in to trunk was found
a daguerreotype depicting .n girl
nitwit eight years of age. The por-
trait, through n peculiarity of pose,
showed only one leg of the subject,
the other being doubled up Willer
-Whose picture is that, mammal"
ask,.' Dorothy.
"dine. it was taken when I was
it child not much o!.: than you are
"Did you know papa theta"
"No, dear. \Viiy do you ask!„
"1 thought maybe you did, 'cause i
you've only got one leg." -The Aug-
ust Delineator.
or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt-
ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned
When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our
drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible
rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point, in Canada and prin-
cipal points in the United States and Great Britain.
Ors Movro-Courteous'rreatrnent. No Red '!'ape.
T. DUNLOP,. manager,
Office one block north of Siebert & Co't+, store.
We Sell Maple I.caf Binder Twine. Colne and sec us before you
buy and w2 will save you money.
in need of a new Rope, Slings or l'ullcy, come and se us
We have theta.
Crediton tLotlge. will last a life time.
Numbers from here attended the
Gran al a the lair 'Monday.
frits nt A large assorttne.nt of Pay*e Gates on hand which we will sell cheap
(:rand fiend Incl Jlouday. r, i,
Mrs. 8. Sw•citzer is home ngahi Fencing. Barb and Coil Spring Wirc at right prices.
niter spending a few t+eeks at "Sun- --_
beam" Grand Pend. Try Martin Scnour Paint too per cent pure
Mr. George Sutton. of Ripley', is pure,
one.. more itl our ' 1st. Get;onc of our Oil Stoves, the proper thing; this hot weather. Come
Mr. George Kr'llertnann. of Dash- and see us, everything; new and up•to•date.
cod, started bis pullingfl
tt' gang 1 i't tg ax
Cement always 's on hand,
here last Tuesday.} Butter and Eggs taken,
Iinying and w heat cutting seems to
be the order of the day here among Hardware
the firmers.
D. T1 FMA , Dashwood
Aylmer Iron Pumps