HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-16, Page 4Detroit, Mich. .a, H E E X E_'1 Eli TIMES, JULY loth 190.x. The Exeter Times 1 replying l0 Mr. Bordeuand nd tLi3 was at once construed by the Con- servative press es either a sign of Touching Scene When the Brave Cap - Nix, :•r. Ontario. weakness or an act of discourtesy. tain Left the Olympia. Tei me of a Lscri(•tion *1.'O per Not content with this misrepresenta- Ou the morning of the tattle of Ma- Pear in advsuoc. 81.59 they be tion, the Opposition newspapers ape Hila flay Captain GriJ. ey was so 1,1 .dried if not so paid. To United Parently thought that the party that the little commodore offered tv States subaeritere. $1.50 strictly in cause would not hater if Mr. Dor- excuse him from duty, but gallantly, .dvance• .No. raper discontinue den's for so figures ere pati ydranbit,gty anti as 13 characteristic of the than, be re - until all arrears are paid. unless att la h the option of the publisher. The headlines ofhe 11g thetlbl.tckc ews, tbtyp , that, t plied, delle Is "Thank y ship, a and I Commodore willDewey, ftght fiats to which every subscription is apart from the western section, the Lee." And Le [lid, although, figurative - transcontinental road from Moncton le speaking, he was a dead man before Advertising rates on application. t\Winnipeg would cost ti:5U,ODU."0J• he went on the bridge, and days had GRIDLEY'S LEAVE. o DeeCISIONS ItE:SPF.CTING i As 'Mr. Graham proved, a more fla- NE\V.S'PAP'ERS grant political fabrication Was never .Any person or persons wvho takes perpetrated. 'Mr. Morden Lin.silf a Piper regularly Pram a post office, bats placed the cost of construction whether addressed in his name or i :from Moncton to Winnipeg :.t 114,- another's, or whether Le has sub- ! 393, 765, and the lisister of Rail - scribed or not, is responsible for ,ways accepted that estimate, but he payment. conclusively showed that the leader If a person orders his papers dis-' of the Opposition had not been so continued be must 1'aycoallntinueeato rs, , accurate in his other figures. Mr. or the publisher may I Borden Lad coolly assumed that the send it until payment is made, and the Government would be called up- then P-then collect the whole ,ntnount 1 whether the paper is taken or not. t on to pay interest for three years in addition to the first seven, but, as The Courts have decided that re - Mr. ;Graham pointed out, that con- fusing to take newspapers or period- tangency wtould only arise in the icals trout the post office or remov- event of the Grand Trunk Pacific ing and leaving .them uncalled for failing to pay its tvay after the first while eubscriptiou remains unpaid, is seven years of operation, rent free prima facia evidence of intentionaland as he declined to believe that fraud. f the iGrand Trunk Pacific Claimed THE EXETER TIMES I"T'G CO. that the $11,1916,290 added by •-1,1r. . Liinitcd• 'Borden for interest from 1918 to 1921 should be struck out. Note and Commelit osition had n the ncludedethe cost ofader of ethelQQuebec Sir \1'tltriit Laurier has I;it'eu no- bridge. S14022,238, in his estimate of tics of his Promised resolution re- the cost of the transcontinental, ig- spectiug the extension of the• bound- noring the fact that the "Quebec nrics of Manitoba, Ontario and Que..bridge was an undertaking quite Parliament from the Transcontinental. Ac- exc. The resolution asks to endorse the proposal to add to cordingly that item also had to be the area of IBiauitoba territory deducted. Mr. Graham next showed tLts'ard as far as the sixtieth par- fication added large sums to his s that Mr. Morden bad, without justi- noratlel, or the northern boundary of len otter Iwo prairie provinces, timate for the terminals at Moncton Lilc to the east shall be added ter- and Winnipeg, and that the leader of w ritor5 between the intersection of the Opposition had overestimated the the sixtieth parallel and Hudson Bay cost of the line from Moncton to and a line running northeast from Winnipeg to the extent of nearly $ 9, the present northeastern corner of 4 00.000. In a few telling pas - the ,province to the intersection of sages the Minister aT' :Railways the eighty-ninth meridian and the brought lo bis hearers when he (le- llludson's flay shore line, at a Point Glared that what the country want - eighty miles southeast of the mouth ed to know was the extent of burden it would have to bear and the bene - of Severn iltiver. fits it wouldet in return. That The boundaries of Ontario are to burden 'would, accordingto bis es - Jae extended northward, as soon as timate, amount $ to 38,1663,976, or an the 'Legislature so desires, to include annual sum of 0 $3 919, and for all the territory to the north of the that expenditure the country would orevince between the `extended own a railway 1,800 miles in length boundaries of ;Manitoba and the ' and the finest on the American con - waters of James Bay and Hut son tinent• 'Tic means of transportation Bay. 6imiliarly on the request of would be immeasurably improved. the Legislature of Quebec, .that pro- the products of the people would since will get the district of Um - move quickly and cheaply, find a gave. f wider and better market. and the With regard to the request o Manitoba for an additional Federal, development and general prosperity subsidy in lieu of the ownership of i of lvnnce Dominion would be greatly public lands in the territory to be I added, as in the cases of Saskatchc- A THRILLING ENGAGEMENT van and Alberta, the resolution pre- The Spectacle at the Canadian Na - vides that this question shall be Lionel Exhibition, Toronto, this year dealt with later, on terms to be ww'ill be founded on the siege of Sc - mutually agreed upon by the Pro- 1 bastopol. On vincial Legislature and the Federal P c of the most famous scenic artists of America has been Parliament. The question of provi- 1 engaged to paint a massive picture sion for separate schools in the new of the siege and to put up scenery in territory is also left over, and con- tentious details in this respect willi ann exact counterpart of Sebastopol itself. 'Russian, British and French be one of the big problems of the next ees�ion of Parliament. i soldiers in the uniform of the differ - The actual extension of the bound -'eat armies of the periodwill be seen in the siege work and with the aid aries is thus postponed till next 1 of explosives it is anticipated that year, but the resolution paves the i the battle scene will be one of thril- way, in so far as it determines the actual territory to be added to each ling and intense realism. province. t Manitoba thus gets the ports of Fort Churchill and York Factory i and a coast line extending about 400' miles from a point About eighty miles southeast of York Factory to n point about ninety tniles aouth- ea EN IFS 'Y 'S st of Fort Churchill The latest please of the campaign BACKACHE of misrepresentation that is being waged by the Opposition was effec- • tively exposed in the house on Sat- urday by Ilon. Geo. P. Graham. who in a speech eminently practical, and yet inspiring in its optimism, laid byre the facts concerning that great undertaking, the Transcontinental Railway. over which the Conserve- tive press has by flagrant deception endeavored to creste a panic throughout the country. The cir- cumstances giving rise to the latest Opposition outbreak were Peculiar.. The Minister of 'itailwways had inti- mated his intention of making n statement upon the 'Transcontinental on Tuesday evening, but at the re - Attest of Mr. foster he consented to' ilefer it until a later occasion. To the surprise of everybody and the Minister of Itnilways in particular, However. Mr. Borden suddenly rose in his place on Tuesday evening and proceeded lo make en 'elaborate and carefully prepared criticism of the' cost of the 'rrinscontinentaL his eonclueion. 1 11 on his own figures being Grit 1! a undertaking in its entirety cn't 1Le ry *250,000, 1' ;Nen his sl pledge le • 1 „ : that he '[would not mak. 1 : • 111 on Tuesday evening. `,!•. Iir.1,,n, tefaincd front' BOVRIL' is lr:rticularlr suitable for snnlllll'r use. When heating cold meat, canned pleat or lbttfk and heath, !.tir iii little Bovril and notice the difference. It will slake tilt' food more tatV, more nutli- tions and more digestible. Send a Dost card for 11'.1'' rt ciii,' booklet. •1 il-t v 11-11' S " 10 BU\'RIL LIMITED al ST. P1fI" STIlI:t:1',MONTREAL The backis to ' i the mains roman's organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble by aching.. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in the loins, weight in the lower part of to y,woman's h lxxt that a t s f('minore organismace s imc late attent ion.In such 4 t sl ' ase. he onsate, remedy whish speedily removes the cause, and restores the feminine organism to a t1''altllr, IUti•Snal ('" Ticlid"11 13 LYDIA E. PI N KIS#A M'S VEGETAII.E COMPOUND The. .I. .1. I.;:iiie.rt(', of :N ]kir "erect. Quebec, w'rite's to Mrs. I'lllkhalll: •. For six years 1 have been doctoring for female weakness. heart and nerve.. liver and kidney trouble, but in Lydia 1s. l'inkham's Vegetable C'omp'ound 1 can safely say 1 have found n cure. i was continualiy bothered with the most distressing bathai'.es. !wadaehes. and bearing down pains. and 1 kept growing rnore and more nervous. " Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable ('one ppoun.l relieved me of all these distress- ing symptoms and made the a ‘sell woman. I would advise al: r.'ia, ring women. contig or old. to 11c.' 1. !Ls 1:. Pink teen's Veeetals, FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty teary 1.v(li.i i'. Pink • haul's Vegetable C'ompouull, made from roots and herbs, has ',eon the' standard remedy for fcr .l'•' and has posit ivelycured tin"n •l::(1<t,f women who have been t ro11! ,ie,1 t. ' .. (displacements, inflantns:ttit,n, nit tion, fibroid tumors, irregularly.. perio(lic ixaine, backache, that bear - Ing -down feeling, flatulency.intliges- t ion,dizziltess,or nervous prostration. strung themselves auto but few weeks when be was ordered huule on sick leave. IIs came up out of hes cabin dressed ht civilian clothes and was met by the rear admiral, who extended 11111) a most cordial hand. A look of trou- bled disappointment flitted across the captain's brow, but vanished when he stepped to the head of the gangway and, looking over, saw, not the launch. but a twelve oared cutter manned en tlroly by officers of the Olympia. 'I la l e• were Wren In that boat who had not pulled a stroke for a quarter of n ecru• tury. The stars and stripes were tat the stern and a captain's silken coo,e, whip at the bow. anti whet; Ctipese Gridley, beloved alike by officers a !. ! men, entered the boat it was "u., oars!" and nil that. just tis though they were coinmon sailors that were to row him over to the :'.:taro. 1VLen be , down upon the lutnd,onte boat te., that was spread for Min he Lowell head, and Fla hands hid his 1. , •• First Lieutcnnut Deese, acting swain, ordered: "Shove off! Out oar • Give nway!"—St. NI.•l:rens. MOUNT ETNA. Its Wor.ders as Revealed In Ts15.s 1 Travelers. \luunt l:tua ha . ,... ,!..11 Hiner . tenial for tra1t'11 , :e. than .... other mountain ua the earth. As'•• ;• istieel 111 1i limen [t1' n century :..- %elum fell f•ttn the f:t'hlon11ble habit • clan:Fla ; 1 1:1 highest peak—told s.• did so. to t'.t• : ue:;el:lent of the fats. even in the bead et wittier—hase left et) record l:► 1':e exuberant Ian gal.:'ge a:f their deny lin• emotions the: Ihritled their soul. "The man w1:•. treads \luunt lana." wrote one 1)t these. "is tt now above the world. Gvery river on the island can be trace l from its mouth to Its source. "The diameters." tate same twri: cv::'i:;::e:. "of all the climates of :1.. earth can IN' deter-tett—the frigid close around one. the temperate with Its Mot of trees j:tst nnder:l(ra(h 111111 the t:„:• feat :31 the IntFt. of tate mountain. twitfi i!v t•s•cty:lr,f. and luxuriant grove= 'the g el. ocean around. with the Is. 3:ta,'s ce! 1.111:tri. 1'an:u•l..t11cadf. Strout 1011 mid Volcano. with their smoki1)- c3nnnits. appear:( under your feet. mei you look down upon the whole or Sicily as upon n 111np." 111 atIdit lull to all the elhnate:'. Etn-i is reported to have trees that rival the giants of Californin• lakes that never thaw. bottomless caverns and salable Eno:v that kept many nn ancient bishop well supplied with tittles._ All Very "Civil." In certain Eec'tiuus of the country there are much favored words which are required to do duty with a wide variety of meanings. Such Is tbo word "s:nnrt" among Yankees rind up along the Labrador shore the word "civil." 1'be following conversation between two natives tw is overheard by a traveler: "We are goln' to hive lots of dirt to- day," said one, glnncing itt the sky. "Naw. it'll be civll," replied his companion. "flow did you get elf with the cap- tain?" "Ole he got civil to hunting deer by and by. When he went out he didn't know nothing, but he got civilized." "Did you go down the KetcheeY" "Nato. It's too chit for him. He wanted lots of rapids, so we went down the Boomer. 'Them's about as civil rapids as I want to see."—Youth's Companion. Adhesive Eggs of Fishes. Among the fishes which produce ad- hesive eggs aro the little black head minnow (Pinlephales promelas) and the goldfish. The ]vale blackhead deposits the fecundated eggs singly upon the underside of leaves of water plants and watches them unceasingly until hatchet. The eggs of the goldfish are deposited singly upon the weeds and similar unit manner bythe mosses In n 1)r O�SC9 male fish. The eggs of the yellow perch are held together in narrow strips or ribbons of a glutlie, es character. Ad- ve eggs of other species, ns the lack Lass, sunfish, catfishes, etc., are deposited in masses in shallow nests or depressions on the bottom. rind still other species deposit their sp nwn in variously shaped ndLesive maeses upon water plants, roots and submerged ob- )eci 4 Papyrus. Tim papyrus of ancient times was matte from tho papyrus plant. The itt- tenor of the stalk of the plant niter the rind had been removed was cut into thin slips In the direction of their length, and, these being laid on n flat surface in succession, similar slices were placed over them at right angles, and, their surfaces being cemented to- gether by a sort of gine and subjected to the 1•roper degree of pressure and well dried, the papyrus was complete. Turn About. Dr. Sharpe—I any, Mr. Pooley, you're . long time paying me yout account. Mr Dooley—And It's a long toimc ye SOCA to cure me, be jabersl men are so eptlmistte that they to get into heaven on their Church record. — Washington CASTOR! I For Infants and Children. I • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s • • The Kind You Have i Always Bought • s Savings Bank Department •Y $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR • Times a Yea. • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HU [WON, Manager •••••••••••••••••••M►•••••o••••••••••••••••••••••• ! The Molsons Bank Established 1S35. HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP S3.372,500.00RESERVE FUND -•• • • ... $3_372.500.00 Assets Over $33,000,000.00 Transacted. General Banking Business ct ed Bears the Signature of In Use dor Over Thirty Years A *Its a$NTAea SarPANT. •:rCITT. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TE S TRADE MARKS D[siQNs COPYRIGHTS Pec. Anecno sending a sketeh and descrlp flan may quickly ascertain our opinion frog wt,cthrr an Intention 1s probably patentable, Coni rnnnIra. tions Ft rictlrcor,tldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents Sent tree Oldest agency for securing patent.. ria[ notice, without charge, lu thlubn ou. receive reeScientific American. A handsomely illustrate,' weekly. I.-irge.t ctr- culatlon or any scieutitic Journal. 'term, for Canada, i.75 a year postage prepaid.. S•.ld by n .newedealersNew York 'sup 361 Broattwap, alar St.. Washington. D. C. DISTRIBUTING (TILE REVENUE The reports of the various depart- ments of n great 9tailway systema :would, if made public, often surprise the readers of current news. 1t has been gathered that tlic Grand Trunk Railway System has spent, within the past few years, not Icss than fif- teen million dollars in double tral'k- ing the main line, and that the pio- neer Canadian 'Railway now 6Per- rites the longest stretch of double track under one management. in the world. In addition to this they have spent other millions in stations, shops and other improvements, thus increasing the carrying capacity of the road contributing to the upbuilding of the country. and at tate same time affording added security to the lives and property of its patrons which which the installation of block sig- nals on n ,it gels tracked line could never sre ores By the expenditure of all the'; • millions in Canada, they are dist r.hutiig the Revenue. or a [rood share of, it, among (be people. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bough Boars the Signature of a Preacher's Opinions Rev. P. K. McRae,Forks Baddeck C. B.: "I always count it a pleasure to recommend the Dr. Slocum Iteme,lies to my parishioners. I believe thorn is nothing hotter for throat an,' lung troubles or weakness or rundown sys- tem. Par speaker's sore throat I have founa Psychina very 1o nefictal. Rev. W. Ii. Stevens, Pnisley, Ont.: "Psychine seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity." Rev. R. M. Browne, Amherst head, N.`.. "I have often recommended Psychine since taking it myself, for it is a cure for the troubles you specify." Rev. Chile. Stirling. Bath. N.B.: "1 have used Psychine in my family; the results were marvelous. I have visited people who state that they never used its equal. I strongly recommend it. Rev. .1. 5. L Wilson. Markdale, Ont.: "I have taken two bottles of Psychine and am pleased to say that i ant greatly improved in health. i was troubled 'with my throat, but now I find it about rr.tored to its normal condition. 1 End my work very much less taxing. believe Psychine is all claimed for it.'' These aro earnest preachers of the gospel of Psychine. They know where• of they speak. Psychtno cures all threat, lung and stomach trouble!. It Is a great voice strengthener, noting directly on the vocal. respiratory and digestive organs. thus speeially adapted t,' ! i,' speaker.. At all draggi.ts . 1 f1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd. Tonin,.). souls 01 Ire Malin No(ln` west H ODt EBTEA D REGULATIONS. \Y even numbered section of Dominion lands in ANY aaskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 3 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 13 yet rs et age, to the extent of one -quer ter Bastion of 160 acres, more or less. Application for entry must be made in person by the applicant at a Dominion lands Agency or Sub• agency for the distnct in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an agen- cy on certa(nconditions by the father, mother, son, daughter brother or sister of an intending home- steader. The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following plans: (1) At least six months' residence upon and cult]• vatlon of the land in each year for three t ears. (2) A homesteader may if he so desires, perform the required residence duti es by living on farming land owned solely by hien. not teas than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this require. ment, (3) If the father (or mother, if the father is des ' k THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE tIN:AL OFFICE, TORONTO 1:1.1 tnl.115111:1, Iso7 8. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager 1 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00 Reserve Fund, - 5,000.000 Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT T"E FOLLOWING RATES. $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 -' $30 10 cents " $30 " $50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Canad (Yukon excepted), and at IIIc principal banking points in the. United States. They .110 negotiable at tiz.}.90 to the ,(, sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety St1 et small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 116 Branches at Exeter and Crediton Two 6 Octave Organs Second IIand. CHEAP Also Two Pianos Slightly used At Great Reduction. •••••••••••••••••••••o•••• ••• • • •• 2 • • • •• • • • Sewing Machines 2 • • The best made at prices that • will suit you. • 4.•o••••••••••••••••••••••1. 600 Book-keepers Stenographers and Telegraphers trained by our manage- ment last year. Exper- ience counts. Graduates most successful. Special Course for Teach- ers. Mail Courses. Send postal for partie- ulars. FRa TERM OPENS SEPT. I Chin Business College G EO. 1l'O't"I'ON, 1'itrsc•i r.w 1.. Bicycles, Baby Carriages and Go Carts Very attractive. Prices right Fine Stationery S. Martln Sc Son on fan In the owned has permanent residence Fall Ter m Opens on fanning land owned solely by kin,, not less than eighty 00) acres in extent, in the sicinity of rhe �.• __ homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him Sept1 �. in the sicinity such homesteader may perform his own residence duties by thing with the father or mother. 4 The tern, "vieinity" in the two premed ng paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine MUNI n adiret line, exclusite of road al ow• antes crossed In tha measurement. 5 A homesteader intending to perform his resi- dence duties in accordance with the above while tieing with his parents or on fuming land owned by himself must notify the agent of the district of each intention, Six months' notice in writing should be ghen to the Commisioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister el the interior N. B.—unauthorized pnblication of this advertise ment will not be paid for No Honing— No Grinding twirl.* PLAS MES-. N--,,1 Steel is refined iro,—iron without air, dirt or foreign substaace—fused with carbon. Carbon gives tough• nese and strength—top much make! It brittle and worthless; too little, soft and pliable. Steel varies according to thegrade� used, tempering and quality of labor employed. Unless you have devoted' all your time to its manufacture you' know the almost impossible task ) of judging the finished art,cl 6To break the artidt an4 examine the grain, hammer and Ale it t0 note the quality of labor!#and other equally destructive tests is out of e the question.. There is but one real : test for you—take ,t and try it for a period of time.' Cutlery steel—such as is used in making Carbo Magnetic tar ors— must be of the (nest selected grade tempered uniformly throughout to a' dumond•bke hardness. Fire,with its varying temperature, wilt not dothis. Thirty years'of most careful re. 'search a•'d study have shown a way to add carbo:[ to the Carbo Magnetic rasor steel and merge it uniformly througho t the metal hie secret proc•.. ess of Electric Tempering. An ex• j( etuuve and severe test of the mashed blade results in an •eels to uniformity) in the Inci. and we arethus ens led to u nconditionally Owrant♦se every Carbo Magnetic rasor used. But test this no boning, 00 • gr•lrldlg rasor tnlyout owe hotee_ —or have your barber use it oa Drop us a postai, or better yet, come ,n and see as and we will give you our new proposition for having' these rasor, tested Without ebliga•j hon to purchase, together with our free booklet Hints on $Latin`." •I W. S. Cole, 1)i•111;:;ist 1 All disorders c.:u-c d by .i (aliens! state of the system c .'1 he cured by using Carter's I.ittle Laver fill.. No pain, griping or disoorr.fort :151rn'1- 1 ing their use. Try them. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. • • The sooner you complete a course in this school the sooner • you may expect to hold a posit• • ion of trust. Our coursee are • thorough and practical. Our • students always succeed. We • assist graduates to positiont. • \\'e have three departments, • Commercial, Shorthand and • Telegraphy. We employ expel•• • ienced instructorr+. Catalogue • free. • F:LL1o'1"1' & MCLA('HLAN, • • • Principals, +e -S• 4 -e -S 1••N•1•i--t••1•i••1•-1-i• S -N :••1••1••1' i• Sete • • • • •• • • • ••• • ••• •• —Get your sato bills printed 1)t tho Times Office. Free notice will be given in the paper when bills is a r printed here. \Vo can have your bills ready 'for posting front two to four hours atter tha order is r•eceis'ed. THF. BALANCE SHEET Not as an answer to its critics, or with the hope of satisfying the coif stant persistent demand for lower rates, but just as n matter of newe, the interesting fact has been givet2 out that the Grand Trunk bas, with- in the past Ice. years expended 000,000, in double tracking the rnaLi line from (Montreal to Chicago, that they have now over a thousand miles ; of double line—the longest continue ons (double track under one manage, ment in the world. At the same time they have been: laying down 80 pound steel where he former days there was 65 and 72 pound rails. And now, having set a new and heavier standard, they are replacing Abe 80 pound steel with new rails weighing 100 pounds to the yard. In other ways they are bringing the system up to n stand- and which .will make it, in :111 re- spects, a first-class railway. Every nese bridge put in is made to carry, e the heaviest load. All this money, or the tnost of it, finds its way back to the pockets of the people, for the work is done largely in Canada, and the materials entering into the work, are largely the products of Canadian mills and Canadian hands. And nil over the t'a?;t system, from Niagara on the south, North Bay at the North—from Portland to Chicago, they are building new shops. round houses, stations and other buildings. In the double track alone tete company have provided additional safety that no mere block system could secure. No (doubt as business justifies other lines will be (double tracked especially the lines leading (town from the Great Lakes, the out- let for the wheet of the Northwest. BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been remover] from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom al.trms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford to ren the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used iudiscriminately-they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables its to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character. leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen reit hair will grow in, and swollen glantil will re- turn to a normal-andition, and the patient will feel and look like a different person. All case; we accept for treatment are guaranteed a corn- i,lete cure if instructions are followed. Reader if in d,•ubt as to your condition, yon can consult us F REI: f)F i I1,\R ;E. Beware of incompetent doctor.; who have no reputation or re11ah1'i::v. Drs. K. & K. have been e,'ablishc,l ever 2) )ears. WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. 11 unable to call write for a Question List for Horne Treatment. DR5.KENN EDY& KEN N t DY Cor. Michigan & Griswold Sts. 1 all=1$ — 1 eget4blerfcpal•ationforAs- �ting alisfoodand Rcgala- It1CStomachs anillo\\' of i\1•AN IS (HIL»Itt:N I onlotes'Di:gestian,Cleerfug- 1ltess ad Ifest.Contains neither um, torphine nor mineral. OT NAIVCUT1C. .aowdad D^SIMZ Ll77r.�Jd �WG1eai rgd - RfAutM .iia.►� }'ad. A pellet Iternrdy for Constipa- 1ion. Sour -S tomach,Diafrhoea, 11 'orms,Convulsions,Feveri sh- ams imdLOSS OF SLEEP. TacS inule'5i tiahue of NEW YORK. :1I6 tnurttLti ul(1 33 Dust-35CA:NTs LExACY COPYUP WRAPPER. ...eat CASTOR! I For Infants and Children. I • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• s • • The Kind You Have i Always Bought • s Savings Bank Department •Y $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR • Times a Yea. • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HU [WON, Manager •••••••••••••••••••M►•••••o••••••••••••••••••••••• ! The Molsons Bank Established 1S35. HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP S3.372,500.00RESERVE FUND -•• • • ... $3_372.500.00 Assets Over $33,000,000.00 Transacted. General Banking Business ct ed Bears the Signature of In Use dor Over Thirty Years A *Its a$NTAea SarPANT. •:rCITT. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TE S TRADE MARKS D[siQNs COPYRIGHTS Pec. Anecno sending a sketeh and descrlp flan may quickly ascertain our opinion frog wt,cthrr an Intention 1s probably patentable, Coni rnnnIra. tions Ft rictlrcor,tldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patents Sent tree Oldest agency for securing patent.. ria[ notice, without charge, lu thlubn ou. receive reeScientific American. A handsomely illustrate,' weekly. I.-irge.t ctr- culatlon or any scieutitic Journal. 'term, for Canada, i.75 a year postage prepaid.. S•.ld by n .newedealersNew York 'sup 361 Broattwap, alar St.. Washington. D. C. DISTRIBUTING (TILE REVENUE The reports of the various depart- ments of n great 9tailway systema :would, if made public, often surprise the readers of current news. 1t has been gathered that tlic Grand Trunk Railway System has spent, within the past few years, not Icss than fif- teen million dollars in double tral'k- ing the main line, and that the pio- neer Canadian 'Railway now 6Per- rites the longest stretch of double track under one management. in the world. In addition to this they have spent other millions in stations, shops and other improvements, thus increasing the carrying capacity of the road contributing to the upbuilding of the country. and at tate same time affording added security to the lives and property of its patrons which which the installation of block sig- nals on n ,it gels tracked line could never sre ores By the expenditure of all the'; • millions in Canada, they are dist r.hutiig the Revenue. or a [rood share of, it, among (be people. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bough Boars the Signature of a Preacher's Opinions Rev. P. K. McRae,Forks Baddeck C. B.: "I always count it a pleasure to recommend the Dr. Slocum Iteme,lies to my parishioners. I believe thorn is nothing hotter for throat an,' lung troubles or weakness or rundown sys- tem. Par speaker's sore throat I have founa Psychina very 1o nefictal. Rev. W. Ii. Stevens, Pnisley, Ont.: "Psychine seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity." Rev. R. M. Browne, Amherst head, N.`.. "I have often recommended Psychine since taking it myself, for it is a cure for the troubles you specify." Rev. Chile. Stirling. Bath. N.B.: "1 have used Psychine in my family; the results were marvelous. I have visited people who state that they never used its equal. I strongly recommend it. Rev. .1. 5. L Wilson. Markdale, Ont.: "I have taken two bottles of Psychine and am pleased to say that i ant greatly improved in health. i was troubled 'with my throat, but now I find it about rr.tored to its normal condition. 1 End my work very much less taxing. believe Psychine is all claimed for it.'' These aro earnest preachers of the gospel of Psychine. They know where• of they speak. Psychtno cures all threat, lung and stomach trouble!. It Is a great voice strengthener, noting directly on the vocal. respiratory and digestive organs. thus speeially adapted t,' ! i,' speaker.. At all draggi.ts . 1 f1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd. Tonin,.). souls 01 Ire Malin No(ln` west H ODt EBTEA D REGULATIONS. \Y even numbered section of Dominion lands in ANY aaskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 3 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 13 yet rs et age, to the extent of one -quer ter Bastion of 160 acres, more or less. Application for entry must be made in person by the applicant at a Dominion lands Agency or Sub• agency for the distnct in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, however, be made at an agen- cy on certa(nconditions by the father, mother, son, daughter brother or sister of an intending home- steader. The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following plans: (1) At least six months' residence upon and cult]• vatlon of the land in each year for three t ears. (2) A homesteader may if he so desires, perform the required residence duti es by living on farming land owned solely by hien. not teas than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this require. ment, (3) If the father (or mother, if the father is des ' k THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE tIN:AL OFFICE, TORONTO 1:1.1 tnl.115111:1, Iso7 8. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager 1 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00 Reserve Fund, - 5,000.000 Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT T"E FOLLOWING RATES. $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 -' $30 10 cents " $30 " $50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Canad (Yukon excepted), and at IIIc principal banking points in the. United States. They .110 negotiable at tiz.}.90 to the ,(, sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety St1 et small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 116 Branches at Exeter and Crediton Two 6 Octave Organs Second IIand. CHEAP Also Two Pianos Slightly used At Great Reduction. •••••••••••••••••••••o•••• ••• • • •• 2 • • • •• • • • Sewing Machines 2 • • The best made at prices that • will suit you. • 4.•o••••••••••••••••••••••1. 600 Book-keepers Stenographers and Telegraphers trained by our manage- ment last year. Exper- ience counts. Graduates most successful. Special Course for Teach- ers. Mail Courses. Send postal for partie- ulars. FRa TERM OPENS SEPT. I Chin Business College G EO. 1l'O't"I'ON, 1'itrsc•i r.w 1.. Bicycles, Baby Carriages and Go Carts Very attractive. Prices right Fine Stationery S. Martln Sc Son on fan In the owned has permanent residence Fall Ter m Opens on fanning land owned solely by kin,, not less than eighty 00) acres in extent, in the sicinity of rhe �.• __ homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him Sept1 �. in the sicinity such homesteader may perform his own residence duties by thing with the father or mother. 4 The tern, "vieinity" in the two premed ng paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than nine MUNI n adiret line, exclusite of road al ow• antes crossed In tha measurement. 5 A homesteader intending to perform his resi- dence duties in accordance with the above while tieing with his parents or on fuming land owned by himself must notify the agent of the district of each intention, Six months' notice in writing should be ghen to the Commisioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister el the interior N. B.—unauthorized pnblication of this advertise ment will not be paid for No Honing— No Grinding twirl.* PLAS MES-. N--,,1 Steel is refined iro,—iron without air, dirt or foreign substaace—fused with carbon. Carbon gives tough• nese and strength—top much make! It brittle and worthless; too little, soft and pliable. Steel varies according to thegrade� used, tempering and quality of labor employed. Unless you have devoted' all your time to its manufacture you' know the almost impossible task ) of judging the finished art,cl 6To break the artidt an4 examine the grain, hammer and Ale it t0 note the quality of labor!#and other equally destructive tests is out of e the question.. There is but one real : test for you—take ,t and try it for a period of time.' Cutlery steel—such as is used in making Carbo Magnetic tar ors— must be of the (nest selected grade tempered uniformly throughout to a' dumond•bke hardness. Fire,with its varying temperature, wilt not dothis. Thirty years'of most careful re. 'search a•'d study have shown a way to add carbo:[ to the Carbo Magnetic rasor steel and merge it uniformly througho t the metal hie secret proc•.. ess of Electric Tempering. An ex• j( etuuve and severe test of the mashed blade results in an •eels to uniformity) in the Inci. and we arethus ens led to u nconditionally Owrant♦se every Carbo Magnetic rasor used. But test this no boning, 00 • gr•lrldlg rasor tnlyout owe hotee_ —or have your barber use it oa Drop us a postai, or better yet, come ,n and see as and we will give you our new proposition for having' these rasor, tested Without ebliga•j hon to purchase, together with our free booklet Hints on $Latin`." •I W. S. Cole, 1)i•111;:;ist 1 All disorders c.:u-c d by .i (aliens! state of the system c .'1 he cured by using Carter's I.ittle Laver fill.. No pain, griping or disoorr.fort :151rn'1- 1 ing their use. Try them. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. • • The sooner you complete a course in this school the sooner • you may expect to hold a posit• • ion of trust. Our coursee are • thorough and practical. Our • students always succeed. We • assist graduates to positiont. • \\'e have three departments, • Commercial, Shorthand and • Telegraphy. We employ expel•• • ienced instructorr+. Catalogue • free. • F:LL1o'1"1' & MCLA('HLAN, • • • Principals, +e -S• 4 -e -S 1••N•1•i--t••1•i••1•-1-i• S -N :••1••1••1' i• Sete • • • • •• • • • ••• • ••• •• —Get your sato bills printed 1)t tho Times Office. Free notice will be given in the paper when bills is a r printed here. \Vo can have your bills ready 'for posting front two to four hours atter tha order is r•eceis'ed. THF. BALANCE SHEET Not as an answer to its critics, or with the hope of satisfying the coif stant persistent demand for lower rates, but just as n matter of newe, the interesting fact has been givet2 out that the Grand Trunk bas, with- in the past Ice. years expended 000,000, in double tracking the rnaLi line from (Montreal to Chicago, that they have now over a thousand miles ; of double line—the longest continue ons (double track under one manage, ment in the world. At the same time they have been: laying down 80 pound steel where he former days there was 65 and 72 pound rails. And now, having set a new and heavier standard, they are replacing Abe 80 pound steel with new rails weighing 100 pounds to the yard. In other ways they are bringing the system up to n stand- and which .will make it, in :111 re- spects, a first-class railway. Every nese bridge put in is made to carry, e the heaviest load. All this money, or the tnost of it, finds its way back to the pockets of the people, for the work is done largely in Canada, and the materials entering into the work, are largely the products of Canadian mills and Canadian hands. And nil over the t'a?;t system, from Niagara on the south, North Bay at the North—from Portland to Chicago, they are building new shops. round houses, stations and other buildings. In the double track alone tete company have provided additional safety that no mere block system could secure. No (doubt as business justifies other lines will be (double tracked especially the lines leading (town from the Great Lakes, the out- let for the wheet of the Northwest. BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been remover] from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom al.trms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford to ren the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used iudiscriminately-they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables its to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character. leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen reit hair will grow in, and swollen glantil will re- turn to a normal-andition, and the patient will feel and look like a different person. All case; we accept for treatment are guaranteed a corn- i,lete cure if instructions are followed. Reader if in d,•ubt as to your condition, yon can consult us F REI: f)F i I1,\R ;E. Beware of incompetent doctor.; who have no reputation or re11ah1'i::v. Drs. K. & K. have been e,'ablishc,l ever 2) )ears. WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. 11 unable to call write for a Question List for Horne Treatment. DR5.KENN EDY& KEN N t DY Cor. Michigan & Griswold Sts. 1