HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-09, Page 81; EXETER '11 M1 S JULY 0th Ms, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+++++++++ STEWART'S PHONE 16 Money Savers --For Ju1y- $5.50 \ten's kool, unlined Tweed Sullilner Suits. .lust the thing for these hot days. -r $1 & $1,50 $ 1 .50 For Men's Dressy Summer crests, pure white and white with small black eul- broi(lc red figures. V For men's fine Straw Sailors. Latest style crown and brine They look cool. They are cool. $1.00, $1.25, $1,50, $1.75, $2.00 For live extra special values in Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waists. These are a lot of manufac- turers samples that carne to us. The saving is so great that you can see it in every waist. Buy one. Redpaths Extra Granulated ;Sugar Are you getting it. We sell none other. Some stores do because the profit to tllenl is greater, but. remember Redpaths is best by teat. POULTRY We are buyers of Turkeys, Chickens, 1Iens and Ducks, either alive or dressed. Bring us good duality and we will give you the very highest price. J". A. STEW ART +++++++++++++++++•++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++*+++++++++4 '+++++++++++++++++ Gifts to the Bride A Few Good Suggestions Never before were we in a better position to offer von an extensive sel- ection hi suitable, useful and accept- able Wedding Gifts and the closebt. [,rice on every article from works of bighe.l artistic merit to the loeeest price slake it greatly to your advan- tagehere. cage to buy hc Beautiful Silverware such as Cake Plates, Tea Sets, Fern Dishes, Biscuit Jars, Marnta- Bowls, i Bake 3 Marma- lades, Salad Dishes told many other hand- some pieces. Rich ('ut (lass, Vases, Sugars eR I I h l' n ►e()live Die hes. ren an Butter 'rubs, Oil Bottles, l'ar- alTee, Tumblers. Berry Bowls, Celery Dishes, Etc. A. MARCHAND Wedding icings a'Specialty. SPRIN6 SUITINGS A number of New Browns, Wood col- ors and Elephant Grey Suitings just received. The correct thing foi the spring sea. soli. Shur -On{ i�r. f.ve - '� 4. 0,Jt1sSE.'S , and you will say they are 'sure on' when you try them You can't possibly shake t hese off. Make you look years younger. We have t hese famous glasses in all sizes. Eyes 'Tested Free. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Market Report . -The The srke e. a is RELIABLE the report of Exeter tnarkele, eor_' loves atReduced'THErealee t, to Jul)' hel.Lon C OLD \\-heat, 75c a bushel. g ti ley, 45 to 48 cents. tided Flour :STAR, Beset I;r e, •_0. rices oats, 40 to 43 cents. � for it. White and '+ ('hemist and Optician. 1•:\ETEIt - ON'IAItlO. WANTED A Sexton for the 'frivitt Memor- ial Church. Duties to cemmen a nt once. state salary. Apply (6 fr. Hawkins.1. J. Knight, •►mens. -Mr. henry Bogart'', of Battle - Creek, Mich., is visiting the llogarth family in Stephen. -Miss Jlinnie, Sanders, milliner. who spent the past season in London as returned home. h rc tc ho e -An interesting game of baseball will be played this (Thursday) even- ing between the regulars and the "Never Sweats" No ndmission. -A rink of Norwich Bowlers came up in an automobile yesterday to Play the local players. The gnme is itt progress as we go to press. Miss Millie Martin, Miss L. itobin- Mon and :Miss Irene Ilandford left for (ioderich Tuesday evening. where they will take the lake trip to ?De- troit. -Mr. t3idney Davis bad a valuable brood marc killed by lightening dur- ing the storm Monday. The ani- mal ..as one of a team valued at t? 500. -Mr. fico. Powell, of Mill etrect. docs not care whether the price of W' W. TABIAN I old potatoes incrcnsea or Dol. lie( c is now supplying his table with this • year's tubers and lies been doing so \terehant Tailor. since the first of July. .tr. anti Mr.. Gordon Jaynes rc- - I 0 rton EXETER,ONTARIO. I turned to their home in Croswell. t Mich., after spending p delightful visit with the billet's sisl,•r, Mrs. E. Maguire. Mr. and ('Mrs. Jaynes travelled her cin their auto end nr.• to be congratulated on their pluck in coming ao far. (31'BS('RI11F. Volt 1111 'Yi.1Fw1. St'f19CRL111; FOl1 '111E 'rIMF:r(. SUBSCRIBE FOR Tim TIMES. SUBSCRIBE FOR T11l TIMES. Peas, 7U to 75c. Shorts :�23. i The real hot weather it. here, are you prepared 1'c,•d their. el.3.+ to X1.55. t Ladies Silk (iloves i 15 inch. long) in Tans, Browns, Create, The t Clover seed. LAB to $10 per bushel. Black, euperi0I• quality. Regular $1.111 glove for s•Ir. Here are a few "how to keep cool suggestions. Ladies lace (ilovts, 1s inch. in ('ream er White, tine quality, will wash and year well. Regular price tate for Me pair. ' Ladies Lible Glove.: in Cream or White, Is inch. long. Excellent wearing )ivality, regular price tilt.: for Ise. . ('o.ti, X7.25 a ton. butter, 19e. Eggs 16c. I'otatoet 60c per bag. Iloggs, dressed te7.75 to ?k.t.U. hogs, liweweight ?76.50. illy $7 to $8. \\'col, uneetehett, Se Ib. Wool eetelledt 1:3 to i4 cels. Ladies Silk and Leather Belts. Ladies silk Belts in Blue, Grey, Green Black and White. Vet•y pretty Istyles. all tete dualities for 31k•. Ladies Kid Belts in Browns, Blues, Greens told Black with fancy buckles, ••••••••••••••••••••••♦••: i regular trice :3sc; reduced to '25c, • • • LOCALS • 1 Torchon and Val. Laces at Big Reductions • • I All Laces selling off at greatly reduced prices. Some very dainty pat- +•••+•++ •••••••• 1 terns; all new geode, in all widths. Special cut price on 12 yd. lengths. I have a lot of good, grass .tt,d.c.tn take n few hard of horse$ or crit tee to pasture for ti:e s=ason. I.. 110-; Taiggart. -June is •t he month of weddinea1 and don't 'forget that he Times basil Our stock of embroideries is altogether too large. in order to clear out a l h ' i 12 1=2 Bleached Cotton for 10c Beautiful tine even thread. :311 inch. wide, flee from dressing, it bargain 10c Embroideries at Wholesale Prices the fin,•? 'lino o[ wedding ut, st a tiote`ery to be ?lad. Our type for Plinth",lines we are selling out the entire stock at cost price. its great ninny All te Ic embroideries for 14c All I21c embroideries for ;I;; All 15c embroideries for 10c All tic embroideries for le 50e quality of Overlace for :Wein white only, pretty patterns, 15 inches wide invitations is new and t'.^-to-;lalto. DR. OVENH EYI. AND EAI? SUIt- geon, will be y 30 the C to ine4.3 vital Hotel. nous 0 p. in. Glosses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye car and noso treated. Next visit Friday July 31st. -'rhe Times from now until Jany. 1st. 100 for Fifty Cents. - WANTED.-A smart boy to learn printing. -Mr. \Vib Martin spent Sunday nt the Bend. -Mr. Soul. Martin left last Friday for Port nope. -Mr. '1t. 1. Lang, of St. Marys vas in town friday. -Miss Sweet returned home from St. Marys last week. -Mr. Orville Southcolt is spend, iug the .reek at the Bend. -91rs. McMartin, of Barrie. is the guest of Mrs. It. 11. Collins. -Dr. Art Ramsay, Dotni ►ion Meat Inspector, spent Sunday i town. -Chief County Constalle Grundy. of Goderich was in town londay. -The Glorious twelft ebrated at Goderich n - The contractors reel work on the dra' ?vitt be eel - Mr. and Mrs. Bu tit ho. (nee .Miss •t Monday. Lily Blatchford,) of Detroit have ewe commen- left for Rockaway, New Jersey, Mr. e on Andrew st, . BolitIto will practice law in New -Mr. and Mrs. %V. S. Howey, are fork. =1tev. •Gauld, the Missionary to spending the iweek camping at the Bend. Japan, and in this country 40c Roller Blinds for 25c 5 doz. Blinds, mounted on best rollers in green anti cream, et gular 111c ,luality clearing at 25c complete. SNELL & ROWE -Don't fail to hear the London Harpers et the garden party on ?Main street Methodist church lawn July 17. - Miss Nellie Jones, of Thantesford, visited Mrs. 11. Davis during the past eek. -The Clinton New Era celebrated its 43rd birthday Monday July flt h. The present proprietor assisted in getting out the first issue. - Miss Muriel Jones, daughter of Wm. Jones and Viola Jones, daugh- ter of Edwin Jones, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Cooper, London. -The canning factory commenced operation last (Thursday. Peas are the first crop to be panned and the prospects are there will be a large pack. - Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott visit- on n furlough. will take charge of ed last week with 'Mr. Boltzmann. church services in the stain street church next .Sunday. Zurich. -Mr. Harold Bissett, o[ Amherst - champion - Gans. the colored lightweight - champion for twenty years was de- burt;, is spending his vacation at his Tented at Ban Francisco on July 4th hone here. by ilattling Nelson, whom Gans de- -Misses Edna rollick and Winnle fcated two years ago. I:award are spending the week at -lir. ltobt. Sillery was in London the Mend. • last week on account of °Iteration - Miss Zimmermann, of Toronto. which was being performed' Ion a is a guest. at the home of Dr. brother. tvho was taken to the hos- Browning. pital sotne weeks ago. I -.117. 'Rule. Southcolt, of Londoir ---JIr. Thos. ]larvcy and daughter epent Sunday at the home of i\Irs.1 Gertie left Saturday morning on an hout).cott, extended trip to (Moncton, N. 13. -Mrs. Sol. thinly expects to re On their way they will nttend the tercentenary at Quebec. turn this week from a visit to Car- sonville, -Mrs. \Ven. Jnckson. of London, is visiting her tnot her Mts. C. Smith Exeter North. - Mr. Dyer Bunion. of Ituffelo, spent the Atnerican holiday with his parents here. . Miss Leah hemmer has been en- gaged as book-keeper at the Can- ning factory. - Mi+., Liwir•gstone. milliner for 3. A. Stewart left Saturday for the summer vacation. The Spotton Business College nt Clinton lies closed (pr the months of .iuly and August. II 1 - Mrs. C.:\. . onlhcolt •enl daugh- ter Stella me ti ting friends in Blyth this week. Miss Annie $a tiers and Sirs Mc- Evoy left on M nday on a trip to the northwest. -Mrs. Antos left 11 oti 1, y 1 a• for Mc- Gillivray c- I Gillivray to spend a few dey<, when she will leave for Brantford and liotwntant'illc for a short visit before leaving for the Northwest. Lieut. W. J. Beaman received word Saturday that he had been selected as one of the three officers of the 33rd regt. to go to Quebec to tako part in the Ierccnter:cry ;celebrat- ion. - Tete farmers are this week bus- ily engaged in getting in their hay crop. The crop this year • is very good. The wheat is rapidly cdlor- tn8 and will be wady in a (civ weeks. -A .very interesting g:une of base- ball was played at She grounds last Friday evening between the regu- lars u- lars and the "Never Sweats" result- ing in a victory for the former by the score of 15 to 10. - Mile Mabel Walter, of Gray & -y[r. AI. Bissett has been appoint- '• London(' home for a coil-•, . [ .irker f.on fort t ' istc'•il ovenuncut, as pie weeks' yacht ion cd pc the 1 roto► t, g Inspector of automobiles in the vil- -Mrs. Livingstone. anti child, of Inge or going through the village Milverton are the guests of Mr. and It is understood the salary is $2.50 i•1 rs. John Ila w kshaw. I per day. -Mr. 1,. C Fleming this week sold his resident on Victoria street to 1't of. Ruse, of lfcnsall. -Mr. L. C. Fleming Inst week en- tered upon hie duller. as County Sec- retary for the Y. M. C. A. Ile took -The young companions of our 1'. Miss Carrie Knight left last week a trip to Clinton and Blyth to look D. who skiddocd off and left him to to spend the summer vocation with the ground over with a view of walk home on the Ise, have a story her parents at Merton. starting branches and reports very going the rounds about them. The -Mr. Andrew Lrmrnic, of Detroit, favorable prospects. aforesaid 1'. D. had engnged the rig visited friends in and around Exeter -9E r. Ham, teprescntii,g the Gibbs to go to the (lend as he wits supposed during the past week. Company, .w'as here Friday ►caking to know how to harness a horse, - Jiro. 1'. i'enhale returned to nrrangcalents for the opening tip of and when t he young fellows went to Myth on Friday of last week atter the evaporator in a few weeks. Mr. get the horses. they did not want to Ilatn thinks the company will have make any racket. nod went at their spending a few days in totwn• to put in tyro mere kilns in order work so euietIy that when the ani- - Mr. atie M a. lames Jarrott, of to take Bare of the Large crop that mals were hitched up it erns found 1Iillsgreen, spelt (Sunday with the is expected this year. that the harness was on backwards (ormer's poral is Exeter North. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 91c'1'atish, and instead of the bite being jn the - 3Iiss Mariam Elston left Monday after a honeymoon t rip up t he mouths of the animals. they had morning on trip to Edmonton likes. ieturned to Exner 00 ESatur. placed Ibc cruppers there instead, •.here she w i visit her brother. ?lay and visited with Mrs. Me'l'av- the bits under their fails, and the ish's parents. Mr. and Airs. John C011aro upside dow u. 1'bc tniatake -Mr. Mel in llowey leaves today 'Taylor over Eiunday, On Sunday was noticed by a ft•cnd. who took on a trip U rough the eNorthwtet.-,.wgeninl;solo Mirs. JaMcTaey Stvishreet sangchurpa leas -ch. sprue neninut., to get the will be Iifoesejriec• tuu mcluines harnessed pioperly and was Edit 8aillincry ndcrs List neckat Kcorn• comp1The 33rd iteginteut is to furnish ;i also deligtwehtelqd ii'ilh 1he opporlvuily Ills destine( on pld hseason in - any of forty-two titin. including to drive thorn home. cardine ant returned home on Mon- day. ment which will rep: emelt the rural issue) in contmornoration of the ter - make lo iness men of Clinton are militia of Western Ontario at the ccntenarY celebration nt Quebec arc tl►inkinq 1 building a new nkat- Quebec tercentenary celebration. To' n°tt ready, and will Le placed ton Ing and et ruing ,rink for the coming rnrike tip this composite company each' salt• next week. 9'hc stnrops me of winter. company commanded in the 3tr l is to •moat artistic design, and are la rg- - Mr. J in Motley Los improved select fire tnentfrotn his cotnpnny. ,et lhrn She ordinary rise, to alloy, (he appear ncc o[ his hotel by ha r- The 33reI ?Ito is to furnish the ndjul- boric ?scene$, polate 1 rtfise,tt`►tion of his. r- ing a new cement %calk laid at the ant for the tcestern Ontario regi- acri tti etc. The d - mrnt. { on of each denomination is :es north side 1 follow„ Balf-cent, re enure of Mr. Art nell left Monday for the The contractor., building the new: the Prince and 1'ri et', of \Vnlrs: Mend to se it the change would be- tldewnik on 9Liin street should bc'' one -cent• green. 1 ortr tits of Dhnm- nefit his h alth. itis parents ae- compelled to keep lanterns on their! piniu and (.'artier: too -rent, r, �, eotapauicd 1 nu. . piles of gravel in the streets daring King i dw:et.1 and Que, n Alex : hetet. i t r ere c Teo t t s h thenight. o l g _c • five• int e • hl ►,, e.+jtreaentttion of -)irs. $a mei Bradt end twb) sous caused on account of no light t:. one f.'Ifabilttion do ()eviler ; scion -taut, Win. and 3 e. returned home last' on Saturday evening. when two men,yellow, picture of /9lontcalni and w,•ek after p, titling three ?weeny were tumbl. d out of their buggy., •\Volta • ten -cent, uwnve. picture r,f with friends in Toledo• o tiler ase. and on$itn'I:t lirsey r i.tcr� thrloti o,t�' Q'►abet in 1700: fifteen•cent, picot) r, -Re r. Mrpon tele t fot p i 1 of thy Writ of fti' old reg: m.• : 1 wen- t-. premch,'I «o exception illy fine I'ortunatcly none 01 the occupantsof I Iy-cent, green, picture of a Coe sermons in th Maui Street Method- the rigs were injured, but a serious do bolt with Indian,. ist chute!) la. t Sunday. I accident might happen. Let us Mhl Your rrs6rl DtI011S No matter where or by whom your prescription is written, we can com- pound it, We Make a Specialty of Prescription Work and are equipped to give service of an -Cool White Goods --Linen Lawns -Parisians Lawns -Organdies -- 1'at'is Linen These are the most popular fabrics this season and are in- deed very cool told ('crltfort- ablo for the 11-)t (lays. ideal character. \\'e have in stock a Very Large Stock of Prescription Drugs including all the new remedies. All work in this department will receive Our Special Attention. Prices are reasonable and alike to all. COLE'S DRUG STORE Prescription Druggist. EXETER - ONTAItIO. -White Waists -White Underskirts -Sumpter Corsets -Corset Covers -Summer Millinery There is no better assort- ment of cool ready -to ;year things to be Lound anywhere at our prices. Hens and boys cool clothing Hats and Furnishings in all the latest styles at very reasonable prices. A job line of Childress and Woinens Shoes suitable for summer wear ranging from $1, 1.25, 1.50 and $2, the price now crit in two, 50c, 62c, 75e, and $1, Speak quick, Highest Price Paid for Produce. -Come and see the country store and post office at the 'Main street church garden party July 170. -Mrs. Barnwell entertained a num- i,.•r of friends Monday everting in honor of lir grandson. Dr. Seldon. -Mr. and Mrs. m . rigg, o Thomas, called on Mr. Win. Grigg. sr.. on Saturday. Mr. Win. Grigg, jr. left 'Monday for a trip to Cal- gary. -Monday the weather was hot enough to make one discard all un- necessary clothing and Tuesday even- ing it was cold enough to put on an overcoat. One of the balloons racing from Chicago, landed near Clinton Sunday morning. The occupants were badly injured by being dragged against a barb wire fence. CARLINC BROS. New Grocery and Shoe Store 2 DoDrs North of Postoftiice,opposite Wood's Meat Market Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, Women and Children, all sizes, at the very lowest cash price Call and be convinced. Hes NOCef ieS SnOeS T. J. WILSON. -Mr. Eber S. llogarth, brother of Messrs. .11ogarth, Stephen, professor of languages in the late Normal Col- lege at 'Lamilton, left on Saturday for an extensive trip through Europe visiting Havre, Berlin, etc. While in the old country he will further pursue bis studies. -The Exeter Bargain Store is the To 1st ('las. 2nd Ciao Spot for :Bargains. - Another three Winnipeg, Man. $270..0(10.145)(1 $21.01) days cheap sale at the Exeter Bar- PortageLal'r:iicie.Ilfan. 2 21.85 gain Store, 'Thursday. Friday >, and Brandon, Man. i(). 3'3.00 ?Saturday the Atb, 10thand 11th of Regina. Sank. 35.75 27.50 July. There will be offered at this Noose Jaw, Sask. fine, up-to-date shoes, regular price P 31.75 .?'3,35 big bargain sale 40 pairs o[ children's Saskatoon, Sask, 42,15 :30,85 rince Albert,Sask. 43,05 31,4 75 cents. Your choice of this lot for Edmonton, Alta. 52.:O 37.55 25 cents per pair ; .also 65 pairs taf Red Deer. Alta. 52,211 :37.;x3 girls and boys shoes and 50 pairs of Proportionate Rates to other pointe White Kid and IN. Lite Canvas shoos in the Canadian Northwest. 'Trains all go for hal[ price, and a cracking GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Ys EM From Exeter via Chicago and St. Paul bargain lot of men's and ladies shoes for one dollar per pair. Also for sale very cheap one National Cash 'Register, one steel Safe, one Show Case, one pair of Counter Scales and n lot o[ l'aper Bags, all very cbeap. Rattling .big bargains. -J. W. Brod- erick. The Toronto News calls attention to the danger caused by the common house -fly, and says. -"'She alarming disease spreading capabilities ' ar • h0 oat. re- the ordw Y of h y ;vire attention at this season. This Peat lives it's larval life almost ex- clusively in animal excrement, and conveys germs from the dejecta of the sick to the food of the )well. It carries cholera, typLoid, dysentery, and tuberculosis germs. Of these typhoid [ever is the most commonly fly -borne of the four. The flies get their [ect and mouths covered ,with the germ -laden material, and thus carry it to the food ,which they may visit. From laboratory experiments -An important circular has been contaminated seems probable that a fly onto contaminated with the typhoid germ issued by the Illailw-ny authorities may retain this germ in ti 'living to the engineers and firemen re- garding condition for at least three 'weeks. the law of sounding whist- ?n insect rata the: sputum of con - les. 1'be circular states that corn- siltupnsection, and fly -spots are ten plaints have been received from dif disease -laden. D.spotu 1 talc w•tren fcreut sources saying that the lacy , , dining se regarding sounding whistles before weather kitchen, pantry- and reaching a crossing is neglected. room should be screened carefully, The railway commission have also and no food exposed !°r sale in the called the attention of the neglect of engineers in this matter. The cir- cular cular concludes by urging the engi- neers to be watchful and obey the low by sounding their wblstlea nt clinalion on the 13th. 13y the 10th least 90 yards from n crossing. Lt decided fall of the barometer will be the (more an engineer or fireman noted in ?western sections, attended failing to do this will be dismissed. by a warm wave of marked intens- ity. Front about Friday the 10th, to Monday the 13th. coming to a crisis on and touching the 13th. look for black, threatening storm clouds, with rain, thunder and high winds, \1"t • fear that a the r ut a' L•►II at this and other July periods will not be in proportion 10 the severity' and threat ening appearan •', s of the storms. "Waterspouts :tall cloudbursts" will visit some lor•:liti,s. Inst ether and much wider StCltolis will suffer for want of rain. \vc' believe that the 't - tt iole t , orld t,;l, tosilion to earth- wakcs will Ii t„ greatly subsided by the summer of 190S, but much things must occ:e.ionally happen dar- ing any rind :'11 years. Taking it period of five to air days. iwit1, July the 13th :is the center, seient.e digs tut Winces are more then probab:t• in to illy lu:trtera Of the glob,•. , .p;•r. Tally in regions in the south ut the e vette,. Ili l,•( changt•s to Sams . welt cooler will b'• retie, ,1 timenbout the 13th to I','lt. street should be eaten. A 'Regular Stot in period teacehea from the 9th to the 13th, embracing the full Moon at greatest south de- ! "Life in Every Dose" "I cannot speak too highly of P.y• thine, for it is the greatest reedit/no 1 aver °sed. I was just about 'all is' when I began the treatment, and in 3 months I was as well as ever. It is s great tonic for weak and nix down pea pie. There is new life in every dose." ,JAS STOLIKER. KER. Ridgetowa, Ont., Dee. 19, 19t)6. It is a sin not to tell your sick friends about this wondsrfel prescription. Threat, lung and stomach troubles, and all ran down renditions quickly toured by its use. At all druggists, 50e and 01.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto now operating through St. ('lair Tun- nel by Electricity. Choice of seven lines front Chicago to St. Paul and three beyond St. Paul. Dominion Day Return 'Pickets at Single Fare Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and fort Huron, Mich.. Buffalo, Black Rock and Suspension bridge, N. Y. Good going June30th n1July)1 st • Return limit Thursday July 2nd. For tickets and full information call J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or writes J. D. MCDONALD, Unica* Depot, Toronto. Ont. Se6011 tO none If you have ever used Harveys Star Flour then ycu know what you want. Do not experiment with Flour said to be just as good. Insist on having the old reliable. No better place to get it than at the mill. Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. Farm for Sale A ,food 101 acre farm on lot 17. Con. 8 Blansherd west boundary. On UK` farm there is a good brick hour. Two good cellars, wood Riled nn 1 Rummer kitchen. There is a barn on it 40x60 also horse stable and cattle sled 35x25 driving shed : hog pen 2 never frilling %%ells ,ono nt I he boos• and the other at (he barn : good orchards. 40 acres seeded. The in sin is well fenced, 400 rods of mire 1. icing. This farts must be sol•1 as th • proprietress will .rite` up Own. in: on or before the 160. day of .lt.ly. Terms easy. 1'oas:asion at onee. For further perticnlare apply to Mt s, 'f. Cornish, Woodham, or on (1 • pr,,miscn. Jos. White. Auct. Farm for Sale 1•' mile south of Ceetralil, con- t )it 143 teres. (trick dwelling :t 1. one of ?which lies basement .011 One mere orchard, three n.•v• (tiling wells: two, windmills. T. Anil is a clay lo'em, is clean of a,. woll nn,letdrained and itt tat ell As .lute of cultivation. For terms etc., apply to Ib. hicks,+ Centralia. Y'