HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-09, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JULY !collie' CREDITON NEWS 3ODAYS SAL Zwicker's, Crediton During thin sale we intend to clear out agreat many odd lines at less than cost. NVe have a great many Remnants of Spring and Summer goods in • Silks, Muslins, Prints, Ginghaius, Shirtings, (.'ottonades, Curtain Mluslins, Satins, Dress (Goods, etc., which we offer at Bargain Prices. We have also a few Remnants of Tapestry, Union and !temp Carpets, Linoleuuts, Floor Oil Cloths, etc, which sive will sacrifice to clear, We also offer oor large and splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 20 per cent off regular prices. 50 Embroidered Waist Patterns, enough Fine White Lawn with each to make any size \Vaist, regular price $1,50 to $2.50, sale price 75c to $1.25. St''M_MER .DRES,S GOODS GENTS Ft RNISIII\Gd We have just opened a dainty lot of \Ve have a nobby line of Men's and Dress Muslim, Printed Voiles, Organ• Boy's Sailor lints, Ties, Shirts, Braces, dies (in both black and white); Per- : Cellars, Stift' flats, Gloves etc. sign Lawns, Printed Organdies, Swiss • W_11,L PAPER Muslins, Etc. Do not fail to see them We offer the balance of our stock at before making your purchase. , half the regular price. We have a line of Ginghams, regu• 'MILLINEItY lar 15c line to clear at tic per yard. We intend to clean up our stock re - Also a line of American Prints, fast( cardless of cost. \\ o do not believe colors at 4c per yard. lin carrying Millinery stock overuntil another season. Visit this department READY-MADE CLOTH1NG i and secure a bargain. We have made some special prices GROCERIESon clothing for this sale. We offer 40 This depnrttnent we pay special Men's Tweed Suits, well made with; attention to and are offering them at good linings, sizes 35 to 3.S only, regi- •close prices. lar $11,00 to $5.00 for $3.75 per Suit. ;I Good Red Salmon `2 tins for 23c In Children's Suits we have about ': i I Corn and Peas 3 tins for 25e ,,_ Tomatoes 10e per tin 22 2u Suite, in sizesto only. regular • Best Selected Raisins 3 lbs for 25c nor $2.00 to $3.00 for $1.25 per Suit. 1 Prunes 4 lbs for 25c Men s Odd Pants, Vests, Coats, &c. Rice 0 ihs for 25c. al! at reduced prices. Lemons l5c per doz. • See Our Line of Dinnerware, China, Etc - Crediton nensaII. Jawcs Forrest, of elolin,•, Mau. is visiting his parents here. Mr. Forrest is a successful farmer in the west and has been there over :101 yea tis. M r. I)avid Dew recently attended 1 the high Court of Forrpsters as Mr. Fred Young .was in London ou a representative of Court Ivy Green 1 Saturday on business. 'Lodge, Ilensall, anti icports a splen - The Misses A. and Gladys 1.0own, del meeting end enjoyable time. of London. spent a few days last Jlrs. John Ituwcliffe and several week with hlr. and Mrs. Jas. Law- of her family were in Blyth recent- ly visiting her sister. Mrs. Pople- 6011. Mr. Geo. Bedford. of Sarnia was stone* Mr. slid :►Ir,. Sandercock, of li.on- a pleasant caller in our village on Miss Maggie Heil' is visiting her don, returned home last Tuesday, Monday-. parents, Mr. and Sirs. dos. 11.41, sr. atter spending a week eith Miss Armstrong. who bus been in Our council are getting the work on our streets and sidvwabks under- charge Saudcreock', parents. charge of the millinery department Mr. Geo. Kibler. of Listowel spent of Mr. Chas. %wicker's store for „•a'• ' a few days Inst week with 31 r. amt the past season. returned to her Our milliners. with (Le close of Mfrs. J. list! rmann. home in Exeter on Saturday. the season, have returned to their Miss Ida to tz returned Lowe from hlr. Ebner Gower spent Sunday in b Detroit last week.Exeter. 'Mr. E. E. Lighthurn is relieving in the branch of the Bank of Corn melee here during the absence of Mr. Ed. Mahon, who is taking bis holid. Missays Lena Strasser, of Sebring- ville, is spending a couple of weeks the guest of 'bliss Olivia Holtzman. ll'r•ks, the new pastor ' in ' ' st church, preached his fust won here on Sunday last delivering two very excellent ills- day. Ilartlelh courses. \\'c welcome 'lice. hicks to Mr. S. \Villerl, of I'lattsvillc, is Acres tons, bill' f t' v• •t• r DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood 1St'itS01tiiE 1Oit t1'HE TIMES. Miss McDonald and Miss lliller,of Sarnia, spent a few days c 1 last week with 'Miss Ethel Kell: rwanu. We are all glad to see Mr. \\int, Snell out around again after his re- cent dimes. omcs. Mr. John Fisher is very wueh im- proving his dwelling be raising it up awl rodding another story. Mrs. Millings and Miss Billings were in London last wreck. The Ilensall Civic holiday will be held this Thursday. A union Sunday school excursion will be held to Goderieh. The names of W. Geiger and se. McAllister appear among the list of the successful students at the prim- ary examination of the London med- ical college. Mrs. A. Birk is having her resi- dence rebuilt by t he addition of an. other storey and otherwise improv- ing its appearance. ',Miss S. hlcIsano is speeding a two weeks' holiday with friends in De- troit and Windsor. A number from here visited at the Bend on Sunday. Messrs. Ira and Frazer Brown :end sisters Della and elildred, of Credi- ton, were visitors hero over Sun - Bargains fa� phis&Next Week 3 only Dinner Sets, a snap at $5 50 Ladies White Canvas Slipper5....$1.25 for t.00 Misses too for �o Childrens .... 95 for 7; Mens Shoes oo for 1.5o Boys " Shoes t.5c� for 1 ao Ladies Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats away down in price If we have nothing to suit we trill trim a hat I•.ir y'cu while yop do your shopping. g --Big reduction in Ladies Shirt Waists. 100 Baskets Cherries Wanted our village. o r roes o my onions ting his parents here for a few bara Finkbeiner, of Cleveland and I growing ju the village of Ilensall. alessrs Fred and \Villiam Finkbeiner That is the •euaint harvest that oe- of Pittsburg, are spending a week eu{ileo the labors of hundreds of peo- or two under the parental roof. Plc in this district every year : that 'rhe Freon Evangelical S. S. picnic 1 brings into this village of ten hun- to-morrow, (Friday), promises to be Bred souls twelve or sixteen thous- to-morrow, grand success. All the arrange- 1 and dollars every season, and that i e whets are completed in detail. The supplies the whole of the dominion days sport will be opened with an from Itali[ax to \ aneouver, to say her husband, Dr. Jack, for the past exciting game of baseball, Crediton nothing of many States of the Union, few days, has returned to her home Da with rho old fashioned seed known as y vs. Dashwood and 'Zurich. A very "Dutch sets". It might reasonably in Sellar s, spicy program immediately after in B Y Miss Emma Davis, of 'London. Is which the various schools, Dashwoo i be said that at this moment the visiting ,relatives and friends in the Zurich and Crediton will take part. J whole village is growing onions. In village. This will be followed by a fine lot tiny back yards, in vacant lots and Miss Etta Ruby, o[ New lfamburg, We handle Plymouth Binder Twine. We have a stock of Gold hlednl and of sports, etc. Don't miss it. All in- in five acre fields the thick, bushy, and miss \Vitmer, o[ %urich, visited Plymouth Special and will be pleased to receive your ord • ••. terested in S. S. work: are !welcome. little green tops of the innumerable friends do our village on Sunday,. Mr. Chris. Trick lost a swarm of little plants are bending in the wind Another car of cement. Order bees Monday. and sending whiffs of fragrance to your cement early. -D. fTI1:MAN. Butter, Eggs and Wool and all Farm Produce taken in exchangethe nostrils of the nett -comer ns he1 'Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Clark and Hiss t\1 r. and Mrs. 1). 'ricmau spent a CHAS. !WICKER Jennie Brock spent Sunday in Exe- steps from the train. This is the t Clay in Centralia last week. "Dutch set"district of Canada. It tel. The Misses aeasie Motile. Jessie !Mr. A. E. Ii uhil and Miss Myrtle I has even an "onion king" arrd this hlotheral and Myrtle Grafton, of Clark spent Sunday at the Bend. year expects to ship away probably I Plattst'iUc, are spending a few class IVa understand one of our cement two hundred tons of this product. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. gang left for Dashwood Sunday to Fifteen years ago Mr. ll. IJrluhart, Siebert. at present e . ie the owner ncr Iof flax and n get married. \ ar red. Seco.f cos 4lenry' oatmeal mills here, experimented in I the L. Simmons, ivies had charge Berry picking started Monday. I h of millinery roosts of Siebert . Mr. and Mrs. W. Coates, of Exeter. ' his garden with a few 'Dutch Sets.' 4 Co., for the past season lett on Mon- oatmeal "seteeeis a very small seed onion day for her borne in London. spent Sunday in town. as agricultural people know, welch A union picnic of the Dashwood, What do you think of the Brownie when planted avows into a large on- ! Crediton and %urich i•:van elical base ball club. They are certainly ion. The latter when left in the soil .Lurches will be held at the Bend on makingd aCsh showing Last year.t•eaThey y i a second year, brings forth seeds, Friday of (bis week. and these in taro produce "sets" Mr. 1Vm. l:ilse. of Detroit, elm 11 to 3 iu Crediton. They will play i again. Mr. l'r4uhnrt's experiment visited friends and relatives in the Lucas next .'eek' Miss proved that these plants would grow e 1 an Ar. order�imcouncilst linner Mnrchllof that well in the clay soil of Huron, ani returnede otor t11Litlacit . weeks. has Mr. and 11rs. Joseph Heist. Cred- so began this industry in Iicus:rll. ! Mr. Fred Glanvilley a former real- Mr. East. To -day Mr. F. \V. SrnaIlacombe is detit of our village. but now of In regards the score on Dominion lupe is theown as tseed,e Orootr Kifrom Holland Manitoulin Island, Ihiweek brought Day at Centralia it should have and some from California, and either a big .load of cedar posts to Grand read 71o5 in favor of Crediton. The I acus it to the farmers and townsfolk { Idcnd, Brownies are open for a game with ! Miss Olivia Weltiu left Monday nny team their size and age, 17. 1I or gimes; t to thein on the condition morning for a course of training t C. Clark, manager. t hat the • sell him their cro ► in the f St. Josephs hospital, London, Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Fritz, of the `I at four cents per pound and re- i Miss Kerr, milliner for (Messrs. cl;tic:'atmdthe co1st 1 of the poundsseed. ofIt. scud Tiernan & Edighoffer for the past Brenner !louse, !Grand (lend, spent , Saturday in town. They came over 1season left last week for her home in their auto. Bill is still hale and will produce l i0 pounds of "Dutch hearty. sets." The aced costs $1.90 iter ; in Milverton. Frit \ell, of hTilvertonr is the pound, and this therefore produces Quite n nurnlicr attended the coon- guest of Mr. Leets Kleinstiver and til meeting; on 'Monday, :FI at harvest time. Mr. lamella -'and other friends for n few days. Without Medicine P p, cowbc and another large buyer, Mr. L ) Ji r. J. Hannan, of Shipka spent J. W. Ortwein. shipped about 150. AI r. Noll lived ill our village some Monday1r.in town on business. Ions of "sets "last fall to 9lalifax, I twenty years ago and now notices Precious Life and 1 r• George Boltzmann and yon, Toronto, Calgary and British Colum. ' since changes t at love taken place Health can be saved ('; : react. while working on n large bin points, while 1 tv o carloads wenthe by this New Method l,r,ck house about five miles south I •Mr. R. L. Siebert is one of the east of Crediton, met with a very to Chicago and tit.'Luuts respectively.'tgost enthusiastic followers of Bir f _ _ All Sickness is alike i Isak \Valton in Il�_-_ --) to Itintrul aCCjdCnt about tco o'clock in parts, nailhe afternoon of Tusday. The sen[- �VCOtihn111 I when a suggestion is made to take folding upon which they were work- n fishing trip, be has his tk)ijOXY00 Oxydo n r some Rave way, dropping them both her fellows Mr. Boltzmann ia still uncertain, but Mr. and hirs. et yer and Nfisg 11ar- that is the remarkable crop that is tt•ceks. 'Mr. Peter Detrick. of St Chada, visited friends here last week. There will be nu service in the Lu- theran church next Sunday, owing to the absence of 'Iter. 'Than, 'who is attending a convention in connec- tion with that church in Alitch ll Mrs. Jack, who has been visiting A Call Solicited Spring Wedding Suits If you anticipate getting married this spring you will certainly want some slick looking duds Here is a Tip It will pay you to come hero and see how swell we can fit you up and at a Very low cost. If you are thinking of n new suit and not the wedding, come here anyway, we will certainly put forth our every etfart to make you satis- fied in every particular. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON The Sick Made Well s vigor& We handle Binder Twine and Machine Oil Siebert � Co. Block. DASHWOOD, CLEARING SALE OF SUMMER GOOD. Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Summer Goods. They must be sold as we do not want to carry a piece over if a price will sell them. 30 pieces of Muslins in all the new- :CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE est shades and patterns, regular ISc, Just to hand the finest line of Toilet 20c, 25c and 30e a yard, your choice I Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever for 10e the yard, i hown in Dashwood and at prices that A few pieces of Dress Goods regular ; will suit you. \Ve purchased a large 50c to clear at 25c the yard. ' line of those goods at it special price See our prints at 7c the yard, guar- and we are giving you the benefit of anteed fast colors, the same. ),'all earls, Shirtings 121c the yard for 10e. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Bargains in Ladies Blouses, Corset All the latest styles in footwear in Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vests. Patent Leather, Tans, Chocolates, Ladies (lose 10c a pair. ' Blucher Cuts ard Oxfords. Rentem- Mens Dress Shirts at half price. I ber that these are not the cheap kind Boys White 1 e tthat Shipl twill o Y is at 25c each, Mens not wear, but these shoes are and Boys Ready to Wear Suits at I the good kind at cheap prices and bargain prices. Job line of Mens and I guaranteed to calor. Our prices are Boys nue Straw Hats at lot each. , lower than the lowest. HARDWARE Onr Grocery Department is full of A full supply of Forks, Rakes, Scy- • thes, Snaths, Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys -Pure Paris Green -Screen Doors, Window Screens, Hammocks, Coil Wire, Barb Wire, Ideal Woven Wire Fencing. Buy your Binder Twine from us, we MILLINERY It are sole agents for Plymouth Binder All Millinery to be cleared out re. Twines, guarantee.] the best. gnrdless of cost. 10,000 pounds of Wool Wanted in the next two weeks for which we will pay highest market price, cash or trade. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Wool And get some of these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you are helping yourself. Market Prices for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER Corner Store, Green Tea $1, 8 lbs Roasted Coffee $I, Matches large box 10e, 3 Cans Corn 25c, 3 Cans Peas 25c, 1 lb. Seeded Raisins 10e, Korn Kinks 5c pkg, 3 Ibe Fancy Cakes 25c. DASHWOOD The Farmers Bank of Canada eon Capital $1,000,000 Total Assets $1,600,000 Mr. . teller Eaton of last pt'eck hand before the of get was sadly bereaved on Jiondap do started. One day Inst week MI r. 40 Branches throughout Canada. the death of his young wife. alar- Siebert thought the wind was blow- Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business riet Eliza Itrethour. to whom be ing iu the right direction for good had been married but ten months. fishing, and accompanied by Mr. R. Mrs. Eaton bad been in the best T. Dunlop. manager of the Partners' of health up to Thursday when she bank, took a trip to the Bend to was unexpectedly stricken with par- ' show the habitues of that resort just nly'sis. )ler death is deaply mourn- 1 how the finnies should be hooked, ed. 'Mrs. Eaton was a member of I and its patting things wildly when the Woodham Methodist church and we say they were successful. !Be- n faithful helper el the work of that olden a long string of porch, (hep body. Her mother, three trot hers ; captured a black bass eighteen in - and three sinters • survive. The ches in length and sufficient to make brothers are Augustus of Kirktoe. a meal for five percons. 'Twasn't a !Michael of \Voodheen ; use '*V. J. of fish story either, as they brought Ifamiota, Man. Her sisters are , the excellent specimen fhonte with Mrs. Merin of liamoita, Man ; Mrs. them cinch to the envy of (he local Miners of Miniota, Man ; and Mary fishermen, Jane at home. The funeral took ! tel'ims'ei ]BE FOlt •I HE TIMES. place Ott !Wednesday morning to Shipka Miss Mary Mcisaac, of Detroitsis visiting her brother Longa!! here. Mrs. Dillon. son and bliss Christie Mcisaac, of Merrill, Mich., are also visiting Dougall Mcisaac. • Albert and Martha Geiser spent brutday at Greenway. Miss Josie McPhee and Miss Josie Itobi':8ou. of Detroit, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. E. McI'iree. Billy makes his regular trips to our little burg .Iuite often. This won't do )dilly. Sir, John McPhee left last week for iletroit to spend the 4th. Mr. John hlcis:rac cpent Sunday at St. Joseph. Some attractions ,lohn? Ezra Brenner. wife and family spent Sunday at the Bond. lir. .1.1), Mannan and family spent Sunday at Grand Bend. i'at and Doe. are )tome again af- ter spending; a few days at Sunbeam sliming public who have romplainee coir rte. Gruel Betel. )for n long time n[ rho very high Jir. \,•)son 't. Clair, of Windsor, price of bent. The decline was gen- !rr^'en'ling :t few' days at his hemi It applies to all cases, no natter what the form of disease may be. It re- vitalizes the human body with OXYGEN from the air. OXYGEN is a vital Necessity -the greatest necessity life knows, You can apply OXYDONOR at home while you rest or sleep. No loss of time from your work er business. It is easily applied. safe and always ready for use. Its force neper exhausts, it will serve the family, children as well as adults. Write for FREE BOOK No. 92 to Dr. H. Sanche & Co. 301 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Que. The Kirkton Hardware Store Wants for the Summer Months Paris Green, Binder Twine, of the following brands P13 mouth Special, Salmon 'I';li,', Silver Sheaf Gold Medal, lulu Sterling Machine Oil and Oil of all Kind `1'e have a largo supply of Binder Mitts and all kinds supplies for threshers. W. MOORE - KIRKTON it is hoped that he twill soon be on the mend. Clarence is around again without any serious injury. kirkton -- Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Marshall. for- tner resid,•nts of Ibis place, but now of St. .\larys, announce the marriage of their (131:.Liar Edna F. to Mr. 11. C. White. 1 h marriage to take p1�C,• Jul}- ►t'it11. Fullerton Ono of the most interesting games of baseball plajed here. for some time was the game nn July 1st be- tween Crediton and Fullarton. The Prices for cattle Monday at the 1'ullarton boys bad heard of Creili• Toronto stock markets opened the ton's reputation as a great ball eyes of both drovers and buyers. team and went on the field with Dealers who purchase for the export some misgivings but after the first ,business had receiver) cables at the inning. 1Ii y had the game well in end of the week stating that the hand and eon out without werY'old country market was considerably much 41 onble' down in y re there - 1 2 3 •t 5 1 7 ft 0 Ifore notprepared(0 pay cnnything Creel• 3 0 0 1 0 n n 0 0- 4like the prices of a week ago. The Foil• 0 :t 0 1 n :1 :1 1 0-11 r rnarkct, putting it mildly, was sonic - Batteries, Cr, .Gran, 1'nl:n r, -Hall what demoralized. The drovers re - and Snell ; I'r:il trton, McIntyre and fused early to take the offers Dint Turner. ..•ere made them but many who This rtiaken the seventh straight ' thought that the first loss was win for the Fullarton team this the best, sold out their stock at, season as per list I:elow. i anything from 50 cants to Si below Defeated Mitchell twit• •• 15 to 3: the price of a week ago. Even at of 21 to 3:1)t1hlie twice. 11 to 0. rl to this heavy decline the demand was o; Stiffs twice. 26 to le 27 to 3; not .turd to the atnount of cattle Cr !:von 11 to 1. : on hand, and several loads were car- ' rind over at the cruse of the market. C)�f J9TORIA. The unexpected drop in the price of Bean rte �lt, ('1 Ye Yee Peals Bova cattle vri11 be welcomed by the con- es:natore cf _ e erally anticipated, but the period of Leh ftrices has been prolonged be- : of the shortage of stall fed leeIle, owing to the shortage of �' QVC have Salmon Tae aid Gilt Edge. - /:"f our prices. am.cF ,�,a f „I last fall. With the incoming Of t ,rasa fed cattle Ihr {•r c of the stall 1 1 product Ira nateaRy been in - I :,u•nced blit the prec pitate dr•t I, ,. in prices .was 'union! idly dire to the weakness ei the old cautery markets. Drovers and exporters are +of the opinion [hat price i have not ' yet reached the bottom. and reveral int these predict that if the,. ,s any Dirge influx of supplies Wert Week prices will decline eivally as porch as they have done during the prc- c,•oding week. Kirktor► cemetery. � BINDER TWINE 1 MACHINE OIL The kind that wears. .to cents a irallon. HARVEST :HITS From 2; cents to .40 cents a pair. FANCY Crt KES \ large assortment and fresh every week '1•ry our Lernon Cakes, 3 pounds for 25c. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar Mr. Alfred Brown, of Merriton, Ont. says :-" For six years I hare not known what it was to he free from pain. No one ever suffered more from itching bleeding 1',lcs than I did and 1 tried everything to get cured but failed. One day a friend of mice who had been cured 11,,b Zam•Ruk nee mea part of • tot to if}, and the relief I got was ma,vellou.. I then b right a supply and tefore 1 had used it all •ea,rlere'v c::red.,, (,; . ! •'a and stores, 5-c. A -BUKJ RELIEVES & CUREs,I CI ESTOP T11. dears the 1^e Red Ye haoosee deeB.g as SnrnyCl i2e), 1, ,!meter. of Elkton, 7.1 a few days at Mr. 1i. •ideig bells %vil1 soon b<• Mice Winge ringing Chronic Coughs Cured Mrs. Joseph Eccles of 11romare, says: "I took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychtne, and a cough I Lad continually for nine months disappeared. It is the best remedy for chronic coughs that I ever used." Thousands of living witnesses pro• mottoes, Paychine the greatest medicine in the world. It is not a patent mete cine, but a prescription of a great phy- sician. I'ut it to the teat in any ease of throat, ling or stomach trouble or any run down or weak condition. Al all druggists 50c and 61.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal I titnes a year. Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieves or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt- ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned wealth. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSUED When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable nt par nt any point in Canada and prin. cipal points in the 17nited States and Great Britain. Oen Morro -Courteous Treatment. No Red 'I't►pe, DASH WOOD. R. T. DUNLOP, Manager, Office one block north of Siebert & Co's, store. BINDER TWINE We Sell Maple Leaf Binder Twine. Come and sec us before you buy and we will save you money. if you arc in need of a new Rope, Slings or Pulley, come and se us We have them. ROOFING Ametite Roofing, Mineral Surface $2 so per square Preston Safe Lock Galvinized Shingles and Corrigated iron in stock will last a life time. GATES AND R[3NCiN(i A large assortment of Page Gates on hand which we will sell cheap Fencing. Barb and Coil Spring Wire at right prices. Try Martin-Senour Paint loo per cent pure, Get;one of our Oil Stoves, the proper thing this hot weather. Come and sec us, everything new and up•te-date. Cement always on hand. Butter and Eggs taken, Hardware . D. TIEMA , Dashwood IRON AND WOOD PUMPS 1 swish to inform the PeLlic and these in need of I'un,' a, that 1 have the agency for the Aylmer Iron Pumps and will hr' ',lensed to quote price and '!'eau:-. if yr n are thinking of pn':.r K in nn iron el Wood Pump come in and "•e es before bey inv. Pump Repairing a Specialty. HARTMAN EILSE, Dashwood, Dealer ir,i iron and Wood rumps.