Exeter Times, 1908-07-09, Page 4DRS. KENN EDY& KEN N EDY
Successors t0
Excepting end indiscretinm tire. thn ('141110
of more morrow and •tuflenng than all other
diseases combine -I We •ee the victims of
vicious habits on oven- hand- the sallow.
,nnt,led face dark rimed eye., stooping
stunted •leselopment. bashful, nielan-
• 1. ,tic countenance and limits bearingpro-
, .,int to all the aorld his folly and tend fel
; blight biscsistence. Our treatment positive-
• le cures all weak men by overenming and
removing the effects of former Indiscretion.,
.Ii t'i I excesses. It Ships all drape 1 and quickly
.sab're's the s-letlm to what nature Intende.l—
n healthy.n•t happy man w Ith physical, rptlit
cal and n•~r•1e power complete.
1tj r; ,ii+5 y
treated ForoverlOt+yearn ore. K. & K. hove
t „ M+is• - ir.�, . t .th the grentr•ut au(-ceS8 111
`"' 1 -�'�� f �•1 (litesaes of men end ...omen.
if you hare nny 'went dieenee that k n
- 1 worry amt a menaces to your b• 11th con•ulb
old e'stnbusieel physicians w hod,. Dot base VP
t experiment on you.
L.,.arantcnto cure NERVOUS DEBILITY
t on free. it unable 10 call, w me I r a
t.r.cated 10 our own 'ssn.e q't =tion plank for home Treatm:•nL
L Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
HE EX.EZ ER TIME S, JULY 9th 1908.
Exeter. Ontario.
Tereus of Subscription $1.00 Per
laser in advance. $1.50 Joey 1st
edareed if not so paid. To United
Woman In Trance, About to Be Bur-
ied, Restored by Husband's Kiss.
A woman named Mrs. C'artou, of
Tonbridge, England, has been through
(Matsu subscribers. $1,50 Strictly tt. ono el the most terrible ordeals ever
advance. No. paper discontinues known.
until all arrears are paid. unler-a 'tlbhe fell into a trance atter a ahoM
the option of the publisher. Th, iiluea3, and was placed in coffin, in
date to which every eubscrietiou is this belief that she was dead.
veld is denoted on the label. She lay silent, unable to move or
Advertiaiui rates on application. speak, while preparations for het
DECISIONS 'RESPECTING funeral were going on all around her.
.NEWS ERS g[te \yam her husband lend over
Any person or persons who takestier ody to kiss her for the last time.
a paper regularly from a post office., ! Tho warmth of her cheek as lila lipi!
whether addressed in his name U1 touched her face r=aved her from being
another's, or whether be bas sub- buried alive.
scribed or not, is rc!j►atisiYlc for I Afs. Carton's Itust►and, who is.l)•n
payment. en�tne cleaner, otos distracted with
If a person orders his papers Ilia-
when, a few days a o he fobmil
continued be must pay all arrears. � apparently dead after a few days'
or the publisher may continue to her app }'
Bend it until payment is made, anti illness.
then collect. the whole .amount , All arrangements were made for the
whether the paper is. taken or not., funeral; a coffin was brought, andihe
The ;Courts bare decided that re- Wonsan was laid in it.
fusing to take newspapers or period- • 'Them, just as the coffin was about
Jests from the post office or roomy- to
Carton oak-
434'to bo screwed
alonewith ir�the body" Jon
a moment. Ile bent aver his wife to
kin ,.icer for the last time. 'fbe cheek
oh; which his lips rested was warrn.
' Ills wife wase alive.
P'he man, dazed with joy and won-
der, •sent at once tor a doctor, .vlth0
confirmed his hopes. The doctor Os
ded(ed her to be removed at oneeto
Stip hospital. Her condition rapidly
improved, and she is now well on the
qty to recovery.
Tho woman's story of her experi-
ences during the trance is extraordin-
al knew everything which was going
on around me," she said, "but I could
net � move. I could not even speak
*belt I saw that they thought I Was
'Even when she was put in her coffin
and it seemed utmost contain that she
would be buried alive, she was -unable
to utter a word to save helrslelf. She
could not even speak to her husband
as he bent over her.
Only the touch of his lips on her
cheek saved her.
ing and leaving .them uncalled for
'while subscription remains unpaid. is
prima facia evidence of intention::•
Note and Comment
. Dr. Graham Bell gave the world
kbe telephonad It looks as if the
Baine Canadian may furnish mankind
with the first commercially feas=ible
President 'Roosevelt is offered
dollar a word for an aocount of b:-
paid atexploits
the inisame Africa.
rate If he for earlhad
of his Congressional messages he
hvould be ne rich as a Standard 0.1
It is understood that John B. Dar -
tarot, tM.P.l'. for 'Leeds, is likely t3
be the next Minister of Agriculture
for Ontario. He was called to (Tor-
onto Friday last and had nn inter-
view view 'with Premier Whitney.
'Dargavel is president of the Eastern
Ontario Dairymen's Association, and
the dairymen of Eastern Ontario are
a solid phalanx in pressing tits
claims of Mr. Dargavel.
The fruit crop for the Month of
June just issued says that weather
conditions for fruit have been less
,favorable titan during :May. This
is particularly of apples, the "set'
being not as good as was expected
and thedry weather increasing the
June 'drop". A fair estimate of pre-
sent conditions %t•ould be an average
or slightly above the average crop
of early and fall apples with winter
apples somewhat below a medium
crop. The districts producing the
larger tunntity of fruit in Ontario
such as the counties of Hastings
Durham and Northumberland have
rather a ligbt crop of winter apples.
During ,elle discussion on Ontario
estimates for improvements to rivers
and harbors. 'Mr. J. E. Armstrong
IEast Lambtou), brought up tbe Mat-
ter of necessary improvements at
grand Bend. Ile called attention to
the foot that the tenders called foe
in 1901 included dredging, that try
p oarder-in-council in March of that
-. year antler which the contract was
let, the dredging was still included
put that an order -in -council was
tp]f passed in March of the same year
setting forth that the inclusion of
dredging in the contract was in
eror, and the contractor was allowed
the full amount of the contract
without doing any dredging.
Armstrong drew attention to the
necessity of dredging the river
mouth. which is now blocked with
sand. which makes it impossible for
vessels to get to place of safety. Ile
also urged that repair be made to
the pier • ant its approaches. Iron. tittle; what we do not know is im-
OIr. Pugsley assured Mr. Armstrong !measurable." Gassendi, the man ot
that the matter would receive his I approved morals, religion, science and
prompt attention. and that in all l h unity, a minute before his death:
probability provision would be made I saptaiSpered into a friend's ear the sad
for this necessary work in the sup- confession, "I was born without
plem'ntary estimates. knowing why, I have lived without.
—T- :owing how, and now I die without.
tl7 ITL MS T O we. S. A . knowing either why or how."
Sears tLsC��hA IS! d You Haig Always eyes
H -
Between Two Icebergs.
A captain of an Atlantic liner told
mo that once when he was crossing
ibis hanks of Newfoundland ho slowed
'down for fog and presently suspected
that ho was not far from ice. Ivo was
blowing his whistle at regular inter-
vals. The nearest land was hundreds
oi.miles away. He could not see as far
I(8 the bow of his own ship. He star-
ed and listened as he paced the
bridge, as all captains do under such
t ircumsta nces. Hearing what he sup -
to be the whistle of another
p close aboard on the port side, he
reversed his engines and put the
beim over to avoid her. Hardly had
he dono this when still another wbis- 7
tie sounded over the starboard bow. ;
'Ito thought then that he was between ,
a other steamers. His own was at '
standstill, but as often as he blew 1
his whistle theirs responded without '
going ahead or astern. Were they
also hove to? It was unaccountable
till the fog lilted, when instead of
ships on both sides of him Ise found
t.w towering icebergs, blue and white
glistening, the flanks of which
Bed but echoed the sound of his own
vOhiatle.-William II. Ridcing in
Youth's Companion.
The Great Unknown•-,
b e>lvtoast hie deans said to his
f" nds, who expressed their admire-
' Icon of tits discoveries, "I do not know
what I may appear to the world, but
to myself I seem to have boon only
like n boy playing on the seashore,
tmd diverting myself in now and
then finding a smoother pebble
or a
pluttier shell than ordinary, while
the great ocean of truth lay undis-
covered before me."
The same thought passed in La-
place's grind when, dying, he said to
I his friends, "What we know is but
The following is the standing of
the pupils of S. S Nu 0, t-sborne
for the month of .tens.
Fifth c' - 1 ' • Ileytvoo•l, 1i11
Wnshbu: n.
Fourth. 1:;• t '.o'i 1: denier 1\'.
Emma 1i v, .00d. x. lt'rryhill,.1•
Brock : tit. 11I. I: ;t 1 Coe s 1. .I +r-
nie Campbell. Arnold C'1.tk, .r.,,, or
III Inez Crecry. Edward li:•llt tt, 1:.
Qoulding. Erie Coward: Sr. Secon,'
ifard'.sick Cornish. Dia Cornish. Mar
Clark. inia Heywood.
For a light lunch , afternoon
teas, picnics and camp, 011ie
is nothing that will equal ti
It is t;tit}', more nutritious
than ham, bel'( or chicken,
and mote ecenomical. Send
a hast card f tr new rf't•ii e
booklet '••C1l,1% I)isht's" to
BOVRIL t.I1111-1'f:U
Left the King on the Doorstep.
When King E'Jwnrd desires to pay
a call on a personal friend a massage
to this effect is sent earlier in the
day. This rule is almost invariable,
but on one occasion His Majesty neg.
Ileetod the precaution, and ori arriving
at the house of his friends found the
hosts out of towel and the charwoman
in charge. The King desired to go in
and write a message, but was asked by
the captious caretaker for his card,
find as that was not forthcoming sho
' declined to let him in. "Ile was a
very pleasant, civil -spoken gentle-
man," she told her employers on
their return. "but as he hadn't n card
I T left him outside." It was only some.
clime afterwards that the master dis-
c catered to his horror the identity of
' the visitor.
( Britain to Pension the Aged.
The dist-inctive feature of the an-
nual budget presented to the British
House of Conitnohs by Premier As-
quith is the provisionfor allowance
from the national treasury of 51.25 a
week to persons over seventy yearn
oldnnd possessing 1reemPe
$1.10 n year. This would not go to
those dependent classes nlready under
the public care. Asquith estimates
that on this plan the pensioners will
not exceed 500,000 and that the total
cost rill not exceed 530,000.000. Strin-
ggecnt conditions would be imposed for
forfeiture and suspension, and the
Premier folded that if this scheme
wa+ socialism it wt4+ socialism of a
kind that both parties accepted. It
will not go into effect until Jan. 1
Not the Same.
Miss \Coodby So Mr. Stuart really
said he considered Inc very witty, eh?
Mi-; KneeTx--Not exactly. He sail
ho had :n laugh every time he trot
27 ST. PETER S I i.i: L,.\lONTRIiAI. Another crisis 'is feared in Portu-
gal; The young king insist* on pay-
ing his father's debts.
Jenny Linds Piety.
Jenny Lind, mho gayo her first L;
000 to the poor, continued throughout
her iifo a series of charities and pie-
ties, In regard to the latter we tunas
the assurance of a friend that this
greatest of singers deliberately cut
short her own public career while her
voice was still in perfection. It wall
Lady Taylor, wife of tho author of
"Philip 1'an Artevelde," who found
Jenny Lind sitting toward evening opt
a south coast beach just after her
withdrawal, with a book in her lap.
She spoke of her resolve. "I found
that this" -the setting sun -"was be-
coming less to Ino and that this" -the
book in her lap was a 131ble-"was •be-
coming nothing to late, and I knew then
that I must check myself and change
m� life." -London Standard.
Mexican Lottery Tickets.
Nearly $100,000 is spent In tho City,
of Mexico every week In lottery tick-
ets, and in tho saute period abort- $70,-
000 Ls paid back in prt:miuuss• Op the
sveeks immediately preceding tho big
drswings tete sale, of course, mounts
up to great suuls-as, • for instance,
when the $200,000 drawings are held
there are 20;000 ticieets at $10 earl}•
sold on the streets, and prnctically et%
eryet eket Is disposed of, most of them
(luring the last two weeks before the
tirawing. But as a general proposition,
on an..nverage, 515,000 a day is spent,
by,'tho people of the City of Me sico.ol
the' potteries.
The Open Window.
phildren brought up with open win-
dows -appear indeed to bo about fifteen
Limes more likely to contract adenoids
than those who sleep :with the win-
dows shut on cold and damp nights,
or at least than those who sleep•seith'
closed windows throughout the great-
reater part of tEe year. -Dr. Sim Waflaen
in Medical Press.
Teacher -How do you account for
the phenomenon of dew? Boy Well.
you see, the earth revolves on its axle
eivery twenty-four hours, and in cense•
Vence of this tremondods paco'it per-
erispires freely. -London Tit -Bits.
Burton -Mean man, isn't het
Robinson -Mean? Ire's capable of
going into a barber's shop for a shave
and then getting his hair cut just to
keep bther'people waiting.
Nothing is so burdensome as a se.
diet. -French Proverb.
Greedy Little Sa1'mon,
Little creatures may bo very gr
and yet not be able to eat much
cause of their size, as was ill
for instance, in the case of a batch•
about.20,000 little Chinook salmon (bit
were hatched out at tho a
These young fishes, each about 't
inches long, would that se mutt aha
their little stomachs fairly, stuck •oats
and yet to toed the -whole 20,000'too1
daily only, ono pound of liver and '
quart of herring roe, both shopped
An Exception.
"1 think," said the merchaet,
have to fire your fiend Polk. I nivel'
saw any one quite so lazy."
"Slow in everything, Li het"
"No, not everything. Ito gets tired
quick enough." -Exchange.
Easy Enough.
''I cannot live but a week lolsgct
wlzout yotrr'
"Really, dukel Now, how. ean''arO
exon a specific length of timet V
"Selandlotad fix .on it,.mlfss, tyr'„i
idtl� peter !resale te,Tont'rlai.
This woman says Lydia 1'.
Pink hunt's '4(reiatile ('uulpotuld
cu, -.'4l her. Read In'r letter.
�, : •..1. ,1. Ialiln•rle,.'f ::l .\rt ilh•rie
•lash c, \%-t ill•., to in. 1'inklt:un
•• hs,1• six yenrs 1 have been doctoring
for female weakness, heart and nerves,
liver and hiducy trouble, but in Lydia
1•:. 1'inkhatn'a 'Vegetable Compound I
eau :.afely say 1 have found a cure.
•• i was continually bothered with the
most distressing backnehes, headaches,
stet bearing -down piing, and 1 kept
growing K aut• and
re nervous.
Lydia E. I'inkhnnt's Vt• etable Cote
y K
is.un.1 relieved me of all these distrese-
,ug symptotns and mn.le me a well
tc,.'nan. l would advise nil suferinI
,'1 •n. young or old, 10 use Lydia E.
Vecetable (',uupnunrl.”
1-' r tbirt yr:uL 1.}tlia E. I'ii L-
1„11tI's t•t'grtl1l414' (',tinjit[tlnll, matte
1.0111 roots and he1•bS, IDIS been the
- :dotard remedy for female 'illy
.1,1 has posit icely cured thousands of
',evil who base been troubled With
ilacclnenta, intinDlulati0u.ul(•ent-
' :.7,, fibroid 1 ninon+, irrt'guial it ii -.
' ,, elk pains, backache, that i t t -
, i,. 1. io ii feeling, flatulency, indigo. -
I .1.,(1irineFst'rnervous ptostratit'n.
'%'. le: dt'7►'t you try it ?
MIr+. i'inktistnt intitc% all sick
w,•ntcn to write tier for athlete
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Tho I(lud You Have Always Bought, 1.111(1 wlticlt has been
in use for over SIO years, has borne the signature of
r 111111 111)5 1)04')) mode u:ttl hie per•
r u1t1 til a rY tiie n lint , is inf uc .
tl. t i i tt
'' -a i 3
Allow no olio to dereivo you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations a11(1 "Just -as-good" are lint
Experiment); that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experieneo against Experhuent.
(lnstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops caul Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 1t
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago lit its guarantee. It destroys \l'oriiie
and nirnys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and \Vint!
Colts. It relieves 'Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate this
Stomach atld hotels, giciug healthy 1111(1 natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -The illother's Friend.
Beal'zi the Signature of
The Kind You Ham- Always Bougilt
in Use For Over 30 Years.
r,.r COMPAHV, 77
cv, rows c
Aryon0 send trig a sketels and description may
quickly sacortaln oar opinion frua w'tether an
Inventlnn le probably patentable. f•r•rmunlea-
tinne et rlctly confidential. HAHOBOOI( on Pat evils
sent tree ()Most n •mic•r fur 4•,tvriu,gD 'ttenta.
entente taken through Slunn & Go. ricar°
.petal notice, without charge, in the
Scientific ,ltnericatte
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Ltrgest or.
culation or any eclentitle Journal. Term+ Iva
tanada,t+t.T is year postage prepaid. toll by
W newsdealer'.
MUNi & Co.301Breadway, New York
Beau 0121ce, F ct., \i:.'htcgtuu. I,. C.
,The Safe Course. ea, -
641'''liat yds n great speeer31
Maae,'t8aidilho associate editors)
Old line eartisnn paper. "I sup
tv@• ought tohave an editorial SLoi¢tn
that ha Nits 'mistaken throughout: b
really I can't see how wo shalt
able to act it..XIis Logic Is unassalla
Ho has simply knocked the platten
from under bur candidate.' ,
"J know it," replied the etlitoly"btlt.
wo can't let it go. Let's see-ob; nst
refer to it hs flapdoodlo. That •
ways satisfies the man who votes'
$ c and gives our o
u� t
steal t l
gA S
nents no chance to const: back at us?'
. ,
Kaffir Greeting.
"Sakti bona" aro the first word
stranger learns of the Kaffir vocab
ry. Tho expression is the commit,
form of salutation used by the native
and its literal translation Ls, "I Fe
yeti.' It is considered a mark of're•
apect not to give the greeting imluedt-
ately, the delay showing the rererenctf
in which the native bolds his visitor!
40008 01 the CaOadiol NOr11l. WeS1
V et (11 numbered sect ion of Dominion lands In
Auanitoba, eaeketehewan and Alberta, excepting
b and 20, not reserved, may he homesteaded by
any person who is the sole head of s family, or any
male titer 18 yes re of age, to the extent of one -quer
ter section of 160 acres, more or less.
Application for entry must be made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion lands Agency or Sub-
agency for the diatrnct in which the land is situate.
Entry by proxy may, howeti r, he made at an Agen•
cy on certatnronditione by the father, mother, eon,
daughter brother or sister of an intending home-
st ender.
The homesteader Is required to perform the
homestead duties under one of lite following plans:
(1) At least six months' residence upon and cultt-
cation of the land in each year for three years.
(2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform
the required residence duties by living on farming
land owned solely by hire. not less than eighty (50)
acres in extent in the vicinity of his homestead.
Joint ownership In land will not meet this require.
(3) If the father (or mother, 11 the father Is de-
ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence
on farmin land owned solei by him, not less than
eighty (40)) acres in extent, in the ticinily of rhe
homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by hint
In the vicinity, such homesteader may perform his
own residence duties by living with the lather or
4 The tern[ "ticinily" in the two preccedlrig
paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than
nine rally 11 a diret line, exclusise of road al.ow•
anew erased in tha measurement.
b A homesteader Intending to perform hie resi-
dence duties in accordance with the above while
living with his parents or on farting land owned 1.y
himself must notify the Agent of the district of such
Six months' notice in writing should be given to
the Commissioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa of
intention to apply for patent.
Deputy of the Minister of the interior
N. 8. -Unauthorized pnblication of this advertise
ment will not be paid for
No Horning—
No Grinding
Experience Contribution.
Poetic friend -Some one says a baby,
In the house Is n wellspring of joy. i
Exasperated Young Parent -Well, don't
you believe It- As nn clement of Elie
joymcnt a baby. In the house Is 4I
screaming farce.
Not a Miracle
But Medical Science
I,r. T. A. Slocum, Lintit•rd,
Toronto, Ont.
Gentlemen: -
"Some time ago 1 began to luso flesh
and failed every day one -1I had to
quit work. My physicians and all my
friends said I had contracted consump•
tion. i failed from IG pounds down
to 119. I was ndvised to go to tho
Rockies or to the coast. I went to both
places under heavy expense. 1 con-
tinued to fail, and was advised by the
doctors to cone home as nothing nloro
could be done for me. Hope seethed
have t me.
"I tried Psychine anal since starting
its use I have gained front 119 to 111
pounds. I have used $10.00 worth of
the medicine. I am a well man and I
cannot say too much in praise of Pay -
chine. The atrongest recommendation
would be weak in view of the fact that
I believe it has saved my life. it is
without doubt the best remedy for
rundown conditions and weak lungs.
"i sincerely hops and eruct that you
will continue your good work of saving
run down people and consumptive from
the grave. Wishing you and Psychine
continued success. I remain, one of
Psychine's best friends."
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
Almost every mail brings us letters
like tiie above. Psychine will repeat
this record in every case. It is the
greatest medicine mown. At all drug-
gists; 50e and 51.00, o'r Dr. T. A. Slo-
cum, Limited, Toronto.
No. 1
Some day shaving is forced upon
every man. At first it does not
matter what sort of raaor 1s used -
lather's pet Carbo Magnetic or
mother's fond birthday gin of an
eape131ve safety with its constant
tar of new blades -Just so it
The beard soon stiffens and then
the real, vital question arises :"Why
daesn't a f 11120 hold Sts edge u10-
«007 from heel to head without
boning or grinding?" Shaving has
new become a necessity -but the
comfort and satisfaction of a daily,
tool, clean shave is very seldom ob-
tained. Pulling and smart.ag is the
usual outcome of the effort, whether
yon shave yourself or have It done
Is your favorite barber's chair. You
persistently ask, "Why?" "The
temper of the blade is not uniform,
snaking periodical honing and grind -
lay a necessity," is our answer.
The blade of the Carbo Magnetic
tar.: is finished by a secret process
of Electric Tempering that
positively merges every particle of
t rbon (tht life of steel) into the
metal -re sing a diamond -like
Aar dnooe uniformly throughout
the blade ---something absolutely In•
possible with fire -tempered steel used
In making all other razor blades.
But test this pp honing, leo
grinding, unconditionally guaran-
teed razor in your own home -or
Stave your barber use it en you.
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••* • • • •••••••••••• ••••••••••
The Molsons Bank
Assets Over $33,000,000.00
(General Banking Business Traus'tcted.
Eatabli�lted 1�;t:i.
$3.372 50000
. , , , $3,372,500 00
Savings Bank Department,.
$1.00 Opens an Account and Intorost added FOUR
Times a Year.
Dickson 6t: Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, 1:.tnagt•r
HEal, OFFICE, TORONTO l.sr.tltl IS111.11 1807
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
Paid-up Capital, 810,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
others for \the transaction afforded to 'ofsther
banking business. Sales notes will he cashed or taken for collection.
pto%`hrawn 1
this way %vitt) equal f.tcllity. 115
Branches at Exeter and Crediton
Two 6 Octave Organs
Drop us a postal, or better yet,
come ,n and see us and we w,:I g.ve
yo❑ our new proposition for Laving
Mese razors tested without obiiga-
1.on to purchase, together with our
free booklet '_ Hints on Shaving '•
W. S. Cole, Druggist
Second I-Iand..
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines
The best made at prices that
will suit you.
Bicycles, Baby
Carriages and Go Carts
Very attractive. Prices right
Fine Stationery
S. Man & son
Fall Term Opens
Sept. lst.i 1
All disorders caused by n bilious
state of the sy.tem oar, 1•e cured by
using Carter's little Liter Pills. No
pain, griping or discomfort attend-
ing thcit use. Try them.
The sooner you complete a
course in this scht of the sooner
• you may expect to hold a posit.
• ion of trust. Our coureee are
thorough and practical. Out -
students always succeed. We
assist graduates to positiont.
We have three departments.
Commercial, 'Shorthand and
• Telegraphy. We employ exper-
thared instn et ors. Cataloguefree.
PAC. -1F1
North -Wes
Leave on Tuesdays -
June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 ,
July 7, 21. Sept. 1, 19,
Return 2nd Class Ti
Franialt Ontario StationatoWlnt>tlJiip
Carry, Edmonton soil ppried
points In and hobs,Alberta IutcheeMan
ra' TS 0000 FOR e0 DAY
seetheTICKE*r Tourist ebeeping Can el
extra costs traecured in &drain!,
t• a5 C.P.I . 'nem • n8fbp
tosuAro awe
fI< G s MSL. Dista Mob
j Boolekeepers
1 600
Stenographers and
tr. lues by a ur manage'
mint la•t tart. Expel" -
Mime count., Graduates
most successful. Speeial Coupe for Tach-
• eta Mail Courses. Kent postal for rattle -
sitars. artic-
• • Clinton Business College
:: (il''.O. s1'OT-fON, 1'its.ctl'.,f..
-Get your sale bills printed at the
Times Office. Fret• notice will be
given itt the piper when 'bills nre
printed here. W.• can have your Mills
ready dor posting frons two to four
Lours after 1111 order i.l Ieceired.
Rucseld ale
Mr. fou. Illi:l and nc•ice. of 1Vood-
stork. have returned home after at-
tending the wedding pf Miss Jean
('earl 81111 'lr. herald Law-
rence, or rcaforth, were visitors at
"I':t t .1 Jlo'•set•" lane tc(ck.
Ste. Will 111:•Ivillc. of Itc•achvillee
vi -o0.7 his parents at Maple Grove
.:i;t week,
Mi -s Gertir• Bolton and alis Jen-
ul • !lassie. of Tonawanda. N. Y.,
81 1i•iti:ig frith t- in this t c,nity.