HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-09, Page 1HURON &M1DDL ESEX G .1 %ETT h:
THIRTY-li 11'rN YEAR -No 113
$1.00 i)o)f year in advance
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
Phone No. 32.
Bargain Sale
Of Summer Goods
THIS is just the time to make a big slash at all our
Summer Goods. We are going to let them go at
Bargain Prices. Do not fail to take advantage of this
Here are a Few of the Many Bargains
25% Discount or: all our Millin-
ery and some very nice ones to
choose from.
Colored lluslins
A1110 and 121c Muslins for Sc.
All 15c Mastitis for Mlle
All 25c Muslins for 15c
Some of the best left.
Fancy Parasols
Only a few left, but each one
a bargain.
$1.25 Parasols for !Plc
$1.50:Parasols for $1
Netts & Laces
Of every description. This
is now your chance to buy
them at greatly reduced
Crash & Straw Hats
Alt ('rash and Straw Hats
at reduced prices. They must
be sold. This is just the time
for theur.11:1 good choice.
White Muslins
In Plain, Fancy, Siwiss,1).lte
or Embroidered, all to be sold
We want none left over.
Bargains will do it.
White Waists
The 25'; Discount Sale is
still running. Do not miss it.
The cheapest waists you have
bought this season.
White Night Gowns for litl,
75, S41; White Skirts 75, $1,
$1.23; White Corset, Covers
20, :t0 and 40c. All to go.
White Vests and
Fancy Sox
Just a few of each left now.
But they are some of the beet
and you will get a real bar-
Chickens, weighing at least 24 lbs, 15e per II). live weight.
Ducklings, weighing at least :i} lbs., lis per lb. live weight.
Old Fowl, ftc per pound liveweight
No cash paid for poultry.
Will also pay in trade
5 cents per qt. for gooseberries
3 cents per lb. for red or white currants
10 cet$.s per qt. tor black currants.
5 cents per lb. for raspberries
Jones & Clark
•tieadgnarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
The 'Council nut in regular sess-
ion friday July 3rd, 1908.
The members present stere the
Reeve and Councillors 1'uke. Knight,
Johns and 1leantan. The minutes
were read and approved.
Fuke_lleaman,-That the following
accounts be paid. Sam. handers,
Treas. half year salary $35.00; Mhos.
White 2 weeks street .watering $28.-
40:W. Gillespie labor $3.80; 11,11
Telephone Co. message 25 cents ; Geo.
Cuduaore labor $1,75 ; L. Day Jr.
labor, $1.75 Jas. Connor;•pt falary
librarian $25.00; C. W. Cross pt. sal-
ary cemetery :1.29.00; W. .1. ltissett
pt. salary, ;$33.00 ; J. H. hcott,test-
ing milk. 50 cents; C. 11. Snell, elec-
tric light for streets $100.86; frown
Hall .x'3.60. -Carried.
Johns -Knight :-that the accounts
of the Advocate Office as presented
be paid. Printing 'Municipal sup -
2 plies $29.80 ; 'Municipal World sup-
• i I plies $15.26 :Publishing j he Connor
and Gibbs By-laws $39.28: This ac-
count amounted to $84.3'1. -Carried.
Mr. 'Phos. Harvey representing the
citizens along Andrew St. asked that
Council consider the matter of build -
ing ,1 side avalk.
♦ uke-Johns:-that this matter of
side walk be laid over for this year.
• • Leaman- no seconder :-that the
•• Council grant the prayer of the pe-
tition and proceed to lay the !walk
from James street to the corner of
Victoria street. -Carried.
-Mr. 'Beaman representing the Gibbs
Evaporator Co. addressed the coun-
out t-cil re grant, -no action. Per Enke
adj. at 11.15.
• ••
• According to the nssessor's roll of
2: Goderich the population of the coun-
ty town is 4,632, an increase of last
• year of 124. -
T)rere were 66 interments in Clin-
ton cemetery during 1907, 33 in
each half year. For the first six
• months of the present year there
•♦ •have been 38 deaths, an increase of
• five over the corresponding period
last year.
The 'Huron old .boys' excursion
brought about eight hundred Queen
City residents to the old county
Saturday afternoon. The train was
in two section'. one going to Wing -
ham and the other at Goderich.
Z♦ There were 412 1. tssengers ou the
•?Z Goderich train, of nhom over half
• got off at Seaforth and Clinton. The
• • visitors lett on Monday.
Tne Usborne and Hilbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar,',Ont.
President -J. 1.. iRI'SSELL.
Vice-Presid.'nt-\V. 11. I'ASSMOItE
WM. BnocK \WIN(IIEi.SEA P. 0.
ROBERT NORltlb, Staffs.
JOHN ESSEItY, Exeter, agent for
i' du 1 .
and R I h
a.n 1
eb0a'rre 1 r
OLIVF.R IHARRIS, Munro. agent
for 'fibber'. Fulhrton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
your friends birthday and send
them one of our Picture Postals.
Always something new and good
Remember if its worth having
you will find it here
-We excel As well as undersell." \Ve
have lots of Talcum and Tooth Pow-
ders)I'erfuntes and Soaps. All prices
We have Phonographs
and all the latest Records.
('all and hear them at
42an. Kxprers Illd. Exeter.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to Inas •' meta raft.. Cat alOI,rne
North w'e't lands for Sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter Howey's Drug
, iSXF.IEIt -
Highest Prices Paid
delivered or in the
Centralia Saw Mills
Kodaks and
\Vingham was the native f ...oe and
former home for many yeas s of the
late Fanny Gilmore, who has been
found foully murdered in (Chicago.
It was there also that she grew up
the youngest girl of a family of
five sisters and three brothers. 'Her
father was the late Robert Gilmore.
a somewhat eccentric character, who
died many years ago. Iie was a pen-
sioner of the British army and saw
a varied service in both the IL•'ast and
West Indies. some of the older child-
ren having been born in Trincomolee.
Ceylon, and the others in the Bar-
badoes. The family formerly resid-
ed for a time in Illyt4, but after-
wards removed to \Vingham, where
the old pensioner, as he was called.
kept a little market garden and a
couple of cows, the milk of which
Fanny, as a shy little Canadian
girl at that time, delivered to a few
well known families in the town.
Not long after her father's death,
her mother married again, and then
the family was rapidly broken up
and scattered to different places
over the United States and other
places, the elder son joining the
Northwest Mounted Police and after-
wards settling near Fort McLeod.
Alberta. Some of the others led a
sadly brief and tragic existence.
among thein being the eldest girl,
who had joined a travelling circus.
and was said to have afterwards met
n violent death in Texns. and has
never been heard of since. although
diligent search was made for details
but .without avail. Another sister
was married in Canada, but was af-
terwards iv c c
ft r 1
o c .0 and n s bsenen 1
1 LY
became an actress in Xew • York.
Another went to Colorado, .where
she ran an opera house at Alamos;.
\ a
Lir. Frank k c \
r n Hick-, who I've.. north
1 . >. I
of Toronto, spent Dominion I)ay a%ith
hisparents Mr., Airs. 'C
and .Ir.. Mellen!
Miss Bottrill, who has taught the
Fairfield school during the past four
year/. resigned and at the closing ex-
ercises was given a present, accom-
panied with an address of npprecin- paid out $1150 for losses en 'Monday i from the Luc in high school up for
tion and regret at her departure. last, Although there his been a • the junior teachers :and senior leav-
public school grounds are be- number of bad storms the company ing junior
, '\hitt began
put in shape by the trustees. ( Ills escaped pretty lightly. I Thursday m,ornintr.
Mrs. Ethelbert Butt and daughter. Mr. Wrn. ilouglas. out genial Mr. omit Mr=. 1'. n. ilolthy. of St.
Virginia, of Detroit. are baiting nt blacksmith, has purchased for his `Thosnns. were the guests of Mrs.
the Methodist parsonage. own list. 0 fine new rubber -fire burr -Chas. Stanley hast week.
Mr. James Dclgaty, also formerly gy. Mr. Douglas is acting as agent i Mrs. llarvey and family have
taught school at Fairfield, preached for the )Morland Buggy Co awl oily moved moved front Ailsa Craig to t his vil-
nl the Mcthodrst church on fiunrlay• person1 wishing a first clays 1ig can I )age. and arc occupying Mrs. Bur -
evening• purchase one frets tins It
a rock ne't's house on water street.
The concert on the evening of Do- bottom price. Hodgins is visiting her
minion Day was a great success. �_ 'i,ler in itidgetown.
Miss hart. the well known clocu. Zion Rev. G..1. Kerr. who succeeds Mr,
tionist of llensall, nal vocalists of Ifolwcs in the pastorate of the
London furnished the prograin, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Avery, n[ Lon -
1 g 'don, called on 1rlcuds here Suntla9. .1ethodi+t Church. arrived here from
111r. Walker and Mi.s Yell. tenor Air. C. Miner•, of iaimrille. has, Ito\\nsvllle on 'Thursday, and tens
1 and Cethot1t0 soloists of ft„' Dundas engaged with John Batten for the giver' n reception by the congregat-
If3e. eyed •some
cine solos choir London, ; ion at the parsons t in the evening.
)uSt received a supply of summer months.
rendered some fine and duets lMiss Lia Mnra, of the HuntsvillePhotograpic Du'ff's fresh i while Miss Lnnsche of First Method- The first of July \Tas spent by
from the manufacturers. We 1st church choir, gate t couple of some going to the Mend. Centralia, collegiate institute sluff• is homy for
F.limvtlin :Ind Kirkton. (he holidays.
- Jlr. 'Thomas Tr ick. of Clinton,
the guest of Mrs. G. Saurwell.
-Miss Pearl Johns, of Alvinston,
is visiting her grandfather, Mr. Wm.
Miners. -
- Miss Mabel Miners is visiting in
Alvinston. the guest of her sister.
Mrs. T Joints.
-Mr. F. A. Walker. member for
Victoria in the Provincial Letiisla-
ture of Alberta, nod son of Mr. Wm.
Walker. who kept hotel at Lucan L'S
years ago, is visiting his cousin. Mrs.
T. E. Handford and other relatives.
-Dr. George Eeldon. of Ingersoll,
is the guest of his brother, Lllr. it.
Seldon. Ile has been successful in
passing his examinations in England.
also his final exam in Toronto. His
intention is to locale in Vancouver.
11. C. '
- Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas and son,
Alfred, of Bay City, Mich., and Dies.
\Woolvin, of Et. Clair, are spending n
few days the guests of Mrs. Spicer
and Miss Spicer. 'They made their
trip in an auto from 6t. Clair visit-
ing friends in London, and ;will leave
here visiting at Hamilton, Brant-
ford. Toronto and Port Hope.
- The following is taken from the
Christian Guardian and refers to
the popular pastor of the James
street church. "Rev. A. '1I. Going
the new president of the 'London con-
ference, is one of the 'best known
of the younger men in that confer-
ence. Ile entered the work in 1884.
sad was ordained in 1889. IIe has
spent all bis ministerial life up to
the present within the bound sof the
Conference over which he now Pre-
sides. Ile has been chairman of dis-
trict, and was a delegate to the
General Conferences of 1902 and
1906. 'Ir. Going is a faithful and
acceptable worker, ami his pastoral
record shows abundantly that his
labors has not been in vain. He has
a thorough grasp of Conference work
and his ability along this line has
long been known, so that, although'
Mr. Going js probably one of the t
youngest presidents the Conference
ever had, no one doubts that he twill
discharge the duties of his office
most faithfully and efficiently. Ile
is a graduate in arts of Victoria
University in the year 1F!r0. As a
college classmate the editor gives
hint specially hearty felicitations.
More than half the sou face of the
globe is hidden beneath water two
miles deep; 7,000,400 sauarc miles
lie at a depth of 18.000 feet or more
Many places have been found five
miles and more in depth. The great-
est depth yet sounded is 31.200 feet,
near the island of Guam. I[ Mt.
Everest. the world's highest moun-
tain. were plucked from its scat
and dropped into this spot the waves
would still roll 2.000 feet above its
crest. Into this terrible abyss the
waters press down with a force of
more than 10.000 pounds to the
square inch. The staunchest ship
ever built would be crumbled under
under this awful pressure like an
eggshell under a stentn roller. A
pine beans fifteen feet long, which
held open the mouth of a trawl used
in making it cast at a depth of
more than 18.000 feet, was crushed
flat, as if it hail been passed between
rollers. The body of the man who
should attempt to venture to such
depths would be compressed until the
flesh was forced into the interstices
of the Crones and his trunk was no
larger that' a rolling pin. Still, the
body would reach the bottom. for
anything that will sink in a tub of
water will sink to the uttermost
depths of the ocean. -Exchange.
Dr. Ilack ties. of 01f.aw•:1, visited
his mother. Mrs. .1 - Ilack ney, last
It,•c. It. .1 (', -bolt, of l'altnt•rs-
tou. forme': 1• :oi of t1..s Con-
grcgalion. ••1.: •'1 •1 thr •unn:,l 1st
of July11 i:•liwct'rtl
1'to cxe ,I i.• ..... . 10111 1110rn-
-ltnl eV. 'lin:_. . ou..-
• lt•. S.el1 :it -
tended the c!. `:t'!: b.•.r'e 1'4:1.41 to its
11111)0x1 eel' :t•.1 \ .
7'he annual p.eacas a hie!. \enc held
on 1 11101110:1111 of tla•- 10:to•.cing
U•e•'n sday 'vas one of t 1. • 14: nt hr:d
for y -.•:•t-., tlie day heitos rite(. and
a goo.i!j to tr,t'er of ,p.• .k.rs. A-
mong them some Contin, from a
distance. Mr. \orris. (.1 Walker.
ton. acting as chairman, 1)1'. Steele.
of 'Toff -fork. Rev. Doherty of Hen -
salt and (oh, -
Mr. and M1 .1 ,s .Ili -lop. of Tor-
onto, are a1 1: ,-.-ut v:si I ing oho
Airs. \Weilitu 4u. of Niagara, 4Ls at
Present- B011:•. • wide iter Mother
Mrs. Jas. Pail:. of the village.
Mr. and Alt ,. Andrew spent a f,•tv
days of Iasi w eels renewing ac tit ;irlt-
an•t• also attended the i'icuie.
Iter•. Gould Missionary [rout For -
moo) occupied t he I't;!p:t in the
1'I esbyterian church h. r,• au Sunday
last. Mr. Gould is an .1.!• and flu-
ent speaker :inil .1,1;• 1,.! 1:•:o ex-
cellent acid t••-s••s. 'iv:::: :t path-
etic account of his in :. 1 in the
work there.
%Ir. and -. JIio::tas Gunning
:eft Tuesday for Manitoba to spend
the summer in that part of Canada.
Mrs. Ernest P. rkiuson. of Bryan -
.ton. is visiting with her rnothcr.
Mrs. Joseph Morley.
Messrs. -lector Millson nod Victor
Sanders spent Sunday with friends
at Fullarton.
Miss Ethel Millson is the guest of
Miss 'Lottie S )hires this week.
Mrs. John llazlewood, who has
been on the sick list. is nicely im-
proving and will soon be able to be
around again.
The W. M. S. hold their monthly
meeting on Thursday at Jars. Daniel
'Mr. Itarvey Stitherby drove
from St. ,Marys on Sunday to
with friends around here.
Mr. Edward Avery, of London, is
visiting with friends around here
this week.
Miss E111 Brooks and Miss Ger-
trude Sutherby have returned to
their places in 'London.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Following js the report of the re-
cent entrance examinations held here
'Russell Atkinson, Vern Atkinson,
Nelson Balk well, Mamie Beattie,
Ola Bice, lava Bloomfield, Sadie
Brown, Amelia Brownlee, Alma Bur-
nett, Harold Butler, Russell Cann-
ing. George Carter, Isidore Casey.
Donald Chown, Joseph Cohoon. Mary
Coleman. Mahle Elliott, Clement
Glavin, Fred Grieve, Muriel Ilas-
kel1. Gerald llodgins, Grace Hod-
gins, Jennie llodgins, Muriel Hod-
gins. Verne .ilodgius, Clitristina ilof
mann, Delia Isaac, Aly /la Kent. ida
Kimball. Ethel l,ipsett, Linda Mc-
Ew'en, Frederic Mcilliargey, Alfred
Miller, Veruic Mitchell, harry Neil,
Saloma O):unyoun, Arthur O'Neill,
Mae O'Reilly, Emma Park, \Vinnifred
Park. George Thins, Charlie stead,
John Ready, Clara (tosser, Lillian
Shipley. Mnt t lin Shipley. Lorne
8holdicc. Mary 8iddall, Jesie Sprowl,
week.intcille Slnnley, Chester Weir, Moss
Miss Vera Coward, of Winchelsea. Weir, Mild:, \Vestantn. M Ory Wheli-
is visiting pt Mr. Geo. Bell's. has, Ada Atkinson.
'Mr. Stewart. of Pittsburg, is vis- itev. Mr. Holmes. who for the Mast
iting his nephew. Mr. Wm. Stewart four years has been the pastor of
here. •Z; " the Methodist Church. left last week
Several fromhere attended c ibw1tL hisfamilyrI' for h's
new charge
funeral of the late Wm. Dinnin bn :It Sarnia. Their departure is goner -
Tuesday. tally regret ed in Loran.
'Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell, Mr. Mrs. W. 'Rolling. Mr. John Rollins,
and Mrs• F. Stewart spent from Bat- ( Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Rollins.
t:rday to .Monday nt the Mend. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hodgins
Haying is progressing slowly on ! and Mrs. S. Deacon were in 'London
account of the wet weather. on \\'ednesdny 1n attend t)t. mar_
Miss Elsie. Turnbull, of Tot onto.' riage of :Miss Ethel Eccgles to Mr.
is shin t Mr.\ •► (, k 11 C.
visiting n B. Gardiner's. I \ m. �Holhn. , o[ ►nnhroo ,
The following from here r.ttended Miss Kathleen Fox bas recanted
the jubilee at the first i resbyterlan l Flom it week's visit .with Miss
c• -
c MarysStratford.
hur h. 8ton Sunday • of
t3 nla
t last .
Mr. and Mrs. 1t. Gardiner. Mr. A.I Miss Violet Carter. of Fairweath-
and Miss L Gardiner. Messrs. 11 .D. er's millinery establishment. Toroti-
and .1. nod Miss E. 'Turnbull, to. is home for the summer months.
1'sborne & Ilibberf. Itis. Coo. ( There were thirty-three pupils
have the famous iirow'ntC 1 soprano solos which for sweetness
and beauty of expression are seldom
Cameras $2,00 up, kodaks, surpassed. Nearly X50.00 t\'cfr taken
in the popular siies. lin. and the Ladies' .1 i.1 are to be 0011-
aretuated on their sure,,s.
for the Asking i -- -it-- With a t'•wc'llirg in the leg, John Col will.
%1r. anti bars. llerdm,u► called on
.1. Andrews Sunday.MARRIED
Mr. and Mr.. V. Delbridge called G1-NN-COf,\v1LL-in Exeter lune
on .1. Andrew. iinIay. :0th, P. \1e K, nzit' Gunn to 'ifar-
Mrs. 1t. hicks is laid up at present riet T. daughter of \Ir. :In.1 Mrs
GoId McddI. SiIvcr SIlcdl. PIS. 5v661d1
Binder Twines from 951 to tic l'se only
the best, don't cost more than other twines.
Coal Oil and Gasoline Stoves
1.'1 in 75c ;:, $2o.00. A big ran;e
to select from
Paint, Stains and Varnishes
Martin Senour t00% I'urc Paint at 50C tit.
Martin Seltour Floor l'aint at 45c tit.
Campbells Varnish Stains 15, 25, 45 and 85c tins
Your every want supplied in Hardware, Paint,
Vanni.hes, Oil and Glass
T. Hawkins & Son
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil,
Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc.
We make a specialty of Eavetroughil)g, Hoof.
ing and Plumbing in all its branches.
Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town.
The Call of Summer
is for new styles in clothing. We have the
latest in all fabrics and our workmanship needs
no ccnlnlent. We always have the best
Our Suits are the best value we have ever
offered in Exeter.
Merchant 'Tailor Exeter, Ontario.
DIt. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. T
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto, (ON EY TO LOAN.
University. t l
1 We have s iarge amount of private funds
Dental Surgeon i oan on farm and villagepropertiee atlowrate
Office over Gla<Inran & Stanhur •'eInterest
Main street-ExETER. l Barrtetere Sollcitorv. M In st.lExetee
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFtrl(•E:-Ove• Dickson & (':r'ings
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
T W. BROWNING, M. 1)., M.
e•1 • P. S., Oradu:►t.e Vlc( rtitt lin
rdr•Ity. om.•e and re•idenencn I)ominioo
Lwooratory, kseter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
LAC ThoivasSc Nuttu!
Civil Engineer & Architect
(late Department or 1'ullie Works, Canala.)
Conitiltinq Engineer for \I nfo al
o ,
la y
Work Electric railroads, stwera • and 11' w• r
�e n ;ter ,, .•
System Wharves, (fridges and He eoforc.d Cotter.'.
phone 2220 London Ontario
We have nollmlt.ed private funds for loves.
e:11 upon farm or village croperty at (owes
stem of tntereet.
arrht±era, 90l1c1tore, ?Searle•, Contra/assert
Commt L+t'new. Sollc'rora for the Mol•on•
Hank. £'n.
Ikons, to Loan at lowest rates of Interest..
orricr s -MAIN $TREF.T. EXETER.
- /. C.ARLrtrg n. A. LE
. B. DicR
111)11 N:
KLEINSTEIVLII.-fn Dashwood on
l.rnc 30th to Mr. and Mrs. Will.
Klcin.t.•iv •r, it son.
WHITE -In Iltttleford, Sask., July
''nth, t•1 Mr. Ind Mrs. E. :11. \\'lite
, .011
1H E I)
EATON -At \Vomlhanl
BA.P111 ELI PS, EX Ei'I;It, L1C
• ,need .\nctioneet•. S thea can
ducted in all parts. 'I'et•tlrs reasonable
Orders can be left at the Ti tl I: Otice
Licensed Auctomeer. Sales con
ducted in all {.arts, 'Perms teasonabl
and satisfaction
FRANK CAIRNS, \'t•terin:u•y Sur.
aeon. Successor to A. 1R. IRam-
say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani-
tnaiS on most approved pilot ipnit,.
Special attention to dentistry. (ttice
� a PPC.
. Main 1 r
stand f n Irl
' old .tan
al FRA 119; 8 I 1
t t y
Night call at Peter Hamlett'. residence
. i tin street.
Valuable Samples Free
"I have used your t oltsfoote Expec-
torant and find it satisfartnry in cats
of croup, colds or coughs. 1 have used
it ever since I got a trial bottle, and
have recommended it to everyone in
need of it. You may u:e my name and
address for testimonials if you wistr.
Hoping it will benefit etb••rs as it has
dune my children, i r4 main,
1069 Prances St., London, Ont.
('oltsfoote Expectorant is tho great-
est cough ural throat cure in the world.
it is the hreserlf',tion of a renowned
specialist. In order that every family
may prove its unparalleled merits we
will send a sample kettle free to every-
one who sends u1 their name and ad•
dress and mentions this paper. can be
Last at All driggists at f,,c. Send your
name to -day to Ur. '1'. A. Slocum, Ltd.,
Send for Free Sample To -day.
On lioud;ly. • Mash. purgative ,rnir:d;es fro
Ilt`cthfast giving way to 1he gentle action
and mild effects of Carter's Little
, 11r,Liter ''ills. 1f you try 1 11P they
• %%111 certainly please you .
11 you had taken two of C.irtr•ra Mr. and \frs. II .IRotadtiafc, of 1101:N1 'RD` - J).\Y - At Christ June 29th. Harriet E.
StoreLittle Liver Title before retiring you 11'oo,lham, and l:rt,t't callt'd on 1, clot, eh Korth, Emlo I'lorence D.ay 'f ife of At Itur Eaton.
would not lase had (bit coated ton- patten on Sunday. of Exeter to Gustaf Pateric llnlm c. tr
uo or had tanto in the mouth thio W. fleet. of Exeter, eill, .l on b•tr of `,,ult Floc Marie. The DI\PIN-lu 1141de-rt. !fitly 5
ONTARIO. roon,tng. Keep a tial with you for Ililly Ilern on Smoky.
marriage took place on June 21th. \V11. Dinnin aged Gi years.
I occasional us..