HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-02, Page 8X.b.1 Ik '1'1MF+S JULY 2nd 190s, +.-•:+++++e+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4,4--e:++:•+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S PHONE 16 Money Savers July- $ 8 50 Men's kool, unlined Tweed Sumner Suits. .lust the thing for these hot days. $1.50 For H'en's Dressy Summer Vests, pure White and white 'with small black em- broidered figures. $1 & $1.50 '1 hey look cool. For Men's fine Straw Sailors. Latest style crown and brim They are cool. $1.00, $ I.25, $1.50, $I.75, $2.00 For five extra special values in La(lies' White Lawn Shirt Waists. These are a lot of inanufitc- turcrs samples that came to us. The saving is so great that you can see it in every waist. Buy one. Redpaths Extra Granulated Sugar Are you getting it. We sell none other. Some stores do because the profit to thein is greater, but remember Redpaths is best by teat. POULTRY We are buyers of Turkeys, Chickens, liens •In(1 Ducks, either alive or dressed. Bring us good duality and we will give you the very highest price. J. .�. S'2'EW ART .1.++++.:-++++++++++4-++++.:4++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++ Gifts to the Bride A Few Good Suggestions Never before were wo in a better position to offer yon an extensive sel- ection ill suitable, useful and accept- able 1Vedding Gifts and the closest price on every article from works of }Can'tOil 1'C possibly Shake thesehighest artistic merit to the lowest•1 price make it greatly to your adven- I off' Ma1:1' tage to buy here. Beautiful Silverware such as Cake Plates, Tea Sets. Fern Dishes, Biscuit .tars, lfarma- ledes, Salad Bowls, Bake to • Dishes and any other hand- some pieces. Bich Cut 1:lass, Vases, Sugars end Creative Olive 1)ieltcs, Butter Tubs, Oil Bottles, Car - Mies, Berry Bowls, Celery Dishes. Etc. Ei and you will say they are 'sure on' when you try thein A. MARCHAND Wedding Icings a Specialty. SPRANG SUITINGS A number of New Browns, Wood col- ors and F.le1►h;ult Grey Snitings just 1't'('.('1\•ed, The correct thing for the spring sea- son. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, -- ONTARIO. tit IISCItiIIF: SIItS(411111•: 141 iiK('ItI11E $il lttil'lIIIIE 1'11 M. TiMES. lJIE T1VEN. TIIF T1MES. 'f11TIMES. younger. e, h \ iese , glasses in all sizes. Eyes Tested Free. you look years fatuous W. S. H OWEYf Plum B. Chemist and 1let idiot. 1{tl:'I'1•:1t - ON'f.%It10. Mr. and Mrs. Girv. Dickson and Mrs. Tho.. Terry and two daughters of 'London. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, Exeter North. Burley 7fodgins, of McGillivray, (he young man who was up helot,. the magistrates souse weeks ago on ;t charge of indecent assault, pre- ferred by a young girl of Stephen, and who etas allowed out on bail to appear for trial at Goderieh, hail his hearing before the judge last l wasno u Tues- day. 1 u't ed the judge cI l j g 1 giving him the benefit sof a reason- able doubt. A reactionary storm period is cen- tral 011 the 41 h. 5111 and 6th. On and touching these dates look for reaction to falling barometer and change to touch (warmer. CloudinCsa rain and thunder storms t%ill visit many localities on and next to the 5th and 0th, ,is Iow' barometric ureas PAIS casttwa rd ly over the country. The crisis of electric excitation will %till fall on and touching the 0th. :1s these storms pasts off to the east. rising barometer and change to cooler will follow cloeely from the west. A somewhat remarkable con- junction of astronomic phenomena fans .within this period namely, the inferior conjunctions of loth Venus and !Mercury-elercu re on the dth and Venue on the 5th. Added to these Earth is in conjunction %%ith Neptune and the ((un on the 0th. and and tcithin a few hours fulls the opposition of Uranus, or the passing Of 'Earth between 1'ranu1 rind the Sun. We believe that borometric fluctuation•. with 'trent magnetic and electric unrest will result at this period. If the Moon were in either conjunction or opposition. earth- peke!' eou14l be n certainty on and about the 6t b. . Market Report. -Tho following to ' the report of ly 2nd market(., our.Long 1oyes at ednee Wheat, 75c a bushel. Barley, 45 to 48 cwnr Flour, Star, $2.60 itr:ut, K20. oats, 40 to 43 Cents. Peas, 70 to 75e. Shorts, 825. Feed flour, $1.30 to :;1.35. Clover seed. $8 to $10 per Coal. $7.25 a ton. • Butter lea. Eies, 1-:c per dozen. Potatoes, 75c. to 90c. per bag. Hoes. liv%%ei;hl, ;5.)5. iIo•-e Dressed, $7.45. \Wool, u11tt'aslted(, Wool w•ashedl 13 Prices leolies Silk (doves I IS inch. tong, w '1'(1118, I3row•r18, Cream, \Vhite and bushel. Black, superior quint y. Regular $1.00 glove for Sec. Ladies Lace Gloves, IS inch. in Cream or \Vhite, tine quality, 'till wesh end wear well. Regular price law for Inc pair. Ladies !.isle (doves in Prean, or \\hitt, le inch, lung. Excellent e eel ing duality, regular price roe for Ise. Ladies Silk and Leather Belts. Se Ib. Ladies silk Belts in Blue, Grey, Grego Blick and \Vhite. Very pretty to 24 Cents. styles. all (.etc• qualities for :rte. Ladies Kid Melts in 13t•o vas, Blues, (liven:, and Black with fancy truckles, •ce regular r :lee; reduced to 2ec, 'these are the most popular' •++•���•+•�••+••+•+•+••+•� R r fabrics this season and are in- • • Torchon and Val 1 aces at Big Reductions •• LOCALS • ' ' deed very cool and eculfort- • • A11 Latce: sepia • off at greatly reduced prices. Some ver daiit pat- •••••••• ,•.l•••••• term; all new gundat, in all widthEpeeist cut price on 12 pd. lyngths. y able for the ll it days. THE OLD RELIABLE The real hot weather i, here, are you prepared for it. Here are a few "how to keep cool" suggestions. -Cool White (kooas -Litten Lawns -Parisians Lawns -Organdies -Paris Linen -S. Milton. i,su.e.r of marriage li • c.•nsr:ts, also complete lido of wed-' ding rings always on hand. Beautiful fine eyeu thread, :i0 inch. wide, free from dressing, a bargain We all tele latest styles itt \'el'y reasonable prices. I have a lot of good, ;tees and -can a. -_b -_s 1 .-.:,. ,. take n few havid of horses or cattle - 4 Wholesale Prices :1 job line of ('hihlr©IIS andWomens Shoes suitable for summer wear ranging from $1, 1.25, 1.50 and $•2, the pries now cut in two, 50e, ii2e, 75e, and $1, Speak quick, Highest Price Paid for Produce. -white 'Waists r' -White Undurskirts -Sunlnler Corsets -Corset Covers -Summer Millinery There is no better assort- ment of cool really -to wear things to be tonna anywhere at our prices. 12 1.2 Bleached Cotton for 1Oc 1 Mens and boys cool clothing IIats and Furnishings in to pasture for the s-'ason. L. Mo - 'r I;;;ari. Our stock of embroideries is altogether too large. In order to clear out a -June is lite month of weddings great many lines we are selling out the entire stock at cost price. Times Las All 2(c embroideries for i4e and don't 'for5et that .0 he All 12!,c embroideries for 9c the finest line of wedding at 'tions rp All 15c embroideries for tor :1l1 tic embroideries for lc to be bad. Our type for Printing the 50c quality of Owerlace for :39c in white only. pretty patterns, 15 inches wide invitations is nett• O' t ❑:._to-aalt0. 1/It. OVENS BYE ANi) EAI' SUR- geon, will be at the Commercial 5 doz. Blinds, mounted on best roller's in green and cleat., regular etc .Inality Hotel. 'lours 9.30 a. in. to 4.30 p• clearing at 25c complete. nt. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. SNELL & ROWE Next visit Friday July 40c Roller Blinds for 25c -0 Times from now unit Jany. What is theResult? 'rh 1st. iue for Fifty Cetlta. -!tall the year has gone. -Hiss Amelia Oke is visiting her If you use PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE, brother Thos. in Kingsville. _Mt�•r Stanley 'Rogers,'Rogers,ar Lista- INSECT POWDER and all other Germicides ,u of unknown quality, your time and money has been fruit Iessly wasted. If you buy your INSECT KILLER at tell, is visiting at Mr. Toth -Miss 'Harrison, of 'Buffalo, was the 1=uLst o.' Mrs. Amos. last 'Monday - r. flat b. Gregory. of M spent Sunday the gnesJ of his par- t 01 �'� (.1118. (`i - A number from here attended the You can depend upon the quality. \Ve pay for the best and getam it, and it will pay you to get the se, Costs no more than the unted:able. Strawberry festival at . Centralia yesterday. -The services in the Presbyterian church last Sunday were along pat- riotic lines. -Mrs. 1. ,fall and daughter .Bert, visited friends in ;trucefieid over the holiday. _\\'ANTED. -A smart boy -Miss F'lossa Sweet visited Miss Davis et .5nintsbury during the past Printie3. couple of weeks. -Miss Jean Beldon Left for Inger- soll this morning to visit relatives. -Bev. A. if. Going, of the James Street church and 'Rev. 1 rluhart, of Kipper exchanged pulpits last Sunday. .lteV. t'reuhart delivered two very excellent sermons during t he day, • ' Dominion Day passed off very euietiy. Some took advantage of the opportunity to go to the .semi and enjoy a day's outing, 'while maty at- tended ire spending their hohdaYs tended the picnics at Centralia and %vith friends in the vicinity. F:limville. -The Exeter voters' list this year -Mrs. Andrews, of Deft oit nn7l contains the names of 655 voters an Mrs. W. Andrews, of dolly, e% ho re - maned e- 11 1hetr sieve' tt. s after increase of 20 over last year.• -Mrs. T. Ii. McCallum and Miss the burial of their envie. the late Elsie McCallun left last Saturday Wm. Gould, returned to 1 heir homes last Pebbly. CARLINC BROS. New Grocery and Shoe Store 2 Doors North of Postoftice,opposite Wood's Meat ;Market Full line of Groceries, all new. Shoes for everybody, Men, ‘Vonten and Children, all sires, at the very lowest cash price Call and be convinced. f(eSi NOME Ond SnOeS T. J. WILSON. Drug Store 'Car=Load of Buggies COLE'S DRUG STORE to learn -Mr. and Mrs. McMartin, of 'Bar- rie •were the guests of iMrs. qt. Col- lins last •Monday. - \Tr. 11. E. Ruston and family last Friday moved to the Bernd. where they, will spent the summer months. --Mrs. D. Johns returned home Fr:•Iay after visiting her daughter el's. W. Goodison at Barnet. -Misses Olive and Nora Eby, of on a trip to Vancot'er, 13. C. -Mr. and .Mrs. 'Bennett, of Toron- to, were the Quests of Mr. and !Mrs. J. A. 'Stewart over the holiday. - Mr. Art Schlott and Miss 1Lnria Beldon, of Ingersoll, visited relat- ives in town during the past hveek. -Miss Edne Follick was succesful in passing her recent examination in vocal music with first class honors. -Mrs. Eol. (lardy and son left Hat- nrday for a visit with friends :it Carsonville and other Michigan planes. -Miss 'Annie Cohbleaick, of (Tor- onto, is spending her holiday's with her parents 'Mr. and Mrs. D. Cobble - t c -k\ r. 1c RFIIt ot managerc t of the Molsoits' batik at Nortt ick, is spend- inr a id1. fritluoays )%ith I:i- mother Mrs. It . l The eclipse of th.- sun took place last Sunday morning and with the aid of n smoked glass could l e seen very distinctly. -Miss 11' 'Graham. of Hl. Marys, returned to her horns Friday after 8 pleasant visit nt the home of Mrs. ,lohtu White. -Mr. W. I1. Levett bag torn out the side of his building at the cornet of Main and Sanders street and is having it built more substantial. -The Exeter soldiers returned from the Goaerich camp last Friday. every one Lrowtied and looking as , th them. , n i though carol life agreed %v -Rev. Meer and fancily. aCcompate ice by NMiss 'Lick ham, of 'Amherst - burg left 'Monday for Grand lirad to put in a couple of weeks camping. -A number front Exeter went to Creditor' la:•t. Thursday evening to witness the ball 'sine bet (teen Cred- .ton and Du11crief, The latter tennt .vas victorious. -Willie Antos left last Saturday - The lniot players are putting in to visit in - McGillivray. 'Lillian •ome good practice with n view of joined hint on 'Monday and they to - eking down some of the prizes 111 gether 'will visit for several woks the Condon 101rnantent to be held before leaving for their new home shortly. at •It:iyutuud. Alberta. Mrs. Amos ,•xp,rig to leave this week for ilrttnt- ford end other Pointe to visit before going west. -Mr Itobt. Mousy took possess- . \ • Howie. yester- day. the Mansion o y io11 , 1 day. IMr. ltinney l,as had consider- able experience in the hotel business and having a wide circle of friends around thi8 section, 'will no doubt do a good business. -A very pretty June wedding was performed on Wednesday June 24tH, by Itev. Canon ),ague, of the iSlentor- ial church, London, when Miss Ethel Drew, daughterbier of Mr. Alfred Drew. t nephew of Win. Drew, town. teas married to Mr. Geo. E. Wright. also of London. lion 'Phonies 11:111eutinc. former speaker of the Ontario legislature, and 1 died • pioneer dinty ►n r an lr cd nt his home in Stratford, 'Monday morning v was 'n his 79th Yee!' The deceased n u 5 and teas one of the most prominent figures in the history of Stratford and Perth tb courtly. -A number of lluttgarians work- ing on the Anderson drain in Use borne township "pumped their yob" ca 10 Exeter. I S and 1111. last t Th lr teaY n 'rile contractor came to town and made agreeable arrangements with them and they returned the saute evening to their work. The date of the Autumn sittings and winter nseizes for 1908-08 to- gether with the judge, nssiptned. have been ammuneed. Autumn Sit' tinge, jury, Rill be heard in Goaerich before 'Mr. Justice Anglin Sept. 22. and (non jury) before Mr. Justice McMahon on December the first. iM i-. Thos. Cook, who for the past leo years conducted the 'Mansion Douse. left yesterday fur London) hating disposed of the host lery here to M1. Iltobt. 1)inney. While n re- sident of Exeter Mr. Cook made a number of friends, who have the best for his success in the Forest City. -Although the cow by -laic has been passed for some weeks, it is re- ported that n number are allowed to roam the streets withoet a herd- er in charge. -The old woolen mill et the river is n thing of the past. Mr. Jack- son, who purchased the properly some time ngo. has rased the build- ing end disposed of the timbers. -At a recent meeting of the di- rectors of the agricultural society. 'Mr. John Allison. of the Thames -Mr. D. S. Tait, (Loekie•) of .St. Paul, Minn. and n former Exeter boy. evidently is a strong believer that the United States should be an- nexed to Canada. ,lis cards sent to n number of friends here show the British and Amerienn flag entwined twilh the proverb underneath, "In tinily there is strength." The committee. to whom the Ii - 1 ointed vice-president in initiation of the Sovereign bink 1tau1, was n iP twn• .ntnnte.1. Senator ti:uir•l. 'M r. the place of the late Jame+ Jfallen- '. 1'. 11c .ar. n, JT. P., and Mr. Wm. lyne. 1''allncr •twill present n report at -Rev. C. W. Dawn fuel Mrs. 'Doe n. the sharcholdere' annual meeting on who have been spending their hone)'- .iuly 14. ..tt present there seems to moon 'with relatives in Ext ter. leave ee little 11kliltood that the share- ! his ,week for their nee horn.. holders %%ill be called upon for any Man) are sorry they did not try Tort tembton. Last (i mrlsy lt av, Portion of their double li+lirility. any conducted the anniversary err- luidation 1185 reached a slag. whichi Psychine first. throat, lung and vice• of the Kirkton Methodist make.. it certain that the eharebold- At I stmnach trall drolee yield to its eurativo church end .(.lice.(.a two very im- ens have not 1051 all that they hag b. 1'. A till,dm, Lits,.;nesad$1.00,or pressive sermons. in the defunct institution. Slocum, Limitc.i, Toronto. .Miss Marian, Elston, of Parkhill and 'Miss Dinah Elston, of Wood- bridge, have completed theirmillin- ery season and returned this week to their home here. The strawberry social on the rec- tory' lawn last Friday evening was very successful, n large crowd being present. The program was a varied and interesting one and proved most entertaining. Solos were given by the Misses Carling, Johns and Mur - tin and 'Messrs. Maguire and Jenn- ings. Instrumental numbers were given by Messrs. Maguire and Derry on their cornets and by Mr. Pack on his mandolin. Itev. Collins also entertained with a recitation. -Decoration Day, which h tnR ob- served o -served last Thursday afternoon, pass- ed off very quietly. Although a number event to the cemetery to de- corate the graves of departed rela- tives end friends, the societies figs ofb t c town failed to take part as bodies. Last year n parade was formed and headed by the band marched to the cemetery. This year this was lacking. A number Came in from the country early in order to lake part and were disappointed that the usual proceednre tuns not carried out. A number of Ilse stores closed at four o'clock. p. m. giving the clerks the balance of the day off duty. -Those. interested in the. York County Loan nvi11 be pleased to hear that the nightmare •,f litigation '.till be halted nt once. It. (time Smith, manager .• r of the be \:It" •oval Trust Co.. slates that the 1.114 119 ill . .i hlGeo. l0. ICtI r n Dc ler. K. C. the official referee hits been ttorking night and day on the matter and his efforts have born good results and n 1 It is probable tint a judgement will be handed down within n few weeks. it does not follow 1hnt a dividend will fol- low the judgement immediately, but its so011 after as possible n staff 'twill be put nt work winding up the affair and it is hoped that all .,till be con- cluded about the end of the year. -Two of the papers et ittc•tt on at t lie entrance examinations held last .•k. came in for considerable crlt- lC,.ui.:Is being too advanced for such an examination, namely the arith- metic and geography papers. Ito severe were these papers that fully fifty cent at of the pupils expect ec t to be plucked. The geography paper was too general. 1t seems a fair paper to older people. for their experience and general reading %could enable them to give n fair icnswor to n goodly number of the • tn.•st- ions. but to expect children, :.ver - aging Thirteen years of ngt, to ans- wer such questions in elk short time at their disposal is absurd. The nrithmetic paper was even worse than that on geography and many of then[ would puzzle older heads. For the benefit of the ebihi- re•n who (v101e we give the answers to the -111(.51 ions in at Mimetic. (1) A. 520 over 567: b. .70UF4: 12) 41 gala. in each bbl. 1st tank A7 bb's 2nd tank 97 barrels. 1rd tank 117 barrels. (3) $61.78. (1) $161+. fi) 6250. '(6) l') see.3':5 ••n, f•) l•:n inn. Like to Try Psychine "''lease spud me a bottle of Psychlne. i have n child afflicted with tuberculosis, and have Leen advised to try your medicine by our family doctor, as he ;says he cannot do any. thing more for my child." aI It S. I1. SST EI'ii T:NS. Artl.ur, Ont., July 14, 1907. Psychine vire, when dnetnrs fail. For Sale D1cLeughlin's and Canada Carriage Company make. Wagon, flows, N heelbarrows, Scouter and (Rood GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM From Exeter via Chicago and St. Paul three -drum Roller for $32.1 To 1st Clas. 2nd ClamsAlso afew Dearing Mowers and Winnipeg, Man.527.00 $21.00 Binders, Call and see before buying PortageLaPtairie,Dfaut. 20.05 21,8E it will he worth your while. Brandon, 1111111. 30.00 2:3.00 k. 5 -1y29.35 Regina.3':7:W. G. BISS:TT.Saskatoon, ;ask, 42,13 30.85Ds Jaw,yask. Prince Albert,Saek, 43.63 31,85 Edmonton, Alta. :2, ► 37.55 Red Deer. Alta. 52,20 37.,55 Proportionate Rates tootpointe in the Canadian Northwest. Trains now opera.ing through St. (lair Tun- nel by Electricity. Choice of seven lines from Chicago to St. Paul and three beyond St. Paul. The dominion w:i 11 -years old yesterday. Mr. Earl Spackman, of Alvinstot spent the holiday with his parents here. Mr. G. W. •lIolman, of Egtnonde elite, spent the holiday with friends in town. r Mr. Alex. Dyer and Mrs. anti Mrs. Alf. Walter spent the holiday in Brantford. M is ns • dthe u o DS r. Case Howard, of Bank staff. St. Thomas. %vas here for the holiday. The many friends here of Mrs. A. Dempsey, of Toronto, will be Pain- ed to learn of her continued illness Miss Daisy Hodgson, teacher at Brigdcn, returned Saturday evening to spend the vacation with her par- ents. The half yearly returns as com- piled by .Joseph Senior. cient4 show 12 births. 12 deaths and 5 marriages in the village since the first of the peer. The contractors are tearing up the wooden sidewalk on Main 13f. between the 'Metropolitan hotel and the bridge prior to laying the new granolithio walk. Mr. Garfield Sheerc, of Brantford. yisitedebis mother over the holiday. Itis daughter ;Madeleine, who was visiting here for eome tveeks, re- turned home %%it)) him Wednesday evening. -Next Sunday 'Rev. .McDonagh will ink.. charge of the services in the Main Street church and the Humbly % r CCU- tr' epulpit , 11 b o [alto rn th 1 R pied by 'Rev. Could. :t tnission:try to Formosa. Japan. 'Mr. Purchase,, a student of Vic- toria college. Toronto, gave an in- teresting 'retort. illustrated with theft ycu know what you want. limelight view. on Japan in I he 1)o not cxperitncnt \with hloue Methodist church Monday evening. said to be test a3 ort.. Ittsit3l and on Tuesday evening• lectured in 7 !; the James street church. on having the old reliable. No Two rinks of Exeter bun lets left better place to get it than at the Tuesday morning In play 1wo games ...set with Clinton and Myth tItks the , . latter in the afternoon and the for- mer in the evening. The following gentlemen composed the party, tlievs Martin and Collins and Messrs. J. \I'. Brodrriek, N. D. ilnrdon, W. \V, 'Taman, Cam1,I Il, W. nlatchford :erg the u J. ?n Atboth 1 t end for. YP Exeter players were defeated. One of th erinks returned horn yester- (lay morning wetile the tither went over to Seaforth to take Irirt in the bowling tournament. -Owing lO the illness of 1). '1). G. M.. Col. i11. A. '1.. White. of R1. Mats, 'Itt. \\'ot. Itro. 1)011, of New Denature. mnde the oftie...I visit to the Keeler \latsotic helve last Monday (.venni(.. After exempli- fying the stork of the initiatory degree. the member- ❑11.1 visiting brethern 5:11 down to a luncheon prepared by 1W. .1. Statham. After the lunch had beet. •lispo-,•.I of. 1V. M. tiro. remelt celled the rue. ting to order and a list of 'wet. were re- sponded to. The toast to the Ring wns given by all singing "God Have the King." ; .'Canaan." was respond- ed to by N. 11. llnrelon : 'The Grand Leave." by Bt. Woe. Itro. .'lolly : "Nfnsonrt" I.r• Itev. (Going and lhtgh Speck teen : "Learned f'rnfeeeions' It.•t•. Colima ; "\•i.rtfng lleethern.. 1-' mil• gout b of Cent r .I.., eon- Nl,. Cenipbell, 1)r. McGillicuddy 81111 rein le 143 acres. Brick .'welling "1 , . 1'11 Idicontbr• : -Count r% Mem- 3 le t.., one of which has Lauetnent t.. r ..' \\'. 1). Ki 4)..1 -. John Moir. stn, e. One neer orehnrri. three 11. Aitch,•'' and W. •11. Elliott . 'Ex.•- nev. (ailing 'yell%: two ebelm01e. ter l.o lu " W. W. Taoism. Ilrn llol- 11 soil is n cine 'nem. is clean of ly complitie ate,( the lodge on the ef- wee <, well endcrar•tined and in let ficiettt mann r in I% Lich the first dp- etas ..tit. Of cultivation, For term, grce hid 1•, 11 put on. )etc., apply to 1t. dicks% Centralia'. Dominion Day Return 'Pickets at Single Faro Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and ''ort Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black ,tock and Suspension bridge, N. Y. Good going June 30th and .1uly ist. Return limit Thursday July'_'nd. A For tickets and full info, ration call J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write" J. D. MCI)ONALI), 1/1lriod Depot, Toronto Ont. S66011 tO M0116 if you have ever used Harveys Star Flour Manufactured by HARVEY BROS. Farm for Sale • s,. ,w .1 ,'ood 101 ars farm en dot 17. Con. s Iilanahnr.i west boundary. On the fare) there is a good b= ick house'. Two good c.•Ilers, (soot! shed nn.1t • summer kite!, it. There is a barn on it 40x60 nl'o Lor : • amble ttrtul r_iltla 5)t 1 31x25; dr111n.r sheet: hog 1,"•n: 2 never failing t .I1 ,one et house and the 01 at the bath: 1 good orchard•. 40 acres eecdcd. Tho farm is well fenced, 400 rods of Swire fencing. This feria must be sold ns the proprielr:...e ail) ,tile up farm- ing on or before the 16th day of July. Terrns easy. i'oaseesion at once. For further particul11re apply to Mr.., T. Cornish. Woodham, or on th' t.remi*M. Jos. Whitt, Auct. Farm for Sale