HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-02, Page 7•
I-H-fr-hyar11-i-4 +f-1 1 1-14.1.4444
t hints.
1i-i-i�"i'-i",hf'•1-h-1-1i#lt-1 t' _s -Pi--}
Galleon In faded tints, worked with
Is used kr crown bands.
Entire hats are trimmed with rose
pe'a's in a succession of sizes and tones,
lin ad, Batu y gauze goals of irides-
cent colors aro smart on Sumatra hats.
Jet fuss, ctabaci.ons, and agraffes re-
gister the present miIl.nery craze for
Small tomatoes cn late millinery mai.
ea; encourage cutest a here for urayen-
nalee dressing.
Sashes are ever ywh'ra on a frock and
arranged in every GLnce:vable fashion.
11.0 latest Clhnrlolte model is the re-
vclul.onary cap of enormous proper -
tic ns.
Of the new colors one favored by the
nec:s i; "slue after rain," a tint of
pee blue,
fiatari n. and cachemine ribbon, edged
with " Tekine" border;, are the latest
th.ng in millinery.
Many sailor bats are heavily trimmed
all around the crown or across the front
with flowers, foliage, wings, and
Cherries have once again come back
to their kingdom, but are sharing the
place cf honor with clusters of ripe aprt-
Oo ts.
A simple but exceedingly pretty flnsh
frr the Wel( et a gown, providing the
skirt be long and absolutely untrimmed,
is a double row of tiny buttons -front
neck to hem.
The fl••wer hat, by reason of the cheer-
ful c)n!rast it affords with depart n(�
aornLern.ss, is note:! in the new model
trimmed v. -1h Irises, which is holding
lis own against all newcomers this sea.
Lace jab -'s redeem the simplest blouse
from plainness. and, falling over a fit-
ted tailored ocat, they strike an agree,
able note. Frilly Brussels net rum;ng
edged with baby Irish is a suggestion.
A clover touch of black may be added
to any velum°. elaborate or s'mple, by
the u_e of a narrow tie, knotted to front
at lh base of the col:ar, its short ends
(Dashed with tass^!s or small balls.
Brides ogrry a bouquet or a prayer
took, as they desire. The wearing of
1, -wets also is a matter of choice, though
if wan they consist of but two or three
pkees, the gifts of Iho groom or near-
est rolativets.
Chic is the square melee, barely reach -
Ing the waist Line, of moire or ribbed
re!Lk. This Goatee is sleeveless. The
t.readth of the coat, front and back, falls
slightly over the shoulders.
The empire style still is prevailing. It
ft making a long May with us, probab-
ly because no sit:table suaesser has yet
made its nppearance, the tight dire
telco skirt auf'ing 1» kw figures and
te!ng within the power of so few dress-
utache as used In a
of ways.
It wod rks out the pattern varietyIn laces, Is
used In place cf embroidery on linen
and batiste gown', ant is most effect.ve
in a free hand design on filet and Rus-
sian voile and marquisettes. It Is ap-
plkd flat or on Its edge.
For the house forfternoon or even -
mg wear flesh co!eree, stocicings are le -
Ing worn, whatever the color of the
gown or slippers, even with black or
whl'e. For afterno-rn wear, for visits
and the rac s. again ono sees fashion.
able women wearing stockings of a d,t-
larent color from the gown or shoe.
A curfews feature of the rote foliage
of the present season is the fact that Ills
j810.4 are only partially uncurled and
tt vo Almost the suggestion of buds
when seen at a distance, the smallest
examples teing chosen in lieu of the
huge exaggerated leaves which last s,a-
son carried all before them.
Princess gowns, or rather princess
akl1ts and the lower portion of the waist
enwrapping a rorcage or h)rnlse of la -e,
embroidered tulle, or embrc,ldered linen,
arc to be aoen, the tightly flttir.g sleeves
to the wrists having a aeries of plath
from shoulder to elbow, enctret ng and
ng a kind of draped and habil!e ef-
For a long time now we have given
lukewarm All gimme to cro of our
stanchest allies in tho millinery world
-rame'y: ate ostrich "lip," which costs
infinitely less Ulan the huge plume, and
which (aces yeoman service when recur! -
e I and srearred long after the origamieons/piedha' 1s eons/pied to the limbo of the
ei)�ei porgee. whtch only a few years
ago w'ns rc,rnM t.y (he fastidious shop-
per, has came to to the lender among
all summer fabrics. It makes up not
or:!y- in plan (lifter mades for traveling
a' d ea'kfnr+ and cot's for all (ceaslons
from anteme h le to evening wear. but
nen apr•e;,r, ;n entre of the handsomest
semielrrss !mens for aftern.-on flee.
in spite of the craze whl;h oxrsts for
P c (metre an.! Greek gowns, with
sheath Ike tkh-ts canging to the figure
like Ih.' calyx of n bud, yr with flowing
drapert.'e ad a classical s!rirplicily, lite
sprcial s's of the world of dress are de-
vi•ling a great deal of eitk'ntion to the
meant Llan fi^hu frock fashioned In the
iIr girth, R•:,ml:ey, and Gainosbonough
Figures Which aline That Tommy At-
kins le Banking Less.
The Brash army !e geeing rn.-re so-
ber every day. 1n every rnil•tary cen-
t's Army th•
� A ny T:•mperar:ce Soo.. ty s
gQr w.ng in earn and influence. T. many
A'klns Ls be•:om'ng a model of s_.b:i, ty.
Am -ng the Windsor gal'ri.;on--excie-
s.v rty compose -1 of guard --there is so
1 Ito drur,kennes imong 'hal troops, ei-
ther horse or foot, that the \V ndsuer
tncgistrates have not had a sol !i -r be -
fere them ehareed with drunkenness
fel many menthe. There may be mild
cases, but they aro dealt with by the
rtgmental anth.eities. Very little wine
Is new .trunk at the officers mess in
the B:Igade of Clarets. Miecra! waters
'alto the pace cl tirti,ng drank at lunch-
es n. aryl even at diener tee cfiieers are
very alrsternlcus.
wrr,u.Y MARKET otat'TER.
A. J. Pattison & Co., Toronto, in their
weekly market letter, report as follows:
Tho Canadian Hanks rei-ort an in-
cruhse of over $6.000,000 in deposits of
the Canadian public, and a decrease of
leans in Canada of 85.7O0,0e0 for the
month -not an unusual condition tor
ties time of the year. Mexican Power
ai which attention has been called when
.selling at 46 as probably going on a
dividend basis, has advanced to 57, and
as intimated, a dividend of 1 per cent.
has been declared payable in July. It
is not stated that this td a quarterly pay-
ment, but the earnings warrant Ins ex-
peclation. Rio will materially redure
expenses by the completion of the water
power system, coal being an expensive
fuel in that disti•ict. The net earnings
�ihoufd show largo Increase within the
next sixty days. The American mar-
kets, which have suffered a reaction ow-
let; to the Presidential nominations, of-
fer attractive dividend fnvesstmeres 'n
such standard issues as Northern Pace
Cc, Great Northern, Pennsylvania and
St Pau). lndustrfafs have advanced
steadily, but still show large earnings
In prices quoted for standard corpora-
l: ns. We doubt if the present condition
of trade in United States w erranls the
advances, but certainly no more prom-
ising crop conditions have existed for
many years than are now general
throughout Canada and the United
Cobalt shares have advanced general-
ly. The expected dividends on a nurn-
l'er of shipptng mine have been rea-
1Iiea. Crown Reserve 4 per cent., '1'e-
rnlskeming 3 per cent and City of Co-
balt. 5 per cent. are among the recent
declarations from mines which have not
heretofore been regular dividend payers.
it is stated en apparently geed au-
thority that Trethewey will be plaoea on
a dividend bests within the nextmonth.
Recent earnings aprear to warrant from
3 Ter cent. to 5 per cent. quarjerly. Re-
ports from the mine show aufftclent de-
velopment to warrant expectation of a
continuation of dtvidends. M:1(inley-
sr. is also expected to declare quarter -
c• ly dividends, begtnning in July- Recent
N w that the season of t!run.ter-
el runs hate arrived. that lcngetet.,oted
Ful j., -t rR tm: .; fres:. "tares'. It his
y1.'n r d s'•r'as+vl by Dr. A. W. iF rah -
1v rte, in 'Ne,le• (rem th-• Royal B .tame
Gnr.l• n of Iid.nburµh." who cnncllkleiq
'ted ;-o tree is 11 07111110, and th It Lghtn-
taia w'�' ate lie 'T] Sp:ries quite as read-
ily es aro'hcr, " Oalaaaitio a to P'e pa- r
pular telof that "it is quite ae o io
grind under a to'ch, while the danger
Under a rte-iiiuu; ',rest cr an cal( is, re-
sieectively, 15 or 50 tames ea great,'
doctor Borthwick ssy's that the larch
is struck quite es Inquentiy at any
oth.f trek'. Aprarcn'ly the tare!' bevy
'n any neighterl•o-tl are the ones n:o.st
hall, to be stet' k.
When a we lien inf(rmi a man that
she's gong to felt hint something for
hie own pe -.1 it Is time for him to
Stand frrm tin•!er,
qua eons are: Grown Reserve 47-49x
div; Temiskarnirrg 44-46; City of Cobalt
1.72. Trethewey 82-84, buyers 60 days, 90;
Mclttnley-Dar. 76, 63. LaRose, the now
reboil merger, which was placed In
New York at *4.75, has sold up to $5.13.
Shipping Cobalt mines may be oons!d-
ered a fair speculative Investment. We
think that the other stocks should be
left alone for the Lime being until the
properties have given evidence of
Ancient lady (stout to lecture a tramp
for his good) -"My man, were you ever
Tramp (hurrying away) -"wow•! I
forgot thus was !eapyear,"
A Pleasant Medicine, -There are some
pills whlch have no other purpose twi-
denay than to beget painful internal
d sturkances in the patient, ad-
ding to tea troubles and perplexities ra-
ther than dlmini.hing them. One plight
8, well swallow SO1rro eor•roslvo ma-
terial. Parrnelee's Vegetable Pills have
not this disagre+oahle and injurious pro-
perty. .1'1tey aro easy to 'Lake, aro not
unpleasant to the taste, and their action
is mild and soothing. A trial of them
will prove this. They offer peace to the
dy. teplic. -
"1 won't say nlnrriarfe is a failure," he
said, angrily; "but sortie are more f-irtu-
na'e In what INV gel Than others.' She
lr ugh d anroy'ing'ly, "You aro right,"
111e sa.d. "You, for instance, got me;
Lut 1 -got only you,'
The heat of the Tremae fal,a re y checks.
1t takes away the energy. "Perri srrn' is the
bed t,nic to roses yen U . it stiwnlrte. the
system. it tnak.: the weak streng. 11 Is pleas-
ant to take. Ali druggists sell it.
"ignorance," remarked the talkative
you'h. "they say is blase." "Oh, that
probably acc.•unts for it," rejo'nd the
chi gentleman, "Accounts for what?'
queried ti.e youth. "The eonteeteJ and
happy ;oak you usually wear," the other
re p1.eJ.
Mother Grate's' \\'arm rxlerminr'or Is
pleasant to take; sure and effectual in
destroying worms. Many have tried it
with beet results,
"lark never mirages things just
eight,' raid the Irritated one, who d:s-
1 kes music. "11 might have been the
otter way round, hut it wasn't,' "\Vhnt
Is the trouble now?" "My daughter, wt o
plays the plane, has a .s re throat, and
the one she sines has a sora linger.'•
Wine and women may be 81 ke in
acme Nape :t:, but age improves wine.
Men should
rafts" look for this
lag off "
Tobacco. It
guaranteesthehigh quality of
Black Watch
All Women Need the Rich, Bed
Blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
Actually lake,
From girlhood to middle ate the hea!rh
and happiness of every wnrrtan depend_
cri her blood. If 11.r blood is poor and
Witte -1.y she becomes weak, langtud.
rale and nervous. If her bkod sultgriy
is irregular she suffers from headaches
and teckacheis and otter unspeakable
distress which only women know. Al
every stage of a woman's life Dr. Wil -
lams' Pink Hills are her best friend, be-
cause they actually make the rich, reel
Hood which gives health and strength
and tone to every organ of the body.
They help a woman just when nature
makes the greatest demand upon her
blood supply. Mrs. H. Gagnon, who for
twenty years has been one of the best
known residents of St. Roclys, Que.,
says: --"Dr. Williams' Pink t'ic's have
been a blessing to rhe. I was s'eak,
warn out and scarcely able to drag rny-
:scil about. I suffered from headaches
and dizziness, my appetite was poor and
to attempt housework left me utterly
worn out. 1 slept badly at night and
what sleep 1 got did not refresh me.
For nearly Ihrte years 1 was in this
condition and was constantly taking
mcdieine, but found no benefit frorn it.
One of my neighbors who had used Dr.
Williams' Pink Pins with mach benefit,
advised me to try therm. 1 did so, and
the whole story is told in the words 1
ant well again.' There aro tintos ye(
when 1 take the pills for they seem to
me a guarantee against the troubles
which o many women suffer'."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not act
on the bowels. They contain just the
elements That actually make new blood
arid strengthen the nerves. That's why
they cure anaemia, indigestion, rheu-
mat!sm, lumbago, headaches, backaches,
heart palpitation and skin diseases like
pimples and eczema. That is why they
are the greatest help in the world for
graving girls who need new blood and
for women who aro troubled with irre-
gular heahh. Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mall at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Ce„ Brockville, Ont.
Other suns will shine as golden,
Other skies be just as blue;
Other south winds blow as softly,
Gently drinking up the dew;
Other golden -rod and asters
With the sun and skies agree;
These for other mean and women -
Just to -day for you and me.
Other fruit of winey flavour
Wanderers will pluck and cat;
Others birds with winsome voices
Other songs will sing as sweet.
O'er the dappled brook will midgets
Dance an hour, then cease to be;
All the world may have to -morrow --
But to -days for you and me.
Other gardens will be planted
Fair as this which we call ours;
Other blooms succeed in shaming
These benign, old-fashioned (lowers.
All the glories of the sunset
in the sunriEe one may see;
That which others call the dawning
Ls the night for you and me.
t --
"I know what's pa-Ss'ng in your
mind," suddenly said the maiden as the
habitually silent caller stared at her.
"I know. too, why you aro calling here
night after n'aght, appropriating my
time to yourself and kr oiling < tiler nice
young men away. You want MO 10
marry you, don't yc•u?"
"1-1 do!' gasped ttie young man.
"I thought so. Very well; I will."
Have you tried a package of "THE
NEW FOOD"? It 13 made of the Chc,ic-
et \Vhile Wheat, then steam -caked and
flakes. No kitchen can produce n bet-
ter made or cleaner article for human
censumpkon. i►1 order to introduce
it prize has been placed in every pack-
age. Already 'i IIIR'C\'•SiX Blue (lards
tailing for LADIES' GOLD \VATCIIE.S,
have been redeemed, noel SEVENTY-
FIVE Red Cards. Each ono of these
Cards has been found in a package of
The Red Cards g.ve the finder the
r?:o1v of the follr•w,ng articles:
ii'y; Nickka Watch.
"Our i'iide" Gott N.I, Fountain Pen.
Barcau Cover, Dhct.csa I'aa-rn, Four
Table Cover, One Yard Square, Dee
Baby Ring, SnLd Geld.
Sideboard Covers, Two Yards Long,
0; en Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling
Slyer Tap.
Cold Moat Fork, Silver -pitted, Rogers'
Ile4t ,\tike.
fatdc Cnains, 14k Gala -filled, Place tat
Ph lot,
Ladies Rack Comb, Tortoise Shell, Set
Math Brihiants.
S gnat R ng, 10k Geld, Pines for rwo
A new til e f prizei have been planed
In the packa.es.
Ask your giro nr fur a package Of
A 1.001t AHEAD.
Queen A'exandrn, r.( gracious presence
hereelf, attended last spring's annual
Mansion House fete in London, and be -
cense of drat aus;'lcious. fact there is a
tale to te_'1 anal tv„t•fh t1e Wh,ly,
Cone of the diminutive flower maidens
was both pretty and plump, and when
her majesty eteppett for an instant to
Smile deem upon her, what did she do
but put up her wee mouth for a kLss,
which she received,
'Mo.lyI' gasped her astounded mo-
th'r, atter the dislingu'shesl vhiklr had
passed on. "flow could you?"
1►t Ily gave good mason. "1 fought.'
sed lb", 'It 'ud be inkrestln' to tell my
grand, hl sera."
AFSCL'E settoOL.
Will Learn How to Rescue Miners in
Case of Accident.
Recrnt territ'e colliery explosions will
draw Bash (10311U -n to the flew Rescue
•i'r ain.ng St'LOJI which has been esLub-
! : hid in Lancashire, England.
This school is Veil with on fmita-
t on coal ni no gallery, kok:nyf from the
tie do at tho hall s,nheth.ng Gko a huge
squat um, hay.ng a plate glass boll, :o
that spcetatois can see what as gourd
Some test "rescues" were rc ently
made in the imitation gall ry. Afters,
attired 111 special safely .u,UI's ayrd car-
rying safely lancers, traversed the vc'rk-
uig> of the gall, ry, well the c-bj• ct cf
r , u.ng other riUur.> ‘‘h, were sup-
po-:d fes be entomb d. An atite,spiere
rendered deadly ay d: nse fumes of sul-
1 her had been injected into the g rlkry,
and tie "res -u ra' had k, find and tiring:
away a dummy figure, suppcs.d to be
un :onse:oas, and weighing over 12
While w•-rkin et in the gallery the "rae-
cee" party had to overc,-nic all the
oinaeo''&.s 1'su;I in a mine (Tea t'r, Dan-
gerous port:ons of the root had to be
retinttered, p'Ns of debris cleared away,
and the apparatus used in mine venti-
latien had 10 le put MO ol•craton. It
was n fight yard by yard, aid the first
test occupied two hours, during which
time t're men rema:nal in Ih_deadly at-
n:osehere, m dleal officers, of course,
being in attendance to render a d .should
any of the ccnlpettors be ovcic..ma..
At (h`s Lancashire school men an bo
trained so as to form resew brigades
for service in ti:o real disaster which
arc so constantly taking place,
'i --
Once highly Recommended by the
cal Profession in England.
Formerly it was customary for kings
of England on Good Friday to hallow
certain rings, the wearing of which pre-
vented cramp or epilepsy.
They were made from the metal of de-
cayed coins and consecrated with an
elaborate ceremony, some details of
which are still preserved. They were
"highly recornmended by the medical pro-
fession" about 1557, for Andrew Roorde
iu his "Breviary of Health," speaking
of cramp, says: "The Kynge's Majestic
hath a great helps In this matter in hal-
lcw•tng Cramp° Binges without money or
Occasionally cramp rings played a per-
suasive part fn diplomacy. Lord Renters.
British Ambncsador at the Court of
Charles V., wrote In 1508 "to my horde
Cardinall's grace" for some "cramp.
ryngs," with trust to "bestow(' therm well,
by God's grace."
Medi -
The hot weather months aro an anxir
sus tune for all mothers, but particu-
larly for young mothers. They aro the
most fatal months In the year for
tables and young children, because r t
the great prevalence of stomach and
bewel troubles. These come almost
without warning, and often lei -re the
mother realizes that there 6 danger the
little one may be beyond aid. It is the
duty of every mother to use ell reason-
nhle precautions to ward off summer
complaints. For this purpose no other
medicine can equal Raby's Own Tablets.
An occasional dose will keep the stem
itch and bowels free from offending
matter, anal will ensure the lLtUe ones
good health. if the trouble comes un
expectedly the Tablets will speedily cur
it. Every home, therefore, should key
the Tablets on hand always; they ma
I c the means of saving your child's 1110
alley are guaranteed free from opiates
rind narcet!rs, and may be given with
perfect safety to a new born babe. Sold
t y medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The pr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
(Scene-Farmer•9' dinner; tables well
fated.) Chairman -"Mr. Thuruson, please
tae say the grace."
Mr. Ttyatnaon, with tent head, corn
rnences Co w•his; er to Itunsolf. Farmer
next htm-"Speak cot, Tharnson!"
Mr. Tlramson--"Shut up; I'm no
spcakin' tae you."
Why go limping and whining about
your corns when n 25 cent bottle of
ife1lo vat'''s Corn Cure will remove them?
Give it a trial and you will not regret
JI, f.lemcncenu I) lis sr Modest
M. Georges Centeno -au, Premier of
the french Republic, feta been called
the busioet man in Preece. and one of
the :east obtrueivo. ile cares 1 al, for
show. but has an Ammons! capacity for
lnsteal of living In the magnificent
pul'hco ; r. vide! for the ane oe'izpying
t is pjos.l.on. M. rt mnencenrr prefers to
dee'll in a modest apartment on the ilue
Franklin, which he has occupied for
many years. Ile lives quite alone, ex -
rept for a cook and a !nano rveurt, ani
enlerbains only his most intimate
friends, whi,•h means very fete people.
The apartment V on the ground Ik.or
and ep"no on a garden overlcoktng the
Seine and a beautiful pan' rarna of the
city, Itis pets are a handsome while 1
Lull terrier end many large bfrde, such 1
as stork:. peacocks and barnyard fowl.
Each n:orr.ing at 5 o'cl• ck M. C:emon•+
Beau gets up and p -es Ihroulch gy nnas-!
tic exercises. wh ch aro foll•,wed by a
cold plunge. Al 7 he has his breakfnst,
which is his heaviest meal, an'I n ns'ste
of about a dozen ergs and some cold
meat. Ile never drinks anything but
after, aaaet�l. tithen obi gad toeo Olhcr.
wase al a Daaquea
"Ile's quite n star as an after-dinner
speaker, tan t het"
':tart Hes a regular moon, 11e
becomes brighter the fuller he gets."
in f:ermnny the Telephone charge%
amount In only about $3.O0 per aubscrlb'
or annually.
Mr. R. J. Arles, 401 City Hall Aye.,
l►Sontreal, qua! ee, Is an old gentleman
of wide acquaintance, having served
thirty-eight years in tho General I'o;t-
fllce of Montreal, a record w'hic'h
peaks for itself. Concerning; his use of
'eruna, see letter given below.
"I have bean affl:o'e.l with nasal
catarrh to su 2h a degree that 11 affected
my hearing.
'Thu was coniractad some twenty
years ag., by bring exposed to draughma
and sudden changes et temperature.
"I have been under the treatment of
specialists and have used many drugs
reommended as specifics for catarrh
in the head and throat -all to no pur-
About three years ago I was induced
by a confrere in office to try Peruna.
"After slime bcitat;on, as 1 had
(te th's as to re u;ls after so many
failures, 1 gave Peruna a trial, and urn
happy to state that after using eight or
ten tattles of Peruna 1 am much im-
proved in hearing, and in breathing
through the nostr:!s.•'
NInriilf4►chrred by Perunp Dnaq tanu-
I l
ira.e(Sn.riAcrg. Company, Columbus, Ohio,
Judge -"Remember, witless, you are
sworn to tell the truth, the wt.ole truth,
and nothing but the truth."
\Vrtner.s-"Judge. Ten try:n' my durn-
edest to do it, but that pie -faced slab of
a lawyer over there won't let ma!''
it Will Prolong Life. -Do Sola, the
Spaniard, lost his life in the wilds of
Florida, whither he went for the pur-
rose of discovering the kfendnry
"Fountain of perpetual youth," said to
exist in that unknown colm'ry. While
Dr. Tbwmas' Iiclootr'ic 011 will not per-
petuate youth, it will remove (ho bodily
pains which make the young old before
their time and harass the aged into un-
timely graves.
Money -"Faith, Oi cud die lis!enir>P
!o 'C, nl Callahan play th' pokes."
Denohues---"Fer meself, Oid prefer a
peuaeful ind."
less e1 Flesh, cough and pain on the chest
may not mean consumption, but are bail signs,
Allen's Jung Balsam lo 'sin, and Beals the
ooaab: Not a grain utopians in IL
1'.l: plaints are ono of the perils of rail-
road life in Indo-China. '1.1►e Bangkok
'Gimes says that when the morning train
from Bangkok was neer Dan glop an
elephant walked out of the jungle on to
the track. The engineer sounded his
whistle, but the elephant, trumpeting
ietidly, lowered its head and charged the
oricnnling train. So great was the im-
pact that the elephant was kilted on the
spot and the engine derailed and badly
damaged. The elephant's tusks were
snapped eff, but when a seared was made
for them they could not be found. Soule-
one had walked off with them.
Y KM thorn all.
No dead f(1s
Welk about
PADS whoa ate
lee. per puke!, or a psaAots Par elks
tarlll lass whoN eeaasoer
Photographer --"You are all right now,
except your exprt Sion, Pleaso lock
Jay Green -"hang 1l, man, I can't
1 n1 how -:egged, are I'm tryng to hold
ray knees t genie!• so as it w..rat ells w.
When 1 while I torgit all about my
knees, and when 1 pay att.ntion to my
!aloes 1 torgit to smile."
Great Things From Little Causes
Crow -It takes very little to derange the
stomach. The cause may le slight, a
cold, something eaten or drunk, seas!-
ly, worry, or sane other simple cause.
Rut if precautions bo not taken, this
simple cause may have must serious
consequences. Many a chronically de-
t.ililuted constitution today owes 113 dee
sanction to simple causes not dealt with
at time. Keep the digestive app: raids
i t healthy condition and all will be
‘sell. Parmelee's Vegetable 1'111s are
eller than any other for the purpose.
Belle-"Yoti ro to be married next
week? \\'hy, you told us you were en -
gel for a 1ers:•nally-conducted tour
w.th a small, !:elect party!' Marion -
"Yes, dear; but George is the personal
r•-nd,Jetor, and I'm the small, select
1 arty."
Through indiscretion in eating green
fruit in summer runny children t>ecodte
subject to cholera morbus caused by ir-
ritating acids that act v'iolrntly on the
lining of the intestines. Pains and
dangerous purgings ensuo and the deli.
(sidesystem of the child suffers under
;lie drain. In such cases Ileo safest and
surest medicine is Dr. J. D. Kelloggs
Dysentery Cordial. It will check the ih-
Canirnation and save the child's life.
Evan a shallow man may get deep in
AOENTS WANTED. A reliable man to every
pity and town in Canada with waterworks to sell
s patent srticle needed in every home, hotel and
public building, dells at sight. Hustlers can
and are making 15.00 a day. Write at once for
particulars. O,o. T. Cole, Owen Youth", Ontario.
"The Pick of the Okanagan Lakes"
6 t:' 10 acre fruit lots free from stones or under-
brush, et los,, acre on easy terms- Hy purchas-
ing through me you save land speenlators' profits
of at lea,! 50;, Write me for free informitl n
ab •ut any part of R. C. as to fruit land or hearing
orchards- James Rronk,, Roo 4, Peacbland_ i.tt,
LADIES .. , ' ��;;;
ae be lone eerlectle by oar re.. 1h Pro ..a Tr, 11
SSITI$N AMaaraalN OYiIN$ 00.
1toMasare goaoaiTo, (1t1AW♦ a QUESTA i
Sufferers from Flta.1C2eap+ ,
•ftui !lance, Nervone Tsu.rh1w
tants/ ` u lehr t oui4 write t15
SILYgtl CC, 1:n. f( axfe
atal Totoat
fora trial bottle of their pit Cure an
rsatlae. Ludo* 100 for postage a0
31x0 TROP. NO J.&.'' r
Fair finance 1, it not t Wald and improved far*
land from $.2 to $ N nn a, re, neer go,sd ma.ke{
and In lh. '• Bread 11 tsket" tf ti•. N W , " Seas
katehewau.•• ba.k*tdhea,tu bett'•er+ gaud 4gea,gy
Wauchope, Soak.
A11 prices and styles (rota 512.51: to t•'.40. write
for free caiaiogue. Dept, U.
264 Yong* Street, Toronto.
Agents waurc J is es cry town.
To Keremsoa, the Nub of the amlthameen
Valley, In Southern erltleh British Columbia
—A Ohannce to see Kootenay's Souodary
and Okanagan Valleys
The timithameen is Canada's most favored
spot, where Olivo,almond, peach, wIns grapes
nectarines, melon, sweet potato. toand
and sub-tropicals att.rin perfection in the.•pen
air, without use of glass. and all northern
fruits grow perfectly. No light crop years.
Four crops closer a year. Corn ripens in July,
strawberries, cherries, apricots, Jpnue 1. Rat-
tiest fruit district in Dominion. No rend,
mosquitoes or fruit posit,. Dr air belt, the
land of health and sunshine, just opened by
building of Great Northern Railway. Close
to coast and prairie markets. Open prairie
land+, free of stump+, stone an1 brush, ready
for plow. 1,01,19 low priced on ear) terms.
Mee the rimith.ameon its the equal of the
beat part r of the world In first-hand openings
for hu -sines. fruit growing, stock raising,
mixed fanning, mining, Industrial openings,
homemaking, pleasure and place to rest.
Not a country to experiment or pioneer but
ono to retire in—tested 40 soars.
spend our vacation endue here where fish-
ing, hunting and scenic beauty are par excel.
enc. among th.lofty Cascades. We operate
special low rate excursions twice • month
from eastern and western points. Jun. 18,
July 10 and ::5. Address,
lob colony Ht., Winnipeg, Ilan.,
or Horemees, B.C. Phone 7378
33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311
Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges
for cash or margin.
Cobalt orders executed for cash.
The Trusts and Guarantee Company
Notice is hereby given that a half -yearly dividend for tit.,
six months ending June 30, 1908,
At the Rate of SIX PER CENT. Per Annum
has this day been declared npon the ppatd•up Capital Pluck of the Company, and the came
will he payable at the ..idose of the Company, on and after July 2, Mel and the 'transfer
Books will be closed from June 20th to June 30th, both days inclusive.
Toronto, June 111, 1906.
JAMES J. WARREN, Managing Dirootor.
PANCOFor Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pairl, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
LYMAN RRO'y. hi co., Toronto and Montreal; • 1.1'\14V KNOX t:
(:LtilkeoN, Toronto: la VIlaN11. URt G Co)., li,,iI i .
Vonl'on aro a fanner, you cult vete the soil, y nr Er•..v fru!, v. g;.•maWei,
wheat, oats; you raise cattle, sleep; you are Jet. rrs'c.i In horses, ,Ji sir et,
y. .0 are meter of all you survey. neuters ate tae nest pneterous clas3
of feopte In Canada 'o -clay, therefor', y u are gelling rah. 14'? Bad cro;,s1
Drought? Oh, a Kok in your cots department. Eounomy t,e'g.ns at hem•!--
p',ant a Bicycle on the faun and reap a harvest of saved tlnie, money, and
shoe leather.
Fer the old mecsn`go 10'0 b wn, U, tae Cost -arra. to ills) r.' r•', 1. r a
hurry -mall fn the doct,r, the 11 cycle eaves lane and S5VEM 7I14: Holt -C.
A h' rue eats oats -a b cyc:e went.
Thee eitieaeyy Silver Raton, Cleveland. alleat!ert. Faoae21, fm;e-lr.l .end
Ambler Ri,:ycbe are all buia for scrviee an.l s tafaet.on .n rig d and C ah -
ion Fran,e made s.
NAaga 1/ TNI NOUNS self al,felea, WWI 131 IATAtealII NS. r