HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-02, Page 5TELE EXETER TIMES, JULY 2n(119oti
Zwicker's, Crediton
It During this sate we intend to clear oat a great many odd lines at less than
cost. We have a great ninny Remnants of Spring and Summer goods in
Silks, Muslins, Prints, Ginghants, Shirtings, Cottonades, Curtain Muslin[),
Bating, Dress (roods, etc., which we offer at Bargain Prices.
We have also a few Remnants of Tapestry, 1'nion ams hemp Carpets,
Linoleums, Floor Oil Cloths, etc, which we will sacrifice to clear, We also
offer our Targe and splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 20 per cent off
regular prices.
50 Embroidered Waist Patterns, enough Fine white Lawn with each to
make any size %Vaist, regular price $1,50 to $2.50, sale price 73c to $1.25.
We have just opened a dainty lot of
Dress Muslins, Printed Voiles, Organ-
dies (in both black and white); Per-
sian Lawns, Printed Organdies, Swiss
Muslins, Etc. Do not fail to see them
before making your purchase.
We have a line of Gingltanls, regu-
lar 15c line to clear at Sc per yard.
Also a line of American Prints, fast f gardless of cost. « e do not believe
colors at •Ic per yard. 1 to carrying Millinery stock over until
another season. Visit this department
ItEADY-MA[P: CLOTHING and Fecure a bargain.
We have made some special prices; This G1tOCE11I I:.S
on clothing for this sale. AVc offer 40 I his department we pay special
Men's Tweed Suits, well made with j attention to and are offering them at
(rood linings, Fizes 35 to :* only,
regal. close;prices.
lar $0,00 to $8.00 for $3,73 per Suit, i (?ort and Peas 3 tlinst for f c.'.-
In Children's Suits we have about 'r.) ,'Tomatoes lOc per tin
Suits, in sizes 22 to 25 only. regular
I Beat Selected Raisins :3 ll;s for 25c
$2.(x) to $3.00 for $1.'25 per Suit. Prunes 4 lbs for 25c
is.. Men s Odd Pants, Vests, Coats, &c. Rice ti lbs for tic.
all at reduced prices. Lemons 15c per doz.
See Our Line of Dinnerware, China, Etc -
We handle Plymouth Binder Twine. 1Ve have a stock of Gold Medal and
Plymouth Special and will be pleased to receive your order...
Butter, Eggs and Wcol and all Farm Produce taken in exchange
We have a !lobby line of Men's and
Boy's Sailor Hats, Pies, Shirts, Braces,
Collars, Stiff hats, (,loves etc.
• W'A'LL 1'AI'EIt
\Ve offer the balance of our stock zit
half the regular price.
We intend to clean up our stock re -
A Call Solicited
Spring Wedding Suits
'If you anticipate getting married this spring you will certainly want
some slick looking duds
Here Is a 'rip
It will pay you to come here and see how swell we can fit you up and at a
very low cost. If you are thinking of a new suit and not the wedding, come
here anyway, we will certainly put forth our every effort to make you satis-
fied in every particular.
The Sick Made Well
Without Medicine
I'reci;lus Life and
1lealth can be saved
1.y t his New Method
A11 Sickness is alike
Oxydo nor
1. It applies to all cases, no matter what the forte of disease may be.
Vitalizes the human body with OXYGEN from the air. OXYGEN is a
Necessity ---the greatest necessity life knows.
You can apply OX Y[ONOR at home while you rest or sleep.
No loss of time from your work or business. It is easily notified,
safe and always ready for use. Its force neve' exhausts. it will
serve the family, childt en as well ae adults.
Write for FREI', BOOK No. 1)2 to
Dr. H. Sanche & Co.
:(t;i .St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Que,
l t re -
The Kirkton Hardware Store
Wants for the Summer Months
Paris (><1'('en, Binder ;'«'in(', of the following
Plymouth Spe'c'ial, Salmon Tag, Silver Sheaf
Gold Medal, nt-1 11-(1})1)s' Best.
Sterling Machine oil and Oil of all Kind
STe have a largo supply of Binder Mitt.; and all kin(ls of
supplies t'or threshers.
For Mete Heys and tiir'r.
()no not Sari :I 1• ttr.
A whn,'e tp in,1„pv full. Out they go alt
A table full at prices from lOc to .80c each.
(sir price is 20c at cl. seri and tve're selling lots of tilt in,
A good Driving Horst: for Sale.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
1 Iiensall. I
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Scott, of Lon -1
cion, were last • week the guest of
"' Mrs. J. Sutherland.
'I'hc• strawberry festival held under
Crediton ow:►+I,pices of the ladies' aid, Car - 1,
unci church, held on the church 1
GRI•:vSsT1•:_\1)S t;—G'RI•:i)1TUx •i t grounds last Friday evoking was t 1 Miss 'Theo. 11:1 FI kit,, eho
A partial umpire three f Rreat success. Tit,, atten,l:,t,..• ss:,si teaching school :it Gibson,
bad errors and imalelit v to hit 1 large and the 11,•►,s:cll ban,[ was ter the heli,t•rY
The t;urtt.• of baseball
tate batt when tits u„•aut runs;in attendance nd enlivened the pro.,
tells the story of the defeat at of the, cceeings with a t,+:m,ber of select_
Stars on Wednesday eveni,ig of last Ions.
week. t:vcu then it ayes it good
'Miss 1)catr:cc Ur luhart returned
game and not until the last roan was !!� last •w -eek frorn Chatham, where sbe
out in the stint h in„iugs :spas either i spent some weeks with relatives.
li ,s been
is home
1. tittcn
Zurich anti 11•,-hwood or+ 1'ri•t:ty last 1 We will Fell loi' one WVPk all I'('illill ►
resulted in a score of 1:.' t,, 4 in fav- its accumulated chu-
m- of 'Zurich. ing the spring composed of Dress Good, Muslins, Delai-
Mr, harry Edighuff,r, of hick- nes, Piques, Voiles, Embroideries, Laces, Shirting, Flannel
sun, and his sister Miss Edighuffer, C'ttC'S
side sure of victory. Duuerief pro- •Il"' 1t',•,Iding took l,taoe i,e nen s:,ld of Make. visited their Mother, 31 r. ► et€.
recent Is of uMjss►S'adieC•rt,et1 Geo. 1•:dighoffer over Sunday. •'
doted n left hand pitchc r, whorc31r. Ed. Deitriel of Berlin, is vis..
proved too March for the Crediton ter of M r. Sainte.1 Corbett :,ri :Ur.1 Ring }ti, sisterMrs. I. 1lini,.
slutrgers and they f.. 11 before' hitt William (illultrnzi. of Lott -don. The ,
growers. Feltner '.. ho t»'irked for c•'1'e10011) was pet forn,sd Ips Rev. !1', ' 31,•. N. 11. Cantle, of tat. :Joseph, '
+ 1)oI„•rts•. :tier. and at r,. Callahan ` was 111 the ci:..ge on '11on,lay o11 bus-
C'rediton pitched a steady pane of : + )Mess. •
!,rill and with a fair deal and clue! resile i11 London. Alas i,la Goetz, of Detroit, is•houte An Awful D
sul►l,ort '.vosild have easily won his ' (Master Chard:c .Jicliartiu, of Brit. [
gator. As it was he lost nothing of rte, �� ho is here visit iirtr it h his • ,�
the reputation he gained at Denfield parents, et "il a v<•r}• imf„! sic_
a -week ago. Snell, �Vurrn, }tau and cicient a few days ado. tie was 1►lay_ ho
Drown slid some fast playing ing, .harrfooted, at hen h� eat one of 'Miss
fo the •tisk, u •
r c
ir, Vt ni. lileiu ' )ver, of lrtrieb, Is
me for a few 1i:.ys visit.
.liirtuie Ehlers, .. ho II:Is beets
I s t fr i,► their attending the colleg.: at \ai►ierville,
respective Positions. Following iy itis feet very had[) with .arllething
the score. 8118rp. Nut hint ewes thous;) of the is home for the summer holidays.
Wur0,, lb 2
F,.), 11 1
Kerr 11
Snell e U
[tau t)
Young 2b i)
Beaver ct' 0
matter for a few c4'iys until the ;,r_ `Mr. Emil bat -ceder, ivho has l,ecn
Dmncrief +err,} member s.Lo'.ve,l very lit t 1, 1111_ , attending the college at 1't. Wayne,
ltu6so11 s a 1 i,rovement and it was uec.•,s•try to is home for the summer vacation.
Barnes c 11 r. U. 11. (•e:+sb►el. accountant in
take the young ,lad to •f•:x,.•ter for
li Siddall 1, 0 treatment. the rmers' Bank, left on wines•- ■ r N V ■ ` vV
McIntosh lb 0 ! day for n short visit in Detroit, Sag -
0. Sudden Jf 0 - rgmaw and 01 her 'Michigan points. iiartlelb Block.
Charlton of , '31r. ��'nt. Snell is at present sof-
rop �n fIiilinery
From now to end of Season we will give a 1; re-
duction in 'Millinery consisting of Shapes, Flowers,
Foliage, Ribbons, Chiffons, Feathers and balance of
tritntncd IIats
Medley rf 0feeing .51-0111 a severe attack of then -
NoyesSidllall :3h 4 'Mr. ane! Mrs. McCurdc, of I' irk- rnatis,n.
'�os'es '?b 1 ton wl►o were visiting friends in the •A very successful children's clay
Prairie province for several weeks. WaS held in the Evangelical church
0 have arrived home. {{ 0n Sunday last. There were a num-
II, ('rediton leant drove to a(:raiq The new cement si+lr:ca;k to the f (Rev. I. li. Eidt left on eMotiday to
ger over from Crediton and Zurich.
List Friday and trimmed the team I'tilc•thoclist church has been completed
there re 16-3.
F. Brown
0, Brown
:3 It, Dorman 1 • 1
their property by building new cent• llensgl, .was ,n the village 'Monday.
'1 Munro U I ,t11r. U. 1ti , Shore left this week
2 3Ielntyre O rat waika around them. for 'rorouto, where he intends tek-
2 \V, Dorman U M r. .John Moore last week ,coved ing ;I six months' cortrse in the fror-
:i i[c►Marlon 0 hi,., dwellings to the re riper be ri-
ceully purchased from Nelson 1•'let- onto University.
1 Leach 1 clic[.. ;Mr. ►1t. lflelgatly, of Blake. was in
1 )01-01,ir:s 1 The Telephotre company have pur- the village last ,week presiding over
I Dorman 0 chased the building the eXanliilat io118.
() Chapman 0, t, recently used as 'I'hc lightning did couside�rstrlble dant-
_ a late' office and moved it on fhc lot
age around here on Tuesday of last
10 3 south of 'Leigh's store, twhere the ..
central in future wilt he located. tpeck, the residence of•lir. 'Jus.
'HI. McGoon, of Ailsa Craig snakes n 'Slis;, 'Robinson will be in charge as Davis was struck, and sirs. Davis.
satisfactory umpire. S chief operator and with an assistant who Iv::.a slitting inside, was render -
'Ran, tlire ',McCue, and Wurm each made i will keep the office open all hours. ed unconscious anal as a result is
a three base hit. )stile. 1E41. Kay, harness maker with co11fined to her roost. .11,•, gunlock
'Everybody played ball result 16-3, hied Naylor, injured the mustier of bcliroedrr ti house m. aJao struck.
31r. Sweet forgot to take home his one of his legs while running a 11 r. anal lir . Wm. Davidson and
paper that night. foot race a few days ago, and hada f:Irnily, of London, are visiting Mr.
The Stars went to Fullarton for to Jay off work in consaeitence. Jos' Davis.
the first and were defeated by the 1 'Mrs. Arthur Eaton. of Woodham. !Mr. Schlueter, of Pigeon, Mich., is
score of 16 to 3. visiting friends in town.
took very ill One day 7a5t week '.while Mr. Wm. Eilse, of Sarnin, is visit -
1 attend a convention at Ayton 011 the
and adds greatly to the appearance
Ailsa Craig 1 of the village. iMr. Prod ')'nylon est and "iel of .July.
and Dr. Campbell have also iw ,roved 'Mr. C:eo. 91ci:.van, ex -Ji. 1'. of
visiting her brother JIr. Cu. .13rr-
' thous. :end has betel confined at his ing ,t•ciativei in town.
A team conposre41 of 'Crediton mar -lir. 'Geo. '11, Powell and Miss 'nos- HARDt�':I,Rt; 011r Grocery Department is full Of
1 led, business, sleepyhome since. sic Snell, of J xetrr. visited friends A frill sul,pl • of Forks, Rakesc, ,Sty-
men. or sons o[ 'TAYrLU'Tt—In Kirkton, Jirtte 8th, to r New ancf )~Tess Goode. 5 lbs good
rest, are ready to Play correspond- r in the t,.l,,ge la:ct week. thee, Smiths, Ilay Fork Rope Pulleys (Green Tea SI, 4 lbs Roasted Coffee $1l
ing teams from Exeter. p !Mr. send Iles. Fred 'Taylor •i mon Arthur Miss 'Lily Feltner and Miss Martha
Hind spent 1Sundny in Sharon the
guest of ,Miss Nora Brown.
Our Bargain Counter is loaded with S1111111'er Goods.
They must be sold as we do not want to carr' a piece over
if a price will sell them.
Sal pieces of Muslins in all the new- CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE
est shades and patterns, regular l:bc,
20e, 25c and :30c a yard, your choice' Just to hand the finest line of Toilet
for 10e the yard, , setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever
A few pieces of Dress Goods regular' will suit Dashwood
and at prices that
bt)c to clear at ':sic the arc[. r yon.Wepurchased a large
y line of those goods at a special price
St'e our prints at 7c the
yard, guar_ )anti the are )~)vial; you the benefit of
anteed fast colors. the atinte, tall earls•.
Skirtings 12!e the yard for 10e. SHOES!
Bargains in Ladies Blouses Corset ! All the latest styles in footwear in
Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Pests. ' • Chocolates,
Ladies Hose lOc a pair. + Potent nt Lerttl,rr, i.iny,
Blucher Cuts ard Oxfords. Rentem-
Mens�Dress Shirts at half price. her that these are not the cheap kind
Boys «bite Shirts tit _.,c each, blear that will not wear, but these shoes are
and Boys Iteady to Wear Suits sit the good kind at cheap prices and
bargain prices, Job line of ,Ileus and ' Ktiartutt...A to wear Our prices are
0Ys 1' Inc Straw Hats at 10c each. I lower than the lowest.
• , r. rt sur hvllerrnann preached—Pure Paris (seen—Screen Doors,
The anniversary of ,the Kirkton in the Evangelical church •CreditonScreens, Hammocks, Coil
when 'Rev. C. \ti', Down, ttvrll known
Sunday school was ),,•!+t last Sunday,fi• Window
on Sunday morning. Wire, I3tirh Wire, ideal Woven Wire
",lir. John England has returned fencing.
here having supplied for 'It • • V
'Rev. Andrew's preached hive tare- when that gentleman was ill, preach- west. Mr. England states that the
et• enle from n month's visit to the North -
well scrrnon Sunday last to a large ret two very impressive sermons to crop looks fine and if everything
audience. He !eft Tuesday for Mite- large cotigre•gsitions. Mr. Pit,k, the j is favorable there will ire. a bumpervale. 'His many friends Avis!' hint tenor •oloirit. of 'London, assisted the ' crop this year.
success in his new field of labor. choir aid gave several very fine sel-
ections. La villa Klcrmpp spent Sunday rctioms. —f—
at the home of i(arry 1%inkbeiner 8 Twelve students of the .Kirkton L;SI30!{\1'.
curt, i :',lie school wrote at the recent e n -
t ions rie results
The social given on the Methodist wills ce be lookedt.Kat fore ar lrtlto lwtitJmuch
church lawn was sI big success, intere.t.
There was a large crowd and thio 'Mr. ': hos.-Ilollingshea,l, an old
trustees cleared $26. resident of the Fourth 'Line of /Ilan-
I{ev. 'Mr. '!licks. of Windsor, is ex- 'shard, n few utiles east of the village,
peet.•d to arrive here this •week and 1,lie4l :,t his horse on i%ricla dune's
will preach his first sermon next i 19111. The deceased bad been sick
Sundas in the 'Jfetho,iist church, with lagrippe
•Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson and Miss and left )Pyr heart inweeks
'tveake weakened
Newton, of 7.011(1011, were the guests condition. 71c .was 71
of 31 t . and \Irs. Thos. 'I revetliick and left a fancily of four
of age
for a few days. children. The grown rep
Farmers c remains were interred
are busy haying in this lin the I: irk ton Union cemetery.
section :end report n fair cro t f)
Matches large box IUs, 3 Cans Corn
',::,c, 3 Cans leas 2'5c. 1 lb. Seeded
Raisins 10c, Korn Kinks 5c pkg, 3 lbs
Fancy Cakes 25c.
Buy your Binder Twine from us, the j MILLINERY
are sole agents for Plymouth Binder 't All Millinery to be cleared out re
Twines, guaranteed the best, gardless of cost.
10,0• 00 pounds of Wool Wanted in the next two weeks
or «Vicki we will pay highest market price, c isli or trade.
At the, borne of til r. t:, o. Kerslake Bring along
is :I curiosity in this section of the g your Butter, Eggs and Wool and get Some of
country in the shat% of a limon tree these bargains and dont forget that by helping us you are
on which a lemon fifteen inches in ' Lelping yourself.
circurmference and weighing 1 1-4 lbs.
is growing. There are also several Market Prices for Faris Produce.
other lemons on the tree and corn- 1
pare in size to the kind that is ship -
ed in from tit^ United States. Mrs.
Kerslake also has an orange tree 1 Corner Store,
bort a �' ---
which a year or so ago
number of nice juicy fruit.
• t o noon!' Day passed off ver It wag sneer !
.School closed on Friday last and inlet}y here. However a little • en_ 1 tended the aunu:tl Strnwt►rrn�yt fc•gt_
the children now have a six weeks tertainniet t a
holiday.o as provided by the ival of the Elirnville _Methodist Capital $I,000,{app Total Assets $1,500,000
Messrs Young ;Bros. last week baseball bop:. , c h held in 1i r. Ilerdman s 4n Branches throughout
J games being played hurt grove
completed roofing the barn of -Mr. 'A.
i the I it the I'lugt01)11 juniors and , yes(erda afternoon. The cls) was by l •
anK ot Ganda
whoahey 'Missetand5.
Attention (riven to Farmers' Business
Hale Noted Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest paid or aided to principal
4 tittles A year.
Your money is too vahrable to leave in the house where burglars, thieves
or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubt-
ful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned
When sending Money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our
drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible
rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and prin-
cipal points in the United States and (:treat Britain,
Ortt Morro—Courteous Treatment. No heel Tape.
R. T. DUNLOP, ,"tanager,
Office one block north of Siebert & l'u's, store,
We Sell Maple Leaf Binder Twine. Come and see us before you
ores Her. 1., )[tries_ The f0110'.vir►K is the rel,or1 of .4. buy and wz will save you money.
. b.. n, nein Hey. S. \'o. i estin,r for th•• motif u[
he hide, �. • If you arc in need of a new Rope, Slings or Pulley, come and se us
Itro•'. n occupied the pulpit in the temdrrl. tp,•,t ]+reply Ito p'.rip anal. I June.
aab.enc,• of its.„. E. 41. Ilea,,, .t ho is i silk, and carried r, rheatrios) ',:•site lir. iV.— humors•, %oe Sillery', 7k : ��'� have them,
t t••ndirit.• It,- ._rme, ting .at llifdmny rosep. The
wedding bridal `Jls'rt le 1[uo(1ic, 79 ; l':ipg. llaz�•�il;�-
:+n,l $. S. convention at Ayton. hengr.ir1, prasb Hees by to. sett, (J1. �oo��N�
Ali. Henry 1Staubns spent Sunday Canil+b.•11, of Rh played by f)r, C. A. H'rom Jr. iV to .ter. IV, 1;. ford
'.with f ri ,-irks in Dashwood. Some a•f• cc•retno►ty a daintyk,<<11. After the KeririTr 35 ; From .'r . 1 ! I to Jr. IV r
73' Yera 'S[oo(1ie, lilt: nr► t ri:rl '1';11 :lrnctitc Roofing, Mineral Surface $2 So per aquae(
tractions there, Harry.
't:rsr tra,.q r,'rve(1 1,. x brralr• Preston Safe Lock Galvinized Shingles and Corril;ated Iron in stock
Messrs. Chas. Cunningham end C. Sort., enterers, i'1iNkrrr, nit,} 'ltufuq Kest is, 69; :1ss,tin Ford bl);
ytc s1,•hem, of lirinsic•y.
spent Sun- numih,•rit, of London. '(.ucst,c I're(1 i erkitis. riff ; ;,n 114:11. 'Eddie twill last a life time.
day its t1, n. g forty, Were 1'lilier', IS; Norris) .tiillerc•. a9; GATES
1.0',107►, present fromAND P' E3 N C 1 N t3
'.Messrs. Conrad Kuhn and Ilan Oes-' Thomas. Iincardin. 1 From I'r 11 to .I r. ll.— Maggie
)�c.c ►,oil. �1t.
'richer lett for the Kincardine. tl• • 'Ittoo(1ie, til
Rend ►)ton a . ter and eleealnere. 'tigltstm, Rxr- 'f;arrirt 4,11ei':ills. lir,; c. A large assortrncrlt of Page Gates on hand which we will sell cheap
sphere they '.till manufactere tile. •Toltns, f►1 on trial Arthur Ford ('i:i;
I'he misses hula, 14.ft for diet I)11 - Farquhar
From I: 1 to Pt. J1.—Ito>' Prr_ Fencing. Barb and Coil Spring Wire at right prices.
1 , •t %see•k to visit friends for tt y kir►:, i'Itelnr.+ I'Ord
collide of .peeks. Fe[ir llflaf ► Ferrol rrol Ii;g-
t!iriv, Orbs. Kral Ie. 7 ry Martin-Senour Paint foo per cc -it Kure,
11,Ie 'iLavm! Mrs.Klupp spent Bunlay W. peter tike to A�'�'r'tk•� :etten(1a11cc for she Wroath. (;ct�OnC of our 011 Stoics, the proper thing this hot weather. Comc
.'. it It fir. sial Ilea. Harr/ 1%inkbciu_ the wrong end o give my t,•Itoa .:3.
et- on t he t(lh. inti 1'red I; of i►ut a r evident Ir i� at1(1 SCC us. cvcry thing new and tip to (laic,
EI in the a eon
Mr. Harry 'L,•.c;s spent Sunlny at 1 light in the r,•port of the foot race �''� O R Y 1L • Cement always on hand,
,Tc,I, .Kira'.+ t'rrrliteri Furst. herr a couple Bet►rrt3• } Butter and Eggs taken,
1i r. Bert ,(;her erttanrl ple of weeks ago.Tie Kind Y�� Har? �'ti�JS POLI t
tiger spent liundny lin [ester As we ( Rif Hardware D. T
flash.too,J• • 1)as askedrun note. Frere cf ! EMAN, Dashwood
NIT.. .lark Tri, tenet trPcttt ►iuni:ty in Whpp the runners r•enclied Mr.anil eptrrl. -
hi• home in Exeter. •'eon'.Cams ----- ----.-----_------
Mr. 'Russell Andrews, r bile dr iv- c .t t.hn rags fh•, [elrhrr an(1, ~� --
not lrrd _ _
nr,_ on Monday. narrowly epcn trot n out n[ t+i►ir1. and Didn't Agree th Me _
"keels tniehl suer been a serious Inc- nOt pt)thing to t:tke�rr„ri aifv:nlat'r 'Rom!
over h.s 1 Ponrnt, l rc ,1 trent
emetic in going erontel a corner the to a1'.'sit his roc bask 1[r. Arthr r Tenpin,►n, Si Loudon
light wagon he Wits driving turned , f;ou:,na could notoconf leesears as '�f r' Street, Tt,ron ,,, writes ent..ueinstically
over, throning 1{usprll ar►�1 the lit-
1 the distance In 1'rcd rat' of the merits r,f Psyching for ell I wish to inform the Public ami those in need of Pumps, that I Kaye nc,v.
st 1e lad that was with him. Mlle only t h scl,oel. the agency for the
damage ,done ass the breaking of the { stomach merit ea.
shafts and n little shaking tip for `Voodhn1 "For sevrn'epsiyears 1 have bad ip f e •
Aylmer Iron Euflpthe bos. tin and dyspepsia. I Wel scot * eftS
1'nrnr,•r , are brit • slimmertett"ir,:+ Vv toorn r, scmbie 3. a slrt)$ nt.rl tvi11 h,r 1 1,•nsed to r ante ,tier+ nal 'i'racn►Q.
Mr. X11. +C. Clark, of the %)I:oyal is 1►lott•;nu 111+1 (sittin s 1, i.cofallow r i 1 if you are thinking of putt.:,;
t Et on>crluent- eture R•itl► nostrums pvhi.•h I had bought, in :+n Iran n: Wood Pump came in and ire tis before hrtyinv.
being kept Miry these days. ,Ile has Y business in' the vilhitt- is n trifle I F'seatuallS• I us�<I'Psycbine, and every
purchased n hound and intends !dhow- +1u11,
Mg the l,Os•a how to hurt next tall. 1i , . 1 dn4e fitnu�i,t 1��rm•►nnnt relict." Pump ire
(the of .1. [oor� s egg men ....r,t g • P pairing a Specialty.
Al, ('reeliton All throat. Jan and etnmAch troubled � P �''•
1[c`aperp Frank L•• ; thronRt+ },••r.• ),isf d'Jntrlrrfa a- , v Quickly ur��,l by P EiAI']!ArT
n rnkhrinr 11,1 cases frill of r+ ) i th , a7chine. it is t6• EILS], D�1t��],tarn, t a'.poitltcr visitd 'Lee 1t'ilson tion nni drirrgrsmhlehn�J„reJtl�,,Drefggript�9n of great specialist. Alat 1':xeter lrtst Sundy. stn all Atv lits, ood�
nearly four torr. 1 0t gg tt and $1.00, or Dr. T.
A, lalsnurn, Li ted, Toronto. = Dealer ink iron and %Vood Pumps.