HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-02, Page 4A.HE EXETER TIMES, JULY end 1908.
The Exeter Times
Exeter, Ontario.
Serra' of, tiubscription $1.00 per
pear in advance). $1.5U Saab b'
cried if not so paid. To Unite'
abates subscribers, $1.50 strictlY it
RdvanOe. No. paper discontinues
snt11 all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. T
date to which every subscription is
pfd is denoted on Lisa label.
Advertising rates on application.
Note and Comment
The determination of the Govern-
ment to eheouragc to woo- form tie
%building of the !Hudson Bay
Mail -
Way, will be bailed with delight in
the Went. Whether the Govern-1Send a post CtU'(1 for
anent builds the road or assists solus
company to do so, is not or supretpel
importance in the West, but the: fact `
that the Government are favorable -
Inclined to the immediate construct-
ion of the road will be received with
delight by the pe'oplc who have suf.
iered much in the past owing to in-
adeauate transportation 4acilitics.
The fact that a new source of re-
vetlue has been arranged sufficient
to build the road, without ,being pit
extra charge upon the countrasod
itself a most encouraging
stance. - r_
People of the. 'West trill he part -
1 the Iter. 'Mr. \tate, in the presence
' of over sixty guests. The bride Bras
gowned in a brown travelling .suit
wit Is white silk waist inset with lace
and carrying a Lou Wet of bride roses
and carnations. Little Miss Bilyea,
13 particularly suitable for of 'Thorndale, made a pretty little
flower girl dressed in evbit0 muslin
glimmer use. \Men heating and carrying a basket of red roses.
After congratulations all sat down
cold meat, canned meat or to a dainty wedding dinner. They
were the recipients of many useful
and valuable presents. Mr. and Mrs.
J)oey leave for their new home in
the west in a few %reeks. taking
with them t he best wishes of a host
of friends.
pork and beans, stir in a
little Bovril and notice the
difference. It will make the
food more tasty, More nutri-
Wi cn h see ea
Miss ivy I'ollcybla- nk, of St. Mary's
is spending her holidays with Aliss
tiouS and more digestible. can,. Godbolt.
\Ve are pleased to see Mr. Clarence
Fletcher out again, after his spell
of severe sickness.
The recent rain has damaged the
mange! crop to a certain extent.
The following is - the report of tate
promotional examination Alf H. S. No.
15, Bay and Stephen. Karnes are in
order of merit: Jr. IV to Hr. IV -
Frieda Schroeder, Ifilda Rader. Sr.
1I! to Jr. IV - Willie Schroeder,
Mary 'sVade, :Edgar Fischer. Sr. II
to Jr. III. -Gladys Turnbull, %Vera
Luther, Rtoy Stanlake, .Della Fischer.
tJr. II to Sr. il.-Beatrice Turnbull,
Fred Hlauart, Edith Beckmann, Ethel
Oliver, Jane Charrette. Pt. II to
Jr. IL -Johnny Beckmann, lRosa-
bella 1'haff. Average attendance for
June 22.
Ethel M. Iieller:inns.
icularly pleased avith the acttott o 1
the minister of the interior in mak- decided success, The sermons deify-
ing provision in the nog land hill to erect by the Bev. G. QI. Purchase were
provide for a sum sufficient to well directed and interesting.
build the 'Hudson Bay !Railroad from attendance at all the services was
iLe l'as on the 1Saskatchewan river large and the collections good. fFbe
to Fort Churchill, on 'Hudson Bay, festival
ostiv a lhe n ruesda tastasa a fine dis-
e dis-
a ddistance of G00 miles. This railway
can, it is estitnated, be built for $15,-
000.110U. ;Under the terms of the
bill there are 28,000,000. acres of
new recipe booklet
e1 'Tasty- Dishes " to
Stanley this week. Rev. F. Bur-
gess comes here for this year.
!Mr. 'hider on the Roman line had
a barn raising on Thursday and a
large number enjoyed themselves in
the evening.
Tho nnniversary services mere a
Cy A. 1ES 11,1 CD 11. X A..
Bears the ,The Kira You Hate Always Beug'it
gramme iwas an exeellont one, the Signature
band bringing the music to the taste of
of all present. The receipts were
land available. One half of this ot;ir.�and airs. Geo, 1lfillson spent
owill be ther h�fIt1400Q,U 0 for tfor
atlpreempand t- Sundae- with fritnll= in Granton.
ion at $3 per acre.
If the road costs *15,000',000 to
build, 4,000,000 acres at S3 will
provide the money to build it. Mr.
Oliver was directing his observat-
ions to the point that there was pro-
vision in the bill to raise new re-
venue sufficient to build the rail-
road when the time came, and that
point %would be tifken into consider-
ation if, nt any time it was necessary
to raiseledge the fMidi to country's
the railroto
The call Term of Canadi'sl gr dt-
est (Chain of Modern, •
Actual Business 'Schools, located in
the towns of !Goderich, Winghatn:
Orangeville. 'Clinton and Walkerton,
and the city of Peterboro, open Sept.
Clintonlst. The
is a 'worthylink, n nsCollegeiness
the s ieeeof
its graduates has not been excelled.
The new advertisement ofIns
school is to -be found on page 1
Will be changed weekly.
Mr. (Thos. Spicket is visiting re-
latives at Detroit.
tMr. Thos. Lynch shipped a car-
load of Cattle last 'Saturday to (Tor-
Mr. Peter McPhee, of 'Dotroit, is
visiting at lois mother's home here.
Mrs. S. Sweitzer and Mrs. !lower
are camping at Sunbeam Cottage
Grand Vend.
'Mr. J. M. 'Robertson. our school
teacher, hit for his home this week.
Mr. .1. 11. Mannon lost a valuable
horse last Sunday evening.
(I'oo late for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McEachett, of
London, spent Sunday with the form-
er's mother here.
'Mr. John Mcisaac, of Gferill, Mich.
is visiting at his brother's home
The Sbipke picnic held on the 19th
of June w'nt n grand success. There
was a very good program and games
of 811 kinds.
The strawberry social hell on the
24th was anecestful in every respect.
Grand Bend
We are having fine weather here
now. Just plenty of rain to keep
everything moving.
The cement tile makers from Cred-
iton came to town 'Monday for the
purpose of making up a quantity for
the fi'ownship.
•Mr. Crawford from London is put-
ting up a good Sc. show here for the
summer to entertain both old and
new cottage
own use.
IL 'Hamilton, is busy at present
removing his mill machinery. He
removed the smoke stack on Friday.
of Dctrsit, are having a
erected here for their
We very often have requests 4.
frons people wishing servants -•
or help and at present know 4
of five or six places where good
farm hands can got steady env- 4-
ployme.nt or where servants*
can get good situations. The .r
flames will be furnished to any. 3.
one by calling or writing the
Times Office. +
of real iriandj that it va'dai very
highly. because the iriendiihip ex -
premed docs ,not appear to bo ono of
sclfiih interest. A lady or a ;3enllo-
man known of an item of news that
might happen to be mimed by the
editor and promptly photws thin of-
fice without any other thought than
that of improving the paper. These
Alex. 'Reveille, of this place held a people lgive nor() than i.1 cup sof
very successful auction sale on (Sues-. water. and may he sure of a first-
day, everything fetching good prices. olasi wedding .notice, or obituary
notice or any other little comple-
Everybody came to the Bend on meat we have to ogler. There are
11►e first. many items of real itttero.ating news
that the editor muses unin'tention•
ally, for he cannot afford to run a
detective regency to pry ditto privato
homes and other places that are not
within hie observation. The people
you know and thinss you know are
often unknown to him, even as much
as many of the thdrugi w' know and
the people we meet are unknown to
Thames Road
Mrs. \Cm. Mctai;an and daughter
Jessie ii-ited relatives in this neigh-
borhood r,•cuntly.
M r. Clifford Whitlock. of &mforth,
spent Sureties list at his home here.
tir. Andre r% llodgert land a gravel
bee on Sitil1.1 iy of lust week. lie
intends puttiri:' a cement floor in
part of his stable this summer.
Jiist Ethel Ileal wan the gayest of
bliss Irene Whitlock on Sunday.
Mr. nttd Mrs. henry Passmore vis-
ited in ',Mitchell r' -r •ntly.
Mrs. a and children.
of Stratford. sir.• ti icing friends and
relatives in this vicinity.
Vacation lime is here again tot
the school teachers.
•fir. Camph.-11. principal of the
'Exeter school. was the guest of !Mr.
A. E. John+ nn Sunday last
Quite it number from this vicinity
attended the anniversary services of
E ' 1 church on Humbly. nn
the 11mvd r )
heard W. A. Walden. of Catnlaehie,
a former minister of that circuit.
Mr. herald Lawrence. of $enforth
was the guest of Miss l'losaic 'Fran -
ran -
els l•tst ttlnnday.
We. J. '11. Dineen and Mr Wm.
3!ray visited in Godes ich It,: Fri-
Too vete for I i -t week.
Mr. and Mrs. Itulesi t '1'rothin, of
Centralia. visited friends here on
Sunday, also Mr. Ed. \Villiatnaot
stalled on Distal. dere• on Hunday.
Newton iMiil-ori. of St. 'laves was
a guest at los home here on Tuesday
of last week.
Miss Fall flrooks is home on her
holidays and is visiting relatives nt
It hit place and %'inclhclsra.
Quite n number from here trent to
Elimville on 8uuday to attend the
anniversary services at which Bev.
Walden a ((aner pastor preached.
Mr ,lolu' Passmore. of Stratford
seas the sea -t of Mis. J. Wright en
a'bu r+day.
p,. •,, , - Osoar ';iih•rt. n'
• ,r1rests of ler. ars;
7S1rs. •1 on Siiii•lay.
J1 r nil \I- .rotor Huh -wood vis-
its! frt n ! i !:i: kton oft t4unda '.
'1t1•y. ll,. I. , - leaves for 'Port
The cottages are filling tip very
fast. In a few days there will not
be a cottage to he had for love or
J. W. and Mrs. Dolt visited at
Granton last week.
The Dashwood butcher has opened
up his shop here, which will be n
great convenience.
Mrs• W. It Oliver entertained a
few of her friends to a strawberry,
water -melon, fizz.
Our school closed last Friday for
the holidays. IMiss Mills leaving for
her home nt Stratford on Saturday.
The catches of fish have dropped
off to almost nothing, but of course
that Whitney majority would stoP
'Mr. Steadman, our new minister;
is expected to be here next Sunday.
lle comes from Hayfield.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A very Pretty wedding; toes place
at the ltotne of Mrs. James ,Atkin-
son, 'tllanshard, on Wednesday of 1 hie
week. what her daughter, `Miss
lanrrta C. was united in marriage to
Mr. \Vm. Doey. of 8lskatoon, by
1 )
OA') D I Rll.f
1 Ilhlshr:•,( A •.aril
I . sr01115.�:
-- mss✓ r i�-
f Enlarged d
25,000 Nt,w Words
New tilltavettt,ne of rho World
watt nn s rib -a 21.111-) t::!e , baiwl Oa tho
Ines _ et rift. ',act
NowBMographical Dictionary
cir,t,tlnirrarhonames ofovertax ®note l
perants. Cato of birth. death. etc.
1'dited l v 57. T. tt.t 1: itiy Ph.T).. Lr..r)..
L'ultedat.:oet'ucuattsoieueco( Bduuatsou.
2360 Quarter Pages,
tt.w P,.n,. L'S) t:In,t:nli.•.. Ri-', t cop.
Needed in Every Home
.t leu %Vcbater'oColt. g' 1te 1 i.1: ,aury
113 ),zei t,.0 i'. •+, ,.
regular litditkn : sL a^. • . ....
De Luxe Edition (?aria's tn. 1
es -•n, ,644ra t::'op.,.r. 41•.,-r - ,w
'E<lib:,•itetiaw:-;ty:+nk:..•.l"u.c-. ;,..., tts.
Publishers. Springfield, )1.1ss.
Yon won't tell your family doctor
the whole story about your private
illness— you are tote modest. You
need not be afraid to tell Mrs. Pink -
ham, at Lynn, Mass., the things you
could not explain to the doctor. Your
letter will be held in the strictest con-
fidence. From her vast correspond-
ence with sick women during the
past thirty years she may have
gained the very knowledge that still
help your case. Such let ter:( as the fol-
lowing, from grateful women, es-
tablish beyond a doubt the power of
For Infante and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
pnoInoteaDiigesl• IOn,Cheerful-
ness8ildil(est.Contains neither
o itult.Morphine nor }Waal.
1kpaafectRemedy for Cottstipa-
hon.Sour Storniach,Dlarrtaea.
Worms ,ConvutsioltS,Feverish-
ocss end Loss or SLEEP.
TacStrade Sttiature of
••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• • ••
1The Molsons Bank
Established 1Swii.
iCAPITAL PAID UP $3_372,600 00
• RESERVE FUND $3.372,600.00
• Assets Over $33,000,000.00
: Savings Bank Department
• $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
• Times a Year.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U R DON, manager I
••1N1••••••••••••N•M•••• 441•••••••••••••• • ••••••Ntg
General hauling Businese Transacted.
READ OFFICE. TORONTO 1:S1.tltt.1i11CD 1 841
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,049
{ Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
I n B. E. WALKKR, President
I ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
Use Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more
persons, withdrawals to he made by any one of the
number or by the survivor. 114
Branches at Exeter and Crediton
Thirty Years
tNs .otaPANY, N w voaa
to conquer all female diseases.
1 Dirs. Frank Etnsley, Lindsay,
Ontario, writes to Mrs. !Inkhorn :
" When I wrote to you some time
ago. 1 was a rery sielc woman suffering
from female troubles. I had inflamma-
tion of the feminine organs anti could
not stand or walk any distance.. At
last f was confined to my heti nail the
v• , o
doctor said I would have t) go flu ugh
an operation. but this 1 refused to d,'.
".1 friend advised Lydia E. l'inkham's
Vegetable Compound. After using three
iottles of it. I feel like a new woman.
" I most heartily recommend Lydia E.
l'inkhltn'r Vegrtablo Compound to all
Women whosetTcrwith female troubles."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
, Vegetable ('omJmund, 'lade
} from roots and herbs, has been t.hc
1 standard remedy for female ills
I and has positively cured thousand sof
women who have been troubled with
fdispLwenlentn, inflammat ion, Weera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
t periodic pain:(, backache, that bear-
s ing-down feeling, flatulency, in:litres.
tion,d izziness,or nervous prostration.
Anyone sending a sketch and drAertptlnn may
pules', ascertain oar opinion fruo whother an
Invention 1, prohabl, patentahln. (ommunlen-
ttonsstrtctt,conadenttal. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent fres oldest agency for eecurtrig patents.
Patents taken through Munn A Ce. recuire
vegetal notice, without charge, to (bo
�mitt 3lmerlcan.
e4A � tat ong ofs. handsomely
scientlno journal. Largest mfor
ccaantata,131 easyear postage prepaid. gluedou br
MUNI Coos' 6' b'iNew York
Farm for Sale
syllO I of the C000dloo !Mei
• ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in
ASanitoha, easkatchewan and Alberta, excepting
8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by
any person who is the sole head of a family, or any
male over 18yet. rs of age, to the extent of one -quer
ter section of 160 acres, more or less.
Application for entry must be made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion Lends Agency or Sub.
agency for the distract in which the land is situate.
Entry by proxy 'nay, however, be made at an Agen•
cy on certainconditione by the father, mother eon.
daughter brother or sister of an intending home-
The homesteader is required to perform the
homestead duties under one of the following plans:
(11 At least six months' residence upon and cults•
ration of the land in each year for three) ears.
(`2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform
the required residence duties h • living on farmingg
land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (bu)
acres in extent, in the vicinity o1 his hosnestead.
IJoint ow 'enjoy in land will not meet this require•
mother, if the father 1s de- '
ceased) of the homesteader has pernianent residence
(3) it the father (or
on fanning land owned solely by hint, not less than
Two 6 Octave Organs
Second 'Iand.
Also Two Pianos
Slightly used
At Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines
The best made at prices that
will suit you.
Bicycles, Baby
Carriages and Go Carts
Thai choice farms being compos -r3
of dot 15, in Con. A I/Shorn:1 few*I
taitting 100 acres, 05 acres cleared eighty(80) acres inextent, in by
t,cmuy of rhe
I (i 5 neves 'Lard wood hustle. 'Goo 1 homestead. or upon a homestead entered for by him
In the vicinity, such honiesteader may perform his
brick lions, bank •b(a r nv. Alive own msldenve duties by living with the father or
house, pig house. orchard and good mother.
water. Within 2 1-2 miie3 of Ext:.- 4 The tens "cieinily" in Ilse Iwo preecedtinq
school. ywrogra�rhs is defined as meaning not more than
tt•r and CUtt VP111ctiL t0 nine mi es a a dire% Ilse, exclusive of road al:ow•
Le sold by publte auction oft the noses crosse.l in the measurement
5 A homesteader intending to perform his resi-
dence duties in acconlance w ith the alace e'hil.
livtug with his parents or on fanning land owned In
himself tuust notify the Agent of the district of such
Six months' notice in writing should be given to
the Conuniasioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa of
Intention to apply for patent.
w. w. CORY,
Deputy ot the Minister of the interior
N. B. -Unauthorised pnblication of this advertise
went will not be paid for
Fourth day of July.
Easy terms of payment. 'Must eta
sold owing, to health of proprietor
For terms and particulars nplily to.
'l'IIOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer. Far -
Zurich tr-
Miss Schultz. of Preston, is the i
guest of Miss Maas at the Lutheran 1
'Mr. :mil Mrs. 'Roth. of New &lam-
bnry. visited their daughter Mrs.
Scliwartzenruber of the Bronson
line last week.
'Mrs. (Seibert, of Bridgeport, ;end
Mrs. Hayes, of Kansas. are visiting
Mr. and Mts. Gott Merner.
Jlr. A. G. Mines returned last
heck from 'a visit with friends at
('are, and other 'Michigait points.
The 1ICratd will not publish this
%e (•'k being their mutual "week
Twenty one members of the Ladies
Aid. of the Evangelical church, gath-
ered at the parsonage on 'Tuesday
afternoon. in honor of Mrs. 'fheo
Brom!' and daughter 'Rosa. who left
No Honing
.,r,,, .nr. 17.7.
No. et
Youwill find it impossi'Ileto secure
a comfortable shave with a razor
that is not properly tempered, per-
f.ct:y ground and accurately bal-
anced. lfyou find it perplexing and
cannot rely upon your own judgment
bay • razor bearing the name Carbo
Magnetic -at is unconditionally
The Cabo Magnetic razor blade
is the only new idea in tempering in
history of shaving. It is theoretically
ou Wednesday morning, for an eX- and mechanically perfect, beings.
tcnaite Visit with friends its New I ground, stropped and sharpened heby
the Hamburg process - the finest they ct
York State. f rulll known in razor aanu:acture. �,,
locate in the beautiful town of Nap.
tThe reuse provers of accurately
crville, iII. A pleasant afternoon, The
and applying electric be it
toss spent ill music sold he nb sat- has fe%i♦e of carbo iteverlie hr nein
ion. After parC•rking of the nbund- (he ',story of
geese g
razor manufacture.
atter of good things prepared by the' Casbon'•,vestenacity, toughness and
ladies, rind the inner 111.111 had been Id to heel. But it is perfect fuel
anburicl7r, o
(nils z•rtisfi 1 811 repaired to ththepar- 1 b derII d it hiesnce eonwhense,med toby
a y ns supcuk
1ot, %%here au interesting programs ; die temperingpebefore it is fused.
consisting of addresses and tuu••it' The minute saw -like teeth of a
was rendered. tarot edge ei'herircnd. when too soft,
or break, wh-n too hard, ma:ci tg a
shaving edge worthless for cutt,n
your beard,. rhe recarbenizing of all
Prho Msgnetic razor blades does
away with both of these dif5cultie.-
the steel has been made diamond hard.
It la a scitntihc fact established
beyond cavil that every razor requires
occzsional sten ging. 1f the razor
teeth will neither bend nor break
there will pa:* between them tiny
soap particles -whish, with water,
make the lather. This is removed by
the stropping. Honing and grinding
are only required to restore broken
or bent teeth.
But test this unconditionally
guaranteed razor in your'ovvn
home -or have you barbel use at o0
I I this
you -for thirty days
Drop us • postal, or better yet,
wonderful remedy to sufferers les." from come in and see us and wf wiil give
Bronchitis and other troubles." you our new proposition for tnving
Later: "I wish to add that my voice. these rasors tested without oblige
since using Psychine, is stronger and tion to porch,:^, eogethe with , t
bat much more carrying power than it !r''ou set • IH...t o.v 3' t:rzt .. •' t.
Salvation Army Praise
"i frel it my duty to testify to the
benefit 1 have received from the tt'' ot
Psychine. While travelling in New On-
tario conducting special meetings I con-
tracted a very bad cold, which gradual-
ly developed into Jlronchitis of the
worst form. I was advised to try
Psychine, which I did, and after using
bat a few bottles I was completely re-
stored to health. recommenl is
Very attractive, Prices right
Fine Stationery
S. Marin & Son
' had before i had bronchitis, and the
vocal chords do not tirc with speaking."
P. TILLER. Capt. 8alv'n. Army.
Ann 8t., Toronto, Aug. 13, 1007.
Throat, lung and stomach troubles
1 cured by Psychine, also Incipient con-
sumption. ATI druggists, 50c and CM,
or Dr. T. A. %loaom, Limited, Toronto.
W. S. Cole, Druggist
All tlisor,lere reused by a bilious
state of the system can bn sure,' by
using Car'et's lilt le Liver {'ilia. No
pain, griping or discomfort attend-
ing their uso. Try, theme
++d•++i-•f•i"1' fi' •b+•P+•t••F+i•H•i•+ft'-W'+
is the leading busineee train-
ing school in Western Ontario.
\Ve give a thorough, practical
training of Commercial Subjects
Isaac Pitman's Shorthand. Touch
'1'ypewritieg, and in Commerc-
ial and Railroad Operating.
Each department is in the hands
of experienced instructors. We
assist students to positions.
Our graduates always succeed,
for our courses are the best,
(let our free catalogue and learn
snore about us. \'ou may en-
ter now.
Leave on Tuesdays
June 9, 23 Aud. 4, 18 _
July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15,
Return 2nd Class Tick4
From all Ontario Btatlonsto Winntpe
Calgary, Edmonton and principal -
points In Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta at
Berths M Tourist Sleeping Can at Mall
. extra cost. If scoured in advance. --
Apply to any C.P.R. Ticket Agent for f
Infpr,natlon and free copy ofHomeseeke
Pamphlet. or write - , vfed
g, C. B. IOS!A. Dist. Pass. fit. Toro*,
Stenographers and
truined by our manage'
r•tntlast year. Expel'
lent.° counts. Ornduatts
+ • most successful. p
1 Special Course for Trach•
r 1 ♦
era. Mail Causes. Send po
stal for panic•
i. Mars,
MINI Moss College
IZ (.EO. SI'011'UN, I'ttrst'n'tr..
-Get your sale hills printed at the
Times Offioe. Tree notice will be
given in the paper when hills are
printed here. We can have your bills
ready (for posting front two to four
hours after rho order is received.
Farm for Sale
That beautiful 200 Here fermi situ-
ated less 'than one mile North of
Exeter on the 'London •]toad, Lots
Nos. 4 and 5 1st con. lisborno. On
the property is a large new brick
house, with every convenience, large
bank barn. 'three windmills: first
class supply of water. The farm Is
In first class condition. These farms
earl be 'mush' together or separate
For farther imfortnatiou apply to
SM r. J. Welsh! 'on thtt promisee.
MSN. you become disheartened
when you feel the symptoms of
Nervous Debility and decline stealing
upon you. You haven't the nerve or
ambitloa you used to have. 'you
feel you are not the man yen (tight
to be. You feel like giving up in
despair. You get nervous and weak,
hate little ambition, pain in the
bark over khlneya, drains at night,
hollow eyes, tired mornings, prefer
tO bo alone, itistrnetful, variable
appetite, 1,>Oseness of hair, poor etc.
culati•n -you h,vs Nervous
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