HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1908-07-02, Page 1uter H URON&MIDDL ESEX GAZETT E THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR—NO 1 S 1 •' EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, J ULY 2nd 1908, $1.00 per year in advance ••••••••••••••k••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Millinery Bargains 25 per cent. off. all Millinery Olf means a Big Cut, but Our Loss is Your Gain We have some very nice summer hats left, just as good as the beginning of the season. Now is your chance for a cheap hat. They are all to be cleared out in the next two weeks, so come along early and have first choice. Remember '. off is a Big Saving. I Keep Kool this Hot Weather. Here is the Spot to Furnish Your Wants, White Waists Our j ori sale is still on and is clearing them out, but still • lots left. •• Whitewear • This warm weather will • • ruake you think. We have • • everything you may need. •• •2 Underwear Ladies and children's nice fine knit Underwear. short • sleeves or no sleeves. • From 10c to :isle. 2: Colored Muslins Is All to be Cleared Out. • Not one piece to be left. They all must be sold this season. • iWhat will do it? "Deep cutting" This we are going to do. We have some very choice nnuslins left at prices that you cannot do without a dress when you see them. They are all good, new Z• stock at very low prices. • • Nice Colored Muslins at 8c per yard .Very Dainty Musiins at 12;c per yard Our Best Muslins at. 15c to 25c per yard Muslins Some yery dainty designs in Colored Muslin, also White Muslins of all kinds. Inc to 40e per yard. Ginghams In all the different Colored Checks, Plaids and Stripes. at 121,c per yard. Hosiery Black, White, Tan, Pin and Blue are all being worn this summer in Cotton and Lisle. Poultry Prices for Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning until S o'clock "no later" of this week. Ducks, weighing at least :3.1 its, 1 lc per lb. live. Chicks, weighing at least 2i lbs., Pk per Ib. live Hens, Uc per ib. live Turkeys i2c per lb. dressed No cash paid for poultry. Will also pay in trade 5 cents per qt. for gooseberries 3 cents per Ib. for red or white currants 6 cents per lb. tor black currants. 5 cents per lb. for raspberries Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. •••••••N••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mid=summer EXamina•Baseb Brownies, of Creditor'. played an - ll 'iter tea the Cent ralias and tion Reports. • ,...., other game resulting in the defeat -One f the best bas •ball games of the latter by a score of 7 to 6. u , t,. played here for some time was pulled —__„•— FORM 1I. off last Thursday night :tt the re- BOWLINGr. t91/rs to sr. class.- Earl Cope- creation grounds between Centralia -- Iliad, 61; Kathleen Stewart 62; Loney and Exeter, resulting in favor of the Two rinks of llensall bowlers came Heywood, 60; Atuia McPherson, 60 visiting team by the score of 9 to 5. Mown here yesterday to play friendly Form II to form III. -Katie Col- Bart and Boyle were the opposing games with the local players and Una, 62, honors ; Ida Marchand, 81, slabmcn and both twirled a masters went home with the scalpa of their honors ; Alva Mclfabon, 80, honors ; ly game, the latter however getting opponents dangling at their belts, John Oestr^ieher, 76, ,honors ; Lillian the better support. The local boys winning by 12 points on the days Amos, 7b'; Lillian Snell, 71 i Lillie looked very nilly in their new ani- play• following is the score. llodgert, 67 ; Willie Birney, 67; Anna fortns of maroon and put up a tine 'MORNING Dow, 67 ; kiddie Jones, 66; Clarence article of ball for the first of the Exeter 1l,tsalt Pickard, 65 ; Irene Handford, 63; season. Centralia went to bat first J 1\, St.xva- Cautelon Lizzie Sanders, 60. and negotiated one tally, w bile ExeN. - W. II. Levert D. Burdon 8, L'. GREGORY. ter in their half were blanked,Alex. FORM I. Stewart :was the only one able to W. .1. Ream:w connect avith Iso •le's twisters, but Commercial Diplomas, -Bertha Mack was left on second base. In the sec- Skip 19 i3, Lois Barney, G'', Harald Duplan W. and Centralia chalked up three T. Acheson Brandt Commercial Jr, to Sr. -Olive \Vood while Exeter went .out in one, two, Dr. Sweet. 8mallacombe three order. Centralia was blanked Jas. r IFred Beaver (17, Jas. Bullard 07, la Wood 66, Ethel Kestle oo. in the third and Exeter got one, In C. B. Si Billings the fourth the visitors, on some wild Skip'Tayloell 14. Cook Skip n3errors on the part of the locals. scored up four more. Exeter .was A1�1`PIKNOON blanked in the fourth and fifth and it looked as though Centralia would have a walk away. In the sixth it was up to Tom. Creech to pull the local up a little, and after two strikes had been called on hits. he knocked one to the fence for a Jim. Taylor Brandt total of three bases. Fleming came 'Reg. Elliot Srnallacomho along with a nice single, scoring F. W. Gladman Cook Creech. Stewart hit a hard one at C. 11. Snell Billings short stop and Fleming came in Skip. 14 Skip 40 'Hart shot out a daisy cutter. but Alex. in trying to make third was held on his bag by the coacher and was called out. Two more runs came in giving Exeter four runs for the inning. This finished their run get- ting. Centralia got another tally in the eighth and were blanked in the ninth. following is the score. Exeter Centralia Stacey. Stewart Sellery Skip .'1 72 ••• I. Form I to Fot m I I - Honors, A. :: •Snrerus 83. W. Monteith 72. -Pass, G. ♦ Kestle 71. T. Penhale 73. E. Case 72, !� H. Jones 60, V. Sweet 68, G. Ford 67, I[, Triebner 64, 1[. Horton 01, A. Cole- iiman 63, E. Luxton 69. H. Carling 62, L. Bern 61, N. Amy (11, W. McLean 61, R, May 60. A. M. JOHNSTON. 1100M 1V. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -Honors, Clar- ence Heywood, 84 ; Reginald Bis- sett, .80 ; 'Marvin Hilts, 77. Pass Mable Barrows, 65; Mary Jewell, Gordon Taylor, 64 ; David Hall, 62; Willie Sne1,1 61 ; Young Creech. C. VOaI'E1:. ROOM V. Sr. III to Jr. IV. -Honors 75 to 100 per cent. -.Madeleine Carling, 79; Stella outhcott 79; Ruby Wood, 78; Leon Treble, 77; Mary Acheson, 72; Fred. McPherson, 72; Jean Seldor., 72; Rob- bie Fleming, 72: Russell Balkwill, 68, Irene Hardy, 68, Irene Rivers, 67, Nel- lie Jones, 67. Velma Easterbrook, 66, Gerald Hurdon, 66, 'Willie Heideman, 65, Viola Rowe, 62, Jaynes Walker, 62, Flory Dinney, 01, Ariel Beverley, 6'), Fred Brock, 60. Jr. III to Sr. I1!.- Honore, 75 to 100 per cent. Linden Harvey, 89; •• Blanche Quance, 83; Muriel Jones, 80; • • Sydney Hector, 79; Ethel Balkwill, 78; • • irno Sweet, 75. •• •• Pass, 61) to 75 per cent. -Bruce Wal- • • ker, 74; Oscar Anderson, 73: Ernest •• Harvey, 71; Lott Taylor. 71; Resta • • • Rowe, 07; Marion Blatchford, (1(1: • ♦ Thornton Fear, 61; Maurice Quance, • • 61. •• No. on roll 16, average 40. 9hLSIE M. 'StcC.'.;.Lt;1t. • • Inoo.1L VI. I• Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd. -W. Manson, • Florence Rowe. 80; A. Knight, 79; • hector ltowecliffe, 79 ; Maggie Case, •• I78 ; Joseph Follick, 77; 'Harper (Riv- ers, 77 ; Edgar IIorney, 70; yllildred Heywood, 76 ; Beatrice Ilodgert. ••• •rbc above were on the honor roll. •= t Pass. -Wm. Kydd, 75 ; Ethel Day • • 74 ; Violet Knott, 73; Maurice Senior • • 72 : Handford. 72 ; Annie • • Day, 71 ; Anna Bell; 71 ; Ettie 'Bow- e•, 71 ; Wilfred Mack, 67; Jessie lirickwood, 65 ; Gordon Richardson, 65; Olive McDonald, 63; Mabel Knott, lately fter dinner the Centralia and 62 ; May Smallacombe. 6"2 ; Eddie An- Denfield teams went at it again, and Berson, 60. Ibis time the visitors were beaten From Jr. 2n1 to Sr. 2n1. Alma worse than in the first game. In Mack, Fannie llowey, Joseph Craig,' fact they failed to secure a run up Mr. A. P. Ketchuma son of Lula Hastings, harry ,Parsons, E. to the eighth inning. John Ketchen, lirucefield, and De- Cookston, Norman Hockey, Maud After the ball gauze between Cen-. puty Minister of Agriculture for Hicks, Thos. Clarke. tralie and Denfield the sports on the Saskatchewan, Bird of sunstroke at 11. M. KINSMAN. I parsonage lawn were pulled off arid'-Creelman last Friday night. resulted as follows: !(ace for boys under 8, ,Leonard Abbott, E. Brown, 0. Manion ; race for girls under 8, T. /skinner, T. Holden ; race 'for boys under 12, G. Hanlon, \V. •: Tne Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,'_Ont. Priaidcrit-.1. L. RUSSELL. Nice -President -W. 11. I'ASSMOIIF. DIRECTORS. Wm. Roy, BORNHOLM P. 0 WM. 1.3nottc \VINCHELSFA P, 0. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0 ROBERT NORR18, Smite. AG ENTS. JOHN YSSEitY, Exeter, Ueborne and J3irldulph. OLIVER BARRIS, Munro. anent for Hibbert, F'ull.irton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.Treas. Farquhar. agent Tor GL.4D\IAN te BT.ANHt'RY. So1ioit0re ogs anted Highest Prices Paid delivered or in the woods THOS. Ei.STON Centralia Saw Mills Kodaks and NOW Rc6orOEE s NF:\'F R FORGE 1' that any musi- cal instrument will grow stale unless it has new music. You may have an Edison Phonograph, or a i liratuaphone. and you May have for• gotten how delightful it was when the Records were new. The war to re• -• new that delight is to buy New Re- cords. You would get tired of a Piano, w Violin, or an l)rchestia, unless it' gave you new iecords trona time to' opine. The Phonographs are like other mhsical instrumente. '[hey will en•, tertain you it you do not forget to keep in touch with the new music - the !IPA, Record'. Ask us for the lat- est lists or hear diens played at our store. Series of new Post cards lust in, applies N. D. Hurdon I. 11. Carling L. II. Dickson W. J. lleantan Skip 33 Cantelan Stacey. Stewart Sellery Skip 1.; Manns rf a Mitchell c Creech lb 2 Bice ss Fleming 2b 1 lfodgins 2h Stewart if 0 Boyle p Martin cf 0 Duplan rf Hart p 1 Kerr `21) Palmer 3b 1 Bloomfield If Hoskin c U Anderson 3b Hawkehaw ss 0 Coughlin cf 3 1 1 0 01 1 1 1 5 9 -A return game was scheduled to be played at Centralia 'Monday even- ing but owing to the rain storm it was postponed until a future date. Centralia Huron A man named Frank Bell died at William Thompson's blacksmith shop ' 4oderich, on (Tuesday afternoon of last week. Ile was about fifty- five years of age and his hotne eras in Illuevale. IIe was twice married and leaves a grown-up family. Wednesday was the Vending day of James Mitchell, editor of The Goder- ich Star, and 'Miss Alexandra Cather- ine, daughter of David Adams, of Colborne township. The event took place at 11 a. m. at Mount Pleasant. the residence of the bride's father. Itev. James A. Anderson. pastor of Knox church, officiated. The brides- maid 'was Miss Jessie, sister of the bride, and the groom had as his beat man Dr. G. 'M. Mabee. The wedding march was played by J. East Jordan, organist of Knox church, end Miss Olive -Smith sang "0 Promise :Ile.' 'lir. and Mrs. Mitchell left on the 2.30 C. 1'. 11. train from the Godericb station for a trip to Toronto. The Times extends fraternal greet- , • A grand day, big crowds, lots to Ings and hearty congratulations. eat and an excellent program was Shortly before 2 n. `m. Tuesday the combination that made the cele- Morning of last week, the brick re- bration one of the best in the his- silence on Goderich street cast Sea - tory of the will;.gc. 'fbe entire day forth occupied by Mrs. McCatnmond, was devoted to entertainment, corn- was discovered to be on fire and be- menciug in the morning with a game fore it was noticed had made copsid- of baseball between Penfield and erable progress. The firemen Sue - Centralia which resulted in the de- ceedcd in confining the fire to the feat of the visitors by the score of rear section of the house only the 7 to 5. Then followed a game be- roof of the large portion of the ttvecn the junior teams of Centralia dwelling being damaged. Mrs. Mc - and Crediton in which the little Common(' had intended moving out chaps of Centralia came out victor- Brick ictor- very shortly and had most of her ions by a score of 9 to 4. Mimed- 65 paoked. These had been car- ried out and were badly damaged by the heavy rain avJich fell during the afternoon. Bow the fire started is unknown. (ROOM VII. Jr, -Jack Hurdon 96, Edna John s S2, Russell Marshall 80, Mary Day 71. Sr. pt. 1i.-itboda Cornish 81, Mil- dred hardy 77. Herbert Hector 76, Drew Knight 57. F. W. HOWARD. "Things You Need" Gasoline and Oil Stoves From 25c to $20 Poultry Netting -Senour's Floor Paint lc. to 10c, yard Screen Wire Cloth 10e. to 30c. a yard. Screen Windows 20t. to 1')c. Screen Doors 1.00 to $1.15. The beet made 45e. it per .1t. all shades in stock. Senour's 100 per cent Pure, guaranteed Pure Paint , 50e. per .it, Hay Fork Ropes Gold Medal an(1 British Manilla, all sizes on hand Hoes, Rakes and Ilay Forks. Everything for the farmer HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND PAINT STORE T. Hawkins & Son Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oil, Glass, Nails, Seeks, etc. We make a specialty of Eavetrouglliiig, Roof. ing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be convinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. T. KAWKINS & SON The Call of Summer is for new styles in clothing. We have the latest in all fabrics and our workmanship heeds no cclnment. We always have the best. available Our Suits are the best value we have ever offered in Exeter. W. JOUN S Locals Merchant tiwartz, H. Swartz ; race for girls Mrs. Wm. Follick and Son, of under 12, lila Brown, E. llai't, N. Hamilton, were the guests of all'. Glavin ; race for boys under 111, iii. 7 Enoch FoIlick over the. holiday. Coughlin, 1I. 1lautlou, G. Butt ; race [is3 J. J. Allan, Eye-SSight Spec - for girls under 16, Pearl Heist, Ida /tnlist and Re[nctiri O.tician will be Mid. See. to Sr. Second, Jtarjorie Brown, M. 3lephurn; wheelbarrow 'ttt the Commercial Ilot,'I, Saturday, Srldon, !)0; 1'carl Jackson, 89; F. rare. liouthcott :and Martin, Baker Wood, l?8: Ina Delve, 80, l,Marjorie and Hicks, Little and ligan ; needle '1'aly 11, hours 9 a.m. to a p.m. 'Nestor), 79, ; Dorn Houlden, 63. nn,l thread race., N. Itakei, A. iiuplan \\'omen's Institute - The regular .ir. Second to Mid. Second. Mar-. I{, Coughlin; potato race, 1'1. lllartin, ru`'etbe �[ the Woman's Institute cent, 93; Lila 'Lucile, 92; Gerald Fit- ' Ed. Jones, 11. 13rininell ladies coo-, t`ill be held in Senior's hall, Friday, 9 : ck. Mrs. Ilarnea . 81; Dorothy ia Homey, White,-81.; liam,tl' o rini;isset(t• ,raLydiainilan1ford, Knight,3, at three lirs. Hastings, Scc'y. Amy Johns, 81 ; Gordon Ford, 79; A•' hop. step and Punt). 11. !Martin, it. MasterLloyd Rivers w nt picking Carter, 75; Archie Davis, .75; Gor- ,Coughlin, E. \Windsor; running long heerries last Thursday evening and don %Veils. 73; Emily Dimtey,'72. I jump, 11..Martin, G. Mut 1, '11. Cough- when standing en a branch of the 8r. l'art 11. -Violet Welsh, \fru. lin; 100 -yard race, I. $outhcott, 11. tree. the limb broke precipitating Davis, 80; '.Millie Walker, 78; ; tail-; Martin, 'R. Coughlin. him to the ground. Ile fell on his lie Walker, 77; �\'illie Jacobi, 75 I'or the marathon race of two hack and 'was so bruised that he Frank ransom, '70 ; Grene Easter- I miles there were about eight en- Was confined t0 his b d for 9^veral brook, 08; Walter Harness. 65 ; tries. Nelson Baker was the winner days. Mary Morlock; 00. ; of this event, with A. Coughlin 2nd, According jo our 1'. D. the walk. Sr. i't. 1, to 3r. l't. i1. -Milton and 11.lirintncll 3rd. iug from Dashwood to Exeter, i= Bedford, 90; Ctnr harness, 90; Cita-1 During the afternoon Messrs. Geo. ,lusty, Ile was at the Bend \Vednes• enc, Morley. $8 ; Alvin Cornish, 84 ; Essery and Tont Willis tried to se- day and as he intends entering the V•Sweet, 7 ne Clifford Bllot, 75 ;cot C.eil� tBriskeer-, family. he'I'lye secured 82 offered oa r trig largest draawn drove noff aend th• ottallowediihis m lona talk vilh'. . Willie Brown. 70. . by a couple of mules and gathered home. ile got n lift to Dashwood Jr. Pt. I. to 8r. l't. i. -Winnie up a number of youngsters and par- and walked the rest of rho .list Alice. Knight, 75 ; Wilbur Gillespie, 94 ; a,led the grounda much to the Idella Davis. 72 ; Priscilla Cornish. 'amusement of ca'crybod). The jud- 8, K. NO. 8, IIA) 05; Mary Ann Taylor. 61• ;;es of this contest. however, happen— - Nuniber on roll 53 average attend ,,,t to know just how many young-' The following is the report of ti. ante 46 I. these two gentlemen really 8_ No. 8 for .Tune. Class -.-Milton M. V. MARTIN, • i possess and cut the prize .town to (festreicher. Sr. IV -Cora Truemner ___40. j fifty cents. ' Alberta Truemner. Jr. IV -• Tors - EXETER COUNCIL The real event of the day was acids Trio -miler. ,5r. I11 - Luella Thr Council mot ns per adjourn - 1 the baseball match bettt'ecn the 'Pas' Kuntz, Ohlen Truemner and Lillie. meat in the office of the clerk on and "mss" t h elkit cr's uniform be- ,Messner. honors. Bell Overholt, I'. I'rnl:ay Jun' 2601, 1908, the object iug made for tl., oce.a'.ion by the Broderick, 'Lydia Messner. Jr. III - being to consider traders for Gravel ladies of the church. doth sides itmen hold Miller. Edwin Ila rt man, and the sewcF along Andrew (street, Swere hent on winning this game and l.ouors. f:mi1)' Schroeder, Ferdinand Members present the Reeve an,i imw ported tirlers from Exeter. when Miller, Bernard Hartman. lir. 11.- iCouncillors penman and Johns. they could have gotten better ones Gertie'tViegand, Flora Klicnfeldt. T. Tenders were opened, aria read. I at house. Three innings were played Kuntz. honors. Ostia Truemner, T. Motion and when the (Inst and skirts got hiller, Ida Messrich Amelia Miller. per Johns-11'antan,-What cleared the scorer claimed the fuse h.• tender of \lessrs !'retch and g' Charlie ilartman, James \Vitnprny. ROOIL \'IIT. THE PURITY lost received a supplyof llandford for gravel hei,,g the low - ,a tie 9 to 9. Some excellent playing 1't. It. -Emma 'Mersa/ter.;Norman I'Itotograpic Outfits fresh , est namely $3.75 per cord .. nccopl- i ass done by Dilly Elliott at short Klicnfeldt. Sr. 1't. 1--. honorra Wie. cd. -Carried. 1 for th efirst mentioned hunch of ball 'sand, Rudolf hiller. honore. Henri from the manufacturers. We The tender of Thos. Ilartnoll for tossers. 11e stopped one ball when Becker, Et1, 1 Klicnfeldt, Herbert have the famous Brownie': ewer nt 82.30 per rod was accept- he fell on it. Tom Millis for the El,.ssner. Jr. 1't. 1 -Nora oillers*C. n on motion of Neaman -Johns.-. \ins grabbed a heaatihil liner in one Kuntz and ]tart' Miller. honors, C. L, O1CIas .2,00 up,i:odaks Carried. innings. harry Mills got his [ncc I'ceker, liulnh \Virgnn.l. Iloward i'a the popular si.c,. Ailjodaion, ut to 1<'ridny July 3rd. cut up a little when doing a little 'Truemner, Tillie 'Iesaner, 'Lillie .)(.i. 1ENIOI1, Clerk, fancy catching and Hilly t arson» got itro,lcrick. l'atal(►t-'tlf fol' the Asking r struck out twice because his bat w'as, A. 1'. Milligan. Teacher. Conveyancer Accounts Collected �` too short. At third Dr. Orme play- ---,•-- oNEY to lean a In,.,.t WO.. -- i( fou had taken two of Carter's e.l a m;tacrly game and was luite ► OAlSTaii.TA. MONEY wrs: ta,,.l rot sale. • Lit t to Liver fills Lcfore retiring you [actor in utting melt out. ffh Howey s 1)rug Store p IN til ra Nil ►lea s d' 1 Office. Main Street. Exeter It not havo had tba coated ton- Crediton bran•, was present and en- eevitD• ' bad t t th inouth thisceedings with romc Bignatam �_ 1 Can. Etprers 131.1. E'i t. r. ERNEST ELLIOT FX1 fER - O\T:\1t10. Foo or �a. r o to a livene•l the pro rnorning. heep a ti .1 v. it h you for excellent music j or . occasional use. Tailor Exeter, Ontario. D11. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 8., Honor graduate of 'Toronto j ONEY TO LOAN. University. • 1 We have a large motet of private fends Dental Surgeon 1 3sn on farm slid %unitepropertes at Iowr.M Office over Gladman & Stanbury'e atera"► (alal)MAN It STANBURY Main street -EXETER. Barrl,tere 8o;leltors. Mta'n St.tExeter DR. (4. F. ROULSTON, L. D: S.1 B `!•1'IIILLIi'3, E \ KTKIt, LIC D. D. S., Dentist. Member of 1 �-+• clued Auctioneer. Sales con R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor 1 ducted in all p trts. Terms reasonable Graduate of Toronto University. Orders can be left at the T11rgs Office OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. BROWNING, M. D., M. C J• W. • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria tin rerst'i'. office ani re(.tdenence. Dondetoe '.aooratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. Lewis Thomas & Nutter E.) BOSSENBERRY, ZURICH Licensed Auctioneer. Sales con ducted in all tarts, Terms reasonahl and satisfaction guaranteed. F1{.1,NK 1'A1I1Ny, Veterinary Fur geon. Successor to A. 1{. Ram- say, V. S. Treats all domestic ani- mate nn most approved piincipa15. Special attention todentistry. Mee fat 1{:amsa}'s old stan.l on Main street. Civil Engineer & Architect ' Night call :.t Peter stewden's residence (late Ueparti.eot of Public Works, Csnada.) \lion effect. Cai tilting I ntrineer for Municipal aid Co 71 •y 1 Work, Electric reilroa.te, Sewerage and Wafer%oaf, SI Item Whines, Bridges and Re -enforced concrete phone 2220 London Or torte A Prized Cough Cure CONEY TO LOAN i ' • I have asst been without a bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant in the house for over nine yoara. At thr.t time 1 precut - ell it for a bad cold i had. it worked such wonders then that it has been a household remedy ever since, and WO Will have no other for coughs and cold/ '-it is so pleasant to tale, and all of arriiterp 9olletters Notarle•, Cosv aaeen my children look for it as conn as they ('ammieetenere, Benetton.ar the m01.0.1 rte a cold at all. Nearly all of these Rank, Etc. i vboon imisjeet to croup, and that a mosey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest. *Detailed OMItefoote E'z ectoraft use- OFFICKt-MAIN STRFRT, 1<21<TLlt. fes' are wdko>ae to •ee this testi- R. r ARLINA it a, t. *. DIC�aCe monis) M 7611 Whale. - _- *8. LEWIS NIGH. eee have anl(mlted private funds for loveel int npon farm or village rroperty at lows' ..wr of t:.tereet. DICKSON s; CARLiNG sxeter DICKSON & CARLiNG, I3(rlt MEiDINGEI1-At Zerieb, on the 18tb Inst., to Mr. and Mre. Michael Moidinger, a son. OVERIIOLT-At fit. Josep' on the 12th inst., to Mr. anti Mi.,. James Ot•-iholt, a daughter. }[;irate, purgative remereee : rn fast 'riving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. if you try them thsy n ill certainly please you . Free Siaalgiof GltsF•ste E>ipect.raN will he sent to aoy person si riding their attain and address and earning this paper. It has eritablishiel a w, rulerful record as a soeeewfnl euro for eenghrr told•, *ore throat , croup, wheat ise cough, bronchitis and all irritated con- ditions of the throat and chert. It is tbo prescription of a great !Tetialist in medicine. At all good druggist., 25c. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Sad for Tree 8amplt To -day.